Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information


Abercorn, Charles Hamilton, th Earl of concern for royal prerogative , , (Viscount Strabane)  ,  Abercorn, James Hamilton, th Earl dealings with Darien scheme  of –,  dealings with parliament –, –, Abercromby, Patrick –,  –, – Aberdeen , –, , , Episcopalian approaches to –  pro-Union stance , ,  civic improvements – provisions for succession , –, Act anent Peace and War () , , –,  , – and Treaty of Union –, , , Act for Securing the Protestant Religion ,  and Presbyterian Church Government appeals see under law () , ,  Arbuthnot, John – Act for the Settling of Ireland ()  Argyll, Archibald Campbell, th Earl / Act of Explanation ()  Marquess of , , ,  Act of Security () , , –, execution – –,  Argyll, Archibald Campbell, th Earl Act of Settlement ()  of  Act of Settlement () , –, , Argyll, Archibald Campbell, th Earl / st ,  Duke of  Admiralty, Court of – Argyll, Elizabeth Campbell, Dowager Adventurers Act ()  Duchess of  agriculture  Argyll, John Campbell, nd Duke of , see also famine , –, –, –, , – Alexander, William, of Menstrie (Jr)  Armitage, David  Alexander, William, of Menstrie (Sr) see army Stirling increase in size/expense – Alien Act () , , , , , personnel – , , , ,  provisioning  Allardyce, John  Arthur, King  Althusius, Johannes  Ashley Cooper see Shaftesbury America see colonies Atholl, John Murray, st Duke of –, Anderson, James  , –, , ,  Annandale (ship) – and Union negotiations / Treaty , Annandale, William Johnston, st –, , , , , , –, Marquess of –, , , , , , – ,  Atwood, William  Anne, Princess, of Denmark  Augustus II of Poland  Anne, Queen –, , , , , , , , ,  Bacon, Sir Francis – accession , ,  Bacon, Nathaniel  attitudes to monarchy – Baillie, George, of Jerviswood 


© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

Index 

Baillie, Sir James, of Jerviswood  Britannic perspective (on state formation) Balmerino, John Elphinstone, th Earl –, , –, , –, – of ,  impact on colonial affairs –,  Balthazar, Malthias  objections to  Baltic, trade with Scotland , , , Bromley, William   Brown, Andrew  decline  Brown, P. Hume –,  Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, nd Baron  Browne, John ,  Baltimore, George Calvert, st Bruce, Alexander, of Broomhall (later Earl Baron – of Kincardine)  Banff, George Ogilvy, Lord –, , Bruce, John   Brydges, John ,  Bank of England , ,  Buchanan, George , , –, ,  Bank of Scotland , , , – Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop –, , , , Bannatyne, John ,  , , , ,  Bannatyne Club – Burnet, Sir Thomas, of Leys – Barbados  Burnett, John  Barclay, Robert, of Urie  Burns, Robert  ‘Barebones Parliament’  Burton, J. Hill  baronetcies, creation/sale of  Bute, James Stuart, st Earl of ,  Beaufort, Henry Somerset, nd Duke Butler see Ormond of  Beaufort see Fraser, Simon Cabot, Sebastian  Bede (the Venerable)  Camden, William –, ,  Belhaven, John Hamilton, Lord , , Cameronians see Covenanters, radical wing , , , , –, , , Campbell, Alexander, Colonel   Campbell, Archibald see Argyll; Islay Benbow, John, Admiral – Campbell, John (historian) – Bende, John  Campbell, John (politician) see Argyll Bible, Authorised Version  Campbell, Roy  Bishops’ Wars (–) , , , Canada see France, colonial conflicts with;  Newfoundland; Nova Scotia see also London, Treaty of Cardross, Lord – Black, David , – Carey see Falkland Black, William , –,  Caribbean, British enterprises in , , ‘black oath’  – Blaeu, Joan  military vulnerability  Blaeu, Willem  see also names of islands Blair, James  Carlisle, James Hay, st Earl of – Blathwayt, William ,  Carlisle, James Hay, nd Earl of  Bloome, Richard  carrying trade see tramp trading Board of Trade (and Plantations) –, Carstairs, A. M.  –, , , , –,  Carstares, William , , –, , , Boece, Hector –, ,   Bo’ness  Cary, John ,  Boston – Catherine of Braganza  Boyer, Abel  Catholic Church / Catholicism Boyle, David see Glasgow in Ireland – Boyle, Roger see Orrery plans to wipe out  Brandon, Duke of see Hamilton, James in Scotland – Douglas-Hamilton toleration see James II Breda, Treaty of  see also Catholic Confederation Brewer, John  Catholic Confederation , –,  Brewster, Sir Francis  military capabilities  Britannic Engagement  Cavendish see Devonshire

