Fruits of the Spirit: a Study from Galatians 5
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Fruits of the Spirit: A Study from Galatians 5
By Susie Fowler
Greensboro Young Life Fruit of the Spirit – Lesson 1 – The Holy Spirit Icebreaker: Bring something for them to construct something with – clay, play dough, pipe cleaners – be creative and make it appropriate for your kids. Ask them to make something. Don’t give them any ideas or lead them in any way. The project from conception to completion is the image you’re going for to explain the nature of the Trinity in creationLet them share what they made and why. Don’t let this go on too long. Lesson: 1. Who do you think the Holy Spirit is? He is God – the nature of God – the presence of God God is composed of 3 equal members – Father, Son, Holy Spirit Each member has a function – share creation story and let them see how they functioned to create the earth – The Father willed it, the Son gave it form and spoke what it would be, the Spirit provided the energy to create it (make it happen) – Read Gen. 1:1,2 & John 1:1-3 Get them to imagine speaking anything they can think of and it immediately appears. (Kind of like the part in Hook when the lost boys imagine the feast and it appears. Read Job 33:4 and Luke 1:35 – What does this mean about creation? (He is the creator not only of all creation but of each individual) 2. The Spirit is the presence of God The Spirit dwelt outside of people for the most part in the Old Testament The Israelites saw Him as a cloud, pillar of fire Moses spoke with Him, He was in the burning bush The Spirit was sometimes with people and sometimes left (example, Saul) Jesus changed all that – we live with the promise of the Spirit as the permanent indwelling of our lives if we have begun a relationship with Him– Read John 14:15-19 (Jesus promises His presence), Acts 2 (The H.S. is delivered), Rom 8:38-39 (We can’t be separated from His presence)
3. When have you known that the presence of God was in you? Feelings are good but the truth is not determined by our feelings. God says that He will never leave us or forsake us. God’s promises are always reliable (Heb. 13:5) What is one thing you learned about the Holy Spirit that is new for you? How will the knowledge that the presence of God is within you, change how you live this week? What will you take home from this time? Fruit of the Spirit – Character that Counts – Lesson 2 When’s the last time you tried to do the right thing, act the right way, think the right thoughts and failed miserably We live in a work mentality in our day to day lives but God tells us to live by faith. What do you think that means? Read Eph. 2:8-10. Last week we talked about the nature and work of the Holy Spirit – He is creation, power and energy. He dwells within every believer. Sanctification – the process of growing in holiness and becoming Christ like Who saved you from your sin? How did He do it? Did you do any of it yourself? Read 1 Thes. 5:23-24 We are not asked to sanctify ourselves – sanctification is not a command but a promise God’s part of sanctification is to change us from the inside – changes of hearts and brings about transformation Our part in sanctification is to have faith in God (not ourselves) –believe what God says II Cor. 5:17, Gal. 2:20, Rom. 6:11 There will still be struggle but we are to live in an attitude of victory. “This is not to deny that there continue to be struggle and tension in the Christian life. But the unique message of the New Testament is this: for those who are in Christ, and therefore in the Spirit, the battle against sin is to be fought in an atmosphere of victory, not defeat. (Hoekema) Build the Form for God to work – get kids to either draw a square where they will label the 4 sides or use popsicle sticks and they can label each stick – read Col. 3:12-14, Eph. 6 - as we create the space for God to work the Spirit will fill the form with what we need for it be real. Example: I am really angry with someone. There is no love in me toward them and in fact they have hurt me (or someone I love) and I’m justified in my anger. Be God, tells me to demonstrate love even for my enemies. Obviously, I’m going to have a hard time producing real, honest love on my own. I can, however, build the form for God to work. One side could be Pray for them (even though I don’t feel like it)/Side 2 could be asking God to reveal the truth in this situation to everyone concerned/Side 3 Encourage honesty with everyone involved/ Side 4 could be considering their side of the situation. We’re not asked to produce the fruit of love. The Spirit has it available to us. We just need to provide the form for Him to fill up – do His thing! Ask them to consider a fruit they’re having a hard time with right now. Give them the time to pray and begin to build their form. See if they’ll share a few of their forms and commit to pray for each other this week. Remind them to let the Spirit of God do the work – read Phil. 2:13, Phil. 4:13 What will they take home from this time. Fruit of the Spirit – Love – Lesson 3 When you hear the word love, what are some of the things that come to mind? Who are some of the people that you love? Who do you believe really loves you? Did you tell anyone that you loved them today?
There are 3 words used in the Bible for love. Each has a very different meaning just like we use the word love in so many different ways. Eros is a passionate, usually sexual love. Phileo is used to depict tender affection of friendship. Agape is the love word used to describe God’s love for us and the love God’s Spirit produces in the life of a believer.
