Jan 2018 Vol 42 No 1

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Jan 2018 Vol 42 No 1 Contents Thank You, Dr David Parker ruce arron homas chirrmacher and osalee elloso well B B , T s r V e REVIEW OF THEOLOGY EVANGELICAL page 3 Missions and Money: Revisiting Pauline Practice and Principles craig ott page 4 The Ecosapiential Theology of Psalms andrea l. roBinson page 21 Is Islam Compatible with Western Civilization? chrisTine schirrmacher page 35 Religious Extremism and Christian Response in Pakistan maqsood Kamil page 41 A Place at the Table: Christian Political Engagement in a Post-Christian Context January 2018 42, NO 1, VOLUME richard l. smiTh A Global Forum page 57 Collaboration without Compromise: The World Evangelical Alliance and Roman Catholic Leaders Thomas schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson page 65 Stopping the Leaking Bucket Syndrome mario PhilliP page 69 Book Reviews page 80 WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Theological Commission Volume 42 No. 1 January 2018 WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Theological Commission ERT cover 42-1.indd 1 22/11/2017 09:46 ABSTRACTS/INDEXING This journal is abstracted in Religious and Theological Abstracts, 121 South College Street (P.O. Box 215), Myerstown, PA 17067, USA, and in the Christian Periodical Index, P.O. Box 4, Cedarville, The Tortoise Usually Wins OH 45314, USA. It is also indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, published by the American Theological Library Biblical Reflections On Quiet Leadership For Reluctant Leaders Association, 300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60606 USA, E-mail: [email protected], Web: Brian Harris www.atla.com/ MICROFORM The Tortoise Usually Wins is a delightful exploration of the theory of quiet This journal is available on Microform from UMI, 300 North Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, leadership. Written for reluctant leaders, it interacts with three key biblical images MI 48106-1346, USA. Phone: (313)761-4700 of leadership - the leader as servant, shepherd and steward - and links them with some of the key virtues of quiet leadership - modesty, restraint, tenacity, Subscriptions 2018 interdependence and other-centeredness. Exploding the myth that the good is the *Sterling rates do not apply to USA and Canada subscriptions. Please see below for further information. enemy of the best, it argues that the reverse is more often true, with images of Institutions and Libraries Individuals unattainable perfection crippling competent people from getting on with the task of doing genuinely good things. The book strips leadership of some of its mystique, Period UK Elsewhere UK Elsewhere arguing that the bulk of leadership is about helping groups decide the right things Overseas* Overseas* to do and then getting on and doing them in an atmosphere that brings the best out One Year: of others. Brian Harris is the principal of a highly regarded theological seminary hard copy £86.00 £93.00 £49.00 £53.00 and also pastors a thriving local church, so the book carries the wisdom of both electronic version £86.00 £93.00 £49.00 £53.00 professor and pastor, satisfying the reader both intellectually and practically. These joint subscription £102.00 £110.00 £57.00 £61.00 insights are supplemented by interviews with significant quiet leaders from around Two/Three Years, the world, ensuring a rich feast for prospective and current reluctant leaders. per year ‘Books on leadership are today two a penny. Just occasionally, however, one of these books hard copy £78.00 £83.00 £44.00 £47.00 might stand head and shoulders above most of the others, and to my delight The Tortoise electronic version £78.00 £83.00 £44.00 £47.00 Usually Wins falls into that category. Furthermore, so many books on leadership are written joint subscription £93.00 £99.00 £53.00 £57.00 for natural leaders; whereas, as the author makes clear, most churches are led by “quiet leaders” who know they are not great, but nonetheless, are “tenacious and committed to the All USA and Canada subscriptions to: task and willing to work co-operatively with others to achieve it”. I can see many church EBSCO Subscription Services, P.O. Box 1493, Birmingham, AL 35201-1943, USA leaders benefitting from this book. I warmly commend this unusual book.’ All UK and International subscriptions to: Paul Beasley-Murray, Senior Minister, Central Baptist Church, Chelmsford; Chair of Ministry Paternoster Periodicals, c/o AlphaGraphics, 3.2 Clarendon Park, Nottingham, NG5 1AH, UK Today UK Tel: UK 0800 597 5980; Fax: 0115 704 3327 Tel Overseas: +44 (0)115 704 3315; Fax: +44 (0)115 704 3327 Professor Brian Harris (BSocSc, BTh (Hons), MTh, PhD (Uni of Auckland)) is Email [email protected] Principal of Vose Seminary, a Baptist theological college in Perth, WA. Subscriptions can be ordered online at: www.paternosterperiodicals.co.uk (Non USA and Canada subscriptions only) ISBN 9781842277874 / 200pp / 140 x 216 mm / £9.99 Special Offer All orders placed via our websites will receive a 5% discount off the total price. 