New Zealand Poetry Society Newsletter PO Box 5283 July 2005 Lambton Quay WELLINGTON New Zealand Poetry Society Patrons Dame Fiona Kidman Vincent O’Sullivan Te Hunga Tito Ruri o Aotearoa President Gillian Cameron With the Assistance of Creative NZ E-mail Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa
[email protected] and Lion Foundation Website ISSN 1176-6409 When we stop fixating on personal concerns, we can give ourselves over to the world. For writing haiku this means This Month’s Meeting being completely in tune with our environment, whether we’re walking down a busy street or talking quietly with James Brown and Geoff Cochrane a friend. will read Wellington poems and talk about being writers strongly influenced they spoke no word, by living in Wellington. the host, the guest and the white chrysanthemum At Museum of City and Sea 21 July 7.30pm Ryota 3. Emptiness Haiku and Zen When Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen, was asked, ‘What is the fundamental teaching of Buddhism?’ he Richard von Sturmer replied, ‘Vast emptiness and nothing holy.’ This Since the Middle Ages, Zen Buddhism, with its emphasis revolutionary statement has reverberated down through on simplicity, naturalness and austerity, has been a the ages, and its truth is now confirmed by quantum predominant force in Japanese culture. We will look at physics. Atoms – the basic stuff of the universe – are nine qualities inherent in Zen and how these qualities 99.999 percent emptiness. That is the way things are. relate to the writing of haiku. And we need to be empty so that the things of this world can reveal themselves to us.