Union and Empire: the Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information Index Abercorn, Charles Hamilton, th Earl of concern for royal prerogative , , (Viscount Strabane) , Abercorn, James Hamilton, th Earl dealings with Darien scheme of –, dealings with parliament –, –, Abercromby, Patrick –, –, – Aberdeen , –, , , Episcopalian approaches to – pro-Union stance , , civic improvements – provisions for succession , –, Act anent Peace and War () , , –, , – and Treaty of Union –, , , Act for Securing the Protestant Religion , and Presbyterian Church Government appeals see under law () , , Arbuthnot, John – Act for the Settling of Ireland () Argyll, Archibald Campbell, th Earl / Act of Explanation () Marquess of , , , Act of Security () , , –, execution – –, Argyll, Archibald Campbell, th Earl Act of Settlement () of Act of Settlement () , –, , Argyll, Archibald Campbell, th Earl / st , Duke of Admiralty, Court of – Argyll, Elizabeth Campbell, Dowager Adventurers Act () Duchess of agriculture Argyll, John Campbell, nd Duke of , see also famine , –, –, –, , – Alexander, William, of Menstrie (Jr) Armitage, David Alexander, William, of Menstrie (Sr) see army Stirling increase in size/expense – Alien Act () , , , , , personnel – , , , , provisioning Allardyce, John Arthur, King Althusius, Johannes Ashley Cooper see Shaftesbury America see colonies Atholl, John Murray, st Duke of –, Anderson, James , –, , , Annandale (ship) – and Union negotiations
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