Annotated Agenda and Facilitator S Notes

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Annotated Agenda and Facilitator S Notes

Climate change adaptation workshop 2 in Goedverwacht, 30 May 2013 Annotated agenda and facilitator’s notes

Agenda summary 9h30: Tea, coffee, muffins 10h00: Welcome, introductions, summary of last workshop, today’s agenda 10h40: Causes of climate change 12h10: Findings of climate models for Goedverwacht 13h00: LUNCH 13h45: Timeline of extreme weather in G’verwacht, and responses 15h25: Facilitated discussion: CC, G’verwacht, and what to do about it 16h15: Summary and next steps 16h30: Closing

Welcome, introductions, summary of last workshop, today’s agenda 10h00 – 10h40

Facilitated by: Taryn, with input from Ian

Description: The workshop is opened and all are welcomed. Context is given for this meeting, the previous workshop is summarized, a proposed agenda is presented and adjustments made to the agenda as necessary. Housekeeping and logistics for the day are discussed.

Notes for facilitator: Ian from Goedverwacht should open the day and welcome everybody. Then Taryn introduces herself, EMG colleagues and Rhoda Malgas. Then everyone has a chance to say their name, and say one thing that sticks in their mind from the last workshop – something they learned, a question they have, an impression they have.

Then give a brief summary of the last workshop, with photographs, and a list of the main questions and issues that were raised. Remind everyone where we are in terms of the WRC process, and describe what has happened between last workshop and this one. Then run through today’s agenda.

Invite Merle or anybody else to help us with an energizer at some point in the day, especially after lunch.

Materials: Flipchart, Pens, Prestik, name tags, attendance register

Causes of climate change 10h40 – 12h10

GOEDVERWACHT WORKSHOP 2 TARYN PEREIRA Facilitated by: Jessica and Stephen

The Greenhouse Effect: 20 minutes - Stephen Meditation: 20 minutes - Jessica Fossil fuels timeline: 20 minutes - Jessica

Description: Participants are curious about the global causes of climate change. This session will address that request and curiosity for knowledge, as well as introduce the ‘timeline’ theme, which will be picked up again later in the workshop.

(Notes for facilitators and materials in climate change file)

Findings of climate change models for Goedverwacht 12h10 – 13h00

Facilitated by: Jessica

Description: The relevant findings of the UKZN climate change models are presented in an accessible way.

Notes for facilitator: After presenting the main findings of the models, allow time for questions of clarity and a quick brainstorm about their first reactions to these findings. Tell participants that later in the day there will be time to explore the potential impacts of these findings in depth.

Materials: Projector, flipchart and pens

13h00: LUNCH

Timeline of extreme weather in Goedverwacht, group work and presentations 13h45 – 15h25

Facilitated by: Taryn

13h45 – 14h05: Timeline of extreme weather in Goedverwacht, plenary 14h05 – 14h45: Small group discussions of responses to extreme weather 14h45 – 15h25: Small group presentations


Notes for facilitator: In huddles (groups of 2 or 3), participants brainstorm about extreme weather: droughts, floods, heatwaves, snow, etc., from 1950 to the present. After 5 minutes of brainstorming, we construct a timeline together in plenary.

Once everyone is happy with the timeline, we identify 5 or 6 of the most significant events. People choose which event they can remember most

GOEDVERWACHT WORKSHOP 2 TARYN PEREIRA clearly, and form groups based on those events. There might be a group that doesn’t clearly remember any of these events. They can think about very hot days or very cold days that they can remember, even from the recent past.

In groups, think about the following questions:  How did this affect you and your family, and what did you do about it?  How did this affect Goedverwacht as a community?  What organizations/ institutions responded to this extreme event, and what did they do?  Was there anything that should have been done, that wasn’t done? How could their responses have been more effective?

Groups then present the main points from their discussions in plenary.

Materials: Flipcharts, pens, prestik

Facilitated discussion: climate change, Goedverwacht, and what can we do about it? 15h25 – 16h05

Facilitated by: Stephen – with main action points captured by Taryn.

Description: Connections are made between all that has been raised and discussed today. Remind everyone that we are talking about global climate change, but we now have some very specific projections for Goedverwacht. We can learn from past experiences of extreme weather, particularly about the institutions that have responded to extreme weather in the past. We can start to think about what needs to be in place to prepare for climate change.

Materials: Flipchart, pens.

16h05: Ten minute leg stretch!

Summary, next steps, evaluation: 16h15 – 16h30

Facilitated by: Taryn

Description: Reminder of actions from the day, questions still hanging needing a response. Any homework or preparation needed before next workshop. A brief overview of next workshop. Opportunity to evaluate the meeting: what went well, what didn’t go so well.

Closing, thanks


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