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TBVWIA! OAILT dBOITLAtlOIf PtDMMt Of L-»r'-Wiiiiiwr tb » Moatli cf *mm» IMS HiMtfortf.

Sliowen, probuUj today O d 5 . 2 0 1 j . morrow, not modi choaga In tern- Membw o* th» Audit BarMO. peratnre. " * • - of Olroalatloiis. ,

(UUMOlfled Advortlitng on Pago 8) MANCHESTER; CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 16,1933. TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CUNTS VOL. LIIm n o . 244 FOUR POWER PACT Post Starts World Girdling He#' WAtERPUNT POST TAKES OFF IS SIGNED IN ROME PARLEY SHRS 4>- S B A R r a A T E TRIP' \ Ita^, France, Geranny and RELIEF MEASURES Price Asked by Cheney Seeks to Break Record Great Britain Agree on Brothers Basis of Objec­ FOR Italian Fliers Ready Alone Which He Made in Peace for a Period of Ten tions — Meeting for Vote For Last Leg Of Trip 1931 W '^ .H ^ b ld (hdt; Federal Machinery Moving on Friday, July 21. BULLETIN! ^arrangements to set the course -:C arrio s Rohot WRh Slowly in Applying Aid — Montreal, Jtdy 15,— (AP)— Edcmg the northern shores of Lake Romo, July 16.— (A P)—Tbe four- W ith less than 100 voters attend­ General Italo Balbo bopped off Ontario and Lake Erie to Detroit, Him and U «n g latest U. powor European peace pact waa Lonergan Mahes Requests ing, tha Board of Selectmen and from here today leading hie and thence by a compass route to ligned here today by Premier Mue-1 traas-Atlantio Italiu fdr ar­ Chicago. representatives of the firm at Bollni, and representatives of mada on tee last stage of its Previously it was sEdd definitely S. Army Fljinf Epupm it Cheney Brothers lEut night present­ there would ’se no stops on tbe way. / h > i France, Germany and Great Brit­ flight to Chicago. Washington. July 15.— (AP)— ed for discussion the propositloh The flagship, leader of tbe One plan w u that tbe squadron ain. would be met by a group of Ameri­ Tbe huge governmental* machinery that the town purchEwe for $1,150,- squadron of 24 seaplanes, raised — Other Flying Adren- Tbe accord which is designed to laboring to place in effect the its nose from the water at 10 can planes at 'Detroit and escorted 000 the frEmchlses, rights and prop­ from there to tbe destination. guarantee tranquility among Euro­ emergency legislative program is a. m., eastern standard lime, and pean countries for a period of ten erties of the South Manchester Auguato Rosso, Italian ambEmsa- tnres Today. m ovi^ slowly in appljing tbe re­ followed by two others to form years, facilitate reduction of arma­ W ater CompEmy Emd the Soutk Mim- the first triad of the flight, soar­ dor to the United States, arrived in lief measures to Connecticut. Montreal lEUst night from Washing- ment and lead to Improvement in Tbe agricultural adjustment ad­ chester Sanitary Emd Sewer District. ed aloft. economic conditions, was given of­ t<~i He was to confer with Genera] ministration is ready to proceed The town meeting, called for discus­ By Associated Press. ficial approval in the Duce's huge Montreal, July 16,— (A P ) —HEmy Balbo before the depemture. with enrolling New England tobac­ sion omy, developed some o f the Two Edrplanes roared out over office in tbe Palazzo Venezia. skiei neeted members of General Tbe youthful leader said the co raisers in its program of acre­ spiciest debate that baa been hemd the AtlEintic from New York today, No change was made in the text Italo Balbo’s seaplane crulie this Jaunt waa expected to take between age reduction. But tbe public in High school hall in many years. .18 Initialed in the same office June morning as they prepared their 24 five and six hours. Tbe airline dls- one of them attempting a record works program, tbe machinery for Words were not minced Emd some re­ ships for tbe last leg of their tEmce is abou't 760 miles. flight. 7. administering applications to the marks bordered closely on pefsonEdi- Besides tbe head of tbe Italirn Journey from Italy to CblcEigo. Later this morning airport offi­ home loan banks, tbe approval of tiee. Since no vote could fije tEdcen One, the Winnie Mae, weu piloted government, Ambassador Henry de The commander Emd tbe hundred cials said that because of the time codes of fair competition for Con­ tbe battle ended in a draWi* by Wiley Post, who seeks to break Jouvenel of France, Ambassador aviators Eurose at 7:00 o’clock, Emd required for supplying the seaplanes necticut industries, and solution of To Vote Friday tbe 8' days, 16 hours ’roimd-tbe- von Hassel of Germany, and Sir it wim assumed the final stage of witb gasoline it did not appear pos­ the state’s patronage problems are Previous to the meeting the Board world record be made in 1931 witb Ronald Graham, the British am­ their 6,100-mlle cruise would begin sible for tbe armada to get away still awaiting future action. of Selectmen met and set Friday, before 9:30 r„ m., cemtem stEmdard Harold Gstty. The other was the bassador, all of whom attached Wiley Post is shown here with the “Winnie M ew’’, monoplane in which about 9:00 ■%. m., eastern standard LithuEmica, Jointly piloted by C apt Tbe public works hoard, beaded July 21,'EM the date for the vote on time. their initials to the document early he started on a ’round-the-world fiight of 18,950 miles today in six time. Stephen Darius and StEuiley Thomas by Secretary of tbe Interior Ickes, tbe question. The polls will be at the General BEdbo carefully studied Signor Rosso, who came to Mon- last month, signed it today. has been considering applications days. The plane will be guided automaticEdly by a robot. GlrenEis, was headed for Lithuania, Simple Ceremonies Municipal building Emd voting will w ith er reports of the Great Lakes treEd by trEdn to gree* his fellow for government aid in various pub­ countrymen, wqs to fly to Chicago 4,900 mile*-away.' The ambassadors drove to the be from nine in tbe morning until area. lic works projects all this week. A In the flagship of General Balbo to­ Post was supplied with expert ad­ Palazzo Venezia a few minutes be­ nine in the evening, daylight time. The expectation wem that there list o f sewage disposal projects and day. vice, supplies and United States fore noon dressed in bats send 'The “ Yea” and "N o” vote wlU be would be DO chemge in the tentative certain municipal programs has arqiy equipment; Darius and Girenas morning coats and were welcomed registered on the numbines. been approved, but no action is ex­ only 779 gafions of gasoline. Their by Signor Mussolini in similar at­ HOW THE GOVERNMENT The fun in lEut night’s meeting pected on Connecticut proposals tEdceoff with the heavy load was tire. The simplest and briefest cere­ started when Charles Ray, president for another week. * considered one of tbe most difficult monies marked the occasion. of the Rogers Paper MEmufacturing Lonergan’s Request feats in aviation. A fte r handclasps, the four pro­ Company, stated that he bEUl had Senator Lonergan has asked tbe LITHUANIA FLIERS OFF Both plEmes took off from Flojrd ceeded to affix their sign tures in REGUUTES RAMOADS enough experience with engineeri’ Beimett Field, tbe Wifinie Mae at construction imder tbe public N : reports and vEiluations to knoiv bet­ tbe presence of a small group of 4:10 and tbe LithUEudea at 5:24 a. works program of all post offices ter than accept them as finEil. He Italian foreign office officials and m., eEustem stEindEurd time. provided for under tbe Gamer bill Euialj’zed the appraisEd made by counselors and first-secretaries of ON A 4,900 MILE HOP Gen. Italo Bidbo, Italian minister Introduced in the last Congress, as Another of the Seriei of Bennett Emd Terry and insisted that embassies. well as improvement of Connecti­ PROF.DODGHERTY o f war, EUid his squadron of 24 New Era Proclaimed' no clear, Euscurate convincing state­ cut rivers and harbors. During tbe Royal ItaliEin seaplEmes, were ready At noon the Rome newspapers ments bad bean made sufficiently last several weeks, be has received to tEike.off at 9:30 a. m., eastern appeared emblazoned with front Articles Showmg die In­ stcooff enough to influence any aane- applications for several municipal COMIlS S in E Leave New York Without GUARDSMEN READY standard time, from Montreal for .a g e headlines, photographs of'th a thinkuig person to vote for the pur­ projects on which C^onnectlcut Chicago, completing their flight signatories and editorials pro- chase of tbe properties by the town. cities are seeking Federal aid, and side Workmgs of Laws to from Italy to a Ce&tury o f PMgreas coming “a new era of European He iasisted that “We need factors Pafsports and Without Ehcpositlon. peace and a historic milestone" es­ TO AID IN SEARCH (Oonttnned On Page Eight) Speed Up Recovery^ not now present before we can midie . Col. and Mrs. ChEurles A. Und- tablished by the agieement. a decision in this matter.” ; Government Approval — beigH .wete at'Uartwright,'Labradorr Tbe ratification of the treaty by Critlzes Clmlrman tge- four governments ic considered — I- i L > Hamden; Min* Before concluding bis criticiam of ties' before vc!()f|{Pmv kRdapSpppiog EDITOR’S NOTE: THIZilAM; , , -'<( -• the engineers’ report M r-'IUy took Their Goal Uthnania. Await Word of Gorenior of of Em aerlEd pAssenger route from *?h e treaty, cc5)IefciS#N<


BIG PLAYGROUND HILLANE TO BEAUTIFY W A1E PLANT CANADA WELCOMES GENERAL BALBO UTHUANIAN FLIERS OFF w nilw ritEiiu PARTY WEDNESDAY POST OFFICE GROUNDS PARLEY SHRS ON A 4 3 0 0 MILE HOP HD P. 0. EM PUm Cromwell Concern Gets Con* (Oontlaoed Fran Page One) tract to Plant Shrubs and son, manager o f the field, was not Sports Program to Be Fol­ , Seed the Property. SHARNiEBATE Informed that they were hopping AJI Who Are Pby sa lly Able the Atlantic. The Mlllaae Nurseries ft Tree Ex­ (OonUnoed From Page One) Poor Takeoff lowed by Band Concert at perts company of Cromwell have The takeoff was loggy. They WiD Remain, Federal Offi­ been awaked the contract by the is much concerned with the proposi­ used every foot of the long runway U. S. Postoffice Department to fur­ tion. and were so slow in getting away West Side. nish shrubbery and seed the grounds Mr. Strickland had opened the that the crowd gasped. cial Says. around the new postoffice building meeting by reviewing the history of 'Tt was a game takeoff,” said the at the Center. The contract calls for the proposal to purchase the water flying expera assembled. "They The All Sports program to be the completion of the work within plant. He gave the reasons why the should have dumped gas to play Washington. July 15.—(AP)— held next Wednesday night at the 90 days. Board of Selectmen recommended safe. But they didn’t They didn’t The Postoffice'Department has de­ West Side Rec and grounds will the pur&hase and cited numerous dump a drop.” cided not to retire persons of thirty f ature events in several sports points in favor of the proposition When the plane passed out of years service imder the retirement sponsored by the Recreation Cen­ He wanted to make the point clear sight beaded east straight as a provisions of the Independent Offioies ters this season. The Rec Girls MERIMNTS'DAY that the water and sewer plant re beeline, the ship still had not at­ Supply Act, who are efDcient and baseball team will play the Glas­ production cost was close to two tained more 200 feet altitude. physically able to perform satisfac­ tonbury Girls in an exhibition millions of dollars. Frank Cheney, Field officials say they are sub­ tory service. game and this will attract a large NEXT WEDNESDAY Jr., interrupted to call attention to ject to a heavy flme and loss of li­ Under those provisions the de- number of people who have been the fact that this reproduction item cense if thev do net return today partmrat is permitted to retire following the Manchester Girls’ did not include the trunk line to Floyd Bennett and, fiurthermore, postal service emplo3pees of 30 years success oh the diamond this sea­ sewers, and Mr. Strickland accepted are subject to urest in any for­ service. The inefficient and unable, - son Stores To Be Closed and the correction. It was this i>oint that eign country it which they land it indicated, will be retired. The Rec tennis team will play Mr. Ray criticized intimating that since they have no passports. Joseph C. Mahoney, first assistant the fast Lithuanian team of Hart­ Mr. Strickland was unfamiliar with Just b^ore Darius and Girenas postmaster general, in a reply to an ford, men and women of both Salespeople Will Go On the subject. John V. P. HeinmuUer, official timer inquiry by Representative Mead of teams participating in the singles Defends Strickland of the Nationad Aeronautical Asso­ New York, chairman of the House and doubles alike. The Rec horse­ Later Frank Cheney, Jr., defended ciation, went up to the plane, wish­ postoffice committee, addressed to shoe team is slated to compete Outings. Mr. Strickland, saying that it was a ed them good iuck, and clamped on Postmaster General Farley, wrote: with the fast Hartford team on the very easy mistake to make since to one wing an ice indicator, design­ 'T am pleased to say that no per­ West Side courts. there was a mass of figures to quote ed to tell the fliers at a glance if ice, son who is efficient and pb3psi<^y able to perform satisfactory service One of the features of the late Wednesday, July 19, will be Mer­ and that anyone would be liable to the terror of Atlantic fliers, is form­ will be retired on account of having afternoon sports program will be chants’ Day when the stores will be read the figures Incorrectly though ing on the wings. 30 years or more service. the game between the East closed all day to allow the sales­ not intentionally. Mr. Strickland said It was virtually the only newly Side and West Side volley ball people end proprietors to attend developed scientific flying aid m the “However, postmasters at the lar­ he had enjoyed Mr. Ray’s remarks, ger offices have been asked to de­ teams. There has been considerable group and individual outings at the but that he believed that the project ship. The pair aren’t even carrying doubt as to which team is superior, shore or nearby lake resorts. Stores parachutes. They have no wireless termine their personnel require­ boiled down was a matter of right ments under existing conditions and the matches Wednesday night will be closed all day, rain or shine. and just valuation. apparatus. should definitelv decide this ques­ Food stores will remain open Thrir Food for Trip and, where a siuplus exists, the de­ Judge Hyde Presides partment 'will consider retiring 30 tion. Tuesday evening imtil 9 o’clock for For food they took 18 oranges, 12 The meeting was called to order year employees who have indicated The Tall Cedars band which re­ the benefit of the tradespeople. apples, two bottles of malted milk turned from the Shriners conven­ shortly after eight o’clock by tablets, a qiiart of black coffee, a a desire for retirement, an

,SUltl>AT SCHOOL LESSON will go towards hdptog defray the star players havtog to' work we panled .Mlsa Addle Wickwlre of Col­ expenses of the D nun^rps at the were unable to get a team. Ar- chester on a trip to Wlllimantic VeVterans of Foreign Wars Conven­ rangementa are now being made so Thursday afternoon, where they at­ N0DATACA1MEB TenShan tion to WUwaukee. that the games can be played this tended ' a Innchecm given by the The Example Of Deborah If u y boys of the local post can coming waeje. Windham Community Hospital auxi­ see their way dear to attwd the W » would take this opportunity to liary, to the hospital dining room. YET ON FARM ACT Buddies Thompaonville field day, It will help congratulate the memb^ of the They acted as delegates from Col­ Text: Jads^ 4:4-10, lS-15; 5:1-8 a good cause along. The Trlggs Post Army and Navy club on their latest chester and Hebron. Tho International Uniform Sun­ is raising funds by this meutod to improvements on their club rooms. Gardena hereabouts are so dry day School Lesson for July 16. ^Chfr.'BiiIletiii Board finance the fine dnun corps of the It ceitedniy is a wonderful club. The that to many cases they have to be post to the National Convention to boys will hold their annual outing watered by hand. Brooks are drying Tobacco Growers Warned By WM. E. COLBOT, O. D. of O U R REFUGE MilwaukM; Wisconi^, next month. tomorrow and wo know they will up entirely or nearly bo. This imme­ Editw of The Congrei^atlonalist Ex-Seiriee Let’s hope the up-fiver comrades have a good time. Here’s hoping for diate vicinity has not beeu lucky to Three lessons of this quarter’s se­ By GBOBGB BENBX OOUl win. Not to Give hfonnation good weather and a good day’s its rainfall lately. Other nearby ries in Old Testament character sport. studies are devoted to women. Anderson-Shes Post, V. F. W. towns have received generous rain­ Anderson-Shea Auxiliary Tickets are now on sale for the We think f women’s emancipa­ lntemati


