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12 . - THE WASHINGTON TDIES; THURSDAY: JUNE 25; 1914. K.-- 'V. ' Trf-

LIVE SPORTS JSggXi Waiter Johnson May Forsake Honeymoon''f!:to Assist Team , Johnson's Honeymoon May End If CARL THONER GRABS SOME MORE LIVE PICTURES FOR FANS Griffmen Need Him on the Mound

sck Bentley and Harry Harper, Being Southpaw Big League Biffers of a Twirlers, May.Be Used to Start Tomorrow's Day. Double-Head- er Against Athletics in AB.H.TB.PCT. Vitt, Tigers 1.000 Think- Philadelphia, Old Fox Grant, Giants... .2222 1.000 ing They Will Win. Miller, Browns.. 1 3, 1.000 Donlin, Giants.. 1 3 1.000 4 Clarke, Reds.... 1 1 1.000 ' " By THOMAS KIRBY. ' " Williams, Cubs. 1 1 1.000 If the Grlfflthlan moundmen falter In Newark, where he has reported to the Weilman, Browns 1 1 1 1.000 Montreal club, of the International he Impending series with the Athletics Deal, Braves.... 4 3 G .750 is League. there a likelihood that Walter John The deal Is so arranged if Cash- Blackbume.W. S. 3 5 .7P0 son will call to duty be that hear the and ion masters control he will be subject Snyderj 3 1 .750 forced to abbreviate .his honeymoon. to recall season. Cards... at the end of the Breton, S. 3 3 Griffith said today that he has de Cashion was a heritage from McAIcer, White .750 but, despite all efforts. Griffith could j Hartzell, Yanks.. 2 5 .667 t cided to allow Harry Srper and Jack get Bentley games not the pitcher into a condition that - Austin, Browns.. 2 5 .657 to start without further would warrant starting him as a regu- o delay This Is taken to mean that these lar. Realizing the dire necessity of the Whaling, Braves. 4 .CC7 be- o rs may be used against the pitcher receiving wprk if he was to Henry, Griffmen. 4 .667 Philadelphia come valuable, waivers were asked sev- Mackmen at tomorrow. eral times, but each time Cashion's trip Bodie, White Sox 3 2 4 .607 If they come through according to ex- to the minors was blocked through one Yerkes, Red Sox. 3 2 3 .667 pectations it will leave Ayers or Engel or more clubs putting in claims. Luderus, Phillies 3 2 3 .667 may for Saturday. Otherwise, Griffith con- Daubert, Robins. 3 2 3 .667 be forced to the rule of work- To Mr and airs. W. P. Johnson fracture 1 Daley, 3 2 2 ing only gratulations Yankees.. .667 Johnson on fourth days. Tho unpretentious marlage ceremony Moellcr, Griffmen 3 v .667 It Is the belief of the leader that was characteristic of the man. Through southpaws are more effective against game tttng all his successes in the of which the Athletics than pitchers who ho is one of the most distinguished ex- Just above his right knee In the third from the other side, and this will have' ponents Johnson's mental balance has Inning of the starter. no in sending Bentley ss end of influence never been affected. He is a high-cla- With a man on first" and third Henry and Harper to the front tomorrow, al- put though he has ri&i been forced to use American citlxen, and he carries with and McBride over their copyright- past week or ten days. him the felicitations and best wishes of ed short throw and return. McBrlde's tela pair for the his friends and admirers, who are le- heave back was perfect, and as Henry President Calloway, of the Atlanta gion. blocked the plate to stop Murphy, the club, nas a caller at head- runner's steel tore through flannel and quarters today. He said his visit had The Griffmen leave early this ovenlng flesh. For a while It appeared as though no significance from a baseball stand- for Fhiladtlphla, where they double up Henry was badly injured, but he re- point, as he Is here on another business with the Athletics tomorrow and play covered under the ministrations of Dr. matter, and simply called to pay his re- a slrgle game Saturday, returning to Martin and finished, although he pull- spect "Washington Monday, to have as thelr ed up considerably lame. "W6 are having Just the sort of guests the New York Tanks before the race in the Southern as you people regular Intersectlonal strife starts. The heat rot to Rube Oldrin the are havlnc in the , afternoon wore on, and finally the he told