Paramedic to ADN Mobility

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Paramedic to ADN Mobility

October 22, 2010 NUR 111 Paramedic to ADN Mobility

Plan of Instruction

Effective Date: Spring, 2011 Version Number: 2010-1

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to assist the nationally registered paramedic transitioning to the role of the associate degree nurse (ADN). Emphasis is placed on basic and advanced nursing skills; the nursing process; communication; selected theories needed to develop competencies necessary to meet the needs of individuals through the lifespan in a safe, legal, and ethical manner; concepts related to psychosocial needs of individuals; and the role of the registered nurse. Upon completion of the course students will be able to articulate into the ADN program. Clinicals required in medical/surgical; obstetrics; and pediatrics. Lab and clinical are required.


Theory Credit Hours 8 hours Lab Credit Hours 1 hour Clinical Credit Hours 3 hours Total Credit Hours 12 hours

NOTE: Theory credit hours are a 1:1 contact to credit ratio. Lab and clinical hours as are 3:1 contact to credit ratio. (Ref Board Policy 705.01)

Alabama Community College System Copyright© 2010 All Rights Reserved Paramedic to ADN Mobility NUR 111


As determined by college.


As determined by college.


Condition Statement: Unless otherwise indicated, evaluation of student’s attainment of objectives is based on knowledge gained from this course. Specifications may be in the form of, but not limited to, cognitive skills diagnostic instruments, manufacturer’s specifications, technical orders, regulations, national and state codes, certification agencies, locally developed lab/clinical assignments, or any combination of specifications.


NOTE: Specific objectives associated with these modules are from the referenced plans-of- instruction.

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MODULE A – FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING (Ref: NUR 102)  Professional behaviors  History of nursing  Nursing educational career paths  Competencies of the nurse  Standards of nursing practice  Legal/Ethical  Communication skills  Establishing therapeutic nurse-client/family relationship  Communication process  Therapeutic/Non-Therapeutic communication  Barriers to effective communication  Documentation/reporting  Communication among healthcare team members  Providing needs-based care  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Client/family lifespan  Impact of culture, ethnicity, spirituality, and sexuality  Effects of anxiety, stress and adaptation on homeostasis  The impact of grief and loss  Recording client care  Nursing process and critical thinking  Nursing process  Critical thinking and decision making  Activities of daily living  Hygiene  Toileting  Mobility  Skin integrity  Therapeutic environment  Safety  Risk factors  Body mechanics  Mobility  Environmental hazards  Medical and surgical asepsis  Safety devices (restraints)  Risk management issues  Introduction to disaster preparedness  Comfort, pain, sleep and rest  Comfort measures  Pain management  Sleep promotion  Rest promotion

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MODULE A – FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING (Ref: NUR 102) - Continued  Nutrition/fluid balance  Intake and output  Therapeutic diets  Enteral nutrition  Nutrients  Parenteral therapy  Nutritional disorders  Nasogastric tube insertion and maintenance  Enteral feeding  Maintaining oxygenation  Oxygen administration  Nasopharyngeal suctioning  Oxygen maintenance  Pulse oximetry  Emergency procedures  Maintain elimination  Bowel/bladder elimination procedures  Catheterization  Urinary diversions  Ostomy care  Enema  Specimen collection

MODULE B – HEALTH ASSESSMENT (Ref: NUR 103)  Growth and development throughout the life span  Health history  Obtaining a health history  Normal and abnormal assessment findings  Documenting assessment  Conducting a general survey  Techniques  Physical assessment  HEENT  Integumentary System  Respiratory System  Circulatory/Lymphatic System  Breast and Axillae  Abdomen  Reproductive System  Musculoskeletal System  Neurological System  Vital signs across the lifespan

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MODULE C AGING PROCESS (REF: NUR 102)  Theories  Psychosocial Changes  Developmental tasks of the older adult o Changes in routines o Changes in housing o Fixed Income o Family and Social relationships  Personality changes seen with the older adult  Current social problems/issues of the elderly as reported in the media  Health Care – Who is paying?  Health Maintenance  Accident prevention  Adequate nutrition  Adequate rest and exercise  Independence and self-esteem

MODULE D - 1 – ADULT NURSING (Ref: NUR 105)  Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance  Fluid and electrolyte homeostasis  Disturbances in fluid and electrolyte balance  Acid-base homeostasis  Acid-base alterations

