Project Management Best Practise Summary

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Project Management Best Practise Summary

REGNET-IST-2000-26336 Deliverable Report Project acronym REGNET Type and Number Best Practise Summary Work package WP 1 Analysis of the State of the Art and Development of Concepts Task 1.1 Description of collections and definition of user requirements Date of delivery 2001-06-22 Code name RN_T11v01_IMAC_BP_Summary Version 01 draft  final  Objective Report Distribution Type Authors (Partner) IMAC Contact Person [email protected] Abstract Keywords List Version log Project Management Best Practise Summary

Best Practise


A. Short Description (Mandatory) 1. General Information Name URL Operator/Provider Domain ELISE II DeMontfort University Library screens/new_grey/demo.htm The British Library homepage The British Library Library Helix DeMontfort university United Kingdom. The rest Library of the consortium: Hulton Getty Picture Collec- tion, St. Andrews University Library, Social and Political History of Great Britain Libris http// The Royal Library Stockholm Sweden Library Visual Arts data service The Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) Library, archive The Visual Arts Data Service is based at The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University Col- lege. VADS is a part of the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS). The AHDS and VADS are funded by the Arts and Humanities Re- search Board (AHRB) and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). 2. Description Name Short description Components of the application ELISE II ELISE II has not started as a working system, but the project is nevertheless in- Searchable database, ordering of documents/photos etc, teresting for the REGNET development. financial information The following text is taken from the presentation of the ELISE II Demonstration System: “The system is designed as a distributed Internet application with acces provided via "standard" Web Browsers. When a user comes to the ELISE web site, the Java applet is down-loaded to their browser which then runs in the JAVA virtual environment. The JAVA user interface communicates with a Java Web Server (BROKER). This is an enhanced web server that controls user accounts and stores all interactions with the user. It allows the system to keep "state" during a users session and between sessions.

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When a Search or Browse query is sent to the BROKER, it stores the request in the users records and passes the request on to a Database Image Server (DBIS). This is yet another enhanced web server that can manage multiple distributed search queries, using the Z39.50 Search/Retrieve protocol. The DBIS then determines which databases should receive the search query, and sends the appropriate messages. Replies come back from each database man- agement system relating to the number of records found matching the query. These results are passed back to the BROKER and then on to the JAVA user in- terface for display. This is a very powerful model - it means that each of the components can be held and maintained in different locations on the network, by different organisations. Each database supplier can continue to manage their own data, so material is al- ways up to date. And, using International standards, it is relatively easy to expand the system to include more services.” The British Library The British Library homepage. Gives access to the many different services of the Searchable catalogues and Digital Library, Picture lib- homepage British Library. rary, commercial transactions Helix Helix service is developed from a project led by De Montfort University and com- Searchable database, Virtual gallery missioned by the JISC to investigate the needs of the UK Higher Education com- munity in relation to the digital storage and network delivery of image based in- formation. The final report is titled Proposal for an Image Data Resouce servec and can be obtained from the JISC. There are 52.000 high quality images Free to Higher Education. DMU provides 15.000 images from the National Arts Slide Librarary, Leicester Record Office, Leicester City Museum, Hartill Art Association and the University of Leicester.(Dep of Local History) Hulton Getty Picture collection provides 15.000 images from the 2.5 million in the Picture Post collection, St Andreews University Library provides 15.000 images mainly from the James Valentine collection ( a postcard archive of photography over the past 100 years) and items from George Cowie and Robert Adam collec- tions. The Social and Political history of Great Britain (The SPHB collection) is considered the best known library int the world on photojournalism and from this collection is provided 7.000 images from 6 themes, spanning ther period 1859 to the present. Libris The Royal Library, Stockholm Books before 1600: Libris is the Swedish database for the input of Swedish Research and Special lib- Documents in fulltext. Titles searchable from the LIBRIS raries. It also contains the National Swedish Catalogue. LIBRIS database con- database. Link between the Libris database and the tains books, journals, journal articles, posters and Swedish imprints before 1700. web. Swedish imprints before 1700 is a pilot study serving a number of purposes, of which the all-embracing one is to attain suitable methods for bibliographic de-

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scription and computer based solutions when presenting material from the Royal Library's (KB) older collections. Older publications have always been of interest to the general public but have not been easy of access. By presenting these items in this format they are made more readily available for the merely interested as well As the specialist. It also has the added advantage of serving the books in a pro- tective capacity. One objective when digitising older publications is to attain a certain level of quality in the reproductions to render the reading and handling of the library's own copies as superfluous. The project can be looked upon as an "exhibition" addressing itself to an inter- ested general public and researchers well conversant in the history of books. The selections have been made to correspond with different subject fields and differ- ent periods in time during the 16th and 17th century. The authors are to this day, on the whole, familiar and prominent figures in people's minds despite the passage of several centuries. A general view of this is given in the register of the selected publications. Visual Arts data VADS provides internet access and preservation of its collection of visual arts in Searchable database search- results scanned images in service digital form. thumb-nail and snapshot size VADS aims are to provide collections of visual arts digital resources and advice for their creation To preserve visual arts digital resources to ensure their long term use To promote good practice for the creation and use of visual arts digital resources. VADS collections are provided via the Internet in suitable web-delivery formats. . Resources delivered by VADS include: Image databases from the Imperial War Museum, Fasion, National Arts Education Archive and the Design Council Archive

3. Best Practise Statement Name Excellent features (Best practise) Not so excellent (Worst practise) ELISE II ELISE has developed a distributed system based on standards such as The system is not in use yet. The project ended Z39.50, Dublin Core . about a year ago. The system is well structured, logical and easy to use. The catalogue is powerful with a simple and advanced search interface. The The interface is efficient but slightly boring. interface is a “traditional” web-interface. A thesaurus is implemented and there is linking between images, so that a group of images can be displayed. The British Library The catalogues have a very high standard. As the British Library is so large there are many dif- homepage The Digital Library has the highest possible standard. In selection, quality of ferent catalogues and search services which is not a images and catalogue. The Background story of selected books and manu- good practice for the Regnet project.

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scripts is scientifically correct and well written which makes it interesting for the ordinary reader as well as the professional. There is also access to back- ground description of related themes. The handling of themes and back- grounds is welll worth studying for the REGNET project. The information is well organized. The different catalogues OPAC and web have high standards. Nice features are relevance ranking, including of items of different dates (as recent as 2 days ago), possibilities of refining the search after seeing search results. There is an integration between the catalogue and other services, such as or- dering of documents, which gives a good overview. Helix The quality of the images is good. The database is easy to search and the There is only one search interface in the catalogue system is fast . The record is displayed as a core record or if desired full re- so sophisticated searching cannot be carried out. cord with among others technical fields and classification, subject and de- However the search interface provides Boolean scription fields. search. There is a good Best Practice document worked out by the project available at : Libris The scanning quality of text and pictures in the before 1600-project seem The database might not be suitable for the REGNET fine. The book-titles can be retrieved from the LIBRIS database. The texts fit system. But features from the catalogue can be in with the idea of Themes in the Regnet project. Good quality in cataloguing copied. and the linking between traditional catalogue and the web is interesting. The classification and keyword system is not suit- The LIBRIS web-catalogue is on the whole clear and user-friendly . The cata- able for transfer to other languages/producers logue composes of a short version and a full version with a number of search options. The format with title, author etc on display at once is probably more user-friendly for inexpert searchers than the traditional Z39.50 “pull-down ap- proach”. Visual Arts data service VADS has an excellent guide to Best practice on Creating Digital Resources There is no thesaurus – but subject search is sup- for the Visual Arts: Standards & Good Practice. ported. The construction of subject words unclear. Guide/contents.html The guide should be vailable for developers of image services and databases. The catalogue is good with a simple and advanced version. It is possible to limit the search to a number of different aspects and the design of the cata- logue is quite clean. The system is fast. The presentation of results is clear with images in thumb-nail size, snapshot and also possibilitiy to enlarge the format.

