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#353- 04/28/07
The New ...
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*********************************************** AS I SEE IT . . .
Every game bird breeder should have some type of library about his/her birds. Books are very expensive these days, but if you get just one idea from a book then the price is worth it!
Here is a list of my 125 favorite books – books that you perhaps should try to find for your library. Most of these are probably out of print, but you should be able to look on the web at “Used” bookstores and find some of them.
General Game Birds Birds of Soviet Union Vol IV, G.P. Dement=ev and N.A. Gladkov Birds of Australia, Graham Pizzey Birds of Nepal, Fleming, Fleming, Bangdel Birds of Guatemala, Hugh G. Land Birds of Mexico, Emmet Reid Blake Birds of America, T. Gilbert Pearson (Editor) Birds of Mexico and Central America, L. Irby Davis Capons for Profit, Howard Beuoy Commercial Game Bird Management, Samuel G. McCluney Cranes, Their Biology, Husbandry and Conservation, Ellis, Gee and Mirande Ecology and Management of Gamebirds, Hudson and Rands Encyclopedia of Birds, Unknown Facts on Raising Gamebirds, Dianne Turney Field Guide to Birds of Mexico, Ernest P. Edwards Game Bird Breeders Handbook, Woodard, Vohra, and Denton
1 Game Bird Propagation, John Mullin Gamebirds of China, Li Xiangtao Guinea Fowl of the World, R.H. Hastings Belshaw Guinea Fowl, VanHoesen- Stolberg Handbook of Foreign Birds, A. Rutgers Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, Salim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley Junglefowl, Spur Fowl and Peafowl of the World, James Southward Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous Birds, Arthur Cleveland Bent Manual of Neotropical Birds, Emmet R. Blake Megapodes, Jones, Dekker and Roselaar North American Game Birds, Paul A. Johnsgard Partridges, Their Breeding and Care, G.E.S. Robbins Quails, Partridges, and Francolins of the World, Paul A. Johnsgard Raising Game Birds, Leland B. Hayes Raising Game Birds, Scad Sexing all Fowl, Baby Chicks, Loyl Stolberg Upland Game Birds, Oregon Wildlife Commission Bulletin #5 Upland Game Birds, Their Breeding and Care, Leland B. Hayes Western Birds, Roger Tory Peterson Wild turkey Country, Lovett E. Williams Wildlife of Mexico, A. Starker Leopold
Diseases and Health Basic Guide to the Health and Common Diseases of Game Birds, Leland B. Hayes Bird Diseases, Arnall Chicken Health Handbook, Gail Damerow Diseases of Gamebirds and Wildfowl, The Game Conservancy Grower=s Reference on Gamebird Health, L. D. Schwartz Manual of Poultry Diseases, Texas A and M University Poultry Health Handbook, Penn State University Quail and Pheasant Disease Guide, Vineland Labs
Doves and Pigeons Doves, Michael Goes Doves: A Complete Pet Owner=s Manual, Unknown Encyclopedia of Pigeon Breeds, Levi Pigeons, Carl Nether Pigeons, Matthew M. Friends
2 The Pigeon, Wendell M. Levi Wild Pigeons and Doves, Jean Delacour
Grouse Grouse and Quails of North America, Paul A. Johnsgard Grouse of the World, Paul A. Johnsgard Ruffed Grouse, John Madson Sage Grouse in Wyoming, Robert L. Patterson Sage Grouse Management in Idaho, Idaho Dept. Fish and Game World of the Ruffed Grouse, Leonard Lee Rue III
Incubation Guide to Better Hatching, Janey Stolberg Hatching Manual, Lyon electric Hatching Guide, Gilbert H. Gladish
3 Incubation, Thear Natural Incubation and Rearing, J. Batty New Incubation Book, Brown and Robbins Practical Incubation, Rob Harvey
Peafowl Peafowl: Their Conservation, Breeding and management, Tom Gardner Wacky World of Peafowl, Vol. I and II, Dennis Fett Keeping Peafowl, James Blake Peafowl of the World, Josef Bergmann Peacocks and Peahens, Joan Kalbacken Junglefowl, Spur Fowl and Peafowl of the World, James Southward