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

 Index

Cavendish-Bentinck see Portland English jurisdiction over – C´eitinn, S´eathr´un see Keating, Geoffrey grant/sale of titles  Chalmers, George – (see also baronetcies) Chamberlen, Hugh , – hereditary control – Charlemagne  illegal trade in – Charles I –, ,  Irish  and Bishops’ Wars  legal systems/practices , – and Civil War – opening up of trade with , – common fishing scheme , , , policy switch –,   Scottish involvement in –, –, dealings with Covenanters , –, , –, –, –, , –, – –; restrictions on –, ,  dealings with Ireland , , –, Scottish owned/occupied , –;(see  also Darien; East New Jersey; Nova dissatisfaction with –,  Scotia; South Carolina) economic policy –,  Scottish trade with ,  execution , – sources of manpower – foreign policy/relations ,  trade with  Charles II , , , ,  transportation of criminals/undesirables foreign/colonial policy –, –, to ,   see also servitor colonialism; names of marriage  territories proclamation in Scotland –, – Colquhoun, William  Restoration , , –,  Colvin’s Case () , , , , stance on Union –, – – Child, Sir Josiah  commissioners, parliamentary –,  Christian IV of Denmark  appointment , , , –,  Church of England – continuity of personnel  Churchill see Marlborough distribution by party – Civil War Committee for Both Kingdoms –, colonial impact –, – – military progress – Committee of Trade , , –, outbreak  ,  in Scotland –,  Commonwealth Claim of Right () , , , –, continuance of methods ,  post-Restoration – Clark, G. N.  electoral system  Claybourne, William  Scottish collaboration with – Claypoole, Norton – see also incorporation; Ireland; Scotland Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuik –, –, Company of Scotland , –, , , , ,  , –, , , –, , , Clifford, Jeronimy  –,  Clotworthy, Sir John (later Viscount Company of the Royal Fishery Massarene) , ,  (of England / Scotland / Great ‘Club the’ – Britain and Ireland) – co-partneries, governmental compensation payments see colonies encouragement –,  confederation Cobbe, Walsall – arguments/demands for – Cockburn, Adam, of Ormiston –, economic, projected  ,  models  Coke, Roger  projected expansion  Colbert, Jean-Baptiste  Connacht, resistance to Cromwellian colonies forces ,  calls for inclusion in Union – consignment system (of trading)  compensation for loss of – Constantine, Emperor , 

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

Index 

constitution, written, (un)desirability Dalrymple, Sir David, of Hailes –,  of  Dalrymple, George, of Dalmahoy – convoys, merchants’ use of  Dalrymple, Sir Hew, of North Conway, Edward Conway, st Earl Berwick – of – Dalrymple, Sir James see Stair Copland, Patrick  Dalrymple, Sir John – Cornwall, incorporation into Union , Dalrymple, William, Col., of Glenmure , – , –, ,  Council for Trade and Plantations Danish West Indian and Guinea (England) see Board of Trade Company – Council of Trade (Scotland) ,  Darcy, Patrick  Country Party , –, , , , , Darien (colonial venture) , , , , , , , –, , –, , , , –, , , – – (calls for) reparations , , , , and Treaty of Union , , –, –, , ;(see also , , –,  Equivalent(s)) Court Party –, –, –, , , economic impact , –, , , , , , , , , –  and Treaty of Union –, , –, English attitudes to , –, –, , , –, , –, – , – Courten, Sir William  founding – Covenanters funding ,  colonial involvement , –, , political impact –, ,   precedents  demands for political reform – reasons for failure – elimination  Scottish commentaries on – governmental moves against –,  Davenant, Charles , , –, – internal divisions , –, – Davidson, Neil – political/military gains  Davies, Sir John –,  protest activity ,  de Lolme, John Lewis – radical wing –, , ,  Declaratory Act ()  relations with Ireland – deficit financing – role in Civil War – Defoe, Daniel –, –, , , , Cowper, William – –, , , , ,  Craig, Sir Thomas, of Riccarton  Delaware  Craufurd, George  Denmark  Cromartie, George Mackenzie, st Earl of deputies (formerly Viscount Tarbat) , , , absence  –, , , , ,  election ,  and Union negotiations / Treaty , Devine, Tom  –, –, , –,  devolution, (modern) movement for ,  Cromwell, Oliver , –, , , –, Devonshire, William Cavendish, st Duke –, ,  of  death ,  Dicey, Albert, and Robert Rait, Thoughts Cromwell, Richard ,  on the Union Between England and cross-voting (in Treaty deliberations) – Scotland –,  Crouch, Nathaniel see Bloome, Richard divine right, theory of – Cumming, Alexander – Donaldson, James  Cunningham, Alexander –, ,  Douglas, Archibald Douglas, rd Cunningham, James, Major, of Aiket , Marquess / st Duke of   Douglas, James see Queensberry Cunningham, William see Glencairn Douglas-Hamilton see Hamilton, James Douglas-Hamilton; Orkney, George; Dacre, Lord see Trevor-Roper, Hugh Ruglen; Selkirk Daiches, David  Dover, Duke of see Queensberry

