Village of Gibsonburg
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Village of Gibsonburg Minutes for Regular Session of Council September 18, 2014
Call to order: Mayor Gerwin at 7:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance Roll call: Balsizer here, Cantrell here, Gerwin here, Herman here, Kirwen here, Maynard here.
Other’s in Attendance: Fiscal Officer Robert Schroeder, Chief of Police Paul Whitaker, Village Administrator Marc Glotzbecker, Scott Heilman, Bill Truman and Exchange Student Elena Lapoteva.
Recognition of Visitors Charlie Gerwin introduced the Exchange Student Elena Lapoteva. She is from Moldova. She is a freshman here however she is a senior at home she will be here for 1 year.
Review and Approval of Minutes of Previous Council Meeting: A motion was made by Herman to approve the September 4, 2014 regular Council minutes as written, seconded by Cantrell. Roll call: Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes. Motion Passed.
Correspondence: Health Dept. agenda for 9/19/14 A Lecture about the Civil War at Hayes Presidential Center Oct. 12. If interested you must reserve ahead of time. Received a letter from the Secretary of State that will need filled out with information gathered from the Board of Elections the mayor will complete this.
Motion to approve payment of invoices reviewed tonight for the Fiscal Officer to pay. A motion to approve payment of invoices was made by Kirwen, seconded by Balsizer. Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes, Gerwin yes. Motion Passed.
Old Business:
1. Fire Dept. lease with Madison Township. Ruck reported that Norm Stoles has the final version as we the village see it. We are waiting to hear from him. Kirwen made a motion to start charging Madison Twp. for the use of the building that houses the Fire Dept. as of Oct. 1, 2014 this will include: Columbia gas bill, any maintenance to building and pro-rated property insurance to them. Seconded by Balsizer.
Roll Call: Gerwin yes. Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes,
Minutes for Village Council Meeting September 18, 2014 1
Village of Gibsonburg Minutes for Regular Session of Council September 18, 2014 Maynard yes. Motion Passed.
Balsizer asked: Have we ever received the report from the Township that we requested? Bob stated that we have not received a full report he will send a note to Sandy to get it.
New Business: 1. Ordinance No. 17-2014 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 08-2014 ADOPTING THE 2014 PERMANENT APPROPRIATION FOR THE VILLAGE OF GIBSONBURG, SANDUSKY COUNTY, OHIO AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (emergency) to increase general fund for the purchase of real estate.
A motion was made to suspend the rules, waive the 3 reading and pass as an emergency on Ordinance No.17- 2014 by Balsizer, seconded by Maynard. Roll call: Maynard yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Gerwin yes, Kirwen yes, Balsizer yes. Motion Passed.
A motion was made to adopt Ordinance No.17-2014 by Kirwen, seconded by Herman. Roll call: Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes. Motion Passed.
Mayor’s Report: G Gerwin Last week we received a phone call from Mr. Davis to see if our offer was still good on his building. Mr. Davis stated he would accept the offer with his only request being that if we have remodels in the future that he would get a chance to bid on the work. We have got the papers around and Ruck has over looked them. Once we get everything back, we will have it surveyed, and tested for environmental issues. The Mayor would like to know how we would like to go on having a committee to decide the plans for the new building and the old building. Mr. Balsizer stated he thought that the old building should be on hold until the new building is up and running, then we can address it. It was decided to have a council work session at the beginning then possibly break to smaller groups as the plans move on. They have asked Kevin for specs and design of the building so everyone can study those.
Mr. Gerwin stated if we are still unhappy with our designing firm that we take advantage now of doing an Evaluation of engineering firms.
Administrator’s Report: Glotzbecker - Police Station Foundation Repairs- Matt Tille will be working on the repairs to the foundation soon. - BWC Grant- We have applied for the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation Grant for the lift. Waiting to hear back from them.
2 Village of Gibsonburg Minutes for Regular Session of Council September 18, 2014 - Utility Worker- We’ve conducted one round of interviews and are in the process of determining who to invite back for a second interview. - Water Tower- The tower is down for repairs and the system has been working with no problems. Pittsburg Tank has done the pit welding inside of the tank and Kessler Tank will be doing the sandblasting and epoxy painting. - Boom Lift- We have a 2007 JLG 40 Foot Boom Lift from Skyworks in Toledo in town that we’ll be trying out for a few weeks. It’s at the Street Department right now. - Ohio Public Works SCIP/LTIP Programs- It looks as if our application for Credit Enhancement for the Clearview Industrial Park will be approved. The application for the LTCP Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant did not score enough points to merit consideration. - Castillo/W. Stone Street Property Sale- Yeager Surveying is doing the survey work for us. As soon as we have that back we will advertise the property as available to bid on. - 2014/2015 ODOT Salt Bids- The latest attempt by ODOT to bid out for winter road salt was again rejected. Prices per ton for Sandusky County came in at $134.90, compared to @$33.00 per ton last year. There is another conference call with ODOT scheduled for September 23rd that we’ll sit in on again and try and find out more information. We probably used about 90 tons last year and still have 40 on hand at this time.