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ERT cover 42-1.indd 2 22/11/2017 09:46 Evangelical Review of Theology A Global Forum Volume 42 • Number 1 • January 2018 See back cover for Table of Contents WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Theological Commission Published by ISSN: 0144-8153 Volume 42 No. 1 January 2018 Copyright © 2018 World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission General Editor Dr Thomas Schirrmacher, Germany Executive Editor Dr Bruce Barron, USA Assistant Editor Dr Thomas K. Johnson, Czech Republic Book Review Editor Michael Borowski, Germany Committee Executive Committee of the WEA Theological Commission Dr Rosalee V. Ewell, Brazil, Executive Director Dr Thomas Schirrmacher, Germany, Executive Chair Dr James O. Nkansah, Kenya, Vice-Chair Editorial Policy The articles in the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) reflect the opinions of the authors and reviewers and do not necessarily represent those of the Editors or the Publisher. The Editors welcome both unsolicited submissions and recommendations of original or previously published articles or book reviews for inclusion in ERT. Manuscripts, reviews, queries and other communications may be addressed to the Executive Editor at [email protected]. Printed and bound in Great Britain for Paternoster Periodicals by AlphaGraphics, 8-9 Vanguard Court, Preston Farm, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 3TR ERT (2018) 42:1, 3 Thank You, Dr David Parker ERT will go on without David Parker, mission and with its major actors. The but it will never be the same. Its ex- pdf of the book is available on the In- istence as a consistently high-quality ternet, but you may also order a free journal attracting worldwide interest printed copy from [email protected] or is due primarily to David’s faithful ser- fax +49 228 9650389. vice in producing four issues a year for David edited the WEA volume Jesus, more than sixteen years. Salvation and the Jewish People (2011). David brought a rare combination of In addition, he has served the Baptist skills to this work. He was a visionary Church in Queensland as archivist for collector of vital authors and articles its historical collection, as editor of the from around the globe, and a penny- Queensland Baptist Forum, and by pub- pincher when editing texts and finding lishing numerous monographs on Bap- spelling mistakes. The large picture tist history. He authored a book cel- and the very small one were on his ebrating the role of women in Baptist mind always. churches in Queensland and one com- A retired Baptist minister living in memorating the denomination’s 150th Brisbane, Australia, David has main- anniversary in that Australian state. tained his considerable productivity in David has also taught classes and theology and church history. He started has given guest lectures at the college as an assistant to Dr Bruce Nicholls in and seminary levels in Australia and the mid-1990s and, besides many other globally in theology, ethics, New Testa- roles and tasks, was executive director ment and Christian worship. of the WEA Theological Commission David’s website describes him as from 2007 to 2009. After a short break being in ‘active retirement’. Indeed, he during which the incoming chair of has been more prolific in his so-called the Theological Commission, Thomas retirement years than most Christian Schirrmacher, realized how indispen- scholars in mid-career. We are deeply sable he was, David returned as ERT grateful for his enormous contributions executive editor from 2010 through to the WEA and hope that he will con- 2017. tinue to observe and sharpen our work David is author of Discerning the for many more years. Obedience of Faith: A Short History of the Bruce Barron, Executive Editor WEA Theological Commission (2014). Thomas Schirrmacher, General Editor Within this work he describes his own Rosalee Velloso Ewell, Director of the involvement with the Theological Com- Theological Commission ERT (2018) 42:1, 4-20 Missions and Money: Revisiting Pauline Practice and Principles Craig Ott Few topics raise the temperature of a The literature on these issues has conversation among missionaries and presented a wide range of divergent mission leaders as quickly as money. and often contradictory proposals.
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