Agape –“ It is a love that selflessly acts on behalf of the highest interest of the one loved. Agape love does not depend on feelings, natural human affinity, or worthiness of the one loved. In fact, the agape love which the Holy Spirit produces in us works with or without natural motivations for love. Agape love often acts contrary to our feelings and has nothing to do with the worthiness of the loved one.”(Creative Living International)
“Agape is a divine capacity to love. Only God is capable of agape.”
“Agape is more a response than a feeling.”
“Agape is fueled by the needs rather than the desires of self or others.”
“Agape is expressed through me when I surrender to the empowerment and temperament of the Holy Spirit.” (Living Beyond Yourself)
Discuss some of the ways they see agape love in Jesus. How clearly do they understand this love directed toward them? Do they feel and experience the love of Jesus? 1 John 4:10
Read I Cor. 13:1-8 – How does God really feel about love? Do they think they can love in this way? Only God can love in this way and so we must allow the Spirit to express His love through us.
God directs this kind of love toward us. As we receive it, we are to enjoy it and pass it on to those around us. Read and discuss these verses: Psalm 86:15 –This is the nature of God I John 4:8 Romans 5:8 – This kind of love can’t be earned I John 4:19 – As we comprehend this kind of love, we can extend it to others Eph. 3:17-19 John 15:4,5, John 15:16 I Cor. 16:14 Luke 6:35 – Agape love doesn’t depend on the worthiness of the recipient Romans 12:14,17,19 Romans 12:18 – Agape love will produce other qualities in us as we exercise it Eph. 4:29
Understanding that only the Holy Spirit can produce this kind of love in us, who is someone you’re struggling to love right now? What would the form look like to allow God to fill you with this kind of love? Can you think of some of the characteristics of a person that you think is particularly loving? That might help them come up with some of the sides of their form. Give them some time to construct their form. Ask them to share their form without the name or any details that might hurt someone else. Pray for each other this week.
What is one thing they learned this week about love that they’ll take home from the time? Fruit of the Spirit – Joy
When was the last time you felt really happy? Laughed without control or had so much fun? What do you think the difference is between happiness and joy?
Joy – The lasting joy the Holy Spirit gives us goes beyond human feelings of delight & pleasure. This joy abides deep in our hearts and is not necessarily related to our circumstances. It is an inner well of strength. It is a joy found in loving God and others. (Creative Living International)
Joy has more to do with the condition of our hearts than the condition of our circumstances. Have you experienced contentment, peace, a sense of well being in the midst of terrible conditions? That’s joy.
Where does the world tell us to look for our contentment? Experiences, things, success, people, etc…. What are some of the results of seeking joy in these places? Temporary and disappointing Read about Solomon – Eccl. 2:4-11 – can they relate to this in their world? Sports, school, relationships…. Jesus promised us that in this world we would have trouble – John 16:33 – but He also promised us a helper (the Holy Spirit) John 16:5-16 – so that joy is available to us John 16:20- 24
Read the story of Paul and Silas Acts 16:16-40 – Why were they arrested (because they robbed the slave owners of $)/What had Silas done?(nothing)/How did Paul and Silas respond to their imprisonment?(sang hymns)/How did that effect those around them?/How did they respond to their freedom and how did that effect the others? Paul and Silas didn’t run from their circumstances and that brought salvation and joy to others. “How encouraging to recognize that Paul did not discover the strength to leave his circumstances;he discovered the strength to stay!” Read James 1:2-4 and Zephaniah 3:17 What will you take home from tonight? Build the form for joy in your life. Fruit of the Spirit – Peace
Describe what peace is to you. When is the last time you felt peaceful? Is there a place that brings peace to you (mountains, beach, woods, etc)?
Peace – wholeness and a sense of well-being in all areas of life – The presence of God not the absence of conflict
What are some reasons that could cause a lack of peace? (circumstances, poor self-esteem, conflicts with others, broken relationship with God or lack of one…) How does lack of peace affect you? (unhappy, sleepless, angry…)
We serve a God who is the definition of peace – read 1 Cor. 14:33 – God of order – How can we get this kind of order into our lives? Ps. 29:11 – God blesses us with it Ps. 119:165 – through God’s word Is. 26:3 – trust in God, eyes on Him What are the benefits of peace Ps. 4:8 – sleep Proverbs 14:30a – life to the body Phil 4:7 – a guarded heart
It is the presence of God that brings peace into our lives. We can’t manufacture it permanently. We’ll never live a stress free life this side of heaven. We lost our peace at the Garden of Eden. Sin is the opposite of peace and causes war with God. Jesus came to restore the possibility of peace to us. The night He was born the angels appeared to the shepherds and declared that peace had arrived (Luke 2:14). Jesus paid the price for our peace – read Col 1:19-20 and Is. 53:5 When we allow the Spirit to have control the result is peace – read Rom. 8:6
Some things that cause lack of peace: Sin – ask God to reveal sin and repent – read Ps. 139:23-24, 1 John 1:9 Lack of forgiveness – read Rom. 12:17-19 Eyes fixed on the world – Matt. 6:31-34 Fear/Doubt – Matt 14:25-32 Warning from God – peace should rule in our hearts – if not something’s wrong Promises of God will bring peace in difficult circumstances – Heb. 13:5, Jer.29:11, Is. 41:10, Is. 40:31, I Peter 5:7, James 1:5, Phil. 4:6-7
What is destroying your peace right now? What scripture will help you in the battle?