B. Detailed Description

4. User/User Scenarios Name User groups Use Scenarios

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ELISE II Professional, private users researchers Search functions and cataloguing/registering are supported. Also import of Professionals data. Publishers Typical user questions met would be: anyone searching for images on a Business variety of themes: such as arts, sport, medicine, history, religion etc Researchers Private end users The British Library homepage Professionals Search, printing, ordering, invoicing Private end users Researchers Enterprises Users looking for information and knowledge. Helix Professional, private users researchers Search functions and cataloguing/registering are supported. Also import of teachers data. The user groups are restricted to Higher Typical user questions : users wanting images photos within different cat- Education within Great britain at the mo- egories such as Social and Political History of Britain, journalism, Art col- ment. lections. Probably password can be provided for REGNET development Libris Professional, private users researchers Search functions and cataloguing/regisering are supported. Also import of Professionals data. Researchers Typical user questions met would be if a certain book is published, what Private end users library has the book, a bibliographic description of the book. The user can find Swedish posters, read the details about them and see the scanned image. The user cannot order anything. Visual Arts data service Professionals, teacher and students The Search, printing system is meant for educational purposes. Users looking for design, jewellery, clothing etc

5. Content Base Name Covered Themes/Topics Object/Information Types: Categories of items Provider ELISE II Many themes: arts, sport, medi- Digital goods Photos, reproductions De Montfort University, cine, history, religion etc Tilburgh University Library Yes Consortium Yes From different do- mains Around 12 providers The British Library homepage Covers all types of themes top- Data services knowledge pro- Books, documents, pic- British Library ics duction tures, rare books manu-

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scripts CD, Helix Social and Political History of Service Photos De Montfort University UK Great Britain Digital goods reporoductions Providers from different PhotoJournalism domains: libraries, Art archives, museums 8 providers Libris Highlights of Swedish literature Books The Royal Library, Stock- before 1700 Posters holm Posters Books Visual Arts data service Arts and design Images Reproductions Visual arts and data ser- vice

Yes For instance: Manchester Metropolitan University Imperial War Museum, London college of Fashion 6

6. Object Presentation Name Description of objects Digital storage of ob- Multimedia elements Subject classification jects ELISE II There is a short record displaying, Yes, No Yes Title, Date and Description fields. A photos images Full record with extended fields. The Getty Research Institute's Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). The interface allows you to scan the terms and select one or more to in- clude in a search. You can search any of the databases in this way, either singly or more than one simul- taneously. However, the AAT is not multi-lingual, so it can't be used to search across different languages. The British Library Cataloguing to a high standard. Fulltext Photos images No Yes homepage UKMarc format Keywords, thesaurus

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Helix Image type, attribute, date, classi- Yes No Classification system and keywords. fication subject, people, scene, ob- Photos Images ject, description, category, material culture, techniques, notes, Date end Range Libris The LIBRIS-Marc standard is used. Yes the older books and No Yes Will be converted into MARC 21 at posters were Swedish classification system and the end of the year First photographed on keywords. colour dia (24?36 mm) The colour dia were digit- ized via scanning with 300 ppi. Visual Arts data service In the Core record: Creator De- Photos images No Yes scription Subject Keywords In the full record many fields: Col- lection Creator Date Description Yes Subject Type Measurement Rights Photos images owner Rights status Hardware Format Resolution File size etc

7. Functions/Services Name User Access Search & Retrieval E-Commerce Data Entry/Adminis- Further User In- Value Added Services Methods tration Tools teraction ELISE II Navigation, sear- Full search Yes Yes cataloguing is sup- Not applicalble cing the database Ordering and full ported Both index search full financial informa- search and field search tion is provided Boolean search and truncation

The British Lib- Search in data- Full search Yes. Ordering av No rary homepage base/catalogue, Field search, index documents and navigation search simple search, images photos full search Boolean search, trunca- tion, proximity, relev-

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ance ranking simple and advanced search interface Helix Navigation Simple Full search No Yes cataloguing is sup- Not applicalble search interface Boolean search Free to Heigher ported Education until 2002 Libris Navigation Full search No Yes cataloguing is sup- Not applicalble Navigation on the ported web with a tradi- Both index search full tional guidance to search and field search the catalogue. is provided Search functions Boolean search and are easy to use. truncation Books Swedish and international, Yes. Professionals can journals and journ- do string-searching al articles, posters, books be- fore 1600 in full text Visual Arts data Search in data- Full search No Dublin Core No service base/catalogue Field search Boolean search trunca- No There will be tion proximity a license agree- topics They have a simple and ment advanced search inter- face

8. Expansion of Content Basis (New Providers etc.) Name New Provider Registration of new content pro- Expansion of content base viders possible? planned ELISE II These questions should be answered by the ELISE Consortium The British Library homepage Yes Helix The system supplier should answer this. Libris Yes LIBRIS is expanding. But this is not ap- plicable for the REGNET system

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Visual Arts data service Yes Yes

9. Access/Costs Name Restricted Access Distinction of free and restricted Fees services/information areas? ELISE II No, registration necessary The system is not in use The British Library homepage No Varies. Clear instructions of how to pay. Helix Yes No Yes Libris No No Visual Arts data service Yes No but the user must read and apply open for Higher Education purpose with the AHDS common Access Agreement


Short Description (Mandatory)

1.General information

Name URL Operator/Provider Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firen- ze Louvre Musée du Louvre Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum of Modern Art MOMA Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Leonardo da Vinci” di Milano Http:// Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Leonardo da Vinci” di Milano

2. Description Name Short description Components of the application

Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Science Museum and library web site Searchable database for the Library di Firenze Thematic exhibitions in the museum section Louvre museum web providing educational re- Thematic access to the museum collection

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sources for students and teachers Indexed access by author, title and theme Education section: editorial tool that allows to publish individual product Metropolitan Museum of Art museum portal with on-line exhibitions, Thematic access to the museum collection educational resources and on-line Searchable database store Thematic exhibition Educational section Museum shop Museum of Modern Art museum portal with on-line exhibitions, Thematic access to the museum collection educational resources and on-line Education section: interactive games store Museum shop Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Le- Museum web site with a strong educa- Thematic exhibitions onardo da Vinci” di Milano tional bias On-line bookshop Experiments and games Virtual museum

3. Best Practise Statement Name Excellent features (Best practise) Not so excellent (Worst practise) Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze Italian good example of a thematic museum and lib- Library section is only in Italian rary integration No searchable databse in the museum section Experimentation of wap services Louvre Easy and direct navigation Only in French Big collection Relatively slow Good quality of text and tales related to an author Interactive tool that allows user to publish his/her own final product Metropolitan Museum of Art Easy and direct navigation No on-line access for physically impared Big collection Only in English Strong interaction with the user ( sense of com- munity) e-commerce applications of its store Museum of Modern Art Easy and direct navigation No search through the collection Big collection Only in English Interactive games e-commerce applications of its store Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Leonardo da Vinci” Good interaction between the real and virtual mu- di Milano seum

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Easy and captivating navigation Well developed and continuously updated educa- tional section Multilingual site (Italian, English and French) Agreement with Amazon for on-line purchase of re- lated publications Useful international links B Detailed Description

4. User/User Scenarios Name User groups Use Scenarios B2B B2C C2C Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze Professionals - - - Young and science am- ators Louvre Teachers and students - + - of secondary schools through an annual fee Metropolitan Museum of Art Generic user - + - Professional Teachers and students Museum of Modern Art Generic user - + - Teachers and students of secondary schools Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Leonardo da Vinci” Teachers and students - + - di Milano Science amateurs 5. Content Base Name Covered Themes/Topics Object/Information Types: Categories of items Provider Istituto e Museo di Storia della Galileo Galilei Digital goods Works of art, books Only one pro- Scienza di Firenze Scientific object of the Renaissance Data vider period Information services Louvre 2000 objects from the whole Louvre col- Data, images, multimedia objects One single pro- lection with related description vider: Louvre Metropolitan Museum of Art About 3.500 objects from ancient to Data, images, multimedia objects, Books, reproductions, modern art physical goods CD, reproductions Museum of Modern Art Modern art Data, images, multimedia objects, Books, reproductions, physical goods CD Museo della Scianza e tecnica Leonardo Da Vinci Digital goods Books One provide “Leonardo da Vinci” di Milano Scientific instruments (ships, aircrafts, Physical goods

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trains, cars, motorbikes, radio, energy 6. Object Presentation Name Description of ob- Digital storage of objects Multimedia elements Subject classification jects Istituto e Museo di Storia della Creator name Photos, images Virtual navigation of Galileo room - Scienza di Firenze Object Title Period name Process/Technique Dimension Louvre Data fields: + + + Creator name Fulltext, images: jpeg (sound) Authority file name Creator date of birth Dictionary Creator date of death Object Title Period name Process/Technique Dimension Inventory Metropolitan Museum of Art Data fields: + + + Creator name Fulltext, images: jpeg, photos 3D exhibition rooms Authority file name Creator date of birth Dictionary Creator date of death Object Title Period name Process/Technique Dimension Inventory Museum of Modern Art Data fields: + + - Creator name Fulltext, images: jpeg, photos sound Object Title Period name Process/Technique Dimension Inventory Museo della Scianza e tecnica - + + - “Leonardo da Vinci” di Milano full text Virtual Leonardo: a 3D virtual photos museum. “Webtalk” technology ( by Milan polytechnic) where you can:

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-Make a walking or flying tour of rooms and cloisters -Operate a number of Leonardo machines -See other visitors, follow their movements and chat with them -Join a group and be shown around by a guide: Virtual guided tours'

7. Functions/Services Name User Access Methods Search & Retrieval E-Commerce Data Entry/Ad- Further User Inter- Value Added ministration action Services Tools Istituto e Museo di Virtual navigation of Galileo Field search, full search N/A - + - Storia della Sci- room Boolean operators enza di Firenze Virtual exhibitions Search functionality in the library section Louvre Navigation - - + forum Personalised Access for disabled product through Access through topics and selection through museum’s location Metropolitan Mu- - Access through topics Index search On-line purchase + My met calendar Strong interac- seum of Art Search through the whole Full search of real goods, di- My met Gallery tion with the collection, the educational Field search gital objects Mailing list user content, the events and the Personalised Met Store Boolean operators services - Interactive services: Good on-line My Met Calendar" allows store you to customize the Mu- Educational re- seum's online calendar so sources that it displays only those events that are likely to in- terest you. -"My Met Gallery" gathers together your favorite works of art from the Museum's on- line collection.

