Stettler Minor Hockey
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OCTOBER 11, 2007
Wendy Kossowan Kevin Repchuk Veronica Anderson Doug Smith Angela Smith Norm Ternes Mark Bowie Lisa Repchuk Terri Anderson Laurie-Ann Niehaus Charlie Nemetz Wynne Nemetz Corina Derr Cindy Zimmermann Lois Wells Anita Schwarzenberger Kevin Zuk Kim O’Neill Becky Anderson Scott Schell Matt Cassidy Neil McCallum
Mr. Repchuk called Meeting to Order @ 7:07 pm
Minutes Reviewed and Accepted as read from September 13, 2007 General Meeting Accepted as read: Mr. Mark Bowie – 2nd Veronica Anderson
Logo – Track Suits & Jackets
Presentation from Mr. Doug Smith – I.D. Apparel RE: Track Suits & Jackets Saint Louis Blues Colors - Navy Blue Yellow and White Track Suits $74.00 / Adult -- $65.00 / Youth (Pants $29.75) -- In Stock If ordering 200 + would receive another $5.00 off Would be an extra cost for additional embroidering such as STETTLER across the back or ##’s Kim O’Neill motioned we go with 1 standard Track Suit for all teams with the “Stettler Storm” Logo on the Left Chest. – 2nd By Norm Ternes – Motioned Passed As the Track Suits are in stock – Teams may start ordering ASAP . Comparison: Storm Teck Track Suits $100 + for same suit. Jackets 3 in 1 Jacket “Cool Brand” $65.00/ Youth -- $ 75.00 / Adult – “ Soft Shell Jacket “ – Adult Only $79.00 Norm motioned we also go with the “Cool” 3 in 1 Jacket – Navy in Color – 2nd by Neil McCallum – Motion Passed. Could look into Vests also Mites and Novice – maybe look into ordering Hoodies and a Outer Shell as sizing would be an issue for these little guys and gals . I.D. Apparel would handle all sizing and payments Old Business
Sky Box Booked – 1st Game October 12, 2007 – Kevin Repchuk has sign up sheet for the teams to schedule in their teams.
REF ASSIGNOR – Lisa Repchuk Lisa Repchuk – Reports all is good – Turnout to Ref Clinic was good Level 1 – (21) & Level 2 & 3 (17) - Had Pizza and Pop afterwards.
TREASURER – Veronica Anderson
-Concession Bonus – as previous years and voted on as a Bonus to Mrs. Karen Bellows has been 10% of the Net Income - Less Fundraising @ June 2007 Net Income (as per Financial Statement) $39450.00 - Fundraising $21480.00 = $17970.00 x 10 % = Bonus $1797.00. Veronica Anderson motioned to pay Karen $1797.00 for 2007 as a Bonus – 2nd by Kim O’Neill – Motioned passed -Few incomplete Registration (10) to collect. -Government is withholding the Concessions GST refund as No Corporate Return has been filed for the past 6 years – Veronica will check with Campbell/Chapman Chartered Accountants as to the filing of the Corporate Return.
Need to confirm the Registration # with the Actual Kids Registered – Kim will review these numbers with Matt Cassidy (Carding) and the Directors of each age group.
ICE ALOCATOR – Anita Schwarzenberger
Tiering Games Underway Nic has scheduled all the tiering games Tier 1 & 2 Will start their Regular Season October 27, 2007 Anita will email all managers & Jackie at the Rec. Office the schedules once they have been confirmed. Tier 1 & 2 teams will then contact Jacki for any changes to their schedules that may arise.
Concession Revenue for July – September Revenue $ 6300.00 Expense $11100.00 Net Loss ( $ 5000.00)
-Net Loss is due to the stocking of Inventory to start the season - consistent with previous years. -Staffing has been good – Karen had put an ad in the paper looking for a weekend supervisor – no response to ad – however Karen did hire Amanda Marshall to take this position. -Karen did mention it would be nice to have more seating / tables in the lobby. -SMHA leased a new Nacho & Cheese Machine – question is what to do with the old one, it was discussed to donate to the Lightning Skybox. -Some Parents have been stating they have an issue with SMHA giving candy out for cans/bottles –maybe look at putting in a Recycling Bin – it was decided that candy will still be traded for cans/bottles.
Coach Managers Meetings Mites 27/09/07 Atom & Peewee 10/10/07 Bantam 12/10/07
Pictures 3 Proposed Photographers - CEI from St. Albert – Jean Fenske & Joyce Kirk Decided that we would only use the 2 - local Photographers Both Packages Comparable. Potentially set for the beginning of November – pictures would be back in time for Christmas. It was decided that Kevin would further investigate and make a decision Motioned by Neil McCallum – 2nd by Lisa Repchuk – All in Favor
-Tier 1 & 2 Boys have been Carded -The Girls teams need to be carded – Matt will review with Becky .
-Lois Wells asked when the Peewee B & C Teams will be carded – Matt advised he is just in the process of starting the cards for these teams. - Same with the Midget B & C – however the C Team is on hold till the goalie situation is resolved. -Discussed purchasing a Bar code Scanner for next year cost of approx. $160.00. -Affiliation of the Bantam “A” Team to the Midget ‘C’ team is to be completed as a priority due to circumstance .
