Please pray for … Recently deceased: Anniversaries: Marg Luders, Eva Stone, Thelma Jenners The Sick: Audrey Searle, Joan Kreiser, John Shanahan, Lydia Murray Bridge, Mannum, Green, Kevin Glancy, Lilia Cowan, Jackie Clarke, Ruta, Kathy Broster, Margaret Tailem Bend, Meningie Lloyd, Lynley Ward, Alan deLacey, Lottie Grabski, Luigino Antonello, Thomas Arnold, Ann Loughran, Kathalia Celestine, Robert Brophy, Vic & Felicity Leak, 9 June 2019 Pentecost Year C Keith Woithe, Margy Nykiel, Lillian Nagy, Pat Chibnall, Joan Carey, Nilda Guadagnin, Natasha Slevec, John Kiely, Ava Jones, Angela Groves, Charlotte Liturgy of the Word Tottman, Adriana Lai, Niail Glancy, Judy Jalagat, Frederick Ma- bey, Raelene Cole, John Uren 1st Reading: Acts 2:1–11 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak different languages. Next Week’s Readings Coming Events Responsorial Psalm:103:1, 24, 29-31, 34.

16 June 2019 30 8 June - Youth Vigil Glen Osmond 1st Reading:Prv 8:22-31 Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the 28 June - Feast of the face of the earth 2nd Reading: Rm 5:1-5 18 July - Parish Dinner Tailem Bend Psalm: 8:4-9 19 July - Parish Dinner M/B Next Sunday 16 June 2nd Reading: Ephesians 1 : 1 7-23 Gospel: Jn 16;12-15 Murray Bridge He made Jesus to sit at his right hand in heaven. Sharing The Tradition Tailem Bend Ministries 16.06.2019 Sat …… 6pm Hospitality: Jane Baxter Sun ……… 9am The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel Commentator: Maria Brion Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia Mannum Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your (right judgment), fortitude Minister of Music: Edwin Sun…… 9.30am (courage), knowledge, piety Readers: Marie H & Pattricia W-C faithful; and kindle in them the fire of Tailem Bend (reverence) & fear (awe) of the Eucharistic Min: Peter N & Peter C your love. Alleluia Lord (CCC §1831). The church Offertory: Tess B & Annette H sun…… 10.30am lists 12 fruits of the Spirit: Counters: Caro & Peter Meningie Gospel: John 14:15-16, 23-26 (love), joy, peace, patience, kind- Sun……… 10am LWC The Holy Spirit will teach you everything. M/Bridge Ministries 16.06.2019 ness, goodness, generosity, gen- tleness, faithfulness, modesty, self Welcoming: Kathy B & Di Howson Weekday Mass Times -control and chastity (CCC §1832) Comment: Deb H PoF: Browyn L Mystery of Faith: Special Collection 9/6/19 Readers: Rodel & Fely

Propagation of the Faith Appeal- Eucharistic Min: Dee & Joey We proclaim your Death, O Lord, Tues M/B .LWC .9.30am Catholic Mission is the internation- Offertory: Mashinge Family And profess your Resurrection al mission agency of the Catholic Altar Server: Wed Mannum … 11am Until you come again. Church in Australia. Catholic Mis- Counters: Peter Howard & team Thurs M/B……..9.30am sion operates in over 160 coun- Maintenance: Nhamo Mawere & team tries to support initiatives in 1,100 Fri M/B……..12noon M/B Saturday Vigil 15.06.2019 .Congratulations , including remote Aus- Fr Sean McGearty will be celebrating his 61st anni- tralia. Grassroots needs are iden- Welcoming: Caro & Jo Hancock Reconciliation versary of his Ordination on Saturday June 8th. Comment: Marg Daly PoF: Anne W tified by local Catholics, to give Sat M/B at 5.20pm or by Please keep Fr McGearty in your prayers. people the opportunity for a full, Readers: John C & Erin E appointment. enriched life. Thank you for your Offertory: Marvin Cepillo Family donation. Eucharistic Min: Jose Thomas & Jenny Hopgood Dear Friends Our Parish PARISH NOTICES. Parish - Fr John Herd T/B 45 Club During the week the Vatican approved the cause of a 0418852354 1st # 36 L. Gazzola $25– young Filipino to be named , which is a Assistant - Fr John Vildzius 2nd # 20 V. Stevens $20– step towards being declared . Darwin Ramos was 0447438882 Presentation for Pastoral Associate - At Saturday evening and Sunday born in City, , in 1994 and died age 17 years in 2012. M Bridge - Mrs Marg Daly Masses we present the children who As a young child, together with his sister, Darwin collected waste plastic to 8532 5924 are preparing for Confirmation which Secretary - Trudy Shirvington