Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council

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Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council

NETTLESTONE AND SEAVIEW PARISH COUNCIL (These Minutes are unconfirmed and are not an official record until signed).

MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held at Masonic Hall, Seaview on Monday 18th February, 2013 at 7.00pm

PRESENT: Cllr. Tuson (Chairman), Cllrs. Thomas Foxley, Colledge, Moore (part), Bradford, Jarman, Shimmen, Holloway, Turner and I W Cllr Barry.

The Chairman welcomed Members and residents (8).

Questions/comments were invited:  Mr J Howkins – Request for financial assistance (Armed Forces Day) to be an Agenda item in March; surface water drain on Nettlestone Green (opposite the Glade) blocked; Coastal footpath (R84 towards Priory Bay Hotel front entrance road a quagmire).  M/s J King – clarification sought from IWC about road safety and refuse collection at the Duver beach hut development (Clerk emailed but has been off line for almost 2 weeks); pot holes in Oakhill Road a serious problem, Cllr Barry though they had been repaired. M/s King to check.

3956 Apologies for Absence. Received from Cllr Kalaher (family commitment) and Cllr Moore (unwell) for leaving after making his statement re the ‘Pennyfeathers’ planning application. 3957 Declarations of Interest. Cllr Moore declared a prejudicial interest in the planning application P/01802/12 (‘Pennyfeathers’) as a Member of Ryde Against Pennyfeathers Steering Group. Cllr Thomas Foxley declared a personal interest in planning applications relating to 2, Hayward House and Summerlands. Cllr Turner declared a personal interest in planning applications relating to Kevchadeb and Summerlands. Cllr Colledge declared a personal interest in planning application relating to Kevchadeb 3958 The Minutes of the last meeting held on 14th January, 2013 were unanimously approved with no amendments. 3959 Matters Arising. 3946 (3918) no progress re footpath at Bullen Cross. 3960 Planning. a) Delegated decisions to be reported at March meeting b) Application considered prior to the Meeting. (closing date for comments 08.02.2013) P/01929/12: Removal of terrace and external staircase, alterations, single/two storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation to include terrace and external staircase at 23 Sandcove Rise, Seaview. No comments were submitted. c) The following applications were considered: i) P/00040/13: Demolition of entrance porch, proposed entrance porch at 54 Caws Avenue. Proposed by Cllr Thomas Foxley, seconded by Cllr Turner that this application be supported as an unobtrusive improvement to the property. Carried unanimously. ii) P/01802/12: Outline for 904 residential units, school, community centre, commercial buildings, relocation of Westridge Garage, community energy centre, sports building and changing rooms, structural landscaping, play areas and associated highway improvements on land known as Pennyfeathers, land to the south of Smallbrook Lane and to the west of Brading Road. Cllr Barry, as a Member of IWC Planning Committee left the meeting. Cllr Moore then explained his reasons why an objection should be submitted on this application. He then left the meeting. Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Thomas Foxley that an objection be submitted on the following grounds: - over development with the need for the number of homes not being satisfactorily proved; the potential negative impact on infrastructure, particularly schools, highways and transport; foul and surface drainage with local sewers and sewerage disposal at capacity and Monkton Brook susceptible to regular flooding; with several business units on Brading Road vacant the necessity for further commercial premises is doubtful. Members also noted that there are alternative sites available including Ashey Road and Harcourt Sands and that the draft Ryde Area Action Plan included provision of 1900 homes with a minimum of 35% affordable housing. Carried by 6 votes for with 2 abstentions. Cllr Barry returned to the meeting iii) P/00100/13: Removal of existing galvanised balcony and construction of new parapet with glass balustrade to provide replacement balcony; removal of plastic fascia panel on side elevation and replacement with painted brickwork to match existing at Flat 2, Hayward House, Esplanade. Proposed by Cllr Thomas Foxley, seconded by Cllr Holloway that this application be supported as an attractive improvement and addition to the property. Carried unanimously. iv) P/00106/13: Single storey extension to form