De Laval Al Interscholastic Basketball Cham- of First Hand Associated Press the Pionship
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L'.VV'i-', v;;Vt *\* <l . THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930 Coach Roy D. M’Leod Selects Eight Bismarck Cagers For Tourney ¦ ment, Mr. MacDonald replied it was day to handle litigations inyolvlni ' ft, ¦ Many Runner-Up M’Graw Discouraged Every undesirable to go into details at this the state’s extensive project for the At Turn CHECKERPLAYERS IN moment. reclamation OM IS TROUBLED He added that members should not of Thief lake in Marshall ¦ ——— w*— 1 1 ' —¦ —-o - ¦ ? believe nine-tenths of what appeared county as a game refuge and public Fives Invited to ground. | Meet at Garden | New York Giants Behind in ! in the public press. shooting At Miami Beach ANNUAL STATE IHEET Thief lake, for many yean widely BY • * SPRAINED WRIST for its fowl famed wild shooting and Chicago Tourney Training and Smarting Un- Minnesota Lake Once also as a breeding ground for ducks, Lyman Morley, Bismarck, Run- More to Breed Game was drained many yean ago aa a part SUFFEREDWEEKAGO Boise, Idaho, Madford, der Chisox Lickings of the plan of increasing the farm and ner-Up in 1929, One of Fa- St. Paul, Mar. 20.—</P) —W. E. Rowe, acreage in northern Minnesota. How- Mass., Lose Championships Crookston attorney, was appointed a ever, the draininge project was large- vorites in Tournament special assistant attorney general to- ly a failure. Hoffman, Bcnser, Agre, Mein- in Hard Games SECOND BASE IS SORE SPOT N. D., hover, Spriggs, Tait and Fargo, Mar. 20.—'/Pi—Fifteen Chicago, Mar. 20.—(AP) —Many Kubbell, Walker, Benton, Fitz- Fargo players and 23 entries from teams, which lost close games in other North Dakota cities are partici- Dohn Complete Squad the finals of their respective state simmons, Genewich, Scott pating in the annual tournament of championship tournaments, have the North Dakota Checker association been invited along with their con- Are Satisfactory which began here today. querors to compete in the University Included in the entry list are all of TO BATTLE SHERWOOD FIRST the outstanding players of the of Chicago’s Twelfth annual nation- (This is the fifteenth of a series state with the exception of J. B. Parkinson, De Laval al interscholastic basketball cham- of first hand Associated Press The pionship. stories on major league baseball Willow City. John Meyer, Pingree, Separator Seven Other Contesting Teams, defending champion: For years the national prep clas- prospects.) Robert Rut- with With Hordes of Fans, Are sic has limited the entrants to state ledge. Williston. former titlist; L. H. SUPERIOR. FEATURES champions. But instances where By GAYLE TALBOT, JR. Nichols. Dickinson, a finalist for 14 Expected Today good teams have been eliminated by San jfntonio, Tex.. Mar. 20.—(/P) years; Lyman W. Morley, Bismarck, one point in overtime battles aft§r a Behind with their training schedule runnerup to Meyer*last year; Rev. B. strenuous day’s play smarting Babcock. Minot City champion; Axel Coach Roy D. McLeod today an- have been so and from a series of lusty many that it was decided to make lickings at the hands of a supposedly Roice. Minot; Peter Mclntyre. Willis- nounced the eight Bismarck high ton; C. W. Clow. Cavalier, and J. E. performers certain exceptions. weaker club, John McGraw and his school basketball he has Dcarey, Forks, among to participate Idaho and Massachusetts, for in- Giants are not in a happy frame of Grand are the chosen in the state stance, represented by mind as they prepare best known players entered. training will be two to wind up tournament at Che state teams Rexburg spring A. P. Jones, Hankinson. secretary of school gymnasium, Mandan, Friday each. defeated labors. Boise by one point in the final in Just around the corner, speak, the association, is unable to play be- Sau-day. so to and the Idaho tourney, is a National league campaign, and cause of his duties in handling the They while Chelsea are Captain John O'Hare, Earl the McGraw ready. record entry list. Meyer, Rutledge Hoffman, Agre, defeated Medford in an overtime men are not First, Leo Benser, and Eddie game in the Massachusetts cham- there was a bumper crop of holdouts, and Nichols had won all of their early guards; Ted Meinhover, center; John pionship, yet both are invited. and the big guns straggled in slowly. matches played today. Spriggs, Harold Tait, and Lester Nine acceptances were received That made John J. fretful. Then the Dohn, forwards. last night, swelling the entry list to weather became capricious, and the boys MacDonald Refuses to Sherwood First Foe 19. More than 20 states have yet have taken too many of their to championships. workouts on the overstuffed interior Joan Guggenheim, daughter cf Harry Sherwood will be Bismarck's first decide their The F. Guggenheim, ambassador to Cuba, Discuss Naval Parley Friday newest additions are Morgan Park, furniture. round opponent at 8:30 o’clock Chicago; Chisox Too playing a game on the La Gorcc complete St. Johns Military academy, Successful London, Mar. 20.