
"·ro the help of the Lord against the n1ighty" (judges v. 23 ). " \Vho ,viii go for us?" •' And I said. Here a1n I ; send 1ne" ( Isa. 'l,£. 8 ). " Set dcnvn my na1ne, Sir" ( Bunyan's Pilgr£m's Progress).




~ ·HIS •• :Roll of Honour ~i has been cornpilc

The data herein recorded is for the 1nost part put do,vn exactly as received by me, but as the amount has far exceeded my original expectations. I have had to condense some of it, so as to keep the book ,vithin reasonable bounds. And ,vith the same object in view, I have in the main only given the names of individuals in the Genealogical Accounts ,vho took part in the Great \Var of 1914-1919_ or ,vho gave their services in connection ,vith ,vork of national importance during that period. It is owing to the above, and to the increase in printers' ,vages, and everything else in proportion, that the cost of the book has been increased.

I have done n1y utmost to get into touch ,vith every known individual in the connection, but as they are scattered all over the face of the earth this was hnpossible. If those left out ,vi11 kindly communicate ,vith me I sha11 be pleased to for,vard the111 copies of this hook, proYided the demand in this direction does not exhaust the limited supply which I have kept in hand to n1eet such cases

I have included a short account of scycral outstanding individuals of the connection, and trust that 1ny having done so will add to the value of the book and proYc intcre~ting reading to subscribers.

I no,v thank aU concerned for data supplied by then1 and for orders for copies of this book. If those who read ,vhat I have written, derive as much pleasure from the reading as I have had in the writing, I shall consider 1nysclf a1nply repaid for 1ny work. And: in conclusion, I 1nay be permitted to inforn1 subscribers that it is due to the generosity of several me1nbers of the connection that they are getting their copies at 2/- each, under cost of production.



jfergttsons of El11cbi11tiber ($tewarto11) a11b

l?EiiGUSONS OF AUCHI:N"TIBER. 1500. 1 John l~ergushill n1arriecl ~larion Pollok, of Pollok Castle, llenfrewshire. This alliance is of itself sufficient evidence to prove, at this early date, that the .Fergushills ,vere a fan1ily of standing in the county. The Polloks of Pollok Castle are descended from \Valter. the first High Steward of Scotland. They are therefore of the san1e descent (originally) as the Boy

1723. 5 John Fergushill 1narried in 1723 HELEN GILMOUR OF GRANGE (Dunlop), died 1752. (a John Fergm,hill sold NETHER AUCHINTIBER to his brother.) Issue:- 1 )larion~ born 1723. 2 Jean, born 1724. 3 Alexander Fergushill, born 172,3 (of ,vho1n hereafter). 4 Robert Fergushill, born 1729. 5 Agnes Fergushill married Robert Cuthbertson about 1757. 6 Samuel Fergushill~ born 1735. NoTE.-He ,vas the last of the Fergushills to bear that nan1e. It was considered unlucky, because there was a Samuel Ferguson, of Auchintiber, who fought for Charles I., and who was beheaded at Carlisle on that account. 1725. 6 Alexander Ferguson, of Auchintiber, born 1725, married llarion Miller, daughter of James l\Iiller of Chapelton (Stewarton). Issue:- 1752. I Alexander Ferguson of Auchintiber, born 1752, n1arried Agnes Cuthbertson. Issue:- 1794. 1 Alexander Ferguson, born 1794. n1arried Elizabeth Airston. Issue:- 1 Ja1nes Ferguson, of Fairliecrevoch (Dreghorn), 1800-1876, married llargaret Biggar, 1803-1856. I.ssue :- 1 Alexander Ferguson 1narried Elizabeth Boyd. Issue:- 1 Alexander Ferguson 1narried Georgina M'Ewan. Issue:- 1914. 1 ALEX.AND}~R FERGUSO:N (] ). 2 LIEUT. JOH~ 1\tE\\~AN (2).

2 Helen :Ferguson n1arried CAPT. .N. B. GREEN (IRVINE) (3).

1 RoBER'r GR.KEN, R .. A.. F. (!Jru SQUADRON) (4).

1780. 7 - 2 llargaret Ferguson of .Auchint:iber n1arried ROBERT Rt~ID OJt Bo~SHA w (sec REIDS, page 22). It is a curious fact that since the date of this 1narriagc the REIDS OJf BoNSHA\V, STACKLA\VHILL AND BALGRAY, for so1ne unexplained reason, discarded their own crest, which wa8 a cubit dexter ar1n, issuing out of a cloud, holding an open book~ and adopted that of the ]fergusons, the lfcrguson crest being a bee "5itting upon the flower of a Scotch thistle with wings expanded and sting extended. 7

The crest with the cubit dexter ann issuing out of the cloud is the registered crest of t-he l{EIDS. The present day representatiYes of the fan1ily should revert to ,vhat is undouhte


1 arins with their own ; and the R,EJDS 01' BALGRAY quarter the arn1s of the J)UNLOPS Olf THAT ILK, in addition to those of the BoYDS OF BoKSHA ,v, ,vith their own.

R-A~TKINS AND 1fERGUSONS. 1786. 3 Helen ~.,erguson of Auchintiber married James Rankin of l\lains House, 1752-1815. Issue:-

1 Ja1nes Rankin, 1787-1870, married ~larion J?ergusou, 1804-1880, daughter of Robert Ferguson of Oldhall. Issue:-- _ 1 John Rankin, LL.D., shipo,vner, Liverpool (llessrs. Rankin, Giln1our & Co., Ltd.), 1narried in 1875 Margaret Jack. Issue:- 1 CAPTAIN RoBER1., RANKIN, A.S.C. (5). 2 CAPTAIN JAl\lES STUART RANKIN, M.P. (Toxteth Division, Liverpool) (6).

2 Marion Rankin, 1792-1856, married Robert Ferguson of Borland (KILMARNOCK). Issue:- 1 Alexander Ferguson of Borland 1narried Janet Robertson of Dalmusternock (no fa1nily). l\lary Jane Kerr Macalister, ,vho in 1884 married Robert Reid of Balgray, Irvine (the compiler of this Roll of Honour), ,vas brought up by her uncle and aunt at Borland.

1829. 3 Robert Rankin of Bro1nborough Hall, Cheshire, 1801-1870, 1narried in 1829 Ann Strang (,vho died 1875) of St. Andrews, Ne,v Brunswick (aunt of Sir John Gihnour, Bart., of Lundin an


2 Sm JAMES l{EGINALD LEA RANKIN, BART. (\VEST KENT YEOl\lANRY (8). 3 BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES HERBERT RANKIN, D.S.0. (C.lI.G. BT. CoL.) (H). 4 LIEUTENANT Eo,vYN CHRISTOPHER RA~KJN (10). 5 v· eronica Rankin 1narried LIEUT. JOHN ELLISON OTTO (11). liAcLELLANS AND ll'INTYRES. 1769. 4 ,John Ferguson of Fuhvood, born 1769, l\largaret Gihnour of Craignaught (Dunlop Parish). Issue:- 1 1\-largaret Ferguson rnarried Tho1nas \Valker of Gateside (Stewarton). ]:,sue:- 1852. 1 l\largaret marrriecl \Valter lVIacLellan (of the firm of P.· & W. MacLellan, Engineers, Glasgow). ls.sue:- 1 Georze Scott l\IacLellan n1arried :!\laud Stephen, daughter of 1882. '-' Alexander Stephen, engineer and shipbuilder, Linthouse, Govan, 1882. Issue:- , 1 LIEUTE:SANT GEORGE DOUGLAS MACLELLAN, B.SC.: H.L.I. (12). 1876. 2 Margaret llacLellan married Sir Robert Hamilton Lang, K.C.l1.G. (page 65). 1887. 3 Annie Scott 1\-IacLeJlan n1arried Rev. Hugh l\filler, M.A .. The llanse, Shandon (Dunbartonshire). Issue:- 1916. 1 LIEUTENANT WALTER DOUGLAS MILLER, R.G.A., R.F.C. (13). 1916. 2 LIEUTENA:ST IAN MACLELLAN ~hLLER, 2nd A. & S.H. (14). 1857. 2 Janet Walker married ,James l\tlntyre. Issue:- 1 Thomas Walker ~I"Intyre of SORN CASTLE, , 1860-1920, married Jeanie Galloway. Issue:- 1918. 1 LIEUTENANT JAMES GORDON l\l'INTYRE, 1\1.C. (15). 2 J.\,largaret M~Intyre married Frederick W. 1\tJannet. Issue:- 1 CAPTAIX HECTOR \VILLIAl\l )!'JANNET (16).


1772. 5 Robert Ferguson of Oldhall (Dunlop Parish), born 1772, 1narried Agnes Logan (Dunlop). [~sue:- 1 Francis Ferguson, born 1808, 1.narried Anne ·Eliza oilunro. Issue:- 1 Annie Elzabeth ~Iunro Ferguson married John Duff us. Issue :- 1 LIEUTENA:XT-COLO:N"EL ALLJ~N ,VALKER DUFFUS (19). 2 Alexander Rankin Ferguson. 1844-1887. 1narried AYis Louise Baker, 1850- 1880. ls8ue :- 1 Ann Eliza Ferguson, born 1873. married R. H. Lee Young, died 1910. Issue:- 1 ALEXANDER R,ANKIN FERGUSON YOUNG (17). 2 ROBERT l\'lUNRO YOUNG ( 18) 2 l\Iarion Ferguson, 1804-1880, 1narried in 1826 (her cousin) Ja1nes H,ankin of Liverpool (see RANKINS, page 7) 9

:3 lla,rgarct Ferguson~ horn 1810: nutrriecl ,Ja1nes Urahan1. /.i;i,ue :---- 1 Robert Urahan1 1narricd l\lary Craig. ls8ue :- 1 l\laggie ,Jane Graha1n nutrried Rob~rt Brotherton (Kilwinning). 2 Agnes Graha1n n1arried l{obcrt ....\.llan. I8sue :-- 1 }laggie Allan rnarricd ,John Henry. /.-.;8ue :- 1 l\'IA,JOR JAl\lES HENRY) l{.A..l\l.C (20). 2 JOHN" HENRY, R.N.V.R. (21 ). 3 -~largaret Graha1n 1narried \Villia1n Cowan. 1ssue :- 1 l\Iaggie Cowan n1arried \Vatter Kerr. I ss-ue :- 1 \VILLIAM KERR (22). 4 Helen Grahatn rnarried John Blackwood. Issue :- 1 JOHN BLACK\VOOD (23).

1845. 4 Robert Ferguson 1narrietl in 1845 Isabel \Villis, 18Hl-l899. J,lj8Ue ·:- · 1888. 1 James Atkinson Pergw,on 1narried in 1888 :\lirian1 \Vilson Uill. Issue :- 1 L1EuTEN.ANT W1LL1s C1LL FERGusoN, ·u.s.A. NAVAL Av1AT10N (24).

1847. 5 Hon. John Ferguson (Senator, Canada), 1813-1888, rnarried in 1847 1\'Iary l\ilunro. Issue:-- 1 Francis Percy Ferguson, born 1860, married Barbara Rennie. Issue:- 1 HUGH MUNRO FERGUSON (25). 2 DONALD RENNIE 1fERGU80~ (26).

1816. 6 Jean Ferguson born 1816, 1narried Andrew Harvey of Walton (Neilston). Issue: I Alexander Harvey 1narried Louis \Viln1ot ,Jack. 18sue :- 1 ALEXANDER "Hi~RBRAND ST. JOHN HARVEY {_27).

2 l\larion Harvey n1arrie


1Roll of lbonou r. F (1) ALEXANDER FERGUSON. Joined 1/1 ...-\.yrshire Yeomanry 12th 8epte-mber, 1B14, proceedeu to Gallipoli, September, 1915, took part in the fighting at Cape Helle8 until its evacuation in ,January, 191H, ,vas stationed at liudros in the lVIecliterratF~an for one 1nonth, and then proceccled to Egypt, takin'] part ·in the operations on the banlc of the Sue? Canal and Sinai Pen·in.'Jula. R,eturned home after the battle of Rornani i'.n September sa.1ne year. Served at ho1ne t,vo years, and waR di8charged, owing to .shell shock. :3rd September, HH8. 10

], (2) JoHN :\tE,vA"N ·F}]RGuso~ (brother to the abova). ,Joined 17th H.L.I. on the 20th Sepfe,mber, ID15. \-Vent to }~ranee, 4th January, 1916. and took part in the battle of the Sornm.e ·in July, HH6 and the fiyht'iny round Beaumont lia1nel in Nurernber oj the sarne ·11ea-r. Heturned to England for a conunission, and was gazetted to the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regirnent. Returned to ·France, and was wounded in the fighting near Cambrai on l.~t December, 1918, and ,vas sent to hospital -in l\lanchester. R.e­ . turned to France again in ,June and wa-;, invalided hon1e shortly thereafter, and was operated upon for appendicitis. B~ing unfit for further aci ive service, served with the -~ King~s Own " Regiment at Dovel'court Ray and :Frinton-on-Sea, Essex, and ,vas p'Yomoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Demob.-lised 9th 1/ebruary, 1919.

F (3) NA'l1HANIEL BIRU GREEN (Irvine). Volunteered as a ci?Jilian Veterinary S'Urgeon -Z:n Hll4, and attended horses at Gailes and around the Irvine district. Gazetted Lieuten2nl in 1915 in the ....\r1ny Veterinary Corps, and attached to the Queen's Own ·Hussars at l-!olkha1n, and later on was transferred to the Lincolnshire YeornanJ'y at Holt. :Fo; some n1onths ,vas stationed at Norwich, Brentwood, Clacton-on-Sea, and then to Blackpool for seven months, and fron1 there retransferred to Glasgo,v .. Gazetted Captain in 1917 when stationed at Woodbridge (Suffolk) :Duties when there were to select horseR fit for overseas and take charge of the Ren1ount Depot as well as sick horses at Danbury and Chelmsford. Demobilised February, 1919.

F (4) RoBER'r GREEN (son of the above). Left t-he Ayrshire Dockyard Co. (Irvine) in Decernber. 1917, to }oin the R.F.C. as a wire­ les.s operator. Trained at No. I (T.) Wireless School at }.,arnboro' for artillery observation "'ork, and further as '"continuous ,vave " operator. Proceeded overseas to join No. 9 Squadron. R.A.F .. with ,vhich saw 8er-vice from Le Hamea.u, near Arras: to J-Vargnie.s-le­

Grande. ....\fter the signing of the Armistice was tran~ferred to No. 13 Squadron1 and pro.. ceeded ,vith the A.riny of Occupation to Liidendorf, near Bonn, and was demobilised from there in February, 1919.

F (5) ROBERT RANKIN (son of John Rankin, LL.D., shipo,vner, Liverpool). Enlisted as a pr-ivate in Public Schools Brigade (2nd Platoon ~- C" Company, 18th Battalion 18th Royal Fusiliers), 15th September, 1914. Lance-Corporal in ditto, April. 19.L3; Corporal, June, HH5; Lieutenant, Anny Service Corps, 31st August, 19L3; do., S.R.D., I)eptford, 5th Septe1nber, 1915; do., H.T.D., Blackheath Rangers HouRe, 18th October, 1913; do.~ B.E.l~., France, 10th Nove1nber, 1915; do., 1.~t R-eservc Park, L:3th November, 1915; do., lst Indian Cavalry R.eserve Park_. now 4th CaYalry Divii;ion Reserye Park, Brigade 'Transport Officer, Sialkot Brigade, 18th )lay, 191.H; Captain do., 1st April, 1917. Invalided l)ece1nber, 1917. Rejoined Transport Office, Napier Lines, Colchester, April, 1918; Cannock Chase R.A.S.C, 240th H.T., Brocton Can1p, June, 1Dl8. Demobilised January: 1919 (CAPTAIN .A.S.C.).

CAP'l'AlN JAl\IES STUART RANKIN (JI.P. Toxteth Division Liverpool, brother of above). ,Joined as JJrz'.vate in the R.A.lI.C. in the last wee!· of .Aug·u8t, HH4, a.nd served with it until the end of February, 191:3.

-Drafted unexpectedly with his -platoon into hospital orderly work, ,vith no apparent prospect. of getting to :Franee. Applied for connnission~ and ,vas granted one in the :R.:F.A. in ~,ebruary, 1915. Trained at St. Anne's-on-Rea, Grantha1n, and Salisbury Plain. \Vent to ]f'raucc early in November, 1915, as Captain in charge of the Ammunition Column of the 11

L30th Brigade County Palatine Divi~ion. Served in the Sornme arfa t-ill J.lf ay, 1916. Owing to breakdown in he~lth, ho1np, so1ne n1onths on sick leave ~ later on ho1ne service at Catterick and .l{ipon ; and after further trai11:ing went with the :.l8(>th Battery R-.·F .A. to ~'lcsoro­ tan1ia, sailing in ,) une, HH 7, and landing at Ha.~ra on the 22nd August, HH7. Proceeded wit.h hi'5 Battery to a desert ca1np. about L10 n1iles north-east of Baghdad, towards the Persian border. Though ~till attached tn his Bat,tcr_y he was o.ff ered and accepted a District Sub-J)irector.ship with the J)irector ~f Local Resource.':J, a scheine originally arrtuiged by General ~Iaudc for utilising the great possibiliti~s of the country. He had been ,vorking on this fron1 l\Iarch till Scptc1nber, IB18, ,vhcn he went to Persia on a special 1nission. Left Kern1anshal, Persia, late Scpte1nber, 1918, for Baghdad, and at a later date was granted leave to resu1ne his Parlia,mentary duties, arriving in England, 26th January~ 1919, and was shortly there­ after de1nohilised.

]f (7) CAPTAIN JAMES CUTHBERT, ~tc., R,OYAL \V}JLSH lfusILIERS. Arrived in England f ron1 A1nerica and reported 22nd August, 1U 14. Proceeded to France to 2nd Battalion R.\V. ~..,usiliers in 1914; wounded 23rd Septen1ber, 1915. l{ejoined 2nd R.W. Fusiliers in France, 6th Septeinher, 1916. Appointed Acting 1\ilajor 2nd· R.\V. Fusilier~ and 2nd i/c Battalion, ard June, 1917, and was transferred to 14th R.\V. Fusiliers as 2 i/c 7th July, 1917. Proceeded to Senior Officers' School, .A.ldershot, 4th October, 1918. Detailed for duty (after volunteering) in North Russia, 8th ·necem her, 1918, and proceeded there on the 12th January, 1919, and was appointed 2 i/c Onega RiYer Colu1nn on the 10th February, 1919, and to co1nn1and Right \Ving Seletskoe Colurnn on the 16th June, 1919, on previous comn1and being taken over by Russian H.Q. Proceeded to England on the 14th September, 1919, on evacuation of N.R.E.F., and posted to 1st Battalion R.W. ]?usiliers on arrival. At the outbreak of the ,var was Lieutenant in 3rd Battalion (Special Reserve) R.\V. Fusiliers, and ,vas pro1noted to Ca11tain on the 1st February, 1915. In ~fay 191fi, ,vas transferred to regular establishment with rank and seniority as in :3rd Battalion. .1.lJ ent·ioned in des­ patches, l)ecernber, 1915 ; llfilitary (imm-ediafe) a'warderl, November, 1917; bar to .ill ili­ tary Cross (-i,mmediate) awarded November, 1918. Date of original corn·m·£s8ion, 20th December, 1907.

F (8) LtEU'rENAN'r-CoLONEL SIR JAMES REGINALD L·EA RANKIN, BAR1'. Late corn mantling 1st Battalion Herefordshire Reghnent. ,Joined \Vest Kent Yeo1naury as 2nd i/c on 7th January, 19L5. Served in England, invalided out in OctobPr. HH5, silver badge. He served in South Africa, 1HOO, with Retnington's Guides (1ncdal with :3 clasps) ; has \Tolunteer long service and Coronation medals. '"Tin1cs '' "·ar correspondent in Nlorocco in H)08, and with Bulgarian Forces, 1912. Sir ,Jan1cs is a ·F.Jt.G.S., :FJt.H.S., and a J.P. anu D.L. for ·Herefordshire, and a J.P. for Gloucestershire.