a<. meters, transformers, turbines plying a necessity which people thing that will make it easier for MOBth With U « I west hack to eon- and generators, are assessed, not must buy whether times are good or him to g(Able us up.” HOIS. SOmOIBERC tinue my dramatie studies in Boston. SAYS RATE CASE HERE at fl^ cost, but at a lesser figure bad; and, therefore, you must never After oltlng the fact that the We went baek together d|^hi, later, WANTS inmm representing ‘fair market value;’ have high earnings;’ so in good times Hartford Bleetrle Light company, and 1 tried to k e^ house. He laugh­ and thxu for such items our assess­ our earnings are not big like other in the past ten I’ears, has n^ade sub­ ed at me. ment values are less than the book industries. stantial reductions In rates charged SEEDNCDnfOXCE “We took a trip to Honolulu as a TOCETnEaui AIMED AT RORABACK figures which must always show “It follows, of course, that if we consumers, Mr. Ferguson expressed honeymoon. From that time on I , original cost. can have only moderate earnings in his appreciation for being accorded knew there was no use tryi^ to “ Ckmtrarlwlse, on our real estate, good times, we must continue to the privilege of addreasing the meet­ make a go of it? so I returned to cost of an additional use they might our assessment values are higher have them in poor times as well. ing. He concluded with the state­ F ife of Former Wreodmg dramatic school and was graduated Famous Nordist Gires Hk Samnel Fergnson, Preddeot wish to make. than our book values in most in­ Otherwise, no one would be willing ment that any dissatisfied customer a year ago.” Reason for Surcharge. « to invest their money in power had only to come to his office with After dramatic school she said she stances, because of the ;fact that his complaint and every effort “8—This has been accomplished land was purchased or .buildings houses and pole lines, and it is played in a stock company in the OpnioB of What Sbouli essentisd that they should be will­ would be made to reach an imder- Champiofl Is Now a Star of Manchester Electric by billing aU enefgy, whether used built before tbe period of high Berkshirai, tried the New York ing to do so, as otherwise, how could standlng. Persons unable to pay for light or power, at the lower pow­ prices. For Instance. The land on stage, tried modeling, and then took we build tbe new lines and power bills due to unemplo3nnent and tbe mtheMoyies. Be Done WiA Gangstersl er price, and sulding to this power Pearl street, where our main office depression, be said, would also re­ a movie film test. Co. States Court Battle bouses which a growing city con­ “I felt I was getting somewhere,” price a surcharge of such an amount and substation is located, cost lu stantly calls for. Our dividends ceive the full co-operation of the that it, plus the power charge, will she commented, “but the thought of $83,000. It is reported to the state should be a n d ^ e liberal, but we company in maint^ing service in someone finding out my secret Was Started in BeGef amount to a proper lighting figiure year after year at that scune figure always, over a period of years, call the emergency. Los Angeles, July Ih.—(AP) — New York, July 16.—(AP) — it for such kilowatt hours, as are \ised of $83,000, but no one would claim on our stockholders for more new Judith Allen, 21-year-old featured haimted me. I thought it was only will “be a very fortunate and com­ for light. Because less light is used that to be a fair figure to use as a money than we give them in divi­ player of the films, disclosed today fair to tell Gary about Giis. I want fortable day for the people of Roraback Was at Head of in a small than in a large home, it basis for taxation. It is valued by dends. So you see that we have to that she is considering a divorce it understood* that any gossip-col­ country when some kidnaper sits was only fair to those who live in the assessors at $331,000 and we from Gus Sonnenberg, heavyweight umn linking our names was merely maintain our earnings even if we down in the electric chair,” in the small houses to make his surcharge pay taxes on that figure rather would like to drop them, which we A Thought wrestler. that—gossip. the Company. opinion of Eklmund Pearson, Amet- less than for a larger house. than on our book figure of $83,000, don’t. ’The former Boston society girl “I’m sorry Gus talked, but Pm which we report to the state. (Marie Eliot before her marriage) ica’s foremost writer on real life “As a result, the essential mlni- 12,000 Show Earnings glad this masquerading is over.” imum lighting requirements of small “You can thiu see that the fact Show us thy mercy, O Lord, and said she had used the name Allen crimes. Samuel Ferguson, president of or large houses work out to be at that our costs as reported to the “You probably picture big earn­ thus grant us ttiy ealvatlen/— and also Mari Colman in motion pic­ “The crime of kidnaping is*one tbe Manchester Electric Company, exactly the same rate; and each also state do not agree with our assess­ ings rolling into the treasury of a Psalms 85:7. ture work. which cannot be explained by pep- prosperous company and being ois- ple who try to account for all crime blasted tbe idea that the electric obtain their power at the same pow' ment figures is not an indication of Sonnenberg’s resentment over WAPPING er rate. For instance, tsdce two moral delinquency, nor an effort to trlbuted as dividends to rich people Wc hand folks over ' to God’s Miss Allen’s name being linked in on the ground that it is a matter of companies under his management who could just as well get along houses of 1,000 and 2,000 square feet take advantage of the public in the mercy, and show none ourselves.— film gossip with that of Miss Laura and Norman Palmer sudden passion or impulse,” said with leas, but this is not the case. obtained political favors because of each using fifty kilowatt hours for matter of rates; taxes naturally George Eliot. Gary Cooper, the six foot Montanan of Waltham and Boston, Mass., are Pearsem. ^ ’The true picture is like this: There some connection between them and power or light in excess of the min­ must be based on our cost, which spending a week with their uncle ‘Tt is a piece of cvefully thought are 12,000 people who have turned who drawled his way into stardom, imum kilowatt hours, necessary for represents stockholders’ or bond­ led to tbe disclosure of her identity and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. out and calculated deviliabness. TOe J. Henry Roraback, Connecticut’s over their savings to the company Valentine of Pleasant Valley. their light. holders’ money and equity devoted HIKE TO BOLTON as the wrestler’s wife. kidnaper plana to extort money Ity Republican leader, when he ad­ to be used in building, plant and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. torturing people. The men who “In the 1,000 square foot house to the service of the public. Miss Eliot married the one time dressed' the City Properly Own' lines to serve the commimlty. Boys of the Manchester play- Adams, who were residents of plan kldnapinga ought never to be ers* Protective Lestgue in Hartford the area charge of 80 cents pliu the “You also hear talk of still an­ Among these 12,000 there are, of Dartmouth football player at the Wapping for several years, where other value called ‘reproduction groimd spent the day at Bolton Lake allowed outside of prison again.” this week. In trying to trace the power price of 4 cents for the 20 course, some rich people who own age of 19. Mr. Adams was the butter maker at value,’ but that is something which under the super, .sion of playgroimd Pe8u*son believes swift and sure origin 'of the Roraback story Mr. kilowatt hours used for light, make many shares, but most of them are Sonnenberg*at one time billed as the Wapping creamery, but who pusisbment, particularly of mur­ a total charge for these 20 kilowatt doesn’t affect you oqe way or the director Walter Kittel, who was as­ world’s heavyweight champion Ferguson said the rate case stirred wage earners and people of smtdl sisted by life guard Dick Chapman, have moved to Woodstock, , derers, offers a solution of the up in Manchester was instigated by hours of light of $1.60 or 8 cents other. I don’t even know what it is means. The dividends they receive wrestler, gave away the Identity of recently visited Mrs. Adams’ father, crime problem, citing the example per kilowatt hour. The fifty addi­ in our case and have never tried to Peter Server and E. Salmanson. I^refeasor Albert Levitt and was represent the wages paid them for ’The boys left Manchester at 9 a. his wife as he lay in St. Vincent’s J. F. Wooster and her sister Mrs. of England and Canada. Ten years directed against Mr. Roraback. tional kilowatt hours are at the 3- figure it out. Consequently, it obvi­ the service they have rendered in hospital recovering from the effects Edith Cooke both of Goshen, (jonn. of murder trial study, also has cent power rate as is also any more ously is not a factor which enters m. and hiked to Boltcm. The main ”^ t I got Instesid of Mr. building the system which serves features on the way up were songs of a bout with Jim Browning Wed­ Mr. and Mrs. James M. Preston convinced the historian *'f the Liz­ he might use. into the price which I charge you. RorUback,” said Mr. Ferguson, you, and it will, I think, surprise and comic pranks by A. Kurlowicz. nesday night. motored to Vernon to the home of zie Borden murder case and other “In the 2,000 square foot house Not Favored Pets “and every time I meet him now he you to know the amount of. these Walter Kittel had a fine program Got No Answer Misr Mary Hills, who returned with sensaticmal American crimes that 80 the area charge of $1.60 plus the “Don’t get the idea that the util­ laughs and asks “How is my sub­ wages.' The average amount of our for the boys. There were boat He told friends he was tired of them for a visit at their home. or 90 per cent of persons formally ities are favored pets in respect to stitute today?’’ power price of 4 cents for the forty stockholders’ wage is less than $4 races, water sports, swimming, having his wife's name linked with Sherman Collins son of Mr. and accua^ of murder are guilty. Mr. Ferguson defended stoutly kilowatt hours used for light, make taxes. We pay on our real estate per week. When you think of two races, and a baseball game between Cooper’s in a Hollywood movie gos­ Mrs. Asher A. Collins celebrated his However, Pearson does not be­ the jiutice of and the equitable a total charge for these forty kilo­ and persona] property exactly as million dollars distributed as divi­ the East and West Side boys. The sip column. Further, he said, he re­ fifth birthday on Thursday after­ lieve that all convictions are proper basis of the area charge for use of watt hoiirs of light of $3.20, or again you are expected to—with this one dends it seems tremendous, but East Side won by a score of 8-4. ceived no answer when he sent a noon when a party of 18 relatives or that hll verdicts of “not guilty” electricity. He was before the 3 cents per kilowatt hour, and again difference—that the assessors sure- when you divide this among 12,000 A special fishing party was made dozen roses to Miss Allen’s apart­ and friends ga^ered at bis home are mistakes. league to ankWer a series of 10 the fifty additional kilowatt hours l;- do cover our personal property stockholders and find that they re­ up and taken to a '3ecluded spot to m ent where, a fine dinner prepared by “A great many guilty people get questions that had been propound­ are furnished for 3 cents. in a thorough-going mdimer not ceive on the average only $4 per try their luck. Of the. seven would- Miss Allen was asked about the Sheririan’s mother was enjoyed by otl scot-free—there’s little doubt of Fee for Privilege. ed in order to satisfy the questions usually followed in the case of in­ week for making possible our elec­ be fishermen only two caught fish, truth of the report as she sat on a all present. that. On tbe other hand I could of a group of Hartford users of “I know that it is hard to follow dividuals where a nominsd declara­ tric service, it does not seem un­ one a bullhead caught by H. Cole­ set where a picture is being made James Burnham of Rutherford, cite many acquittals which were e le c t ^ t y . figures given verbally, and therefore, tion is the common practice. reasonable; and to reduce this wage man, and A. Kurkowicz caught a a’ a movie studio. N. J., has been the guest of his quite correct — in the famous Hall- will not go further with them. Just “This is enough to answer the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erastus D. Mr. Ferguson cited figures in would create much hardship among seven-inch perch but hr mistook it “ I don't want to hurt Gus” , she Mills trial, for instance. It’s my try and -remember that the fiat charge of keeping- two sets of Burnham. He is at present at his defense of the area charge for do­ thousands who are dependent upon for a bass and threw ii back into replied, “But I do not love him, and opinion all three of the defendants mestic electricity stating tha* it is charge is not something for noth­ books.’’ it for their daily bread. the lake. brother’s cottage at White Sands were entirely innocent — and the all I can do, I suppose, is to obtain beach, Lyme, at Edwin Burnham’s. “noteworthy that of the five com­ ing, but is the fee you pay for the Regarding Earnings Just before leaving a vote was Jury foimd it out. Juries are better pri'^ege of having your light billed Saves Local Ownership a divorce. The special town meeting will be panies who top the list and give the In answering, the question of “There is another reason why we taken and every boy declared he at discovering the truth than tte at a 4-cent power price instead of “We were married in the Little held this evening at 7:30 at the novelists would have you believe. most service to their customers, “while we are losing our homes in must not reduce our dividends if it bad a fine time and wanted many Church Around the Comer in New at a reasonable light price which the depression you continue to make more hikes of this t^-pe. Wapping school hall. “When a Jury brings in a first de­ each and every one have in their can possibly be avoided: It is be­ New York, March 12, 1931. Ned would be twice as much. large dividends?” Mr. Ferguson de­ Director Kittel also took the boys Mrs. William Page of Schenec­ gree verdict in a murder case, and rate schedules some . jit of mi area cause of Che danger of such a course Pearson, now a New York banker, “When we introduced the area clare) that the earnings of tbe to the Squaw’s Cave and explained tady, New York, returned home when the higher court approves the or room charge, while at the bot­ to the continuance of our inde­ was best man, and one of my former Saturday after visiting her parents, tom of the list are those companies charge, we reduced the meter price Hartford Electric Light company pendent existence. I have for the Its history. He also gave a short murder verdict — the chances of from 10 cents to 6 cents per kllp- this year should be somewhat less talk on first aid and camping. school chums, Lillian Grob, was Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Parker, her error are small." who stin try to sell electricity as last ten years fought off the vari­ bride’s maid. My mother and father, daughter Patricia Ann, remained they would sugar or beans at a watt hours at the same time. The than 7M per cent. This, he assert­ ous holding companies who wanted Transportation home was supplied Pearson holds that it virtually is Mr. and Mrs. John D. Elliot— they with her grandparents for a visit. impossible for an innocent man to uniform commodity price, or grad­ net result of this move was a re­ ed, was not large for jiormal times to acquire the company, and thank by Mr. Busch and tbe party arrived duction in our income of $100,000, are now in Providence, R. 1., where The Federate Sunday school are be “ railroaded,” to the eleotrlo uated only as to quantity. but is more than other industries goodness, so far I have succeeded, in Manchester at 6:30 p. m. but this was quickly made up by my father is a merchandising execu­ to hold their annual picnic next chair. In citing the list Mr. Ferguson are earning today. He explak 'xl but if our dividends are reduced, the reason of the increased use our cus­ tive—^were there, too.” Wednesday, July 19, at Elizabeth pointed out that the “only measure tbe earnings with the following market value of our s^ck will drop Ten thousand tons of bottles of tomers made of 6-cent electricity in­ How They Met Park. The dinner committee is as we have as to the degree the cus­ statement: below Its real value and this would medicine are used annually by the stead of tbe former 10-cent fii^re. The film player said they met In follows: Chairman, Mrs. Hattls BENEFIT DANCE tomers benefit from the system is “Other industries in good times give any of the big holding com­ 12,000,000 persons covered by na­ This increase use lowered our costs, Boston through mutual friends. Lane, Mrs. Ruth L. Dewey, Mrs. the amount they usu hers as com­ earn large returns and lay up big panies, an opportunity to buy the tional health insurance In England. and we gradually came down to the “When I met Gus he was cham- Harriett Abbey, Miss Dora Foster, The Sup-Alpine will run a bene­ pared with elsewhere.’’ surpluses that carry them over poor stock for less than its true value, and Albert E. Stiles. The games fit dance next Friday, July 3 at the present rate which is a fixed charge ion and a glamorous figure to me,” “I submit,’’ he declared, “that times. If they didn’t, they would be and I would be powerless to stop it Louis Braille, a blind musician of committee is Rev. David Carter and Bub-Alplne club on Eldrldge street. of 80 cents per 1,000 square feet ‘bust’ today, but the law does not So, unless you want to see an ab- Paris, invented Braille, the system EUss Allen said. “I was 19 and such evidence of good results plus 4 cents for twenty kilowatt Mrs. Orennon, and the transporta­ The Alpine has had a hayd time permit us to do tbe same. It says, affairs, don’t urge us to do any- of printing books and music by em­ thought I fell in love with him. tion committee Is Walter H. Smith should not be lightly disregarded hours per 1,000 square feet with all meeting expenses and hope this will ‘You are a protected monopoly sup­ sentee landlord take control of local bossing dots, over a century ago. *‘Well, It didn’t work. After a and David.Burnham. any more than you would disregard excess above these few kilowatt be a success. your doctor lieMuse srou didn’t like hours billed at 8 cents. the taste of the medicine he pre­ scribed. He does not choose it to Equitable Results. annoy, but because from his study “This rate brings very equitable of medicine he knows that it results on the usage of any 13- should be helpful." month period though, of course, Area Oliarfe Braeflolal there are occasional oases that look Mr. Ferguson stated that he like rank Injustice, such as when a could not only Justify the area house Is closed for most of a month, ehltfge 'as equitable baaed on costa or some other unusual circumstance; of the Hartford Electric Light but as a whole, customers get more Company, but could “demonstrate for their money under this system conclusive” that through this here than In most places in the method of billing the customers of country, and nowhere has there been Hartford have benefitted tremen­ such a percentage drop In price In dously compared with customers In the last ten years as right here in other sections of the country where Hartford. the rate area charge has not been Denies Roraback Control. uaed. Mr. Ferugson Issued a flat denial “Z hope that your chairman,” he of the truth of the statement that J. added “will make me prove both of Henry Roraback and the Connecti­ these assertions. .We have data cut Eleotrlo Service company, that must be convincing to any one through secret stock-ownership, con­ who will study It. The utility ex­ trols Hartford Eleotrlo Light com­ ecutive then summarised the salient pany. A list of stockholders of facts In oonneotlon with the area Hartford Eleotrlo Light, be said, charges as follows: shows that only thirty persons own “1—Because of the fact that na­ more than one-quarter of 1 per cent ture decrees the time when every of the company's stock and that one needs artificial light (that is none of these Individuals have any after sunset) every one uses It at connection with Mr. Roraback or once and this makes electricity for any of his companies. light as normally used, about twice “Z am amased at this charge,” Mr. as expensive a electricity for Ferguson said. “Who IS responsible power. for the rumor Z'm sure Z don^t know “2—As a result It used to be tbe but I assure you that we are the universal practice In both private sufferers. As to competition we are and municipal plants to require the still suffering from the results of customers to write their houses with competition in a certain case where a lighting circuit on which a light­ we were so short-sighted as to ne­ ing price was paid, and if they warn­ glect the precaution of taking the ed to use cheaper power also, to In­ necessary technical and legal safe­ stall a second circuit for this pur­ guards; so you can readily see why pose. I am particularly annoyed by this li'M “3—This was what wo did In 1921 wholly imaginary charge that behind —charged in the home 10 cents for the scenes we are really one and the light, and 4 cents for power on a same company. separate meter. But few people As to Valuations. would pay the cost of installing the Th? qu;:tion of “isn’t it true that second circuit, so tbe result was you two valuations on your practically a universal 10-cent property, both requiring to be sworn price. to, the highest value to base your “4—^This price, then necessary for rates on to consumers and a lower light, was far too high to allow of one to base your taxes on to the other uses; the housewife might city? Mr. Ferguson admitted to have an electric iron, but it was be “literally true but he added that used only for laces, ruffles, etc., not the “damning inference t^ t might for the family washl so the prob­ naturally be drawn from the form of lem was how to make a power price the charge is absolutely untrue. In available at every socket in every this connection he said: home without the cost to the cus­ “Of course, we have only one set tomer of re-wiring his house. of books and one value on these Are Just As Grood Customers Now As In Any “5—^It was found by study of books. This value is what the prop­ 2,500 homes of various sizes that the erty originally cost and the law re­ ordinary use of light varied very quires us to enter that cost and uniformly with the size of the house. never change it until the particular You say this wasn’t much of a dis­ piece of property is scrapped, at Other Season Of The Year—They’re Good covery because if one light will light which time it comes off the books. one room, it is quite obvious that it This book value' is reported under will take two lights to light two oath to the state every year. rooms; but nevertheless, it was tbe Tax Valuttoo. key to lower rates because of the “The other value to which the Customers All The Year Round If You discovery that for a minimum of question refers is that on which wo reasonable lighting, an average of are taxed. Tbe law says that we 2 1-2 kilowatt hours is required for shall be taxed on “fair market val­ every 100 square feet to be lighted. ue.” This may be equal to or more “6—Obviously, then if we charge or less than our cost Have The Merchandise They Want the lighting price for the first- twen­ ‘Take for Instance: Our fleet of ty-five kilowatt hours that are re­ eighty trucks and automobiles. On 4 quired for light in a 1,000-ft. house, our books they are carried at what and a power price for all excess, wc we paid for them, but you all know would accomplish tbe desired result that cost, new, ,is not tbe proper of giving a lower price for all use basis for tax assessment. What the THEY’RE WATCHINGi YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS over that required for a twinimiim assessors do Is to take each ear and of lishtlng service. Similarly, in a reduce its list price by a given per­ % 2,000-ft. house fifty kilowatt hours centage according to its age. This are what a separate light meter practice is familiar to all of you, would register as tbe amount wMcb and it is necessary In order that should be billed at a light price. , the assessment shall conform to “7—Owing to the fact that in 1021 the requirements of law that it every one thought In terms ot the shall be ‘fair market value,’ be­ high 10-cent price. It was necessary cause original cost is obviously not if electricity were to become gen­ tbe fair market value of a piece of erally used, to erase this lOHient second band personal property, figure from tbelr minds and to leave even if to us it is worth all or more 1 5 in their minds only tbe lower power than cost. Similarly, other pieces of ilanrhMlrr Ewtttti figure which truly represented tbe property besides automobiles, such

. . • , -V .V i-f ' • . *


P A S S s a UAMCHffBTSft BVfiWiWUillCKALU, MANCHESTER* CONN*# SATUR6a Y| JTJ1#T 16# 1988# *1 ft BARGiAIN ^R iO E G lorifying Evening Herald Pattern YOUR DAILY RADIO P R O C ^ 1/ KATHMVNi HAVnAMTAYUilt, Yourself OONSEBVATIVB IVN-TAN 4* •ATUROAY# JULY 16 (Central end Esstera Stsndard Tims) DBEBS— CHILDREN Nett—All prosramt to k«r and baalo obalna or zroupa thtrfof ubIm i artci* 3EQJS HEBE TODAY • bow much you msaa to m«. AND SMART! flod; coait to coait (e to e) doalsnation Ineludos all availablo atationi. ELINOB 8TAFFOBD# 20# faUa Frosrams autojo'et to ehans#. I*. M. Cant* Bast You never will know, I suppose, By Oliv Robrtfi Bftoo * (Davlipht Tima Ona Hour Latari 2<00— 1:00— Spanish Saranada— e to e In love with 86o^enr-old B AB - but X'U try 'c prove it with the Simple As Falling Off Log 8 :1 ^ Sil^D antolg Orehsa.— o to cat BETT COLVIN# who bM retamed •m n writiA n m tcin c. 7 7 ^ * NBC-WEAr NETWORK years— ’’ How could he endure TTTSBHlFTWnaBNBTO To M i^e It SHI— 8:46— Tha AmSaaaadara ■ -c to s to New York after yeon abroad. ■ASIC — Bait: wMf wlw WMt wtlo 8:00— 4:00— H. Knight Oreh.-^ to o u 11 she should say definitely that Timmy rods u p ‘and down the wjar wtas wc»h wll wilt wfbr wro vtgy StSO— 4:30— SklpM — oast e i^ ; Ba* Barrett hao made a n r a tor he bad no chance and never could . You can’t b« a dainty miss If you By HELEN WILLIAMS wb«n weao wtam wwj waal; MIdwoatt twaan tha Bookanda— wait oaly himeell ae an arebeoloflet. He Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson street on his tricycle. It was new wmaq wcfl ksd wooc-wno . wow wdal l:4Sr- 4:46— Tito Ouizar, Toner— to a have a chance? His heart chilled. miss many of the steps to dainti­ 4dX>— 5:00— Irving Conrr Or.— o to cat Ui about to ask Elinor to marry Famished With Every Pattern. and the other children stood around NORTHWBST A CANADIAN — wtnij But a vision of her face that ness! with their fingers In their mouths wiba katp wobc wdar wfyr okrw efcf 4:3(H- 5:30— B u d ^ Wagnar Orohoatra him when ber Jealous# echemlny morning, lifted to him, returned SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wlo wjax -basic: Skippy— midwest repeat 4:4^ S:4^Bucrdy Wagner Or.— to e mother# LIDA STAFFOBD, Inter- to cheer him. His heart had been Some of the thing which stamp An important feature is the tied admiring it. wfla-wiun wlod warn wmc wab wapi you as a well-groomed woman wjdx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro 6Kk^ 0:0O-Four Eton Beya^-alao o toree and succeeds In brealdny beating unevenly all day with the shoulders. They are so comfortably He never offered anyone a ride. woil ktbs ktba 6:15— 6:15— Gypay Nina, Songa— c to a take practically no time at ail. smart, giving a snugness to the When he saw a group of other chil­ M O U N TA IN — koa kdyl kslr k rti 5:30— 6:30— Gian Gray Orchaa.— aUu a up the romance. memory of that look and what it kpo When Elinor’s aunt, wealthy Once you get Into the habit of al­ bodice. Inverted plaits lend anima­ dren he made It a point to ride past COAST — kgo kfl kgw komo ahq 6:00— 7:00— Evan Evana, Songa— to e seemed to mean. ways being daintly “turned out,” kfad ktar kgu 6:15— 7:15— Balaace Orchaa.— alao cat MISS ELLA SEXTON# dies she He reached home at three to tion to the skirt. His enjoyment in his new posses­ 6:30— 7:30— Phlladalphia Con.— 0 to a you won’t be at all comfortable Cant. East. 7:15— 8:15— Ann Leaf at Organ— to o leaves her entire fortune to Bar­ learn that Elinor had not yet re­ Imagtoo Lbe possibilities it has. sion consisted In showing off. 12:00— 1:00— Billy Grantham Oreheatra 7:46— 8:45— Saturday Ravua— alao cat unless ypu feel and look immacu­ White is lovely for tennis in pique or 12:30— 1:30— Ray Haatharton, Baritqna rett. Then drunken VANCE JAB- turned, If she were in Brooklyn After a week or so the other chil­ 8:15—: 9:16— Isham Jonaa Or.— alao a - ? * i TEB shoots BENT WELL STAF­ late. cotton mesh. 12:40— 1:46— Harmonlana, Mixad Trio 8:40— 9:45— Gertrude NIesen— alao cat with *^essie he would call for her, dren lost interest Timmy could ride 1:00— 2:00— Marry Madeapa, Orchaa. 9:00—10:00— J. Freeman Orch.— alao e FOBD# IMnor’s father. Barrett, hsi decided, warming at the prom­ Shaving under your arms is Then you can make darling until be was exhausted, but nobody 1:30— 2:30— Matinaa Gama by Orqan 9:80— 10:30— Charlie Davia Or.— alao e who does not want the Sexton ise of the extra time with her and probably one of the better known schemes for the beach or for paid any attention. 2:00— 3:00— Waekand Ravua, Varlato 10:00— 11:00— Don Bastor Orch.— also e steps to daintiness. Yet there are cotintry wear in candy striped pique 3:00— 4:00— Lady Naxt Door, Klddlas 10:30— 11:30— Anhelm Orchaa.— e to cat fortune, tells Elinor that if sb>j the thought of having her beside One day someone haul left a kiddy 3:30— 4:30— Gotham Gaiatlaa— also o 11:00— 12:00— Dance Hour— wabc only will marry Mm and live In ols him. He telephoned Besjip Thorpe many women who neglect this or striped tub silk, checked g i ^ - car on tbe pavem^Qt. Timmy rode at 4:00— 5:00— Oinnar Conoart— alao cat small chore. It really takes very hams, linens, striped batiste, etc. 4:30— 5:30— Waakandara, Song, Organ NBC-WJZ NETWORK borne as a guest for a year be wlU and learned that Elinor had left an it slowly and pushed it with his 5:00— 6:00— Dart Lown’a Orehaatra g‘ ve the entire sum to her to divide hour before. "She was only here a little of your time. Once a week Style No. 2748 is designed in sizes front wheel. He followed It up amd 5:15— 6:15— Jack and Loratta— to cat BASIC — East: wjs wbz-wbza wbal is olten enough for most women. wham kdka wgar wir wlw wa3rr 'wmal: among the relatives. Elinor agrees, little while,” Bessie said. “ She had 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches pushed it off the curb. Billy's older 5:45— 6:45— Songa, John Plerca, Tenor bust. Size 16 requires 2 3-4 yards 6:00— 7:00— The Ship of Joy— alao cat Midwest: wcky wky kfkx wenr wla knowing the aiooey may save her luncheon here. Elinor says little Always use deodorants imder brother saw it and yelled, “ Hey you, 6:30— 7:30— El Padro Via O reh.