Nicoll, Michael John (1880–1925) the Large Collections of Hemiptera of Mr
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are no entomological details. On his journey Mulsant visits Liège, Aachen, Cologne, Münster (Westphalia)., Szczecin (Stettin), Swinoujście (Swinemünde), Berlin, N Dresden, Bautzen, Leipzig, Erlangen, Nuremberg, Munich, Augsburg, Lindau, Zürich, Bern, Fribourg, Lausanne and Geneva. The natural history content of his narrative is perhaps best illustrated by the following quote: ‘This morning I had the opportunity of going with more care through Nicoll, Michael John (1880–1925) the large collections of Hemiptera of mr. Antoine. I A.L.B., ‘Obituary, Michael John Nicoll’, The Ibis 68 found there, with a lot of exotic riches never before (1926), p. 189–191 ■ Howgego 2006, p. 433–434. seen by my eyes, the indication of several new group- ings, which the author undoubtedly will make known.’ The British naturalist and traveller Michael John Nicoll was born in Midhurst (Sussex) on 29 Munnecke, Wilhelm September 1880. Nicoll received two years of agri- cultural training, but his love of natural history, 1931 especially birds, prevailed in the end. An introduc- Mit Hagenbeck im Dschungel. Berlin: August Scherl. tion to the zoologist Philip Lutley Sclater (1829–1913) Description: 200, illus. Reprinted [1938]. led to a period of work at the library and gardens ¶¶ 1947, 3rd ed. Hamburg: Globus-Verlag. Description: of the Zoological Society. On Sclater’s recommen- 254. dation, Nicoll joined three long ocean cruises in ¶¶ 1951, new ed. with title Hagenbecks Dschungelfahrten. his capacity as naturalist from 1902 to 1906. They Oldenburg: Stalling. Description: 185, 8 p. with 22 were made with the steam yacht ‘Valhalla’, which illus. was owned by James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Dutch: Crawford (1847–1913). These voyages covered more ¶¶ [1932] Met Hagenbeck in het oerwoud. Edited and than 11600 km and gave Nicoll the opportunity of translated by J. van Emmerik. Amsterdam: Scheltens observing and collecting on many seldom visited & Giltay. Description: 256, many illus. islands. Nicoll described the cruises in his Three voy- ages of a naturalist (1908). On the first voyage the ‘Valhalla’ visited Madeira, the Canaries, the Cabo Verde Islands, St.Paul’s Rocks, Fernando de Noronha, Bahia in Brazil; then along the eastern coast of South America, around Cape Horn up to Valparaiso; to Easter Island, Pitcairn, Tahiti, Tutuila, Samoa, Suva in the Fiji islands, Thursday Island in Torres Street, and back via Suez. On the second voyage practically all the islands of the Caribbean were visited, as well as Bermuda and the Azores. On the third voyage they visited St. Paul’s Rocks, Bahia in Brazil (20 days), the islands of Trindade and Martim Vaz, Cape Town (11 days), Mayotte in the Comoro Islands and the Seychelles. 732 bird skins and many other zoological specimens were collected; 11 species of birds were described as new. The specimens were afterwards presented by Lord Crawford to the Natural History Museum. Nicoll, who had been a member of the British Ornithological Union since 1902, was elected a Fellow of the Zoological Society following his return aboard the ‘Valhalla’. His work led to his appointment as assistant director under Major Stanley Smyth Flower (1871–1946) at the Zoological Gardens of the Egyptian Government at Giza (al-Gīzah). Thereafter Nicoll studied the avifauna of Egypt and collected more than 4,000 specimens, the most complete collection for Egypt so far. The presence of many British officers in Egypt and Nicoll, Michael John | 317 Palestine suggested to him the idea of compiling a 1882 to 1883 he made an expedition to Greenland, on hand-list of the birds of Egypt, to assist those military which he reached Angmagsalik (Amassalik) on the men with an interest in ornithology in naming the east coast. birds they saw. As paper was scarce due to WW I, how- Nordenskiöld was also a historian of cartography, and ever, publication delayed until 1919. brought together an extremely valuable collection of When Flower retired in 1923, Nicoll acted as director; old maps and atlases, which he left to the University but his health declined and he had to resign and return of Helsinki. to England, where he died in a nursing home in Leeds on 31 October 1925. 