Fieldhead Primary Academy Pupil Premium Spending Statement 2016-17

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Fieldhead Primary Academy Pupil Premium Spending Statement 2016-17

Fieldhead Primary Academy Pupil Premium Spending Statement 2016-17

The pupil premium grant was introduced in 2011 in order for schools to provide support for looked after children and those from low income families to address the inequalities between those eligible for free school meals (FSM) and those children who are not. This additional funding is in addition to the school's main budget and we are accountable for its allocation to measures specifically targeted to address disadvantage. Children are tracked on a six weekly cycle with a specific focus on our disadvantaged pupils. This tracking not only ensures that no child is left behind but also allows us to tailor specific interventions regularly. The Pupil Premium Grant is used to fund a range of interventions and programmes designed to enable all of our children to achieve the success that they are entitled to. The actions identified are in line with school priorities as seen in the Academy Development Plan.

Financial year Amount of Pupil Premium funding

2016/17 £139,920

2015-16 2016-17 Percentage of FSM pupils Number of FSM 93 (44%) £1320 £ 106 (54%) £1320 £139,920 pupils eligible for 1 the Pupil Premium 2 2 , 7 6 0 Number of looked 0 £0 £ 2 (as of 03/10/2016) £0 £0 after children 0 eligible for the Pupil Premium Number of service 0 £0 £ 0 £0 £0 children eligible for 0 the Pupil Premium Approach Outcomes and Owner Milestones Completed Revie Total cost success criteria w date To direct a greater Pupil premium SLT Key staff in post: Pupil November 2016 After 6 £30,000 portion of funding to children Premium Teacher-LS weeks ‘closing the gap’ in accessing 2xnew Intervention LSAs- £14,000x2 reading, writing and interventions that FD/LC £850 training maths. improve their 1xDragon Hunter progress and intervention Y4 and Y5- £850 training attainment closer KK £675 resources to national 1xPirate Writer-CT expectation. 1xWord Blaze-BM Catch up/pre-teaching maths-FD Times tables Club-DP

Purchase of Smart Kids games and use to enhance learning. Homework club-LS To commence After six Story telling club open for January 2016 weeks Pupil Premium children on a lunchtime-LC Third Space Y6 maths £250 per pupil=£2500 tutoring-TBA

EYFS-Complete FSM forms to identify disadvantaged children- Admin To track reading, Reliable data to Identify and agree Autumn 2 - November 2016 Spring 2 £1600 writing and maths half identify children not assessment methods and – March termly recording making expected timings across the 2016 attainment and progress therefore in school. PIRA/PUMA progress. need of intervention. maths (baseline and maths Autumn test completed: Y1-6) Use Otrack to record Half and analyse results. termly Pupil progress meetings

Carry out a Learning Staff are trained in SLT Identify roles and November 2016 ongoing support assistants interventions responsibilities needed. audit of skills and required. knowledge. TT Identify gaps in November 2016 Decemb knowledge to lead er 2016 interventions

Principal/Task Recruit quality LSAs to ASAP group support and lead interventions-currently from agencies

Identify a core offer of Year group specific SLT Each year group November 2016 March 8x£7,000 LSA class interventions needed interventions are identifies interventions 2016 intervention time for each year group identified; staff needed to accelerate including EYFS. trained and allocated progress both bought in time for delivery. interventions and school generated interventions. Staff are allocated to an Half-termly intervention and impact reviewed regularly. Investigate and Children accessing LS/DP Interventions identified Review half-termly implement quality appropriate with high impact. interventions in reading interventions where Reading – Reciprocal and maths. impact is measured reading and reviewed. Maths-Pre-learning assessments inform gaps. Practical activities. Develop a room which Children and staff LS and LSAs Identify the area to be November 2016 is a dedicated working in a used-use of the Opal intervention space. separate learning Room space, with quality Separate the area into December 2016 resources. LSA’s smaller learning area with sharing good furniture and celebration practise. spaces.

Raise staff awareness Staff understand the Principal/SLT Pupil Premium children October 2016/December 2016 Half- of Pupil premium barriers faced by are identified on termly children in their class. pupil premium planning, tracking, class children in their class lists, seating plans etc and develop and are a key area of strategies to focus within pupil accelerate progress. progress meetings. Raise staff expectation Staff understand that Principal/SLT Staff to look at other Spring Term 2017 Half- of Pupil premium Pupil premium schools with similar termly children in their class. children should be catchment whose Pupil Hold staff to account. attaining and making premium children achieve progress in line with highly. non-pupil premium children

Create a celebratory All areas of school Principal/SLT All Allocate areas around Spring Term 2017 Half- and aspirational celebrate and reflect school to celebrate termly environment in all children’s school life, breakfast corridors and achievements in club, forest school, clubs classrooms. Ensuring learning. reading etc all children are Visit similar schools with represented through an aspirational photographs and environment learning. Allocate resources and time. Develop an Children are clear Principal/SLT/all Working with the staff Launch November 2016 Ongoing aspirational ethos how to achieve develop an extending ‘Good to be ‘Great to be Gold’ understanding of their green’ to ‘ Great to be The Fieldhead role in creating and Gold’ ethos is evident encouraging children to throughout the want to be ‘Gold’ school. Identify with staff and children what a Fieldhead ‘Gold’ child does, says, behaves etc. Devise monitoring The school is clear SLT SLT allocate monitoring November 2017 Half- procedures for all as to the impact of responsibilities for all termly intervention actions all funding and spending on Pupil that Pupil Premium knows how many Premium. funding is used for. children have Review dates are set and been supported. adhered to. Data monitored to track progress in reading, writing and maths.

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