+ PLUS >> Reverend Robert Davis dies, 3A; Report: Physician wrote fake prescriptions, Below. SCHOOLS LOCAL SPORTS Reporter’s 9-car crash Indians face School Page on way to off against back every first day Dixie Bears Tuesday of school on Friday See Page 7A See Page 3A See Page 1B TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM VOTER FRAUD SHINING STAR ACADEMY OF THE ARTS ALLEGATIONS Plea School will close deal State denies waiver; grades during the two previous school years, state law said the school would school could appeal. be shut down unless it made a success- By SARAH LOFTUS ful appeal. For the school’s appeal to
[email protected] be successful, its learning gains had offer to be equal to or better than those Shining Star Academy of the Arts of surrounding schools. The gains of was denied a waiver of termination by Shining Star’s third-, fourth- and fifth- the Florida Board of Education in a con- grade students were compared to those made ference call Monday morning, which of students at Pinemount, Summers means the school will be shut down. and Westside elementary schools. The The school board will vote to issue a gains of its sixth and seventh graders JASON MATTHEW WALKER/Lake City Reporter Details unknown; 90-day closure at its Aug. 26 meeting, were compared to the gains of stu- The State Board of Education unanimously voted Monday to case could end by Supt. Terry Huddleston said. deny a waiver of termination to Shining Star Academy of the late September.