will be celebrated Friday 26 July. sell in order to raise money for the family. He later developed muscular dys- Finance Officer - Jodie Maloney Thank you to parents and sponsors trophy and his alcoholic father had him begging at a train station to help feed St ’s School - Principal who make the commitment to encour- his brothers and sisters. Later he joined a community of disabled children age their children in the Catholic faith: Adrian Brown ph: 8532 3734 Aiden Franke, Keira Adora, Amelia where he began caring for other disabled children. He learnt about the Cath- DeMichele, Lara Franke, Ella Ireland, olic faith and received Baptism and later Confirmation and First Eucharist. Kira Jarred, Madelyne Malatesta, Kathy Nguyen, Caspillo, Bridy Even though he was sick and was becoming weaker his companions speak Murray Bridge Ramm, Cary Tano, Reinier Padre, of how he lifted their spirits. Darwin spoke of his illness as his ’mission’ and 17 Ind Street, Murray Bridge Jayron Garcia, Allegra Willason, Jazmine Nagy, Ma-Jeanella Maranan, was known for saying ’thank you’ and ’I love you’. Darwin developed a deep Postal: PO Box 201, M/B Marc & Marvey Cepillo,Ahena Petelo, personal love of Jesus and he learnt to offer his suffering to Him. Towards Email: [email protected] Guardxavier Leccio, Lucy Scalzi, the end Darwin said he understood that Jesus wanted him to persevere until Ph: 8531 1699 Kianzie Gonzales. PPC Notes M/B 6th June the end, just as Jesus did. Open: Tuesday …….1- 3pm Friday ……. 9am - 12 noon  M/B Parish Visitation in October Darwin lived his life closely with Jesus and was known for the joy he brought Tailem Bend  Parish Dinner Friday 19 July to others. As we celebrate Pentecost we recognise the action of the Holy  Defibrillator grant from Council PO Box 16, Tailem Bend 5260 Spirit who brings us close to Jesus and gives the gift of joy. The Holy Spirit Email: mmcatholic0@gmail. com  Request to support disabled community in Timor Leste leads us into a deeper faith and trust, and brings us into communion with Peter Connolly ph: 0423312916  Carpet at MHR doors $1100 others. The Holy Spirit encourages, strengthens and guides us.  Feast of the Sacred Heart Fri- We pray especially for our children preparing Last Week’s Collections day 28 June  PPC looking for new members for Confirmation, God bless, Fr John Herd  Southern Cross - please take MB Murray Mallee one Feast of the Sacred Heart Prayer of 1st - $ 561 $241  Mannum roof needs work Envelopes $ 828 $85 In preparation for the Feast of the Sacred "O God of all Joy, Father, Son, and Holy  Child Protection Heart we will have a time of prayer on Spirit, you never leave alone those who Electronic $ 472  Work Health & Safety Wednesday 19 & 26 June 6-7pm. Please are in a time of trial. We thank you for Loose Plate $ 234 $140  Cleaning of Parish Centre feel welcome to organise other times of giving us, in Darwin Ramos, a street child, Special collection $ prayer in preparation. Please use the an illuminating example of Christian life. Welcome Back During his short life you gave him the Thank you! Our parish is grateful for Gospel passage Matthew 11: 25-30, to Fr John V. Thank you for your min- grace of simple never-failing faith, of joyful your support! “Come to me all who are weary and are istry and hoping you are refreshed. carrying heavy burdens and I will give you hope in illness, of endless charitable con- Bridge Family Group rest”. cern for his neighbor. We pray you grant Baptism Congratulations Our next outing is on Sunday 16th your servant Darwin glorification on earth Feast of St so that young and sick people may find in We welcome into our Catholic com- June to “The Bend” racing complex for Next Thursday 13th June is St Anthony’s munity Revecca Arreza, daughter lunch and a tour. Leaving from MHR at him a master of Joy. Through his interces- feast Day. Mass at 9.30am followed by sion, hear our prayer, (express it here). of Darren & Jessica who will be baptised 10.30am after 9am Mass .Enquiries to morning tea! this Sunday at MHR Church. Congratu- Jan Howard ph 85324277 We ask this, through Jesus-Christ, our lations. Lord, Amen.