-to o kwk kwer koil wren wmaq kao of 39-inch material. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj father’s life. Dick Radnor la so sweet, Barry your arms. You can get a deordor- go out and pick that up .and bring 7:00— 8.-OO— Fordo Grofa’a Orehaatra Price of Pattern 16 Cents 7:15— 8:15— Four Horaaman Quartat wlba katp webe wptf w^rnc wls wjax The marriage takes place next She saw him have his bath this ant stick which c< n be carried in it back.” 7:30— 8:30— Kay*8avan, Spy Story SO UTH — wrva wptf wwnc wls wjax (Jay. Barrett still loves Elinor your purse. Use it often. Make the Most of Your Looks! 8:00— 9:00— B. A. Rolfa Orch.— c to c wfla*waun wlod warn wmc wab wapl morning— ” For vacation clothes, for the Timmy didn’t. But then the other wJdx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro but, believing what U da has told Shoes keep" their shape and look 9:00— 10:00— Rudy Vallee’a Oreheatra He answered vaguely, adding, moimtains, lakes, seaside or that boy was only six himself amd he 9:30— 10:30— Harold Stern’a Orehaatra woai ktbs ktha him, he win not admit this love. “Do you know where Elinor neat if you put shoe trees in them. knew be couldn’t make him. 10:00— 11:00— Ralph KIrbary, Baritone M O U N TAIN — koa kdyl kglr kgtu Always take them off as soon as tour you have often talked about, 10:05— 11:05— Irving Roaa’a Oreheatra PACIFIC COAST — kgcrkfl kgw koma w ent?” Bessie did not know. “I see a copy of our new book of Reckless Driving 10:30— 11:30— Don Beator'a Orehaatra khq kpo kfad ktar you get home from- work. Put NOW GO ON WITH THE STOEY had the impression,” she said, Summer Fashions. Billy came out and got on his CB8-WABC NETWORK CanL Egat. “ that she was going straight their shoe trees in them and wipe Vacation clothes, and frocks for kiddy car amd rode up and down. BASIC— East: wabc wado woko weao 12:30— 1:30— Concert Eehoea— e to cat CHAPTER !XXX home.” off the dust and loose dirt before 1:00— 2:00— Words and Music— c to c everyday wear, home wear, lingerie, The next day BUly was on the waab wnac wgr wkbw wkrc whk cklw 1:30— 2:80— Wealth in Harmony— to a His elation was strangely ex­ you put them in the closet. pavement. He had bis back towaurd wdro wcau wip wjas wean wfbl wend One warm day In the middle children’s designs, etc. wjav; Midwest: wbbm wgm wfbm kmi 2:00— 3:00— Harry Soanick's Orchaa. of March Barrett decided he hausted. He said “thank you” and Air your party slippers in the Send today for your copy of the I mmy riding on noiseless wheels. kmox wowo whas 2:30— 3:30— Concert Faveritas, Orch. then “goodby.” sim the morning after you have Timmy had plenty of room but he EAST a CANADA — wpg whp wlbw 3:00— 4:00— Sherman Oreiu— to e would ask Elinor whether he had new book, enclosing 10 eents in whec wlba wfea wore wlco efrb ckac 3:30— 4:30— Neil Slaters in Harmony any chance at aU to make their Elinor might have stopped to worn them. When they are thor­ stamps or coin. Address Fashion stopped. “Get out of the way.” D IX IE — wgst wafa wbre wqam wdod 3:45— 4:46— Orphan Annie— east only marriage something more than an shop or to see some friend, he oughly aired, place a small bag Department. Billy turned but stood still. He klra wrae wlae wdau wtoo krld 4:00— 8K)0— Ernie Holst's Orehaatra reasoned; yet suspicions that had of sachet in the toe of each slipper ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbo wodz wbt 4:30— 5:30— Three X Slatara In Songa unsentimental business arrange­ didn’t quite imderstamd. Hmmy wdae wblr^wtar wdbj -wwva wmbg wajs 4'.45— 6:45— Mayer Davis Orehaatra been sleeping were suddenly and put them in your shoe bags rode over his foot. Billy cried aind 5:00— 6:00— Am’n Taxpayara League ment, to make it not merely for M ID W EST — wcah ■wmbd wtaq wkbh 5:16— 6:16— Annie, Judy and Zaka aroused. in the closet. Manchester Herald the family rushed out. kfab wisn kaej wlbw kfh wtnt wnaz the remainder of the year but for wkbn wcco 5:30— 6:30— Kindergarten Via Radio always. His faith in her had been Sachet bags (lavender ones are “You’ll have to be careful,” cadled M OUN TAIN — kvor kls koh kal 6:0(^ 7:00— Jack Denny’s Orchestra growing. Even to his critical eyes He settled moodily in the draw­ g^and) cost very little these days. Pattern Servfce Billy’s mother. “You’ll have to COAST — khl koln kgb kfre kfpy 6:30— 7:30— Lawisohn Stadium Con. ing room by a window to smoke Keep one in your handkerchi“t kvi kfbk kmj Irwg kem kdb kgmb 8:15— 9:15— Songs of Heart, Sextet her conduct had been exemplary For a Herald Pattern send 15c watch out for the children.” 8:30— 9:30— The Cuokees from Kuku Continually and to frown. \. French , several among your house­ Cent. East. 9:00— 10:00— Buccaneers Male Trio since the day he had brought her in stamps or coin directly to Here was a new kind of attention. clock that stood or the mantel hold linens and a few here and 12!00— 1:00— Dancing Echoes— e to cat 9:15— 10:18— John L. Fogarty, Tenor to his home. Fashion Bureau. Manchester He. could cause not only envy but 12:30— 1:30— Savitt String Quar.— to c 9:30— 10:30— Witching Hour— to coast She was docile, sweet, gay. struck four. From the '■ H came there in your lingerie drawer. It fear. Ho! They were afradd of him. 1:00— 2:00— Italian Idylls— also coast 10:00— 11:00— Mark Fiahar'a Orchestra iCvening Herald, b'iftb Avenue 1:30— 2:30— Warnow Orchaa.— o to cat 10:30— 11:30— Maxima Lowe’s Orchestra “And Lord, but you’re dear to the quarter hour—a full day later gives you an immediate sense of In the week that followed he it seemed! She wsis usually in by daintiness to get into the habit and 23rd Street, New York City. me!” he thought frequently as he Be sure to fill in number ot pat­ quietly went about this “thrill” busi­ looked at her across the chess four. of using sachet bags. tern you desire. ^ 2 7 4 8 ness. He didn’t tadk. He didn’t an­ table or listened to her music. He rose and .stood by the win­ swer back. He was am only child, amd He had fallen into the habit dow. The lengthening chime that Pattern No. his mother had trained him to play told half past four came from WTIC of indulging those small gestures Be sure to fill in the size of the by himself. WBZ-WBZA the haU. WOMEN OF WORLD WEIGH Price 16 Cents. which indicate a comradely affec­ pattern. A Neighbor Tadies Action Travelers Broadcasting Senifis He crushed the last oi his many Springfield — Boston tion—a hand on her arm, a pat One day be deliberately ran a boy Hartford, Conn. cigarets and dropped it on a sil­ Name on her shoulder, a shoulder pressed FUTURE OF FEMINISM Send stamps or coin (coin pre down. This was the worst of all his 5 0 1060 82 4 ver tray. Higgins appeared to U,(MI W.. fL a, *i >l M. to hers as they watched the un­ f erred). ask whether Mrs. Colvin would be Address experiments. The others consisted in Saturday, July 15. folding of some play. Even, once gramlng small bodies or riding over home for tea. Price of book 10 cents. (Eastern Daylight Saving Ttane.) and again, a hand beneath her Size dogs’ tadla. > Saturday, July 15 roimded chin, raising it to ask Barrett began a muttered af­ Delegates from 28 Countries firmative response but the words Will Attend RaUy at Chicago. Price of pattern 15 cents. This boy was hurt. He couldn’t get 1:00—Ernie Holst’s Orchestra. anxiously, “Now what’s wrong?’’ up. Timmy didn’t run away. He sat P. M. Slowly the conviction had been broke in the middle of ’t. A 1:30—Rex Battle Concert Ensemble motor car had paused outside— a on his tricycle amd sadd, “I couldn’t 2:00—Billy Grantham’s orchestra. 1:00— New England Agriculture. growing in Barrett’s mind that help it. He got in my way.” 1:30—National Grange Program. low, open sport car. Bobby Tel­ Chicago, July 15.—Feminism is ot the conference’s time is spent 2:30—Blue Room Echoes—Joseph she was fond of him, that she Then a lauly came ou t She had 2:30—Concert Echoes. fair stepped from it and opened being weighed in the balance here. discussing strictly feminist prob- Blume, director. --ally cared. She had followed been observing the young Plzairro 3:00—Words and Music. him into the hall that morning the door. Elinor, smiling, de­ And it is the outstanding feminists lems. uotahons— 3:00—^Merry Madcaps— Norman from all over the world who are for some days. She went over to 3:30—Springfield College Program. a." he wsis about to leave the scended. Frances Perkins, first woman Cloutier, director; with Frances Barrett moved back from the holding the scales! Q Timmy’s bouse amd ramg tbe bell. Baldwin. 4:00—Harry Horhek and his Or­ house. “I’m going to Aunt Bes­ cabinet member, Is here to tell chestra. window. So this was the explsma- Women from 28 countries, at­ And she said some things to Tim­ 3:30—Matinee Gems. sie’s after lunch,’’ she said, “but what labor thinks of the world 4:30—Chautauqua Opera Associa­ tion of her delay! This was the It is greind to* read, but not good my’s mother. The latter was very I’ll be back in time for tea. That tending the International Congress economic conference. Dame Rachel 4:00— Silent. tion. reason Bessie had thought Elinor held under the auspices of the Na­ to accept without thought. Too frigid and spoke of busybodies and is— I will if you’ll be here— Crowdy, formerly Secretariat of many people are apt to accept 5:00—Tom Gerun and his Casino He was engaged on a research was going straight home! tional Council of Women, have minding one’s own adfadrs amd so Sunday, July 16, 1988 t'.ie League of Nations, has as her what others say without weighing on. Orchestra. job, a rather demanding piece of She came in quickly, her step gathered at the Century of Ebrog- subject Internationalism. Mme. P. M. 5:30—Recital—Clovis Fecteau, bar­ eager. She was lat.: and she had r.ss Fair to debate the question and forming th^r own Judgment. .1 am past being offended,” sadd work that had kept him away Rraemer-Bach, French lawyer and —Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. 7:30—Tarzan of the Ap^s. itone. particularly looked forwa d to the whether feminism really has won ? -e neighbor. “You have a child who 7:45— Dave Burrows' Five Sharps. from the house more than he feminist, is, explaining what French 5:45— Little Orphan Annie. liked. quiet tea hour with Barrett who or whether It is faltering. women want and expect from their is wilfully hurting others, children 8:00— Rubinoff’s Orchestra. The deaf are a proud folk; they too smadl to tadee came of themselves. 6:15— Concert — Edward Mac- “Wouldn’t miss it for the had kissed her that morning be­ Marianne Leth of Austria, who government. 9:00—^Manhattan Merry*Go-Round. cause he wanted to! forced her way through a school never beg. I’ve worked among them They are not saife cu their own side- Hugh, baritone. world,” he assured her “Economic Security Through 9:30—Walter Hapgood on Sports. She had gone from Bessie’s to of theology with every man’s for 50 years and I never knew a wadks.” : —Fred Wade, tenor, with 6:30—^Tlme, Temperature. “Then m be here,” she said, <3ovemment” is the topic of one 9 45 WU- see Philip, who was ill. She wanted hand against her and became tbe deaf beggar. An Elective Move 6:34— Sports Review—Bill smiling. Almost at once she had session. Dr. Maria Ciastellani, a string ensemble. - tell Barrett about Philip. She first woman theologue in Austria, —Dr. 'Thomas Francis Fox, retir­ With this warning she left. In a 10:00—5jol. Louis McHenry Howe. liams. looked away nnd before he could Fsiscist, who heads the statistical had not as yet EHinor dreaded his then turned to law and was Vien­ ing master of the New York few days the same thing happened 10:15— Impressions of Italy. 6:40—Weather. reply Higgins appeared to say bureau of the largest insurance censuring Philip for taking as na’s first woman banister, has School for the Deaf. again. This time it was her little 10:45— Merry Madcaps — Norman 6:42—Famous Sayings. that Mrs. Radnor wanted to speak institute in Italy; Rose Laddon much from ler as he had and she come to testify the struggles of girl. Cloutier, director. 6:45— O’Leeury’s Irish Minstrels. to Mrs. Colvin. Hanna, a Russian, uid Hon. M''r- had not been able to nerve herself EiUropean women. Not only is one man’s expense Now what would you have done ? 11:15—Donald Novis, tenor; Lew 7:00—NBC Artists Service Recital. “Just a momsnt, Higgins,” Eli garet Bondfleld, former Minister to with Barrett nor to Baroness Shldzue Ishimoto, who another man’s income, but one She did something. She put the ■White, organist. 7:15— Annie, Judy and Zeke. nor answered. Barrett, stooping, of Labor of Great Britain, have man’s debt is another man’s credit. 7:30—Kaltenmeyer’s Kindergarten. threaten, through any confidence, left the School of Peeresses to tricycle in her car amd drove it to 11:30— Orchestral Gems — Moshe kissed her lips. rlrarge of this session. —Henry Kltteredge Norton, eco­ 8:01—Sandy MacFarlane. the growing peace and happiness of learn t^'pewriting and stenog­ the police station. A policemam came Paranov, director; with Helen “For Higgins’ benefit,” he ex' 8:30—Stadium Concert — Philhar* their hours together. The fact that raphy in an American school and nomist. around to see Timmy’s mother. And Hubbard, contralto. plained as the butler disappeared. monic Symphony Orchestra. she had not told Barrett about was Tokyo’s first business woman, The speakers convened for this Timmy behaved affter that. 12:00 Midn.—Montclair Orchestra. Then for a moment Barrett eyed It is doubtful whether the pam­ 10ffl5—Songs of the Heart. her steadily. “No,” he said, Philip weighed her essentially has come a long way to demon­ International Congress of Women A. M. pered child-»and-a-half of the aver­ 10:30— Chickoo Program. lied. I kissed you because I wanted truthful mind. strate that the derire for femi­ range from Yi-Fang-Wu, head of 12:30— Charlie Kerr’s orchestra. “Barry!” she called eagerly from nine equality has penetrated even the biggest women’c college in age American family today is bet­ 1:00— Silent. 11:00—Time, Weather, Tempera- the doorway. He turned stiffly. to Cherry Blossom land. China; Jane Addams, and Carrie ter than the child of a former gen- Daily Health time. “I’m so sorry to be late,” she Alice Kandaleft of Syria, who Chapman Catt, to young (Christine e’-atlon with eight or nine brothrrs 11:04— Sports Review—Bill Wil- She said nothing but her smile Galitzi, an intimate friend of Prin­ and sisters. ‘ hams. was a little tremulous, her eyes said, moving toward him. Would holds the ranking educational po­ he kiss her again? “I was delayed. sition in Bagdad, has many fsmei- cess nesuia of Rumania, and Viola —Dr. Barton C. Hirst, Philadelphia Service 11:15—News. misty. He kissed her hands sudden­ nma, 23-year-old editor of the eugenics expert. 11:30— Cascades Orchestra. ly as he had never kissed her lips, I wouldn't be here now if Bobby nating illus^tions of the diffi­ WDRC Telfair hadn’t met me and picked culties women have in the Near magazine “Modern Youth.” Hints OB How to Keep W ei bjr 12:00— ^Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. then turned hurriedly toward the Though men are appearing on The imlverslty is a mating mill. It bgr World Famed Authority A. M. door. me up— ” East to win 3quality. Lily Kelly, 225 Hartford Conn. 1330 The words stopped. All too evi­ who organizes nation-wide peace the program, it is primarily a should be. With its beautiful 12:30—Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra She stood where he had left campus, magnificent views, adjacent dently Elinoi. could see in the demonstrations for the women of woman’s convention. For the Con­ BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN 1:00— Time. her, hands above her heart, eyes lakes and the opportimities students man’s stony eyes that he did not the Argintine, brings messages of gress Is based upon the conviction closed. For weeks she had known that women will have a more im­ have to measure each other’s worth, Ehcactly as tbe speed of modern Program for Saturday, July 15, d. something of his growing feeling believe her. the eagerness with which dark­ Sunday, July 16. (To Be Contlnned) portant part to play in a world why shouldn’t the students fall In life has affected adults who show 8. t. for her. She had heard it in his eyed senoras of her native land A. M. await real equality. which recognizes “a new deal” than love? in the very lines of their faces the P.M. voice which softened as he spoke in the pre-depression era. In a way, —Prof. E. A. Ross, University of stress and strain under which they 1:00— George Hall’s orchestra. 