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

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Drake, John  Elphinstone see Balmerino drawbacks (on customs dues) – Elzevirus, Bonaventure/Abraham  Drummond, James see Perth emigration Drummond, John (businessman) , numbers ,   planning  Drummond, John (politician) see Melfort ‘Empire, British,’ first use of term  Drummond, William, Governor – England Dudley, Joseph, Governor  economic policy/priorities – Dunbar, battle of  global status  Dundas, Henry –,  government policy on Union  Dundas, Robert, of Arniston – motivations for Union  Dundee  overseas trade –, – Dunlop, William –,  statistics , – Dunmore, Charles Murray, st Earl of party politics –, , –;(see also – To r y Pa r t y; Whig Party) Dupplin, Thomas Hay, th Viscount – political/economic dominance , –, Dutch Wars see Netherlands –,  population – /ies , , –, social desirability of contact with  –, , , ,  ennoblement  merged under Treaty of Union ,  see also baronetcies East New Jersey, Scottish colony in , entrepreneurialism – –, , , –, , ,  Episcopalianism investors – attempts to enforce –,  economy / commercial life, Scottish –, relationship with – –, –, , , , – Equivalent(s) (sum paid in adaptations prior to Union – compensation) –, ,  commentaries –,  Committee for calculation of  crises (–)  objections to – currency –, – Errol, Charles Hay, th Earl of , , dealings with England –  dealings with Ireland –, – European Community/Union ,  fluctuations  exchange rates ,  inward investment  Exchequer, Court of  proposals for improvement – Exclusion Crisis –, , – recovery (following famine/crisis) , export laws – – exports see trade role in Empire –,  scope for expansion  Fairfax, Blackerby  strength of , –, , –, Falconer, Sir James, of Phaedo  – Falkland, Henry Carey, Viscount  see also officials; taxation; trade famine (s) – ,  attempted remedies – education, governmental prioritisation  Farrett, James  Edward I of England  Fearne, David  Edward III of England  federative union – Edward VI of England  calls for –, , , – Eglinton, Alexander Montgomery, th Earl defined  of ,  Fergus MacEarc, King , , ,  Elibank, Alexander Murray, Lord , Ferguson, Adam , –,  – Ferguson, George  Elizabeth I of England  Ferguson, Robert  Elizabeth of Bohemia  Ferguson, William – Elling, Jens  Finch see Nottingham Elliot, Sir Gilbert, of Minto – Finlay, Captain –