Griffith. "The other day we Any tlmo you can hold the Athletics veteran gave way to "Shag" Thompson, ( were out In front and when jve lost to seven hits In successive games your whose principal claim to glory was his I a donbleheader that nlgnt round us pitchers are. going along nicely. That's worK in tne intercollegiate ranks be- fifth. Yesterday we won and hopped what Boehling and Johnson did yester- fore being grabbed up by Connie Mack. back to second place. There are tnree day, under torrid weather conditions The collegian had four chances during or four clubs that have good chances that were enough to sap the ambition his short service In left field. on our circuit and the league Is en- of any athlete. joying a successful campaign, all 4 Probably a hundred times during the things considered." And stUI the Athletics are going along day there were Inquiries as to the silent day after day without being able to Philadelphia coaclier on the first base The turnstiles at National Park yes- produce a pitcher who Is able to stand lines. It was none other than Jack terday showed the attendance was the gaff for the full distance. Shawkey, Coombs, whose days as one of the slightly more than. 13,000, counting was pounded out before half the roctc game's greatest pitchers was cut short all hands. was covered In tho first game ysJcer-da- y, through an Injury to his side. Coombs and Bush. finished; in the second is now a member of the Philadelphia Surprising even their most ardent conflict 1t was Wyckoff who gave way. board of strategy, although Connie and devoted admirers by the stub- and Brown went the rest of the way. Mack has not yet given up hope that bornness of their defense and the me pucner may once more Do or real vicious timeliness of their attack, For the first time since April, the Na- service In contest. those Nationals yesterday accom- - tional played under ground rules, the piisnea sometmng tney have never overflow from the main stand compell The complete account and full box hefore done, within the memory of ing the umpires to limit the bases on score of the first game appeared In the the younger generation of baseball balls thrown into the crowd on tempor- B:S0 edition of this paper yesterday. fanatics, when they captured both ary benches back of first and third This plan will be followed for all dou- halves of the double-head- er from the bases. ble headers in the East In the future. redoubtable Athletics. - The .Nationals won because they de- - So persistent has been the adverse The two runs that spelled victory for Natlonal Commission Decides to Batter Detroit Southpaw From eervea to win. tTom every angle. In criticism of the work of the umpires the Nationals in the second game came VV.; every department, this season that both Chill and Sheridan In the third. With one and In nractlcallr pre- dead, Foster Buy and Buffalo the Mound and Defeat Jen- every Inning the Griffmen excelled the suffered from the reports that walked and stole. Milan whipped out a ': possessors of the world's title. Had ceded them. double that put Foster over ML' the and Milan ml Nationals, while on the road, even ap- . They both got along fairly well until followed In when Shanks singled to Clubs From League. nings' Tigers,. proached yester- the second game, whwn Chill ordered t$m&& their performances of center. ; day they would todar be far in the Milan to first on balls. The Athletics After Lapp's double had been wasted van. In the rush to American League promptly protested that the last pltcn-e- d In the fifth, the Athletics ball tipped the bat. scored in the Honors. had batters' seventh. Baker walked, but was forced 23.