Matthijs Ilsink,Jos Koldeweij,Ron Spronk,Luuk Hoogstede,Robert G. Erdmann,Rik Klein Gotink,Hanneke Nap,Daan Veldhuizen | 608 pages | 21 Jun 2016 | Yale University Press | 9780300220148 | English | New Haven, United States Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonné by Matthijs Ilsink

To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Matthijs Ilsink. Bosch online web application with documentation on all the paintings and BoschDoc documents on Bosch and his Hieronymus Bosch to Hieronymus Bosch be accessed Hieronymus Bosch the website Boschproject. Stad Brugge, www. No part of this publication Edited and designed by Endpapers may be reproduced or transmitted in any form Paul van Calster, Anagram, Ghent Visions of the Hereafter, detail from or by any means, electronic or mechanical, the reverse of the Ascent of the including photocopy, recording or any other Production supervision Blessed [cat. Some of his works have a pedigree that dates back a very long way indeed, the most com- plete being that of the Garden of Earthly Delights; the triptych is recorded in the palace of the Counts of Nassau in Brussels as early asand we can track its whereabouts more or less continuously from that moment through to the present. All the same, the outlines of an oeuvre have emerged since the late nineteenth century in the shape of a body of works ascribed to Bosch on stylistic grounds. This nucleus crystallized in the course of Hieronymus Bosch twentieth century into a fairly generally accepted corpus of some twenty-ive paintings. The scholarly goal was to gain a better understanding of questions like: What is a Bosch? Which paint- ings and drawings are by his hand? What relationships exist within his oeuvre? How reliable are the attributions? What did pupils and assistants contribute? No fewer than nine panels and triptychs by Bosch were restored by or in close consultation with the brcp in the period —15, while two more triptychs were restored to their former glory in Spain. As oftherefore, almost half the autograph paintings by Hieronymus Bosch have been given back their original lustre thanks to the eforts and commitment of highly Hieronymus Bosch restorers in Italy, Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands and the United States. The Bosch Research and Conservation Project was proposed as a tentative, dream initiative in Hieronymus Bosch less than a decade later, we can present its substantive results. The Bosch Research and Conservation Project was set up as a collaborative venture between the Jheronimus Bosch Foundation, the Noordbrabants Museum and Radboud Uni- versity Nijmegen, following which the research itself could get under way. Backed by an academic committee and a Hieronymus Bosch board — whose members are listed on page 5 — we established an interdisciplinary team, which began as Hieronymus Bosch ive-strong core that was subsequently extended to eight specialists, all of whom contributed their own speciic expertise. We feel justiiably proud there- fore in presenting ourselves as a team on the title page and of signing of on our work together. We can now look Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne with satisfaction at several years of intensive and fruitful collaboration. The Bosch Research and Conservation Project is a long-term, complex initiative, which has come about with the help of many people. We are grateful to everyone for the assistance we have received in recent years. Our thanks are due in the irst place, of course, to those who took the initiative: Mayor Ton Rombouts and Charles de Hieronymus Bosch, Director of the Noordbrabants Museum. Erdmann, assisted by Travis Sawyer, developed the digital infrastructure to enable all the visual material to be presented online using the latest techniques Boschproject. None of this would have been possible, however, without the inancial foundations laid by various public authorities, institutions, foundations and sponsors, via the aforementioned Jheronimus Bosch Foundation. Special thanks are due to the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund, which supported the research project very generously. It is impossible to name everyone who helped us devise and perform our research, and to whom we owe our sincere gratitude. Note to the Reader catalogue numbers captions: conventions and abbreviations Catalogue numbers cat. Painted sides of triptychs and other case of a composite work, by a letter indicating the painted composite works have been given an alphabetical suix: side is included in square brackets: e. The few paintings that the brcp was not able to document or examine Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne also included. The research likewise took in the most important of those paintings that were long ascribed to Bosch or his workshop and in some cases still arebut which do not, in our opinion, belong Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne that group. We explain here why we believe there are insuicient grounds for retaining the work within the oeuvre. The detailed technical data and observations relating to the paintings are set out in the equally richly illustrated counterpart to this book, Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman: Technical Studies referred to throughout this volume as brcp, Technical Studies. Most of the sheets in question have been ascribed to Bosch at one time or another, but the Infer- nal Landscape cat. Christ Carrying the Cross in Vienna cat. All these works are shown here in their restored state for the irst time. You will ind the same here on a large scale and at a previously unattainable level of quality. Despite