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-The Met Store automatically fills in your street and email addresses and telephone and Membership numbers for the greatest ease of on- line shopping and informs you of special offers and new products. -The Museum notifies you of special exhibitions, educa- tional programs, Members' activities, and more with a targeted email service. Museum of Modern Access through topics : ar- Search functionality in On-line purchase + forum Good on-line Art chitecture and design, draw- the on-line store and in of real goods, di- store ings, film and video, painting the combined catalog of gital objects Education re- and sculpture, photography, the library, museum sources print and illustrated books archives and the study centers. (Database) Search modi: Full search Field search (author, title, subject, ,journal title) Boolean operator On line Store: full search Museo della Navigation through topics Search methord : Full Agreement with - + Multilingual web Scianza e tecnica search Amazon for on- Museum mailing list site “Leonardo da Boolean operators line purchase of Educational ser- Vinci” di Milano books vices 8. Expansion of Content Basis (New Providers etc.) Name New Provider Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze - Louvre - Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art - Museum of Modern Art - Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Leonardo da Vinci” di Milano -

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9. Access/Costs Name Restricted Access Distinction of free and restricted Fees services/information areas? Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza - - - di Firenze Louvre + - No infos only for subscribers only restricted Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art - - To become a member of the mu- seum Museum of Modern Art - - To become a member of the mu- seum Museo della Scianza e tecnica “Le- - - - onardo da Vinci” di Milano

Museum Shops (MUS) Short Description (Mandatory) 1. General information Name URL Operator/Provider Domain British Museum Company The British Museums Museum: Art Brooklyn Museum of Art Brooklyn Museum of Art Museum: Art Louvre Museum Shop Louvre Museum Museum: Art Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum: Art Museum: Art Rijksmuseum Museum Shop Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Museum: Art Museum: Art, Natural History, Science

2. Description Name Short description Components of the application British Museum Company On Line Museum Shop Shop Brooklyn Museum of Art On Line Museum Shop Shop Louvre Museum Shop On Line Museum Shop Shop Metropolitan Museum of Art On Line Museum Shop Shop On Line Museum Shop Shop Rijksmuseum Museum Shop On Line Museum Shop Shop On Line Museum Shop Shop

3. Best Practise Statement

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Name Excellent features (Best practise) Not so excellent (Worst practise) British Museum Company  visual hierarchical system tree (VHST): this is a  The website design is not optimal: The back- partial site map of the categories and subcat- ground shows too much white to give it a more egories professional appearance  Fast site Brooklyn Museum of Art Beautiful webdesign Delete item from basket by changing number of Mail to a friend items to zero All products have beside the standard price Need to update basket when number of the also the reduced price for museum members same item has increased or decreased depicted It is not possible to order from outside the US due to the compulsory data entry in the ship- ping sheet Louvre Museum Shop 3D pictures The website design is not optimal: The back- Click here to browse some pages of the book ground is not filled in in most pages this does Click here to get the original painting not give it a professional appearance Multimedia: Click here to get a video sample The possibility to become a member is hard to guided search find and no advertisements for member bene- Usersguide fits are to be found on the site except when Apart from the categories on the starting page checking out there is also a (for most part overlapping) divi- The site is a little slow sion with a more pictorial approach Track your orde Payment possible both by creditcard and cheque Metropolitan Museum of Art Gift guide Startpage has too much text and items, it should best-sellers be more clearly structured Track your order Become an affiliate For several products more than one type is available e.g. different sizes for rings or T-shirts All products have beside the standard price also the reduced price for museum members depicted Suggestion for related items Payment possible both by creditcard and cheque Startpage is very well structured, even though it For PC´s with a slow connection the 3D has many functions available presentation is not something to enjoy Create a wishlist site is somewhat slow Gift certificate E-Showcase; if you have started this feature

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Become an affiliate and your connection is not fast it is not It is not Search by museum clear how to disable the “E-Showcase” view Search by artist and return to the normal presentation. Search by period Delete item from basket by changing number of 3D exhibition room items to zero Gift finder Need to update basket when number of the bestsellers= fabulous features same item you want to buy has increased or For several products more than one type is decreased available e.g. different sizes for rings or T-shirts All products have beside the standard price also the reduced price for museum members depicted Rijksmuseum Museum Shop . Most sites have the items ordered only by type The site has a limited number of other features. E.g. of product: Jewellery, sculpture etc. This site Customer services, gift ideas, etc. also has the items sorted by theme: e.g. mar- riage. Depicted by a scrollable picture gallery Startpage is very well structured, even though it Delete item from basket by changing number of has many functions available items to zero Site is fast Need to update basket when number of the Become an affiliate same item you want to buy has increased or Gift finder decreased bestsellers= World favourites It is not possible to order from outside the US Email this item to a friend due to the compulsory data entry in the ship- For several products more than one type is ping sheet available e.g. different sizes for rings or T-shirts All products have beside the standard price also the reduced price for museum members depicted

B Detailed Description 4. User/User Scenarios Name User groups Use Scenarios B2B B2C C2C Supported func- Typical user questions tions British Museum Private end users + + - Direct sale E-mail Company Professionals Telephone (office hours)

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Brooklyn Museum of Private end users + Direct sale FAQ Art Email 7x24 telephone information Louvre Museum Private end users + Direct sale FAQ Shop E-mail: Request for information, Tech- nical problem, Complaint, Request for replacement of goods, Request for re- fund, Track your order Metropolitan Mu- Private end users, + + Direct sale E-mail questions seum of Art professionals 7x24 telephone questions Private end users, + + Direct sale FAQ professionals E-mail questions Telephone questions: Office hours Visitors feedback; questioner/ opinion about the site Rijksmuseum Mu- Private end users + Direct sale - seum Shop SmithsonianStore.- Private end users, + + - Direct sale FAQ com professionals E-mail questions 7x24 Telephone questions 5. Content Base Name Covered Object/Information Types: Categories of items Provider Themes/Topics British Museum Company Art Digital goods Special offers The British mu- Physical goods Books seums Gifts & Home Replicas &Casts Jewellery Clothing & accessories Stationary Toys and Games Special order Casts Brooklyn Museum of Art Art Digital goods Books Brooklyn Museum Physical goods Home decor of Art Jewellery Clothing & accessories Apparel Toys and curiosities

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Louvre Museum Shop Art Digital goods Books Providers: 33 art Physical goods CD, DVD, Video museums organ- Reproductions/posters ised in The Replicas/Sculptures/Casts Réunion des Jewellery Musées Na- Fashion & accessories tionaux. Stationary Every day art Kids Corner Metropolitan Museum of Art Art Digital goods Books Providers: The Physical goods Music Metropolitan Mu- CD-ROMs and Educational Materials seum of Art Videos Corporations in Sculpture some cases with Limited Editions other museums Posters e.g. Kunsthistor- Prints isches Museum Jewellery Wien. Accessories Also CD-ROMs Ties from other mu- Scarves seums on sale For the Home Stationary and Calendars For Kids Art Digital goods Jewellery Providers: Cor- Physical goods Home &Garden porations with Sculpture museums Prints & Posters Books Entertainment Stationary Clothing & Accessories Toys and Games Wedding collection Rijksmuseum Museum Shop Art Digital goods Books unknown Physical goods Multimedia: CD-ROM Reproductions/Posters Replicas/Sculptures/Casts Stationary

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Miscellaneous objects Art, Natural History Digital goods Jewellery Corporations with (in the field of Geo- Physical goods For the Home museums logy: precious stones For the Table in Jewellery), Sci- Books, CDs & Videos ence: models of Toys for all ages ships etc. Clothing & Accessories Sculpture World favourites 6. Object Presentation Name Description of objects Digital storage of ob- Multimedia elements Subject classification jects British Museum Company Title + - + Description Full text Own classification: Product classi- Material Images: jpeg fication Size Price Brooklyn Museum of Art Title + - + Description Full text Own classification: Product classi- Material Images: jpeg fication Price Price for members of museum providing this item Louvre Museum Shop Title + + + Description full text 3D pictures (but they do not Own classification: Product classi- Explore history= more informa- images: jpeg all work) fication tion Material Size Price Metropolitan Museum of Art Title + - Own classification: Product classi- Description Full text fication Material Images: jpeg Size Price Price for members of museum providing this item

03065ecec3ee1765780c343dbb885745.doc REGNET IST-2000-26336 Page 21 of 41 Project Management Best Practise Summary Title + + + Description Full text 3D exhibition room for Own classification: Product classi- Material Images: jpeg posters fication Size Provided by Museumpartner …. Price Price for members of museum providing this item Become a member of the mu- seum providing this item Rijksmuseum Museum Shop Title + - Own classification: Description Full text Product classification Price Images: jpeg Theme classification Title + - + Description Full text Own classification: Product classi- Explore history Images: jpeg fication Material Size Provided by Museumpartner …. Price Price for members of museum providing this item Product is out of stock (only fea- tured if out of stock) ordering notes: gift wrapping available or not 7. Functions/Services Name User Access Methods Search & Retrieval E-Com- Data Entry/ Adminis- Further User In- Value Added Services merce tration Tools teraction British Museum Search methods: Full search Special order Company full search Prelisted search Casts Prelisted search (Cat- No distinctionbetween be- egory search) ginners and advanced users Product type classifica- tion (e.g. sculpture) in some cases further clas- sification is done on