MODULE D - 2 – ADULT NURSING (Ref: NUR 105)  Perioperative care  Nurses role within perioperative settings  Informed consent  Pre-operative  Intraoperative  Post-operative  Integumentary system (REF: NUR 102) o Pressure ulcers (Decubitus) o Inflammatory o Infections o Skin Cancers o Dressing change  IV therapy  Roles and responsibilities  Patient physical and psychological preparation for IV therapy  IV Complications and problems  Monitoring and maintenance of the IV  IV medications

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 Blood, blood products, and volume expanders  Vascular Access Devices (VAD)

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MODULE D - 2 – ADULT NURSING (Ref: NUR 105) Continued  System alterations  General areas o Diagnostic tests o Alterations o Nursing process o Pharmacological agents  Respiratory system o Acute Upper o Chronic Upper o Acute Lower o Chronic Lower o Occupational lung Diseases o Trach care  Cardiovascular system alterations o Hypertension o Peripheral Vascular Alterations o Hematological o Congestive heart failure (left and right) o Aneurysms

MODULE D - 3 – ADULT NURSING (Ref: NUR 105)  Endocrine system alterations  Terminology and A&P review o Diabetes o Acute and Chronic Complications  Musculo-skeletal system alterations  Musculo-skeletal traumas  Inflammatory alterations  Degenerative alterations  Gout  Lyme disease  Osteomylacia disease  Surgical procedures  Teaching and Learning (Ref: NUR 201)  Teaching/learning terms  Elements of a teaching/learning plan  Role of the registered nurse in teaching/learning

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MODULE D - 4 – ADULT NURSING (Ref: NUR 105)  Upper gastrointestinal system alterations  Infectious/Inflammatory  Hiatal hernias  Gastrostomy tube reinsertion and management  Surgical procedures  Cancers of upper GI  Lower GI (Ref: NUR 201)  Acute and chronic abdominal pain  Peritonitis  Inflammatory bowel disease o Ulcerative colitis o Crohn’s disease  Intestinal obstruction  Polyps  Hernia  Diverticulosis/diverticulitis  Sprue  Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)  Hemorrhoids  NEC  Analrectal abscess  Fistula  Pilonidal sinus  Cancers  Accessory organs o Jaundice o Hepatitis  Cirrhosis o Esophageal varices o Ascites o Hepatic encephalopathy  Liver transplant  Acute and chronic pancreatitis  Cholelithiasis  Cholecystitis  Cancers  Biliary Atresia  Role of the nurse  Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents and treatments  Nutritional considerations  Health promotion  Nursing process  Impacts on maternal and pediatric clients

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MODULE D - 5 - ONCOLOGY NURSING (REF: NUR 201)  Terminology and A& P review  Overview of common cell types  Diagnostic tests  Tumor staging  Role of the RN in prevention and detection  Health promotion and prevention  Clinical manifestations  Legal and ethical issues  Role of the nurse  Client/family decisions related to care and treatment  Overview of treatment modalities across the lifespan  Pharmacological agents  Radiation  Others  Nutrition  Psychosocial  Hospice care  Client/family education  Community resources  Pain management  Nursing process  Impacts on maternal and pediatric clients

MODULE E INTRODUCTION TO MENTAL HEALTH CONCEPTS AND ISSUES (REF: NUR 201)  Mental health terms and concepts  Mental health vs. mental illness  Coping and adaptation  Stress and anxiety  History of the care of the mentally ill  Cultural influences  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV-TR  Mental health team  Legal and professional issues  Client advocacy  Promoting and maintaining psychosocial integrity based on American Nursing Association standards  Role of the registered nurse  Legal and ethical issues o Reporting incidents o Using restraint devices o Client confidentiality o Informed consent o Refusing treatment o Reporting client abuse

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MODULE E INTRODUCTION TO MENTAL HEALTH CONCEPTS AND ISSUES (REF: NUR 201) - Continued  Therapeutic relationship and communication  Client  Family  Multi-disciplinary health team  Incorporating an interpersonal relationship record (IPR) into care plan development  Selected theories  Selected therapies  Health promotion  Common mental health alterations  Crisis  Cognitive disorders  Anxiety disorders  Suicide  Pharmacological agents and treatments  Nutrition  Nursing process

MODULE F SENSORY SYSTEM ALTERATIONS (REF: NUR 201)  Terminology and A&P review  Visual alterations  Refractive errors o Amblyopia o Strabismus o Astigmatism o Presbyopia o Myopia o Hyperopia  Blindness  Trauma o Hematoma o Chemical burns o Corneal abrasions o Penetrating wounds o Foreign bodies  Infection/inflammation o Conjunctivitis o Blepharitis o Keratitis  Disorders  Cataracts  Retinal detachment  Glaucoma  Retinitis pigmentosis  Macular degeneration  Cancers

