ROLL OF HONOUR 1\ND WAR SOUVENIR. 1914-1919. "·ro the help of the Lord against the n1ighty" (judges v. 23 ). " \Vho ,viii go for us?" •' And I said. Here a1n I ; send 1ne" ( Isa. 'l,£. 8 ). " Set dcnvn my na1ne, Sir" ( Bunyan's Pilgr£m's Progress). COl\lPILED BY -------------- - -··- KILMARN()CK: "STANDARD" PRINTING W()RKS. 1920. ~ ·HIS •• :Roll of Honour ~i has been cornpilc<l by 1nc at the oft-repeated request of members : · :' . l of the connection at hon1c and abroad, whose boys have played the 1nan's part during I the Great War of 1914-101 n. It has not been written in any boastful or vainglorying spirit, but merely as a record of brave work nobly and manfully done, and as an appre- ciation of ,vhat our lads have done and suffered for us and for the ,vorld at large, and in the hope that those coming after us may, in days to come, read this record with pride and thank£ ulness. The data herein recorded is for the 1nost part put do,vn exactly as received by me, but as the amount has far exceeded my original expectations. I have had to condense some of it, so as to keep the book ,vithin reasonable bounds. And ,vith the same object in view, I have in the main only given the names of individuals in the Genealogical Accounts ,vho took part in the Great \Var of 1914-1919_ or ,vho gave their services in connection ,vith ,vork of national importance during that period. It is owing to the above, and to the increase in printers' ,vages, and everything else in proportion, that the cost of the book has been increased. I have done n1y utmost to get into touch ,vith every known individual in the connection, but as they are scattered all over the face of the earth this was hnpossible. If those left out ,vi11 kindly communicate ,vith me I sha11 be pleased to for,vard the111 copies of this hook, proYided the demand in this direction does not exhaust the limited supply which I have kept in hand to n1eet such cases I have included a short account of scycral outstanding individuals of the connection, and trust that 1ny having done so will add to the value of the book and proYc intcre~ting reading to subscribers. I no,v thank aU concerned for data supplied by then1 and for orders for copies of this book. If those who read ,vhat I have written, derive as much pleasure from the reading as I have had in the writing, I shall consider 1nysclf a1nply repaid for 1ny work. And: in conclusion, I 1nay be permitted to inforn1 subscribers that it is due to the generosity of several me1nbers of the connection that they are getting their copies at 2/- each, under cost of production. ROBERT REID, 011' HALORAY. HALL CoT'rAGE, IRVINE, 1920. jfergttsons of El11cbi11tiber ($tewarto11) a11b <t,1bets HE Fergusons of Auchintiber are a very ancient fa1nily. They are supposed to be of the sarne stock as the Fergusons of Fergushill (Kil-winning Parish), a family ·which ,vas settled in Ayr­ T shire at Fergushill in 1417. The original name of the family ,vas "Fergushill," but about 1750 it was changed to Ferguson. The first on record ,vas- 1500. I John FergushiU 1narried llarion Pollok, daughter of Charles Pollok of Greenhill and Balgray. THE POLLOK GENEALOGY IS AS 11·0LL0\VS :- 1 Fulbert, whose name is mentioned in connection ,vith that of his son PETRUS DE PoLLOK. 1164. 2 Petrus de Pollok made a mortification to the Abbey of Paisley in 1164. n.s.P. 1164. 2 Robert de Pollok, witness to a charter by \Valter, Steward of Scotland, to the Abbey of Paisley, 1164. 1230. 3 Robert de Pollok, who made a donation to the Monks of Paisley about 1230 1234. 4 Petrus de Pollok: witness to a resignation of the lands of Kilbowie to the Abbey of Paisley, 1234. 1270. 5 Thos. de Pollok, witness to a resignation by John de Wardroba Bernaird de Erth in favour of the Abbey of Paisley, 1270. 1296. 6 John de Pollok, swore fealty to Edward at North Berwick, 1296. 7 Robert de Pollok married Agnes, daughter of John llax,vell, Lord of the llearns. 1372. 8 John de Pollok (son of the above) had a Charter of Over PoJlok, dated 3rd May, 1372, granted by John Max,vell, Lord of the Mearns, to John Pollok. heir of Robert de Pollok, and son of Agnes Maxwell. 1441. 9 J"ohn Pollok, of that Ilk, mentioned in an instrun1ent of resignation, dated 30th l\Iarch, 1441, granted by the said John PolJok, and Walter Spreul of Co,vden; in favour of Thomas Spreul, of the lands of Co,vden. 1486. 10 Charles Pollok, ,vho, on the 28th of ,July, 1486, received a Charter from John Maxwell, Lord of the l\fcarns, of the ]ands of Over Pollok. This Charles Pollok n1arried l\-Ia.rgaret Stewart, daughter of the Laird of l_\,Jinto. l.ssue :-- 1527. 