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fishing , –, –, , –, , ‘Glorious Revolution’ see Revolution , –,  Godolphin, Sidney Godolphin, st Earl Fleming, Sir James – of , , , , , –, , , Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun , –, , , , , , , , , , ,  –, , –, –,  later commentators’ view of , , , Gordon, George Gordon, st Duke of , , , , –,   proposals for constitutional monarchy Gordon, Sir John, of Lochinvar (colonist) , ,  – role in Treaty debates , , , Gordon, John (politician) see Strathnaver; ,  Sutherland stance on Union –, , ,  Gordon, Patrick – Forbes, Sir Arthur, of Corse see Granard Gordon, Sir Robert  Forrester, Andrew, Captain  Gothic perspective (on state formation) , Foulis, James ,  –, , –, , , , , , France –, , , , ,  colonial conflicts with , , , Graham see Montrose – Granard, Arthur Forbes, st Earl of , economy   ´emigr´esfrom  Grant, Francis (later Lord Cullen) – recognition of Jacobite claims ;(see Granville, George Granville, Lord  also Louis XIV; Wales, James Francis Green, Thomas, Captain –,  Edward Stuart, Prince of) Greenshields, James  relationship with England/Scotland , Greg, William  , , , , –,  Gregory, David  see also French Revolution; Napoleonic Grew, Nehemiah  Wars Gualtiero, Francesco, Cardinal – Fraser, Simon, of Beaufort –, ,  Fraser, William –, , – Hamilton, Anne, Duchess of , , , Frederick I of Prussia  – Free Kirk  Hamilton, Andrew, Governor – free trade  Hamilton, Charles (historian)  role in Treaty of Union –, , , Halifax, Charles Montague, Lord ,   Hamilton, Charles (politician) see French Revolution, Scottish/Irish Abercorn responses to – Hamilton, Elizabeth, Duchess of  Hamilton, Gustavus  Gael, role in Irish tradition – Hamilton, James, of Boghall Garnock, John Crawford, Viscount  (entrepreneur) – George, Prince, of Denmark (consort of Hamilton, James Douglas-Hamilton, th Anne) , , –, ,  Duke of (later Duke of George I , , , – Brandon) –, , , , , George II  –, –, , , , , , George IV  , , –,  Gerard, Sir Digby, Lord Gerard  role in ‘Scotch Plot’ ,  Gerrard, Robert (Jr)  and Union negotiations / Treaty , Gerrard, Robert (Sr)  , , , –, , –, , Gibson, Walter , – –, , , , –, – Glasgow , , , , –, , Hamilton, James Hamilton, rd Marquess / , – st Duke of , ,  Glasgow, David Boyle of Kelburn, st Earl Hamilton, James (politician) see Abercorn of , , ,  Hamilton, John, Lord Belhaven see Glencairn, William Cunningham, th Belhaven Earl of  Hammond, Thomas – Glencoe, Massacre of , , – Handasyd, Thomas, Governor 

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

 Index

Hanoverian Succession , , –, Ireland ,  arguments for/against Union –, –, opposition to ,  – see also Act of Settlement (attempted) enforcement of Harley, Robert , –, , , , Protestantism –, – , , , , , – civil war  Haversham, John Thomson, Lord , colonial involvement –, ;(see also  colonies; New Albion) Hay, Charles see Errol dependent status –, , , Hay, James see Carlisle –,  Hay, John see Tweeddale economy/trade –, , ,  Hay, Peter, of Haystoun  English attitudes to – Hay, Thomas see Dupplin English political agenda in  Hay, William see Kinnoull forfeiture of estates  Hebron, John –,  governance  Hebronites see Covenanters, radical wing parliament, position on British Henderson, Alexander  succession – Henry VII of England  political aspirations  Hermannides, Rutgerius  position under Commonwealth , Herries, William  – historiography ,  rebellion () , – Hodges, James , , , , , rejection of Union , ,   relationship with England  Hodges, Robert  relationship with Scots nobility – Holy Roman Empire  as warning to Scots –, – Home, Charles Home, th Earl of –, Irish perspective (on state  formation) – Home, Sir John, Baronet Home of iron/steel trade – Blackadder – Islay, Archibald Campbell, st Earl of  Home Rule, call for  ius imperium, concept of –,  Hooke, Nathaniel, Captain  Hope, Sir James, of Hopetoun  Jacobites/Jacobitism Hopeton, Charles Hope, st Earl of  activities post-Union –,  house building  (alleged) plots ;(see also ‘Scotch Howard see Nottingham Plot’) Hume, Sir David, of Crossrigg armed risings , , , –, (lawyer/politician)   Hume, David, of Godscroft cellular structure – (writer/political commentator) – Court in exile – Hume, Sir David (politician/diarist)  in England ,  Hume, Patrick see Marchmont fears of –, –,  Huntington Library, San Marino, CA ,  internal differences – Hutchinson, Francis – involvement in commercial enterprise – imports see trade in Ireland  incorporation movement of funds – acceptance  poetry – bodies of opinion undecided on – polarising impact – calls for –, –, –, , political ideology –, , –, –, –, –, – – under Commonwealth – redefinition – opposition to , – refusal to recognise Anne – indentured servants see servitor colonialism religious leanings – independence, arguments against  Scottish focus – Inglis, Robert – (verbal) attacks on , –

