Flagstaff County Boards and Committees
tutoTAPP Flagstaff County Boards and Committees COUNCILLOR REPORT Meeting Information Councillor Name* Board/ Committee Name* If Other, Please Type Name Don Kroetch Other meeting with Minister Sohi Date of Meeting* Length of meeting Location of Meeting 01- Aug- 19 Between 2 and 3 hours canada place edmonton Did you Attend?* Did you receive any meeting materials?* t: Yes fNo Digital If you received an Agenda Package, minutes, or reports, please upload here. OR please forward to Administration by email. WD Notes. docx 24. 94KB Agenda for Infrastructure Engagement 82. 08KB August 1st( 002). docx Notes from the Meeting Any recommendations to be included for the next Council meeting?* r Yes C' No Notes for Discussion* 106 million available for, six coal impact communities, 4 in Alberta, 2 in Sask hope to have process finalized in October funds dispersed in April Anna Curtis to work with breoc on process Submitted By Added to eScribe* Date Received Next Council Meeting* Grace Bratland F Yes c No 01- Aug- 19 14- Aug- 19 AGENDA CanadaCoalTransitionInitiative –Infrastructure Fund EngagementSession August1,2019 1:00P.M.to 3:30P.M. Location: EdmontonMinisters’rd RegionalOffice Room352,3 FloorCanadaPlace, 9700JasperAvenue Edmonton, Alberta Attendees: ChrisWarwick, Mayor,Town ofHanna ConnieDeadlock, CouncillorTownofHannaandChairofCactusCorridorEconomic Development JordonChristianson, ChairofSpecialAreasBoardandmemberofHannaClimate ChangeTaskForce RodShaigec, Mayor, ParklandCounty DarrellHollands, DeputyMayor, ParklandCounty LauraSwaine, A/ChiefAdministrativeOfficer,
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