March 10,1882
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. PH1CE :l ' E!iT8~ FRIDAY MARCH 1882. IBBgEtfSSiKl ESTABLISHED JCSE 2S. 1862-TOL. 19. PORTLAND, MORNING. 10, to a wag Society News. MEDICAL. A Florida letter Chicago paper THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, INSURANCE TTTTn PBESS. not written, probably, in behalf of the land MISCELLANEOUS__ of flowers FabUlhed every day (Sundays excepted,) by the speculators of the State Tho Boston Tranadript Tries Its Heads a he PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., SRI DAY MORYIHH, MARCH 10. and alligators. The writer says tho Bon Ton Records of the Hub. has traveled over 1,200 miles of the At 87 Exchange St., Portland. Sale Wo do not read letters and oonuann cast and west, Clearance anonymous State, north, south, snbsenb Trams: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail nations. The name and address of the writ are In and has found nothing produced that can be Bright colors ara not considered eu regia la an Seven Dollars a If In advance. Tear, paid I0RT1UTERD all cases not necessarily for Bblioa- noses. Indispensable, called necessaries of life for man or beast; gentlemen’s tlon bnt as a guaranty of good faith. Miss PRESS nor Bridget McShaughnessy has accepted THE MAINE STATE STRONG com- that neither hay, wheat, corn, barley We oaunot undertake to return or preserve a situation the house of Mrs. a Mutual culinary in la published every Thursday Morning at (2.60 munications that are not used. oats is that potatoes and cabbages grown; Brown. year, If paid in advanoe at (2.00 a year. that SHORT & HARMON. come chiefly from New York; butter, tho newest in 1* Inch of the LORING, Among things stocking* Kates of Advertising: One spaoe, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, FACTS / cheese, bacon and beef are all produced else- ength of column, constitutes a “square.” Ktxbt regular attache of Bin Pbess Is furnished the baby’s foot. first week: 76 oents per Books before into our »ew that more than three-fifths of the (1.60 per square, dally MILWAUKEE, WIS. In order to rednce our stock of moving with a Card oertlBeate signed by Stanley Pullen, where; Pat Sullivan is on a visit to Dennis McCar- Rank after; three insertions or less, (1.00; continu- soil in Lancaster we shall offer our whole stock at Discounts are All steamboat and hotel managers State Is swamp or water; the an ing every other day after first week, 60 cents. store Block, A great many people asking Editor, railway, musky thy. n.if three Insertions or less, 76 cents; con- will confer a favor us credentials with so little subsoil square, ranging from 25 to 75 per cent. Our stork is full and complete, what troubles BROWN’S upon by demanding illimitable bed of sand, Joe Black has just returned from Concord, one week, (1.00; 60 eents per week after. particular and FICTION, of every person claiming to represent oar Journal. be that the he has been Special Notices, one-third additional. Twenty-Third Annual Statement, January sisting of the latest works of TRAVEL, BIOGRAPHY Iron Bitters is for. that fertilizers cannot retained; where engaged during the past head of "Amusements" and “Auction good Under as well as a stock of STANDARD WORKS, &c., in Sets. famed groves are unprofitable, and live years in the service of the State. Baum,” (2.00 per square per week; three Inser- 1882. large orange 1st, at Paral- of a Horner has sold his double-bladed tions or less, (1.60. This is an excellent opportunity to replenish one’s Library great- It will cure Heart Disease, Senator Bill- the trees now dying from the ravages Charley inserted In the “Maine State Frye’s Shipping Advertisements INCOME. Con- If the letter teas written jack-knife to Dave Wilkins. Press (whloh has a circulation In every part ly REDUCED RATES. ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, peculiar insect. large ai Senator Frye's shipping bill for the relief The most feature in of the Btate), for (1.00 per square for first inser- We also have a assortment of Albums Rheumatism, for the of inducing settlers to rush prominent gentle- subs sent For Premiums.. ..$2,179,562.36 good sumption, Dyspepsia, re- purpose tion, and 60 oents per square for each Photograph of the coasting trade, and the pungent men's toilets the coming Spring will be Insertion. For Interest. 1,194,570.97 the usual retail and all similar diseases. to it was injudiciously worded. one-half price. Neuralgia, marks he made in of It are Florida, very Address all commnnieatlons te Total..$ 3,374,133.33 support Tuesday cheek. PORTLAND PUBLISHING 00. DIMBIJB8EMENT8. an*t the comment which the the mines of REMEMBER, W'e offer our whole stock at these Low Rates Its wonderful curative power is exciting importance The reality and value of gold Our readers will bo pleased to learn* that Death Losses.