Table of Contents

1. Introductory Materials  Introduction to the BEST Plots and binders  List of potential questions that can be asked using the BEST Plots  Timeline for completion of protocols  Academic Standards addressed by the BEST Plots  Treatment Locations, Names and Codes  Plot Treatment Layouts and Numbers 2. Protocols  Randomization Procedure  Plot Planting Protocol  Early Weeds Protocol and Datasheet  Landscape Protocols o Large and small scale methods and worksheet o How to use a GPS to mark a waypoint o Land use category key o Land use category examples o Grid paper o KBS practice map and map of blocks in your district o Presentation slides  Soil Protocols o Soil characterization protocol o Soil sampling protocol  Biodiversity Protocols o Plant Biomass Protocol and worksheet o Plant Biodiversity Protocol and worksheet o Invertebrate Biodiversity Protocol and worksheet 3. Lesson Plans  Bioenergy: An Introduction – The what, how, and why of bioenergy o Lesson plan o Presentation slides  Biodiversity: It’s all connected! – Exploring biodiversity and organisms’ interactions with their environments  How do we classify living things? Learning how to make dichotomous keys and trees o Lesson plan o Classifying living things worksheet o Presentation slides o Dichotomous key for species planted into plots (no flowers needed) o Photo cards of all the species planted into the plots  Biotic Resistance: What can stop invasive species? o Lesson plan o Biotic resistance worksheet and graph paper o Biotic resistance presentation slides

BEST Experiment Updated September 16, 2011 Table of Contents pg.1 o Materials for activity – plots with different treatments

4. Resources – see bibliography for complete list  Books  Popular press articles  Michigan press articles  Educational resource websites  Policy statements  Ecological Society of America Reports  Science News  Scientific Articles

BEST Experiment Updated September 16, 2011 Table of Contents pg.2