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

Index 

Jamaica  overthrow of leaders – James II of Scotland  political importance  James IV of Scotland ,  position under Treaty of Union –, James VI of Scotland/IofEngland , ,  , , , , ,  Knox, John ,  foreign policy  implementation of policy ,  la Tour,Claud St Stephen, Seigneur de  religious policy  landed enterprise, role in national theory of monarchy/statehood –, , economy – –, , – Lang, Andrew – James VII of Scotland / II of England , Laud, William, Archbishop ,  , , , –, ,  Lauderdale, John Maitland, nd Earl (later armed conflict with William III  Duke) of –, –, –, , , colonial policy , , – , ,  death  Law, John  deposition , , , , ,  law, Scottish economic policy –, ,  appeals  Irish responses to – applicability in Ireland – plans for restoration  brought under English control – policy of religious toleration –, , common vs civil –, –  maintenance within Union –, qualities as ruler , – – Scottish support for –,  Leeward Islands  stance on Union / Anglo-Scottish Leopold I, Emperor  relations –, – Leslie, John see Rothes ‘James VIII/III’ see Wales, James Francis Leven, David Melville, rd Earl of  Edward Stuart, Prince of Limerick, Treaty of ()  Johnston, Adam – Lindsay, David  Johnston, Archibald  Lithgow, William  Johnston, James, of Warriston , Livingstone, Robert   local government –, – Johnston, Sir Patrick ,  Locke, John ,  Johnston, William see Annandale Lockhart, George, of Carnwath joint-stock ventures  (politician) –, , , , , –, , , ,  Keating, Geoffrey – and Treaty of Union , , , , Keith, Theodora  , ,  Keith, Thomas  Lockhart, George Keith, William see Marischal (merchant/surgeon) – Kenneth MacAlpine, King  London Ker, John, of Kersland (government population / economic importance , agent) ,   Ker, John (politician) see Roxburghe Scottish community , –, – Kincardine, Earl of see Bruce London, Treaty of () –, , , King, Gregory –  King, William, Bishop  Long Parliament , ,  Kinnoull, William Hay, th Earl of – Loudoun, Hugh Campbell, rd Earl of / Kirk, (Sir) David ,  Loudoun Papers , , , –, Kirk, Lewis  ,  Kirk of Scotland Louis XIII of France  (calls for) retention under Union – Louis XIV of France , , , , , , comment on Darien scheme ,  , , , , , , , , handling of religious differences , –, , –  Lovat, Dowager Lady  influence for peace  Low Countries see Netherlands

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

 Index

Macaulay, Thomas Babington Mary II (of Orange), Queen –,  (Lord) –, – Maryland  Macaulay, Zachary, Revd  Mason, John, Captain  MacDaniell, James  Massachusetts Bay Company – Macintosh, Daniel – Massarene, Viscount see Clotworthy Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh Mathieson, William  (lawyer) ,  Maxwell, Henry, of Finaboge  Mackenzie, George (historian) – Maxwell, Sir John, of Nether Pollock – Mackenzie, George (politician) see Meldrum, John, of Urquhart – Cromartie Melfort, William Drummond, st Earl of Mackenzie, Sir Kenneth, of  Cromartie – Melville, Andrew  Mackenzie, Roderick – Melville, Viscount see Dundas, Henry Mackillop, Andrew  Menstrie see Stirling Mackinnon, James – mercantilism , –,  Mackintosh, Henry  Mercator, Gerard – Mackleir, Hans (John Maclean)  Militia Act ()  Macky, John  Miller (emissary from Ireland)  Maclean, John see Mackleir, Hans mining  MacMillan, John – Minuit, Peter  Macpherson, James , , ,  Miraculous and Happie Union of England MacRae, Alexander, Revd – and Scotland, The (Anon.)  Maddison, Sir Ralph  Mitchison, Rosalind  Madrid, Treaty of ,  Molesworth, Robert Molesworth, Viscount Magnus, Joannus/Olaus – ,  Mair, John  Molyneux, William , –, , , Maitland see Lauderdale  Man, Isle of  monarchy manufacturing industries contractual  expansion – (proposed) constitutional limitations investment in , – –, –, ,  quality control – right of resistance to –, – see also landed enterprise Montgomerie, Francis, of Giffen  Mar, John Erskine, th Earl of , , , Montgomerie, Sir James, of Skelmorlie  , – Montgomery see Eglinton management of Union negotiations , Montgomery, Hugh – , –, –, , –, , Montrose, James Graham, st Marquess of   Marchmont, Patrick Hume, st Earl of , Montrose, James Graham, th Marquess , , ,  of , , , – and Union negotiations / Treaty , Mullany, John  , , ,  Murdoch, Steve  Margaret Tudor, Queen (of James IV) , Murray, Alexander, Lord Elibank see  Elibank Marischal, William Keith, th Earl , Murray, Sir Alexander, of Stanhope  ,  Murray, Charles see Dunmore Markham, Gervaise  Murray, Sir James ,  Marlborough, John Churchill, st Duke Murray, John see Atholl of , , –, , , , , Musgrave, Sir Christopher  , , –, – Marlborough, Sarah Churchill, Duchess Nairn, Sir David , ,  of  Namier, Sir Lewis  Marshal, Ebenezer –,  Napoleonic Wars – Marxist analyses – National Association for the Vindication of Mary, Queen of Scots  Scottish Rights 