cattery at Kevchadeb, Bullen Road. Noted that, whilst there were letters of support accompanying the application there were four letters of objection from near neighbours on IWC website. It was also noted that an application for a similar facility has recently been submitted, on appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Proposed by Cllr Bradford, seconded by Cllr Turner that an objection be submitted because of the negative effect the proposal will have on this wholly residential area and the adverse effect it will have on the amenities and well being of neighbours. Carried by 6 votes for,1 against,1 abstention. It was also questioned whether the application should have included change of use. v) P/00118/13: Replacement planning permission (P/01103/10) in order to extend time limit for implementation at Greenacre, Puckpool Hill. Clerk confirmed that original application had been unanimously supported. Proposed by Cllr Thomas Foxley, seconded by Cllr Jarman that the application be again supported. Carried unanimously. vi) P/00122/13: Alterations; single storey extension and conversion of garage to form annexed accommodation including dormer window on east elevation; 2 storey extension to form games/tv room with accommodation over; alterations to roof; bay window extended to firm floor level at Summerlands, Bluett Avenue. Proposed by Cllr Thomas Foxley, seconded by Cllr Holloway that the application be supported as an enhancement to the property, improving the street scene with little or no effect on neighbours. Carried unanimously. d) Appeal decision – P/0009/12: Holy Cross Church – Appeal dismissed. e) Notification of Appeal – P/01612/12: Alterations; extension to and conversion of stables to form residential unit; building to provide cattery etc at Barnsley Farm, Bullen Road. 3961 Reports. i) I.W. Cllr Barry reported that he is speaking against the Tesco planning application for a key cutting etc module at tomorrow’s IWC Planning Committee. Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had not submitted an objection (no material grounds) but had expressed concern about the effect the continued expansion at Tesco was having on local businesses and village/town centres. ii) IWALC – Cllr Kalaher not present. iii) N&SCP – Cllr Barry reported that, at the recent AGM he had agreed to serve another year as Chairman. The pancake race had taken place on 12th February and the next event is the May Fayre on 4th May. iv) Seagrove Pavilion Trust – Cllr Colledge reported that it is hoped that building work should commence on 4th March with completion set for 29th July. A meeting has been arranged with residents living close to Seaview Recreation Ground on 28th July at 7.00pm in the Roadside Inn. Everyone welcome and Members invited. Pledges are still being called in and fund raising is ongoing. v) Seaview F C – Cllr Colledge reported that a recent quiz evening had raised £87.00 with the next scheduled for 7.30pm on 21st February at the Old Fort Inn. A race night at the Wishing Well will follow with funds raised going to Seagrove Pavilion 3962 P.A. System. Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Bradford that no further action be taken on this provision at this time. Carried by 7 votes for, 1 against 3963 Annual Tree Safety Survey. Clerk had circulated précis of report compiled by MJC Tree Services Ltd. A large ash in Pier Road has died and requires felling. Permission has been sought from Tree Section of IWC and a quotation of £300.00 + VAT obtained from Russell Page. Proposed by Cllr Bradford, seconded by Cllr Thomas Foxley that the work recommended and identified by the Clerk be carried out and that, subject to the necessary permission, the quotation of £300.00 plus VAT from Russell Page be agreed. Carried unanimously. The Clerk’s report is attached to these Minutes as Appendix A. 3964 Holy Cross Church and Historic Wall (Rope Walk). Cllr Turner noted that the dismissal of the appeal to demolish the church was a short term victory. Should no community use be found (in two years) it was likely that the application for redevelopment would be approved. He also suggested that the stone wall at the rear of the property (part of the Seafield estate?) should be protected (acknowledged that parts of the wall are missing/altered). Proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Thomas Foxley, that a request be submitted to have the Conservation Area boundary altered to include this section of the wall. Carried unanimously. M/s Jo King was asked to contact objectors to the planning application to attempt to identify a community use for the church. 