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basis of periods etc. (e.g. Ancient Art) or geograph- ically Brooklyn Museum of Criteria/Categories: Search Modi: Members receive dis- Art Product type classifica- Full search count and information tion (e.g. sculpture) in Prelisted search about private sales, spe- some cases further clas- No distinction between cial product promotions, sification is done on beginners and advanced and Brooklyn Museum basis of region etc. users of Art Shop events Louvre Museum No special target groups Full search Members receive in- Shop Criteria/categories: Category search: prelis- formation by email (if Product type classifica- ted chosen to receive this) tion (e.g. sculpture) in Theme search: prelisted Members get discount some cases further clas- Price search according to the number sification is done on Gift Ideas of loyalty points they basis of periods etc. (e.g. Guided search have received (one Ancient Art) point to the French No distinction between franc) beginners and advanced Members get access to users the member club homepage From the member club home page they can sent special Electronic postcards members receive dis- count to some other webshops Metropolitan Mu- No special target groups Full search Email news (store seum of Art Category search email) Product type classifica- Gift guide Minimum personalised tion (e.g. sculpture) in feature: personal gallery some cases further clas- No distinction between Discount 10% for mem- sification is done on beginners and advanced bers basis of region etc. users Best sellers From our exhibitions Special offers for mem- bers

03065ecec3ee1765780c343dbb885745.doc REGNET IST-2000-26336 Page 23 of 41 Project Management Best Practise Summary No special target groups Full search Email news (store Category search email) Criteria/Categories: Museum search Member discount Product type classifica- Artist search tion (e.g. sculpture) in Period search some cases further clas- Gift Ideas sification is done on Wedding collection basis of region etc. Fabulous features New items No distinction between beginners and advanced users Rijksmuseum Mu- No special target groups Category search - Administration cus- - - seum Shop Theme classification tomer: Product type classifica- No distinction between Name tion beginers and advanced address (for delivery Theme classification users of items) Country (prelisted) address (for account) email address creditcard (brands prelisted and expire dates prelisted) SmithsonianStore.- Criteria/Categories: Full search When you are a mem- com No special target groups Category search ber you receive 10% Product type classifica- Gift Ideas discount and the Smith- tion (e.g. sculpture), in sonian journal monthly. some cases further clas- No distinction between sification is done on beginners and advanced basis of region etc. users Best sellers 8. Expansion of Content Basis (New Providers etc.) Name New Provider British Museum Company Unknown Brooklyn Museum of Art Unknown Louvre Museum Shop Unknown

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Metropolitan Museum of Art Starting up an affiliate program. Already some other museums involved in the shop Registration possible Expansion is a main goal Rijksmuseum Museum Shop No provisions at this moment Registration possible 9. Access/Costs Name Restricted Access Distinction of free and restricted Fees services/information areas? British Museum Company - - - Brooklyn Museum of Art - - - Louvre Museum Shop Membership necessary for member- - - sclub homepage Metropolitan Museum of Art Not purely restricted, but if you be- - - come a member you will get custom- ised information on items from the shop, also for the complete museum site you will get extra facilities - - - Rijksmuseum Museum Shop - - - - - - 10. Further Comments British Museum Company Good, but not outstanding museum shop Brooklyn Museum of Art Good, but not outstanding museum shop. Louvre Museum Shop Outstanding museum shop Metropolitan Museum of Art Outstanding museum shop Outstanding museum shop Rijksmuseum Museum Shop Above average museum shop, but not state of the Art Outstanding museum shop

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Picture Archive (ONB)

C. Short Description (Mandatory) 1. General Information Name URL Operator/Provider Domain

Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Fotografie in Universität Marburg Picture Archive Deutschland f1 online f1 online Gorgus und Partner, Hanauer digital stock photo agency Landstr. 188, 60314 Frankfurt

National Archives and Records Admin- National Archives and Records Admin- Archive, Virtual Gallery istration / NAIL istration (NARA) arch.html 2. Description Name Short description Components of the application Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Fotografie in Deutschland Gateway to archive material: pictures, database 1. Searchable database: work of arts 2. Photo archive, a virtual gallery of german places: buildings, monuments. f1 online f1 online is a photo agency which was founded 1996 Searchable database by 4 photographers. Meanwhile it markets material Exhibitions presenting the work of a photographer (about 30.000 exclusively digital pictures) of more (may be thematic as well) than a hundred photographers. National Archives and Records Administration / NARA is an independent (US-)Federal agency. It’s Searchable databases NAIL website provides access to a variety of web data- Exhibit Hall (wide range of thematic exhibitions) bases: “Digital Classroom”: electronic workshops, informa- -The NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL): tion on summer institutes for educators and oppor- searches a wide range of NARA’s holdings. At the tunities for collaboration with NARA's education pro- moment it is still a working prototype for a future on- gram. line catalog of holdings in Washington, DC, the re- gional records services facilities, and the Presiden- tial libraries. It’s divided in Archival holdings and Mi- crofilm Publications. -JFK Assassination Records -Federal Register : Laws, Regulations, Presidential papers, other Fed.Red.Publications -NARA Library Catalogue

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3. Best Practise Statement Name Excellent features (Best practise) Not so excellent (Worst practise) Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Fotografie in Deutschland Excellent Features (Best Practise): No lightbox, pictures have to be ordered individu- The site is divided into a database and a photo ally. Searches can not be saved for later viewing. archive. No download possibilities yet. No online payment The photo archive is structured according to place- (via credit card, pay-safe-card etc.). No value ad- names (referring to german places) in the alphabet- ded services ical order; this way, also the archive material (which is not in the database) is relatively easy to search with a minimum of effort, as the data structure is easily understood by any user. This feature is matched by the high speed, with which the photo- graphs / thumbnails are displayed as a gallery. The database is also very fast and with many search options. Search is possible via general search field and other, more detailed search fields, all with in- dexes, and an “and/or” option. The quality of the pictures which can be viewed is comparatively high (approx. 500x600 pixels in the database, 1120x1400 pixels in the photo archive). f1 online Excellent Features (Best Practise): Excellent search features: keyword search as well as search via theme list, three search fields (in the german version) combined with boolean operators and picture types (photographs/illustration, themes, formats, color and/or b/w). Lightbox. Chosen set of pictures is always visible. Good set of thumbnails display options. Extended access for registered users (enlarged views of thumbnails (260x400 pixels), submission of prices, online order, search saves and free man- powered search service). Pictures are delivered via ftp, E-mail, ISDN, CD- Rom, leonardo. Direct download in 300dpi possible National Archives and Records Administration / Best coverage of a great range of different object Search results display is only linked to thumbnail NAIL types; functional search masks, fast database, good display (no gallery viewing).

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picture quality (enlarged thumbnail up to 600x600 pixel), big amount of information

Detailed Description

4. User/User Scenarios Name User groups Use Scenarios B2B B2C C2C Supported functions Typical user ques- tions Bildarchiv zur Kunst - private users + + - object search (via formats, prices und Fotografie in - scholars, aca- database, index, pla- Deutschland demics cenames) and picture - internal users preview (where digital - professionals object is available), or- der via mail order form

f1 online professionals: graphic + - - search and picture General terms of designers, advertising preview (thumbnail), trade and conditions agencies and other order via mail order of submission and re- professional image form (for registered production of pic- users of stock photo- users). tures, submission graphs fees, formats, ser- vices, FAQs

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National Archives Private end users, re- + + - search and picture Exhaustive help to and Records Admin- searchers and profes- preview (thumbnail or search forms, FAQ, istration / NAIL sionals enlarged), order via Questions concerning mail order form. NAIL-data, news and events, records man- agement, policies, training, initiatives and projects, bullet- ins, locations and fa- cility hours, persons in charge 5. Content Base Name Covered Themes/Topics Object/Information Types: Categories of items Provider Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Foto- Work of arts, buildings Web presentation of digital photographies, works of art The Bildarchiv Marburg, foun- grafie in Deutschland goods, enabling searches and ded in 1913, is part of the uni- orders of physical goods (re- versity of Marburg. productions) The site represents mainly the “Marburg Index”, to which a variety of institutions have con- tributed: Museums, picture archives, boards for historic monuments and buildings. Total number of all providers: around 30. f1 online People, stillife, business, Web presentation of digital Photographies and illustrations F1 online nature, landscapes, foreign pictures, enabling searches More than a hundred photo- countries, animals, sport, work and orders of digital and phys- graphers contribute to the con- ical goods (CD-Roms). tent, but the main provider is still f1 online: all users deal with f1 online, and the individu- al photographer gets a share (50%) of a business transac- tion. National Archives and Records NARA/NAIL is an historical Data, digital goods, physical Photographies, digital copies The National Archives and Re- Administration / NAIL archive, covering a very broad goods, downloads of video- or of documents / drawings / cords Administration's 33 facil- range of themes: audiofiles, microfilm rental, maps / manuscripts / other ities hold about 21.5 million cu-