Pheasants and Junglefowl Atlas of Rare Pheasants, Palawan Press Ltd. Brown Eared Pheasant, Li Xiangtao and Liu Ruisun Cheng and the Golden Pheasant, Derek Bingham Cremson-bellied Tragopans, Li Xiangtao Guide to Pheasants of the World, Philip Wayre Introduction to Pheasants in Captivity, K.C. R. Howman Introduction to Ornamental Pheasants, K.C. R. Howman Junglefowl, Spur Fowl and Peafowl of the World, James Southward Keeping Jungle Fowl, Joseph Batty Natural History of the Pheasant, Peter Robertson Pheasant Standards Vol I, Vol II, American Game Birds Breeder=s Cooperative Federation Pheasant Jungles, William Beebe Pheasant Breeding and Care, Jean Delacour Pheasants, including their care in the Aviary, H.A. Gerriits Pheasants of the World, K. C. R. Howman Quail and Pheasant Propagation, Dennis Hart and T. R. Mitchell Tragopans, van der Mark
Quail Atlas of Quails, David Alderton Chinese Painted Quail (Button Quail), Leland B. Hayes Coturnix Quail Husbandry in the Laboratory, Woodard, Abplanalp, Wilson and Vohra
Domestic Quail - for Hobby or Profit, G. E. S. Robbins Domestic Quail, G.E.S. Robbins Grouse and Quails of North America, Paul A. Johnsgard
4 Introduction to Quail in Captivity, G. E. S. Robbins Keeping Quail, Katie Thear Quail Manual, Marsh Quail, Their Breeding and Management, G. E. S. Robbins Quail and Pheasant Propagation Dennis Hart and T. R. Mitchell Raising Coturnix Quail, Podems and Bartz Raising Bobwhite Quail, Clemson University
Waterfowl Barnacle Goose, Shire Natural History Colored Key to the Waterfowl of the World, Peter Scott Ducks of the World, Janey Kear Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World, Paul A. Johnsgard Ducks, Geese and Swans of North America, Frank Bullnose Fancy Waterfowl, F. Finn Mandarin Duck, Shire Natural History Mute Swan, Shire Natural History Natural History of Ducks, John C. Phillips New Duck Handbook, Matthew Friends Ornamental Waterfowl, Brigham Ornamental Waterfowl, Johnson and Payne Paddling of Ducks, Dillon Ripley Successful Duck and Goose Raising, Darrel Shewaw Swan Breeding and Management, Loyl Stolberg Swans of the World, Unknown The Unique Wood Duck, R. McCabe Waterfowl, Steve Madge and Hilary Burn Wild Waterfowl and its Captive Management, Vol I and II, American Game bird Breeders= Cooperative Federation Wildfowl, Madge and Nunn Wildfowl at Home, Alan Birkbeck Wood Duck and the Mandarin, Shurleff and Savage
Book list compiled by: Leland Hayes= Gamebird Publications, (760) 742-1173 www.lelandhayes.com
Dr. Leland
Hi Leland,
One of my Mt. quail roosters has recently suffered an injured toe while paired with a hen for this breeding season. I haven’t observed how the injury occurred, but am concerned that his mate may have inflicted the wound. This is because last spring I observed her pecking the toes/feet of each of two different roosters that she was paired with. Each suffered similar wounds.
This wound appeared two days ago, but seemed to be healing on its own yesterday. Today it is re-injured and has collected quite a dirt and feather ball around it. The injury causes him to limp, but doesn’t appear to be a problem otherwise. I’m concerned that if this continues, he may lose the toe, so I’m separating him from the hen today and will treat the injury.
I’m considering what first-aid measures to take. Hydrogen peroxide was recommended by one of your readers as a first-aid item in your e-zine issue #351 from a couple of weeks ago. I have a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on hand, but wonder if this is too strong. My birds are on wire-floors about 3-4 feet off the ground and each pen has a dust box filled with dirt. This is what is caked around the injury and I wonder if I shouldn’t just separate them and leave his toe alone to heal on its own. For previous toe and foot injuries, I have just rinsed the wound clean with sterile saline and put them back in the pen. This seems to work, but I’m always open to advice from experts. Also, is it advisable to prophylactically put the rooster on an antibiotic – I have some Terramycin soluble powder on hand.