F (9) LIEU'fE~AN'r-CoLONEL CHARLl~S :HERBERT R-A:NKIN, .D.S.O. (brother of the above). Scr\·e.S.O.). Adjutant 7th Hussars, 1908-1911; went to lnay October, 1919, and resides at Shutford ~Ianor, Banbury. 12

F (10) l .... 1ErTENA~-T Eo,vYN CHRlS'J'OPIH~B. HANKl.S (brother to the aboYe). Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant in 2/1 Hoyal Gloucester Hussars (Yeo1nanry) on 25th June, 1015. Went a" O.C. in a squadron of :l/1 R.G.H.Y., and "·as attache


F (12) LIEUTENANT GEORGE DouGLAS l\iiAcLELLAN, B.Sc., H.L.I. · \Vas the youngest son of George Scott llacLellan, \Vest Lodge, l)owanhill, Glasgo,v (of the firtn of ~lessrs. P. & \V. l\1acl. .. ellan, engineers, Clutha Iron Works, Glasgow). He ,vas killed in act.ion on the 28th of .April, 1917, near .Arras.

F (13) i LIEUTENAN1., \VAL1'ER DOUGLAS }bLLER, R.G A. AND H,.1?.C. lB th l LIEUTENANT IAN MACLELLAN l\'bLLER, 2ND A. & S.H. ro ers. And cousins to the above Lieutenant George Douglas ~lacLellan, were the only sons of Rev. Hugh l\'liller, Shandon U.F. Church, and Annie Scott MacLella.n, his ,vife.

F (13) LIEUTENANT WALTER DorGLAS ~lILL"ER was a gunner in the Clyde Royal Garrison i\.rtillery (T.) when war was declared, and ,vas called up on the 4th August, 1914. He served as a gunner till he got his commission ear)y in 1915. Gazetted Lieutenant in ~larch, 1916. In ,January, 1916, he sent in his papers for the Flying Corps, and ,vas called up in the begin­ ning of June. He got his '' ,vings '' as a pilot in August, and ,vas sent. over to }.,ranee on the 28th of that n1onth, and ,vas killed in the air ,vhilst flying in the neighbourhood of GrHndecourt (,vhiJst on duty) on the 2nd of October, 1916, aged 24 years and 2 months. He ,vas attached to the 15th Squadron R.F.C. His n1achine ca1ne down in fla1nes, but his observer escaped, although ,vounded. and ,vas taken prisoner by ~he Gerinans. .. F (14) LIEUTENANT IAN ~fACLELLAN ~111 .. .LER ,vas in the {;niversity OfficerH' Training Corps,

and got his conunission fro1n that into the :3rd Battalion i\.. &. S. ·rr. H 1~ ,vas called up to \.Yoolwich on the 21st of ...t\ugust, 1914, and at.ta.ched to the 2nd A. & S.H. (old H:lrd). In the spring of 1 Hl4 he was ga.zetted. Lieutenant. ha Ying been sent to :France with his regi- 1ncnt, and was in the neighbourhood of Arn1enticres until about J·uly. He got ho1ne for hi~ fir"t leave on the 4th of August, 19L3. \Vhen he rejoined, his unit was at La Bassee Canal. He was killed leading his UiCll at the Loos engagcrnent on the 2fith of Septe1nber, 1915, aged 20 ..vears and 2 1nonths . A brass tablet has been put up in Shandon UJr Church to the 1ne1nory of the above gallant young offic~rs by their unc]e, George Scott JlacLeHan, Esq. (llessrs. P. & \V. l\1ac­ Lellan, engineers, Glasgow) .

.U' ( 1.3) LIEUTENANT JAMES GORDON ~l"INTYRE, :\LC., AYRSHIRE YEOl\lANRY. On]y son of Thon1as \Valker l\I-Intyre; Esq._ of Sorn Castle, Ayrshire. He left \Vin­ chester College and was gazetted 2nd Lieutenant Ayrshire Yeomanry in October, 1914. :Embarkecl for Gallipoli in Septe1nber, 19L3. \Vas in hospital at )lalta in Decemher of the sa1ne year, and was invalided ho1ne fron1 ,January to April, 1916. On the latter date he •) 1. )

e1n harked for Egypt to rejoin his regin1cnt, ancl was on n1ilitary duty at the Suez. Canal from April to October, 1916. In the Libyan desert (Senussi) from October, 1916, to February, 1917, and in ~'.larch~ 1917, to operations in Sinai. In April 1917 took part in the second battle of Gaza. His reghnent by that ti1ne fot'lned with other Yeomanry into 74th DiYision and becan1c 12th (A.yr and Lanark Yeomanry Battalion) l{i.S.F. In October 1917 took part in the batt]e of Beersheba; ,vas ,vounded on Noveinber 6th at Sheria and ,vas a,varded llilitary Cross. Rejoined in Dece1nber and fro1n Dece1nber 1917, to 1\larch, 1918, ,vas engaged in operations in the neighbourhood of '-Terusalen1. In April, 1918, went on active service to FRANCE; ,vas slightly ,vounded in August, 1918, bar to 1\'l.C. ; ,vas ,vounded again on the 31st of October, 1918, and ·was awarded Croix de Guerre (French), and was in hospital from October, 1918, to February, 1919. In October, 1919, gazetted '' relinquishes commission on ground of ill-health from wounds received;" retains rank of Captain. Extract from London" Gazette" ,vhen awarded Militarv.. Cross:-" Lieutenant James Gordon M'lntyre, for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He showed great cour- age and determination in leading an attack against the enemy position; across a z9ne swept by machine gun fire. The capture of the position was largely due to his skill and initiative. -6th November, 1917." His mother's na1ne has been inscribed by the British Red Cross Society on their "Roll of Honourable Service," for ,vork done by her in her o,vn surrounding district in the capacity of Vice-President of the local Red Cross Society.

F (16) CAPTAIN HECTOR WILLIAM M'JANNET R.F.A. (T.) (cousin to the above) . • Joined H.Q. 52nd Division at Bridge of AHan in September, 1914, ,vhere he was employed driving General Egerton, G.O.C., Division and Staff, on military duty. He received his commission as 2nd Lieutenant. in I/3rd Lowland Brigade, R.F.A. (City of Glas­ go,v Territorial Artillery), under Lieutenant-Colonel Pharic Grant, T.D., and proceeded to Dunfermline. He remained training with the Brigade at Dunfermline and Kinghorn, Fife, until the 27th of February, 1910, ,vhen he sailed from Devonport on H.l\LT. "l\Ienominee," disembarking at Alexandria on the 11th of ~larch, 1916. Trained at Katara, on Suez Canal, , the ,32nd l)ivision (the Artillery having rejoined the Division). He joined the R.F.C. in l\'lay and June, and having passed his tests became a certified observer, doing several reconnaissances as far east as El-Arish. Rejoined the Brigade in July, and in October com- 1nenced to cro~s the Sinai desert, reaching El-.A.rish on the 23rd of December, 1916, the first Artillery to enter th(\ town. On the 26th of December he ,vent ,vith Captain "\V. \V. Laird to relieye the n1ounietl troops at )Iagdnaba with anununition, covering tho di~tance of 26 n1iles in a, record night forced 1narch of 5 hours. During the trek across Sinai he was for some time Adjutant to the Brigade. From ,January to ~lay, 1917, he ,vas on the ....\d1nini':itra­ tive Staff at Kantara, under Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd, C.~I.S., l).S.O. In June he rejoined the Brigade, and ,va-, at Gaza up till the :3rd of NoYeinber, when the to,vn ,vas captured. In this third Gaza battle he was ,vith Captain R. P. Kidston, the F.0.0. for the Divisional ...t\rtillery. He ,vas ,voundecl in the hand by shrapnel, but remained on duty, and advanced ,vith the 52nd Division northwards towards Jaffa, ,vhich ,vas reached on the 2nd of Decem her after several engagen1ents and n1any hardships. During the first four days 69 miles ,vere covered by both Artillery and Infantry. He took part in the crossing of the Anja, and ,vas llresent ,vith the Division during all the su1nmer fighting. He took part in the great advance (,vhich defeated the enemy finally), leaving .Arsuj on the 19th of September, 1918. At Haija his hand became troublesome and septic, and he ,vas forced to go into hospital. He was evacuated front Haija on H.:\I.S. "Egypt," landed at Kantara at the 1-1

beginning of October ; "·aR conYeyed by hospital train to Nasrieh Hospital, Cairo, ,vhere he

F (17) ALEXA"NDER RA~KIN FERGUSON YOUNG. Son of Ann Eliza Ferguson and lt. H. I. .. ee Young. Enlisted on the 20th Novernber, HH4 in the 26th Infantry Battalion, went ov-erseas in l\ilay, H)L3, and to :France in September, I BL>. was "·01111<.le

F (18) ROBERT llUNRO YOUNG (brother to the above). Enlisted in the :35th Infantry Battalion on the 2nd of August, 1915. Went overseas 29th October, 1915. Transferred to olachine Gun Corps. After son1e months of training in England ,vent to France, first to the Somme on the 17th of July, 1916. then to Vimy Ridge. Came through the engagement of 9th safely ; also safely through Hill 70. \Vas gassed at Paschendaele, and slightly wounded on the 11th of Noven1ber. 1917. He was invalided to England~ where he spent three months in hospitals, then took a special course of instructional ·work and ,vas posted to Sergeant. He remained in England until 20th August, 1918, ,vhen he reverted to the ranks at his o,vn request, and returned to France to the 3rd Battalion Machine Gun Corps. Took a special course in machine gun work at Aubin St. Vast, and returned to his unit in charge of a 1nachine gun, and took part in Cambrai, Fresnes, Valenciennes, and Mons. Was in Mons ,vhen the Armistice ,vas signed. Returned to England on the 17th of February, 1919, and to Canada on the 17th of March, 1919, where he arrived safely.

F (19) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ALLEN WALKER DUFFUS (of the firm l\lessrs. Saunders & Duffus, 147 Hollis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia). Served as ~Iajor, second in con1n1and 1st Regiment Canadian Artil1ery in outposts, Halifax, N.S., from 5th Augu~t, 1914, to 1st l\1ay, 1917. and in command of Artillery, Hali­ fax, fro1n 1st May, 1917, to 5th June, 1918.

F (20) :MAJOR JAMRS HENRY, R.A.lLC., ~LA., B.Sc., 1\LB., Cu.B. Grandson of Agnes Graham and R,obert Allan and great-grandson of ~1:argaret Ferguson, horn 1810, and '-Ja1nes Graham. l\Iobilised as Captain on the 2nd August, 1914, in Glasgow ·oniver~ity Officers' Training Corps, and posted as officer in Young Officers' Training Can1p at Barry (Scotland) on the 25th August, 1914. Appointed Adjutant, Glasgow Univ-ersity Offirers' Training Corps, on the 1st October, 1914. Appointed Officer Com1nanding Glasgo,v University O.T.C., 1st April, 1915. Gazetted Captain, R.A.lVI.C., 1st Nove1nber, 1916. Posted to 60th Field Ambulance, France, on 19th November, 1916. Posted for duty to No. 10 General Hospital, France, on the 8th of l\;lay, 1917. Appointed Registrar No. 10 General Hospital, France~ on the 30th April, 1918. Promoted Acting l\Iajor, R.A.l\l.C., on the 14th of J\ilay, 1918, and posted to No. 3 General Hospital. Glasgo,v, on the 18th of December, 1918. Demobilised on the 12th of March, 1919, and granted the rank of ~lajor, R.A.M.C. ,..,.. F ('21) ,Jon~· HENRY, H.l\L ~Ir.sELAYJ~R No. 0'' It N.Y.R., GRANTON, 24TH J)1~CE:\IBER, 1917 (brother to above). The following letter of appreciation ,vas sent by his com111anding officer to the na,ral officer in command at Granton :-

"During the past 12 1nonths this vessel ha" been engaged in 1nine-s,veepin~, resulting in three mines being s-wept np and destroyed, and one enen1y n1ine being swept up and salved ; and in connection ,vith this ,vork I have the honour to bring to your notice the service and devotion to duty of ,John Henry. C.M.l\il. ,; He joined this vessel. before cornmissioning, on the 12th of April, 1016, and has served continuously in her since' Though physically unfit for sea service, and a constant martyr to sea sickness, he has devoted untiring energy to his department of t.he vessel. I would specially mention that, when on the 28th of November last, the Second Engineer ,vas dis­ charged to hospital from Dundee, and no re1ief was forthcoming, Henry carried on alone for thirteen days n1ine-s,veeping, entailing his having all his meals in the engine room, and daily-when sweeping was over-he ,vorked at repairs and adjustmen.(.s till late, _to have the vessel effective for the next day's work. · ,; During his ,vhole service he has ,vorked unre1nittingly to keep the engines in proper ,vorking order, and he has successfully bestowed in reducing the consumpt of petrol and oil to a 1ninimum. The services carried on by this vessel have been largely due t.o his work. " I have the honour to be, " Sir, your obedient Servant,

" (Sgd.) J. A. MACQUEEN, Lieut., R.N. V.R.,,

F (22) WILLIAM KERR. Joined Royal Marine Artillery in June, 1918, ,vas only on home service, and was demobilised in February, 1919.

F (23) JOHN BLACKWOOD. From 1914-1919 served as Instructor to a Volunteer Company (5th Warwicks). Received con1mission as Lieutenant in 1916. Joined Regular army and entered Inns of Court Officers' Training Corps. Served as Cadet in No. 4 Coy. 22nd G.O.C.B., and received comn1ission as 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Battalion R.S.F.

F (24) LIEUTENANT WILLIS G-ILL FERGUSON. Son of John 1\tkinson Ferguson (Duluth), U.S. \Vas, when ,var broke out, in his second year at college, and, like a number of young men si1nilarly situated, becan1e unsettled, and posse~sed with the idea of getting into it, thought of joining the Royal Flying Corps at Toronto, ,vhich ,vas only a short trip frorn Cleveland, Ohio, ,vhcro he ,vas studying. Other influences, however, prevailed, and as a first step in the direction of higher aviation, accepted a position in one of the largest aero work:-; in the country at Buffalo, New York, heing mn­ ployed chiefly on the inspection force. He shortly thereafter enlisted-subject to call-and ,vas accepted in the Reserve Section of the U.S. Naval Aviation and ,vhen about to enter the service (the United States having entered the war), the l)raft Board ,vould not release him for army service, the army officials declining to consent to his transfer to the navy. In consequence he enlisted in the Officers' Reserve of the Arn1y ....i\.viation Corp~, and ,vas ordered to the l\'Iilitary School of Aeronautics at Austin, Texas, as a Cadet candidate for a IG

eon11nission, and con1plctecl the course there. He was then ordered to Kelly .A. dution }..,ield at San Antonio, Texas, ,vhere he "·as doing flying ,vork when the Ar1nistice took place. He completed his work at Kelly Field under Govern1nent instruction and gained his com1nisi;;ion as I.iieutenant, and ,vaH enrolled in the Aviation Reserve of the U.S. Army. He has always been interested in aviation and n1echanics. especially in the direction of gas engines in their Yarious ui;;es, having 1nade that his chief study.

F (25) HUGH ~1UNRO FERGUSO~. Son of Francis Percy Ferguson and Barbara Rennie, and grandson of Hon. John Ferguson (Senator, Canada), late of Barhurst, N.B., was chairman of the Legal Advisory for Denver County, \Viscon~in.

F (26) DONALD RENNIE FERGUSON (brother to the above). Was refused for military service on account of his being deaf in one ear, but was accepted ]ater on. After spending six ,veeks at Camp Custer, on account of his hearing, he was dis­ charged without seeing any service.

F (27) ALEXANDER HERBRAND ST. JOHN HARVEY Son of A]exander ltarvey and Louise Wilmot Jack, and grandson of Jean Ferguson of Oldhall (Dunlop) and Andrew Harvey of Walton (Neilston, Scotland). From October, 1914, to June, 1915, on submarine defence in Essex with Admiral Napier. From June. 1915, to December, 1915, Ministry of Munitions on machine gun supply in England. January 1916, to June, 1917, Ministry of Munitions, on machine guns, rifles, and fuses in U.S.A. June, 1917, to March, 1918, on copper production in Chile, South America. This, while not strictly for the Government, ,vas of such a nature that the U.S. Government refused enlistment to all employees concerned.

F (28) ALEXANDER FRANCIS OSBORNE. Son of Alexander Osborne, F.sq ., Capri-Heath, Barrhead (Scotland) and Marion Harvey of Walton (Neilston, Scotland). Joined the Southern Provinces lV[ounted Rifles in India.

F (29) DAVID WALLACE OSBORNE (brother to the above). Also joined the Southern Provinces Rifles in India. Neither of them was conscripted.

F (30) FREDERICK HARVEY OSBORNE (brother to the above). ,Joined the Scottish Horcse in the first ,veck of September, 1914, giving up his business, ,vhich he had only started in April of that year. Rose from the ranks, going through all the lo\\rer grades, and ,vas pro1noted to Lieutenant. He qualified as a Pilot in the R.A.F. early in 1918, and ,vaR in the big push at the end. His squadron had to guard the bomber~ from the Huns, in the discharge of ,vhich duty he had several narro,v escapes. He ,vas still in France in the early pa.rt of 1919 engaged in flying machines from there to London.

F (31) HUGH WALTON OSBORNE (brother to the above). Started as a Cadet in the R.A.F. in February, 1918~ ,vhen he ,vas some months under 18 years of age, but after the Armistice training ceased. He passed all the tests and examin­ ations for a first class pilot, but did not fly long enough to get his " ,vings." He returned to civil life about the end of February, 1919, but he is liable to be called up for two years if required. 17

F (32) CoNSTAXCE FERGLTSON OsnoRXE (~ister to the above). Started 1nunitions in January: 1916. and worked at she]hnaking for six n1onths at l\lessrs. Beard1nore'!3 Shell Factory (Paisley), and then transferred her services to the ~cot­ tish National Factory at Georgetown (.Renfrewshire) as an exa1niner and general overlookerJ and continued in that capacity till di~banded after the Armi~tice.

F (33) IRENE l\'L<\Ri:ON OsnoRNJi~ (sister to the above). Gave her ~ervices to the Royal Insurance Co., Buchanan Street, Glasg(nv, ,\There she had full charge of the R.. enewal Deparhncnt for about two years, being the first lady to hold that position.

2 U:be 1Reibs of :J6011sb,1w, Stacl1Iawbillt flD11irbe,1b. of ' lS,1lgra~, :JSalgr,1~t :fl3orla11b, ,111b ·11·,11owbeab of :JJ3algra~. Are all Cadets of an ancient ancl honourahle fan1ily, the Reids of Barskimming; the first of whon1 on record is WILLIAM REID of Barskirnming, in }Iauchline Parish, who ha-d a 1377. charter of the lands of Barskimming and Ballochmyle from Robert II., dated 12th October, 1377. rrhat they are of gentle blood, as ,,·ell as of ancient lineage, is proved from the fact that: so 1399. far hack as 1399, they ,vere an arn1igerous family, as on the 10th of May in that year, at a Herald's visitation held at Ayr, their names appear in the list of nobilis viri (or those entitled to wear coat arinour; those not entitled to do so were tern1ed ignob·ili.s). See Chartulary of lielrose, in the Advocates' Library, . As there has been no attainder from the Cro,vn, the Reids of to-day are still entitled to wear coat arn1our. Robert Reid of Castleton and Outstraw (Stewarton parish) married Lady Marga·ret Boyd, daughter of S-ir Thomas Boyd of Bonshaw, Kt. (brother to Robert VII. and 1650. James VIII., Lords Boyd of Kilmarnock), in 1650; and later on Thomas Re·id of Balgray 1narried Jean Dunlop, co-heiress ,vith her sister }lary of the lands of Borland (Dunlop parish), about 1813, and as both ladies ,ve~e heiress~s the Reids of Balgray are entitled to 1.uarter the arm8 of tlie Boyds of Kilmarnock, and those oj the Dunlops of that Ilk, with their own. There have been many notable individuals in the connection, prominent among them being ADAl\l REID of Barskin1ming, leader of the LOLLARDS OF KYLE (a division of Ayr­ shire), who had ceased attending :0-Iass, and ,vere reading their Bibles for themselve~ and ,vere holding 1neetings of their own, and, ,vhen they ,vere summoned to Glasgow, an

\VILLIAM, IX. LORD BOYD, was created 1st ~Earl o.f K'ilmarnock on tlte 1th of Augwtl 1661, and WILLIAM, THJij IV. A:ND LAST EARL, was beheaded at the Tower of London on the 18th of August, 1746, on account of his having taken part in the Jacobite riHing in 1745. His wife was LADY ANNE L1v1~GSTONE. only surviving child and heiress of Jame~- V. Earl of Linlithgow and Callendar, by Lady llargaret Hay, second daughter of John XII. Earl of ·Errol ; she died 18th September, 17 4 7. 1752. Their son JAMES, LoRD BoYn, by a trust deed dated 1752, and confirmed by the House of Peers in the same year, recovered the lands of Kilmarnock, ,vhich had been forfeited, and ,vhich he afterwards sold to the Earl of Glencairn. On the death of his grand-aunt, the Countess of Errol in her own right, he succeeded to the title of Earl of Errol in 1758, and 1778. died at Callendar Rouse in 1778. The present Earl of Errol ill CHARLES GORE RAY (XX. Earl). He is great-grandson of the above James, Lord Boyd (1752), and is the XXIII. HIGH CONSTABLE OF ScoTLAND, and is, by virtue of that office the first subject after the blood royal, and takes precedence as such, and is also the present day (1920) representative in the male line of the Boyds of Kilmarnock, ,vho trace their family back to SIMON, BROTHER TO WALTER, lsT HIGH STEWARD OF SCOTLAND. On the female side, the representation of the family is vested in the Reids, through the marriage of ROBERT REID in 1650 with LADY MARGARET BOYD, daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas Boyd, Kt., of Bonshaw.