-- CHICAGO, Harry CovtfeeM In the opener Athletics, admitted They appealed to Sheridan who prompt- by got NEW TORK. June The National June S. the Mclnnes. Mclnnes as far as Baseball kle's scoreless record stopped at thirty-fiv- e to be mighty sluggers, made three hits, ly reversed his comrade. third when Strunk hit and registered Commission haa decided to I while the Nationals missed tripling that This started the crowd "riding" Chill, when Strunk was being forced second. purchase the Buffalo and Baltimore for this season, the White Sox one; meet-- were when the at u number by but in the second and the roasts' increased WASHINGTON' ATHLETICS. clubs, in the International League, from hopped upon hint In the third tram of ng the hitting margin was once more same arbiter called a line drive by ABHOAE ABHOAE their present yesterday's contest and shoved two rns Morgan line foul. 4 0 owners, according to held by the Griffs. Both teams fielded down the third base a Moeller.rf.. 10 0 Murohr.rf.. 3 0 2 0 a wen a over They-- went even far-- rteadlly. and at times brilliantly and In the latter decision it appeared as Forter.Sfc... 3 10 0 0 oidiinr.lt.. 3 10 0 0 authenticated report here today. the dish. sensationally. although each was though Chill was correct by a margin iIUan.cf 4 10 0 0 Tho'pson.If. 3 0 4 0 0 This report has It that organized ther than this, for they drove him frenj harged with a pair of errors In the of couple of feet. Gimail.lb... 4 no 1 0 colllni.jb... 4 2 0 baseball, seven Innings, de- a 3 0 0 13 fearing that the owners of the box after and ntroductory conflict. 6hanks.lt.. 12 Baker.Sb.... 3 0 10 0 5 . Morsan.2b.. 2 0 1 S 0 Melnneclb 4 0 6 0 0 On these International League feated the Jungaleers. to 1 Eddi. Howard Shanks made a couple of hip, the Top You See the Most Startling Play In the First Game of YeteTday's , Hank Shank's clubs, which I hip. catches in the closing con- McBrldcss 3 0 3 4 0 Strunlccf... 3 1110 have been hard hit by the Clcotte was in great form, giving th. With the lnterclub standing between hurrah Alnsmlth.c 3 O10 1 0 Barry.!... 0 Death Near Third Base. Shawkey Is Shown Tagging the Monaco Marvel, Willie Schang Covering Third Invasion of vlc-"ri- es most Important bearing 10 10 ine might Tigers but five scattered hlta. Th. . he Nationals and Athletics four test that had Johnson.il.. 3 0 14 0 KODf.M 3 0 0 10 reaerais. start a revolution. to four defeats for each teamjthe upon the outcome. Lado.c 3 And "Frank Baker Watching the Play. The Lower Picture Shows Eddie Murphy Being Retired the got the owners no- At Plate of the clubs to name fmSfia Orlffmen. by virtue of the twin victory In the third Inning he came from Totali. 23 E 27 IS WWyckoff.p.. 101000 10 their price, .""Si i up two where to the Athletics' bench Brown.!).... 3 0 0 0 0 On Henry's Short Peg To McBride, Who Slammed It Back In Time To Get the Mackman. and that at the meeting last Sox 002 100 C2- -6 3 f yesterday, drew to within almost 11 White -- nignt was secretly nd one-ha-lf games of the team that is and speared a foul from Wyckoff s decided that the Batteries Tigers. Coveleakle. HU. as was to hop Totals.. SO 4J4 S 0 tting the place on the Johnsonian bat it about into the FEDERAL de?IiWas ?tbs P"1 through probably and McKee: White Sox, Clcotte. aa4 oop. stand, and In the eighth he came In National! cm nno m? Suggs May Twirl for LEAGUE. within a eel. Mayer. . like an express train trying to make up Athletlca 000 000 100 1 The money ftr the purchase of these clubs will be After having conducted negotiations time, and grabbed a mean drive back Runi Potter, Milan, Mclnnes. Earned Standing of Clubs. taken from the "war period covering nearly a fortnight. short oft Murphy's club. Baseball Standings Baltimore Terrapins fu,?,d' alLd Ahe ownership for a of rune Washington. 1. on .Today 1 of the clubs Yankees' Firstsacker Griffith finally succeeded In plac- - Left basesWashi- will be held temporarily by Na- 'iark ngton. E; Philadelphia, 4. bare on W. L. Pet. Win. Los. the ng Carl Cashion. Today Cashion Is in John Henry suffered a severe gash First George Suggs, Tiger Indianapolis.. 34 23 .536 60S .5&5 tional Commission. It is expected balls Oft Johnson, 2; oft Wyckoff. 3. AMERICAN former Detroit that Reports Here Wednesday Innings LEAGUE. Chicago .1? 25 .561 .569 .552 later on some persons will buy the pitched By Wyckoff, Brown, and Cincinnati Red. will more than 3. by f. Hlu 30 25 .545 .5".l .535 clubs from the National Commission. --Off Wyckoff. 3, off Brown. 