Who Can Donate Blood
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Who can donate blood???
We require all of our volunteer blood donors to be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and to be in good health (16 years olds require a signed parental permission to donate form). However, some people may be temporarily or permanently deferred from donating blood. Some reasons for permanent or temporary deferrals are listed below. This list is subject to change without notice. Persons who have been tattooed within the PERMANENT DEFERALS last 12 months or received a body piercing from a non-professional.
Persons who had viral hepatitis at or after Women who are pregnant, who have given age 11. birth or had a third trimester miscarriage or abortion within the last six weeks. Persons who are at high risk for contracting HIV/AIDS: Persons who have had epileptic seizures within the last year. men who have had sex with another man, even once, since 1977; Persons who have close contact or lived with someone who has hepatitis within the persons who have injected street past 12 months. drugs, (including steroids) even once; Persons who have been treated for syphilis persons who have received clotting or gonorrhea within the last year. factor concentrates; Persons not feeling well on the day of persons who have exchanged sex for donation (i.e., cold, flu, etc.), or persons who drugs or money since 1977; have taken antibiotics within the last 72 hours. persons who have tested positive for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), Rabies vaccination after exposure within 12 indicating past exposure to the AIDS months. virus; Persons who have had malaria within the Persons who have AIDS or one of its last three years. symptoms; Dental cleaning within 24 hours; Root canal, oral surgery, or tooth extraction within the past 72 hours. TEMPORARY DEFERALS
Persons who have visited a malarial- endemic country within the last year.
Persons who have received blood, plasma, or other blood components within the last year. PERMANENT TRAVEL DEFERAL
1980-1996 Persons who have visited or lived in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, The Isle of Mann, Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands for a total of 3 months or more.
1980 to the present Persons who spent time that adds up to FIVE (5) YEARS OR MORE IN All of Western Europe and other countries on this list. Countries of Europe: Albania/Austria/Belgium/ Herzegovina/Bulgaria/Croatia/Czech Republic/Denmark/Faroe Islands/ Finland/France/ Norway/Spain Germany/Greece/Hungary/Italy/ /Liechtenstein/Luxemburg/ Poland/Portugal/Holland/Republic of Ireland/Romania/Slovakia/ Slovania/ Macedonia/Sweden/ Switzerland/UK(includes N.Ireland/UK/Scottland/Wales/ Isle of Man/Channel Islands/Gibraltar/Falkland Islands/) Yugoslavia/Kosovo/Montengro/ Serbia