9:00—NBC Children’s Hour. to her. She had seen it in the Wisconsin sociologist. 10:00— Southland Sketches. Any self-satisfied feminist fairs the CJongrress is a “rally” of wom­ labor, so also are there found today 1:45— Madison EMsemUe. hungry eyes that followed her. en, to show them how they, as in most schools, camps and homes 2:00— Dancing Ec>’oes. 10:30— Safety Crusaders. li had been charted, too; in his better away from CSiicago, for Every person who consents to her peace of mind’s sake. For women, can help make this world a considerable numbers of children 2:30— Savitt String Quartet. 10:45— Time, Weather, Temperature. concern for her entertainment, in a T iG D K making terms with the Japanese is 10:48—Samovar Serenade. better place for all countries and who are best described by the 3:00— Baseball Game; Red Sox vs. the fiowers and books and music women have n(/bed of roses in the my inveterate and etemad enemy. far reaches of tl>e earch. The to urge them on to greater efforts word “nervous.” Cleveland Indians. > 11:00—Morning Musicals. that had come to her from him. in behalf of civilization. —Feng Yu-hsiamg, CJhIna’s “Chris­ In discussing nervousness in chil­ 5 :CK)—Dancing by the Sea. 11:45—Bradford Organ RedtaL Almost daily there had been some world-wide depression has brought tian general.” about a retrogression of tbe fepil< dren, the British specialist, Dr. Hec­ 5:30— Skippy. P. M. offering. BY BRUCE C A TTO N tor C. Cameron, points out that 5 :45—Tito Guizar, Mexican tenor. 12:12—Time, Weather, Temperature. “Oh— make ft come true!” she nist movement in many comers of News that a pig wais to make a I’ve been so busy living that ' I the globe. sometimes serious mental reactions 6:00— Irving (Bonn’s orchestra. 12:15— Radio CiSty (Concert. prayed. “I can’t live without him!” SHE GUESSED FOR 43 YEARS parachute drop from an adrplame at haven’t had time to formulate a 6:30—Buddy Wagner’s orchestra. “Everything we have been fight­ develop from relatively simple 1:15— ^Ralph Ginsberg and his En­ “Mrs. Radnor ' is waiting,” Hig­ “Gambler’s Wife” Is Salty Account Badtimore doubtless fadled to thrill philosophy of life. 7:00—Four Eton Boys. ing for for ages is endangered in —Samuel Untermeyer, noted law­ sources. All children occasiontdJy semble. gins reminded humbly. Of Advecturons Life. Iowa farmers. They watched pork refuse food; most children will at 7:15—Gypsy Nina. 1:30— Sabbath Reveries. some countries, lost in others, drop for three years. yer, on bis 75tb birthday. “Oh, yes!” she laughed im- some time be wakeful and refuse 7:30—Glen Gray and the Casa 2:00— Summer IdyH. steadily. She had forgotten. “Yes, one Ehiropean spokeswoman said . Loma orchestra. Jessie Llllienthal, writer, not long “Women’s organizations have fall­ sleep. An occasional occurrence 2:15— Perkins Boys. Marcia?” she said breathlessly a ago said he wished some day 8:00—Evan Elvans; baritone. en speedy victims to recent politi­ of this character may not be seri­ 2:30^-Jan Garber and his Orches­ moment later. Barrett had kissed tf' write the biography of "a plain, ous. If, however, it is repeated 8:15—Leon Belasco’s orchtstra. her because he wanted to! Kissed cal changes abroad,” added a 8:30— Philadelphia Summer con­ tra. earthly sort of person.” Someone day after day, the eventual result 3:00—National Opera Concert her because he wanted to. ‘T m sor­ German delegate. cert. answered his wish by introducing However, all the reports being is the development of disorders 4:00—Radi Nimble Wits. ry, Marcia, I didn’t catch that. Oh, him to Mcdinda Jenkins. As a re­ which may take long and careful 9:15—Ann Leal at the Organ; yes—for the babjr’s bath. I’D come expressed are not so gloomy. There Charles Carlil:, tenor. 4:15—Symphonette. sult he collaborated with her on stW is a sunny side to woman’s treatment. 4:30—Organ Recital. right down. No, nothing's wrong. « * « ' 9:45—Fred Berren’s Saturday Re­ her autobiography, which is pre­ story. Selma Ekrem, a cropped- 5:00—The World of Religion. The connection is a "ttle bad—" sented now under tbe title, “Gam­ vue. halred representative of yoimg The mental habits of the child 6:30—Eva Jeesye Choir. \ The result of Barrett’s working bler’s W ife;” and it is as racy and may reflect the attitude of the pa­ 10:15— Isham Jones' orchestra. day could have given, to even a Turkey, has arrived to prove the 10:45— Gertrude NIesen. 6:00—Quincy Symphony Orchestral entertaining a book as you will find strides that feminism has taken in rents. Parents who have children less ambitious workman, no rea­ all spring. 11:00—Jerry Freeman’s orchestra. 6:30—Time, Temperature. Turkey since 1923, when the re­ that constantly cry are not infre­ 6:34—Sports Review—Bill Wil­ son for pride. He dallied over Mallnda Jenkins was 83 when 11:30—Charlie Davis’ orchestra. public was established. Gk>ne are quently parents who cannot tolerate liams. . this and that; looked at a steatite Llllienthal met her. When he asked the crying of children. In such in­ the veils, and gone too are tbe WDRC Program for Sunday, July 6:40— Weather. plaque to lay it down without see' her when he could work with her, stances, tbe child finds In its crying archaic customs which the vails 6:42—Famous Sayings. ing the hieroglyphics which he she told him that he cotild have opporti^ty to develop extraordinary 16, d. 8. t. symbolized. 6:45—L’Heure Ezquise. was supposed to consider; picked every morning, but that she always interest on the part of its parents. A.M. up a seal of freedom to lay that "The present day .‘urk takes his 10:00— ^Melody Parade. 7:00—Borrah Minevitch and his went to the races in Jie afternoon. sweetheart to the movies. They Again, Dr. Cameron points out down, too. He had .nn his hands For this spry and salty old lady parents who have children at school 10:45— Leo Ldngo and Polly. Harmonica Rascals. through his hair and then pre­ dance to American Jazz tunes, 11:00— Racda Arnold and Charles 7:30—"Wisdom of the Ages.” may have been imknown to fame, with tbe same freedom as an and who constantly receive letters tended to examine a cuneiform but she could hardly be called im- from the child saying that it is un­ Carlile. 8:00—Relsenfeld’s Viennese Con­ irscriptlon. American yonng couple— but with 11:30— Salt Lake City Tabernacle cert dlstlnguished. Her book tells of this difference. There is as much happy and asking to be taken out ot a long and eventful life, which be­ school, are parents who are them­ Choir and Organ. 8:30—Don Hall Trio. liberty, but less license. We are P.M. 8:45—"A Century of Progress”-- At two o’clock Barrett rose. gan in an Indiana farmhouse, car­ brought up to respect our parents, selves made unhappy and miserable “I’m going to luncheon. Blinker,” ried her all over tbe United States, by tbe receipt of such letters, and 12:30— ^Polish program. Flojrd Gibbons. We would not do anything that 1:00— Fred Feibel at the organ- 9:b0—Headliners — ‘This Week”, he' said, "and ^'m not coming back took her to Alaska during the gold cbey did not want cm to do. But who have not succeeded in hiding 1:30— Compinsky Trio. Arthur Brisbane. today. Have Miss Pringle’s Ameri­ rush and wotmd up by making her it’s no compulsion; Just respect! this fact from tbe child. 2:00— A variety program with A1 9:30—Edwin Franko Goldman and can todian donation ready for me. a successful owner of race horses. “Turkish men have a difficult OF W/r/NE, NBWJERSEY' In an earlier era parents decided White. his Band. I'll look it over in the morning.’’ ‘ She married a ne’er-do-well back time mastering western manners.” 6UIU A SBVEN eoOM,TWO-S7DRV HOUSE, AUHOUSH and children obeyed. In the mod­ 'T m afraid,” said Blinker hum­ In Indiana, divorced him, married em era the behavior of tbe child is 2:16— ^The Playboys. 10:00—New England Vacatlonisers. Miss Ekrem testifies. “Usiially they 2:30— Manhattan Moods. bly, "that you’ll find it’s a fake.” an aging Texas business man and 70TALLV &L/ND/ a co-operative arrangement with 10:15—Massach'visetts Didustrial forget trilling courtesies, such as 8:00— Symphonic Hour. afraid so too,” said Bar­ after his death she marri Jen Commissiou. "Tm allowing women to precede them, the parents in which most of tbe 4:00— Cathedral Hour. rett. Rather an awkward affair. kins the gambler; "Jenky,” who or helping them on with their material for bargaining is in pos­ 5:00— Willard Robinson — Synco­ 10:80—Green Brothers Novelty Or­ He didn’t like to hurt an old lady stayed a stranger through 48 years A 50LDIBO. session of the child. chestra. coats. But tbe modem Turkish • • • pated Sermons. who wanted to do something of marriage and always kept her girl brings them sharply to time. T E Q M /7B S:1S— Lithuanian Day Program 10:45—News. "worth while” for a university guessing, but who “loved me as She Is quite capable of holding WILLNOTRaUMSe n¥ Dr. Cameron finds the small fam­ from World’s Fair. 11:00—Time, Weather, Temperature.' museum. Perhaps it would hurt much as a gambler could love any­ her own.” ERIP, ONCS IT HAS C1O8C0 ily partially responsible for some 5:80—Julia Sanderson and Frank 11:08—Sports 'Review — Bin Wil­ the university too^ She might be thing outside of four aces.” ns JA\MSON AVKTIM, of the modem difficulties. The Crumlt. liams. the sort who would do nothing at For years she fought to keep Other countries, too, have en­ EVEN THOU6HTHB child who is tbe only child if most 6:00—Eddie Duebin’s orchestra. 11:15— Four Horsemen. all for the school if they told her Jenky from gambling. A t last she couraging reports aoout tbe prog­ HIAOesSIVIRID difficult to train to social behavior. 6:80— Chicago Knights. 11:30—Night Song. that her collection was worthless. gave it up— and decided she didn’t ress women are making. India’s POOA\ THE In developing self-confidence in 7:00—Vera Van. 12:00—Dance Nocturne. , And yet it was impossible to tam­ care. They bad their ups and their women havf never w joyed west­ B o e v / the child, because self-confidence is 7:16—Tbe Qaueboe. A.*M. per with the truth, Barrett knew. downs; some of the time only her ern standards of freetom, but largely associated with freedom 7:46—Gertrude NIesen. 12:80—OoogrBss Hotel OrebsBtrs. Once out of the building, be energy and business sense sup' their lot is easier than It was a from fear, one must not toe grsftly 8:00—Cbleago Variety Profram. 1:00— ^Tlme. moved swiftly. He was going home ported them. But they grew rich in few decades ago, aecordlng to Dr. stress his failures and must partici­ 8:80— Phlladelpbla Summer Oon- to the girl whose face now haunted Alaska and their old age was Mathllakshml Reddi. Finland# too# pate with delight in bis successes. cert COPNCPAK&, Try to build up the reputation of h^m everywhere. Hume to ask sends saeou n fin f reports, via Cs- A COMMON tm o o r WJQOPK, 10:16—John Henry — . Black River Women are whetbef he had a chance to be her book is a genuine slice of eslia Hasssltrom, her spokesman. tbs child in tbe qualities that ypu Giant. ■ccordlnf to medleal husband for all time. Home to say, life, and I don’t see bow you can Tbs eottfsrsnes has for Its gen­ desire him to possess. If you would 10:80—Rhythm Rbapiody. For every num who resebBS tlM “I want to wor. you and win yoi'— fall to like it. Published by Hough eral sDbJset# “Oiir Common Cause, V£/^TQ/LOq(JSr/ have him be strong, take delight in 11:00—Guy Lombardo’s orehbftm. e of 100, Bitht woflasB T I can! You don’t know bow I'll ton-Mimin, It sens tor 98. a v llisftIsadott.” rThsrstors# ‘ enljr part JUBUBUBttJ his growing strsngw. ll:8 0 -^ e r r y Freeman’s protaestrs. SIt BBS. MAWUHByriDR BVBNTNG BICRAi:]}, MANCHBaTlR, CONN., SATDBDAY, jpi^Y 16, 1W6, HOSE CO. NO. 4 D H IE ; Boston Braves’ Five Dcpendables BORKBARIITLEIUIS YANKS AND HAIRS TO V K IW r THEN LOSES TO GREEN OVEROASTONIHIRY FOI Game Deadlocked Twice; E PARK TOPS ACES Bodi N «w Ytrii T e m i W «l Siht CdM 14 Bti LEARY, HOWROYD ' Firemen Tally Six Runs in P « n l ObI Y k h riM — WTICHTGAHE to Score Nine Rons. PLACE IN N .Y . Sixth— 17 Men Hit Safely. H U e Sm I M m I W tth- The West Sides evened their score SWIMMING HD Eait Enders Break Up Game m |toi,4te0. Tbi fans who fatbored at Jarvli with Glastonbury by them Orova laat evanlnf, and there wae Friday night at tbe West Side by a foodly number of them, were in Seventh, Spring Two the score of 9 to 5. Fred Barichardt Leinr Wins 2nd in 100 Yard By HUGH S. FDLLEBTON, JR. treated to one of the best games, at lead with tbe willow with 4 hits out (A. P. S fo fis WrMer) least from a spectator’s viewpoint, Rons to Win 3-1. of 4 times up. Stavnltsky bad three that baa been played this season on hits to his credit, one of them a Bade Stroke Howroyd The hopes of New York’s fan# for tbe Oreen's lot. There were plenty three bagger scoring two runs. World Series on a five cent fare of thrills, tense moments, and un Tbe Highland Park baseball Jarman also got a three bagger. were somewhat brighter today for oertsinty—all of which tends to ;eam defeated tbe Baldwin A. C. Jack Biurkhardt with two out of Takes 3rd h SO Yard iwmicft a game worthwhile to the on' the Tanicecs were bade is a virtual ast night at the Charter Oak field three was tbe best for Glastonbury. looker. Jarman pitched a good game get- tie for the American LMgue load by the close score of 3 to 1. It was Jonior. The lire laddies were first to \ ting five i on tbe strikeout route, while the Giants had increased their score, chalking up a tally in their anybody's game up to the seventh Thee score: margin in tbe National to four full half of the second, but the Green Inning. Kissman forced batter after West Side . games. came right back in the same frame, latter to ground or fiy out also A R R. H. PO. A. E. Joseph Leary won second place Both New York teams pounded to end tied things up. In the fourth, striking out five men. This is the Dowd, If ...... 4 2 2 2 1 1 In the 100-yard backstroke and victoiy yesterday. Tbe Yanks, the Green, aided by Ecabert’s triple second time that tbe Hilltoppers Wilkinson, 2b ....3 2 2 1 1 0 Harry Howroyd took third place bunching seven hits for eight runs • which drove in two runs, scored four have beaten them this season out S. Hewitt, 3 b ------4 2 2 1 5 1 for tbe Manchester swimming teah in one Inning, trounced the St. Louis times more, and in the next Inning of four games, tbe other two end­ Stavnltsky, lb .. .4 2 3 6 2 U Brown 11 to 6 to draw to within four added a couple to bring the count to F. Burichardt, cf .4 0 4 2 1 U that took place last evening at percentage points of the Senators. ing in a deadlock. Woodcliff Park, Poughkeepsie, N. 7 to 1 in their favor. This situation Manager Jim Nichols will be D. McConkey, ss .4 0 0 2 0 U The Giants slugged it out with the at the opening of the sixth was not missed from the lineup for the rest Hedlund, c ...... 3 0 0 5 1 2 Y. St. Louis Cards and although outhit, Stechholtz was nosed out for a to the smoke eaters’ liking, and they of the season es be is going to Cali­ B. McConkey, rf .3 0 0 2 0 0 won their third in a row, 12-7. point in diving, getting two fourth set out to even things up a bit. They fornia along with Dor Jesanis, an­ Jarman, p ...... 3 1 1 0 1 0 CTiicago’s White Sox took care of places in a class of twelve. did, touching up SpiUane for six bln- other member of the team hnd Robert Camey, swimming in tbe Washington for the Yankees, defeat­ gles and putting the same number of more widely known for bis teimis T o ta ls ...... 