Build a form for peace in your situation.
What will you take home from this lesson? Fruit of the Spirit – Patience Would your friends and family describe you as a patient person? What are the attributes of a patient person?
What are the circumstances that cause you to be impatient? Who do you get impatient with and why?
Patience is a discipline and requires strength, courage and sacrifice. A disciplined person is someone who can do the right thing at the right time with the right spirit. Patience is a “long tempered” person (delayed reaction of irritation, judgement, retaliation, anger, wrath) rather than a “short tempered person (quick to arouse emotion, judgemental, defensive, unmerciful)
How does a lack of patience effect you… Emotionally – (state of turmoil/seems like life is bad/…) Relationally – (separates, condemns, produces guilt…) Spiritually – (separates, guilt, feeling of failure, unforgiveness…)
Our patience is usually dependant on our understanding of a situation but what does God’s patience look like? Ps. 103:8-14 2 Pet. 3:9 Patience creates space for healing and understanding. Write with a marker on poster board all the things that caused you to be impatient today. What if those things were put up on the Jumbotron at a sports event? How would you feel and would they have been that important?
Lack of patience usually comes because we feel that we’ve been mistreated in some way. Our eyes are focused on ourselves rather than God. We are trusting ourselves or our circumstance to provide rather than God. How can we pursue patience in a way that is real? Mark 11:25 – forgive others Matt. 5:23-24 – be reconciled 1 Pet. 3:9-11 – don’t repay evil for evil Eph. 4:2 – bear w/ one another James 1:19 – listen James 1:5,6 – ask for wisdom/understanding
Consequence for us if we continue to be impatient and unforgiving – Luke 6:37-38 What will the habit of patience give us? Rom. 5:3-4 James 1:4
God only wants to give good gifts to His children and promises that when we ask He will respond.
What will you ask God for in this area of patience?
What would the form look like?
What is one thing you’ll take home from our study of patience? Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness
“Kindness is God’s goodness in action. When the Spirit produces kindness in our lives, we become the hands and feet and mouthpiece of God as we love needy people. And everyone is needy. We all need people in our lives who are hospitable and friendly, accepting, considerate and helpful. We need people that we can count on for support when our burdens are too heavy to carry alone.” Creative Living
What is your definition of kindness?....How have you given kindness in the last week? How have you received kindness?
What are the circumstances that cause you to be unkind? Where do you see lack of kindness in the world you live in?
What does God say about how we’re to treat people? Read Matt 22:39 - Would you like to receive the treatment you give some people? Where is it really hard for you to be kind? It is where your inability to demonstrate kindness meets the need for kindness in a situation that the truth fruit of the Spirit comes forth. It is a kindness that isn’t natural – something only God can produce. It’s not about being good. It’s about responding to your world with humility and compassion.
Think through all the stories you know about Jesus. Share some times that Jesus demonstrated kindness. (If they can’t come up with anything start going through Luke and skimming the stories) Read Titus 3:4-8 – This is what the kindness of Jesus looks like.
If you want to take a group a little deeper, share the story of the book of Hosea. God in His kindness didn’t destroy Israel for their unfaithfulness but “lead her into the wilderness to speak tender words to her” Hosea 2:14,15. God dealt with them with “cords of kindness” Hosea 11:4. The story of Hosea and Gomer is God’s love story to us. (If your girls, and guys too, haven’t read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers it would be great to recommend it. It is the modern day story of the book of Hosea.)
Read Luke 6:35-45 – Discuss what they see in how we are to live with one another. Kindness can only flow from what is in the heart (vs. 45). It is a transformed heart that allows good fruit to grow. Christ’ mandate to us is Eph. 4:29-32. We all want to be the recipients of this kind of kindness.
“Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” George Eliot How great it would be to demonstrate this kind of kindness to each other!