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Bankruptcy schooling programs documents, microfilm, sound bic feet of original textual ma- Cold War Era more information may be re- files, video files terials--that's more than 4 bil- Congressional Records and quested by contacting the rel- lion pieces of paper from the Materials evant unit or the reference executive, legislative, and judi- Federal Laws & Regulations staff cial branches of the federal Genealogy & Family History government. The National Holocaust Era Assets Archives multimedia collec- John F. Kennedy Assassina- tions include nearly 300,000 tion Records Collection reels of motion picture film, Nazi War Criminal Records more than 5 million maps, (Interagency Working Group) charts, and architectural draw- School projects ings, more than 200,000 Special Prosecutors and Inde- sound and video recordings, pendent Counsels more than 9 million aerial pho- Veterans' Service Records tographs, nearly 14 million still Watergate Trial Tapes pictures and posters, and World War II: Selected Finding about 7,600 computer data Aids sets. Only a small amount of this data can be found via the NAIL database, which is only a working prototype. NAIL contains more than 3,000 microfilm publications descriptions, 607,000 archival holdings descriptions, and 124,000 digital copies 6. Object Presentation Name Description of objects Digital storage of objects Multimedia elements Subject classification Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Foto- Object information: + - Database: Keywords and grafie in Deutschland Database: (partly): JPEG classification schemes (object - record number of picture type, artist, material, name of - artist buidling/ title, iconography, to- - title of object pography ...with index list). - object type (mainly pic- Picture archive: classification tures, but also pendants, by place names. sketch books, altar pic- tures etc.) .

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+ cataloguing information: de- scription and date of object, format, date of the picture, owner, record number of ob- ject.

Picture archive: - location - minimal information con- cerning the building. - date when picture was taken - record number of picture - owner f1 online - record number of picture + - + - artist JPEG Thesaurus, Keywords and - institution classification schemes (Pho- - keywords tographs/illustrations; general subjects; formats; Color/Black and White). National Archives and Records Huge amount of object in- + + + Administration / NAIL formation is given. full text, photos, images audio and video files Keywords, media type (e.g. Following data fields are JPEG moving images, photographs, used: satellite images ...), NARA Access Restrictions: Acces- Unit, Linkage to “digital copies sion Number only” Agency History: Agency Meth- od of Production Also Available As Annotation Note Arrangement Biographical Note Broadcast Date Bulk Dates Collection Color Containers - Copy Set 1 Containers - Copy Set 2

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Contributors Control Number Copyright Date Corporate Added Entry Corporate Reference Coverage End Date Coverage Start Date Creating Individual Creating Organization Cubic Feet - Copy Set 2 Custodial History Description Level Edited File Unit Finding Aids Former Record Group Num- ber: Function and Use General Note Geographic Reference Inclusive End Date Inclusive Start Date Item Items Language Linear Measurement: Location Location of Originals Media Medium Numbering System Organization Original Title Personal Reference Place of Origin Production Date Production Series: Publica- tions Note: Record Group Number: Record Type/Genre:

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Records Center Number Reference Unit Related Records Release Date Schedule Number: Scope and Content: Series Sound Type Subgroup Subject Reference: Subseries Subtitle Technical Access Title Title Source Total Cubic Feet Translated Title Use and Reproduction Variant Control Number Variant Title 7. Functions/Services Name User Access Methods Search & Retrieval E-Commerce Data Entry/Admin- Further User Inter- Value Ad- istration Tools action ded Ser- vices Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Navigation and search -Modi: Index search, + - - Search pro- Fotografie in Deutsch- full search, field Mail order form for file save, land search digital objects and free man- -Fuctionality: physical goods (CD- powered boolean operators Rom). picture (without the “not”- search option), truncation (at the end of words only) -There is an expert search in the data- base, with many more search fields (about 450) than in the standard version (15).

03065ecec3ee1765780c343dbb885745.doc REGNET IST-2000-26336 Page 33 of 41 Project Management Best Practise Summary f1 online Navigation and search, spe- -Modi: themes cial access for registered search, full search, users (target group: profes- field search sionals as described above); -Functionality: the most recent images may Boolean operators, be viewed by clicking the truncation (at the search button without enter- beginning and at the ing a keyword. end of words) Beginners and ad- vanced users are not differentiated National Archives and Navigation and search, -Modi: themes + - + - Records Administration / “highlights”, “whats new”, search, full search, Different mail order Mail forms, public NAIL “online exhibit hall”. field search form for digital ob- comments on regu- -Functionality: jects and physical lations Boolean operators, goods, depending no truncation on order and provid- -Advanced users: ing unit Plus one more keyword data search field, title search field, search by description level, control number or 6 description level identifiers 8. Expansion of Content Basis (New Providers etc.) Name New Provider Bildarchiv zur Kunst und - Registration of new content providers is certainly possible, but obviously not planned. Fotografie in Deutsch- - Main target is an increase in the number of digitized objects. land So far only about 850.000 of the 1.5 mio pictures of the photo archive are digitized (the rest should be digitized within the next three years), whereas in the database there are 44.000 color prints and 35.000 black and white prints (at the moment). 60.000 pictures are to be digitized within the next 2 years. f1 online Around 100 new images are added each week National Archives and NAIL is updated every weekend. The weekly amount of newly digitized material is not communicated. Records Administration / NAIL

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9. Access/Costs Name Restricted Access Distinction of free and restricted Fees services/information areas? Bildarchiv zur Kunst und - - - Fotografie in Deutsch- land f1 online + + - Free registration possible for professionals National Archives and - - - Records Administration / NAIL

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Short Description (Mandatory)

1.General information Name URL Operator/Provider Domain AskArt Art Gallery WORKINGWITHARTISTS Workingwithartists Site for Artists’ Business ART GALLERY ONLINE ART GALLERY ONLINE Art Gallery ARTCNET.COM FINE ART GALLERY ARTCNET.COM Art Gallery

CHRISTIE’S Auction Art Gallery 2. Description Name Short description Components of the application

AskArt Extensive information of 25000 American Artists in web The world's most comprehensive database about American artists site Formed in 1976, Arts and Business' vision is to help Arts and Business, Consultants, Funding, Support, Artists Services, build communities by developing creative partnerships Commissioning, Purchasing, Internet Galleries, Internet Investments WORKINGWITHARTISTS between business and the arts. Over 350 business members support the organisation and the many schemes it runs. Membership benefits include: advice/information; reference materials on sponsorship, taxation and best practice, priority access to A&B re- search and invitations to a comprehensive programme of events, seminars and conferences. ART GALLERY ONLINE is a newly launched virtual art gallery, striving to be a dynamic art centre and re- ARTIST OF THE WEEK ART GALLERY ONLINE source for anyone who wishes to gain insights into a  JEFF ALU variety of styles, ranging from contemporary abstract to MEMBERS EXPOSED photographic realism.


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904 artworks by 61 artists currentlyavailable.




| ABOUT THE AGO | THE LATEST | ART POLL | NOKIA LO- GOS AND (TAMIL) RINGTONES | “ARTcnet has been founded as an American and in- NAVIGATION PORTAL consists: ternational community of award winning artists and arti- Gallery Associates Program About ARTcnet ARTCNET.COM FINE ART sans who exhibit their artworks on the Artists and Artisans Purchase Policy GALLERY Fine Art Gallery Web site, providing collectors the op- Free membership to Club ARTcnet portunity to purchase these artworks from the comfort Bridal Registry Translate Search Auction of home. All works are juried. Our artists and artisans Under 500 dollars Israel Art Tours have exhibited their artworks in the finest galleries, mu- Special Events Publicity Forums seums and craft shows, and are in the finest collec- Privacy Policy tions. ARTcnet's goals are to act as a cultural bridge among Gallery Portal consists: world artists, artisans and collectors; to increase the in- Crafts, Furniture Painting Photography ternational reputation of our artists and artisans; to pro- Sculpture Collectibles Judaica vide an exchange of information, both informally Artists' Books Lithography New Works through our forum and more formally through our re- Jewelry searched information; and to offer caring service to our collectors, artists, artisans and our world community. ” exhibits almost 1000 unique artworks.

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The Site has 2 main directories: “Enter Navigation”, “Enter Gallery”

CHRISTIE’S begins his work from auction house in CHRISTIE’S site posses relevant to REGNET Directories like: CHRISTIE’S 1766 (see Annexes-History) to expand today its work in Home; Sale Categories , including Fine Art (19th century European Paris, London, New York and Los Angeles. Christie's Art; American Art; Australian Art; British & Continental; Watercolors & has 18 salerooms worldwide and conducts over 1,000 Drawings; British & Irish Art; Contemporary Art; German & Austrian auctions a year, with the majority held in its London Art; Greek Art; Impressionist & Modern Art; Latin American Art; Mar- and New York salerooms.This Company is one of the itime Paintings & Models; Old Master Drawings; Old Master Paint- famous world players at the Artists’ stage with excellent ings; Post-War Art; Sporting Art; Swiss Art) ; Auctions, including experience. The site has rich database with many links Auction Calendar, Auction Results; How to buy; In the Gallery; and opportunities for selling Artist’s works, information LotFinder; PressCenter; WebCast ; Selling, including Consignments; for auctions with 7 subdirectories about future auctions How to Sell; Private Sales; Publications; Our Services, including with online searching dates and places, results, press Appraisals and Valuations; Christie’s Education; Christie’s Images; center Lot Finder, Web Casts. LotFinder®, Christie's Corporate Collections; Museum Services; Security Services; About user-friendly online search engine, allows you to view Christie’s; Help . richly illustrated sale catalogues from Christie's auc- tions around the world.