Q 1650. ROBERT REID married LADY MARGARET BOYD IN 1650; He took part on the side of 1679. the Covenanters at the Battle of Drun1clog, 1st June, 1679, and later on at Bothwell Bridge. Owing to hi~ connection ,vith the Boyd family he ,vas leniently dealt ,vith; but his brother, who ,vas similarly implicated, had to flee to Ireland, and forfeited his lands. Their s,vords~ which they used at Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge, are still in the family. He was succeede1 by his son- @1698. ROBERT REID, who in 1698 married MARY GALT, daughter of William Galt of" Wards" (Stewarton parish), ,vho, in a proc]an1ation of Charles II., dated 5th of l\'lay, 1684. was pro­ scribed. John Galt, the lri-ine novelist, was of the sa1ne £airily as ,vil1ian1 Galt of" ,vards." l.ssue :- 1 Thomas Reid, 1.701-1792 (of who1n hereafter) 1734. 2 James Reid of TVatermeeting8 (Ste,varton)~ who 111 1734 1narried l\iargaret Bowie. Issue:- 1 Helen Reid, born 173fi, 1narried Thomas Gray, 1naltster, Irvine (see GRAYS, page 42). 1738. 3 Mary Reid, born 1712, 1narried in 1738 James Dunlop of Haysmui:r (Stewarton). Issue:- 1 Robert Dunlop 1narried l\Iargaret ,Vyllie. Issue:- 1 "\Villiam Dunlop of Aulton (Kiln1aurs) married Martha \Vyl1ie. Issue l Jane Dunlop married George 1\'Iorton of Fergushill. Issue :- 1880 1 George )lorton, Lochgrcen, Troon, 1narricd 1n 1880 '--Tanet ,vnson. Issue :--- ( 1). 1 CAPTAIN GEORGI~ ~-IORTO~ (2). 2 JIA,JOR \Vn.. LIA:\I ,VILSO~ l\-lORTO~ (3). 3 CAPTAIN FERG es :ou:sr..or :\IoRTON (4). 4 :\'la rv... Reid llort.on n1arried LIEUTENANT THOMAS ANDRE". l\ln.. LAR (,1). 1882. 2 Tho1nas :\lorton, London, 1narl'ied in 1882 Edith ~land Tres­ t.rail (6). Issue :- I CAPTAIN HAROLD TRESTRAIL ~'IORTON (7). 2 LIEUTE~AN'r THOlL-\S TRESTRAIL lVloRTOl (8). ~ 3 .ANNIE EVELYN ~!ORTO~ (9). 1919. George Morton of Lochgreen (Troon) and his ,vife, Janet \Vilson, erected and presented a recreation hall for the litn bless soldiers at "Erskine House, in memory of their son, CAPTAIN GEORGE MORTON, who ,vas kil1ed in action.

REtns OF STACKLA\VHILL (STE\VARTON) AND CADETS. [II 1732. 1 THOMAS REID (of ,vhon1 forn1erly), son of Robert Reid, 1701-1792; and Mary Galt, married in 1732 l\Iargaret \Vilson. / ssue :- I \VILLIAM l{EID OF STACKLA,vHILL (of ,vho1n hereafter). 2 MARGARET REID, born 1741, married in 1761 ALEXANDER LoNGMUIR (Lam­ broughton) (LoNGMUIRS~ page ti2). 3 JEAN REID, 1744-1789 (of who1n hereafter, see Oarmicha.els, page 22). 4 ROBERT REID OF BoNSHA,v (of ,vhom hereafter: page 22). IV 1 \VILLIA:M REID OF STACKLA"THILL, 1732-1812, n1arried 1st, AGNES }IITCHELL, 1745-1778. . . .. ls.sue:- 1826. I THOMAS REID OF STACKLAW'I-IILL, n1arried about 1826 ~IARY \VILSON OF CHAPEL­ TON. Issue :- I l\lARY R-EID OF CHAPELTO:S .AND STACKLA,VHILL, born 1805, died at Irvine (unmarried) on 3rd September, 1916, and left personal estate (including heritages) to the value of £18,991 6s 10d.

BRYCES AND CAl)ETS. J_ 1800. 2 ~lAR

2 lVIARGARET BRYCE nuuTied CAPTAIN JAMES \VYL.J.E (Saltcoats). Issue:-

1 :Hunn \VYLIE (L.i,·crpool) n1arricd EMILY llARY Hooa­ sox. 1881.le :-

1 HAROLD \VYLIE (wounded in action) (13). 2 ALAN \VYLIE (14).

3 AGNES BRYCJ~ 1narricd THOMAS ORR (of Lochwinnoch and Salt­ coats). I.ssue :- 1 DR. \VJLLIA:\f ,JOHN ORR. F.R.C.S. (15). s~ cµ-/'J._ . w" GEBBTES, RElns 01? KNO\VHEAl), AN.O V~.\.ND.ALLK (U.S.A.) ANJ) CADltTS.

IVl 1732.1_ 1 \YJLLIAl\1 H,1,ao OF STACKLA\VHILL, 17:12-1812, son of Thomas ·Reid and }largaret Wilson. 1812.J 1n~nTied 2nd ELIZA~H Gn~dicd 1828 ((}RAYS, page 42). IssU,e :- .,

l JA-XET R,EID 1narncd ,JORN EARSTON. Issue:-

1 1\IARY EARS'TOX 1narricd THOMAS G-fJBBIE. I s8·ue :-

1 THOMAS GEBBIE 1narriecl ,JEANIE BATTISON. ls8ue :- 1 ~Iary l\I-Lcod Ge h bic ( of ,v ho1n afterwards). 2 JEAXIE (}J~BBIE (lfl). !l ELIZi\BETH 0-EBBIE ( 17). 1 i\Iary l\l"Leod Gebbie 1narried Tho111as l{ichards. Issue:- 1 CAPTAIN CoLIN DoeGL.AS RICHARDS, }LC. (18). 2 LI.KCTE~A:NT CYRIL CLADSTO:N}~ RICHARDS (19).


1788.) 2 ROBJ~RT l.{EID Ol!' K-so,YHEAD, 1788-J.8HH, 1narried AN~ CRAIG- (Loch,vinnoch), 1869.I 1799-1872. Issue:-

1 ISABELLA l{EID, 1828-lOOH, 1narricd A~DRE\V liuIRHEAD. l8sue :-

J ROBERT lTRA~KLI~ )lrIRIIE.\D, B .. A., l\I ~..\.., D.Sc., 1narried in 1893 E::.\IILY C..:\.llOLfXE flL"R~.D.ALL, third daughter of R,e\·. l)r. ,villia1n }[urnclall (first HHtster of )lill-_Hill School. London), and of En1ily ..\tkin~on (C'ou~in. of 1Ir. A~quith, Pri1ne )lin.ister, 1910). ls8ue: l C1.-\.PTAI~ "\\' ..\LDO .HrR~D.ALL l\IuntHEAD (20). 2 LrECTE:-;Ax'l' H.o~ALD Hl'"HSDALL ::\Iunu1EAD (21).

2 .A1'X I{EID 1narded \f JI..LL\:\I HOL:.\JES (Trvine). _ l8sue :-

1900. J Jessie Orr Holtnes nunTieJ 1000 l)R. ,vrLLI.Al\I An.AM PATERSON, .iv )l.B., C.:\I.. (lr,·iue) (22). _,r _ . .::J- . i) J 1.) . l ·r J I a. (!_ ~~·'1V' viAf.- .. ' "ft :-, OHN :\:EID nutrnec '- AX ~j ' ACK. ssite :- Jr . 1 )JARY REID 1narried ,JOHN j} c~Ro. Issue :-

1 JEAN l\IuNRO 1narriecl ,r1LLIA:i\l GRA~'l' (Invernes::-;). l8sue :- 1 IAN )IuNRO GRAN'r (23). 1854. * 2 \VILLIAl\l R1 1an n1arricd in 1854 GRACE Bc-cKELLS (Kentucky). l8sue :- 1885. 1 THOMAS A.Lgx.ANDER l{1nn n1arriccl in 1885 EMMA ~IARY DAVIES. I s8ue :- r cJJY'.-cJ-o.._ __ ~ ___ ._: .. ~ µJL . I ·HARRY JOSEPH ]{EID, 4th Coy. Illinois Guar


111.1780. 4 ROBERT REID OF BoNSHA\V, 1737-1822, son of Tho1nas Reid of Stackla,vhill and llargaret "\Vilson married in 1780 l\1ARGARET FERGUSON of .A.uchintiber, 1759-1834 (see FERGU­ f.ONS, page 6). Issue:-

1810. I l\lARGARET R,EID, 1782-1868, 1narried in 181.0 JOHN GILMOUR OF GREE, 1757- 1816. Issue:-

I )L\'l"l'HEW GILi\IOUR of Gree, 1811-188:3, 1naLTie

2 JANE GILl\IOUR 1narried ,Jou~ Ho,,·1E OJf L~nv (Dreghorn). Issue:- I REV ROBERT H.O\VIE (31) \ (HO\YIE OF LOCHGOIN, 2 DR. \Vu.LIAM Ho,v1J1~ (32)J page 66).

1814. 2 THOllAS REID OF BALGRAY, 1783-1862, 1narrieLX~D was RonERT l)uxLOP, FouRTH Sox OF ,.J ..\l\IES ])r~LOP 1549. O:F THAT lu<, L">4H: who was the Sox OF ALEX.-\~DEH J.)c~LOP, 10th 1537. of that llk ( 15:37) and HELLEX Cux~1~GIL\.:\IE, daughter of the 1st

l?arl of' Olencairn 1 and grand.son of ,Iohn l)u nlop, nth of that Ilk, and 1492. .Jlorion Douglas (who died 14H2). daughter of Archibald, 4th Earl of

Dougla.s and J)uk·e o.f Tou.raine (France) 1 and J[a,rgaret, daughter of Robert 111. of Scotland. TH.E 1•1RST Dc~LOP OF THAT ILK was Do:M. 1260. Gur...LIELl\lUS DE I)u~LOP, 1260.) Issue of Thomas Reid and Jean l)unlop :-

1838. 1 ROBERT REID of Balgray (Irvine), 1814-189,3. n1arried in 1838 ,JA~ET GILl\lOUR of Br<.nvnhills (Beith), 1817-1902 (a cadet of the Gil-rnours of Craignaur1ht (Dunlop), and originally fro1n }learns, of the same fan1ily as the Gihnour~ of Eaglesham and ~Iontrave estates), and on her mother's 8ide .a cadet oj the Kerrs oj' Gatend, Beith, cadets of the Ken; of J(e-r8land, in Dairy parish, the first o.,t whom on record was lf' illia·m Ker, 1205. 1205. Timothy Pont, the topographer (1604-1608), says :-­ '" Triorne is the inheritance of Robert Ker, Laird, and he is thought to be ye most ancient gentle1nan of yat surname in all Scotland." And Sir Patrick Lvon., of Carse, in his " Geneal. Coll. l\1S." (Advocates' Library, Edinburgh), says :-"' Ker, alias Carr.-There be considerable fa1nilies who contend for the Chiefdo1ne in thjs na1ne, tho' all of them will readily yield the1nselvcs to be corne of another Jes considerable than any of the1n-to witt. ](ER O"F KERSLA:SD, in ye shire of AIR.~' Including the }larquess of Lothian and the Duke of Roxburgh. Issc-E OF ROBERT REID OF BALGRAY, 1814-1895, and ,JANET GILl\IOUR :-

1 JANET REID 1uarried THO~IAS ALLISON, M.D.R.N., lI R.C.S.E. Issue:- I H.OBERT l)FXLOP REID .ALLISON, :\I.D., n1arried ~Iary ,Yilson (:l3). J.ssue :- 1 l{OBERT R-EID .A.LLISO~ (34). 1902. 2 RollERT RE1n of Bnlgray (succeeded in H)02) 1narried in 1884 )IARY J-A~E KEHR )l.ACALI.STER (a cadet of the J(ers of G'atend and J(er8l 1l1ul) (:3;3). J.ssue :- 1914-1920. 1 CArTAI~ HonEnT REio, H.F.A. (a6). 2 \Y1~1FRED ..:\.GXES HEID 1narried H)O!.) iI.AJOR )L\TT.HE\\" \VRIGHT BRECKENRIDGE, l{.F .....\ (:37). 3 J.A"NET GlL:\IOUR R,ElD 1narr:e:l THOl\IAS CAMPBELL \V ALKBR (:18).

1886. ~ ALLAN REID, Owensboro, K.entuck~-, l'!'.S.A., 1narricd in 1886 )lA1uoN l{A:\IIJ:ro~ ])rcKso~. ls.sue:- 1 SERGEA~T JOHX REID, lr.s.A. (:39). 2 ALLAN" l{-EID, U.S.A. (40). 2 JANE REID, 1817-1883, n1arried THO.MAS CocHRA:N OF CRAIG· NAUGHT (Dunlop). Issue:-

1 ALEXANDER COCHRAN o.F GRANGI<] (Dunlop) 1narried Aa~Es GEMMELL OF Col\IMORE. Issue:- 1 JOHN GEMl\HJLL COCHRAN (of Craignaught, killed in action) (41). 2 ALEXANDER COCHRAN (of Laighmuir) (,vounded in action) (42).

REID OF BONSHAW AND CADETS. ~ 1780. 3 ALEXANDER FERGUSON REID OJ' BoNSHA,v, 1787-1872 (son of Robert Reid of Bonsha,v ,vho, in 1780, n1arried MARGARET .PERGUSON OF ..AucHINTIBER), ,vas an inventor of no n1ean order, the most. in1portant of his inventions being the Feathering ~Float Paddle lf'heel for Steamers. In recognition of rus 1nechanical abilities, the Royal Highland Agricultural Society has done hhn the peculiar honour of recording the 1neasure1nents of his head, which 1nay be seen in the Journal of the Society, under the designation of "The Ayrshire Genius." He married JEAN LoNGMUIR of F AIRLIECREV0CH (Dreghorn) ("ee LoNGMUIRS, page 52). .Issue:-

1 ROBERT REID OF BoNSHAW, 1827-1887, 1narried ISABELLA }loNT­ GOMERIE, 1833-1905. Issue:- 1 ISABELLA ~lACALISTER l\iloN'l1GOMERIE REID 1narried JAMES HUTCHISON, Netherton (Barrhead). Issue:- 1 GEORGE HUTCHISON (43). 2 ,JAMES HUTCHISON (44). 3 JOHN HUTCHISON (45).

1Roll of 1bonour.


H,. 1. GEORGE }loRTON, Lochgreen, Troon. l\Ir. and ~Irs. lVIorton erected a recreation house at Erskine for the Ji1nbless soldiers at the hospital there as a 1nernorial to their good and gallant son who fell at Gallipoli.

H,. 2 CAPTAIN GEORGE l\loRTON, lft3 H.L.L :U1e1l in his first and last great fight at Gallipoli on the 12th of ,July, HH5, in the 32nd year of his age.

R. 3 l\'1AJOR "\VILLIAM \VILSON lloRTON (brother to the above). Joined the 17th Battalion H.L.I. (Glasgow Cha1ubcr of Uon1n1erce Battalion) at the outbreak of the war, in Augw~t, 1914; gazetted Captain in Septc1nber, 1914; joined the Expeditionary Force (].,ranee) in Nove1nber, 1915, and was pron1oted to Nlajor in July, 1916; attached to 7th Battalion Gordon Highlanders, 1018. R. 4 CAP'rAIN FERGUS DuxLOP l\IoRTO~ (brother to the above). Gazetted Lieutenant, H.L ..L, 10th Septe1nber, HH4, and Captain, 1st Augu8t, 191..3. \Vas awarded the 1"1ilitary Cross on the 27th of July, U)l8.

R. 5 LIEU'rENANT THOlIAS ....\:NDRE\Y )lILLER (brother-in-law to the above). Husband of llary :Reid llorton. Gazetted Lieutenant, Glasgow Yeomanry in Septen1ber, H}l.3. ....\ttached 2. ./1 Derbyshi1c Yeo1nanry, .....\ugust, 1917, to June, 1918, and to the 10th .Battalion H.L.I. from Juno 1918, to January, 1919.

R. 6 THO:\IAS ~loRTON, Stockbroker, London (brother to George 1'iorton 1). Served as a Volunteer for three years in a co1npany in which he took a leading part in organising. Took a pron1inent part in raising \\'ar funds, and in order to assist in the food production for the country took on a derelict farm, and did his utmost to bring it into culth.ration.

R. 7 CAP'l1AIN HAROLD rrH,ESTRALL l\1oR'l10N (son of the above). \Vhen ,var broke out he ,vas doing annual training with the Inns of Court O.T .C., and ,vas mobilised at once with the1n for ser,·ice. Co1n1nissioneu 2nd l.iieutenant to the East Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry in Septen1ber, .HH4, and rose to the rank of Captain in 1917. In ·oecen1ber, 1917, he went to the 1-toyal Horse Guards at Regent's Park Barracks, where the 1-tescrve Regiment ,vas, and in February, 1918, ,vent to }.,ranee to join t.he Line Regi- 1nent in the field. In .A.pril, 1918~ the ,vhole of the Household Cavalry ,vere sent back to the base in France, to be trained as 1notor n1achine gunners, and he was then transferred with his regitnent into the Guards 1nachine gunners. Served ,vith the Guards Machine Regin1ent in France until January, 191{}, and ,vas den1obilised at Porbright Camp in February, 1919.

~ 1-t. 8 LIEUT}~N.ANT THOMAS TREST.RIAL ~Ion.TON (brother to the above). Left 1-tugby, Decmnber, 1914, age 17} ; joined squadron Inns of Court O.T.C. in ,January, 19V> ; gazetted 2nd Lieutenant to Yorkshire Hussars in August, 1915. Went to France in :\Iayi 1916; to Egypt fro1n 1\ugust to October, 1917. Returned to England and joined the ]{.oyal Air :Force in llarch, .1918, and gained a pilot's certificate. Gazetted out of the .A.rmy in .A.pril, 1919.

It 9 ANNIE EVELYN ~IoRTO.N (sister to the above). Qualified in n1otor driving, and when not en1ploycu driving a rnotor tractor on her father's fann (food production) assisted in hospital~ .

.BJ{YCES .:\ND C.:\DE'fS.

H.. 10 Ron.EH'!' ,J.A)U~S 8.ABISTO~ J3RYCI~. Gunner, Australian Field Al'tillery. ,Joined in )Iclbourne on :31st ~lay, 1917, in the :3rd l)ivjsion Australian ·Field .:\.l'tillery, ;,th .Brigade. .Afterwards transferred to the 2nd Australian l)ivisional ArtilJery Headquarters, a,1H.l serycd in :France until deinobilised in England on the 16th of April, 1!)19.