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

Index 

National Covenant () –, , , Nine Years’ War , , , , ,  , –, , , , – see also Covenanters Nisbet, Sir John, of Dirleton , –,  National Debt (English) ,  nobility (Scottish) creation of  dealings with Ireland – shared with Scotland –,  representation at Westminster –, Navigation Acts (–) , –, , ,  , , , , , , ,  role in national opinion/activities , adjustments to – – circumvention , , , –, nonconformism  –, –, , ,  Northampton, Treaty of ()  exemptions ,  Nottingham, Charles Howard, st Earl of impact on Scots trade , –, –  objections to –,  Nottingham, David Finch, nd Earl of reassertion , , ,  –, –, , , –, ,  relaxation/non-enforcement , , Nova Scotia –,  , – Netherlands , , ,  oaths of allegiance ,  cartography ,  see also ‘black oath’ consideration of union with –,  O’Bruadair, David  currency, use of  officials, role in national economy – as economic model , , –, O’Flaherty, Roderic   Ogilvie, James see Seafield fishing expertise  Ogilvie, William  hostilities with England , , , Ogilvy, George see Banff , , –,  ‘Old Pretender’ see Wales, James Francis plans for inclusion in Confederation  Edward Stuart, Prince of political alliances  Oldmixon, John – Scottish competition with  Øresund see Baltic trading links with Scotland , , , Orkney, George Douglas-Hamilton, th , , , , , , –, Earl of  , , , , ,  Orkney and Shetland – networks (commercial), Scottish , , Ormond, James Butler, nd Duke of  –, –,  Ormond, James Butler, Marquis / st Duke advantaged by loopholes in Treaty – of ,  English fears of ,  Orr, Robert  illegal methods – Orrery, Roger Boyle, st Earl of  regulation under Treaty of Union –,  Pakington, Sir John  rivalries between – papacy rivalry with English – recognition of Jacobite claims  trading practices – relationship with Irish Catholicism  New Albion (colony) ,  relationship with Stuart monarchy  New England ,  paper money  Confederation of  Parker, Henry ,  Dominion of – Parks, Daniel  disintegration  parliament (British, post-Union)  United Colonies of  Scottish representation , , –, New Jersey see East New Jersey ,  New Model Army ,  parliament (Scottish) New Party (later Squadrone Volante) , (alleged) corruption ,  –,  elections to , , – New Sweden – plans to co-ordinate with English – Newfoundland –,  positive achievements  Nicolson, William, Bishop , ,  publication of proceedings –

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

 Index

parliament (Scottish) (cont.) and Union negotiations / Treaty , religious divisions – –, –, , , , –, walk-out from ,  , , , , , – Parliamentarian Party/army alliance with Covenanters  Rait, Robert see Dicey, Albert military successes , – Ramillies, battle of , – Paterson, John, Archbishop – Randolph, Edward , – Paterson, William –, –, –, religious toleration, negotiations for – , , , , , ,  Restoration see Charles II; Scotland patriotism, Scottish expressions of –, Revolution () –, –,  economic impact  Patronage Act ()  impact in Scotland , –, –, Paxton, Peter  – Penn, William , ,  Settlements (–) , ,  Pennsylvania  Whig view of  Perth, James Drummond, th Earl of  Reynell, Carew  Petty, Sir William , – Rich see Warwick Philip of Anjou  Richier, Isaac, Governor  Philiphaugh, battle of  Ridpath, George –, , , ,  Pitt, William (the younger)  Riley, R. W. J.  plantation(s) , , – Rinuccini, Giovanni Battista, Bishop  English vs Scottish interests – Robertson, John  in Ireland –, –; undermining Robertson, William , , , ,  – Rochester, Lawrence Hyde, st Earl of , Plowden, Sir Edmund  –, ,  Pocock, John (J. G. A.)  Rose, Alexander, Bishop – Poland-Lithuania, Commonwealth of , Rosebery, Archibald Primrose, st – Earl ,  Pollexfen, John  Rosenkrantz, Iver , , –,  Polwarth, Patrick Hume, Earl of  Rothes, John Leslie, th Earl of ,  Port Royal  Roxburghe, John Ker, th Earl / st Duke Portland, William Cavendish-Bentinck, of , , , , –,  rd Duke of ,  royal burghs – ports, role in trade networks , – Convention of, responses to Union Portugal  proposals –,  Postelthwayt, Malachi  financial manoeuvring  Potter, William  and overseas trade  Poynings’ Law () , ,  Royal Navy –, ,  Presbyterianism, public profile  Royal Scottish Corporation  Primrose, Archibald see Rosebery Ruglen, John Douglas-Hamilton, st Earl Primrose, James Primrose, Viscount  of  privateers , , , , – Rump Parliament  Privy Council, abolition of  Rutherford, Samuel  Providence Island Company  Rycaut, Sir Paul  Prowse, Valentine  Rye House Plot  Pryde, George S. – Ryswick, Peace of – Pufendorf, Samuel von – Puritanism ,  Saint-Germain-en-Laye see Jacobites, Pym, John  Court in exile salt, tariffs on ,  Queensberry, James Douglas, nd Duke Sandelin, Jacob Evertsen (James of –, , , , , , –, , Sandilands)  , , , , , ,  Scot, George, of Pitlochy –,  discredited by ’Scotch Plot’ –, Scot, Sir John, of Scotsarvit  – ‘Scotch Plot’ –, , 