32 9 14 21 12 4 100 free stroke got a four'h posi­ ing the league leaders for the third runners across the plate. ability. Ken Beer is the new man­ Glaetonbiiry tion, but no score and finldied in time in four days, 4-0. Walter Miller Hose Company Bailies ager and calls for practice to ' be AB. R. H. PO. A. E. In Inning the Hose Company the same position in the 220-yard. al'jwed only three hits. held Monday evening. Bernard!, 3b .. . .4 0 1 1 team would certainly have finished The boys arrived home t 2:30, Dodgers Victorious Highland Park wlU play Bl^m- A. P. Fau, ct ... . 4 0 0 1 the Inning out in front, if it were pretty tired. They were matched The Brooklyn Dodgers, aided by fleld Tuesday at that city in a “Y” OidCITi JB8 •••••• ..8 0 0 2 not for a lightning double-play ex­ against older swimmers from sev­ Chicago errors, scored a 5-3 victory league game. The locals hold the - E. Pfau, i f ...... 3 1 1 3 over the Cubs and won their first ecuted by Viot at short to Loveland ..2 1 eral places in New York, the Man­ lead with Wapping at five victories BEN CANTWELL H^L L&& Finochi, lb ... 2 10 game in Chicago since July 12,1932. on first. McCormick had singled, 2 1 0 chester team being the only one and one defeat apiece. Delmastro, c ... . 3 Boston’s Braves had to go ten in­ and on a hit and run play was well F. Burkbardt, p ..3 0 2 0 from Connecticut. Highland Park nings in a duel between Fred Frank­ off first when Farr drove a sixzling Comp, r f ...... 2 0 1 1 AB R HPO A E It the Braves are to repeat their hair-raising stunt of 1914. here are the five who wlU be counted upon bouse and Larry French before Rab­ liner a few feet over Vlot’s head. OardeUa, 2b . . . . 3 0 1 0 “Tuffy” leaped into the air, spear­ beer, lb ...... 4 0 1 4 0 0 to suDDlv a big part of the push. Cantwell has been leading tbe NaUonal League in pitching most of the bit Maranville singled in the run ed the speeding pellet, and seeing R. Nichols, 2b .. .3 1 1 2 2 0 vear the depSdable Lefty Brandt his first Ueutenant. Berger is second among the league’s homMun CENTER SPRINGS CAGED that gave them a 4-3 decision. Tbe Jesanis, rf ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 Sluggers, and Whitney and Lee have injected new life and power into the club since their acquisition from Totals ...... 27 5 8 18 10 4 “Mac” malting a desperate effort to Score by innings: Phillies moved safely away foom the return to first, shot the baU to Love­ C. Tedford, rf ...1 1 0 0 0 0 the Phils. ______NaUonal League cellar by defeating J. Nichols, c - ...... 4 0 1 fi 0 0 West Side ...... 300 033 0—0 PIRATES LAST NIGHT land who nailed McCormick. ’Then AB-Qlaatonbury .... 000 023 0— 5 tb. Cincinnati Reds 6-0, behind the r«Tno the Green’s turn in this C Dougan, ss .. .4 0 2 1 1 1 five hit flinging of Austin Moore. B. Kelsh, If ...... 3 0 0 2 1 0 Two base hits, F. Burkbardt, inning, and with blood in all of their Stavnitalv; three base hits, Stavnit- In the other American League eighteen eyes, they proceeded to nick Fagleson, 3b ....2 0 0 4 1 0 All Stars, Outhit, Bunch Them games, the Philadelphia Athletics BenUey, cf ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Braves * Flag Hopes A Pipe Dream ? 8)^. Jarman; hits off Jarman 8, Fraser for eight raps, which they Burkbardt 14; sacrifice hits. Comp, for Winning Run— Score 6-5. downed the Cleveland Indians, 8-2, converted into six runs. ’The Fire­ E. Dougan, cf ...0 0 0 0 0 1 ani the Detroit Tigers hammered Kissman, p ...... 2 0 1 1 6 0 Wilkinson; stolen bases, Finochl, men managed to gamer one hit in Dowd; double plays, Wilkinson, George Plpgras and Johnny Wrich their half of the seventh, in spite of Sure— Just Like In 1914, Maybe SUvnitsky, Hewitt; left on bases. The Center Spring All-Stars of the Boston Red Sox tor 13 hits to the rapidly descending darkness, 28 3 7 21 11 West Sfdes 8, Glastonbury 4; uit by p.'oved that their name was no idle win 8 to S. and so ended a mighty good ball Baldwin A. C. McKay, rf ...... 4 0 2 0 0 Jartoan 1, Finochl; struck out by boast when they took a fall out of game. New York— (AP)—Very few per- the Pirates last night at Mt. Nebo. Game Tomorrow Obie, If ...... 3■ ‘ 000 Jarman 5; time, 1:50 min.; umpire, Farwell was on the mound for the i Tomorrow at 2 p. m., Jarvis Grove *T. Gleason, 2b ...2 0 3 2 sons profess to believe the Boston WEST SIDES MEET Ralph Russell. D C LEGION SWAMPS v^inners, and his superb control 1 will be the scene of what promises J. Lovett, ss .... 3 0 0 0 Braves will be down in front of the How They Stand pulled his team out of many tight to be a real tight contest It is in Scheibenpflug, lb 3 0 4 1 park when the final 13 1 spots. this game of bsdl that Manchester Wiganowski, 3b . 3 FAST WEST ENDS Y. M. C. A DEFEATS YESTERDAY’S iWSULTS i Green takes on for the first time, the •T. L. Sullivan, cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 STAFFORD SPRINGS ouL is made, but neither did expert The All-Stars started off early opinion favor the same team back in by scoring two nms in the first All-Bumsides, a team that has eam- BedurthA c ...... 3 0 1 11 0 0 American League 1914. ning. Then they sewed up the con­ ; ed a reputation for being extremely Robbins, p ...... 3 1 2 9 11 0 THE BLAZING NINE New York 11, St. Louis 6. ' hard to beat Manager Hublard is That, you may recall, was the test by pushing over four more in Chicago 4, Washington 0. expected to start Viot, star hurler 27 1 6 21 15 3 year George Stallings drove his League Leading New Britain the fifth and sixth innings. They i Gardner Limits Stafford Philadelphia 3, Qeveland 2. for the Green, and if this young man Highland Park ...... 100 000 2— 3 “destiny team” from last place on scored what proved to be the win^ Detroit 8, Boston 3. can maintain the pace he has been Baldwin A. C...... 000 000 1— 1 July 4 to a peimant and four “Y” Juniors Collect 16 Runs in ning tallies in the sixth when Ma­ Team Here Sunday After­ National LeagU'^ '• traveling at for the past few games, Two base hits, Jesanis, McKay; Team to 7 Hits and 1 Ron straight World Series victories over Sixth— Score 31-5. honey walked, “Babe” Dowd sin­ Brooklyn 5, Chicago 3. ‘ the All-Bumsides are apt to encoun­ hits, off Kissman 6, Robbins 7; the Athletics. gled and both scored on Markley’s ter plenty of difficulty in getting on stolen bases, R. Nichols, J. Nichols; hit to left field, which took a bad Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 0. — Score 7-1. If you don’t remember, there are noon. Boston 4, Pittsburgh 3 (10). the bases. double plays, Eagleson to Nichols a lot of folks still aroimd who either The Y. M. C. A. Juniors took the bound over Rogers’ head and rolled New. York 12, St Louis 7. ' The score: to Beer, Wiganowski^ to Gleason; saw it happen or otherwise can pift-ring Nine into camp Thursday fo»* a triple. Incidentally, Markley was the big gun in the All-Stars’ Manchester Green (18) left on bases. Highland Park 7, vouch for tbe facts. Boston fans morning by the score of 31 to 5. Tbe AB R H PO A E Good pitching and heads-up base­ On Sunday afternoon at the West Y Juniors were hitting the ball all attack with a single, double and STANDINGS Baldwin A. C., 4; base on balls, off never will forget nor cease waiting Segar, c ...... 4 Kissmsm 2, Robbins 4; struck out, ball enabled the local Legion team Side field the West Sides will meet over the lot. In tbe last of the triple. and hoping for another such dia­ sixth Inning the Y Juniors got 16 American League Ecabert, I f ...... 2 by Kissman 5, Robbins 9; time, to place their first game in state lea- the fast West Ends of New Britain. Late Bally mond miracle. runs. Each player on tbe team was W. L. Loveland, lb .... 5 1:35; umpires. Sturgeon and Kovis. Ijue competition in the win column. The Pirates started late and al­ Same Circomstances The West Ehids are now leading.New hitting the ball. It was a bard Washington ...... 51 29 Viot, s s ...... 4 Gardner was in rare for~i last nignt most forced the game into extra Some of them, witnessing the Britain Senior League with four game for the Blazing Nine to get New Y o r k ...... 52 30 Hutchinson, 3b .. 5 and the Stafford Springs players innings with a rally In the last in' H. Jarvis, cf ...... 4 Braves’ inspired play since Third wins and ho losses. They are booked the ball in tbeir hands. Tbe Y ning which -oil short by one run Philadelphia...... 42 40 could not touch him for hits when R. Jarvis, r f ...... 2 Baseman Pinkey Whitney and Out­ to play the Falcons on Saturday Juniors knocked three pitchers out when Harrison, pinch-hitting for CThicago...... 42 41 they would have accounted for nms. Rich, 2 b ...... 4 fielder Hal Lee were obtained from afternoon and ought to cause a lot of the box in the last inning. The D etroit...... 40 44 Sport Forum WUliams, the Stafford Springs pitch­ Woodbrldge, struck out. Spillane, p ...... 4 the Phillies, doubtless are convinced of trouble for tbe Falcons. They are Y Juniors have a very fast team to Kletcher caught a fine game and Cleveland ...... 39 46 er, who beat Manchester at Stafford ">i Lippencott, If .... 2 this is the year. Even one who mostly college and high school stars beat, l^rarso of the Blazing Nine hit well for the Pirates until a leg B oston ...... 34 47 In the first game, 11-3, was knocked ALPINES COMES BACK doesn’t particularly believe in mira­ and have a fast infield combination. was the star for his team. While injury forced him to leave the St. L o u is ...... 32 55 out of the box in the first inning T o ta ls ...... 36 13 15 21 9 cles cannot but be impressed by the College Stars Fritz Lucas and Billy Arddvy each game in tbe sixth. Hunt and Rog National League when the local players jumped all Hose Oo. No. 4 (7) Sports Editor, similarity of circumstances. Their lineup includes Merlin, ss., of the players getting four out of ers were also able to solve Farwel! W. L. over his delivery and pushed across four. Joey Varrlck pitched a good AB R H PO A E Manchester Herald, The basement-bound Braves of formerly of Oberlin college; Hult- for two hits apiece. Joe Zapatka New York ...... 47 32 game for the Y Juniors giving them Scheibenflug, c .. 4 1 1 7 0 0 Dear Sir:— runs. 1914 began their brilliant drive on burg, 2b, formerly of Gettysburg; robbed Mahoney and Flake of hits C h ica g o...... 46 39 Judd, Cobb, LaCossrStar four scratch hits. Murphy pitched McCormick, cf .. 4 1 1 0 0 The Sub-Alpine A. C. would ap Independence Day with a double Lyman who once covered first base ill the fourth with twe beautiful Pittsburgh ...... 43 38 This was enough to win the game, a fine game for the Blazing Nine Farr, 3 b ...... 4 1 1 3 0 predate very much your publica victory over the New York Giants. for Conn. Aggies: Magnsm, c, Ver­ cne-hand stops of hard hit balls. S t L o u is ...... 43 39 but the boys thought a few more Tbe Y Juniors would like to hear Stratton, s s ..... 4 0 2 0 3 tion of our acceptance of the chal­ From there on they were imbeat- mont Academy; Lutz, 3b, plays in Game Today B oston ...... 42 41 Sherman, 2b .... 3 0 1 3 0 would make things safe so went out from tbe Babe Rudi Aces ar'* from lenge issued by Manchester Green able. tbe Industrial League; W. Conmier, This afternoon the Pirates will Brooklyn ...... 36 43 Fraser, p ...... 4 2 2 0. 1 and got them. Good baseball was the Sub Alpines Juniors and from in Thursday night’s paper. Tbe Braves of 1983 were running A. Conmier, Needham, all outfield­ take on the Sacred Heart Club of Philadelphia...... 87 48 Russell, I b ...... 4 0 2 2 0 displayed by both teams and some East Side Juniors; and the West Manager Hublard of tbe Man a poor fifth on July 4, and on that ers who have patrolled tbe outer Willimantl': in that city and tomor Grimason, If .... 3 1 1 2 0 real clever fielding was put across Bide Juniori; and 'tluefield Juniors; Cincinnati...... 36 49 Chester Green Baseball team, we, day they took a double fall out of gardens for New Britain High row the Jefferson Club comes to Taylor, r f ...... 3 1 1 1 0 the Sub-Alpines accept your chal by Judd, Cobb, and LaCoss for Man­ tbe Charter Oak Juniors: and the the samt Giants. F ^ m that point school: Williams, pitch, Vermont col­ School Street Nine Juniors; and the Mt. Nebo. The game will be called TODAY’S GAMES Brock, r f...... 1 0 0 0 0 lenge. The game is to be played at chester, and Mattlno and Williams up to the present writing they had lege; Higgiiu, pitch, Vermont Aca­ Recreation Girls; and the Hollywood at 3:15. Mt. Nebo field, Tuesday, July 18 at for Stafford Springs. Williams won six out of seven games and demy; Jagalasld, pitch, Oberlin col­ Eagles Juniors. From the age of 10 All-Stars American League T o ta ls ...... 34 7 12 18 4 4 6:30 o’clock. You stated that you made a beautiful one-handed catch were going like a runaway boxcar lege. to 12 years old. For games call the AB R HPO A E St Louis at Washington (2). Score by innings: were willing to play for chalk, of a fiy ball, hit by G. May, that These seven men who all have Markley, 3b 4 2 3 1 0 0 Hose Co. No. 4 ...... 010 006 0— 7 looked good for at least a triple. dovTihill.' Manchester Y. M. C. A., the tele Detroit at Philadelphia. marbles or money. We will not played college baseball ought to be Linnell, ss ...... 4 1 1 2 4 0 Manchester Green .. 010 426 x—13 LaCoss pulled off a double play \m- From here on, however, it’s strict­ phone number le 7206. Between the Cleveland at Boston. play for chalk because you’ll need worth watching.' It ie one of tbe hours of 6:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. L idden, lb ...... 4 l 2 6 0 0 Chicago at New York. Twobase hits, Viot, Loveland; a" the chalk there is in town to asslsted in the fourth, by taking a ly up to the Braves whether they largest teams composed of college Y. M. C. A. Juniors (81) Varrlck, If ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 National League threebase hits, Spillane, Ecabert, keep track of our runs. We will not line drive from Mattino’s bat and are to repeat that triumphant feat of ’14. There is no suggestion here players to ever come to thle town. AB R H PO A I Cole, cf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Philadelphia at S t Louis. Farr, Lippencott; hits, off Spillane play you for marbles, because we doubling Cuinan at third. Mahoney, 2b ....3 1 0 2 0 2 that they will; only the reminder Tbe West Sides have bean Arcklvy, 2b .... 4 4 4 3 0 i Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. 12, off Fraser 15; double play, Viot differ from your players in the re­ Both catchers’ throws to bases Brewer, rf ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 to Loveland; base o; balls, off were so good that few attempts at that they have precedent on their strengthened with tbe addition of Pavelack, lb .... 4 3 3 5 i i New York at Cincinnati. spect that we no longer play mar­ Lucas, rf ...... 4 4 4 0 0 I Flske, c ...... 3 0 0 6 0 0 Spillane 1, off Fraser 2; hit by pitch­ base stealing were made as the side. A1 Janman and Micky Mlkan. They Boston at Chicago. bles. But, talking of money, that’s will have a strong team on the field Varrlck, p ...... 3 3 3 0 1 < Farwoll, p ...... 3 0 0 0 2 0 er R. Jarvis (2), Segar, by Fraser; a horse of a different color. We coaches were taking no unnecessary Plenty Of Class chances on put-outs. Judd was tbe Sunday and ought to atop the West Baskee, ss ...... 4 4 3 3 1 ( struck out, by Spillane 5, by Fraser have backers who are willing to They also have quite a lot of ball Kaminski, If .... 4 4 3 0 0 i 9 21 6 2 5; time, 1:35; umpire, Popoff. heavy hitter of the game, collecting team since Whitney and Lee began Ends If they get some breaks of the put up anywhere from 325 to 350. game. Porkey, c ...... 4 3 1 10 1 ( If you think I am bluffing, put up three hits out of four times at 1;at. battering in runs. Lee with the Vesterday*s Stars Play Waterbury Today West Side Lineup B. BasRss, 3b . . . 4 Hunt 2b ...... 4 1 your money, w e will give you the slugging Wally Berger and Randy Meurdock, ef ... 3 3 Today tbe local team will again Tbe West Side lineup will be: Wogman, Sb ...... 