Thanks in advance.
ANSWER: Yes, it sounds like toe picking by the hen. You probably would be better off to separate the pair and just let the male heal. You can treat the wound with the medications that you suggested, but if not agitated by more picking he should heal up.
You need to get some stemmy Alfalfa hay and put a half inch in the bottoms of your pens. This will break the outline of the toes and they will be hidden in the hay. It
6 will also give the birds something to pick at as they just love the green leaves of the hay. You should take the dust box away from the male during the healing period to keep his toes as clean as possible.
It is getting late in the year so you might want to put another male with the hen (and the hay in the bottom of the pen) to be sure she is fertile and to see if indeed she is the culprit.
An alternative way to do it is to put the pair on the ground just during the laying season. They will lay much better for you and will not be as likely to pick. I always raised my Mountains on wire and bred them in colonies on the ground.
Let us know how you come out this year.
Dr. Leland
******************************************** FEEDBACK . . . All you say about the cost of raising game birds is true. I have been raising bobwhites for several years. My biggest cost??? Dead birds!! Why? As many reasons as there are. Early on was inexperience. Chicks need LOTS of heat for a long time! Then I brought in some disease which lasted the whole season. Now it is mostly predators. I have fixed and fixed. last year I replaced some netting with 3/4" instead of 1". Am in the process of replacing another pen's netting with the same. I have added some shade netting to reduce hawks vision. Have tightened and tightened until I think the weight of staples will bring the pens down! This year I am adding Nite Guard solar units. I have had snakes (seldom talked about: yes they can get thru 1" netting) 'coons, and the biggest predator for me, opossum. Maybe I have had weasels and mink, but never caught one to be sure.. Also piling has been a problem on and off. I get better each year, but considering all the "normal" costs, one can make money if you can sell 75% of what you buy. Of course it takes good management and diligence. Read, read, read. Maybe this year I will make a profit. I wish! H. Conlon Tn *********************************************
7 You can run your ad free for two months. This service is for the hobbyist only please.
For Sale: Flight Conditioned Bobwhite Quail Starting Oct. 1 Contact Tracy Keeton at Circle K Quail Farm Alabama 256-601-9561 Email: [email protected] 7/7 ******************* Jumbo Pharaoh Quails ,fertile eggs $15/100 or day old $35/100 pick up only, Louisiana 337-667-6632
************** Bantam Chickens for sale, Nankin rose and straight comb, Serama, Blk. Sumantra, several other breeds, and a few young pr. of Large breed Denizli long crower chickens. www.stevenspets.com 803-428-3275
************** For Sale : Eggs and Chicks this spring, Valley, Gambel’s, blue scale, bob white and Tenn. reds Thanks Jack e-mail for more details [email protected] ************** For sale: Gambles Quail, Red, Yellow Golden, and Melanistic Pheasants and other fowl available. e-mail for details [email protected] or call 757-871-9326 *************** For Sale: Bobwhite quail "06 hatch, $5.00 each. Contact Willie Slusarski at [email protected]
********************* "Peafowl, Guinea fowl, Quail, Pheasants, Partridge, Waterfowl, Turkeys, Chickens and More. Shady Hollow Gamebirds - There's a gamebird for everyone!" www.ShadyHollowFarm.com
8 The A.P.W.S. Convention (American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society) will be here in Salt Lake this next September. The hosts are Roy & Joyce Bouck. Steve & Lori Eyre and the "Utah Pheasant Society" We would like to let all know that they are welcome to come . Dates are approx. Sept..26, 27, 28 2007. We don’t know yet what is exactly planned for the tours except Roy & Joyce Bouck's & Steve & Lori Eyre's aviaries. Everyone usually has a great time visiting with old friends and other bird breeders and we are excited to have it here.
Roy & Joyce Bouck http://wwwsouthjordanaviary.com
********************************************* How to contact me: email: [email protected]
Leland B. Hayes, Ph.D. P.O. Box 1682, Valley Center, CA 92082 (760) 749-6829 FAX (760) 742-1173
URL http://www.lelandhayes.com
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