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

Index 

Scotland Seton, William, of Pitmedden –, , compared with Ireland  , ,  constitutional reform ,  Seymour, Charles see Somerset contribution to Empire ;(see also Seymour, Sir Edward , –, , under colonies)  cultural standing  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, st English attitudes to –,  Earl of , , ,  English discrimination against –, Sharp, John, Archbishop ,  , , –,  Shetland Islands  English recognition of  see also Orkney and Shetland impact of Union on – ships institutions , – building  internal religious disputes  trading regulations  international standing – Sibbald, Sir Robert – military contribution to Empire , Sinclair, Sir John, of Ulbster –  Skene, Alexander  objections to English policies –, Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations   Smith, English – parliament see separate main heading Smith, John  party politics –, –, , –, Smith, John, Captain  –, , –, , –;(see Smollett, Sir James, of Bonhill  also Country Party; Court Party; New Smollett, Tobias – Party; Squadrone Volante) Smout, Christopher –,  political relationships  smuggling – population  Solemn League and Covenant () , position under Commonwealth –, –, , , ,   authorship  rivalry with England  condemnation/burning ,  status under Restoration –, – Somers, John, Lord Somers , , status within Empire  –, ,  Unionist politics – Somerset, Charles Seymour, th Duke Scott, David  of  Scott, Paul – Somerset, Henry see Beaufort Scott, W. R. – Somerville, Thomas – Scott, Sir Walter –,  Sophia, Electress of ,  Letters of Malachi Malagrowther  sources, published/manuscript – Tales of a Grandfather  South Carolina, Scottish colony in –, Scottish Charitable Society – –, , –,  Scottish Company for Africa and investors – India – reasons for failure – Scottish perspective (on state Spain formation) , , ,  agreements with see Madrid, Treaty of Seafield, James Ogilvie, st Earl of , , rivalry with Britain in New World , , , ,  , –,  and Union negotiations / Treaty , Spanish Succession, War of the , , , , –, , –, , –, , , , , , , , –, , , –, ,  , –,  seals (national)  economic impact , –, – Seeley, J. R.  influence on Union  Selden, John  taxes suspended for duration of , Selkirk, Charles Douglas-Hamilton, nd – Earl of ,  Speck, Bill  Sempill, Francis, Lord Sempill of Speed, John ,  Glassford – Spelman, Sir Henry  servitor colonialism ,  Spotiswood, John 