11 I David Pol1ok~ of that Ilk, who obtained frcn1 the Superior, a Charter, dated 31st Ju]y, L327, altering the inYesture fron1 heirs male to heirs whatsoever. This David Pollok died in 1545 ; he n1arried 1\tlarion, daughter of \Vm. Stewart, of Castlemilk. Issue :- 1545 12 I John Pollok, of that Ilk, fro1n who1n the present Polloks of Pollok Castle are descended; his brother~ Charles Pollok of Greenhill and Balgray~ n1arried Janet Stirling. Issue:-- I John Pollok. 2 }!ARION POLLOK, ,vho 1narried JOHN FERGUSHILL of Auchin­ tiber. The Pollok .A.rms are vert, a saltire gules, betwixt 3 bugles or, stringed of the second. Crest : A boar pierced with a dart. 1.VIotto : "Audacter et Strenue." 6 l?EiiGUSONS OF AUCHI:N"TIBER. 1500. 1 John l~ergushill n1arriecl ~larion Pollok, of Pollok Castle, llenfrewshire. This alliance is of itself sufficient evidence to prove, at this early date, that the .Fergushills ,vere a fan1ily of standing in the county. The Polloks of Pollok Castle are descended from \Valter. the first High Steward of Scotland. They are therefore of the san1e descent (originally) as the Boy<ls, Earls of Kihnarnock~ and the Boyds of Bonshaw (Stewarton), who arc descended fron1 Si1non, brother to \Valter, the first High Sto,vard. 1580. 2 John Fergushill 1narriecl Janet Robison. 1600. 3 H,obert Fergushill n1arried Janet Stirling, daughter of the Rev. Jan1es Stirling, of Paisley, and died 1600. 1889. 4 Alexander Fergushill 1uarried Marion Anderson (1nentioned in a Sasine, dated 1669). 1723. 5 John Fergushill 1narried in 1723 HELEN GILMOUR OF GRANGE (Dunlop), died 1752. (a John Fergm,hill sold NETHER AUCHINTIBER to his brother.) Issue:- 1 )larion~ born 1723. 2 Jean, born 1724. 3 Alexander Fergushill, born 172,3 (of ,vho1n hereafter). 4 Robert Fergushill, born 1729. 5 Agnes Fergushill married Robert Cuthbertson about 1757. 6 Samuel Fergushill~ born 1735. NoTE.-He ,vas the last of the Fergushills to bear that nan1e. It was considered unlucky, because there was a Samuel Ferguson, of Auchintiber, who fought for Charles I., and who was beheaded at Carlisle on that account. 1725. 6 Alexander Ferguson, of Auchintiber, born 1725, married llarion Miller, daughter of James l\Iiller of Chapelton (Stewarton). Issue:- 1752. I Alexander Ferguson of Auchintiber, born 1752, n1arried Agnes Cuthbertson. Issue:- 1794. 1 Alexander Ferguson, born 1794. n1arried Elizabeth Airston. Issue:- 1 Ja1nes Ferguson, of Fairliecrevoch (Dreghorn), 1800-1876, married llargaret Biggar, 1803-1856. I.ssue :- 1 Alexander Ferguson 1narried Elizabeth Boyd. Issue:- 1 Alexander Ferguson 1narried Georgina M'Ewan. Issue:- 1914. 1 ALEX.AND}~R FERGUSO:N (] ). 2 LIEUT. JOH~ 1\tE\\~AN (2). 2 Helen :Ferguson n1arried CAPT. .N. B. GREEN (IRVINE) (3). 1 RoBER'r GR.KEN, R .. A.. F. (!Jru SQUADRON) (4). 1780. 7 - 2 llargaret Ferguson of .Auchint:iber n1arried ROBERT Rt~ID OJt Bo~SHA w (sec REIDS, page 22). It is a curious fact that since the date of this 1narriagc the REIDS OJf BoNSHA\V, STACKLA\VHILL AND BALGRAY, for so1ne unexplained reason, discarded their own crest, which wa8 a cubit dexter ar1n, issuing out of a cloud, holding an open book~ and adopted that of the ]fergusons, the lfcrguson crest being a bee "5itting upon the flower of a Scotch thistle with wings expanded and sting extended. 7 The crest with the cubit dexter ann issuing out of the cloud is the registered crest of t-he l{EIDS. The present day representatiYes of the fan1ily should revert to ,vhat is undouhte<lly their own property. The H1EIDS of Bo~SHA\V AND STACKLA\\9 HILL quarter the BOYD OF BoNSHA\V 1 arins with their own ; and the R,EJDS 01' BALGRAY quarter the arn1s of the J)UNLOPS Olf THAT ILK, in addition to those of the BoYDS OF BoKSHA ,v, ,vith their own. R-A~TKINS AND 1fERGUSONS. 1786. 3 Helen ~.,erguson of Auchintiber married James Rankin of l\lains House, 1752-1815. Issue:- 1 Ja1nes Rankin, 1787-1870, married ~larion J?ergusou, 1804-1880, daughter of Robert Ferguson of Oldhall. Issue:-- _ 1 John Rankin, LL.D., shipo,vner, Liverpool (llessrs. Rankin, Giln1our & Co., Ltd.), 1narried in 1875 Margaret Jack. Issue:- 1 CAPTAIN RoBER1., RANKIN, A.S.C. (5). 2 CAPTAIN JAl\lES STUART RANKIN, M.P. (Toxteth Division, Liverpool) (6). 2 Marion Rankin, 1792-1856, married Robert Ferguson of Borland (KILMARNOCK). Issue:- 1 Alexander Ferguson of Borland 1narried Janet Robertson of Dalmusternock (no fa1nily). l\lary Jane Kerr Macalister, ,vho in 1884 married Robert Reid of Balgray, Irvine (the compiler of this Roll of Honour), ,vas brought up by her uncle and aunt at Borland.
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