Gould Area Snowmobile Trails Legend 1 Gould-Calamity Pass-Illinois Pass 6 Silver Creek/Seven Utes-American Lakes 7 North Canadian Entrance Station 2 Custer Draw-Bockman Parking Area 3 Jack Creek 8 Bull Mountain

Visitor Center 4 Tower Loop 9 South Canadian Restaurant 5 Owl Mountain 10 Ruby Jewel GPS Reference Point Geographic Feature Ungroomed Groomed Roosevelt Wilderness National Deer/Elk Winter Range, South Rawah Peak 12,644' Forest Nov. 15 - Apr. 15 Closed to Motorized Use, Non-Motorized Use Not Advised CTY Rawah 103 Ownership Wilderness National Park Service

Bureau of Land Management s lin 40° 36' 52.050" ol -106° 1' 20.065" t C Private or F o State Clark Peak T 12,951' Local 7

National Forest 2 2 T o

W Comanche a 9 CO-14 ld e Peak n 10 Wilderness 1 8 8 CO-14 40° 33' 23.805" CTY 27 -106° 2' 10.897" CTY 40° 33' 32.047" Please 41 -105° 59' 2.013" Respect 40° 32' 15.336" 5 -106° 7' 8.384" Private Property

Gould 2 Diamond Peaks 10,276' 11,852'

Moose Visitor Center 40° 30' 50.503" 40° 30' 15.450" Neota -106° 1' 33.997" -105° 53' 59.955" Wilderness

7 4 0 6 .1 5 4 40° 29' 18.719" 792.1 -105° 51' 46.166" American 780.1 Nokhu Crags Lakes

1 7 Utes Mt. . 4 0 6 11,407' 9

7 Thunder Pass 7 91.1 Mt. Richthofen Owl Mountain 12,890' 10,951' 1 Rocky Mountain National Park Calamity Pass

CTY 21 740.1

.2H CO 125 740 7 5 8 . 1

7 5 0 3 .1 40° 23' 55.175" -105° 58' 16.427" US 1 34

Routt National Forest 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 Miles

Disclaimer: Illinois Pass The Forest Service uses the most current and complete data it has available. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They may be: developed from sources of differing s r accuracy, accurate only at certain scales, based on modeling or interpretation, e y

M incomplete while being created or revised, have represented features not in accurate

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geographic locations, etc. The Forest Service makes no expressed or implied warranty, d n n including warranty of merchantability and fitness, with respect to the character, function, a n

s e

r or capabilities of the data or their appropriateness for any user's purposes. The Forest V e

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A Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace this geospatial M

. 0 J 1 information based on new inventories, new or revised information, and if necessary ni

0 9 2 1 / conjunction with other federal, state or local public agencies or the public in general as 0 9 40° 19' 42.610" 2 0 / / required by policy or regulation. Previous recipients of the products may not be notified 1 2 -106° 1' 12.560" 3 1 /

1 unless required by policy or regulation. For more information, contact the Medicine Bow d

e To Grand Lake d t e a - Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin Supervisor's Office t i e r d (2468 Jackson Street, Laramie, WY 82070, 307-745-2300).