City of Ranier, Koochiching County, Minnesota s1

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City of Ranier, Koochiching County, Minnesota s1

City of Ranier, Koochiching County, Minnesota August 19 th , 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

A regular meeting of the Ranier City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. in the Ranier Community Building.

Members present: Mayor Dennis Wagner. Councilmembers: Brenda Bauer, Fred Woods, Todd Coulombe, Tony Cole and City Administrator Nuthak

Members absent: None Ranier employees: None

Others in attendance: Dana Herschbach from Kootasca, Arden Barnes, Spencer Bickett from The Journal, Tom Hall

Mayor Wagner called the regular council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Councilmember Cole, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the agenda.

Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Coulombe and carried to approve the minutes from the previous regular council meeting.


The Council reviewed the Ranier Municipal Liquor Store operating statement for the month of July 2013 with a monthly profit of $4,575.96 with a year to date profit of $44,907.51.

Motion by Councilmember Coulombe, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve July 2013 Ranier Municipal Liquor Store operating statement with a profit of $4,575.96.


Regarding the 2014 proposed general budget and Tax Levy, Mayor Wagner explained how the tax levy was reviewed and how the council met to draft a general budget and levy amount. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Councilmember Cole, second by Councilmember Coulombe and carried to approve the 2014 proposed budget in the amount of $270,462.00 and a 2014 proposed tax levy of $150,000.00 and a resolution is attached hereto and a part thereof. Motion by Councilmember Coulombe, second by Councilmember Cole and carried to approve allowing Peggy Vigoren to use the photograph of Ranier in her upcoming book.

After review of the list of bills for the month of July 2013, the following motion was made.

Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the payment of the bills.

Water $ 16,708.31 General $ 9,763.58 Rec Club $ 0.00 Liquor $ 30,417.96 Total $ 56,889.85


Regarding the two building permit applications received from Ranier residents Kirk Skallman and Robert H R Monahan, Mayor Wagner explained maintenance Nick Sears visited the two construction sites and verified all set backs were met. After discussion, the following motions were made.

Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the building permit application from Robert H. R. Monahan to add a second story and additional 5 feet of height to the total height of the house which is located at 3467 Main Street, Ranier.

Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to approve the building permit application from Kirk Skallman for a 24 x 34 garage addition located at 3461 River Street, Ranier.

Regarding the estimate for the replacement of the City Dock located on County Road 21, City Administrator Nuthak informed the council she met with the County Board to request help with the funding of the dock and the County motioned to table the request until a survey was completed to identify where the public land begins to insure the dock is not built on private property. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Coulombe and carried to table the request for the replacement of the dock on County Road 21 until the survey is complete and the county reviews the request.

Arden Barnes recommended the City contact the Department of Natural Resources to request the specifications for the dock replacement. Mayor Wagner stated he will take her request under consideration. WATER COMMITTEE

Regarding a request for a water hook up from Paul Joslyn located at 3548 Town Road 415, Mayor Wagner explained the Committee of the Whole recommended Mr. Joslyn receive an estimate for the service line to be bored under all paved roads to minimize repairs. City Administrator Nuthak also added County Surveyor Matt Gouin will be staking out Viola alley where the service line will be dug through to connect with the main water line on Hwy 11 E. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Councilmember Bauer, second by Councilmember Cole and carried to approve the hooking up of water for Paul Joslyn located at 3548 Town Road 415 with the stipulation the service is bored under all paved roads.

Regarding the D.E.E.D grant for the 2010 water replacement project area, Dana Herschbach from Kootasca addressed the council to explain that the applications will be received on August 30th beginning at 10am at the Ranier Community Building and there will be precedent to the qualifying property owners in the projected area that still need to hook up to the new water line. Each qualifying property owner can receive up to 21,500 for home repairs etc. If there is not enough interest from the projected area and there are grant funds still available by November 2014, Mr. Herschbach explained the rest of Ranier will be eligible to apply.


Mayor Wagner addressed the council regarding Ranier Days and how the roughness of the railroad crossing prohibited him from pushing a stroller across. Mayor contacted Patrick Waldron from the CN Railroad concerning the poor condition of the crossing, however Mr. Waldron indicated to Mayor Wagner the crossing will not be repaired in the near future. Mayor suggested repairing the crossing and billing the railroad but Mr. Waldron stated that would not be allowed.

Mayor Wagner suggested the City of Ranier draft a letter to the County Board explaining all the attempts the City of Ranier has done requesting CN Railroad to repair the crossing in Ranier and nothing has been done. Also, Mayor Wagner indicated the letter could suggest the County repair the crossing since it is a state aid highway.

Mayor Wagner also addressed the council with a recommendation the City of Ranier send a letter to CN Railroad and to copy the CoastGuard demanding the bridge be left in an upright position when the tracks are clear to avoid the restriction of boat travel. Also, Mayor Wagner recommended a Ranier council member attend the next Int’l Falls City Council meeting recommending they assist the City of Ranier with the issues of the CN Bridge. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Councilmember Woods, second by Councilmember Coulombe and carried to approve allowing a member of the council attend an Int’l Falls City Council meeting to discuss the position of the Bridge. Ranier resident Arden Barnes addressed the council stating she attended the County Board meeting last Tuesday and she was under the impression the railroad crossing was going to be repaired soon. Mayor Wagner indicated he was under the same impression until he spoke with CN Representative Patrick Waldron.

Ranier resident Thomas Hall stated someone was thrown from their bike trying to cross the tracks and also a wheelchair was having difficulty trying to maneuver over the tracks. Mr Hall stated there has been many issues with the Railroad, however they do not show intentions of correcting the many concerns. After discussion regarding the concerns with the freight the train carries and the resent disaster from a train in Canada, Mayor Wagner indicated there are too many issues to deal with all at once.

Councilmember Woods indicated the Railroad should have bridge tenders to assist in the raising of the bridge when needed. Mr. Hall indicated there is a bridge tender in place currently.

Koochiching County notified Mayor Wagner they will be repairing and widening the bike trail soon. Mayor Wagner suggested the bike trail be split and built on North Street down to the creek. The Mayor will follow up with County Engineer Joe Sutherland to discuss further.


Arden Barnes questioned if Councilmember Woods could put railroad ties under the storage container. Mr. Woods indicated he will before the snow flies.

Thomas Hall informed the council he wrote a letter to the CN railroad notifying them of inaccurate information on the CN lift bridge. CN stated they cannot respond to third party notification and the designated complaint form would have to be filled out for the Railroad to take action. Mr. Hall recommended the City notify the public regarding this information and that the proper complaint forms can be located at the City Clerk’s office in Ranier.

Motion by Councilmember Coulombe, second by Councilmember Bauer and carried to adjourn the regular council meeting at 7:33 p.m.

______Mayor Wagner Date

______City Administrator Nuthak Date

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