THE WILLIAMS ALUMNI REVIEW Published by Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., Five Times a Year: October, December, February, M Ay and July
THE WILLIAMS ALUMNI REVIEW Published by Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., five times a year: October, December, February, M ay and July. Entered at the Post Office in Williamstown, Mass., as second- class matter under the Act of Congress, August 2 i, 1912. WILLIAMS ALUM WILLIAMSTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUME XXIX JULY, 1937 _______ NUMBER 5 T he 143rd C ommencement he also includes a vividly written panorama of world events by Fred E. Linder, class HE 143rd Commencement marked president. There is a foreword by Presi the passing of an epoch in Wil dent-emeritus Harry A. Garfield, and a Tliams history. Nineteen thirty-seven, last study of changing trends on the campus of the classes to enter college with four by Dr. E. Herbert Botsford ’82, former years of preparation in Latin, the only alumni secretary, as well as individual group to attend under both the Garfield biographies and portraits. and Dennett administrations, and the last In Williamstown, 1912 sponsored an to go out before the introduction of com elaborate program which included a prehensive examinations, the degree with buffet luncheon for the administration and honors, and other curricular innovations, faculty at the .Williams Inn. At their received its diplomas from President Den headquarters on Hoxsey Street, they re nett in his office in Hopkins Hall, at the ceived numerous guests from other reun- close of the exercises on Monday, June 21. ing classes. For the occasion some 800 alumni, un mindful of grim skies and occasional The college awarded 145 Bachelor of showers, returned to Williamstown to par Arts and eight honorary degrees, announc ticipate in the gaiety.
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