this, a great deal more brcp material is available. To enable readers to view for them- selves comparisons that are made in the text but could not be illustrated in the book, several links have been included to the Boschproject. This allows Hieronymus Bosch to zoom in even more or to view a particular detail that is not illustrated in the book. Then we would still have the two Hieronymus Bosch. Scripta manent. Precisely when he began to do so is not known, but it might well have coincided with the moment in —88 when he became a sworn member of the Brotherhood of Our Lady. Not only did the artisan-painter now belong to an ig 2 urban elite familiar with Latin, he had also achieved high artistic status. The way he signed his name was entirely new: in clearly legible, calligraphed letters, which he henceforward placed systematically along the lower edge of his paintings — Hieronymus Bosch in black, but twice in light yellow and once even in gold. If we take this at face value, it tells us that the artist signed using that name rather than that he was known by it locally. There is very little reference to their work in the archives either. Hieronymus Bosch lived with his second wife, identiied only as Christina, Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne Vughterstraat. The couple had ive children — two daughters and three sons, one of whom was Hiero- nymus. It was one of seven buildings there of similar size, which served as homes and workshops for better-of craftsmen. The second son, Johannes Anthoniusz, likewise joined the Brotherhood of Our Lady and died in about He died at the beginning of August Following the death of Anthonius van Aken inthe house on the east side of the market square passed to his eldest son, Goeswinus,14 who will have lived there until his own death. Names of family members recorded as painters are in bold type. The Latin version of his forename was, of course, the most formal. The pop- ularity of the Church Father surged in the ifteenth and sixteenth centuries, driven in the Low Countries primarily by the Devotio Moderna or Modern Devotion, a movement committed to spiritual regeneration, which included the Brethren of the Common Life. There is no concrete evidence, however, to identify the speciic location or patron for which Bosch produced these paintings. There is no irm proof of this, Hieronymus Bosch. The artistic trades seem largely to have been incorporated in other guilds. On the irst occasion, he was included with Hieronymus Bosch father Anthonius, his sister Katharina and his two brothers Goeswinus and Johannes; on the second, with his father alone. On this occasion, Hieronymus was acting on his own behalf for the irst time, and Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne recorded as being married to Aleid van de Meervenne, the daughter of a fairly well-of family. Bosch lived in the house until his death, and his widow, Aleid, remained there for over six more years. The taxes — zettingen and ruitergeld — for which Bosch was liable32 were high compared with those of other master craftsmen, suggesting that he was relatively prosperous. For the time being, the rea- sons for this remain wholly unclear. This was, at any rate, the name given to the building from the s onwards. The wings were meanwhile given to Anthonius van Aken to be painted,44 for which he received an advance of 33 Rhenish lorins. Whatever the case, the diferent hands detected Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne the underdrawing and painting of the surviving panels that can be linked to Hieronymus Bosch tell us that close collaboration occurred at the workshop with Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne variety of draughtsmen and painters. The appearance of identical or very similar motifs and forms in paintings Hieronymus Bosch within his immediate circle suggests the same thing. A clear example can be found in Hieronymus Bosch triptych Hieronymus Bosch by Peter van Os and Henrickxen van Langel cat. We know from later sources that it was Hieronymus who painted the cen- tral panel of the altarpiece,52 making the overall work a joint production of the two broth- ers. We might also conclude that this was a workshop commission, especially since — as a sworn brother — Hieronymus seems generally not to have charged the brotherhood for his own work. Membership of the brotherhood represented a major step up the social ladder, which he Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne not to his inancial position but to his personal development and his status as a painter. Equally noteworthy is the fact that he is not listed under his irst name and surname, but with explicit reference to his profession. Guests from outside the brotherhood were also invited, including Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne steward of the King of the Romans and future Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian of Austria. Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne wine and the mass held before the banquet were funded by a bequest from a deceased former member, while the brotherhood contributed to the costs of the ish course and the other lenten dishes. Death and requiem mass Hieronymus Bosch died in Hieronymus Bosch August His funeral was organized by the Brotherhood of Our Lady, as was the custom Hieronymus Bosch a sworn brother died. The presence of fellow members of the brotherhood, relatives, friends and acquaintances will have helped make this a worthy inal tribute. We do not know where Bosch was buried, but it is likely Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne have been in the churchyard, which was directly accessible from the north transept of the church and was used for burials from the middle of the ifteenth century onwards. Like other Hieronymus Bosch artists he painted all manner of objects, produced designs for items as varied as stained-glass windows, embroidery and brasswork, and even consulted on the work Hieronymus Bosch other Hieronymus Bosch and craftsmen. Whatever the case, Bosch would be involved for Hieronymus Bosch considerable time with the execution and gradual expansion of this Marian altarpiece in carved oak, which Adriaen van Wesel delivered inand for which Hieronymus painted the lower set of wings around The items were returned to the church once the danger had abated. There is not much documentary evidence regarding the more decorative work done by Hieronymus Bosch, but we do know a little about it. Bosch seems to have added some painted decoration and possibly also text to the refurbished name-board. The wealthy Antwerp cloth-dresser Peeter Scheyfve, who held prominent positions in both the guild and the city council, commissioned the Adoration of the Magi Triptych, now in the Prado, from Hieronymus Bosch in about As far as we know, this is Hieronymus Bosch 11 Donatrix Henrickxen van Langel the irst work by Bosch to ind its way to Antwerp. The successful merchant and master of with a deceased swaddled baby and Saint the mint Joris Vezelaer — almost certainly brought an inherited painting of the Catherine, Hieronymus Bosch Bostoninterior of right wing Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne 24c] Seven Deadly Sins by Bosch or from the Van Aken workshop Hieronymus Bosch him when he moved to Antwerp in around see cat. Sadly, the work has Hieronymus Bosch survived, assuming of course that it was ever actually inished; as Hieronymus Bosch as we can tell, no further payment was made Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne respect of it, nor is there any report of its completion or delivery. The only work of comparable size is the Vienna Last Judgement, which Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne several still mysterious elements, such as the igure of a donor in the underdrawing and initial painting of the central panel, who did not make it into the inished work cat. The British Museum, London hieronymus bosch c. Bosch also received commissions in this period from the senior Burgundian civil servant Hippolyte de Berthoz, who was employed at the court. It would also explain why Bosch was paid by the brotherhood on this occasion. Anthonius too worked for the Brotherhood of Our Lady quite regularly; when he died during the epidemic, his heirs had to pay death dues to the association, of which he had been an ordinary member. The chandelier might have been cast by the brass-founder Aert van Tricht, who was based in Maastricht. It is no longer possible to determine whether Bosch supplied designs for Hieronymus Bosch in Maastricht. This might, of course, be coincidental, as the Dominicans were present at lots of locations within the emerging towns and their abbey churches ofered space for bourgeois tombs over and above that provided by parish churches. Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman : Catalogue Raisonné - -

For Bosch's drawings, see Hieronymus Bosch drawings. Paintings by Hieronymus Boschas well as paintings attributed to him or his school, have been compiled by various organizations. An Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne undertaken by The Bosch Research and Conservation Project of a multitude of Bosch's paintings included dendrochronological research and made an approximate dating of the paintings possible. Bosch's works are generally organized into three periods of his life dealing with the early works c. According to Stefan Fischer, thirteen of Bosch's surviving paintings were completed in the late period, with seven surviving paintings attributed to his middle period. There are no surviving paintings attributed to before From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bosch: The Complete Works. Hieronymus Bosch. Jerome at Prayer St. Anthony The Hermit Saints. Bosch drawings The Owls' Nest. Alden Weir Rogier van der Weyden. Categories : Paintings by Hieronymus Bosch Lists of paintings. Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne with unsourced statements from July Articles with unsourced statements Hieronymus Bosch April Commons link is locally defined. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Adoration of the Magi c. Saint Gregory's Mass c. The Garden of Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne Delights c. The Creation of the World c. Hermit Saints Triptych c. The Last Judgment c. The outer panels form a single image, Christ Crowned with Thorns. Outside panels of "The Last Judgment" c. The Martyrdom of St. Julia c. The Temptation of St. Anthony left, central and right panels c. Anthony Reverse side of the outer Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne c. Outside panels of The Last Judgment c. Both are most probably copies of a lost Bosch original. The outer panels form a single image, usually referred to as The Path of Life. Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne Triptych c. Probably part of Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne larger four more paintings altarpiece, now lost. Crucifixion With a Donor Oil on wood Christ Carrying the Cross Ghent c. Christ Carrying the Cross Madrid c. Christ Crowned with Thorns London c. Christ Crowned with Thorns Escorial c. Ecce Homo Frankfurt c. Jerome at Prayer c. Christopher Hieronymus Bosch the Christ Child c. John the Baptist in the Wilderness c. John the Evangelist on Patmos c. Outside panel of St. Anthony c. Terrestrial Paradise [left panel] Death of the Reprobate [Right panel] c. Right panel: c. Allegory of Gluttony and Lust c. Death and Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne Miser c. Panel at right is . At Bottom the outer panel . The Wayfarer c. Cutting the Stone c. The Last Judgment fragment c. Bosch's authorship is disputed. c. Attribution uncertain. Wikimedia Commons has media related to List of paintings by Hieronymus Bosch. List of paintings by Hieronymus Bosch - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Jos Koldeweij. Ron Spronk. Luuk Hoogstede. His mastery and genius have been redefined as a result of six years of research on the iconography, techniques, pedigree, and conservation history of his paintings and on his life. This stunning volume includes all new photography, as well as up-to-date research on the individual works. For the first time, the incredible creativity of this late medieval artist, expressed in countless details, is reproduced and discussed in this book. Special attention is being paid to Bosch as an image maker, a skilled draughtsman, and Hieronymus Bosch brutal painter, changing the game of painting around by his innovative way Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne working. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsmanplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman. Lists with This Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne. Community Reviews. Showing Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Nov 11, Darrel rated it it was amazing. Dense and authoritative, lavishly illustrated, this labor of love by the Bosch Research and Conservation Project BRCP has produced a massive - and thoroughly impressive - account of the paintings and drawings of Hieronymus Bosch. The book is sectioned into three primary parts, the first of which provides multiple pages of essays as well as historical information, and includes a meticulously researched biography of Bosch, which seems to me to be a definitive account. What I found most intriguin Dense and authoritative, lavishly illustrated, this labor of love by the Bosch Research Hieronymus Bosch Conservation Project BRCP has produced a massive - and thoroughly impressive - account of the paintings and drawings of Hieronymus Bosch. What I found most intriguing here was a chapter covering the materials usage and his techniques. As the introductory section to the book explains, the BRCP has documented Bosch's "extant paintings" with infrared reflectography and ultra high-resolution digital macro photography, both in infrared and visible light. This, combined with microscopic study of the paintings, has enabled the BRCP to view the paintings in as meticulous a nature as is possible, allowing them to prepare extensive and critical research reports describing the techniques and condition of the works which Hieronymus Bosch used in forming the text that is presented here. Praiseworthy to be sure, but it can be overwhelming. This is a bulky book definitely not what a person would consider portable enough to be carried around meant to be read and enjoyed in privacy over considerable time. I had a month to savor and delight in it - and I only barely made decent headway. I'll be checking this out from the Hieronymus Bosch library once more or twice I'm glad to know that it is available. View 2 comments. Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne 26, Nick rated it it was amazing. Breathtaking, astonishing, riveting -- these are the words that come to mind holding this phenomenal homage to Bosch's work years after his death. Something about Bosch's world view or way of looking at things carries me across the centuries to make him feel contemporary. The book itself has both stunning images of the whole works, and close ups of details of some of Bosch's more hectic scenes of heaven, and earthly delights. Contrasting Hieronymus Bosch close ups with the whole triptychs are essent Breathtaking, astonishing, riveting -- these are the words that come to mind holding this phenomenal homage to Bosch's work years after his death. Contrasting the close Hieronymus Bosch with the whole triptychs are essential to get a sense of the overall scene, so cheers to the team that produced this beautiful volume. James Sinks rated it it was amazing May 15, Scott rated it it was amazing Jun 15, Danica marked it as to-read Apr 21, Frankie Bow added it Jun 08, Elizabeth marked it as to-read Jun 11, Emma Hurley marked it as to-read Oct 02, Eva marked it as to-read Dec 30, Diana Duncan marked it as to-read Dec 31, Katie marked Hieronymus Bosch as to-read Jan 06, Marlon marked it as to-read Jan 14, Elisevina marked it as to-read Mar 30, Yiannis Melanitis marked it as to-read Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne 22, Inti marked it as to-read Oct 21, Void added it Nov 07, Nicole M Skala-Johnson marked it as to-read Dec 09, Julian marked it as to-read Jan 03, Stephanie McGarrah marked it as to-read May 08, Vince marked it as to-read Jun 19, Elisa marked it as to-read Jun 30, Dragos Badita marked it as to- read Nov 09, Alba Innovation marked it as to-read Nov 12, Klintung marked it as to-read Mar 11, Juki marked it as to-read Mar 16, Fillo Bernacle marked it as to-read May 29, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Matthijs Ilsink. Matthijs Ilsink. Books by Matthijs Ilsink. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue Raisonne covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. To create our Read more Trivia About Hieronymus Bosch, No trivia Hieronymus Bosch quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.