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1866 • first mainline service Omaha..columbus, Neb. 1921 • Light, powerful "Sport Model" 7000·class locomotives whisk 1939 • Treasure Island Special features all·Pullman accommodations limiteds across the plains. to the fair. Union Pacific readies for national defense; troops, tanks 1869 • Atlantic and Pacific expresses with cooches and sleepers on to take priority over ordinary travelers. Iro~1 5 days, 7 hours OmahQ·Sacramento. 1930 • Columbine offers luxury service to , 1884 • Through trains operQte OmQha·Portland. to Northwest. 1946 • Colifornia·New York and Washington, DC through sleepers introduced. City of St. Louis begins service. 1888 • Golden Gate Special, one of America's first deluxe trains, 1935 • After yeor.long US lour, City of Salina, first of fQmous features electric lights. streamlined "City" trains, begins operation. New 1947 • All West CO

STARS IN OUR CARS caught the fancy. 19 - City of Los Angeles (lsI train, 2nd locomotive,) a proud name for 35 years. 20­ 1 • Moe West, manager, right at home in Littte Nugget car. 2 -Anita Stewart starts a tour. 3 ~ BQrrymore, City of San Francisco gave shining service on the Overland Route. 21 - Challengers: troin and locomotive. Barrie, Bowser easlbound. 4 - Remember Ihe LA Bulldogs? 5 - Mr. Presidenl. 6· Geo. "Jiggs" McManus 22 - Forty-Niner, a flurry of brown, gold and gray. 23 - Eastbound mail, No. 26, skirts Oregon's Blue Moun· hangs an original. 7. Paramounl'. Marjorie While could've danced all night. B· Eli:tabeth Mclilwain was loins. 24· City of St. Louis winds upward through California's Cajon Pass. 25 - City of Portland upslream 100 in '37, liked the Limited. 9 - Der Bingle, a casual, congenial cuslomer. 10· Mickey and his mom. 11­ in Columbia River Gorge. 26· City of slides Ihrough Mojave River narrows. Polish Lyda Roberli oul 10 win in Hollywood. 12 - Our Gang look a whole section. 13 - Charles Ruggles LADIES AND LOCOMOTIVES and "Schlemiel" shared a berth. 14 - Big Bill Tilden, big Jack Dempsey were no match. 27 - Mrs. W. A. Harriman chrislens a Irain. 28 - Iva Slewart calls a tune for Rubinoff. 29 - Paula DeCarda SOME TRAINS decorales diesel LA-I. 30 - Alma Kelly oils the headlight. 31 - Donna Stafford lets off steam. 32 - Skiers 15 - Overland Limited beats up the miles west of Omaha. 16 - McKeen motor train, a "Branch Line limi­ snowball the special. 33. Senorita, serenade. 34 - Miss Colorado rings the bell. 35 - Anita Louise ted." 17 - Los Angeles Limiled served "Salt Lake Route" wilh dislinction. lB - M·l0001 .. when signs a souvenir. 36· Mory Anne Coleman honors a significant Irip. NG GA 1 CaNTI50ft • "11'R 1 I IIGg ...... PLI\T~L. • /2 SPA.t"J ?i-&f C f1~


Domeliner Domeliner Domellner City of Los Angeles­ City of Kansas City City of Denver Portland Rose City of San Fran<;$Co LAST TRIP City of Portland Butte Special Trains 4S7-45B Trains 117-118 Trains 19-20 &ef~/OO

The West was a wildemess ofprairie, mountains, andplains . .. a vast hunting ground of the Indians. Transportation was by horse, by foot, or by stagecoach. The adventurous ones Ctlme FU'St ... the miners and the trappers, followed by the pioneers with their plows and their Ctlttle, pushing the frontier westWtud, mile by mile. Then CtZme the railroad ... gleaming rails over which trains raYed, farther into the raw, new country. Settlers moved in. New towns sprang up. Territories were organized, and soon they beCtZme states.

And now after a century ofservice, a new, contemporary kind of railroad has emerged. Its methods of moving people and products are modern. The emphasis now is on effrdent, specilllized service and equipment, and in bringing in new industry to keep the West building.

Union Pacific's constant objective is to provide superior trans­ portation service. Competition is keen and only the rugged will survive. Union Pacific welcomes the chaUenge. • • •

Moment ofexcitement - plains Indillns, desperate for winter food and hides, stampede buffalo onto the tracks staUing an immigrant train heading West.