3300 Panorama Drive, Demolition of Tanks and Associated Structures Project
City of Morro Bay Community Development Department 955 Shasta Avenue Morro Bay, Ca 93442 805-772-6261 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The City of Morro Bay Community Development Department has completed the Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the proposed 3300 Panorama Drive, Demolition of Tanks and Associated Structures Project. The Draft IS/MND found the following environmental factors to be less than significant with mitigation incorporated: Aesthetic Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards/Hazardous Materials, Hydrology, Noise, Transportation and Traffic, and Tribal Cultural Resources. APPLICANT: Rhine LP and Morro94 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium-Density Residential/Environmentally Sensitive Habitat PROJECT LOCATION: The 10-acre project site is located at 3300 Panorama Drive, at the northeast corner of the City of Morro Bay, within the city limits. The project site was previously used by the Department of the Navy for jet fuel storage and distribution, and is within the R-1/PD/ESH (Single- Family Residential/Planned Development/Environmentally Sensitive Habitat [ESH]) zoning district and designated by the General Plan and Coastal Land Use Plan (CLUP) as Medium-Density Residential. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Rhine LP and Morro94, LLC (the owners/applicant) propose to demolish and remove two large JP-5 fuel storage tanks (131,600 barrels, approximately 5,527,000 gallons each) once used by the United States Navy to store jet fuel, one approximately 100,000-gallon water tank, and associated pumps and piping from the decommissioned fuel storage site formally known as the DFSP, located at 3300 Panorama Drive in Morro Bay, California.
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