R. 11 LIEUTENANT DAVID l\IALCOLl\I FBLL. ]front ,Jesus College, Can1bridge. Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant, _R,_Ji,.A_., on the 15th of N0Ye1nber, lHL,. Joined '·.A" :Battery, 166th Brigade; R .. F ..A., B. ltF., ·France, and after five 1nonths' active service ,vas killed in France {in action) at the battle of t,he S01n1n~, on the 17th of ,Jnly, 1916 R. 12 LIEUTENANT tlOH~ DYNELEY FELL (brother to the above). After six 1nonths' sor,·iec with the ll .. F.A. Cadet Sc~hool, Exetf~J\ was gazetted 2nd Lieutenant ]{.G . ..-\., on the Jst of ::\lareh: 1B18. ,Joined the Egyptian Expeditionary Foree. Palestine. in ,Juh· ..IH18. and wa:-: att-aelwd to the Dist H<'a\·\· Batt

R. 13 HAROLD WYLIE. iloined the 10th Battalion King's LiYerpool H.(•girnent, Scottish Tf'rritorial Forces, in April, HH2. l\lobilisc

R. 14 ALA~ \VYLIE (brother to the above). Joined ard/5th King's Liverpool l{e~i1nent 011 t.lw uth of October, HH 7. l)ra.ftcd to -~"ranee on the :3rd April, HH 8, an

R. 15 DR. \VILLIAl\1 JOHN ORR, }1-.,_.l{,C.8. (11AJOR). Joined R.A.M.C. in May, 1915, and gazetted with the rank of ~lajor, and appointed to the co1n1nand of the 1st Birmingha1n \Var Hospital, Rednal, Birmingha1u. l)c1nobilise~l ~larch, 1019.


R 16 JEANIE GEBBIE (415 Shields lioad, Pollokshields, Glasgow). Gave her services for fully two years. ·First, as an assistant re8ident worker in the Y .~LC.A. Hut, J'ulha1n l\'lilitary Hospital, Hanuners1nith, London. Then under the Scot­ tish Churches' Hnts in St. l\'Iargaret's Club. Paris, Plage, Ifra.nce. .A.fterwards as lady in charge of the Y.:~'1.C.A. Hut, l\:lile En

R. 17 ELIZABETH GEBBIE (si~tcr to the above). Worked for 21 years in the Y .l\l.C .. A.. International Hospitality League and for one year in the Infor1na-tion Bureau, Glasgow, and th Septc1nber, HH4i l,">th (Scottish) .DiYision, an ; battle of Som1ne fro1n ,July, 1910, to .February, HH7; battle of Arras on Hth and 2:lrd April, 191.7; second battle of the ~Iarne on 20th July, 1018; battle of Greenland Hill and the ad,?ance f ro1n Cain brai to Valenciennes. ., ... - ' The following is a copy of notice in the London "Gazette,~ when he was awarded l\Hlitary Cross :-~- T/Uaptain Colin Dougla::; l{ichards, A. & S.H., when in co1n1nand of a co1npany his position was three tin1cs attacked by the cneiny, after heavy bon1bardn1ents. He cleverly altered his dispositioni; to 1neet new situations as they arose, and directed the fire of two Vickers' guns and a Stokes' n1ortar, inflicting heavy casualtieH on the enc1ny. He shewed great gal1antry and ability to eo1nn1and. ~,

H. 19 LIEUTENANT CYRIL GLADS'l'ONE H,ICHARDS (brother to the above). Joined (}lasgow University Officers' Training Uorp::; in April, HHH. Attested 21st ~lay, 1916. Posted to Bth (Scottish) Otliccrs· Cadet Battalion at Gailes on the 1st Decen1ber, 1916. Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant and posted to the 3rd Royal Scoh, at Glencorse on the 24th April, 1917. \Vent to France 25th ,Tune, 1917. Attached 6th Entrenching Battalion at Tincques and Arras fron1 30th June to 14th Septen1ber, 1917. \Vounded (first time) in July, 1917. On the 14th Septernber, 1917, joined 2nd Royal Scots at Bapaun1e. \Vounded (second time) 26th Scpteinber, HH7, at Zonnebeke, during the third battle of YpreH. Fro1u May to August, 1018, stationed at l\ilullingar (Ireland) with 3rd Royal Scots. Pro1noted Lieutenant 28th Septe1nber, HH8, and fro1n l\farch, 191B, to ti1nc of giving this account of his war service, stationed at \Vestport ~lilitary Area with I/10th .Royal Scots.


H,_ 20 CAPTAIN WALDO liURNDALL llUIRHEAD. Joined the Scottish Red Cross organisation, as driver of a n1otor an1bulance, in l\larch, 1916, and served with the French Ar1ny at Rhei1ns until October, 1917, \\:·hen he applied to exchange into the Royal Naval Air Service. ·He went into training for the latter at Roe­ hampton on 12th Nove1nber, 1917, and hec~1nc :Flight Sub-Lieutenant on the 24th June, 1918, ,vith qualifications as Kite Balloon Observer. In April, 1Hl8, on transfer to R.A.},., he ,vas gazetted Lieutenant, l{.A.F., and was attached to No. 1 Balloon Base, }lalta, where he ,\·as on act.i \·e service, and becan1c Captain, 1-t.A.:F., on l:,t .Deceinber, 1918, an

H. 21 LIEUTENA:ST l{oNALD HuuN.UALL l\'luIRHEAD (brother to the abo,·e). ,Joined Glasgow Cnivcrsity O.T.C. on the 4th of .April, H)l7. Left O.'f.C. on 31st ,January, 1918, and entered ]loyal ~lilitary Acatle1ny (\Voolwich) as a geutlen1an Cadet on the 22nd t..,ebruary, 1918. \Vhile in the R.l\il. ...-\ .. attained to the rank of G.C. Corporal. \Vas ga,J';ctted Lieutenant, 1{.E., 2:lrd ,January, lHU), and attached to the 4:J8th l1~icld Coy., H,.E., serving in Franc(\. L~ now with his co,npany in the .Ar1ny of the Hhine, which i~ in occupation of Gennan territory

It. 22 DR. \VILLIAl\I ....\DAM PATERSO~, )l.ll., U.i\l. (lrYine). Enlisted at the urgent req lH.•~t of the Scottish Uomn1ancl on the Uth of Occe1nber, I.HL3 ( l) a,:-; Orthopcedic Surgeon, under the leadership of Sir Harold Style::-, ~lajor, l.{ .....\.~I.C., at Edinburgh \Var Hospital, .Bangour, as assistant to that ofticer; (2) Anm8thetist; (:J) X­ l{a.y anital and on l\lcdical BoardH, and vi~iting l\Iaryhill )lilital'y Ho~pital, arnl Ollicer in co1nmand at Oakhank \Var Hospital (Ula8gow Arca); and frorn July til.l .No,·e,nuer, HH 7, l\lcdical Uflicer at Loch :Doon German Prisoner:-;' Ca1np (Ayrshire), and lVledical Officer to Troops and Hospital at Gailes Camp (AyrRhire ). In 1918 (G1asgow Arca) fro1n ,January to June at llaryhill l\li]itary Hospital, &c., &c. :Fro1n ,.July to N0Yen1 her ~Iedical ()flicer llilitary ConYalescent H:ospital at l\Ioffat, and from Noveinbcr, 1918, to :February, HHH: on special duty (Glasgow Area). ,va:-3 sent to }?ranee on several occasions on business of a confidential nature. ls now de1nobilised and has resun1cd his practice at Irvine. l{. 23 IAN l\1-UNRO GRA1''11. Enlisted under the :Derby Sche1ne in February, U)lo. Called up 21id April, 1916, on his attaining the H)th year of his age. Joined the 3/:l Lowland H,.F.A.. at Catterick Ca1np, ,vhere he rcn1ained till June, qualifying as a Gunner. In June 600 1nen ,vere transferred from the various Artillery Camps into Infantry Reghnents. He was sent to H ornsea Bridge Can1p into the 84th Reserve Training Battalion, tht\n to the Tyneside Scottish, and ,vas sent across to the base in France. In Septe1nbei· attached to the 1st Northu1nberland }.,usiliers. \Vent up the line shortly after landing as a Private in the 16th Northu1nberland ]tusiliers. Was slightly "·ounded by shrapnel in the leg at Beau1nont Ha1nel on the 17th of Noven1ber, Hll6. In January, 1917, ,vas in hospital for a fortnight with trench fet:t. Was ,vounded in the back ,vith shrapnel on }!-,t April, a,nd on the 5th of sa1ne n1onth ,vas very severely ,vounded by shell, on the 1eft elbo,v, about ¾of a 1nilc fron1 St. Quentin. \Vas sent to hospital at Rouen, thence transferred to England, 21st ~lay, to Salford Royal Hospital, l\Ianchester, where he has been undergoing operations and treatinent eyer since for over two years. joints of elbow excised; can use his fingers, but not the elbo,v joint. Appeared before ~fedical Board on the 16th of ....\.pril, 1919, and "·as discharged. n, 24 HARRY JosEPH REID Served as a Corporal in Coy. J 4th Illinois Regiment, Illinois National Guard, fro1n 16th June, 1916, until April 3rd, 1917, on l\lexican border. \Vas discharged at Fort Sheridan, Chicago, Illinois. Enlisted again on the 29th of April, 1918, at Vandalia, Illinois, and was sent to Ca1np I>ix, Ne,v Jersey. Sailed for :France via England on the 26th of 1\Iay, 1918, arriving at Liverpool on the 8th of J m1e, an

R. '27 ,JOSEPH ABERCROl\IlHB H,-r~ID (Vandalia, Illinois). Entered the r.;crvice on the 22nd ·February, J918. Trained at Ca1np Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky. and at Ca1np Shern1an, Chillicote, Ohio. Landed at. Liverpool, England, in Augrn,t, and at Ha ,Te a, few days later. After a week in ca1np in Southern France he ,vas sent to the front ; was severely wounded 2nd No,·e1nher, 1918, in the Argonne ·Forest ; was sent to the Arnerican Red Cross ·Hospital, No. 1, at Pari~h ; and left there on 25th Decen1bcr. Left IJrest on the •• Northern Pacific," which ran ashore on a ~and bar at " Fire Island," Ne,v York, 1st January, 1919. \Vas in Debarkation Hospital, No. 3, Ne,v York City, for three ,veekH, and ,vas discharged at Camp Grant on the 29th of January, 1919. He served as a Private, Con1pany J 336th Infantry "'hen with the American :Expeditionary Force.

R. 28 MRs. ANNABELLE REID CARMACK (Decatur, Illinois). \Vas a 1ne1nber of the \,V 01nen's Council of l)efence. Served as Registrar to register ,vomen for service. Assistant " Chairman " of the Comfort Kit Co1nmittee. l\Iember of the Decatur Red Cross Chapter, and was given a certificate by the President of the American Red Cross for continuous service fron1 April, 1917, to January, 1919, and also a service badge. Is Vice-President of the "\Var Mothers of America," Decatur Chapter.

R. 28 \VILLIAM R·E10 CARMACK (son of the above). _J\.ero Squadron (310th) American Expeditionary Force. Enlisted in the American Air Service on the 8th of ~larch, 1918. Trained at Rich Field, \Vaco, Texas. Transferred to Camp Greene, North Carolina, on 10th of l'Iay, 1918, and ,vas sent on the 7th of June, 1918, to Aviation Embarkation ]field~ l\Iincola, Long Island. On his arrival in England in July, 1918, he ,vas detailed with British Royal Air Forces, and finished training ,vith the R.A.F. at Harling Road, Norfolk. From there he ,vas sent to Nor,vich (England) testing and delivering aeroplanes to Calais, -Dunkirk, and points on the So1nme sector, flying "planes " over Channel to these place~. On the 3rd October, 1918, he ,vas injured in an aeroplane crash, ,vas sent to the British \Var Hospital at Thetford, England. He had a record of over 275 hours in the air, 7,3 of ,vhich ,vere in France. Returned to the United States on the 3rd of December, HHS, and was discharged on the 24th of Decen1ber, 1918. His rank was Acting ~1.S.E. 310th Aero Squadron, ....\1nerican Expeditionary Forces.

REIDS OF BONSH:\ \V, BALGRAY·, ~.\.XD CADETS (pages 22-24).

R. 29 LIE"C"'fl~NA~T THOMAS CAR'..\IICH.AEL. Son of Thon1as Cannichaet shipowner, Greenock. \Vas killed in action at the Dar­ danelles on the 12th of ,July, l9L3. He had another brother killed in action and another ,vounded. R. 30 CAPTAI~ 11ATTHE\V GIL:\lOlTR (son of l\Iatthew Gihnour of Gree, Beith). Great-grandson of ~Iargaret ·Reid of Bonshaw, 1782-1868 (daughter of Robert Reid of Bonshaw, 17:37-1822, who rnarrietl in l 780 liar-garet Ferguson of A.uchintiber, 1759-1834) and John Gihnour of Gree, 17,37-1818. ,Joined the 4th R.S.F. as 2nd Lieutenant on the 14th of October, 1914. Gazetted Lieutenant, 30th Septe1nber, 1916; Captain~ 5th August, 1917. Served in the United K.ingdon1 fro1n 14th October, 1914, to 12th February, 1917, in Scotland, England, and Ireland, and in France fr01n 12th February, 1917, to 1919: with Linc l{egi1nent. ~He was slightly wounded (shell) when in France. Had treneh feyer, influenza, and pne1nnonia. Captain Gihnour does not feel inclined to haYc his war experiences put on record further than as detailed aho,·c . .R. 31 REV. ROBERT I-Io,vIE, 1f.A., ·u.~-,. :\'lanse, Cockenzie, llidlothian. \Vas with Y.~1.C.A. fro1n A.ugust to ·necembcr 14th, 1BL3, at AbbeYille, France, as Chaplain to the Porces in }.,ranee fro1n 28th ,June, 191H, to 28th ,June. 1Hl8, and was attached to 8th Royal Scots Fn~iliers, ulst DiYision, fro1n 28th ,June, lHlfi, to 16th February: 1917. Attached to U)th fnfantry Brigade\ :l:3rd Di,,ision, fro1n 13th ,July, 1917, to 28th June, 1918.

It. 32 DR. \VILLIAll HO\VIE, l\tl.R., Ch.B. (hrot-her to the ahoYe). l)id not serve in either the Ar1ny or Navy during the war in a professional capacity, although he did the ,vork of a R.A.1\tC. officer locally. under the senior officer of the Mersey Defences. He ,vas for some tin1e Surgeon to the ship's cre,v of H.~1. Transport "Ascania" (10,000 tons), ,vhich appointment he held fron1 the 5th of October, 1915, to the 15th of ,January, 1916, going out to '"foulon, and carrying French troops fron1 there to Salonika. Frotn Salonika he ,vent to Marseilles, and fro1n there they took British troops to Salonika ; and then went on to lVIudros, in the island of Tenedos, where they took some companies of " Scottish Horse," -~ Lovat's Scouts," and " Cheshires," off small steamers from Suvla Bay) and conveyed them to Alexandria. He ,vas next employed as Ship's Surgeon on board H.M. hospital ship, " l\'Iauretania " (30,000 tons). After leaving the " Mauretania " he volunteered for the Navy, but on being inforn1ed that there ,vere no vacancies at the time he joined the R.A.1\11.C., to which he had been attached most of the time, as a civilian medical practitioner on the staff of the Seaforth Military Hospital, excepting a period of about nine months, from October, 1917, to July, 1918, doing the ,vork of an R.A.ll.C. officer on home service. (Rev. Robert Howie and his brother are sons of the late John Howie of Law and Towerlands (Irvine) and Jane Gilmour of Gree, Beith.)

R 33 DR. ROBERT DUNLOP REID ALLISON, M.D. AND C.1\1. Son of the late Thomas Allison, ~I.D., M.R.C.S., R.N., and grandson of Robert Reid of Balgray (Irvine), 1814-1895. When medical n1en over 1nilitary age were asked to volunteer in July, 19.16, he offered his services to the \Var Office, and, being passed as fit for general service, ,vas gazetted an officer to the R.A.l\LC. After special training at Chester, he was posted to the Seaforth Barracks, and later to Birkenhead, to act as eye and ear specialist, and in that capacity he personally examined the eyes of nearly 30,000 men. Late in 1917 Sir Auckland Geddes formed the l\'linistry of National Service, and wanted ex-Army officers to help hi1n. :Dr. Allison accordingly resigned hh;; conunission, and worked for a time on the -~liniHt-ry of National Service in Liverpool. Sir Auckland Geddes then appointed him President of No. 2 Recruiting "l\'Iedical Board in ~-Janchester: and next as President of No. 1 ~Ianchester Board, antl finally D.C.:VI.S (Deputy Conunissioner of l\'Iedical Services) for the

area of Ashton-under-Lvne.,, • Oldha1n.I and district. In the auturnn of 1918 he underwent a special training in London, Liverpool, and Colchester, in order to take up pensions ,vork, and 011 the 1st of April, HH9, was transferred to the ~linist-ry of Pensions, and at present (August, HH9) is the D.C.l\LS. in charge of two Pensions Boards in the Ashton-un

R. 34 ROBERT REID ALLISON (son of the above). Joined in 1917 the 31st \Vest Riding, and drove a large Daimler motor ambulance for one year. He ,vas then transferred to the Food Production Department, and drove a motor tractor for the next year, ploughing up land in Yorkshire and else,vhere ,J,) 1

I)\ . 3-; ) RouERT ll1no, SEN., OF BALGRAY, TRYI~E (1920). A retired engineer, n1ueh oYer 1ni]itary age, but anxious to do his '· bit," and with the view of getting e1nploy1nent. on war work as an engineer underwent a 1nechanical test, including Jatho \\'cn·k~ and obtained a certificate to the effect that he had passed the sa1ne and was an expert ,vork1nan, (as well as an a0e01nplished draughts1nan and engineer, as per fornier eertificates). l,jater on he was appointed head of a departincnt in the National Projectile Factor~· at Cardonald, near Chl:-;gow, his duties being to organise his dcpartinent fron1 the start, and to -~ carry on '' the ~a,ne ti1l everything ,n1s working auto- 1natieally. The fa~tory was dc-,igned for the 1nanufaeturc of H000 per week of 9·2" howitzer shells, but hefore a start was n1ade the size was fixed at 8". The output of 8" shells for July. 1916 (which was

B. :t1 ~IRS. ROBERT IlElD (wife of the foregoing). \ra:-:; aeti vely engaged during the ,var in 1naking and providing co1nforts for soldiers and sailors in connection with Red Cross ,vork, and was on the co1n1nitt~e of the local branch of the Soldiers' and Sai]ors' Families~ A~sociation, and was engaged in the practical workin~ of the sa 1110 fr·o1n first to ]a~t.

H. :36 CAP'l'AI]'; llo1n~R'11 H,EID ,Jt:~., B.. }' ...:\. (only son of the abo,~e). 29th February, 1012--Cazettr<.l 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Lowland Brigade, 1st Ayrshire Battery ll.11.,.A. (T.). I.0th April, 1Hl4-flaz~\ttocl 1st Lieutenant. 2nd Lowland Brigade, 1st Ayrshire Battery l{.P . ..-\. (T.). 4th A ngust, HH 4-:\lobiliHecl with 1st .A.yrshire Battery R,.F .A. 12th Augu~t, H) 1.4----Procccded fro1n Irvine with hiR battery to their war station, Larbert. Septe1nbcr, 1Hl4-0wing to te1nporary illne~s was sent to Irvine to take over the depot. October, 1914--Poste-.-\ttached to .1st ·nurhain Hatter>T ll P.A. at. ....\nnenticres. Nothing occurred hut t-lH' daily ·· :-;traff," whith ~Iareh, 1!l20-0rdcrs were r<'cciYecl to proceed to Bombay for etnbarkation to the ·cuited J(ingd01n, and on the I Ot,h )larch the battery left Born bay hy H.l\LS. "l\[acc­ donia" for Southarnpton, arriving at that place on 10th April, 1020. PerRonnel and clocu1nents were handed over to the 2ncl 74th Rattery ·R.F.A. at Ewshott, Rants. Demobilised in London on the 17th ~-lay, 1H20 :Four the\·rons for four years service abroad. The following notice appeared in the London " Gazette " of 2nd ,June, 1920 :--" Captain l{ohcrt Rci

R. !37 lVIAJOR lVIATTHE\V ,VRIOIIT BRECKl~NRIDGE, R.F.A. (T.). Son--in-law of Robert Reid of BnJgray, Irvine (Hl20). llobilised a8 Subaltern in 1st Ayrshire Battery R.F.A., 2nd Lo,vland Brigade, on the 4th of .August, Hll4. Promoted Captain, 2nd October, 1914, and front ~jth October~ 1914, recruited, trained, and co1nmanded tcrnporarily the 2-2nd Lo,vland Brigade R.F.A. Promoted Tmnporary Major in ~'fay~ 1915, and on the 21st June, 19lfi, ,vas appointed Brigade Major, lLA., 65th Division, and on 1st Juno, 1916, ,vas pron1oted 1\Ia,jor. Resigned appointment of Brigade l\lajor, R.A., on the 28th of January, 1917, and received con1n1and of 377th Battery R.F ..A., at Kildare. ~Icntioned for service, 29th January, 1917, and in l\Iarch, 1917, 1noved to Salh,bury Plain for equipment, horses, and final training and practice shooting of 377th 13attery R.F.A. Embarked at Southa1npton for Havre, France, in command of the 377th Battery R.F.A.~ on the 15th of l\lay, HH 7, and on the 17th of ~lay n1oved from Havre to position in the line near Armentieres. "\Vounded in action on the 8th of June, 1917, and invalided to Eng­ land on the 17th of same 1nonth. In February, 1918, ,vas passed by l\'Iedical Board " fit for duty at home," and posted Siege Training Centre at Aldershot ; and on the 16th April, 1918, ,vas post,ed Officers' Siege Gunnery Course, Lydd, and passed out at top of course. On 5th 1\'Iay, 1918, posted to Battery Comn1anders' Course at Ly

R. :.~~ THOMAS CAMPBELL \V.ALKER (Hon-in-law of l{obort R-eid of Balgray, 1920). J)id not take part aH a combatant during the ,var. He ,vas engaged as a chcn1ical 1nanufacturer in a, controlled "·orks, 1naking and supplying the Government with chcrnicals required directly and indirectly in the vrosecution of the ,var.