—<7Pt—Prime Min- evening. The first round Savannah, Ga.; Chelsea, Mass.; As a fitting climax, the New York course at Miami Beach, Fla. program Friday follows: ister MacDonald reiterated to the Chinook, Montana; Burlington, Vt.; entry has been taking it on the chin of afternoon 2:30 p. m.—Fargo vs. Starkweather. with alarming bailer from York of the Pennsylvania house commons this his Lakeland, Fla.; Roanoke, Virginia, regularity in practice any on 3:30 p. m.—Grand Forks vs. Hebron. bduts Chicago league; Leßoy Parmalee, up from declination to make statement and Clovis, N. M. with the White Sox. the progress of the naval conference. 7:30 p. m.—Valley City vs. Minot. The tournament will be played Except for what has come to be an Toledo, and Ralph Judd, who joined 8:30 p. m.—Sherwood vs. Bismarck. annual pain in the region the club last fall and won his only "No useful purpose would be served from April 1 to 5. , of second any Winners of the two afternoon base the Giants appear to three starts. Then there Is the vet- by statement at this juncture,” be a thor- prime games will meet in the first semi-final oughly healthy organization. eran "Hub” Pruitt, back for another said the minister. Eddie delegates contest at 10 a. m. Saturday morning ready fling at the majors after winning 15 Asked if the American Johnny Risko attempts to prove his Marshall appears to plug that with while victors in the two evening Kentucky Cagers gap at second. He and Andy Reese, out of 22 for Newark last season. were in agreement the British right fistic superiority over Victorio Cam- has Pruitt will government as to naval strength to clashes battle for the to enter polo a ten-round bout who essayed the task most of last McGraw a hunch final game at 11 a. m. Saturday. in at Madison year, waged lively scrap make him a winner. establish parity with the United LAVALis not a one-feature separator* From the Square Garden, March 24. have a for All of the teams competing in the Exhibit Strength a month, with Marshall holding an Bob O’Farrell and the large Francis States, and. if so, would he state the top to bottom every part of a De Laval is expected Hogan again up to give principles and facts of that agree- superior tournament were to arrive in edge. , will team the DE Slope Giants a great catching staff. to any other. It is the result of years the Twin Cities of the Missouri St. Xavier of Louisville Swamps Big Bill Terry, who whaled the ball 52 of sometime today or tonight, together at a .372 clip last year, and threw in and all sections 14 for measure, separator manufacture leadership. That’s why a ¦ <> with hordes of fans from Colorado Five 48 to 13 Buffalo May Get home runs good Rube Lukkason Bound of the state. leaves little to be desired at first, and De Laval will do better work for more years any in First Round Travis Jackson and Freddie Lind- For Grand Forks Jail O'Hare’s Wrist Injured Next AlleyMeet strom are, of course, fixture at short other. That’s why there are more in use the world of men are re- All the Bismarck Chicago, 111., Mar. 20.—(/P)—St. and third. Minneapolis, Mar. 20.—(A*) —Fifteen ported in tip-top shape by MceLod over than all other makes combined. Xavier high of Louisville, Ky., today Melvin Ott, the versatile *‘boy won- except The husky guard Detroit Said to Prefer 1932 Af- der,” minutes after signing the waiver of O’Hare. stood out as the team to beat in the who cracked 173 hits including sprained his wirst early in the re- 42 homers last year, again may be ex- extradition for the crime of escaping game Mandan when he National Catholic high school cham- fair; Louisville and St. The De Laval is designed right, made right and gional with pionship basketball tournament, pected to supply the big punch in the custody, Rube B. Lukkason, liquor sore of the court. This in- at fell at the side Loyola university. Louis Bidders Giant outfield. Chick Fullis and Fred prisoner from North Dakota, captured works right It is the right separator for you to use jury was augmented when he placed Leach, other members of last year's The five, champion in Minneapolis, an electric pad on the injured wrist Louisville fly chasing corps, did no hitting to in was aboard a train to- and we shall be glad to show you why* 1926, and previously — improperly and burned his wrist.