4 1 PARKER IS FAVORITE chofice of stating any amount of Moore form a fine outfield. Whitney, travel to Waterbury for a double- Dowd, If, McConkejt, 3b, Mikan, 2b, Zapatka, as ...... 4 0 money between T25 and 350. Urbanski, Maranville, Jordan and 34 31 24 20 4 0 Ervin Fox, 'ngers- Knocked In header, and the players certainly Stavnltsky, lb, McCann, ss, Burk- Rogers, If ...... 4 1 Put up or shut up—and next the great utility youngster, Geysel- Blashif Nine (5) four runs against Red Sox with AT SPRING LAKE TODAY hope for clear weather as two games hardt, cf, Plitt, or Wilkinson, rf, Nielsen, cf, c . . . .3 1 time don’t be too hasty with your man, make a jam-up inner works. AB R H PO LaCoss, rf, cf ... 4 0 t: 'pie and two ilnglea. have been started and rained out. Godek, Janmon or Hewitt, p, Fal- words. Ben Cantwell, winning 12 of bis BerasU, lb .. 2 2 14 Woodbrldge, lb ..3 0 Austin Moore, PblUles—Shut out The score: kowskl and Hedlund c. Ralph Rue- Spring Lake, N. J., July 15.— (AP) You understand, of course, there first 16 games, beads a ^.ellar array McCarton, Sb 2 0 0 1 Kletcher, c ...... 3 1 Reds with five tits. Mancheeter (7) sell and Ike Cole will call them. 2 1 1 0 Lou Gehrig, Yanka—Touched S t —For the first time in their careers is to be no additions to your team. AB R H PO A E of fiingers that-includSA Ed Brandt, Murphy. If .. Cargo, p ...... 2 0 on the courts. Lanky Frank X. We want to play tbe Manchester Fred Frankbouse, Tom Zachary, Game starts at 8:15 sharp. Graen, as .... 8 0 2 3 CHiapman. rf ....0 0 Louis pitching for triple, .double G. May, c f ...... 4 1 0 0 0 0 E. Walsh, 0 , 1 0 0 3 and single.' Shields of New York and 17-year-old Green and nobody else. If any Sulllvaa, r f ...... 4 2 2 0 0 0 Huck Betts, Bobby Brown, Ray Harrison, x ...... 1 0 Frankie Parker of Milwaukee, new “ringers” are run in it will be no Mangum, Ed Fallenstln and Ray Conran, cf .. 3 0 0 1 Rabbit Maranville, Braves — Judd, ss ...... 4 2 3 1 1 0 Falcetta, 2b . 1110 Drove In winning run against Pi­ National clay courts champion, were game. Cobb, If ...... 8 2 2 3 0 0 Starr. CHANCE VOUGHT PLAYS 32 5 10 21 9 3 to meet today in tbe singles final cf We are sorry, Joe, but if two Every one of them either is pitch­ Berasla, p . . . Score by innings: rates with single in tenth. LaCoss, 8 b ...... 4 0 0 3 3 1 Rubaeba, rf . Walter MUler, White Sox—Um- the Spring Lake challenge trophy beatings are not enough to con' Geer, 2 b -3 b ...... 1 0 1 2 0 0 ing or has pitched briUiant baU. If All-Stars ...... 200 022 0— 0 toumaxhent. Vince you that we have the better Manager BUI MeXeebnie could get Pirates ...... 000 121 1—5 Itfd Senators to three singles, Ck»oka, ...... 4 0 2 9 1 0 STAMFORD ARMENIANS 18 B S 14 3 10 BUI Terry, Giants—Lad attack Tbe aensatlonal Parker was favor team, maybe three beatings will as Swikla, 2b ...... 2 0 0 1 1 1 them all going at once and hie team X—Harrison batted for Wood- ed to capture the trophy. sure you. YMCA Jrs. . 2 0 1 12 0 16 0—31 on Cards with <^wo doubles and Sla­ Bantly, 2 b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 continue to lead the National League Blazing Nine ..0 02 10 20— 5 bridge in 7tb. Tbe two also prepared to play in You stated in your article in in fielding, the Braves might win Final Round of Protective Cup Two base hits, Catgo, Markley, gle. Bycholskl, lb . . . 1 0 0 6 0 0 Two base bits, Lucas, Arcklvy 2, Bing Miller, Athletics — Clouted the semi-finals of Uie doubles divi­ Thursday’s Open Forum that tbe anybody’s fiag. Varrlck; thr-ie base h it Markley: J. May. lb .'...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Soccer to Be Played in East Varrlck 2, Pavalack 2, Fortin, Bas- homer with two on baaa.^to beat In­ sion today. Parker had Herbert L. Pioneers trim oed the 8ub-Alpines Gardner, p ...... 4 0 0 1 1 0 Won 16 Oat of 21 ::toIeD bases, Hunt Rogers, Niel­ Bowman of New York as a partner a few weeks ago. I’ll excuse your Hartford Tomorrow. kee; threa base hits, Arcklvy 2, dians. With only Cantwell, Brandt) Varrlck, Fortin, Pavelack; bits off sen, Kletcher 2; left on bases, Pi­ and Shields was teamed with Dr. lapse of memo'*y. But your so-call- T o ta ls ...... 34 7 10 27 7 2 Frankbouse' and Zachary pitching Varrlck 5, Berasia 10, Green 7, rates 8, All-Stars 6; base on balls, Eugene McOaulifl of Yonkers, N. Y. The Chance Vougbt soccer club r' "trimming” a few weeks ago Stafford Sprlfign (1) dependable baU and the club trail­ Murphy 7; sacrifice hit, Lucas; off Cargo 1, Farwel] 2; struck out, ENGLAND JBADING In the other doubles semi-finals, meets the Stamford Armenians in was at the beginning of tbe season. AB R H PO A ing the league in runs batted in, tbe double plays, Arcklvy and pavelack; by Cjargo 6. Farwell 5; time. 1:30; Berkley Bell of Austin, Tex., and J. the final round of the home and In fact It was our fourth game of Young, ss ...... 4 0 2 2 1 Braves through July 11 had won 16 home principal of the Protective cup. base on balls Varrlck rnd Berasla; umpires, Brown and Greer. Wimbledon, Eng., July 15.— (AP) Gilbert Hall of South Orange op­ tbe season. The beautiful trimming Cuinan, I f ...... 4 0 2 0 0 of their last 21 sUrts. Huck Betts The C. V. boys have been training bit by pitcher, Bersla by Varrlck; —England’s Davis jup tennis forces posed Lorenzo, Nodarse and Arturo you wrote of—well—if you call Plccln, l b ...... 4 0 1 5 0 and Bobby Brown, two of last sea-- exceptionally hard and the field has Lucas by Murphy; struck out by needed only an even split in the Randin, of tbe Cuban Davis Cup BRITONS LEADING scoring eight runs in the last two Oldrinl, c ...... 4 0 1 7 2 son's most sensational moundsmen, been put in perfect condition for the Varrlck 9, Beriuna 8; time, 9:30: laat two s id le s matches with Aus­ forces. innings after we were ahead all t:e Mattlno, 3 b ...... 4 0 0 3 2 umpire, Chester Varrlok; scorer, F. tralia today to gain the Inttraoaa have been almost total failures. Sunday game. Newport, R. L, July 1 5 .-(AP) — way 6 to 0 and beating us out 8 to Froncinl. r f ...... 8 0 0 1 0 Brown nursing a sore arm ever There being no other soccer game Vittner. finals against the United States. 6, a beautiful trimming (all this Sbeddo, 2 b ...... 3 0 0 2 1 Britain’s Oxford and Cambridge ten­ Tbe brima>'t BrlUah doubles com­ since spring camp. on for Simday all roads will lead to nis players needed but two victories League Leaders because of . a change of pitchers Zimmerman, cf, p 2 0 0 0 1 If either should recover his 1932 East Hartford for ^ all enthusiastic bination of Fred Perry and Qsorga when we were leading 6 to 0, think­ WlUlams, p, cf .. 3 1 1 1 0 ARLINGTON CLASSIC TODAY today to defeat the Harvard-Yale Patrick Hughes whipped the yOutk- form and Mangum live up to recent fans. forces for the Prentice (hip. ing we had tbe game on ice), then Festa, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 The game will be played behind ful Auatnuans, Dot* Turnbull and National: Same as yesterday, ex promise and Boston fans keep their C^hicago, Jiily 15.— (A P )—Some The invading Britishers won three black is white. In the return game the factory. Kick-off at 3 p. m. Rain Adrian < ^ st veaterday, 7-8, 6-6,. cept batting, Klein, Phillies, .866; fingers crossed-r-who knows? good thi^year-old had a chance to­ of yesterday’s five matches and in­ with tbe Pioneers we trounced T o ta ls ...... 32 1 7 21 8 3 or shine the game will be on. 3-6. 6-8 to give the mothslar oouutry. Davis, Phillies, .855; runs, Martin, them 9 to 6. Well, hoping to bear Score by innings: day to prove a claim to the 1033 creased their point lead to 7-4 over a 2-1 lead in the series. C a ^ , 66; bits, x^ lis, Phillies, 123; from you soon, Joe. M anchester...... 400 012 OOx—7 obampionshlp of the division, and the Americana. pitching, Tinning, Cubs, 7-2. Yours in sports, Stafford Springs ... 000 000 010—^1 Last Night *s Fights RECORDS SHATTERED take away with it the victor’s share American: Batting, Fozx, Ath GENO ENRICO, Two-base hit, Young; struck out, of a 846,000 purse, in tbe fifth re­ n e e d TWO WINS leties, .374; Simmons, White Sox, Manager Sub-Alpine A. C by Gardner 9, Zimmerman 4, Festa Chicago, July 16.— (AP)—A new newal o f tbe Arlington clasaie. CANADA’S TOURNAMENT .367; runs, Foxx, Athletics and 2; bases on balls, off Williams 4, Hollywood, Cal.— Speedy Dado, world record and an Amarieaa mark A field of 18, go6d and indiffer­ Newport. R. L, July 18*— Gehrig, Yanks, 78; vuna batted in, ACES VS AIX-BUBNSIDES Zimmerman 2; wild pitch, Gardner; Philippines, out^inted Jo ’Hecken, alTMdy were in the book todAy as ent was named for the mile and a Vancouver, B. C., July X5.— (AP) Britain’s Oxford and C ~ Simmons, White Sox, 84; bits, Sim­ double plays, LaCoss, imassisted. Korea, (lO). tba talent in the National A. U. quarter. —^An international 36-hole final tnwitis players, naadad but mons, White Sox, 128; doubles, Tbe Aces will play tbe All-Bum- Young to Sheddo to Plccln; umpires, —Husky Valasco, Na­ swimming ohamplonsbip meet took Mr. Khayyam, winner of the round duel between two youthful tones today to'defeat t ^ _ rums. Browns, 28; triples. Combe, sides this afternoon at 2:80 on tbe Brennan and Kovis; time, 1:65. tional a ty . Cal., and Able MUler. to the rough water in the North American Derby, and Gold Basis, golfing stars of the northwast, Al­ Yale foroas for the PrjRiiMt ^ Yanks, 10; homers, Foxx, Atbletr Bluefields diamond, McKee street Loe Angeles, drew, (10). Lagoon of the World Fai” grounds. which wpn the Latonia Derby two bert (Scotty) Campbell o f Beattie ib e Invading MtlsUMnartR. ies, 25: stolen bases, Walker. The Aces’ lineup will include tbe The U. S. Army’s new bombing Sioux Falls, S. D.—Tommy Cor' ^ T h e 440-yard free-atyl'', the 220- week! ago, w m the oq-favorites at and Ken Bla

r s a B Read the Classified Rental Propertq Lishnq on this f^q

ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 AUlt)MOBlLE8 FOR SAI.B 1 yesterday afternoon and they at* REUEF MEASURES YES. THEY’RE ENGAGED! tended Mrs. Shea’s funeral this AlPINKIAMDItOrS TO RE?fT—SONS OF ITALY haU, CHEVROLET COACH; Chevrolet ROCKVILLE twrtrwiwg at St. Bsmiurd’B church In Keeney street or grounds for pic­ coupe; Efiez coupe; Nash eedan; a body. ' ^ nic parties. Inquire Michael Bene- Whippet coach, price 116 to |100. FOR CONNECTICUT William Panicko, ofsd 86, of 14 vento, chairman hpuse committee, Small down payment delivere. Morrlaon street, orbo was injured at TOmiY BlIHIS 87 Homestead street. Phone 7862. Brown's Oarage. Telephone 8806. (Continued from Page One) the American mill on Monday, is improvlxig at the Rockvillo City boi* LOST—LAST NIGHT on North FORMER YOUNG STORE pltal. ^ suffered lacerations of tbe street, small black coin purse and is considering Federal ^ projects, IN tnilD ROOMD FLORISTS— NURSERIES 15 such as post offices, which were not right arm. sum of money. Reward if returned Announcement haa been made by to Herald. mentioned in tbe Gamer bill. . TO BECOME SYNAGOGUE FOR SALE—SIX JAPANESE Irle, . All such requeete from tbe state Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Thompson of “in collection only", 60c. Many are forwarded to tbe public worlu 86 East Main atreet of the ^ og e* State Bantam Champ Topples AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 other choice varietiee, cut flowers, administration. Connecticut be said, Sale by Tniatees for Hospital ment of their daughter, Miss Ulllan perenniali, rock plants. Lowescroft liaving lost mopey for tbe Federal to New Religious Body to Be Naomi Thompson, to Raymond Tay­ 1933 CHEVROLET COACH; 1932 Gardena, Porter street. road building allotment through the Completed Soon. lor Kuhnly, of Kenslni^, son of Springfield Boxer With Chevrolet coach; 1931 Willys Eight Senate amendment reducing tbe Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Kuhnly, of a sedan; 1981 Ford sport coupe; 1981 Rau street. share given population in appro­ A Jewish Synoffogue Is to be es­ Ford coupe; 1930 Chevrolet sedan; MOVING— TRUCKING- priating the funds, must try to make Mrs. Anna Leonard and family of Right to Jaw; Other Bents. tablished hers, uslnff tbs building of 1930 Chevrolet coach; 1930 Whip­ STORAGE 20 up tbe difference, through liberal Hartford are spending tbe summer pet DeLuxe sedan; 1930 Willys provision from tbe sums appropriat­ tbe Rockville Athletic Association on at their cottage at Crystal Lake. Knight sedan; 1929 Ford coupe; SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the ed for direct FedertU worlu. Eait Main street. Tbe building was Miss Helen Regan of Davis avenue A1 Plnkbam won another fight last is visiting relatives in Washington, 1929 Chevrolet coupe; 1929 Chevro­ accommodation of their large De- Tbe war department chief of en­ sold yesterday to a group of Jewloh night at tbe V. F. W. outdoor show let coach; 1928 Chevrolet coach; D, C. Luxe hue for lodge, party or team gineers has recommended to the business men wbo ore acting os truo- in Thompsonvllle whet he knocked 1927 Chevrolet sedan. Cole motors. tripe at epeclal rates. Phone 3063, secretary of war, approval of work The annual summer “dog roast” of Tom Bums of Springfield in tbe 8800, 8864. on Bridgeport, Norwalk and New teea for a new ecclesiastical society the Bachelor Business Girls club will third round with a right to the Jaw. WE BUY, SELL and exchange used Haven harbors, the Thames rive**, which Is In process of being organ­ be held at Sunnyside cottage at Three eucceeeive blows dlo tbe work. cars all makes and models. Armory LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE and the . They ized. Crystal Lake on Tuesday evening, There was a large gathering, fully Garage, 6Q Wells street Telephone moving, general trucking, livery must yet be approved by tbo public Tbe deeds are to he signed and when the club will be tbe guest uf 6874. 8,000 paying admission to see tbe service. Our affiliation with United works board and tbe President be­ passed next Thursday by A. Leroy Miss Helen Camey. boxers preform. Martin, president of the Rockville Vime Service means lower rates on fore work may be started. The pro­ C. Wesley Noble of Hartford is Tbe first fight ended in tbe cecond Athletic Association. furniture moving to distant points. posals call for a total outlay of the guest of his sisters, Mrs. Charles with a knockout. Joe Ray, 140 of Want Ad Infonnatlott The building Is to be converted Large modem trucks, experienced 8928,000. Parker and Miss Maude Noble, of Wethersfield, winning from Joe Dee, Into a place of worship by tbe trus­ men, prompt service, all goods in­ Senator Lonergan was informed Rockville. 140, Thompsonvllle. tees of the new society consisting of Manchester sured while in transit are features by the public works board that pc?';- Fred Pfau ot Ward street is spend­ Joe Reale, 107 of Thompsonvllle Jacob Cohen of tbe Rockville Grain offered at no extra expense to you. office, and river and harbor pro­ ing his vacation at Camp Norwich, won by a knockout over Frankie Evening Herald and Ck>al Company; Abel Winer, Dally trips to New York, baggage jects, such as those sought in Con­ Huntington, Mass. Sarmeon, Springfield in the first Union street shoe merchant; Alex delivered direct to steamship piers. necticut were held up pending con­ Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeCarll of round. CLASSIFIED V Giber, Market street clothing mer­ For further Information call 3063, sideration of the outlays already ap­ Rockville left this morning for Herman Dickson, 134, Hartford ADVERTISEMENTS chant, and Maurice L. Brown, dry 8860, 8864. Perrett & Glenney, Inc. proved. Most of those acted on, it Beach Hill Pond, Maine, where the knocked out Leo Marr, 140, Wind­ was pointed out, bad already been goods and shoe merchant of Village Count six average worde to a line. street. latter will spend tbe remainder of sor Locks in tbe second. ,t InUlale, numbera and abbreviations favorably considered for loans by the summer. Timmle Daley, 146 Worcester and each count as a word and compound REPAIRING 23 the Reconstruction Flncmce Corp­ The exact date of the organization words as two words. Minimum cost is of the new ecclesiastical society has George Goldblatt has returned to Charles Pegermons, 144, Hartford oration before the public works ad­ his home in New York after a short went tbe three rounds, the decision price of three lines. MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum ministration took over tbe R. F. C. not been announced and the trustees Line rates oer dsr tor transient business trip to Rockville where be going to Pegermons. clibner, washing machine, gun, plans. are to take complete charge until the ada was formerly engaged In the furni­ Charles Pallettl, 167, Hartford, Effective March X 7, 1SK7 lock repairing, key making. Braitb- organization is completed. * Garb Charge At present the Jewish people of ture business. knocked out Johnnie Pagerd, 164, 7 ots| » cts walte, 52 Pearl street Another Connecticut Democratic « Consecutive Lays Rockville and surroimding towns Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Dowling Worcester in tbe first roimd. Yoimg 3 Consecutive Lays » cts, 11 eta leader is slated for a Wtushington ot Prospect street entertained Mrs. Reale, 132, ThompsonviUe, won on a 1 Lay ...... 