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

 Index

Spreull, John –,  in Treaty of Union , , , ; Squadrone Volante (Flying Squad) , , exemptions favouring Scotland  ,  Taylor, Joseph  and Treaty of Union –, , , Tenison, Thomas, Archbishop , , –, , –, –,   see also New Party textile trade/industry , , , , St Vincent  , , , ,  Stair, James Dalrymple, nd Viscount / st Thirty Years’ War  Earl of –, , –, ,  Thomas, Sir Dalby  and Glencoe Massacre – Thomas, David  and Union negotiations / Treaty , Thomas the Rhymer  , , , –,  Thomson, John see Haversham Stanhope, Philip Stanhope, Earl of  Thornborough, John, Bishop  state formation, methods/theories –, timber trade  –, –, –, – Tindal, Nicholas  compromises between ,  titles, sale of see baronetcies; colonies continental models – TKUA (Tyske Kancellis Udensrigske see also Britannic perspective; Gothic Afdeling, Copenhagen)  perspective; Scottish perspective tobacco trade , – Stewart, Sir James, of Goodtrees  Toleration Act ()  Stewart, Mary (daughter of James II of Tory Party/ideology –, , –, –, Scotland)  – Stewart, Robert, of Appin  involvement in commercial enterprise Stewart, Walter, of Pardovan  – Stirling, William Alexander of Menstrie, trade (international) st Earl of , –, –, ,  balance of payments  store system (of trading)  decline  Strabane, Viscount see Abercorn England–Scotland –, , – Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, st Earl excess time spent  of , , – exports – Strathnaver, John Gordon, Lord  flexibility of commodities  Straton, Henry, Captain – importance to Scottish economy –, Struthers, John ,  , –, – Stuart, Gilbert  imports –, – Stuart, Sir James, of Ardmaleish see Bute maritime protection  Stuart, James Francis Edward see Wales, national drive to increase – Prince of opening up  Stuart, Sir Robert, of Tillicoultry  standardisation of regulations – Sunderland, Charles Spencer, rd Earl see also Baltic; Board of Trade; of , , ,  Committee of Trade; Council of Sutherland, John Gordon, th Earl of  Trade; economy; England; free trade; Sweden Ireland; Navigation Acts; Netherlands; as model of state formation  networks; names of commodities New World colonies see New Sweden tramp trading , –, – plans for inclusion in Confederation  transportation see colonies political alliances  treason, law of  trading links with Scotland , , Treaty of Union () , , –, –  Swift, Jonathan  constitutional content –, , Switzerland  – economic content/implications –, Tables – –, , –, –, , –, Tacitus – –, – Tarbat, Viscount see Cromartie favouring of English interests –, taxation –, , , ,  , –, 

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

Index 

fears of armed response – objections to – financial incentives for support , preliminary negotiations/manoeuvres –, , – –, , , –, – formal implementation  rejections of – formal objections to – relative representations under  guiding principles –, – salient factors – institutional content – suggested extension – later commentaries  see also Treaty of Union non-Jacobite opponents – United Irishmen  non-negotiable areas  United Provinces see Netherlands passage through English parliament –,  Vanderheiden, (Jasper)  passage through Scottish Estates , Vaughan, William, Dr  , – Veere (Zeeland) –, ,  preliminary negotiations –, –, Vernon, James  –, –, , –; procedure Verstegan, Richard – –; secrecy  Violet, Thomas – protests against –, –, , Virginia , , ,  – volunteer forces  reaction to draft form  reception in Ireland – Wales, incorporation into Union , , religious content/implications –, – –,  Wales, James Francis Edward Stuart, responses to implementation –, Prince of (’the Old Pretender’) , – ,  Trevelyan, G. M. – recognition as ‘James VIII/III’ , , Trevor, Thomas –  Trevor-Roper, Hugh, Lord Dacre – religious standpoint  Tubuganti, battle of  Walker, George  Tucker, Thomas ,  Walker, Patrick – Tullibardine, Earl of see Atholl Wallace, James  Tweeddale, John Hay, nd Marquis Wallace, William ,  of , , , –, , , Warwick, Robert Rich, st Earl of – – Watson, John –, – Ulster, plantation of –, – weights and measures, standardisation influence in New World  of  Union Wentworth see Strafford (alleged) benefits to Scotland –, West Indian Company –,  –, –,  ‘Western Design’ , ,  alternatives to – Wharton, Thomas, Lord Wharton , benefits to England  ,  breakaways from  Whatley, Christopher  calls for equality within –, –, Whig Party/ideology –, –, , –, –,  –, –, –, , , Committee on – –,  controversy over  adjustments to – debates on (just prior to Union Treaty) anti-Jacobite rhetoric –,  – fragmentation – English coercive methods – political/social reforms  as international model – in Scotland – modern views of – Whitehaven , ,  moves to terminate – Whole Prophecies of Scotland, England, nature of process –; as ideological France, Ireland and Denmarke, The –; as political – (Anon.) –

© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85079-7 - Union and Empire: The Making of the United Kingdom in 1707 Allan I. Macinnes Index More information

 Index

Whyte, Ian D.  Willoughby, William, Lord Willoughby of William III (of Orange) , , –, , Parham , ,  , ,  wine/spirit trade ,  accession , –, ,  legislation  attempted assassination , , , Wishart, William   Wodrow, Robert  dealings with Darien scheme , , Worcester (ship) – –, , – Worcester, battle of  death , , , , ,  Wright, Thomas  economic policy ,  Wylie, Robert ,  and Glencoe Massacre – Wyon, Frederick – hostilities with Jacobites ,  policy on Union – Yeaman, George, Captain  unpopularity in Scotland , , York, Duke of see James VII/II –, , ,  Young, John –

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