March 10,1882
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. PH1CE :l ' E!iT8~ FRIDAY MARCH 1882. IBBgEtfSSiKl ESTABLISHED JCSE 2S. 1862-TOL. 19. PORTLAND, MORNING. 10, to a wag Society News. MEDICAL. A Florida letter Chicago paper THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, INSURANCE TTTTn PBESS. not written, probably, in behalf of the land MISCELLANEOUS__ of flowers FabUlhed every day (Sundays excepted,) by the speculators of the State Tho Boston Tranadript Tries Its Heads a he PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., SRI DAY MORYIHH, MARCH 10. and alligators. The writer says tho Bon Ton Records of the Hub. has traveled over 1,200 miles of the At 87 Exchange St., Portland. Sale Wo do not read letters and oonuann cast and west, Clearance anonymous State, north, south, snbsenb Trams: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail nations. The name and address of the writ are In and has found nothing produced that can be Bright colors ara not considered eu regia la an Seven Dollars a If In advance. Tear, paid I0RT1UTERD all cases not necessarily for Bblioa- noses. Indispensable, called necessaries of life for man or beast; gentlemen’s tlon bnt as a guaranty of good faith. Miss PRESS nor Bridget McShaughnessy has accepted THE MAINE STATE STRONG com- that neither hay, wheat, corn, barley We oaunot undertake to return or preserve a situation the house of Mrs. a Mutual culinary in la published every Thursday Morning at (2.60 munications that are not used. oats is that potatoes and cabbages grown; Brown. year, If paid in advanoe at (2.00 a year. that SHORT & HARMON. come chiefly from New York; butter, tho newest in 1* Inch of the LORING, Among things stocking* Kates of Advertising: One spaoe, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, FACTS / cheese, bacon and beef are all produced else- ength of column, constitutes a “square.” Ktxbt regular attache of Bin Pbess Is furnished the baby’s foot.
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