Unit 3 Study Guide

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Unit 3 Study Guide

UNIT 3 STUDY GUIDE Animal Behavior - BIOL 2993


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 3 & 5

Study Terms: habitat preference, dispersal, migration, conditional strategy (tactic), resource-holding power

Study Questions

1. What is habitat selection versus habitat management. How are the similar and how do they differ. 2. What do the studies of habitat preferences in black-capped warblers tell us about selection preferences in general 3. What does optimality and game theory tell us about habitat selection. Pay particular attention to the studies on aphids. 4. What are the costs and benefits (proximate and ultimate) of migration? Use examples from the book to illustrate your point. 5. Why may there be more differences in sex patterns of dispersal among mammals versus other organisms. Use the Belding's ground squirrels as an example. 6. Use game theory jargon (pg. 265) to discuss the terms strategies and conditional strategies 7. Do a cost benefit analysis of territoriality on both a proximate and ultimate level 8. Discuss the competing hypotheses that explain why territory holders usually defeat challengers.


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 3 & 5

Study Terms: signal, cumulative selection, sensory exploitation, sensory preferences, illegitimate signals and receivers, honest signals,

Study Questions 1. Understand the history of signal receiving in whistling moths 2. Understand the evolution of insect wings and the cladogram on page 291 3. What is sensory exploitation and gve examples from the book 4. What is the Panda principle 5. Be able to explain the history of Heinrich's experiments on the function of raven communication at carcasses (This is one of my favorites in the book) 6. Understand the evolution of begging cries in young birds 7. What is an honest signal and why are they important 8. Why does deception evolve in communication - what hypotheses have been created to explain it


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 2 & 3

Study Terms: sex roles, sexual selection, intersexual and intrasexual selection, runaway selection, operational sex ration, parental investment, sex role reversal, nuptial gift, sexual dimorphism, alternative mating tactics, satellite males, sperm competition, mate guarding, mate choice, good parent theory, good gene theory, runaway selection theory, chase-away selection theory

Study Questions

1. What is sexual selection and how does it differ from intersexual and intrasexual selection. 2. What are the theories that are used to explain female mate choice. Make sure you have examples from the book to illustrate each hypothesis. 3. Understand why bowers may have evolved in bower-birds and the cladogram that indicates which species use bowers. 4. What is the operational sex ration and how does it affect reproduction strategies in males and females. 5. What is parental investment and how is it exhibited in animals? 6. Why do males typically compete for females. 7. What do the studies of Australian katydid tell us about the mating behavior of males and females. 8. What is sexual dimorphism and what does it predict in terms of reproductive behavior 9. Understand the difference between monogamy., polygyny and polyandry. Give examples of each and why each may evolve. 10. What are conditional strategies and how may they differ from alternative reproductive tactics.


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 4 & 6 Study Terms: There are so many in this particular chapter it will take forever to list them all: basically know the definition of the bold-faced terms- these are the most important ones. Study Questions;

1. What are the advantages to serial versus regular monogamy. 2. What are the differences between social and genetic monogamy and give examples of each. 3. Be able to discuss monogamy in birds versus mammals and pay particular attention to mammals and hamsters. 4. Extra-pair copulations in birds: what species practice this and what are the advantages and disadvantages from the male and female perspective. 5. What is the genetic compatibility hypothesis. 6. What is predicted by the female distribution theory. 7. What is the polygyny threshold model, what does it predict, and what do the studies indicate about the validity of the model . 8. What is a lek, why do they exist, and what is the lek paradox? What are solutions to the paradox- give concrete examples to illustrate your point. 9. How does DNA fingerprinting work. What are the 2 techniques used in today's studies of paternity in animals. 10. When does polyandry versus polygyny evolve? What are the cost and benefits of each?

Please note for this last unit of information the majority of multiple choice questions will come from chapters 13 and 14. There will be some questions from chapter 15.


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 1& 7

Study Terms: Parental care (maternal and parental) discriminating parental care, offspring recognition, interspecific brood parasitism, parental favoritism, parent-offspring conflict, siblicide, and caratinoids Study Questions: 1. Why is maternal care more common than paternal care in animals and what are the exceptions to the rule 2. Examine the water bug studies and the cladogram on page 401 3. Why do parents discriminate with parental care . Make sure to understand the Mexican free-tail bats as one example 4. Understand offspring recognition in swallow and gull species 5. What is brood parasitism, what species do it and why did it evolve 6. Describe the evolution of parental favoritism 7. Understand siblicide and parent offspring conflict and be ready to answer questions about species who exhibit both 8. What are caratinoids


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 1,3 and 5

Study Terms: reproductive interference, helpers at the nest, sociality, eusociality, mutualism, reciprocity, reciprocal altruism, altruism, Hamilton’s rule, Trivers, kin selection, direct and indirect selection, nondescendant kin, inclusive fitness, direct fitness, concession theory, haploid hypothesis

Study Questions: 1. What are the costs and benefits of being social and understand the fish and woodpecker examples that are in the book 2. Explain the evolution of helping behavior. Understand the history in terms of the scientific explanation used to explain helping behavior and the proximate and ultimate reasons for helping 3. Explain cooperative behavior in male lazuli buntings 4. What is reciprocal altruisms and give examples of RA from the book 5. What is the prisoner’s dilemma: what does it do and what does it predict about behavior 6. Be able to discuss Hamilton’s explanation for the evolution of altruism 7. Be able to compare and contrast kin selection, indirect and direct selection 8. What is inclusive fitness and how does it relate to animal behavior 9. What is eusociality: how did it evolve and how does ecology and the coefficient of relatedness factor affect the likelihood of it evolving


Alcock’s Discussion Questions: 3 Study Terms: Sociobiology, indirect reciprocity, arbitrary cultural theory, adaptive mate choice, conditional reproductive tactic

Study Questions:

1. What is sociobiology? Who coined the term, what does it say and what are the arguments against it 2. . Be able to discuss adaptive mating strategies in males and females 3. What is coercive sex in humans. How common is it across cultures and what theories have been proposed to explain why it occurs 4. Be able to discuss parent offspring conflict and the role of step parenting in humans 5. Discuss the mating systems found in humans and the disparity of resource investment in sons and daughters.

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