Sweetwater Village Landowners Association, Inc

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Sweetwater Village Landowners Association, Inc

Sweetwater Village Landowners Association, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting October 3, 2009

BOD Meeting called to order at 9:05 p.m. by, President Robbi Hodson.

Roll Call: Board Members present: Present, Robbi Hodson, Sec/Treas Diane Reid, and Directors; Jim Hickman, Billie Huninghake and Irene Dunkle.

Reading and acceptance vote of the minutes for September 2009 minutes. Motion made to accept made by Billie Huninghake, seconded by Jim Hickman, with all in favor, motion carried.

Officer's Reports: President Report: Robbi stated that the nominee ballots had been sent out and announced that there were seats that were open, and that new ideas were need and requested that the ballots be filled out and returned by October 15th.

Vice President: No Report

Secretary Report: Diane stated that all that she had to cover was list later in the agenda.

Treasurer Report: As of 9/30/09 primary acct. balance was $ 9,017.83 Reserve acct. balance is $ 5,126.32; petty cash balance was $88.68. Collections were discussed; Diane stated that she is still working with the Attorneys who have handled the foreclosures, she gotten a more responses to her letters and she has provided documentation to all who have contacted her, so they would be able to issue checks on the accounts.

Old Business

1. Community Center Tract: Diane reported that she had been in contact with Greg Bell and he wouldn’t be able to attend the meet due to having to place his father in a nursing home. Also that he partner Chris Straka was putting up a stink about having the signer papers before sending the check to us. Mr. Bell was informed that the deal was he come and we all sign and swap paper work at the same time that the board wouldn’t sign anything before receiving payment due to being taken advantage of in the past. Mr. Bell agreed that he would send all necessary paper work to her along with the check and Diane would get the paper work done and return it to him.

New Business:

1. Maintenance Contract Bids: Diane reported that 8 bid packets were sent out and that she had already received 1 and that she knew of at least 3 more that would be turned in. Diane stated that once the October 15th dead line pasted that she would compile the information into packets for the Board’s review, prior to the next meeting to get everyone time to study the bids and make an informed decision on which person they feel would be the best choice to fit our needs.

Additional Business: None

Homeowner’s Comments: Home owner Jack Markwood, asked about the payments being made to Mike Davidson, Diane explained to him that he was doing work for the Association on the yards that were in violation, he asked if we were going to be reimbursed for the charges, Robbi explained that 90 o/o of the work that he has done is on homes that are in foreclosure and that the banks in control will be paying for the maintenance on the property. Mr. Markwood also stated that he wanted to know why the rules & regulations were not be enforced, Robbi explained that the Board was doing all that they could. The problem was not being able to sustain a Fines & Penalties Committee, so that we can assess fines for violations. The committee has to be comprised of a minimum of 3 homeowners that is not currently on the board. For this to work it would take homeowner participation and that it’s been nonexistent for a long time. Mr. Markwood questioned whether or not all the owner have been notified that there are rules & regulations governing the Association; Diane explained that everyone in the community has received the updated version. Robbi stated that with the rental properties that the only contact allowed is through the landlords and that this is a process that we go through every month. Home owner Phillip Ramsey; ask if when assessing the fee’s if we could charge a high amount to those who rent out property in the community. Diane responded stating that there was a section in the Articles of Incorporation, or the Bylaws she was not sure, that stated all the assessments would be uniform, she also stated that she would research it for verification. Diane stated that she had contacted all the rental property owners requesting that the leases include a section stating the all rules & regulations be followed by the renter. Home owner Merrie Willmington, requested information on the next step after a homeowner was fined. Diane explained to her the fine would be charged to the homeowner account and collected from there. If the homeowners didn’t pay the account in a reasonable amount of time that small claims court would be utilized in the collection effort. Director Irene Dunkle asked if neighbors could take action against neighbors who wouldn’t do as they should; Diane stated that as a neighbor you could make contact with a violator and request them to do something. Home owner Don Marcum asked if Bay County Code Enforcement would address rentals, Diane stated that she wasn’t sure but she felt like they would because they would be the ones present and she didn’t think the Codes would take the time to research ownership before taking action. Mr. Ramsey, asked if we had tried to do anything to get a better response from the homeowner, Diane stated that she had written many articles trying to promote interest with the homeowners in the community, to no avail. Mr. Ramsey suggested maybe starting with coffee and snacks at the meetings.

There was much discussed in general during this segment of the meeting and some comments and statement didn’t get recorded in this accounting of the minutes of the meeting do to people talking over each other and not being able to decipher the conversations on tape.

Adjourned at; 10:02 a.m.

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