It ~3B SERGl~A:NT ,JOH~ l{EII>: 7th Tnfantry (Co1npany H), :Jrd Division, lT.S.A. Grand8on of the late H.obert ]{.eid of Balgra.y, Irvine. l814 l80t>. At the declaration of war by A1nerica against Gennany, he gave up hi8 position on the staff of l~\)l't \Vayne Electrical \Vork~, Indiana, and enlisted as a PriYate in the U.S. Anny. :He wa~ ~ent to Camp Green, N.C., and ,vas soon pron1oted to Corporal, and after several 1nonths' training was sent over to France, going into aetion at Chatcau Thierry and next at Belleau "\Voods, where he was pron1oted to Sergeant for bringing in his Sergeant who was killed close to the Gennan lines. He, along with his regiment-the 7th Infantry (Cornpany ·H), 3rd Division-took part in the follo,ving engagements :-iiarne sector, 1st to 11th of June, 1918; Belleau "\Voods, 16th to 23rd June; lVIarne sector, 1st to 14th of ,July; Charnpagne lVIarne defensive, 15th to 18th July ; Aisnc•l\larne offensive, 21st to 31st October. 3 34

He was ",ounde

R. 40 ALLAN REID (brother to the above). On coming of age joined the An1erican Regular Ar1ny of his o,vn accord in the hope of getting to France sooner than by waiting till he was called up, and ,vas assigned to the 3rd Infantry (Company E), Fort Sam Houston, Texas, but the Armistice coming before overseas order, his services as a soldier were not required on active ,varfare, and in due course he received an honourable discharge from the Army.

ALLAN REID, SEN. (the father of the above}, is the son of the late Robert Reid of Bal­ gray, Irvine, Scotland. He did his utmost during the ,var in the raising of food crops on his land to feed the people, he being much over military age. Their mother associated herself with Red Cross work, being made lady President of the local knitting organisation at Owens­ boro', Kentucky, U.S.A.

R~ 41 ALEXANDER COCHRAN (of Laighmuir). Son of the late Alexander Cochrane of Grange, Dunlop, and Agnes Gen1n1ell of Con1- more, his wife; and grandson of Thomas Cochran of Craignaught and Jane Reid, his ,vife, who was a daughter of Thomas Reid of Balgray and Borland (Dunlop), 1783-1862. He joined the Gordon Highlanders in the end of August, 1014, and ,vent to France ,vith a draft for the 2nd Battalion in October, 1914. \Vas ,vounded early in November, 1914. After,vards, as he ,vas only fit for home service) the remaining period of his service ,vas spent in this country.

R. 42 JOHN GEMMELL COCHRAN (brother to the above). Joined up in Australia, and ,vent into can1p at Sydney on the 15th of September, 1915. Embarked at Sydney on the 23rd of Dece1nber, 1915, with the seventh reinforcement of the 17th Battalion Australians, and arrived in Egypt on the 20th of January, 1916. The various reinforce1nents that had arrived ,vere formed into a new battalion, the 55th. He ,vas on service on the canal until June, ,vhen he crossed to France ,vith the first Australian force. He ,vas in France until he ,vas killed in action on the 18th of December, 1916, and is buried about 3~ miles north of Combles, France. 3A ItEIDS OP RONSHA\Y. R. 43 (h:ORG}~ H.t:'l'CHISO~. (Son of ,J a.n1cs Hutchison of Barrhead and Isabella ~racalistcr :\Iontgmnerie Reid. eldest

R.. 44 JAMES HuTCHISO~ (brother to the above). Enlisted in the 9th H.L.I. (Glasgow Highlanders) on the 15th of :February, 1915, ,vhen 18 years of age, and served in }?ranee and Flanders during the ,var. Arriving at Ploegsteert in October, 1915, he went through the battle of the Sonune at High \Vood, &c., in July, 1916, and Le Transloy in September follo,ving. In 1\'lay, 1917, he ·was at Arras, and, later on in the sa1ne year, he ,vas sent to Nieuport on the Belgian coast. During the German offensive in }larch, 1918, he ,vas at Neuve Eglise, and during the Gern1an retreat he followed up through Le Ceteau to Englefontaine. On Arn1istice day, 11th November, 1918, he ,vas on his way through London, con1ing ho1ne on furlough. He ,vas demobilised 28th February, 1919.

R. 4n JOHN HUTCHISON (brother to the· above). Attested on the 2nd January, 1917, ,vhen he ,vas 17 years of age~ and was called up the follo,ving June, ,vhen he joined the 4th-and later on-the 7th (then the 10th) A. & S.H. He was not on active service, but ,vas ,vith the Army of Occupation on the Rhine at Cologne, Duren, and else,vhere, and ,vas demobilised on the 16th of July, 1919.

~ollaternla. PRIVATE JAMES DENOON ~IACALIST.ER (son of James D. 1"Iacalister). Was a nephew of 1llrs. Robert Re-id of Balgray, Irvz'.ne (1920). He joined the 7th Northants Regilnent (:\'Iobb's Corps), in the beginning of Septen1bPr, 1914, at the age of 17 years and 2 n1onths, and went straight into training at Shoreham, and remained there until the 1niddle of August, 1915, when he ,vent to \Voking, in Surrey, for two week's practice at trench digging, &c., for the out defences of London. .After four days' leaye he sailed for France on the 1st of Scpte1nber, 191.3, and took part in the battle of Loos, 2tith or 27th of September, and was reported missing (both of these dates being gixen by the \Var Office to his father, but no further particulars ,verc sent regarding his death, only that he ,vas reported 1nissing), and after a lapse of ti1nc the \Var Office sent another corn1nunieation to the effect that as nothing f nrther had been heard of hin1, it was pres urned that he had been killed at Loos on one or other of the above dates.

Private JAMES DENOON 1\'l.i\CALISTER ,vas reported dead at battle of Loos, 2,">th 27th Sep. - tembcr, 1915. His cousin, JAMES l\'lACALISTER 1"1ACKIN'fOSH, was ,vounded at battle of Loos, 25th Sep- ,1 tember, 1915. ' His MoTHER, EMILY READ OR l\ilACALISTER, died on 25th September, 1916. And another cousin, ~iALCOLl\l M'PHAIL llACKINTOSH, was killed at Ypres on the 26th September, 1917. 36

ROBERT LINDSAY (son of ,John Lindsay, Esq., of ~Ioorfield House, Kilmarnock). His father is a cousin to ~Irs. ·_Robert Ileid of Balgray, Irvine (1920). Although not directly engaged in war work, his record is ,vorthy of being included in this souvenir. ~Ir. Lindsay ,vas 27 years of age and an engineer by profession, and was einployed by the Anglo-Persian Oil Co. at .A.swaz in that capacity, and as superintendent at their oil purnping station at Ta1nhi, in Persia. On ,July 9th, 1917, one of the oil pipe valves at the above 1nentioned station burst, and, as the pressure at that point ,vas 700 lb. per square inch the oil ,vas thrown up a great height, as froin a fountain in the form of spray, in all directions. The boiler furnaces ,verc only 30 yards distant, and unless son1ething was done to stop the spouting oil at once, the whole station and cornpound, ,vhich was populated by nearly 300 native~, would in a fe,v seconds be involved in a disastrous conflagration. Mr. Lindsay, ,vho ,vas near the furnaces at the tine, at , once realised that the only means of averting a disaster was to turn off the oil fuel supply to the furnaces: thus extinguishing them, and to stop the pumps, thus cutting off the shower of oil. Any one attempting to do so ,vould have to pass through the oil sho,ver, and in so doing his clothing would be saturated ,vith oil, and not only saturated, but dripping, and to approach the glo,ving furnaces in that condition 1neant almost certain death. Mr. Lindsay, realising all this, never hesitated. He shouted to his assistant to turn off the pun1ps ; and dashing through the oil cloud had succeeded in turning off the first oil cock, ,vhen the whole oil cloud burst into flame. Mr. Lindsay's assistant no,v turned his attention to the rescuing of the superintendent, but finding egress fron1 the pump house by all doors cut off, he managed to effect his escape by a ,vindow, stupified by heat and E-lmoke, and finding Mr. Lindsay removed him away from the burning oil ; the re~cue was effected too late, as Mr. Lindsay succumbed to his injuries shortly thereafter. He saved the ,vorks from destruction, but in doing so lost his own life. In recognition of such conspicuous gallantry and self sacrifice, His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to award the Albert, Gold Medal, and for that purpose Mr. Lindsay's father and rnother ,vere summoned to Buckingham Palace, and the King presented the 1nedal to the dead hero's father, acco1npanying the act by an expression of his admiration of his son's heroisrn, and at the sa1ne titne expressing his sympathy ,vith the bereaved parentg. The father, being a martyr to rheumatis1n, requires the assistance of a ,valking stick to get about with, and ,vhen appearing, before the King, those in attendance proceeded to deprive him of the same. To this llr. Lindsay objected, saying tha_t it ,vas impossible for him to approach His ~Iajesty if deprived of its aid. The King, realising the difficulty, said, " Let him keep his ,valking stick," and ,vith its aid he went for,vard and received his son's medal. The firm, realising :\Ir. Lindsay's herois1n, and also realising that but for his promptness of action and devotion to

PRIVATE l'l.A.LCOLM ~l"PHAIL llACKIN"TOSH, 1-l.S.F. Son of James Dunbar liackintosh, solicitor, Kihnarnock, and Janet Ferguson l\'Iacalister (sister to lVIrs. Robert :Reid of Balgray (1920). He enlisted in the King's Own Scottish Bor­ derers in the beginning of Septen1bcr, 1915, and ,vas in training at Chehnsford till January. 1917, ,vhen the battalion ,vas drafted to Ireland. ,Vhile there he volunteered for active service in France, and ,vas sent over in ~Iay la8t, subsequently receiving a transfer to the R.S.lf. lle was an expert bomber, an

An officer of the battalion, in a letter to his father, wrote :-'' On the morning of 26th Septe~,~ber (1917) the battalion attaekccl the Gern1an position before ·Ypres, and since then we cannot trace your son. On n1aking enquiry about hin1 we finathy. He wa~ a 8plen

LIEUTENANT JAMES M. ~IACKINTOSH (brother to the above). Was, at the outbreak of the war, a 1nc

LIEUTENANT DOUGLAS OLIPHANT CONSTABLE, GRENADIER GUARDS. Was the third son of George \V. Constable, faetor to lVIr. Jicrbert 'l\Iaxwell Stuart of Traquair and Tcrregles and Dora }lacalister (who is a cousin of ~Irs. l'lobert Reid of Bal­ gray, Irvine (1920). He was educated at St. )Iary~s, llelrose, and Edinburgh University, of ,vhich he ,vas a graduate in Arts. In February, 1915, he enlisted in the Inns of Court O.T.C., and ,vas afterwards gazetted to the Grenadier Guards, and was killed in action in :France.

PRIVArrE ALEXANDER l\'lAC ..\LISrl'I•~R (1.\.meriean ·university Can1p, R.E.). \Vas a son of the late J·an1cs ilata:lister of Little Kiltnory, Bute. and l\lary ~Iackay, his wife. He died at Robertson Street H·.ospital, l{.othesay, on the 26th :February, 1918, aged 28 years. He was a passenger on the liner •· Tuscania/' when toq)edoed: and died frorn injuries then sustained. He ,vas eo1ning oYcr to take part in the war .

..A.NDREAS Auous'l' LE CoQ }lout, R.A."F. Eldest son of tho late ,Ja1nes :i\Ioir, LL.l)., Profc~sor of ConYeyancing in the ·university of Glasgow, and Jean Love, his wife (who was cousin to )lr:-;. Hei(l of Ralgray, 1817-1902), was at the outbreak of the war an eugincer by profession. He joined the R ...-\.F., and got his ,vings, and went out to Ypres as a pilot. f[e was shot down in action, and recC'ived injuries to his left foot that necc:-;~itated a1nputat-ion 1 an

LIEUTENANT RoBER'r BRUCE OLIPHANT ~IoIR! H.J.J.I. (brother to the aho,Te). I1n1nediatcly upon leaving school a.t the age of 171 years, got a conunission in the :lrd H.L.I., in July, lBlfi. \Vas wounded at the Son11ne in ,July, 1010, being then attached to the 12th H.L.I. After recovery he ,vent out to Flander:-: in ,January, 1917, attached to the 2nd Durhan1s, and was killed, presu1nably on the 9th of April near Loos, aged lB ycar9. ...A.. brother officer says :-'~ He ,vas sent out with a squad of 1uen early on the 1norning of the 9th of April to find out the condition of t-he Gerrnan trenehes to the south of Loos. rrhe going ,vas so difficult. that the rnen i-;tuck, hut Lieutenant ~'loir rnanagcd to go on alone, r,assetl out of sight, and ,vas never seen again, and his hotly has not been found," and hif.; last r0.sting place is unkn

CAPTAIN \VJLL[Al\1 :\'hCH.AEL DASH\VOOD STRETTELL, H.L.I. \Vas the only son of the late George Willia1n Strettell, ,vho was resident in the Canary Islands, and his ,vife, Caroline Jessie Love (sister to the above ~Jean Love). He ,,·a5 attached tot.he l~oyal Flsing Corps, and fell in action on the 28th of Noven1ber, 1Hl7, some miles fro1n St. On1er, F.cance, aged 24; and ,vas buried at Longuenesse cemetery, near ,vhere he fell. He held the post on the Staff of No. l Aerodro1ne, St. Orner, of Test Officer. He entered the anny on the 13th of Augm~t, 1H14; ,vas ,vounded at Hill no in ~lay, 191'3; after\vards served in l\fudros and Egypt before training for the Flying Corps.

LIEUTENAN'l' LAURENCE \VILSON THOM. Was the youngest son of the late R. \Vilson Thon1 and of l\'Irs. \Vilson Tho1n, 9 Wood­ side Terrace, Glasgo,v, and grandson of Robert Thorn of ~- Barre1nan," :Oun1bartonshirc. He died of ,vounds received in action on the 21st of April, 1917, at El-~.\.rish, aged 30 years. (His grand1nother ,vas cousin to :Vlrs. R,eid of Balgray, 1817-1902.)

CAPTAIN ,Joi-IN G1Ll\1ou.n, n.s.o.~ A. & s.:H. AND I:t.F.c. Is the only son of the late John G-ihnour (cousin to ~Ir~. lteid of Ralgray, 1817-1 H02) and his wife. l8abe11a .Kennedy. The following data i~ taken fro1n Gazette notices, ,\·hich appeared in the-~ Glasgow Herald" fron1 tiine to thne :--- (1) 1917.-" Lieutenant J"ohn Gihnour, ..A. & S.H. and .I{. F.C.---For conspicuous gallantry and

BRIOADI:l'~R-GENERAL JAMES WORKMAN \VALKER, R.A., D.S.O., C.M.G., T.D., 0.N. Is brother to Thomas Ca1npbell \Valker (H, 38, page 3:3), ,vho 1narried Janet Gihnour Reid, younger daughter of l\!Ir. and ~Irs. Reid of Balgray, 1920. His military services are as under:- Cadet, affiliated Can1eron Highlanders, 1888 and 1889. Lieutenant, A Coy. Ayr and Galloway Royal Garrison Artillery, 1894. Captain, 1904, in above. Major, August, 1908, 1st Ayrshire Battery RJrA. (T.). Lieutenant-Colonel, June, 1916, 265th Brigade, R.F .. A.• Brigadier-General, R.A., Novembei: 3rd, 1917, conunanding 53rd Division Artil1ery. Commanded 53rd Division from November, 1918, until July, 1919. To reserve ,vith honorary rank of Brigadier-General, Septen1ber, 1919. After going overseas ,vas prn~ted on Sue~ Canal. Then 1narched across Sinai Desert to El-arish ,vith desert cohunn. Conunanded 1st Ayrshire Battery at their first battle of Gaza, ,vhere they were in reserve. Commanded a group of seven batteries in the 53rd Divi­ sion at the second battle of Gaza. Co1nn1anded the 265th R.F.A. Brigade at the battle of Beersheba, and after the 1st battle of Tel el Khu,veilfeh wa:-; pron1otcd to Brigadier-General, R.A., and got con1n1and of the Divisional Artillery. Took part with General ~:Iott in the official entry into ·Hebron and Bethlehe1n. ,vas present at the capture of Jcrusalen1, being in com1nand of all the artillery that supported the infanti·y fro1n the south, namely. the 53rd Division. For t,vo mouths after taking J·erusale1n they held the ~Iount of Olives, the batteries being dotted along the ridge, where they held the Turk'; in cheek until they finally drove the1n clear of the citv. Thev thcreaftP-r held the ]inc down to the RiYcr Jordan. ,J II General \Valker took part in all the engagc1nent:-:; fro1n that ti1ne until the final surrender of the Turk:-:;. J)uring all the tin1e, with the exception of the three 1nont-hs in the Jordan Valley, all his fighting was done in the hi1l country in Pak•:-;iine, f-iually taking part in the capture of Nablus. He was in Dan1ascus three days after it wa~ captured. HONOURS-The ~lost Distinguished Order of St. ilichael and St. George (C.l\1.G.). Distinguished Service Order. Territorial Decoration. Order of the Nile. Chevrons (o\?er four years abroad) fhTe blue. Mentioned in despatches six tiines. 40

1687. 1 Sir Alexander Cunninghan1e of Corsehill, Knight and Baronet, and Daine llary Stewart, Lady Corschill (his 1nother), feucl. 1746. 8 Discharge by AxDRE\V, ~IAT'rIH~w, At.l~XANDBR, JA~E'l', ELIZAH~'l'H, and ~IARY GRAY, dated 27th :February, 174H. ,JOHN GRAY does not appear to have turned up, or claitned his legacy. (ln the above discharge the na.1ne of ANDRE\V URAY appears, but it


T. 1687. 1 \VILLIAl\I G·RAY TN CLERKLA:SD (Stewarton) was factor t<> Sir Alexander Cunningha1ne of Corse hill, f ro1n ,vho1n he purchased Easter Black law on 18th N0Ycn1 her, 1687. He 1narried ,Janet Thomson. I.ssue :-

1724. 1 \Vn... LIAM IN EAs'rER BLACKLA w, 27th l\lay, 1724, who sold the lan(lH of Cran- berry ~loss ~1nd l?rewston (or \Valkerston) to his brother ALEXANDER (of whorn afterwards). He 1narriecl Bcthia \Valker, daughter of Robert \Valker (of Crosshouse). / ss'u.e :---

1740. l ,JANE'l1 GRAY, 1712-l7B2, in Easter Blacklaw, 18th ,January, 1740, who granted a, disposition of Easter Blackla,v to her uncle ALEXANDER GRAY in Cf,stleton, date

1 J.AN}~'L' lfRANVIS, 1738-1818, nutrricYKE (Irvine}, 1728-1792 (see Gra,y of Irvine Genealogy, page 42).

1724. 2 ALEXANDER URAY. who had a sasine (a,s above)_ dated 27th l\Iay, l724 (who ,vas then in Castleton), 1narried ELIZAB"E1'H BRO\VN, eldest

1748. 1 W1LLlAM GRAY 1narrie

1778. 1 WILLIAM GRAY (weaver in Stewarton) succeeded to Easter Blacklaw in 1778, died unrnarried in 1825, and left the property to his relative, \VILLIAM GRAY~ 1770-1844, son of Willia1n Gray of Fence

NoTI~.-Cranberry l\loss is in Kilwinning parish, and is Ht-ill in posscs~ion of the (frays. The present owner; Archibald Gray, cannot give any inforrnation aH to how he is related to the above Grays. He inforn1s the writer that he knows absolutely nothing whatever about hi:-; ancestors, or present relation~ of the name of Gray, nor can he tell when or how his fan1ily ca1ne into possession of Cranberry ~Ioss. CR1\"Y8 OF IRVINE, AULTONHEAJ), POHT-GLASGo,v, AND CAl)ETS. Tlw present tlc1y (1U20) repre:•wntativ<':-i of the Cray:-; are dc~c<'Hdcd fro1n John Gray, who was alive in 1717 (of whon1 hereafter).