Fiscal Officer’s Report: Schroeder
1. Health insurance renewal process in the works with Stapleton Insurance. 2. Auditor work has not been review by manager, but field work should be complete. No time line set to be completed. 3. Everyone must sign the Reporting Fraud papers and return.
Committee Reports : Finance: Maynard Next Meeting Monday Sept. 22, 2014@ 7 pm
Public Service Parks: Gerwin - Next meeting September 25, 2014 @ 7pm Village Hall.
Tree Committee: Next meeting September 23, 2014 @ 7:00pm Village Hall.
Laws & Rules: Cantrell- Meeting held September 16, 2014 @ 7:00 pm @ Village Hall. Talked about the ordinance we passed tonight. Next meeting September 30, 2014.
Public Utilities : Herman- Sidewalks have had a few adjustments on E. Stevenson St. because of Trees and we missed 2 homes on this street so we will be discussing those. E. Madison is completed. No meeting scheduled.
Economic Development: Kirwen-. There will be a Public hearing before next meeting for the Industrial Park regarding the zoning. Meeting scheduled for Oct. 2, 2014.
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Village of Gibsonburg Minutes for Regular Session of Council September 18, 2014 Planning Commission: Balsizer - Meeting was held On September 17, 2014, we did not get everything discussed so we are meeting again on Wed. Oct. 1 @ 7 pm.
Joint Cemetery Board: Herman –Next meeting October 1, 2014 @ 7:00 pm Township hall.
Individual Council Member Reports Gerwin- No Report. Cantrell- Matt Tille and his team have done a great job on the sidewalks. Kirwen- No Report Balsizer- Sidewalks are really moving along Matt and his crews are doing a great job. Columbia Gas says they are coming in and we have not seen them yet. Herman- Went and visited the foundation of the Police Station it is going to need a lot of work. Also what are we going to do about the downtown sidewalks, Charlie would like to know as he needs to redo his. The mayor suggested a survey on the downtown area as we will need to take curbs, sewers and catch basins into consideration. Maynard- Thanks Chief for getting the next door up and running. For those using the Boom lifts please make sure you are trained well on it. With the engineering firm he would like to see it on a thumb drive and doesn’t understand why it is taking so long. Mr. Maynard stated he looked at the Sidewalks and he was disappointed that they went around the trees instead of going straight on them. Mr. Herman stated it cost $1200 to take one tree out and that would add up. The Mayor stated that the decision was made and everyone including the residents were happy when they left. Mr. Cantrell stated he thinks the committee did a great job and he is happy with saving a tree in his yard. The Mayor suggested an email be sent to committee in the future so everyone is in the knowing.
Report of Officials : Police Chief- Whitaker Item. 1 August 2014 statistics report emailed to members of council.
Item 2. 2015 Explorer ordered from Statewide Lincoln Ford in Van Wert. Delivery estimated to be around December-January.
Item 3. NEXTDOOR program on track and seems to be widely accepted. To date we have 47 verified members in the first week. Forty postcards have been sent free of charge by Nextdoor. Nextdoor is going to be used by the PD to communicate TO the residents in our Neighborhood Watch Program.
4 Village of Gibsonburg Minutes for Regular Session of Council September 18, 2014 Item 4. Police Department will be experimenting with a bicycle patrol to be used for special events, parades, trick or treat, races etc. Plan on having officers on patrol during this Octobers trick or treat. Bicycles were court-ordered to the PD from our lost & found so no expense to the village. They were stripped, painted and decals by Mr. Dennis Beaber at no cost. Officers have been using their buying some of the equipment themselves to outfit the bikes.
Item 5. ALICE Training was conducted in both schools on Monday Sept 15 with success. School Superintendent Dr. Hernandez has invited the PD to conduct ALICE training annually. A job well done by Sgt. Chris Lahman and Ptlm. Danny Collins.
Solicitor–Ruck Walter Drane Online is doing better now to read. Update on a court issue.
Residence- Open Forum/Comment: Bill Truman – Tomorrow he will have some volunteers at the park picking up chunks around that track. He suggested we may want to consider switching to stone. Scott Heilman stated that on Sept. 29, The Lions will be electing officers for the club. We have around 14 now and could use some more. We hope to have a Charter night at the end of October. Tim Self stated that the volunteer Community service group will be on hold until he gets moved. Tim also expressed concern of a stop sign at end of E. Yeasting St. the cars are moving way to fast through there.
Have we received the list of trees? Marc Stated Becky Lauer is working on list of trees.
A motion to adjourn was made at 9:05 pm by Balsizer, seconded by Kirwen. Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes. Motion Passed.
Respectfully submitted,
______Robert Schroeder Fiscal Officer Village of Gibsonburg ______Gregory S. Gerwin Mayor Village of Gibsonburg
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Village of Gibsonburg Minutes for Regular Session of Council September 18, 2014