3. Best Practise Statement Name Excellent features (Best practise) Not so excellent (Worst practise) Elegant and compact design with rich information in only one page. There are General Information, Directories, Searching AskArt Fast searching in a Database of American Artists by First Name and Last Name. Good Help file and a Sample in the main page. WORKINGWITHARTISTS is an example of site helping the This site is only for business. There is not collec- artists in their business. It is fast and well designed. The site is tions of artworks/galleries. WORKINGWITHARTISTS designed specially for business with artists. On the other side there is not everywhere concrete business frames. At the most cases only few words are mentioned for eventually possibilities. Easy and direct navigation ART GALLERY ONLINE Interaction with the user – User Corner with advices to the Artists  Easy and direct navigation. The Design is not very good.  Rich Information with two main directories : The Interface is not very friendship:

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ARTCNET.COM FINE ART GALLERY Navigation and Galleries. There is online search, but the Help Menu is not well  Multilingual support: English, French, German, Italian, Portu- designed. There is not Index Help. You have to gal, Spanish know the Artist to search his works. The site has good design, rich information for Auctions, very friendship interface with explanations, overview, help files for the beginners. CHRISTIE’S This site is developed for participating in Auctions, receiving in- formation for Auctions, information for payment and how to buy, or ordering catalogs for Auctions from the 18 Auction Houses of Christie’s.

B Detailed Description

4. User/User Scenarios Name User groups Use Scenarios B2B B2C C2C AskArt Professionals: Artists Bluebook Participation in Auction Participation of Dealers Artists “The Artists Bluebook™, Houses with possibilities Dealers updated every few months, for searching by name, Amateurs is a directory of the artists city, state that can be found on the web site. In- cluded for each artist is a wealth of information in- cluding full names, dates, state of primary residence, subjects known for, meth- ods, numbers of book refer- ences, total number of auc- tion results, top auction price with date of that auc- tion, and number of mu- seum references.” Different possibilities for Participation in Auction 0.1 CONTRACTS business according to the Houses; “There are professional organisations WORKINGWITHARTISTS Artists Artists’ requirements. There Internet Auction and individuals that offer guidance and is not a direct form for this, expert help within the arts or act as the but through the Consultants, middle person aiding a transaction.

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Experts. Some artists employ agents to deal with promotion and selling. Organisations manage commissions and residencies; galleries or curators show and sell the work of artists and crafts people and consultants forge links between artists and corporate institutions.

If your project is time consuming, com- plex, involving many partners, needing specialist information or expert advice it is always advisable to employ a consul- tant to manage the transaction. Details of their proposed working methods, and previous and current work should be considered when assessing a consultan- t's suitability for the project. The consul- tant usually works on an hourly basis or for a fixed fee. They are usually free- lance and do not represent any specific artist, gallery, dealer, artist estate, artist representative or vendor.”

Artists AWARDS: “Artists' Exchange : ART GALLERY ONLINE Professionals “AGO Awards  ADVICE FOR ARTISTS related topics >>> | TOP | ADVICE Amateurs | TOP | ART AWARD WIN-  ARTISTS' EXCHANGE | NEWS | LIVE ART NEWS | BOARD | NERS | GM WINNERS  SUBMIT ART | AWARDS FOR ME Column Exposй | ARTIST OF THE WEEK |  Essentials by About.- com AGO's members exposed online and off- AGO ART AWARD  Expose Yourself - Tips line. Find out the latest The purpose of AGO Art on how to make yourself Award is to give recognition visible on the Web. Expose yourself on talentX! to artists and to promote art  The Artists Contract - in general. Protect yourself in case of TalentX showcases a new artist each FOR VISUAL ARTS ONLY a dispute! month on eXposй All others can apply for the  How Tos - General how gold medal + other tos on marketing, gallery awards>>> Art Competitions:

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This award is specially de- contact, pricing, etc... - Art Competitions & Juried Art Shows signed for:  Finding an Art Agent - 0.2 - Art Dictionaries Fine Art Artists who work in some tips on finding and - International Art Contest (Art Dept) various mediums; (painting, dealing with agents. - Northern National Art Competi- sculpture, photography, pot-  What NOT to say to tion tery, stained glass, Comput- Artists - Common ignorant er Based Images, etc...)” comments. Advice for Aritsts Sell and showcase your art online. Find the right host, designer” Awards “ Associates Program: If you have a web site, you can join the ARTCNET.COM FINE ART Artists, “ Fine Art Fine Art Gallery Associ- GALLERY Professionals Gallery was mentioned in ates Program and earn money by pro- Amateurs the ARTnews magazine moting any of our art from your own site - feature article, "Collecting in including paintings, lithographs, jewelry, Cyberspace" in its January sculpture, Judaica, fine crafts, collectible 2000 issue in the "Where to paintings, photography and furniture. Buy" section.” You will earn 6% of each sale, no matter how expensive the art! The price range of the art is $49 to $100,000. Link to and start earn- ing money Earn Sales Commission for each Sale Join Us Preview Report Basic Linking to Banners Operating Agreement Privacy Policy

Artists, The Directory: Rich possibilities for buy- CHRISTIE’S Professionals “Books and Publications ing publications, support- Possibility for Consignment Customers - Overview ing the Auctions. Artists participation in Auctions Amateurs - Books Buying catalogs, maga- - Catalogs zines for the Auction - Periodicals Houses with possibilities - Christie’s Review” for searching (for catalogs) Proposes buying different by Sale date and Sale Lo-

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publications in order to par- cation ticipate in Auctions Participation in Education- al Courses for Art, orga- nized in different places (Application form is filled in – pdf form , mailing by post)

5. Content Base Name Covered Themes/Topics Object/Information Types: Categories of items Provider Categories of Interest Digital goods Works of art, One provider AskArt Highest Auction Prices Data Bluebook for Artists Impressionists pre 1940 Information services Hudson River School Auction Houses – rich informa- Notable Sculptures tion with searches by Artist, Auc- Notable Women tion date, state, Sale price, medi- California Artists um, size More Categories Sales Price Directories Museums Dealers Auction Houses Art Travel Directory Art Association General Information Museum/Dealer Registration or Login Dealer Classified About Us; Contact Us; Q & A; Our Database; Our Fan Mail; Order Now. The Artists BlueBook – our Printed Directory

Arts and Business, Consultants, Funding, Historical contest; 10 Ways to One provider: Support, Artists Services, Commissioning, get involved with the Visual Arts; Workingwith- WORKINGWITHARTISTS Purchasing, Internet Galleries, Internet In- About [a-n] – The Artist Informa- artists vestments tion Company;

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| ARTISTS | GALLERY | VOTE | POR- Data, images – in Gallery direc- Catalogs One provider ART GALLERY ONLINE TRAITURE | MAP | FEATURED tory, Dick Blick Free | AWARDS | ARTISTS' EXCHANGE physical goods - Catalogs Catalog (Every- | HOME | thing for Artists)

It presents 904 artworks by 61 artists cur- rently available (the number of the works and artists is changed often - increase) Site Map Page consists: Gallery  Thumbnail Gallery  Artists' Portfolios  Featured Artists Newsings  Site News  Art News  Artists "New"  New Artworks by members Artists' Exchange  Discussion Board  Sell and Showcase  Column Exposй  Art Competitions Listings of Artists  Alphabetized Listing  Listing by Medium Artist of the Week  Vote  Information  Winners Art Corner

 Artists' Exchange  Advice for Artists  Art Awards  Art Awards Winners Submissions  Submit your Artwork

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 Submit your Artwork (for the members) Information  F.A.Q.  Terms of Service  Artists' Agreement  Privacy Policy Spread the Word  Recommend Us  Link to Us  Art Newsletter Get to know us  About AGO  Logo Design Portfolio  Contact Alenka Alenka's Sites of Interest  Free logos and logo design  Business Cards Find artists - use the search tool below NAVIGATION PORTAL consists: Digital goods Works of Art ARTCNET.COM FINE ART Gallery Associates Program About Information services GALLERY ARTcnet Participation in Auction Artists and Artisans Purchase Policy Free membership to Club ARTcnet Bridal Registry Translate Search Auc- tion Under 500 dollars Israel Art Tours Special Events Publicity Forums Privacy Policy

Gallery Portal consists of: Crafts, Furniture Painting Photogra- phy Sculpture Collectibles Judaica Artists' Books Lithography New Works Jewelry

Home; Sale Categories: Artists’ Works and Different One provider

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CHRISTIE’S AntiquitiesAsian & Islamic ArtBooks & - Information services kinds of goods from Auction ManuscriptsChristie's Great EstatesCol- - Auction Houses – rich informa- Houses; lectiblesFine ArtFurniture & Decorative Art- tion with searches Catalogs sJewelry & WatchesMotor CarsPhotographs - Physical goods Books & PrintsWine & Cigars Magazines Auctions: Auction Calendar Auction Results How to Buy In the Gallery LotFinder® Press Center Webcasts Selling: Consignments How to Sell Private Sales Publications: BooksCatalogues Periodicals Christie's Review Our Services: Appraisals and ValuationsChristie's Educa- tionChristie's ImagesCorporate Collections- Museum ServicesSecurity Services About Christie’s: Careers History Locations The Magic of Auctions The Training Programme

