93S bus time schedule & line map

93S Penair View In Website Mode

The 93S bus line (Penair) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Penair: 7:36 AM (2) Zelah: 2:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 93S bus station near you and nd out when is the next 93S bus arriving.

Direction: Penair 93S bus Time Schedule 19 stops Penair Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:36 AM Bus Shelter, Zelah Tuesday 7:36 AM Zelah Hill, Zelah Henver Lane, St. Allen Civil Parish Wednesday 7:36 AM

Roundabout, Carland Cross Thursday 7:36 AM A39, St. Erme Civil Parish Friday 7:36 AM

Rowes Garage, Trispen Saturday Not Operational

Bus Shelter, Trispen

Polisken Way, Polisken Way, St. Erme Civil Parish 93S bus Info Direction: Penair Killigrew Gardens, St Erme Stops: 19 Trip Duration: 34 min Polisken Farm Turn, St Erme Line Summary: Bus Shelter, Zelah, Zelah Hill, Zelah, Roundabout, Carland Cross, Rowes Garage, Trispen, Bodrean Lodge, St Erme Bus Shelter, Trispen, Polisken Way, St Erme, Killigrew Gardens, St Erme, Polisken Farm Turn, St Erme, Penmount Crematorium, Polwhele Bodrean Lodge, St Erme, Penmount Crematorium, Polwhele, Buckshead, Tregurra, St Clements Vean, , Tregolls Road Dual Carriageway, Truro, Old Buckshead, Tregurra Police Station, Truro, Old Police Station, Truro, A39, Truro Chirgwin Road, Truro, St Clements Parc, Truro, St St Clements Vean, Truro Clement Turn, Truro, Penair School, Penair

Tregolls Road Dual Carriageway, Truro Tregolls Close, Truro

Old Police Station, Truro Benallack Court, Truro

Old Police Station, Truro A39, Truro

Chirgwin Road, Truro St Clements Parc, Truro St Clements Parc, Truro

St Clement Turn, Truro St Clement's Hill, Truro

Penair School, Penair Direction: Zelah 93S bus Time Schedule 19 stops Zelah Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:45 PM Penair School, Penair Tuesday 2:45 PM St Clements Parc, Truro St Clements Parc, Truro Wednesday 2:45 PM

School, Truro Thursday 2:45 PM Epworth Close, Truro Friday 2:45 PM

Old Police Station, Truro Saturday Not Operational A39, Truro

National Tyres, Truro Benallack Court, Truro 93S bus Info Tregolls Road Dual Carriageway, Truro Direction: Zelah Tremorvah Barton, Truro Stops: 19 Trip Duration: 30 min Tregolls Road Hill, Truro Line Summary: Penair School, Penair, St Clements Parc, Truro, School, Truro, Old Police Station, Truro, Cattle Market, Truro National Tyres, Truro, Tregolls Road Dual Carriageway, Truro, Tregolls Road Hill, Truro, Cattle End Road, Tregurra Market, Truro, End Bodmin Road, Tregurra, Road, Truro Penmount Crematorium, Polwhele, Bodrean Lodge, St Erme, Polisken Farm Turn, St Erme, Killigrew Penmount Crematorium, Polwhele Gardens, St Erme, Polisken Way, St Erme, Rafters, Trispen, Rowes Garage, Trispen, Roundabout, Bodrean Lodge, St Erme Carland Cross, Zelah Hill, Zelah, Bus Shelter, Zelah

Polisken Farm Turn, St Erme

Killigrew Gardens, St Erme

Polisken Way, St Erme Polisken Way, St. Erme Civil Parish

Rafters, Trispen

Rowes Garage, Trispen

Roundabout, Carland Cross A39, St. Erme Civil Parish

Zelah Hill, Zelah

Bus Shelter, Zelah 93S bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved