Hans Moor - Cycling advocacy in email: [email protected]


Below is a list of presentations I gave since 2010 with feedback I received afterwards.

Initially talks were centered on cycling in the Netherlands, the number one cycling country in the world. As cycling in Canada is progressing, more content and experiences are built into the presentation, to make it easier for Canadians to relate. I have given presentation on urban cycling, the benefits of cycling, cycling and safety issues and presentations that focus more on smaller towns and rural settings. I always adapt part of the presentation to the audience, which is very much appreciated as you can read below.

Location Attendance Feed back Halifax, NS 100 “Hans is a delight! In early May 201 1, the Halifax Cycling Coalition (HCC) hosted a public talk by Hans where an audience of about 100 people were impressed and inspired by his passion for cycling. Through the use of images and a charming presentation style, Hans presented a well-rounded picture of cycling in his home country, the Netherlands, and then creatively linked it to the Canadian context.

I was particularly impressed with the way that he was able to connect with his audience on a personal and meaningful level. Prior to the presentation, Hans had prepared an image of an intersection in Halifax with a photoshopped Dutch bike lane added to it. This was a hit with his listeners and needless to say, I heard plenty of positive feedback about his talk, which leaves the HCC looking forward to his next visit to the East Coast ” - . LauraLee Sim – Halifax Cycling Coalition

Perth, ON 50 “Your talk was very well received – lots of good info that was still able to be absorbed in spite of the volume! Good humour – the audience was well entertained.” – Jorgen Hoeven, Director of Corporate and Environmental Services, Corporation of the Town of Perth

Calgary, AB 30 “Two thumbs up ” – Frans Hettinga, Bike

Perth, ON 220 The Perth and District Chamber of Commerce was pleased to welcome Hans Moor as our keynote speaker at our 2010 Annual Dinner. Hans is passionate about the subject of cycling, not only as a means of transport, but also as a way to transform landscapes and populations. Hans did a wonderful job of showing the similarities between Canadian and Dutch towns and cities, and how we in Canada can follow the Dutch example of incorporating cyclists into town and city design. Hans approaches his subject matter with humour and knowledge. He may very well still be able to “change the world”. (this last quote referring to a joke I make)

“Thank you again for a wonderful presentation last evening. We have

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Hans Moor - Cycling advocacy in Canada email: [email protected]

received many great comments about your presentation. It was once again a pleasure welcoming you to our town. We had a variety of people from the cycling community at our dinner who had a great time!” Madeline – Chamber of Commerce – Perth

Thanks so much for inviting me to join you in Perth last evening. Your speech was very inspiring and well received by the Chamber members. Keep up the amazing work on the cycling front. I plan to join CFSC! – Catherine Henry, Office of David Chernushenko – City councillor Ottawa Calgary, ON 75 On behalf of the members and board of the Calgary tour de nuit Society I would like to thank you and the Embassy for the opportunity to hear your talk ‘From Bulbs to Pedals’ at the Calgary Public Library on September 7 th . Your presentation was very well received by the public and you will be pleased to note that the audience included representatives of every major cycling body in the city. Your compelling and positive case for active transportation has been a catalyst for the first-ever meeting of all of the numerous groups involved in the local cycling community. We hope to be able to report in the near future that your talk contributed indirectly to increasing in the cooperation and effectiveness of our efforts to promote commuter cycling in Calgary.

We appreciate additional time you devoted to meeting with our independent bicycle retailers and that you were able to meet with a representative of the Mayor of Calgary. I was impressed with your artistic rendering of streetscapes of many familiar venues (including Perth, one of my favourites) based on locations in the Netherlands that demonstrate that it is very possible to accommodate bicycles in the North American transportation system. Many Calgarians will be contemplating your underlying theme—that we have a conscious choice to influence and shape the transportation system that will evolve in the future in this city. Thank you for a very informative evening. - Gary Beaton, President, Calgary tour de nuit Society

Mississippi 50 “It wa s wonderful. A talk that every town council should hear.” – Jeff Mills, ON Mills, Client Services, Town of Mississippi Mills

Kingston, ON 100 'The Kingston Coalition of Active Transportation invited Hans Moor to be a speaker at their annual Active Transportation event. It was a pleasure to listen to his interesting presentation. Hans is a talented presenter and not only gives great insights in the (economical) benefits of cycling, but also makes his presentation a fun and positive experience.” - Ruth Noordegraaf-Member of KCAT'

Regina, SK 25 “Inspiring, I will definitely take the bike more often ” - Maureen Reed,

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City of Regina

“I really appreciated the presentation, it's good for me to see images of positive change because it rekindles that passion and drive in me to see change within Regina .” - Ryley Slywka BLA, ASSOC. ASLA, ASSOC. CSLA - Landscape Architect

Vancouver, BC 150 I thought you were withou t a doubt one of stronger presenters and again thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in the day's proceedings - Alayne Crawford, Manager, Canadian Automobile Association

“You are a great presenter ” – Gil Peñolosa (8-80 cities) and Jean François Pronovost (Vélo Québec)

Halifax, NS 200 I just wanted to thank you for your excellent presentation last Friday. It was wonderful, and I know everyone found it both entertaining and inspiring! – Eric Shaw – Director Planners Association of Nova Scotia

Thank you for an excellent presentation on Cycling in the Netherlands. You mixed valuable information with humour in a way that left a lasting impression ! – Robert Jahnke MCIP LPP, APALA CSLA, Halifax Regional Municipality

Yarmouth, NS 50 We recently hosted the 6th Annual Nova Scotia Cycling Summit and Hans Moor was our Keynote Speaker. When I e-mailed Hans to confirm Summit details he was at that very moment in the Netherlands taking photos of cycling initiatives to use in his presentation for us. At that time we all knew what a great presentation he would soon deliver. In a thoughtful and entertaining manner he told us of growing up in the Netherlands where cycling was a big part of everyday life.

Children started to bicycle at an early age and continued to do so throughout their entire lives. It is part of who they are and Hans explained how cycling is a practical way of life for all citizens. Hans also talked about cycling in Canada and had great ideas how cycling can be improved in our communities, towns and cities. Cycling and Active Transportation initiatives can be a way to improve the health of our citizens as well as helping to revitalize business areas in our towns.

Everyone at the summit was very impressed with the passion for cycling that Hans demonstrated and we appreciated his thoughts and great ideas to further integrate cycling in our Canadian lives.

Thanks Hans for your enthusiasm and wonderful presentation! – Jack Hardin, Yarmouth and Clare Cycling Summit Committee

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Hans Moor - Cycling advocacy in Canada email: [email protected]


Hans Moor grew up in the Netherlands. He moved to Canada in 1998 and became a cycling advocate only in 2009 after cycling advocates in Ottawa asked the Dutch embassy to support the cycling community as the Netherlands is the number one cycling country in the world. Over the last few years Hans has vastly expanded his knowledge, built up a network of cycling experts and advocates in Canada and Europe and became a popular presenter on cycling advocacy, be it on infrastructure or organising cycling advocacy. Hans presented from Vancouver to Halifax.

Hans’ presentations are more or less tailor made for the audience Hans is asked to talk to. His vast collection of images helps to drive a message home, all in a cooperative fashion. Long before the presentation, he is in contact with the local organisers to fine tune and customise the presentation.

Hans believes in a positive, collaborative and constructive approach to problem solving. His examples from Ottawa show how city councillors, city staff and cyclists all cooperate. After Hans rallied as many organisations as possible in favour of a bike lane through downtown Ottawa, Velo Quebec and City staff commented afterwards that they had never seen such a well organised citizens’ initiative.

His presentations start with a number of graphs, reasons why people cycle and examples of other places with high cycling modal shares. He debunks a number of cycling myths and shows a number of solutions that are easy to implement. A popular item is the picture of a Dutch bike lane transposed on a Canadian street in the municipality he speaks. Two short clips and images of new developments keep the audience alive and inspired.

What sets Hans apart from many speakers is his Dutch tongue-in-cheek humour and accent. As he speaks, he refers to recent developments in politics and the business world, Dutch and Canadian stereo types, quotes from councillors and planners and jokes about his own employer (even with the ambassador in the audience once).

Read Hans’ blog at www.urbancommuter.wordpress.com and contact him at [email protected]

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