Help; Featured Auctions and Events: Fine Art; In the Spotlight; Photographs and Prints; LotFinderTM : Catalogs & Bidding (Search Catalogs); Auction Calendar; In the Gallery; Christie’s Publications

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6. Object Presentation Name Description of objects Digital storage of objects Multimedia elements Subject classification Creator name Images in one format, no There are two types of information around AskArt Period of the Artist About 20 – 30 Kbytes the Image: Select a Category and Artists Object Title 300 x 400 pixels Summary Process/Technique Select a Category Dimension  Books;  Periodicals;  Museums Hold;  Dealers Artwork for Sale Artwork Wanted  Auction Activity Graphs Record Price Biography Image Gallery Active Bulletins Current Exhibits Interested in Updates

Artists Summary This Artist’s Summary Image Gallery Books on this Artist Biographies on this Artist Dealers on this Artist Museums on this Artist Auction Records Graphical Analysis WORKING no no no no WITHARTISTS Data fields: Images: jpeg, photos no ARTISTS ART GALLERY ONLINE ARTIST 2 formats: ART POLL TITLE about JOIN US MEDIUM 5 Kbytes – 150x140 pixels ART NEWS SIZE 32 Kb – 400 x 350 pixels – CONTACT ORDER contact the artist open in new window FEATURED

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MORE ART PORTFOLIO AWARDS ARTCNET.COM FINE Data fields: 3 Types of Images : no Return Add to Cart] [View Cart] ART GALLERY Creator name 30 Kbytes – 230 x 300 pix- Process/Technique els Object Title Year of the work 72 Kb – 370 x 450 px Price Dimension in inches 76 Kb – 540 x 500 px Dimension in cm “ U.S. shipping, handling and insurance are includ- ed” Sale number no Property from the Collection of … CHRISTIE’S Lot number 1 Type of Images Sale Information Artist’s name(years of birth Highlights and dead) 14K – 120 x 180 pixels Press information Object Title or Buy Catalogs Year of the work 15K – 300 x 300 pixels Browse Catalogue Process/Technique Estimate Price (2 digits) 7. Functions/Services Name User Access Methods Search & Retrieval E-Commerce Data Further User Interaction Value Added Services Entry/Ad- ministra- tion Tools Virtual exhibitions  Index search by full or N/A Art Travel Directory AskArt Search functionality by partial Artist’s name Presents search by name of name of the American  Auction Houses’ the city Artists or by Search by “This special search function Museums/Galleries Museum provide names of dealers -Name of Museum and /or museums in the -Name of the City vicinity of the specific city of -Name of the State your destination. For in- Dealer/Gallery stance, if you search for La- -Name of Gallery guna Hills, we will provide -Name of the City you with the adjacent towns -Name of the State of Newport Beach, Costa The Results may be Mesa, Irvine and Huntington

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classified Beach -- all an easy dis- *Alphabetically by tance to enjoy multiple art Name related destinations.” *Alphabetically by State, City Access trough topics: Search for Auction 10 ways to get involved WORKING Arts and Business, Houses with the visual arts. WITHARTISTS Consultants, Funding, o Initiate exhibitions in the Support, Artists Ser- office/ corporate spaces vices, Commissioning, o Establish a contemporary Purchasing, Internet corporate art collection Galleries, Internet In- o Organise an artist in resid- vestments ency programme tailored to Historical contest; company needs 10 Ways to get in- o Build a company museum volved with the Visual or archive Arts; About [a-n] – The o Commission a sculpture Artist Information Com- garden or courtyard pany; o Partner architects and public bodies to introduce art and art related events into public spaces and places in the community o Inaugurate arts related training initiatives o Donate to and sponsor visual artists and visual arts projects o Give employees perks, free membership or dis- counts o Introduce an arts - knowl- edge atmosphere into the of- fice by employing the visual arts in the management strategies and other aspects of business life: office ambi- ence, corporate entertain- ment, company seminars,

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lectures, catalogues, wall texts, cause related market- ing, advertising campaigns Access through topics  Online Searching for Web Discussion Board ART GALLERY | HOME | FEATURED Artists by name related topics >>> | F.A.Q. | ONLINE | ARTISTS CONTACT | ARTISTS' EX- | GALLERY | ART  Online searching CHANGE | NEWSLETTER | POLL | AWARDS Artists by Website NEWS | | NEWSINGS | ARTISTS' EX-  From the “Site Map” Post A Message! CHANGE | MAP | page there is a possibili- Artist friends - R. SIVA (0) Access through the ty for searching: docu-  Kansas City based whole collection, ments, photos. Web Design - Mona - Interactive services: (0) My Met Calendar" al-  13 Steps to Enlight- lows you to customize enment – Alenka the Museum's online Vote for the Artist of the calendar so that it dis- Week plays only those events | VOTE ICONS | ARTIST that are likely to interest OF THE WEEK WINNERS you. | INFORMATION | -"My Met Gallery" gath- This week's poll for the ers together your fa- Artist of the Week begins on vorite works of art from Sunday 24th of June at the Museum's online 12:00 AM (GMT) and closes collection. on Sunday 1st of July at -The Met Store auto- 12:00 AM (GMT). The win- matically fills in your ner will be announced on street and email ad- July 1st. Time Zone Convert- dresses and telephone er and Membership num- bers for the greatest You can vote for one ease of online shopping artist, only once a day. and informs you of spe- cial offers and new products. -The Museum notifies you of special exhibi- tions, educational pro-

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grams, Members' activi- ties, and more with a targeted email service. Access through topics : Arbitrary Search using On-line pur- “ Benefits from our mem- Many services with fees, ARTCNET.COM NAVIGATION POR- Boolean operators: chase of real bership are free! Free bonus, discounts etc. FINE ART TAL consists: “The text search engine goods, digital membership in Club ARTc- are published in: GALLERY Gallery Associates allows queries to be objects net entitles you to:  Fine Art Program About ARTc- formed from arbitrary  a 5% discount on Gallery Operating net Boolean expressions the first item you Agreement Artists and Artisans containing the keywords purchase.  ARTcnet CLUB Purchase Policy AND, OR, and NOT,  Receive our ARTc-  ARTcnet PURCHASE Free membership to and grouped with paren- net newsletter. POLICY Club ARTcnet theses.”  Receive notices of “ TAXATION Bridal Registry special ARTcnet In October, 1998, Con- Translate Search events, which have gress voted to place a 3 Auction included a free raffle year moratorium on In- Under 500 dollars for an ternet taxation. Cus- Israel Art Tours artwork and a recep- toms expenses, if any, Special Events Pub- tion invitation for will be determined by the licity Forums Yoram Ra'anan dur- country from which the Privacy Policy ing a rare visit by item will be shipped and Gallery Portal con- him to the United will be passed on to the sists: States collector. “ Crafts, Furniture, In addition to sales by our Painting, Photogra- artists and artisans, ARTc- phy, Sculpture Col- net will hold auctions, have lectibles, Judaica a forum, lead tours to our Artists' Books, artists' homes and studios Lithography, New for discussion and dining, Works, Jewelry and book list and information Online participating in about international art and Auction- filling form, If museums that you will want your bid is higher than to visit in your travels. “ the last submitted bid,  Alphabetical Directory of your bid will replace the Artists and Artisans: link to listed bid above. When enter their studios the auction is complete, contact you for purchasing in-

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formation. Navigation through top- Search method: Online order filling order Services including CHRISTIE’S ics Full search forms for catalogs, maga- - Appraisals and Valua- - Catalogs zines, books, articles tions; - LotFinderTM - Christie’s Educa- Educational Services: tion; “ Christie's Education has - -Christie’s Images; been providing the opportu- - Corporate Collec- nity to study the Fine and tions; Decorative Arts at a variety - Museum Services; of levels since 1978. Our - Security Services aim is to provide the highest In directory “Selling”: quality education in Art His- - Consignments tory, Connoisseurship and - How to Sell (Infor- the Art Market. Many of our mation How to Sell; graduates now hold key po- Evening Sale; Day sitions throughout the art Sale; Works on Pa- world.” per) - Private Sales 8. Expansion of Content Basis (New Providers etc.) Name New Provider AskArt - WORKINGWITHARTISTS - ART GALLERY ONLINE - ARTCNET.COM FINE ART GALLERY - CHRISTIE’S - 9. Access/Costs Name Restricted Access Distinction of free and restricted Fees services/information areas? AskArt Full access Free services no WORKINGWITHARTISTS Full Access Free Services ART GALLERY ONLINE Full Access Free services

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ARTCNET.COM FINE ART GALLERY Full Access Free services Fees, bonus, discounts etc. are Free Membership to Club published in:  Fine Art Gallery Operating Agreement  ARTcnet CLUB  ARTcnet PURCHASE POLICY CHRISTIE’S Full Access Free Services, Free Registration In directory “Sale Information”

IMAGES WEB ARCHIVE BEST PRACTICES Author: Sam Habibi Minelli Company: Fratelli Alinari, Firenze. Index: 1- Abstract 2- Methodology 3- Analysis of three on-line archives: - CORBIS (U.S.A.) - BRIDGEMAN (U.K.) - SCALA (ITALY) 4- Conclusions 5- Tables of images: - Front pages - Best practices - Worst practices


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This document analyses three important archives that offer images online: CORBIS (U.S.A.), BRIDGEMAN (U.K.) and SCALA (ITALY). The method chosen to execute this analysis is a “breathe-first-method”, examining the web sites on the basis of five main features. A direct comparison among the sites is made and summarised. Lastly some screen capture show front pages, best and worst practices. Great difference among the sites come out if considering : image file formats, size, resolution, watermarking, thumbnails, services. All the sites use a proprietary general-search engine and few of them use specific advanced engines.