$816,435.50 and his able treat- because and en- of the topic commands Alaska are shown singularly by the discov- Jim Johnson has taken bis ulster out of Matured Endow- are of the latest and best editions. Rates mauefor simply it purifies they Special The coaster he uses for in ENTERTAINMENTS- ments 575,080.41 riches the blood, thus beginning at ment of it provokes. ery of extremely valuable gold deposits pawn. Surrendered and and Libraries. of Lonisa A. Board- of British Columbia which im- Mrs. Phasspoudre is said to be remarkably Lap*ed Policies... 110,908.25 large quantities the foundation, and by building up purposes illustration,the that portion to in handsome. Mr. P. is very wealthy. NEW PORTLAND THEATRE. Dividends Policy man, is a schooner not unfamiliar to Maine mediately adjoins Alaska. The mines, Holders. 768,610.86 the system, drives out all disease. of the the international Some of our fashionables are endeavoring to Prank Cnrtls..Proprietor & Manager. and Dominion waters; and the story fact, are on both sides of bring babies into fashion again as traveling Total.$2,271,016.02 SH0RT & burdens put upon her In the way of enroll- boundary. It admits of no question that com- HARMON, Taxes, salaries, LORING, A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. companions; bat Mrs. Dashington, the ac- missions to agents, admeasurement, clear, do possess ex- ment, bond, license, the Arctic regions really of not medical fees, ad- Baltimore, Md., May 7, x88o. knowledged leader our best society, has WEEK ONLY. health was much shattered the of all the ves- mineral treasures, the ONE vertising. postage, My by ance, entry, Ac., is story tremely valuable yet discarded her dog. and Hotel. Rheumatism when 1 commenced Miss expressage all Under Falmouth sail our coast. Instances are is calculated to afford Margaret Scully has her Iron Bitters, and I sels that along working of which relinquished other fel)13-eodlm taking Brown's as expenses.... 620,270.88 _ __ maid of all work in the of had enough to at- for position family Total....TT...2.891,385.90 scarcely strength not Infrequent where coasters pay annually profitable employment well-organized Deacon Jones. tend to my daily Household duties. ASSETS. now the third bottle and I in 6t this nature one-tenth of their settlements. We are to learn that Tucker Iam using charges civilized _ pleased Tommy Loans on bonds am strength daily, and I has consented to remain with Messrs. Towel- regaining value. The burdens put upon craft engaged died not JOS. F. WHEELOCK & mortgages. .$11,043,228.04 cheerfully recommend it to all. Sib Robert Christison, who long crash & Doublewidth. Tommy is the favorite Premium notes.. 1,620,674.46 I cannot say too much In praise in transatlantic trade are quite as heavy. the Palmer mur- cash in tbo establishment, and it would & CO’S Mrs. E. was the man who, in boy Real estate. MIELLAN cf it. Mary Brashear, 1,720,219.30 ago, by a Select Dramatic Company in the DRESSER, Mr. has made a of this ques- have been difficult to supply bis place had he Supported U. S. and other 173 Prestmanst Frye study he had discovered a Drama from Wilkie Collins’ Celebrated der trial, testified that insisted bonds, has led to upon retiring. erel “The Frozen Deep,” entitled (market tion, perceives the trouble that minutest dose of Siwerfui value). 2,486,491.66 Disease Cured. vegetable alkaloid, the Rumor has it that the beautiful poem in Cash on hand and Kidney the decline of our and suggests the Gusher, "At the 1881. shipping, would be fatal and leave no trace tha1 Weekly beginning night In bank. Christiansburg, Va., which to the sun that’s is from 1,364,422.97 Suffering from kidney disease, the proper remedy. The trouble is that we The Katydid Sings hid,” Accrued interest SALE. science could detect in the body. judge the graceful of the Miss Addle- BOOK from I could no I pen which charming and rent. get relief, tax our more than can bear. The 295,954.01 tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which ships they him not to the name, and Sir head. All other assets., 288,468.53 adjured give LIEUT. RICHARD cured me completely. A child of have been increased On dit that Betsy Benner is soon to be led WARDOUR, Total.. 18,859,458.96 charges year by year, received hundreds of letters begging, mine, recovering from scarlet fever, Robert to the altar by one of the hands at the gas fao- had no and did not seem to while the profits of shipping have declined. seciet. The Produo«l with New Scenery and Mechanical LIABILITIES. Out the Stock of Books Now Unsold, appetite in the name of science, for the tory.