Jamaal S. Matthews Curriculum Vitae Updated 6/1/12

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Jamaal S. Matthews Curriculum Vitae Updated 6/1/12

Jamaal S. Matthews Curriculum Vitae Updated 6/1/12

Montclair State University College of Education and Human Services 1 Normal Ave, Montclair, NJ 07043 Ma tt hewsj @mail .mont cl ai r.edu

CURRENT POS IT ION Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, College of Education and Human Services at Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ. Department of Educational Foundations





AWARDS AND RECO GNITION  ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award 2010-2011: Finalist of 766 applications from all academic disciplines (Monetary Award, $1,000). February 2011

 American Psychological Association 2011 Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award: APA - Division 15 (Educational Psychology). (Monetary Award, $1,500 & Invited Address, 2012 APA Conference). April 2011

 Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award 2010-2011: School of Education at The University of Michigan. (Monetary Award, $500). April 2011

 National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education (NCRECE) Minority Scholars Fellowship. June 2010 – July 2011 (Research Funds Granted, $12,000)

 Sims Medal: Outstanding Research Paper. University of Michigan (Monetary Award, $5,000). May 2008

S CHOL ARS HIP Refereed Journal Articles

Matthews, J.S., Banerjee, M., Salem, J., & Romano, A. (under review) Bringing “the Self” back to discussions on academic identification: Considering the role of self-efficacy and self-regulated learning.

Carolan, B., Weiss, C., & Matthews, J.S. (under review). Which middle school model works best? Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study.

Matthews, J.S., Marulis, L., & Williford, A. (under review) Predictions and predictors of gender processes in children's socio-emotional, cognitive and school-related outcomes.

Matthews, J.S., (revise & resubmit). Multiple pathways to success: Toward a comprehensive understanding of identification with academics in inner-city boys. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology

Matthews J.S., Kizzie, K., Rowley, S.J., & Cortina, K. (2010). African-American boys: understanding the literacy gap, predicting academic trajectories and evaluating learning-related skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(3), 757-771.

Matthews J.S., Ponitz, C.C., & Morrison F.J. (2009). Early gender differences in self-regulation and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(3), 689-704.

Ponitz, C.C., McClelland, M.M., Matthews J.S., & Morrison F.J. (2009). A structured observation of behavioral self-regulation and its contribution to kindergarten outcomes. Developmental Psychology, 45(3), 605-619.

Journal Articles in Preparation

Matthews, J.S., & Vukovic, R. (in prep). Girls’ math anxiety.

Matthews, J.S. (in prep). The educational experiences of African-American boys: Weighing the issues.

Kizze, K.T., Matthews, J.S., Rowley S.J., & Foust, M. (in prep). Self-determination and resilience in African-American males in special education.

Rowley, S.J., Maddox, J.L., Meyer, R.L., Byrd, C., Evans, A., Kizzie, K.T., & Matthews, J.S. (in prep). Culture clash? Interactions between Afro-cultural and mainstream cultural styles in classrooms serving African-American students. Select Scholarly Presentations (refereed)

Carolan, B., Weiss, C., & Matthews, J.S. (March, 2012). Which Middle School Model Works Best? Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at the 2012 Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Conference.

Matthews, J.S. (October, 2011). Toward a holistic understanding of identification with academics in ethnic-minority boys at-risk for academic failure. Paper presented at the 2011 National Network for Education Renewal Conference.

Matthews, J.S. & Marulis, L. (August, 2011). Predictors and predictions of gender differences in children's socio-emotional, cognitive and school-related outcomes. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Division 15 -- Educational Psychology.

Matthews, J.S. (June, 2010). Toward an understanding of academic identification in black and latino adolescents. Paper Symposium at the American Psychological Association, Division 45 -- Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues.