1.1684. l tlOHN GRAY, alive in 1717, 1narrie1l in UiS4 AG~Es, DAUUH'l'ER 01!' REV. Tuo:\L\S DICK

; Gallowav).., ' Is8ue :--- 1 THO:\TAS GRAY, died 17:J.,, n1arried. ~Lt\.Ln.· BANKHEAD, died about 1733. J.i;.sue :- 1 ,JAMES GRAY, died 1765, 1narric

2 \VtLLTAl\l GRAY (in :Fcncedykc, Irvine), 1728-J 702, a]so a nuliltster in Irvine, 1narricd ,JANE'l1 :F'RANCIS (sec 1, page 41), 1738-1817 (both arc buried at Stcwarton). Issue:- 1 JANB'r GRAY 1narried JAl\lES WILSON OI•' CHAPELTON (REIDS, page 20). Issue:- 1 1\'IARY WILSON n1arrie: 8TACl\LA \\·"HILL (page 21 ). 1770. :1 ,vrr.Lt.All GRAY: horn August, 1770, died 27th October, .1.844 ( Provost of lrYinc), 1narrie


A!'\ I) ELI ZABE'l'JI. DALE :---- 1 DAYID 1).-\Lt•: UtL\Y, born 20th ,July, l80l)i di<.'cl

Ht-h ,Januat'\'.., . 1881.., married l:-;t,. ~L\~E DAVID- so N, 1800-18:·J2. Issue :---- 1. \\TITJLL\l\:1 ])AYIDSON GRAY, 18:.\2-1874.

2nd, G1-:on.01NA i\LH.'KENZlJ~, 1813-1880. Li;;81.f.P.; 1 .DAVLL> .DALI•: GRAY, 1840-1847. 2 ~lUNGO C'.Al\lPUELL l\L\CKENZII~ U HA y, I H:'"j0-187 5.

2 \VuJLIAl\l URAY, horn lUth Nove1ubcr, 1802; died 28th l\lareh, 182,3. :i 1~LIZAB.l~'J'H GRAY, born l:lth AuguHt, 1804; \VJLJ...l.AM died. 2:lrd .Fehruarr,.. 18:27 :., niarried l{EU> 01•· S·rAC.KLAWHILL (R1•~1ns, page 21).

4 ,JAMl•:s URAY, horn 1st. J>ecemhPr, 1800; died lHth ,January, 1859; 111arried ELlZABETH LACHLAN, who died 29th August, 187H. l88lle :- 1 l-V-illiarn. 1838-H)02. 2 .Ja·rne.s, born ~10th ])eccinber, 184:J; died 14th April, 1880. :-l A ndrrw, l H46-l8(U,. 4 Robert. nuuTietl J.lli8.-, Clayton. [:,;.sue :- .l Lilia.n Urayi horn 188:3. 2 l-Vinifred lie/en Ora.y: born 188U. 5 .AN SABELLA B1u)w.s 1,; nuuTied in 1865 THOl\L-\S 1>n1. h,8tte :-- JfJd ith .L'im. 2 ./o:,_;eph IVake­ .field. :i ,/ wme8 .,_":I ndreu_,,, 4 'l'lwnut8 IF illiam. ;j Orace J,}velyn. o ELtZABE'l'II. HELEN ma1Ti('

;-, ALEXAXDEI{ UtL\Y: IHOH-ISHt,, 111tt.rl'i('d .in lH:J;; ,JA:-.; E \YYLLIEl 1811.-187:-i. ].-;,•we:--- 1. JVilham Oray, horn .18:38 (deet•a:-;ed). 2 ELlZABETII UtL\Y. horn 1841, 1narricd ,Jo11N Ho.Pi•;. J.i;,..;1,e :- ,T.-\NJ•; \VYLLI E matTiPd HOBERT 801\ll\l~H\"LLLL~ in IUO:l. ls8ue:

Jlohert Oalbr I ifh, hol'n l HO-!. 2 l~liza.beth If ope, born 1U07. :? ..-1 ndru.r 1lupe :~ ALEXANDER GRAY, born 184 7, married in 1880 KATHERINE lNGLIS. Issue:-

1 KA THERINE INGLIS married in 1904 REV. W. A. 1\1Ac­ KENZTE, died 1907. Issue:- 1 Elspeth Dunbar, born 5th 1\farch, 1906. 2 JANE DALE GRAY (1). 3 ,JANET GILKISON GRAY (2). 4 ALEXANDER FRANCIS GRAY, R.F .c. AND R.A.F. (3). 5 DAVID INGLIS Woon GRAY, R.G.A., R.F.C., R.A.F. (4).

4 JANE GRAY, born 1849, married 1896 WILLIAl\l YOUNG KIRKPATRICK (Liverpool). ii JOHN GRAY, 1851-1870. 6 RoBERT GRAY, O.B.E. (of Aultonhead), born 1853, married in 1890 ANNIE RussELL (5). Issue:-

I ELIZABETH RussELL married on 28th Septem her, 1910, DR. H. W. DYKE (6). L'Js1te: I Robert Archibald Dyke born June, 1911.

2 JANE WYLLIE GRAY. 3 MAJOR ALEXANDER l\'IUNGO GRAY, O.B.E., T.D., (7) married on 5th June, 1912, FRANCES s. DE,VHURST, daughter of J.1\t Dewhurst~ J.P., Birkda1e, Lancashire. Issue:- 1 Frances Dewhurst Russell Gray, born 29th June, 1913.

4 LIEUTENANT JOSEPH RUSSELL GRAY, R.A.S.C. (8), man·ied on 6th March, 1918, MAR­ GUERITE MAcE,vAN Ross (9), daughter of J. lVIacewan Ross, Esq., St. Helen's, Troon, Ayrshire. Issue :-- I Robert Gordon Russell Gray., born 18th December, 1918. 45

7 DAVID DALE tiRAY, horn 27th Novcrn­ ber, 1S56, married in 1888 J ANJ~ BURNETT ~l'ARTHUR (10). Issue:-

1 HILDA BURNETT married on 9th Septeinber, 1911, JOHN l\'IuRRAY. Issue:- 1 Eileen Burnett~ horn February, 1912. 2 ,/ohn Donald JJ1 urray, born February. 1914. 3 Audrey, born July, 1917.

2 MAJOR DAVID DALE GRAY, R.G.A. {11). 3 GERTRUD "\VYLLIE married on 27th .A.pril, 1915, CAPTAIN ALISTAIR ~10RAG-l\1ACKAY (12). Issue:- 1 Sheila Gray, born June, 1918.

4 WILLIAM FoRREs·r l\'1' ARTHUR GRAY, R.F.A. {13).

6 ROBERT GRAY, 1812-1816. 7 JOHN GRAY; cotton spinner, Glasgow, 1817- 1902, died unn1arried. 8 HELEN GRAY, 1821-184'3 9 ROBERT GRAY.* 1819-1880, 1narried 1874 EssEx MoINET, Edinburgh. Issue:-

1 ELIZABETH ~loINET, born 1875. 2 ROBERT (of Blacklaw), born 1876. 3 EssEx HF.LE~ (}RAY, born 1878, 1narried 1904 JAMES R-A}~ ]?ORGAN. born 1876. Issue:- 1 Jame8 Lindsay, born 1B05. 2 Essex Dorothy 1ll oinet, bcrn 1906. 3 J.Y.inifred Elizabeth, born 1900. 4 J.llargaret Gray, horn 1909.

* ROBERT GRAY, 1819-1880, purchased Easter {or Townhead of) Blacklaw fro1n Andrew Po11ok; jun., of Broom, in 1874. It ,vas formerly in the possession of the GRAYS~ the first of who1n to own it. was WILLIAM GRAY in Clerkland (Stewarton), who had a sasine dated 12th December, 1687, as stated at the beginning of this genealogy. 3 nA YID GRAY 1narriefi-1840, married ,Tons Br.. ATR (Irvine), 173~-l- 1798. /88Uf. :- 1 Patric!~ Blair, writer (Irvine), 1796-1873. :1 AGNES. 4 ~LARY GRAY, 1778-1833 (

NoT"F:.-\VrLLIAM GRAY, 1774-1844, Provost of Irvine, married ELIZABETH DALE OF DRUM-MUIR (Pcrceton, Ayrshire), 1782-1847. The l)ALE genealogy up to the date of the above 1narriage 18 :- 1 ])avid l)ale, 1701-1778, 1naltstPr in lrvinP, 1narried ,Jean }~ulton, 1088-1768. Issue:- 1 Robert Dale:. 172'3-1807, funner in Jluirhouse, Irvine, and Lair

,~GRAY"-" lfRANCIS" CONNECTION. I lV·illiam Francis, fanncr in Stonmnuir (the old na1ne for Stanecastle Farm, Irvine), 1609-1679, 1narried J.11ary Barbour. Is8ue :- 1 ,Joseph Franci.~, 1naltster in Irvine, 1666-1732, 1narrietl .illary lVhite, 1651-1716. Issue:- 1 Joseph Francis, 1na.ltster in Irvine, 1710-1760, 1narrie

1 ,v n.LL\:\I 01{.\Y i 1770-J 8-1-4, Proyo~t of Trvine, nutrricd ELlZAn ETH ])ALE of Dn11n1nnir (s('C <:rays of A11ltonhcad, and Cadet.~).

·11?0ll of lbonon r.

G. 1 ,JANE DA LE ORA y. Daughter of th<~ late Alexander Gray and l(atherine Inglis, no,v residing at ,3.Hughrnden Terrace, Glasgow, \V. During the war "·as housekeeper at ,voodside lled Cross Hospital ; kitchen superintendent at Princess l,ouise'~ Hospital for lhnblcss soldiers, Erskine ; catering supervisor of H.lI. Explosives Factory at C~rctna.

G. 2 J.ANET GILKISO"N GRAY (sister to t,he above). \Va8 engaged in optical work in <·011nrction ,vit.h rangefin

. ~ '} (..A. ,~ ALEXANDER FRA"NCIS GRAY (brother to the abo,rc). Acted as \Virelcss Irn;;t.ructor, J{.F.C. and R.A.F.

G. 4 DAVCD INGLIS Woon GRAY (brother to the above). \Va.sin Clyde R.G.A., R.~.,.C., and R ..A.F.


JlonERT GRAY, O.B.E., Ol!' ..A.ULTO~HEAD (Kihnaurs). Since the beginning of the war has done eonside1·able work for the Forage l)cpart1ncnt and ,vas appointed one of a conunittcc of two, by the Trcasuc·y, to enquire into the expendi­ ture and f'onduet of tlw Forage D(•pal'trnent, nn

G. 6 ])R. H. ,v. l)Y.KE~ CAPTAIN, R.:\.)I.C., of ~l.O. )[a~uru, Basnt11land, S.A. Husband of Elizalwth Russell Gray (daughter of the- aho,~<~).

G. 7 l\IA,JOR ALEXANDER ~lUNGO GRAY, 0.H.J~.: T. D. 5th Battalion The Can1eronian8 (Scottish Rit-le:,), T. Addres:.;;-29 \Vestcliffc H,oad, Birkdale, Lancashire. Son of the above ltobcrt Gra~-', O.B.E. ~lobiliscd 4th August) H)l4, as Captain of No. 7 Coy. ,1th Battalion rrhc Ca,1ncronians (S!.~ottish llifles). Landed at Havre 5th Novcinhcr, 1Bl4. In ,·icinity of A.rrncntiercs in H.)th Infantry Brigade in !lrd Ar1ny Corps about ten days later (sec Lord French':-; book, 1914). In trenches through winter 1914-1916. Invalided 11th l\Iay, 1915, to 28th NoY(•1nber, 1915. Returned to Franee 11th l\'Iay, 1016. Acted as second in co1nn1and ,3th Battalion The Ca1neronians (Scottish Rifles) 48

fron1 4th August., 1916, to 30th October, 1916. l\lajor, 20th August, 1918. ~1ent.ioned in despatches, 20th :\lay, 1918, and :ltst Deccinber: 1918. Officer ~lilitary :Division of the Order of the British Einpire, 1st January, 1919. 1914 Star with clasp. Briti~h General Service ~ledal. Allied Victory Jiedal. Territorial decoration, 27th ~lay, 1919.

G 8 LIEU'l'ENANT JosEPH RUSSELL GRAY, R.A.S.C. (brother to the above). Adclress-Bothkennar, J)o,vanhill, Gla.sgo,v. Joined :Forage Department of the Army 8rrvice Corps as Private, 1915. Proinoted Staff-Sergeant, then Staff-Sergeant-llajor; dis­ charged 23rd l\Iarch, 1916. Co1n1nissioned Second Lieutenant 24th ~larch, 1916. Promoted First Lieutenant, October, 1916. Resigned commission owing to ill-health in May, 1917, and retired ,vith the honorary rank of Lieutenant in the Army. ,. G. 9 }1ARGUERITI~ l\'.1AcE,vAN Ross OR GRAY (\\ife of Lieutenant tT. Russell Gray). After serving 3} months as apprentice mechanic with Messrs. \Vylie & Lochhead, Ltd., in their garage, Byres Road, she joined the l\finistry of Munitions, Glasgo,v, on the 4th of October, 1915, as chauffeuse, till 20th May, 1916. Thereafter she became private business chauffen!-lc to Mr. \Villiam Weir (no,v Lord \Veir of Gart,vood) until he ,vas transferred to the Air llinistry, London, in January, 1917.

G. 10 MRs. JANE BURNETT M'ARTHUR OR GRAY (wife of David Dale Gray, Glenpark, Port­ Glasgo,v). Was Vice-President of the Sailors' and Soldiers' Families' ....\.ssocia,tion, and in recogni­ tion of her services in that capacity ,vas presented to His ~lajesty King George V. ,vhen he visited Port-Glasgow in Septe1nher, 1917.

G. 11 MAJOR DAVID DALE GRAY (son of the above). 1\1lobilised 4th August, 1914, as Second Lieutenant No. 1 Coy. Clyde R.G.A. (T.). Pro­ moted Lieutenant 28th Septe1nher, 1914. Left Clyde Garrison and proceeded to Lydd for training in siege artillery work. Left Lydd on the 13th April, 1916, ,vith 78th (Siege) Battery R.G.A., and arrived in lfrance on the 14th of April, 1916. Prornoted to Captain 13th October, 1916, and in comrnand of the 78th (s.) Battery. Promoted to lVlajor 4th July, 1917, as co1n­ manding 78 (s.) Battery R.G.A. Mentioned in despatches-Ne,v Year Honours~ 1916-1917 ; Ne,v Year Honours, 1917-1918. .A.,varded Chevalier de l'ordre de la Couronne and Croix de Gnerre, Beige, Noven1ber, 1918. "\Voun

G. 12 CAPTAIN ALtSTAlH, ~lORAO 1'-TACKAY (brother-in-law to the above). Husband of Gertrud \Vyllie, daughter of David 1). Gray, of Glenpark, Port-Gla8go,v. ConunisRioned as Lieutenant in 1911. l\i1obiliscd at the outbreak of war, 4th August, 1914. \Vent to France 4th NoYernber, .I !)14. "\Vounded at Richebcrg, 17th ~lay, 1915. R-eturned t.o France, 17th ])ccernher, 1917. \Vounded at Ncuve Eglisc, 17th April, 1918. l)cmobilised as Captain, :10th ~larch, 1919.

G. 13 \Vu.LIAM FOREST lVI'ARTHUR GRAY, R.F.A. (son of D. D. Gray, Glenpark, Port-Glasgow). Officer in the Engineer Unit, G-lasgo,v University O.T.C., 3rd ·oecernber, 1917. R.F.A. Unit, Edinburgh University O.T.C., 26th October, 1918. 2 B. Brigade 12th Battery R.:F.A., Brighton, 11th November, 1918. No. 3 R.F.A. O.C.S., "\Veedon. Demobilised 20th January, 1919. "\Vas onlv on home service. I/ 49


0. li CAPTAIN THO::\IAS ALLISON, Ca1ncron Highlanders. \Vas the grandson ,,f Rohert ·nunlop A11ison, l 7BU-1888, the first Allison in West Bal­ gray (Irvine), 8on of ·l\lar,v Gray, 1778-18:1:3, and Captain \\"illia1n Allison, 1765-1800. (Mary Gray was a daughter of ])avid Gray and Agnes Crighton, and sister to John Gray who married ,Jean -~-,arriP, and E1izabeth (-~ray, ,vho nut-rried John Blair, father of Patri(.:k Blair, writer, in Irvine, 17H6-187:t) Ca,vtain Allison was killed in action at "Festubert, 17th April 1915. In vrivate life he ,vas a solicitor in practice at Fort-\,Vil1ian1. Sheriff lVIalcolm, in the Sheriff Court at :Fort-\Vil1ian1 _ said :-'~ Throughout the length and breadth of Lochaber the death of Captain Allison would occasion poignant regret. The outstanding trait of his Jife ,vas devotion to dnty, and this was his guide to the end. At the call of duty to King and Country he gave up all else ; at the supren1c call of

4 50

1Lo11g11111trs cf lr"f ne ,1nb <.ta"ets. , It is probable that this family is a Cadet of THE LANGMUIRS OF THAT ILK, the first of ,vhom on record are JoHN DE LANGMORE and his son, JoHAN-Fiz-JoHAN DE LANGl\IORE, 1298. mentioned in the Ragman Roll of 1296 as having done homage to Ed,vard I. at North Ber­ wick in that year. 1482. In the Register of the Great Seal (REGISTRUM MAGNI SIGILLI), 1482, ROBERT LANGMl:RE DE EODEM and his son, ALANUS LANGMURE, are mentioned. THE FIRST, H0\VEVER, OF THE LONGMUIRS OF LAMBROUGHTON is :- I. 1532. 1 ALEXANDER LANGMURE, inhabitat Over Lambroughton, being mentioned among others in a Charter, dated at Falkland, 1532. Then in the Testaments of the Com­ missariat of Glasgow, in the Testament of John Langmure.

11.1603. 2 ,TOHN LANGMURE, in Lambrochton, ,vithin the Parochin of Dreghorn, 25th February, 1603. III. 1609. 3 ALEXANDER LANGMURE in Lambrochton, 1609, married Isabel Langmuir, had a daughter, Isabel, born 1605. He married, secondly, Janet Tod, who survived her husband, and married John Smith (younger) in Kilmaurs.

IV. 1666. 4 ALEXANDER LANGMURE, of the lands of Lambrochtoun, succeeded to Lambrouchton in 1666, and in the san1e year he had a sasine of part of the lands of Lochridge 1697. (Stewarton), and in 1~97 he acquired the lands of ~Iidhouse of Nether Gree (Beith). Issue:- V. 1724. 1 ALEXANDER LANGMURE succeeded to Nether Gree in 1721 and to La1n- broughto11n in 1724, and died in (or before) 1729. NoTE.-ln the possession of 1\latthew Gilmour, Esq., the present proprietor (1920) of Nether Gree, there is a document, dated 1729, ,vhich states that " Alexander Larigmure is deceased, and that he was the eldest son of the decea.Red Alexa.-nder Lang·mure and brother-german to my lovet .Janet Langmure, spouse to David Snodgrass, merchant in Glasgow." This David Snodgrass was father of David Snodgrass of Broadstone Hall, Beith, who 1narried ~Iary Kerr of Gate End, Beith (Cadet of KERS OF KERSLAND, 1205), second daughter of Hugh Kerr of Gate End, Beith, and Jean Sterrot, his wife. (The above Mary Kerr ,vas great-grand-aunt to Robert Reid, Esq., of Balgray, 1920.) He does not appear to have had any family.