2. Standing of Clubs. likely do the hurling the Balti- Baltimore Organized Struck out for Buffalo "3 2T. .628 .513 baseball is said to ii9 Frank J. Farrell. pnrident ot th By Johnson. 8. by Wyckoff. 3: by Brown. 3 .537 elded upon move h. Two-bas- more Federals when Knabe leads his 33 this because It feels bought of e hits Lapp, Milan Stolen bases I W. L. Lose. Kansas City, a .4S .476 .460 Yankees, has the releaae TODAY'S ORDER Fct Win. Terrapins against Papermen at 25 .465 that without any aid. the Federals can- BATTING Aioeiier. morgan, umpires Messrs Athletics 25 24 .553 .KM .5S3 the Pittsburgh.... SJ .4'.! .445 not live another year, Charles G. Mullen, first baseman of th Chill and Sheridan. Time of game hours I Andrews Sunday at 3 Brooklyn 23 29 .442 .453 .434 but that If the I Detroit 'A 28 563 6ff .554 Park afternoon - Lincoln, Neb., team of the Western and b minutes St. 23 33 .419 .42- .413 Buffaloowners started a revolution It St. Louis 3t 27 .557 .548 o'clock. Manager Knabe wired Man- Louis roigm ena oy strengthening the position League. Mullen will report to the WARHIXGTOrr. 10 AB PO 33 27 WASHIN'T'N 550 .557 .641 ager Edmonston last night that Suggs Today's Garnet. of the Federals. ,, Yankees In Washington on Wednes- Brownies Grab Brace Boston 30 SO 500 .50S .493 would be started, although Kaiser No information as to what price will to playing Chicago 29 31 .1S3 4 .475 Chicago at St. Louis. be paid to the owners, day. In addition at first Wllhelm also will be ready to step of the clubs has base for Lincoln this reason Mullen has Moellrr, rf. Of New York.... 21 34 Mk2 .353 .375 at Buffalo. leaked out. but It is said the National as manager of the club and Games From Birmy Cleveland 21 3S .3X .357 350 into the box. Brooklyn at Baltimore. Commission has secured an option on served Indianapolis. the clubs a bargain figure, the club has his team in the first division. He When the Terrapins played here Kansas City at at had a trial with the White Sox tare Fotltr, 3b. ST. LOUIS, June 25. The Brownies ago, owners being willing to sell out now Today's Games. some time they defeated the Tomorrow's Games. and get what money they can rather years ago. celebrated yesterday, winning both ends Papermen in a good game, 8 to 7. than face big losses later on. In 100 games with Lincoln last sea- of a doubleheader from the Xaplanders Athletics at Washington. Kansas City at Indianapolis. son Mullen showed splendidly a a Milan, cf., Boston New York. This Sunday. Manager Edmonston Brooklyn at Baltimore. finishing average of and keeping ahead of the Washington at says, Plttsburgn BALTIMORE. June 25. "It's news to fielder, with an Detroit at Chicago. the Papermen are going to turn at Buffalo. today. "I prefer .992. making only nine errors in LOSS team. The scores: Chicago St. me." said was-94- . Cleveland at St. Louis. the tables on the Terrapins, and he at Louis. to stay In Baltimore, but I can't go chances. His batting average GaadtL Ik. First game R. H. E. has scheduled King Cole for Mound along losing money every day If any- He stole only eleven bases because of 011 000 Yesterday's Results. forty-fo- ur Naps 1104 7 4 Tomorrow's Games. duty Cole Is body wants to give me my price. I'll an Injury to his knee. In Brownies 010 003 11 S the latest of local stars, Indianapolis, 5; City, 2. games season Mullen batted .230 0015 according Kansas take it. but this plan suggested Is new this for Shaalu. U. and to baseball men who have Chicago. 4; St. Louis, 1 to me." and stole twelve bases. Batteries Naps, Bowman. Steen, Mor- Washington at Phlladlphia. seen him In action, should develop ton and O'Neill; Brownies, Taylor, Detroit at Chicago. M.rcan. 2b. Baumgardjner, Weilman and Agnew. Cleveland at St. Louis. Into a wonder. Tho contest will start Second game R. H. B. Boston at New York promptly at 3 o'clock. Napa 010 000 0001 7 1 Yesterday's Results. In the morning, the Llnworth and McBride. a. Brounles 000 021 CO 3 6 1 Washington. 4. Philadelphia. 3. Ballston. Va.. clubs will battle In the BatteriesNaps, James and Carlsch: Washington. 2. Philadelphia. L independent series, while at 1 30 the Brownies, Weilman. Hamilton and Boston. 3. New York, 0. Clarendon club hooks up with the Henry, e. Langdon tribe. Messrs. Betts and At Last While They Last Crossln, Agnew. New York, 3: Boston, 2. Hughes Sl Louis, 5; Cleveland. . will handle the contests. St. Louie, 3 ' Cleveland. 1. Shaw, p. Leonard Is Victorious, Chicago. 5; 3. 1 .. Detroit. Doak Keeps Pirates NATIONAL J But Foster Is Beaten LEAGUE. Guessing; Win All Straw Hats at Standing of Clubs. Cards N'EW Tort:.:. June 25. "DuttV Leon- --Today- PITTSBURGH, tcher Wil- won the opening game of dou- ,w-- I-- Pet Win. Lose. June ard the New ... 33 20 Pittsburgh ble the lork 623 .630 .611 liam Doak. a native player, $2.00 Straws for PHILADELPHIA 10 AB PO header between Yankees and 31 27 $1.00 Cincinnati.... .531 642 .525 kept the representatives of his home the Sox, but Foster was driven 32 Rd St. Louis 23 .5 .532 .616 town guessing at his delivery, allowing from the mound by the Tankees In Chicago .. .. 23 30 .432 500 .4S3 25 them four scattered hits and winning Jlurphr. the second conflict craw Philadelphia.. 27 yn 481 1 Straws for r. and Chance's .m by 3 to 0. $2.50 $1.25 2. Pittsburgh.... 26 2S .'491 '173 for the St. Louis Cardinals won out, 3 to McHale blew up In Besides shutting out the Pirates, the the fifth inning of the opener. The Brooklyn 23 30 .44.! 444 43$ Th 23 32 Cards gnmered ten hits off Adams Price Oldiinff, If, scores Boston .41S 429 1U score: R. H E $3.50 Straws for game 1 $1.75 First R.H.E. St. Louis 010 110 000--1 10 Red Sox 000 030 000- -3 6 0 Today's Games. Pittsburgh ono 000 000- -0 4 0 Collins, Sb. 000 POO 4 2 Every Kaufman Hat is guaranteed to give- - foil Tankees 0000 New York at Boston. Batteries Doak and Snyder. Adams, Batteries Red Sox, Car-rlga- n; Leonard and Chicago at Cincinnati McQuillan and Gibson, Coleman. wear satisfaction. They are classy and qualities I Baker, Sb...... Yankees, McHale, Cole Warhop Brooklyn at Philadelphia. and Nunamaker. St. Louis can Second game R.H E at Pittsburgh. right. Don't wear an old hat when you get s Red Sox 001 000 1002 6 0 Mclnnea, lb. V) bright, clean one for so little money. AH Straws at Yankees 010 101- -3 7 1 Tomorrow's Games. White Flannel Batteries Red Sox. Foster, Bedlcnt New York at Boston half price while they last. btrnnk, rf...... and Thomas, Yankees, Keating. Cald- Philadelphia at Brooklj n well and Sweeney St. Louis at Pittsburgh Trousers .00 Chicago at Cincinnati $T Barry, as. Marie rn Suit . . I Phillies Win Two Yesterday's Results. J arrived 1,000 of the famous Kaufman Boston, 7, N'pu York 1 BY Just frrhaatr, e. . Games From Robins .New York, I, RoMon 0 SHIRTS guaranteed as to color and fit. A Philadelphia. J. Rrooklxn. 0 JOS. A. WILNER & KASSAN I I'hiladolphU Special price PHILADELPHIA, June 25 Both 6. Ifrooklvn, 1 .cOC Pennoek, p. .. St. Loi.Is. 3 Pittsburgh 0 G N. W. ends of yesterday's double bill with Chicago, 8th and A few Cool Palm Beach Suits left in sizes 42 the Brooklyn Robins were anchored ii, Cincinnati, 5. in the Phillies' back yard, the first to 50. Laugh at the hot weather in a Palm AlA victory being a 2 to 0 shoutout, while Nine Runs Come In Malaria Out of the System Beach of Hart Schaffner & Mane Dooin's lads also took the second, Drives make..,lU Home scor 6 to 1 Mayer and Alexander One Inning For Cubs rune. ; Three bases were the winning pitchers The Two bases. ; Sacrifice hits. score INVATI lune -- Chicago E !:i a Ktclen bases. RH batting Ftreak Ip the fifth Brooklyn .... 000 000 000 0 7 0 inning todny n.aklng six. Ht. which Kaufman Clothing Co. Innings pitched. Philadelphia . 000 110 OOx 2 4 0 , our let" th foi r ha- - on bulla and an Ragan, Allen, error, gac them runs Tne ftna, Left 'on bases. Washington Opponents, Batteries and Fisch 11 5 nn? er; Major and Dooln. tcore wit to The score TlieHMMefHartSclafoor Struck out by R.H.E n K Pa. Ave. Chtcagn 0i yo (120 933 . 1 7 0 .... '1 3 0C Brooklyn ... 100 000 000 (v-- P UBUlBg by. Clnclnntt! . , ;j.) jm-- 5 j 1 Mali Philadelphia ..300 00 12x 6 10 I fitterifc-'..hen- -. Umpires' pl., 0e, and Ne-d-h- an Batteries. Brown. Allen, and Erwin. iinjlins, Schneldtr. and Clarke. Cl&a, I MoCaxty; Alexander aad KUUr. jOoozalu. - SQUicArr