3965 Correspondence. Following items circulated for information: -  IWC – Street Trading Consent; Kaputino. No comments submitted  IWC – Electoral Commission Guidance and timetable of proceedings. Nomination papers available from the Clerk  IWC – Tree work at Urban Saints Centre, Westbrook  IWC – TPO/2013/05; the Meadows, Priory Drive.  IWC – Confirmation of adoption of Parish Plan as a Supplementary Planning Document.  IWC – Tax base and Precept setting 2013/2014.  IWALC – Review of UK assisted area status.  M/s J King – water run-off from Duver beach hut site into Hersey Nature Reserve lagoon (possibly in contravention of condition 4 of P/01195/08).  Navitus Bay – Public Exhibitions.  Mr R Botley – concerns about the proposed development at Harcourt Sands. Clerk to reply. 3965 Appointments Sub-Committee. Minutes of meeting held on Monday 21st January 2013 had been circulated. The Minutes are attached as Appendix B. Because of the failure of his computer, the Clerk had extended the closing date to Friday 22nd February for six applicants who had requested application packs via email. The next meeting, to identify a short list and review Contract of Employment, will take place at 9.30am on Friday 1st March at 9.30am at 2, West Priory Cottages. 3966 Seaview Dinghy Park - to be considered for registration as an Asset of Community Value. Following discussion, it was, unanimously agreed to apply to have Pier Road Dinghy Park registered as an Asset of Community Value. 3967 N&SCP Representation. Unanimously agreed that Cllr Shimmen should replace Cllr Tuson as second representative on the Partnership. 3968 To consider accepting ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with Highways PFI. Proposed by Cllr Bradford, seconded by Cllr Jarman that the Chairman and Clerk be authorised to sign the Memorandum of Understanding transferring responsibility for the maintenance of Highways Assets (litter/dog bins, village signs and benches) from Isle of Wight Council to PFI. This transfer does not affect ownership of such assets. Carried unanimously. 3969 Finance. a) The following receipts noted: Dinghy Park - £20.00; Interest - £26.56; Economic Improvement Fund - £550.00. (Barnsley Trail improvements). Extension approved by IWC for completion of improvements to part of the grassed surface at Eddington Road Play Area (grant of £1,250.00 i.e. 50% of the estimated cost). Transfers £10,000 from Deposit to Instant Access A/c (was 30 day a/c); £5,000 from Instant Access A/c to Current A/c. b) Payments – the following payments were approved: - £ Landscape Group – Grass cutting etc 6 months 602.84 Russell Page – Barnsley Trail improvements 480.00 IW County Press – advertisements for Clerk’s vacancy 175.68 P Attrill – repairs to Nettlestone Hill Hedge (insurance 353.00 claim) and tree clearance at Ansells Copse Southern Water – water account at allotments 7.99 M A Parsley – salary 1134.06 M A Parsley – Expenses: telephone – £15.00; postage 212.69 - £7.90 £; mileage - £41.85; Stationery/cartridges - £90.46; Dinghy park reminders - £38.66; VAT - £18.82 c) The Income and Expenditure Update to 31st January 2013 had been circulated. There were no questions. d) Final Precept Figure. Clerk confirmed that following a Government ‘grant’ of - £495.00 the final precept figure had been set at £29,020 e) Grant Applications – Clerk had circulated request from Jubilee Sailing Trust. Proposed by Cllr Bradford, seconded by Cllr Turner that, whilst the work of the Trust is much valued no grant be made. Carried by 7 votes for, 1 abstention. f) Proposed by Cllr Thomas Foxley, seconded by Cllr Tuson that March accounts be paid on 7th March to allow completion of VAT reclaim and clearance of cheques g) Agent for Salary Payments. Proposed by Cllr Colledge that Diane Malley be engaged to complete Parish Council payroll in 2013/2014 at accost of £49.50 (£55.00 less 5% in first year). Carried by 5 votes for, 1 against, 2 abstentions. 3970 Information & Report. 1. Clerk reported that he had commenced visual inspections of the play area (two to date). 2. Annual Parish Meeting takes place at 6.30pm on 18th March with the monthly Parish Council meeting following immediately. 3. Newsletter in progress, entries invited. 4. Camper van parked near allotments in Steyne Road. If taxed, no action can be taken. 5. PCSO’s monitoring parking in Orchard Road at school drop off/pick up times.

Chairman invited further questions. There were none

There being no further business, the Meeting was declared closed at 8.35pm

…………………………… Chairman 18th March, 2013

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