2 J.lf atthew Langmu·ir. VI. 1733. 3 GABRIEL LANGMUIR in Lambroughton, in life'rent, and John Langmuir, his son, in fie of the lands of Fairliecrevock and Hall Yeat, dated 1733. :) 1

VII. 1751. 1 ,JOH~ LA:NGl\IUIR o.f .Ji'a-irlier.revnch a.nd Ha11 ·ypat~ 1720-1781, marric-cl Elizabeth Arrnour,* l 72U-17U;>. Issue:--

VIII. 1781. I GABRIEL LANGMUIR, 17,32-1831, of ]~,airlicerevoch and H:all Yet, 1narried in 177!) HANNAH RALSTON,

*Ar1nour of the great Chicago meat-packing firm is supposed to be of · the same family as Elizabeth Armour_. 1729-1795. The Armours came fron1 Kibnaurs originally (R.R.). 52

4 JEAN LANGMUIR, 1790-1870, married ALEXANDER FERGUSON REID of Bonsha,v, 1787-1872, grand-uncle of llobert Reid of Balgray (1920) (three of a fan1ily) (REIDS, page 24). 5 ANN LANGMUIR, born 1831. 6 AGNES LANGMUIR, 1795-1883, died at Bon8haw. 7 GABRIEL LANGMUIR, born 1803. 8 MARGARET LANGMUIR, 1796-1867. 9 MARY LANGMUIR, 1805-1829. 10 SARAH LANGMUIR, born 1809.

2 JEAN LANGMUIR (daughter of Gabriel Longmuir of Fairlie­ crevoch and Hall Y eat: who married Hannah Ralston in 1799), born 1754, married WILLIAM GALT (Stewarton). 3 JoHN LANGMUIR, 1759-1833, married MARGARET WATT, 1793-1825 (three of a family). 4 ~lARGARET LANGMUIR, born 1761. 5 DAVID and ELIZA (t,vins). VIII. 1795. 6 ALEXANDER LANGMUIR of Fardell Hill (Kilmarnock) married on 7th July, 1761, MARGARET REID of Bon­ sha,v, who was born in 1741. She died ,vithout issue (REIDS, page 20). He married secondly MARY ALEX­ ANDER. Issue :- IX. 1823. I JOHN LoNGMUIR OF RosEHOLJ."'\l (Irvine), 1796- 1879 (bought Roseholm in 1858 from Robert Foulis of Colinton, ,vhose ancestor, John Foulis, bought the property in 1767 from a Mr. Archi­ bald Stevenson), married first, Janet, only daughter of tTohn Smith of Bunten Hill, Kil­ maurs. Issue :- X. 1880. 1 ALEXANDER LoNGMUIR, J.P., Grain merchant and bank agent, Irvine, born 1st April, 1824, and died at Irvine on the 24th of J\ilay, 1913, n1arried ELIZABETH FINDLAY, 1835- 1903. Issue:- 1 ,JOHN, 1854-1872, dro,vned at sea. XI. 1914. 2 JAMES FINDLAY LONGMUIR, J.P., married MARTHA GRAY, 1881 (1). Issue.·- 1 ALEXANDER married in 1910 GLADYS SPARKES (2). Issue: l Margaret Long• muir.



3 ALEXANDER LONGMUIR (5) married JANE GRAY (5). Issue:-


4 JESSIE LoNGMUIR married in 1883 REV. tTOHN. BALFOUR ROBERTSON, of Leswalt, Stranraer. Issue:-

1 JoHN BALFOUR Ron­ ERTSON (7), born 30th May, 1884; married 26th June, 1916, lVIARY BOLL­ ING. 18SUe :- 1 John Balfour Robertson ("Ian"), born at Porto bello, 4th Oct., 1917.

2 Elsie Findlay Long­ in u1 r, born I 0th ~lay, 1886; died 14th Dece1nber, 1891.

5 \V1LLIAM LoNGMUIR (8) 1narried 111 1894 ANJTA BROW'N. Issue:- 1 Lulu Long1nuir mar­ ried David Stewart. Issue:-

I Elsie l\Iary Stewart.


3 Anita, M. Longm uir. 54

6 RonEn·r F. Lo~G:\IGIR, J.P., born 1864, 1narried in 1893 ~IA Y l\'IARR ( 10). Issue :- 1 LIKG'l'. .ALJ~XA~ DER BEN.JAl\IIN LONG­ )lCIR, R.:F.A. (10), bori1 1895. 2 JOHN CHARLES LONG- 1\ll:IR horn 1903. 3 J,INDLAY lVIARR LON0- 1\l(jJR, born 1910. 6 BENJAMIN COCHRANE LONG­ MUIR (t,vin), born 1864, died 1881. 7 ELIZA LoNGMUIR married in 1889 STEVENSON G·REGG (Belfast). /.,;;sue :- 1 ALICETTE LONGMUIR ( 12). 2 Lucy CATHERINE (13). 3 Robert. 4 Alexander Longn1uir. 8 MAGGIE LONGMUIR married in 1898 DR. PAUL STEWART. Issue: 1 Robert Davidson Scott Stewart (14). 9 JOHANNA LONGMUIR. 10 }JARY LONGML"IR, 1877-1878.


(l(TRK SJ~SSION RECORDS 01!' DREGHORN PARISH CHURCH (AYRSHIRE.) (l) lfi56 ..Alexander Lang1nuir, elder and 1ne1nber of the Session; and sixteen years later, (2) 1672. Alexander Langn1uir, younger of La1nbroughton, ordained elder; and thfrty-eight year:; lat-er~ (3) 1710. John Lang1nuir, La1nbl'oughton, ordained elder ; and twenty years later, (4) 1730. Gabriel l"ang1n11ir, l. .. nrnbroughto1L ordained elder; and thirty-two years later, (5) 17G2 . .Alexander .Langnn1ir, .Lambronghton, ordained elder, rPsigns in 18()(_\ after forty-four years' service ; and twenty year:,;; later, 1826. Alexander Langnntit\ \Varwiekhill l\Iains~ i:-; asked to bccon1e an elder, but declines, leaving a period of twenty-eight years ,vhen there was no Lang1nuir in the elder~hip, till in J854 Alexander Longtnuir of R.0Reholn1 (Irvine) is ordained elder at Irvine. (If the cornpilcr is not 1nistaken, Alexander Langmuir of \Varwickhi.ll }Iains accepted the eldership in connect-ion wit.h the :Frf'c Church at .Percet.on.) (U) 1854. Alexander Longn1uir, of Rosehohn, i:-; ordained an elder in connection ,vith Irvine Parish Chnrc~h on Sunday, :3rd ])ece1nbel', 1854, an office which he h~lcl 11p till hiR death, 24th ~lay: UH;J, or for a total pel'iod of over 58 years, and 1\..irk Treasurer for :J7 ypars. 55

(7) Robert Findlay Longn1uir, i;;hipbroker, Irvine, 5fh son of the a.boYc Alexander Lon~1nuir, wa~ ordained an elder in connect.ion with Irvine Parish Chureh on the 18th of !lay, 1914. No'fE.-Had Alexander La.ugn1uir of \Va1·wickhill l\Tains accopted the elderf-5hip in 182H, there ,vould probably have been an unbroken Longmuir record of 207 in the p]dcr:-:hip in c\onnection ,vith t.he Church of Scotland, with the exception of the 20 years between 1806 and 1S26, and the 28 years fro1n 1826-1854, as above 1nent.ioned !

7 DAVID LoNG:\IUIR, born 1766, nHtrrie

1Roll of 1bonour.

L (1) '-TAMES FINDLAY LONGl\lUIR, ,J.P.~ Sandhurst, Troon. At the outbreak of the war in 1914 offered his scrYices (being an old officer of the Ayr­ shire :Rifie Volunteers) for ho1ne or abroad, which were accepted, but owing to his being over 1nilitary age, and on account of his experience in the forage business, he was appointed purchasing officer in Yorki;;hire for forage, and a y{\ar thereafter wa~ transferred to the north ~vith Inverness a.s his headquarters as Inspector of .Food Supp]ie~ for tho various carnps, ,vhich consigtecl of the '~ Ca1nerons " at Jnyergordon, •• Seaforths " at Cro1nart.y, " Black "\Vatch " and •· Scottish Rifles ~, at Nigg, ·' Carnerons " at In,~erne~i-: depot, .. Royal Scottish ·Fusiliers " at .Fort George, '"LoYat Scouts ~, at Beauley, Gennan prisoner::; of war at Lintrhn and Net,hy Bridge, '· Canadhtns" at Loch l\ioirloch, Avien1ore ; ..-\1neriea11s at Bonar Bridge and Nairn, ,,·here he re1nainecl till the end of the war. J)uring the tin1e he was engaged in the above cavacity, his duties were to tour the country for supplies and in:-:pecting san1c at their destination, his district being fron1 Inverness to A. vien1ore in the south and to Thurso and \Vick in the north. 56

L (2) ALEXANDER Lo:so~1u1R, A.l\I.I.E.E. Eldest son of JanH'S ~..,indlay Long1nuir of Sandhur~t, 'froon, and el

L (3) RoBERT GRAY LoNGMUIR, CAPTAIN (brothel' to the above). Joined the 4th .Battalion Royal Scots :Fusiliers as Lieutenct,nt. in J.HlJ, and 1nohilised with thern on 5th Augu~t, 1914. Captain, April, 19L3. ]~n1barked August, JU 18, antl joine

L (4) ~IARTHA HOUSTON LONOMUIR. Daughter of Jan1es ]findlay Longn1uir anted, 4th June, HH7. ACTED aH Assistant Oflicial and Supervisor. DEl\IOBILISED 8th 1.Vlurch, 1U I U. TOTAL LENG'l'H OJ!' Sl~RVlCJ~, 4~ YEARS •.

L (5) ALl~XANDER LoNGMvIR (retired Ship Captain). Third son of the late Alexander Longn1uir, grain 11H.·1·cha11.t and hanker, h·\·inc, 1824- lUJ 8, and Elizabeth Findlay, 18:J;"i-lB03. Enrolled as a prin1tc in the l:-;t Volunteer Battalion Scottish Rittes on 22nd .A.ugust, HH6~ to 4th April, .l Hli. Pro1notcd Sergeant and took oYer charge of the Glasgow Docks. Appointed interrogator of alien sca1nen on the 10th of Septen1ber, HH7. and continued to act. in that capacity till the Arn1istice. D.ischargcd l8t October, 1919. Present address-R.osehohn, Thornliehank, near Glasgow.

L (5) MHs. JANE GRAY ou LONGl\lL"IR (wife of the above). \Vas a ,vorking 1nernber of Lady Stirling l\Iaxwell 's No. 3 Glasgow \Vork Party for Red Cross Work, from October, 1915, to 1\1arch, 1919. 57

L (6) ALEXANDER LoNGl\IUIH, JuN. (son of the above), A.1\1.I.C.E., ~LR.SAN.I. ,Joined Public Sehool:-; Battalion, latterly known as the 12th City of I..ondon J{.ifie Regi,ncnt as a pl'iYate, on the :3rd of 8cptc1nbcr, 1014. En1barkcd from Plyn1outh on the 12th of ,January, HHU, and arrived at destination at Alexandria, Egypt, on the 26th of January, 1016. ENGAGEl\U;NTS. EGYPT-l)ueidar, 26th Apri], 1916. H,01nani, August, HH6. PALEST!~ ~--Gaz.a (first attaek), i\larch, 1Bl 7. Gaza (second attaek), J·une, I.HJ 7. Gaza (third attack), Octohpr•, .I H17. Advance on J"afl'a--\Vadi-H.essi, 2nd Nove1nber, 1Hl7. Ad,~~u1cc on Jaffa-Nebi-8a1nucl, 15th Novcn1ber, 1917. Advance on Jaffa-N-ahr-e.l-Aujah, 18th Decen1bcr, HH 7. l\!Ieca te1, 26th Septen1 her, .I. n18. H:cnin, 28th Septernbcr, 1918. Advance Croisi1les, 30th Scpte1nher, HH8. FRANC.I~-- Oil , Boul1ecourt, 3rd October, 1918. Can1bra.i Queant, 4th October, 1918. ~loeuve, 12th October, 1918. -.Ca1nbrai~ 28th October, 1Bl8 .

.FINAL .AUVA!SCl~ ON BRUSS}JLS. Len~, Henin-Lcitard; Courcell(~s, l{aches, :Flincs, Orchics, Landas, Rennegies, PerneveJz, Sirault, Herchie:-,, to J·urbise, ·1 Ith Novcinbcr, 1918, just north of l\Ions. Was never woun

PHO:MO'l'.LONS. Private, 12th City of London :Rifle Regin1ent, 3rd Septe1nber, 1914. Lu-uce-Corpora]i .12th City (lf London Rifle l{egi1nent, 7th SPpte1nbcr, HH4. Sergeant, 12th City of 1... ondon Hiflc llegiincnt, 14th September, HH4. Second ·Lieutenant, 4th Batta]ion Hoyal Scots Jfu::;i1iers, 12th (ktober, HH4. A/ Lieutenant-, 4th Battalion .Royal Hcot'-i .Fu~iliers, 1st ,_J unc, I Ult,. Sub-l.iieutenant-, 4th Uattalion Hoyal Hcot:-; lfui:-;ilicr~, h;t J unc, HHO. A/Captain, 4th Batta-Hon :Royal Scots Pusilicrs, ]:-;t NoYmnher, 1017. T/Capt-ain and Staff-Captain (until clc1nohi]isation), l::;t February, ]DlH. l\lENTIONED 1~ .DEsI,ATCHl~S---Sir ])ougla~ ·Haig, 1\ove111ber, 1Ul8.

l\Jachinc Gun OJlicer, ,ltnH', Ju]y, .A.ugust, J9tri. Assist.ant Adjutant and (Juart<•rttHl~lPr, '.\lareh to Xovcn1her. 1017 .

.Assistant 8ta-ff-Cuptai.n, L>;> .Infantry Bde. J-1..(~., .N0Yc1nher, UH7, to Fehruary1 HH8. Assistant 1) ....-\.Q.~l.C. an

Son of H.e\·. ,John l{ohertson, Leswalt, and Jessie Longmuir, eldc~t

L (8) \VtLLtAl\l LoNGMUIR (4th son of .Alexander Longmuir, 1824-191!3). In 1916, on his rctire1nent a8 Locon1otive and Superintendent fro1n the Bengal and North-\Vc~tcrn Railway, after a period of :JO years' continuous service, he accepted an appoint1nent as As~istant Inspector Carriage (Guns) at the Royal Arsenal, \Voolwich. During a short period on probation, which ,vas spent principally on the inspection and testing of steel, having the run of the Arsenal, he gained a considerable insight of the output of that ,vonderful place. In ,January, 1917, he was transferred to the works of l\1essrs. , 7ickers & Co., Ba-rro,v-in-:Furness, in the san1e capacity, in~1>ecting 18 pdrs. 6 in., 8 in., and 12 in. howitzers on behalf of the (}overn1nent. In June, 1917, he ,vas transferred to l\lessrs. Beard­ more & Co.'s at. l)ahnuir, ,vhere his work ,vas of a similar nature. In April, 1918, he ,va-s again transferred to ~legsr~. I1eardmore's ,vorks at Parkhead, Glasgo-w, as Chief Inspector, dealing with this output of 8 in. howitzer gun carriages and ,vork in connection with the '' tanks," all of which "·as of a most interesting nature. :During all the period of the ,var "'ork continued night and

L (9) ELIZABETH FINDLAY LONGMUIR. Daughter of ,villia1n Long1nuir (fourth son of Alexancler Long1nuir, grain n1erchant and banker, Jr\·ine, 1824,191.:l, and Elizabeth l~indlay, 1835-H)03) and Anita Bro,vn. Fr01n ,June, JH17, till ,June, HHU, was a motor driver (a1nbulance section) Scottish Branch ]~ritish l{ed Cross Society in the south-,vest of Scotland district (headquarters, Glasgow).

L ( 10) RonER'l.1 ]TIN OLAY LoxG.MUIR (Itoseville, Irvine).

\Vas largely interested in Red Cross work during the whole period of the war. ]for his scrviceH the Council of the l{ed CrosH Society have inscribed his nan1e on the Roll of .Honour­ able Service, also reeeiving the thanks of Queen Alexandra for his good Rervices to the cause Hhe had so 111 uch at heart, and congratulating hi1n on his good work. Chair1nan of recruiting in Irvine un

fJ (12) ALIC.E'l"l1E 1.. O.NGl\IUIR GREGG. Eldest daughter of Stevenson Gregg and Eliza Cochrane Long1nuir (Donnybrook, Bel­ fast). Becan1c a 1uen1ber of St. John's Arnbu]ance Association in 1912. Volunteered fo1 ,var service, Septen1bcr, 19L3, and reported October, lHIJ, at Jlilit-ary ·Hospital, Herne Bay, J(ent., as clerk, General Service Section. Becan1e Genera-I Service Superintendent ~..,ehruary, UHU. Sent on 8ick leave l\Iarch~ 1918, ,vith septie thun1b (left), loss of ter1ninal phalanx. 1'Iedically boarded as ;, fit," Sept-eiuber, 1918. Ordered to report at 4th Northern General Hospita-J, Lincoln, as General Service Superintendent, .No,·e1nber, JHl8. l)cinobilised 6th J·uly. I Hl9. Total service 3j years.

L (13) Lucy CATHERI~E GREU(J (:;j::,l-er to the above).

]3ccarnP a lll('tnb('l' of Ht. ,John\; Atnhulance Associa.Uon~ Sept-en1ber. U)l.,. Yolunteererl for war :,cn·ice, ,jth ·Dcccmbet\ Un.,. Hcportecl a.t. Ca1nbridge ~Iilitary H.ospital, Aklcrshot, as V. .A.l). Genera] Service Scc,t-ion (clerical). .Dece1nber 22nd, HHH, _pro1notcd head clerk. HH 8, 1nentioned. l)ernobili:.;;ed 4th April, I B.LO.

L (14) l{oBERT .DAv1n~oN HcoTT 8T.1-~,,·ART. Son of .Dr. Paul 8te,rart and ~largarct Findlay Longn1uir, fourth daughter of ...--\lexandcr Long1nnir of Ro::,eholin, gl'ain 1nercha,nt a-ncl ha,nkcr, Irvine. \Vas only 18 yearH of age when ca11ed up. l~nlist<.·cl in 4th H.L.L on 8th i\Iny, U).1.8, while at the King·:-; School, Canterbury. whet·c he wa~ pennittcd to re1nain until the end of ,July, continuing training in the School O.T.C. Called up on t.hc 8th of October, HH8~ attached to Cadet Noutinee Detach1nent

3rd l{c~ervc Battalion lt.E., ~ewark. Den1ol>Hi~ed 28th .February 1 lUUJ. 60

jf ,1111il~ 1Rot,111~a.

S this Roll of Honour i~ only intended for priYate circulation, l do not think that I will be over­ stepping the bound:-; of propriety or good ta:-;te if I giYe a brief list of the nan1e:-; of outstanding A and distinguished ituli ,·id nab, in the connection. There is not the slightei:;t doubt that breeding tell~. P(•digrec i:;tuek it-; a:, iu1portant in the pro­ duction of good citizens as of cattle. It is tradition, backed up with present achieye1nents, that 1nakes the regiment. One cannot expect to build up an Al e1npirc with a Class 3 population ; but all the sa1ne, in our individual cases, if we a8 a connettion arc to progress, and not go back, ,vc 1nust not build upon the traditions of our l)aRt alone. \Ve 111ust individually contribute our quota to the roll if it is to continue to be in the present and the f uturc, as it has been in the past, a Ro LL OF HONOUR. rrhe na1nes of notable 1nembers of the connection herein recorded are those of individuals ,vho haYe EARNED the honours ,\·hich have been bestowed upon the1u, and who, through sheer 1nerit and ability, have attained to the high positions they haYc occupied. The setting down their na1nes here is not in any way to be exvected to shed a greater lustre on their na1nes than already exi'3ts, but as s0111e of the connection 1nay not he aware of the i111portant and exalted position8 achieved by their illustrious kinsfolk, or kno,v nn1ch about the1n as individuals, their record is no,v briefly set down. Those ,vho possess copies of 1ny •· t... an1ily Records~: (1900 or 1912 editions) arc referred thereto for fuller. particulars, and those "·ho do not possc;:;s copies n1w,t be content ,vith the brief outlines now given.