1880–1881 Nicoll had planned to bring out a comprehensive Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa, jemte en historisk åter- guide to the avifauna of Egypt, of which his hand-list blick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust. was an extract. This work was completed by Richard [Swedish] 2 vols. Stockholm: Beijer. Description: 511, 8 Meinertzhagen (1878–1967) and published in 1930. ll. of pl.; 486, 5 ll. of pl. ¶¶ 1960, Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa. Edited and 1908 introduced by G. Schildt. Series: Vindrosböckerna. Three voyages of a naturalist: being an account of many Stockholm: Biblioteksförlag. Description: 259. little-known islands in three oceans visited by the ‘Valhalla’, Condensed ed. R.Y.S. Introduction by the Earl of Crawford. London: Czech: Witherby & Co. Description: xxvi, [2], 246, 56 ll. of pl. ¶¶ 1882–1883, Plavba Vegy kolem Asie a Evropy, s , front.; 23 cm. historickým přehledem cest podél severního pobřeží ¶¶ 1909, 2nd ed. Description: xxx, [2], 246, 4 maps, starého světa. Translated by V.E. Mourek. 2 vols. front., 55 pl.; 22,5 cm Praha: Nákladem knihtiskárny Františka Šimáčka. Description: xxiv, 330; vii; 347, [1]; map. Nordenskiöld, Nils Adolf Erik baron von (1832–1901) Dutch: ‘Nordenskiöld, Nils Adolf Erik’ in Nordisk Familjebok ¶¶ [1882] De vaart der Vega om Azië en Europa, 1878– 19 (1913), col. 1272–1274 ■ Website https://web.archive. 1880. Vertaald naar de Zweedse en Duitse editie en org/web/20130704032855/ voor Nederland bewerkt door C.M. Kan. Amsterdam: htm, accessed 14-10-2015. C.L. Brinkman. Description: 477, illus. Only the first volume appeared. The Finnish geologist, mineralogist and arctic Finnish: explorer Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born in ¶¶ 1881–1883, Vegan matka Asian ja Europan ympäri. Helsinki on 18 November 1832 and died at Dalbyö Translated by F.G. Bergroth. 2 vols. Wiipuri: Wiipurin farm (Västerling, municipality Trosa, Södermanland, Kirjallisuus-Seura. Description: 446, 8 maps; 410, 2 Sweden) on 12 August 1901. maps. Finland was part of the Russian empire in ¶¶ 1980, Vegan matka Asian ja Europan ympäri ynnä Nordenskiöld’s time, and Nordenskiöld belonged to historiallinen katsahdus edellisiin pitkin vanhan mail- the liberal, anti-tsarist circles. He studied geology man pohjoisrannikkoa tehtyihin löytöretkiin. 2 vols. and chemistry in Helsinki from 1849 to 1853, when he Helsingissä: Otava. Presumably a facsimile reprint. obtained a master’s degree; in 1855 he obtained his French: doctorate degree. In 1857 he came under suspicion ¶¶ 1883–1885, Voyage de la Vega autour de l’Asie et de from the authorities and had to flee to Sweden, where l’Europe, accompagné d’un résumé des voyages précédem- he was eventually made director of the Mineralogy ment effectués le long des côtes septentrionales de l’ancien Department of the Swedish Museum of Natural continent. Authorized translation by C. Rabot and History in 1859. When a new Governor-General was C. Lallemand. 2 vols. Paris: Hachette. Description: 481; appointed in Finland in later years, Nordenskiöld was 478; illus., maps; 28 cm. again able to visit Finland. He married the Finnish German: Anna Maria Mannerheim. In 1893 he became director ¶¶ 1882, Die Umsegelung Asiens und Europas auf der of the Swedish Academy. Vega. Mit einem historischen Rückblick auf frühere Reisen Nordenskiöld made many expeditions in the Arctic. längs der Nordküste der Alten Welt. 2 vols. Leipzig: F.A. He visited Spitsbergen in 1858 and 1861 with expe- Brockhaus. ditions under Otto Torell; in 1864 he led led his own ¶¶ 1987, Nordostwärts: die erste Umsegelung Asiens expedition to Spitsbergen. Other arctic explorations und Europas 1878–1880. Series: Alte abenteuerliche followed in 1867, 1870 (Greenland, penetrating deeply Reiseberichte. Edited by H.-J. Aubert. Stuttgart: inland), 1872 (an unsuccessful attempt to reach the Edition Erdmann. Description: 330, illus.; 21 cm. North Pole by boat, reaching 81042’). In 1875 and 1876 ¶¶ 1987a, Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben (licensed by he crossed the Kara Sea to the mouth of the Yenisei. Erdmann). Finally, he discovered the long-sought north-east pas- ¶¶ 2012, reprint of 1987. Series: Die 100 bedeutend- sage while voyaging with the ‘Vega’ (1878–1879). From sten Entdecker. Wiesbaden: Edition Erdmann. Also 318 | Nordenskiöld, Nils Adolf Erik baron von .