Norm mentioned that all Exhibition Games / Tournaments – need a Travel Permit Special Events Permit is required for Dry Land Training ALL Managers are to contact Norm for either of these Permits Novice discussed if they wanted to use the out door rink - would they require a Special Events Permit or would this fall under the Town of Stettler Insurance – will be reviewed with Hockey Alberta if this falls under the Special Events Guide Line –For Insurance reasons at current time SMHA will not be promoting this or having anything to do with using the Out Door Rinks.
December 1, 2007 – Coach Level December 2, 2007 – Checking
-Initiation – No instructor as yet – Neil stated you don’t really need Initiation if you have your Coach Level – Initiation is more for Coaches at the Mite Level . -ALL – Atom /Peewee are requested to take the Speakout and Safety Clinics – as at present time SMHA is not offering these clinics Coaches could go on the Hockey Alberta Website and find out where these are being hosted and go out of town for the clinics of which SMHA would reimburse. Hockey Alberta is pursuing Stettler to host the Super Skills – October 25, 2007 Due to the Lack of time to organize it was motioned that we would not partake this year – Motioned by: Matt Cassidy – 2nd by Kim O’Neill – All in favor.
MITES – Angela Teams are picked – using old jerseys for now – have 4 teams with 3 Coaches/ Team
NOVICE – Laurie-Ann 42 Kids - 4 Teams --- 2 Teams of 10 & 2 Teams of 11 Teams were picked October 11, 2007 – Some of the Coaches are having an Issue as to the amount of Kids on the ice Annette is offering for Powerskating - Utilizing ½ Ice with 21 kids per side. Power Skating has been a proven fact that it helps develop the kids –so therefore Lori will schedule the Power Skating prior to X-Mas and forward the schedules to the Coaches. Few parents have an issue with 4:00 pm practice time – as discussed there will be not change to the Novice Ice Times. Kids will get their Jerseys on Saturday (October 13, 2007) – Marc Bowie to look at purchasing more socks for the Novice Teams – These socks are to be returned with Jersey’s at the end of the year.
ATOM – Cindy Need another Equipment Locker and 1st Aid Kit. Cindy asked if a Midget Goalie could come out with the Atom Teams – was advised yes if he’s carded with SMHA – if he’s not would need a Special Events Permit each time. PEEWEE – Lois Peewee A Teams need more pucks – being there are not extra pucks to be given out – 1 pail / team. Peewee Tournament -- December 15 & 16, 2007 – being this is close to X-MAS the team is not sure they will host their tournament – they are having a parent meeting October 12, 2007 to decide.
BANTAM – Terri All is good – Few issues with parents as to how the evaluations were completed for the teams .
MIDGET – Barb 3 teams - Initially we had 5 Goalies – 2 quit Leaving 3 2 Goalies had been Carded to the A team 1 Goalie Carded to the B Team Therefore the C team at present time has no goalie ??? Option 1 - Goalie in question comes back – we can only wait a max of 24 hrs to hear back from this Goalie. Option 2 – Find a Goalie Option 3 – Shuffle the 3 teams to 2 (Shadow Players) Presently have 14 Players on the A 14 Players on the B 13 Players on the C -The one Goalie that did quit – needs to be released from SMHA prior to playing anywhere else – it was decided to release him as if we didn’t more than likely would quit playing – of which SMHA would not want to see. -Will have to discuss with Nic and Governor to postpone the Midget C Teams games for this up coming weekend – Norm Ternes will take care of this. -Will hold a parent meeting with the Midget parents next week. - Discussed at registration next year to somehow create a Demand for a Spot on our Midget Teams -Imports – without the imports our Midget Teams would not be competitive enough, plus at this age we need the ##’s
MIDGET GIRLS – Becky Atom Peewee Girls 18 Players Bantam Girls 16 Players Midget Girls 14 Players
Bantam –Using the old Chill Jerseys - need a 1st aid kit All girls are carded as players – therefore they can play Goal or as an out player (either or) EQUIPMENT DIRECTOR – Mark Practice Locker is done with – the Bantam Girls will be taking over this locker. LOCK the lockers at ALL times as equipment does go missing. Novice & Atom’s have 4 complete sets of goal equipment in place. Pucks in the concession freezer for games. Home Team for games should supply the pucks for the visiting team.
Lightning Skybox Schedule Mites to Peewee will be scheduled in 1st then Bantam C and up . Any teams wishing to schedule in their teams can do so with Kevin Repchuk
Jerseys We have Mock Drawings – in the process of finalizing the LOGO – we have 6 – 8 styles to pick from – looking for something Unique so we can have our own identity.
Open Floor
It has been brought to the board by concerned parents that they were disappointed in the Bantam A Team tryout process – felt that if a player is being cut from a team – that they deserve a reason – not just tell him he “came up short” – stated that being there were evaluators evaluating why could they not see the evaluation at least by reviewing these would give a player a legitimate reason for being cut, plus would give them something to work on to improve any weakness that have been pointed out.
It was suggested that the Evaluations be kept on file for a period of time following tryouts.
The board will re- review the Tryout Guidelines for the upcoming season.
Tabled Items: Game Conduct Manual Grievance Committee
Meeting Adjourned by Matt Cassidy – 2nd Kim O’Neill @ 10:12 PM
Secretary Wendy Kossowan SMHA