“When the Holy Spirit produce’s God’s kindness in us, we become humble servants who actively reflect His impartial love and compassion for people. Our disposition toward others becomes like that of Jesus Christ – gentle, understanding and supportive. Through us, He is able to extend His mercy and hope to a hurting world.” Creative Living
Where is God asking you to demonstrate His kindness? What will the form look like? What will you take home from this time? Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness Do you think you’re a good person? We are good because we were made good by Jesus. His death wiped away our sin and Replaced it with His righteousness – not our own. Read: Romans 3:23; Gal. 2:20; Romans 8:1
“While kindness is goodness expressing itself in deeds, goodness signifies a heart attitude that is morally upright. While kindness involves action, goodness is having a heart to be good, do good, and promote good. This inner goodness motivates right, noble and honorable words and deeds. “ Creative Living. Goodness comes from the Greek word agathosune which means benevolent and active goodness. This kind of goodness does not spare sharpness and rebuke to cause goodness in others and situations. Jesus rebuked the money changers to pursue truth and goodness in the temple for the people. Goodness may be truth telling/standing for God when it’s hard/wading into a messy situation.
Holy Spirit goodness comes from a heart that has been transformed. Read Romans 12. The condition of our hearts will be obvious by what comes out of our mouths. Read Luke 6:45, Eph. 4:29, James 3:9-12, Titus 3:1,2,8, Col. 4:6
If our hearts have been transformed then we will be naturally motivated to goodness for the sake of Jesus and directed by Him. Read Eph. 2:1-10. We actually have good works that have been chosen just for us to do. God will accomplish His purposes with or without us but we will miss the blessing. Read Ps. 119:68 – our instruction in goodness comes from God not ourselves.
“I must hold loosely the hopes and dreams that I have so that as I follow Christ they will be replaced by the hopes and dreams that He has for me. This will allow His work to be carried out through me, and will bring me true joy and peace.”
The battle between the flesh and the Spirit is real. What happens when we fail to do good? Read Romans 7:15-25, Romans 8:1-6, 1 John 1:9
In what areas of your life do you want to see the Spirit produce more goodness?
What will you take home from the study of goodness? More verses on goodness:
Romans 13 Titus 3:1-2 Luke 13:10-16 2 Timothy 3:2-4 Ephesians 4:15 Col. 4:6 Ps. 119:105, 138 John 15:1-18 Gal. 6:9 Ps. 51:10,13 Prov. 2:7-8,11 Is. 32:17 Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness
Who is someone you absolutely trust? What is something you absolutely trust? (love of parents, sun will rise in the morning…)
A fun exercise would be to do the trust fall with high school kids. Make sure their friends will catch them so nobody gets hurt. You want to make a point for trustworthiness not a joke.
Today we’re studying faithfulness. What are some words that come to mind that would describe faithfulness? Greek word is pistis – it means firm persuasion, conviction, belief in the truth, veracity, reality. We have faith in things that are the most real to us.
Understanding faithfulness must first reside in our core belief in God’s faithfulness. How would you describe God’s faithfulness? (Sent Jesus when we didn’t deserve it, answers prayer, always with us, read Ps. 73:24,25) How did you first come to a belief in God – His faithfulness to you? Name a few times that made you know the realness of God.
“Faithfulness is resting in His certainty, being persuaded by His honesty, trusting in His reality, being won over by His veracity…being sure that He’s sure and believing He’s worth believing.” Believing God, Beth Moore. Read Ex. 34:1-6
God gave us the Holy Spirit as His guarantee of His faithfulness. The presence of the Holy Spirit is what allows us to express our faith in Him – our faithfulness. We love because He first loved us. We have faith because He first demonstrated faith toward us.
You can spend as much as little time on this – read Heb. 11 and discuss the heroes of the faith.
Read Gen. 5:18-24 – Enoch walked with God. It took faith to walk with God but he did it and was spared the path of death because of it. We’re spared death because we put our faith in the saving work of Christ. Read II Cor. 5:7 – Our purpose in life is to walk with God. How are you walking in faith with God right now?
Acts refers to people who following Jesus as “believers”. They led a life of persecution but they still had faith. We may not understand a lot of things that happen but we can know the presence and assurance of God. Read Is. 55:8-11. What has God allowed in your life that you don’t understand? The story of Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27:1 – 28:10 is a great example of faith beyond the reality of your circumstances.
Satan’s greatest attack will be to shake our faith – our belief! The “Shield of Faith” is absolutely crucial to our survival. Eph. 6:10-18 “Satan will stop at nothing to get us to lower our shield of faith so he can wound and burn us. He stacks up tangible evidence in opposition to God’s assurances. He delights in doubts and lies. He studies our weaknesses and then aims where we’re vulnerable. His priority job description is to keep us from believing God…first, for salvation, and then for completion.” Believing God, Beth Moore. So, what are some ways we can become vulnerable? (No time with God, lack of fellowship…)
“Faithfulness is the fruit of the Spirit that allows us to walk with God no matter what happens in life as well as be a beacon of light for others” Creative Living How can we demonstrate our faithfulness to others? (Be willing to reach out to others, take them to YL or church, speak freely about the realness of God in your life…)
This who we believe in! I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True…His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean…On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS Rev. 19:11-16