English 12 Honors: Dante S Divine Comedy

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English 12 Honors: Dante S Divine Comedy

Athens Academy English 12—Dante’s Divine Comedy Mr. Cuneo

Course Objectives In English 12, students will continue to develop their skills in the following areas:

 Composition: students will write several critical essays throughout the semester. In most cases, students will be expected to develop their own thesis statements.  Grammar/mechanics: Comprehensive grammar and punctuation skills are reinforced both in isolation and in context of students’ written work.  Critical reading: In addition to the primary texts of the course, students will also be required to read scholarly articles and excerpts.  Research: students will frequently be required to conduct research in class, for homework assignments, and for long-term projects.  Public speaking: students will have several opportunities to speak formally and informally throughout the course.  Group work: collaboration will be a critical element of the work done in this course. The composition of each group will change for each unit.  Vocabulary: Students continue to build vocabulary and practice facility with words. Students will also continue to build test-taking strategies necessary for the SAT.

Specific Focus of the Course: Despite the fact that Dante Alighieri penned his epic poem nearly seven centuries ago, the tale of one man’s journey through the underworld, purgatory, and heaven continues to have an impact on modern thought and contemporary writers. A virtual encyclopedia of medieval life, the Comedy provides interesting and valuable insights into the religious, political, social, and artistic trends which led Florence, Italy to be considered “the cradle of the Renaissance.” Students will analyze significant portions of each of the three components of the epic—Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso—as well as a variety of critical approaches to them.

Texts:  Inferno (Mandelbaum translation)  Purgatorio (Hollander translation)  Paradiso (Sinclair translation)  Vocabulary Power Plus for the SAT (Book Four)  Supplemental electronic texts and handouts as assigned by the instructor

Methods of Assessment: 20% Homework/ Daily Preparation/ Participation 20% Quizzes 30% Tests 30% Essays Course Expectations and Policies Please study your student handbook; I will adhere to the regulations stated therein. Additionally, you are responsible for reading and abiding by the following:

1. All work is pledged work unless you are instructed otherwise. When we collaborate on assignments, I will make clear to what extent the activity is pledged work. 2. All students are expected to be respectful and courteous of each other and of individual values and opinions. All students are also expected to participate in class discussions and to ask relevant questions whenever possible. Listening to others as well as responding thoughtfully is essential. 3. Late policy: The English Department policy states that, for students in 11th and 12th grade, work turned in one day late will result in a 20% deduction. Work submitted two days late will result in a 40% deduction. After two days, the paper will receive no credit. 4. When reading is assigned, I expect you to take notes, and write down any questions you have about the material. Most importantly, think about what you’ve read. Bring questions and comments to class about what you did(n’t) like or understand about the reading. 1. Class preparation carries significant weight with respect to your grade. Students are expected to come to class prepared (i.e., with laptop, notebook, pen, text(s), and assignments). Class preparation also includes checking your email at least once a day for updates, announcements, and reminders from me. 2. Students leaving school for whatever reason are responsible for turning in their assignment to me BEFORE departing. If you fail to follow this procedure, your work will be counted late. 3. Generally speaking, I will be available for help during free periods and after school. If you have any questions or need additional help, I invite you to see me during these times. I can typically be found in the media center. 1. Laptop reminder: students are expected to use their laptops during class for academic purposes only. Misuse will result in a loss of privileges.

A positive attitude and strong effort throughout the year are crucial to your success in this course. My expectations are high; your expectations of yourself should be at least as high. I am looking forward to a rewarding and productive semester in English 12.

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