1572. _ARCHBISHOP BOYD, J.A:MES BOYD OF TROCHRIG (GirYan parish), was the second son of Adam Boyd of Pinkill, brother to Robert, 6th Lord Boyd of Kihnarnock. He was the second Archbishop of the Protestant faith in Glasgow. The prcYious· Archbishop was ,John Porterfield. He is buried in the choir of Glasgow Cathedral, in the :-mine sepulchre with Bishop Gavin Dunbar. He 1narried i\largaret,

1920. .ARCHBISHOP O:F YORK, tlw ~loHt Ri~YERE);"D Cos~IO GORDON LA"NG~ 1).D., is the son of the Ycry ReY. ,John ~larshall 1-iang, DJ)., LL.l)., 18:34-H)OO, and ·Hannah Agnes Keith, daughter of the late J{ev. l)r. Keith, Ha1nilton. The first Archbishop of York is a nephew of Sir l{obert Ha1nilton Lang, K.C.~1.G •; 18:lU-H)l:3, who 1narried i\largaret 1'-lacLellan, daughter of ,vaJter ~laeLcllan, Blairvadtlock, Row) l)u1nbartonshire (of who1n a,f terwards).

1920. BISHOP St~Fl'RACAN OF LEICESTER is .lfEv. :KoRMA.N ~LH'L.EOD LA~G, l\I.A., who is brother to the present .Archbishop of York. The Lang~ are of an old Lanarkshire fa1nily, ,vhich, on the fe1nale side, dates back to David }larshall (lf>51-l 72,3). whose son, David 1\Iarshall, Surgeon, R.N., acquired the eHtate of Neilsland before 17(i,3. Anna Roberton, great-great-grand-daughter of the first DaYid iiarshall, ,vas 1narried on 14th July, 1829, to the Gavin Lang, 1uinister of GlasHford, and they were the grand-1)arents of the present Archbishop of York and the Bishop Suffragan of Leicester 61

TnB RIGHT Hox. l)AYID BOYLE OF SIIE\\TALTOX, Lord ,Justice General and President of the Court of Session (,vhosc 1nonn1ncnt is oppo~ite the ~- Parterre," Irvine), was the son of the Hon. Patrick Boyle of Shcwalton (near IrYine), third son of ,John, second Earl of Glasgow, and Elizabeth J)nnlop, (laughter of .Alexan<.kr ])11nlop of Kcppoch~ 176<>-J 840, who was a great-great-grandson of Alexander ])unlop, n1inister of the A.bbcy Church: Paisley, 1620-1677, and great-gr.·anB8, wa~ the son of Alexander Dunlop (minister of the Abbey Church, Paisley), 1620-1677, and Elizabeth ~lure of Glan­ derston, ,vhon1 he 1narricd in 16,32. He ,vas attached to the Covenanting party in Scotland, and to avoid persecution at borne he e1nigrated to Carolina in 1684. and returned to Scot­ land in 1690. His wife \Yas Sarah Elizabeth Carstarcs, sister of Principal Carstares. 1898.1907. rrHE \~ERY REV. l{oBERT HERBJ<~RT STORY, :o.:o., LL.·n., Princ·ipal of Gla8gow UniversUy, 1898-1907. Born 28th January, 1835. died 13th ,January, 190i. One of His l'Iajesty's Chaplains in Scotland ; 1ninistcr of Roseneath~ 1860-1887 ; Professor of Church History in the University of Glasgow, l8U8-1907. \Vas the third son of ·Rev. Robert Story of Roseneath and Helen Boyle, the ninth of the fa1nily of ,John Cadell (of Tranent), advocate, and Jane Dunlop, seventh of the fa1nily of Andre,v Anderson Dunlop and Catherine Cardew Black­ burn. Andre,v .Anderson Dunlop ,vas the fourth of the fa1nily of Alexander Dunlop of Keppoch and his second ,vife, l\'Iargaret Colquhoun of Ke1unure, and ,vas grandson of Alexander Dunlop, 1682-1747, Professor of Greek, Glasgo,v University, and son of William Dunlop, Principal of Glasgcnv ·university in 1698. ANGELA GEORGINA, BARO~ESS BURDETT-COUTTS, ,vas the grand-daughter of Thomas Coutts, banker: and great-great-grand-daughter of Jean Dunlop (seventh of the family of ,John Dunlop, third son of Ja1nes Dunlop, thirteenth of that Ilk), who in 16H7 married (second marriage) Patrick Coutts, 1.66H-1704, ,vho was the son of ,John Coutts, 1643-1707, Provost of l\'Iontrose. 1771-1832. SIR \VAVl'ER ScoTT, BART., poet and novelist, 1771-1832. Created Baronet 1820. 1\Iarried in 1797 }I.iss Charpentier (daughter of a French refugee). He ,vas the great-grandson of the above J·ean Dunlop by her first with l{obert Campbell of North Woodside, second son of Can1pbell of Blyths,vood. 1810-1909. SIR A~nRE\V LusK, BART., 1810-1909, Lord ~Iayor of Louden, 1848, ,vas a grandson of Andre\\-' Lusk (Beith), 176,3-18;3,3, who n1arricd in 1787 )Iargaret Kerr of .A.uchengree (Dalry), a Cadet of the Kers of Kerslancl. Sir Andrew was Yery proud of his connection ,vith Robert Ker, the Co\·enanter. 1321-1902. RoBER'l.1 l\lALCOL:\I KERR ,vas for 4~J years Judye at the Guildhall Court, London. Born 6th June, 1821 ; died 21st Noven1bcr, 1902. ,vas kno,vn all oYer Eng!an<.l as~~ Co1111nissioner Kerr." )Iarricd in 1848 Susanna Soley, daughter of the :\Iayor of \Vindsor. As a Ju

·ROBERT KER 01,' KERSLAND, a noh'd and 1nuch l_)en;ecutcd Co,·enantcr for taking sides with them. He "·as for nearly three n1ont-hs a priso1wr in Edinburgh, and afterwards for 1.\ he ,vas .AbPnlecn, ,vh(_\re he ,vas - ....vears in Dumbarton Castle. From there transferred to keJ)t a close prisoner, "·ithout fire, for three 1nonths in the dead of winter. Fro1n .Aberdeen he "'as brought to Stirling Castle, "·here he ,vas det-a,ined s01ne years He ,vas a second time i;;ent back to Dumbarton Castle, and kept there till October, 1077. Later on he ,vas ordered to re-1nove to IrYine, and take his fa1nily with hi1n. He visited his farnily, "·ho were then in Glasgow, but on the very night he arrived there he was taken prisoner by the To,vn Guard, and detained in custody till the next day, ,vhen the connnanding officer consulted the Arch­ bishop ,vith a vic,v to setting Ker at liberty ; but the consultation was unfortunate for Ker. He was immediately ordered to th" Tolbooth. \Vhen there inearcerated a fire broke out in a building iinmediately adjoining, and the Tolbooth was in danger of being burned. Applica­ tion was made to the rnagistrates to let out the prisoners, but they refused to grant per­ mission to do so. The populace, however~ took the 1natter into their own hands, and getting long ladders set the1n all at liberty, Ker being in the nu1nber. He kept in close hiding all that ,vinter. \Vodro,v, the Church historian, says :-·· He ,vas retaken about the end of the year, but ,vas liberated unconditionally.~' In the spring and sununcr following he joined hin1self to the persecuted 1ninisters, and about the end of autu1nn, 17fi8, he went to Utrecht, ,vhere he ren1ained till the day of his death, which took place on the 14th November, 1680, His last "'ords being:-"· This nn1eh I can say in humility, that through free grace I have endeavoured to keep the post that God had assigned to nH'. These fourteen years I have not desired to lift the one foot before God sh

1594. THOMAS CRAUFrRD O:F ,TORDANHILL, the sixth son of Lawrence Craufnrcl of Kilbirnie, 1narried Janet Ker of Kersland, daughter of Robert K(~r of Kersland: 1.35H, and grand­ daughter of John Ker of Kersland, 15:~0, and Lady Agnes ~Iontgornerie, sixth daughter of the first Earl of Eglinton. Thon1as Craufurd is fan1ed for the part he took in seizing the Castle of Dun1barton on the 9th of April, 1571. He and Janet Ker are buried at Kilbirnie Kirk, "·here a 1nonun1ent erected over their graves still stands. It was erected by Captain Craufurd hiinself, and on the (:xterior of the north wall there ii-; the follo,ving inscription:- Gon scHA,v 'l'HE RICHT. HEIR LYIS THOMAS AND lO:NET K1~R, HIS CRAUFURD OF IoR Srovs, ELnEs·r Doc­ DANHILL, S1!X'f SON ·H,rER: TO l{onl1~RT K·ER To LAVRENCE CRAV­ 0.F KBRRISLA~D. FVRD OF KILBIRNY I .5.9.4. The 1notto, "God .r;;chaw the Riehl," was conferred upon Ca11tain Craufurd, by tho Earl of ~Iorton, in 1nc1nory of the conflict at Gallow Lee in 1571. In consideration of his extra­ ordinary feat of courage, viz., stor1ning the ahnost iinvregnable fortress of I)u1nharton Iiock and Castle, 9th April, 1571~ Captain Craufurd receiYed a grant of the lands of Jordanhill, ·besides an annuity of £200 Seots during his life, payable out of the Priory of St. Andre,vs, and also a pension of 40 1narks (Scots) to his son Daniel, who succeeded- hirn, out of the conunon )ands of Glasgo,v, in the parishes of Largs and Dalry. The Craufurd gallery inside of Kilbirnie Church, as ,vell as the pulpit, are well ,vorth seeing. 1494. AnAM REID Ol!' BARSKil\IMING (~1auchlinc Parish) was the leader and spokes1ncn of the "Lollard8 of Kyle." In 1494, fully 50 years before '\Vishart ventured to preach at 1\lauchline, many of the people in Barskiinn1ing neighbourhood had ceased attending l\, and were reading their Bibles for the1nselves and holding religious 1neetings on their own account. their leader being Ada1n Reid, the laird of Barskimming. On account of their doing so, he and some 30 others were snm1noned to Glasgo,v, and put on their trial before King James IV. and Blackadder, the Archbishop of Glasgo,v. A1nong those sum1noned were Campbell of Cessnock, Can1pbell of Ne,vmilns, and Lady Stair. Thirty-four charges ,vere formulated against them. Adam Reid ,vas their champion, and made a bold and spirited defence, with the result that they were dismissed with an ad1nonition, told to beware of the new doctrine, and content themselves ,vith the faith of the Church. The Lollards of Kyle paved the ,vay for the Reformation of Knox in Scotland, and were ,vithout a doubt the originators of the Scottish Reformation. The Reid.s of Bonsha,v, Stacklawhill, and Balgray are an1ong the present day descendants of Ada1n Reid. 1849. SIR JAMES ANDERSO~ 'll'as Lord Proi'o8t of Glasgoil', 1848-1851 He was the first individual to receive the honour of knighthood (er. 14th }lay, 184H) at the hands of Queen "\lictoria in Scotland. He ,vas half-brother to Alexander Anderson who n1arried l\Iargaret Kerr of Gatend, a Cadet of the Kcrs of Kersland, and grand-aunt of Robert Reid of Balgray (1920). 1806-1839. SIR JOHN DcJNLOP, BAR'l'., XXIII. of that Ilk, born 1806 was at one t:in1e an oflicer in the Grenadier Guards. :He wast wice 1narried. l~irst in 1829 to Charlotte Con:-;tance, daughter of General Sir l{ichanl ])owns ,Jackson, K.C.13., and by that lady had i~sue-,Jaines (of who1n afterwards). He 1narricd secondly Harriet Priinrose, eldest daughter of the Earl of Rosebery, aunt of the present Earl of Rosebery (Scottish peerage). Flc represented the County of Avr in Parlia1nent. Cr. Baronet in 1838. Died 3rd Anri.L 1839. an

by his nPphew, Tho1nas DonglaH Cnnningha1ne Graham, the fee of the ~state being 08 years. 1549. Alexander l)unlop, the lenlh of that JU~, who tnarried Helen Cunningha1ne, daughter of the first Earl of Glencairn, was the son of ,John l)unlop, 1~int-h of that Ilk, and ~Iarion DouglaR, daughter of .A.rchihald fourth .Rarl an

present day (1920) Reicb of Bonshaw and Balgray. Robert Rankin 1narried in 1829 Ann Strang aunt of Sir ,John Gihnonr. Bart-., of Lundin and 1Iontrave. Sir ,Ja1ncs Rankin ,vas a .D L. and County Councillor for Herefordshire since 1878. Sat as l\f P. for Leo1ninster (c.) 1880-8;'5, and for Herefordshire N., or L.emninster Division, J"uly, 1886-,January, 1906. He ,vas snccccdt:\d by his son SIR ,JAMES R1~GINALD LEA H,AXKIN, 2~n BART., educated at Eton and C~orpus Christi College, Oxford (Exhibitioner 1891 ; B.A., 189;"5 ; M.A., 1901). Barr. I mwr Te1nple, .l.8HB \Vas Pri \Tate Seeretnr.,· to the Rocretary of State for the Colonies (Right ·Hon. A. LyttletotL P.C.~ :\l.P.), IOO:l-04; is a F.R.G.S., ·1?.·R. Hist. Soc., and a D.L. for .H<'r<:'fordshire. Served in South Africa, 1900 (tnedal with three clasp:,;). }larried in 1896 Hon Nest llir<:', second daughter of 6th Lord Dynevor.

SIR ,Joux GILMOUR, BART., ~f Lundin a-nd J.lfonlrave, ,J.P., \T.D., D.L., 1845-1920, and of South \Valt.on (~learns), was the son of Allan Gihnour, Glasgow, whom he succeeded in 1884. He held 1nany honourable positions, such as ~Ien1her of the ·Royal Co1nn1ission on Horse Breed­ ing an.S.O., the :\:!ember of Par1inn1cnt for the Pollok l)i\·ii.;ion of Glasgow, Huceeeds as the 8econd baronet.

1920. ,JonN RANKIN, OF LIVERPOOL~ ,J.P., Ll.. ."I)., Chairn1an of the ,vell known shipping firm of n-ankin, Gihnour, & Co.: Liverpool. \Vas High Sheriff of \Vcstmorland in 1909. Is the son of the late ,Jan1es ·Rankin of Broon1 (}Ie~1rns) and Greenbank (New Brunswick), 1787-1870, and grandson of ,James l{ankin of ~Iains ·.House (~'learns), 17,, ,vho in 1786 married .Helen lterguson of ..:\uchentibcr (Stewarton), who ,vas great-grand-aunt of the present day (1920) Reids of Bonshaw and Balgray. Is Chairman or Director of the following, among others :-\Vas Chairrnan of the Bank of Liverpoo], l90

1836-1915. SIR HoBElt'I' HA:\llLTOX LANG, K C.~I.(L, of The Orm;e, Dedham, Essex, who 1narried, on the 28th St·pten1h<·r, 1.87H. :\Iargarct ~laef... ellan, daughter of \Valter l\IacLe11an (1815-89), engineer, G]asgow, of the finn of P. & \V. ~IacLel1an, Clutha lfon \Vorks, Glasgow, and of :\Targaret: \Ya.1ker\ I R:10-l.8t>8, daughter of Thon1as \Valkcr of Gateside (Stewarton), ,vho ,vas a great-gra11; had Grand Cordons of the OsnuuH~igh and of the• \Iedjidiah in brilliants, and order of I1ntiaz of Turkey; and wa~ an ofticrl' of Rou1na-nia. Born .I K:{O. Son of Rev. Ga Yin Lang, 1ninister of Gla8s­ for

1920. SrR ,fAM~s GtT'l'HRrE, K·r. (c·r. 100:l), P.B,.S.A., 1902. Born 10th tTune, 1859. Married Helen ~cwton,

1813. ALEXANDER :FI<~RGUSON l{EH> OF BoNSHA w, 1787 -1872, succeeded to llorn,haw in 181:l. l\ilarricd Jane Long1nuir of l◄"\1irliecrevoch, 17H0-1870. \Vas the son of l{obert ·Reid of Bon­ sha,v, 1737-1822, and l\largaret Ferguson of Auchcntiber, l 7,1B-18:JO. \Vas grand-uncle of the Reids of Balgray (H)20) and grandfather of the l{eids of Boni;haw (lB20).· He devoted a long and useful life to the ilnprove1nent of agriculture an

1835-1900. THE HoN. SIR TnoMAS 1\'.l'ILWRAITH, K.C.1\1.G., LL.D., son of Ja1nes l\l'llwraith, Ayr, born 1835. Educate

1737--1791. JOHN Ho,vIE Olf LocHGOIN (.FEN\VICK, AYRSHIRE). Author of ~- THE ScoTs \VORTHIES," the first edition of which appeared in J774, which ,nu, followed by a second and greatly enlarged edition in 1785. ·• Like the · Pilgri1n ·i:.; Progress/ it has been long so extensiYely popular with all classes of the cmn1nunity that it has secured .for itself a position frorn which it will neYel' he dislodged, so long a8 Pre8bytcrianisn1 and a. religious attach1nent to the Covenanted work of the Refonuat.ion continues to engage the natives of': ·' The Ho,vics appear to have been originally of .Freneh extraction. The seYeritie~ to ,vhich the \Valdenses ,vere subjected, during the t":dfth century, compelled 1nany of that hotly to leave their native eountry and i:-;cek r<:-fuge in diHtaut land8. It waH

The foregoing are a few of the 1nany ont-st-anding iwliYiduals in tlu~ eonnection. The number could be incrcai-;ed u1aterially, but the addition of all the na1nes of the notables wouhl 8well this book far beyond its originally intended size. I ha,·e gi ,·en enough nan1es to proyc that. a!l round we arc corne of a ,vorth_y and honourable as well as an ancient stock. The deeds of our soldier lads during the great war of HH4-1919 prove that we arc not a decadent stock. 1Ra111es a1t" E\~~resses of $11bscribers. Copies. Allison, Rev. Thomas, Abingdon. Berks . . . . , .. 1 Allison, Robert Dunlop H,Pid, :\f.l)., Hollyhank, ~fotratn Road~ Stalybridge~ Cheshire 2 Blackwood, ,John, SonunerYillc Road, S1na1l .Heath, Birtninghan1 2 Breckenridge, ~lajor ~Iatthew \Vright, Cakhvcll, IrYine .. .. 2 Brotherton, llrs., Byres Road~ Kilwinning . . .. 1 Bryce, Rohf'rt, " 8he"·alton," (.'ant-erbnry, A n~tralia . . 7 Burns, l\;Tr. L. A., 483!l Alcntt Avenue, East, Chicago~ Ind. .. 4 Carmaek, :VIrs. :b.,., 1.40 \V. Lcafland, ·oecatur, Ill...... 1, William Reid, 140 \V. Leafla-nd, l)ecatnr, Ill. .. 3 Cory, Sir ,T. Herbert, Bart., )l. P. (Cardiff), Cor,\Tton, ,Vhitechurch, Glams. 1 Cuthbert Mrs. ...-\. B., 17 Dover Street, London, ,v...... 1 Dufus, Colonel ..--\. l.,., Hnlifax, NoYa Scotia .. 3 Fell, David, Drew Street, Sydney, Australia 7 Ferguson, Alexander: Parkview, lr\·ine .. 3 Ferguson, ,Jan1es A., 102 Lewis Street, Burn brae~ Dul nth, ~\'Tinn., lT .R.A. . . 10 Ferguson, F. P., Oconto, \Vi.;;eonsin. l~.s.A...... 4 Gebbie, J[iss ,J egsie, 4L3 Shieldf: l{oa

Gregg, Ste\Tenson, ·Donnybrook i Belfa~t. Harvey, Alexander, \Vestdown ('.ottage, .1:-findhe:.Hl, Sun·c~· :1 ]_ H·arvev., ..... ,.\_lexander )lertrand St ..John. . :\Iinntellan Rcfinpn·... ' Eslado de Yera Cruz, ::\Iexico Howie, }liss :VI.a-I'? s., r_rowPrland::-:, Jryine ...... 1 Howie, \,Vil1ia1n, :\Ll-3., Ch.B., Galloway .How.;<\, Croi•d)\· lloa<.l, North \Vaterloo. LiYc:~rpool 1 Hutchison, ,J arnes, Barrhead, H,enfrewshirc 3 Kendall, l\Irs. J. L., \Vynne, Arkansas~ l} .S.A. Kirkpatrick, ~irs. ,T., Lincluden1 Penkctt Road, ,vallas<.\V 1 Longmuir, ~Iiss ~Iartha ·Houston, Sandhurst, Troon 1 Longmuir, Captain Robert Gray, Barfad, Troon 1 Longmuir, Captain Alexander, Roseholm, Thornliebank, Glasg

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