Rowley, S.J., Matthews, J.S., & Kizzie, K.T. (April 2009). How did the gap come to be? Relating theories on the origin of the achievement gap to motivation in black adolescents. Paper presented at Symposium at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

Matthews, J.S. (March, 2008). African-American boys: Understanding the literacy gap, predicting academic trajectories and evaluating learning-related skills. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

Matthews, J.S., Griffin, A., & Rowley, S., (April, 2007). The role of learning related skills: Filling in the literacy gap for African American boys. Paper Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

Matthews, J.S & Jewkes, A., (March, 2007). Early gender differences in self-regulation: A forecast of the impending storm. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

Morrison, F., Cameron, C., McClelland, M., & Matthews, J.S. (March, 2007). Self -regulation and academic achievement in the transition to school. Paper presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. COURS ES TAUGHT EDFD 200 “Psychological Foundations of Education,” *Primary Instructor* This course serves as an introduction to psychological science as it relates to educational practice.

ELRS 503 “Methods of Research,” *Primary Instructor* This course offers an overview of key methodological principles and approaches to quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research. Research literacy and developing the ability to access, read, and critique professional research literature in both education and counseling domains is a central focus on the course. The course also provides an opportunity for students to evaluate current research relevant to their professional interests.

ELRS 580 “Learning Theories,” *Primary Instructor* This course surveys various psychological theories and phenomena in human development and learning. The course explores the psychological processes behind teaching, learning, and motivation.

PSYCH 250 “Introduction to Developmental Psychology,” *Graduate Student Instructor* Course is an introduction to developmental theory and processes in psychological science across the lifespan.

PSYCH 356 “Introduction to Educational Psychology,” *Graduate Student Instructor* Course surveys various aspects pertaining to the psychology of teaching, learning and motivation in educational settings.

ED 391 “Educational Psychology and Human Development,” *Primary Instructor * This course is designed to introduce pre-service secondary teachers to theory, concepts, and research in the application of psychology to education. The emphasis of the course is applying psychological theory to classroom settings to develop an understanding of how students learn and develop and thus develop a powerful pedagogy. PRO FESS IONAL E XPERIENCE Program Director for T.H.R.E.A.D.S. Boys mentorship program at West Middle School, Ypsilanti, MI. 2005-2009

CNertifiw Ycaorktion). Sta te6th E-8lethmen gratdear ymath & Middleematics School teache Tr,e Paublcheirc ( SPechoolrman 30ent6 ,N Beronw Yxo, rkNe Stwa Yteork.

S KIL LS Advanced Statistical Techniques: Proficiency in Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Program Evaluation & Consulting

Program Development, Implementation and Management

Teacher Education, Professional Development & Curriculum Development

New York State Certified Instructor: Elementary/Middle School

FU NDED RES EARCH Matthews, J.S. N a t i on a l C e nter for R e s ea r c h on E a r l y Chi l dhood Edu c a t i on (201 0- 2011) The NCRECE Research Mentoring Program for Minority Scholars, Funded $12,000.

Matthews, J.S. P i l lsbu r y G ra du a te R e s e a r c h A wa rd ( 2009) Academic identification in minority boys at risk for academic failure. The Pillsbury Graduate Research Award, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan, Funded $1,000.

Matthews, J.S. D e p a rtm e nt of P s y c hol o g y Disse r t a t i on/Th e sis G ra nt (200 8 ) Academic identification in minority boys at risk for academic failure. The Dissertation/Thesis Grant, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Funded $1,000. PRO FESS IONAL S ERVICE Reviewer, 2010, American Psychological Association, Division 45

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Elementary School Journal (ESJ)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (CDEMP)

Organizational assistant to the division chair, 2009-2010, American Psychological Association, Division 45

Graduate Admissions Council, 2010, Masters of Arts in Teaching and Post-baccalaureate in Teacher Certification programs, Montclair State University

Advisor and Consultant 2009-2010, Gear-Up program, Office of Academic and Multicultural Initiatives at the University of Michigan.

Combined Program in Education and Psychology (CPEP), Executive Committee, University of Michigan - Curriculum Committee Member - Admissions Committee Member

Community Outreach Chair & Undergraduate Recruitment Chair 2009, Black Students Psychological Organization, University of Michigan.

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