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MODULE F SENSORY SYSTEM ALTERATIONS (REF: NUR 201) - Continued  Hearing alterations  Hearing loss o Conductive loss o Sensorineural loss o Mixed hearing loss o Otosclerosis o Tinnitis  Trauma  Foreign body  Infection/inflammation o Otitis o Labrynthitis  Inner ear disorders o Meniere’s  Role of the nurse  Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents and treatments  Nutritional considerations  Health promotion  Nursing process  Impacts on maternal and pediatric clients

MODULE G REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS (Ref: NUR 201)  Terminology and A&P review  Sexuality issues  Family planning  Sexually Transmitted Diseases  PMS  Menopause  Safe sex  Toxic shock  Precocious puberty  Uterine  Fibroids  Prolapse  Hysterectomy  Anterior and Posterior (A&P) repairs  Cervical  Inflammatory diseases  Ovarian  Polycystic disease  Breast  Fibrocystic disease  Mastectomies  Cancer of the breast (male and female)

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MODULE G REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS (Ref: NUR 201) - Continued  Cancers of the female reproductive system  Infertility  Role of the nurse  Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents and treatments  Nutritional considerations  Health promotion  Nursing process  Impacts on maternal and pediatric clients

MODULE H – MATERNAL AND CHILD NURSING (Ref: NUR 106)  Antepartum  Family dynamics  Preconception health promotional considerations  Fetal development  Signs of pregnancy  Physiological changes of pregnancy  Psychological adaptation to pregnancy  Prenatal education and care  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents  Nutrition  Discomforts of pregnancy  Childbirth education  Complications of pregnancy  Nursing roles  Assessment of fetal well-being  Complications of pregnancy  Pathophysiology/Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents/treatments  Nutritional considerations  Health promotion  Intrapartum  Onset of labor  Maternal responses to labor  Variables affecting labor  Stages of labor  Admissions of client in labor  Psychosocial care during intrapartum  Diagnostic tests  Nutritional considerations  Obstetric procedures  Induction/augmentation of labor  Pharmacology  Immediate newborn/mother care

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MODULE H – MATERNAL AND CHILD NURSING (Ref: NUR 106) - Continued  Postpartum  Family adaptation  Physiologic changes  Psychosocial changes  Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act of 1995  Health promotion  Vaginal/Cesarean birth  Diagnostic tests  Nutritional considerations  Pharmacological/treatments  Postpartal procedures  Complications  Teaching and learning for postpartal care and discharge  Newborn care  Care needs of the newborn  Physical characteristics of the newborn  Reflexes  Behavioral characteristics  Gestational age  Diagnostic tests  Nutritional considerations  Pharmacological agents/treatments for the newborn  Selected procedures o Circumcision o Hearing screens o Heel sticks o Serology screening  Complications  Cultural diversity  Teaching and learning  Pediatric care  Teaching and learning strategies  Preparing the pediatric client and family for hospitalization  Developmental assessments  Pediatric procedures  Scheduled immunizations  Nutritional considerations  Cultural diversity  Health promotion  End of life issues

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MODULE I – SELECTED PEDIATRIC ALTERATIONS (Ref: NUR 106)  Pathophysiology  Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents/treatments  Nutritional considerations  Health promotion  Selected pediatric alterations  Respiratory system  Cardiovascular system and Blood Disorders  Infectious disorders, Lymphatic and Immune systems  Gastrointestinal system  Musculoskeletal system  Endocrine system  Integumentary system  Nervous system  Sensory system  Genitourinary system  Psychosocial disorders

MODULE J ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS (REF: NUR 201)  Terminology and A&P review  Alterations  Thyroid (hyper/hypo)  Addison’s  Cushing’s  Pheochromocytoma  Pituitary disorders  Parathyroid  Cancers  Role of the nurse  Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic tests  Pharmacological agents and treatments  Nutritional considerations  Health promotion  Nursing process  Impacts on maternal and pediatric clients

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MODULE K – MEDICATION CALCULATION AND ADMINISTRATION ASSESSMENT (REF: NUR 102, 104, 201)  Review of math for pharmacology  Calculating dosages across the lifespan  Intravenous calculations  Advanced calculations  Administering medications  Administering medications through tubes  Gastrointestinal tubes  Genitourinary tubes  Medication administration and calculations

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