2- METHODOLOGY: The “breathe-first-method” is a fast and user-oriented technique: some web sites have large numbers of pages (an average of 800 active links) and usually they offer lots of services that would need excessive amount of time to be analysed and compared. The functionality of the site is detected horizontally after selecting some fundamental features : - Web tree - Key subjects (if published) - Volume of data - Technical information - Best and worst practices


CORBIS : Corbis main offices are in Seattle, Hong Kong, New York, London, Los Angeles, Paris and Kuala Lumpur, the privately-owned company (Microsoft) has approximately 1,300 employees worldwide. The Corbis Collection includes significant photography and fine art from more than 3000 creative sources, including Ansel Adams, Annie Griffith Belt, David Muench, Roger Ressmeyer, Galen Rowell, David and Peter Turnley, Mark Seliger, The National Gallery - London, The State Hermitage Museum - St. Petersburg, Lynn Goldsmith, Morton Beebe, Nick Kelsh and Chuck O'Rear. url:

Tree: Front page (total different front pages 14: it changes each time the user opens the site or refreshes the frame window)

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Shopping (“pictures for home and office”) Shopping (total different front pages 3: the changes each time the user refreshes the frame window) Create Decorate Gift ideas About Shopping chart My account My portfolio Help

Professional licensing (“licence photography for advertising, news, editorials and other professional use”) Professional licensing (total different front pages 1) About Contact What’s new Search engine: Traditional licensing Royalty free Footage News

Biz presenter (“power point presentations, cartoons, templates”) Biz presenter (total different front pages 10)

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Products Services Subscriptions Expert advice About CORBIS Shopping chart My account My portfolio Help

About CORBIS (“corporate web site”) Corporate information (total different front pages 7) Company Press room Employment Partners Photographers

Key subjects: City Views Prints On the Move Photography Digital Pictures Animals Photography Architecture Art Flowers & Foliage

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Editors' Picks Food & Beverage A Bee's Eye View Holidays/Traditions All Aboard! Humour All That Jazz Landscapes Angels in Art People Degas Delight Performing Arts Digital Domain Romance Dinner Party Space & Astronomy Fairway Fantasy Sports & Games Fall Harvest Still Life Fresh Flowers Transportation Great Art Travel Life's a Beach Art Marilyn! Collections Mountain High Framed Sets National Parks Screensavers Rose Garden Ansel Adams Space Odyssey Limited Editions Streamlined Design Explore all images The King Slice of Life Travel Treasures Historic Moments Viva Volcanoes Style Winter Wonderland

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Search engines: - Free text search with refinement option. Volume of data: - 6.5 millions of images. - 2.1 millions of images online. - 56 subjects.

Technical information - thumbnail size: 88x128 pixels - selected thumbnail size: 177x256 pixels - enlarged size: 332x480 pixels - file format JPG

Best practice by CORBIS: - The front page and some secondary pages changes aspect every time you open the url. - There exists a page dedicated to the partners describing them and giving an active link to them. - The users can send their images to the archive after compiling a submission module. - New partners can join the archive submitting a specific module. - Press releases page gives an update overview on what had been written on newspapers and publications. - Easy menu by subject. - Possibility to enlarge the thumbnail. - Good graphical presentation. - Good basket for ideas (downloading images for power point; screen saver images; …). - Fast loading for images.

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Worst practice and errors by CORBIS: - Subjects are not well separated (you can find astronomy put together with fantasy). - Some image are not visible (empty thumbnails): error. - Some image have cropping errors. - Low definition search engine. - Thesaurus on subject (restricted). - Low differentiation of images (in the set “boxing” you can find 10 images representing boxing gloves on a total of 26 images found). - Redundancy of menu in the same page (in the “Professional licensing” there are two apparently different menu) . - Truncated key words give no search result.

BRIDGEMAN : The Bridgeman Art Library (founded in 1972) , collects art images for reproduction: 800 museums, galleries, private col- lections and artists. Almost 3,000 Bridgeman images are available for purchase at a site created by stock agency Getty Images. Some Bridgeman’s sources are the British Library, the National Galleries of Scotland, Sweden and South Africa, the National Galleries of France and Italy. Offices are located in London, New York and Paris. url:

Tree: (no submenus) Browse Search (quick) Portfolio News Features Copyright

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About us

Search engines: 1- Free text search 2- Advanced search (fields: item number; title; artist; nationality; century; broad topic; medium group; location; keywords).

Volume of data: - There is no information on the web site referred to the number of images on line nor on the number of key words.

Technical information - thumbnail size: 62x75 pixels - file format JPG

Best Practice by BRIDGEMAN: - The database is available to all unregistered users without logging in. - Good graphical presentation. - Text-only option (fast way to get information). - Registering of user search criteria. - Simple architecture. - Press releases.

Worst Practice and errors by BRIDGEMAN: - Some image are not visible (empty thumbnails): error. - Too small thumbnails and the watermark is too large.

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- Truncated words give no results by the search engine.

SCALA The Scala Art Library was founded in 1953 by the historian Roberto Longhi. Scala is an archive of colour reproduction (painting, sculp- ture, architecture, decorative arts, archeology, travel). Italian art makes up the core of the collection, but the Library contains thousands of first-rate works from the rest of Europe, the United States, Russia, the Middle and Far East and Africa.


Tree (front page): Primary menu: About us The SCALA picture library How the site works Contact us News Photographic campaigns and additions Newsletter Utilities and services How to request SCALA photos Forgot your password? Prices and conditions SCALA paintings CD-ROM Photographic Lab Themes

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Jewel Battles and music Hunting Princesses Knights Sport Screen saver

Secondary menu: Art: SCALA catalogue Art resource catalogue (U.S. museums). Main museums list

Travel and culture: Travel catalogue Locations list

Search engines: 1- Full-text searches. Free text inquiries in three catalogues (Art, Travel, Art Resource ).

2- Advanced searches, available to registered users, for more than one type of inquiry in each of the three catalogues (Art, Travel, Art Re- source), producing larger images and allowing the user to select and order subjects on line.

Search Fields in “travel and culture section”: title, location, town, state, area, keywords, code.

Search Fields in “SCALA catalogue”: artist; title; location; code.

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Search Fields in “Art resource catalogue (U.S. museums)”: keywords; artist; title; museum/location; city; genre; code.

Volume of data: - 4.000 museums included . - 50.000 colour reproductions of works of art. - 15.000 images of culture and travel. - 7.000 keywords.

Technical information - thumbnail size: 64x32 pixels (secondary menu). - thumbnail size: 180x143 pixels (Themes). - file format JPG

Best practice by SCALA: - Truncated words can give some search results. - English version. - A search ca be sorted by city, location, title in ascending or descending order. - The user can choose the number of images to be visualised.

Worst practice and errors by SCALA: - Slow loading of the images. - Redundant column in the search page. - Too small thumbnails for free search (poor editing quality) for the secondary menu.

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- Mistaken key words give no results for the search (while truncated words can give a search results). - Static pages. - Not homogeneous pages (even the same page has not a defined style for characters: see museums page). - Not synthetic menu. - Discussible theme subjects (i.e. “Battles and music”). - Some images are not marked and some are marked. - The menu gives no tree information: risk of cycling. - Some thumbnails are not displayed (error). - Some pages contain few information (i.e. in this page the images lead to misunderstanding ).

4- CONCLUSIONS 1- Common problems have been found for all sites i.e. not displayed thumbnails (even after some days on the same pages). 2- Images sometimes can be found in sets to which they have almost nothing in common. 3- Some sites use too big static watermark on very small images. 4- Some web sites need lots of time to be explored and cycling is common . 5- Copyright information are necessary. 6- Not enough technical information on images (resolution, format, size, colour channels) to the disposal of the professional user. 7- Graphical aspects of the web site sometimes are undertaken. 8- Using only generic search engine with at most a list of refinement causes a great loss of time for the professional user who would have to examine lot of pages before finding a specific image.


Free text search Yes Yes Yes

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Advanced search No Yes Yes Volume of images on- 2.1 millions Not found Not found line (declared) File format JPG JPG JPG Thumbnail size (quali- Big Too small Too small tative) Watermark Yes Yes Yes Graphical presentation Good Good Sufficient User friendly Good Good Sufficient

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Recommended publications