11 otal it cts have been meeting in a small hall in All orders for irregular insertions post with the Federal government. Jack Dempsey, former heavyweight champion, has admitted that May Seller, ot York, Pa., and her ki ockout over Jimmie McKenna, COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Two leaders from tbe state, which “ there might be some truth in” reports that be Is to marry Hannah the Fitch block on* Union street but will bs charged at the one time rate. the ball Is much too small for their brother, Prank McGuire, of Holyoke, 132, Springfield in the first. Special ratea for long term every BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while supported Alfred E. Smith in tbe Williams, former wife of Roger Wolfe Kahn. And you might take Mass., yesterday. Charles King, 124, Hartford, lost day advertising given upon request. this picture of the two as they snuggled affectionately at Kansas needs. Ada ordered ter three or alz days learning. Details free. Hartford Democratic pre-convention cam­ George Taylor and family are on a knockout to Tom Grady, 126, paign and casts its electorid vote City, Mo.. Just the other day as corroborative evidence, for they For more than a year tbe Rock­ a'nd stopped before the third or flfth Academy of Hairdressing, 693 Main ville Athletic Association has been spending tbe summer at their sum­ Springfield in the third in one of the day will be charged only foi the ac­ for President Hoover, have already look mighty happy together. mer home at Coventry Lake. tual number of times the ad appear­ street, Hartford. inactive and as a result tbe build­ best fights of the evening. Ray Mur­ landed posts in the Cabinet and tbe The Daily Vacation school, which phy, 131, Springfield, was knocked ed, charging at tbe rate earned, but “Little Cabinet." ing was used very seldom, resulting no allowance or refunds can be made .... A frenzy of race-track building In the disbanding of the group. opened at the Vernon Methodist out In the first by Ray Zazar, Hart­ on six time ade stopped after tbs Samuel S. Googei of New Britain, HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 is breidclng' out in California since The building Is a landmark which church a week ago, completed its ford, 128. Murphy did not have a fifth day. militant party champion in tbe I'lO “ till forbids": display lines not pari-mutuel wagering on the equine dates back to 1847, when it was first successful week yesterday. On chance to get started. FOR SALE—LARGE LEONARD State House of Representatives for sold. quadrupeds was legalized. erected as a general store. At one the opening day there were 25 pres­ Johnnie Pall, East Hartford won The Herald will not be responsible refrigerator, perfect condition. Tel. two terms, is slated for a post as Ji ent. his fight in a bout that went the for more than one Incorrect Insertion Old Meanles time it was used by Joseph Sheldon, 6917. attorney in the Department of Jus­ Mrs. Paid Rau has returned to her limit from A. Ramus, Springfield. It of any advertisement ordered for Yale is a wee bit peeved at Har­ a silk manufacturer, as an office and more than one time. tice. The post may be filled oy - -t- home after undergoing a serious op­ was Pali’s fight all through. Jimmie vard for not sending tbe regular display room. At a later date Law­ Tbe inadvertent omission of incor- tomey General Homer Cummings of eration at the Deaconess hospital in Conroy got the decision over Tom rset publication of advertising will be ROOMS WITHOU'I BOARD 5» Stamford, without approval by the Crimson crew to the Pacific for that rence Young conducted a general rectified onlv by cancellation ot tne Boston, Mass., several weeks ago. Kerr of Worcester in the final bout President or the Senate. bHWnUAM BRAOCHER regatta.... Old Eli being obliged to store, the largest of Its kind in this charge made tor the service -endered. FOR RENT—FURNISHED rooms The regular meeting of the Com­ of the evening when Bill Conway, All advertisements must conform wreak revenge on a combination part of Connecticut. for light housekeeping, gas and Was In Line The building passed Into the hands mon Council will be held on Tuesday the referee raised Confay’s.arm. in style, copy and typography with That the New Britain attorney One Day’s Gossip outfit.... Bill Brown, New York's regulations enforced by the publish- sink in every room, reasonable, 109 of William H. Prescott and at his evening with Acting Mayor Roger was in line for the post was learned If the huge municipal stadium at new boxing commissioner, doesn’t era and they reserve the right to Foster street.—Grube. death Mrs. Prescott took possession. J. Murphy in charge. edit, revise or reject any copy con- following a visit here by Arcnibald Cleveland is too big for the In-^ fool.... after Sharkey was knocked GERMAN LUTHERAN VS. Thirteen years ago It was given to Mrs. Ellton and Mias Bobby aldered objectionably, McNeil, New Guard leader, who a u dians to win in, as some of the out, be leapea into tbe ring, cut off BRIDGEPORT LUTHERANS CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to the athletes of Rockville by Mrs. Jean Robertson are enjoying their been active in lining up supporte.-> Cleveland sports writers claim, it is Camera’s gloves and examined them bo published same day must bo re­ APARTMENTS— FUJI’S— Prescott. This was the first time vacation in Dodge, Nebraska., ceived by 18 o'clock noon: Saturdays of that faction for the administra­ only natural to assume that the carefully for horseshoes, sash- The German Lutheran Church TENEMENTS 63 that they had a place to train as The Longview Parent-Teachers 10:80 a. m. tion patronage favors. However, it other parks around the circuit are weigfits, etc. Association will hold a public bridge nine Journey to Bridgeporf today to was pointed out in Senator Longer- Jimmy McLamin’s father, Sam, previously t h ^ had met in the Ex­ play the First Elnglisb Lutherans of TELEPHONE YOUR TWO OF OUR BEST three room to'' small for the - team___ Heinie and whist partv on next Wednesday gan’s office, that the Senator, wbo who brought Jim over from Ireland change block bn Union street that place. Sunday they play tbe WANT ADS. apartments are vacant, redecorat­ Manush was booed by Washington evening at the Longview school, is opposing McNeil on the district The Rockville Athletic Association St. Paul church nine of Hartford at Ada u s accepted over tne telephone ed, hot water. Johnson Block. Tel. fans early this setrnon, but Heinie when tbe welter champion was a starting at 8 o’clock. attorney appointment and who is baby, is 70 now.... and lives in did not have tbe right to dispose of Bluefields. Play starts at 3:30. In at tbe CHARGE RATE given above 6917 or 7635. won ’em over by his. sensational mid­ the property, as it was made mandar as a oonvenlenoe to advertlaera, but not supporting McNeil’s candidate summer batting and fielding. Vancouver, B. C. all probability Haiisen will twirl for the CASH RATES will be accepted as for collector of internal revenue, en­ tory to turn the building over to tbe the German Lutherans with Kletcha FULL PAYMENT If paid at tbe buel- FOR RENT—LILLEY street, mod­ OIBBIE’S SODA SHOP dorsed Googei two months ago. Spiritual, Physical Hospital Association when no longer TO FLAY BUDDIES receiving. nesa office on or before tbe seventh em 4 and 5 room flat, second floor. used by the Athletic Association. day following tbe flrer Insertion of Garage. Inquire 21 Elro street. Meanwhile the administration One of the superstitions of train­ each ad otherwise the CHARGE continws to maintain strict silence ers is that when a horse throws With the disbapdment of tbe asso­ Gibbies baseball t^ m will play the RATE will be collected. No responsi­ Phone 5661. Deaths Last Night ciation two years ago tbe building bility for errors in telephoned ads on its decision on tbe controversial a shoe in a workout it’s a bad omen West Side Buddies, Junior town will be assumed and t'neir accuracy FOR REINT—4 ROOM tenement, appointments. McNeil, during a and the animal should be scratched passed into the hands of a group of champs tomorrow. The Buddies have FOR RENT cannot be gnuanteed. hurried visit, saw Attorney General trustees. with all improvements, comer Nor­ fxom his next race... .which was By Associated Press handed Gibbies one defeat and the man and Florence streets. Tele- Cummings and Colonel Thomas one of the reasons why Equipoise Investigate Fire 5-room Flat, all improve­ INDEX OF Providence, R. I. — C. Abbott latter are determined to . come plione 5488. Hewes, eissistant secretary of liie didn’t run in the Stars and Stripes Both the police and the owners of through victorious. ments, spacious.. grounds, CLASSIFICATIONS treasury, but whether or not his handicap against Gallant Sir (the Phillips, 32, prominent -local attor­ tbe large tobacco shed on the plan­ ney, former assistant attorney gen­ The game •will be played on Por­ garden space^ garage and Births a •••• A FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT, mod- visit will affect the patronage ques­ other reason being that big bundle tation of Louis Wetstone at Vernon ter street, starting at 2:30 p. m. All electric lights furnished. Engagements ...... B era improvements, rent reasonable. tion remained an administration eral. M arrl-—es , U of weight they wanted to put on are at a loss to. determine the cause members of Gibbies team are re­ Leaths ...... L Phone 7333. secret. the Whitney boss). Hendersonville, N. C.^—Stanhope of the fire which- destroyed the shed quested to report at 2 p. m. Also cheaper priced rents Nevertheless, tbe impressiqn stiy Sams, associate editor of tbe State, Cud of Tbanke ...... E And Does He Flay Tag? on Thurs^y night. Located within Gibbies Soda Shop would like In Memorlam ...... F FOR RENT—TWO 4 ROOM tene- prevails among Washington follow­ Columbia, S. C., former foreign cor­ on Charter Oak Street. One a few hundred feet of the Wetstone games with any Junior teams in Lost and Found ...... 1 ments at 11 Plano Place. Rent free ers of Connecticut affairs that in Max Baer’s 'father Jacob must be respondent for the New York 4-room and one 6-room. Announcements ...... 8 awarded some sort of trophy for his home on the main road from Boston town, see or phone David Muldoon. Personals ...... 8 to August 1st. Inquire on premises. spite of Senator Lonergan’s active 'Times. to New York by the way of Vernon, Antomoblles support of State Chairman David A. ideas about recreation___ the other FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, day, explaining son Max’s tastes in Providence, R. 1.—Col Felix R. tbe building was beyond saving when A (Georgia woman who has lived 217 North Elm Street Automobiles for Sale ...... * Wilson for district attorney, the rd- Wendelscbaefer, 65, for more than Automobiles for Ezebarge 5 garage, 18 Locust street, after July amusement, Jacob said: “The trou­ the Fitton Fira Company of the to be over 100 years old says' she ministration will remember the New 30 years manager of the old Provi­ Phone 3300 Auto Accessories—Tires 6 15. C£dl at bouse or telephone 4086. ble Is he’s just a kid, always want­ Rockville Fire Department arrived. has never seen an automobile. Prob­ Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 Guard support during the pre-con­ dence opera house. The firemen were able to save ad­ Auto Scboola ...... 7-A vention campaign and appoint State ing to romp around with somebody, ably that explains it. FOR RENT—A PLEASANT tene- joining property. Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 Senator S. Bergin, McNeil’s whether it’s a little kid on the side­ Autos—For Hire ...... 9 raent of 4 rooms, all modem Im- The destroy^ shed holds eight candidate. Dr. Edward G. Dolan, is walk on one of those Broadway Garages—Service—Storage . . . . . It piovements, bath, reduced rent. 76 PIONEERS TO PLAY • acres of tobacco but none was In the Motorcycles—BIcyclec ...... II McNeil’s candidate, for commission­ doUs.” HOSE CO No. 3 Wanted Autos—Mororcycles . . . . 12 Wells street. Just a Pal shed at the time. The fire is sus­ er of internal revenue. pected of having been caused by a lloslness and Professfonni ServleeB Boston ind nearby Massachusetts Business Services Offered ...... 13 FOR RE3NT—5 ROOM tenement, 2 Sunday at 1 o’clock the Pioneers cigarette thrown away by loiterers Household Services Offered ...... IS-A modern improvements, call at 15 bailiwicks hrve been helping New and Hose Co. No. 3 will play a re­ Building—Contracting ...... 14 Hampshire on tbe way back to pros­ In the vicinity. Ashworth street or telephone 3022. turn engagement at the West Side New Officers Installed Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 perity.... the reason being Rock­ Funeral Directors ...... 16 Garage if desired. WOODS BOYS FIGHT field. These teams have met before. The newly-elected officers of Mar- Heatin' Plumbing—Roofing . . . 17 ingham Park which contributes to Hose Co. No. 3 winning a hard 10- Insurance ...... 18 th) state of New Hampshire a nice garetha Lodge, O. D. H. S., were in­ FOR RENT—MODERN 6 room 'inning game, score '14-13. Both stalled with fitting ceremonies on Millinery—Lressraaklng ...... 19 percentage of the profits of a bang- Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 20 tenement, with garage, on Edger- WHITE PINE PEST team’s are in fine shape and a fast Thursday evening in Princess hall up running horse meeting.... rmd game is assured the public for to­ Painting—Papering ...... 21 ton street. Telephone 8301. on ViDsige street. - The installation Professional Services...... • •vr.m 22 it’s still Immoral to bet in Boston morrow. Kepatrlng ...... 28 FOR RENT—THREE, flve and six (Contlnaed Prom Page One) was in charge of Mrs. Ida Weber as Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 District Deputy. Toilet Goods and Service ...... 26 room tenements, with all modem Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 improvements. Inquire at 147 East men cannot stand tbe gaff'or lack The new staff were installed as BdncntlonnI Center street or telephone 7864. natural aptitude for work of this follows: President, Mrs. Clara Courses anc Classes ...... a . 27 nature and must be shifted to other Preuss; vice-president, Mrs. Au­ Private Instruction ...... 28 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, and more prosaic details. gusta Pltkat; recording secretary,. Dancing *••••■>•.«...... 28—A “The work accomplished by the Mrs. Mary Lehmann; financial sec­ Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 with garage, 162 School street, also Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 three room apartments. Maple Clviliw Conservation Corps is ex­ N e a r n e s s retary, Mrs. Margaret Merk; treas­ Pinnncinl street. Telephone 6517. pected to be a substantial contribu­ urer, Mrs. Clara Fleisber; trustees, Bonds—Slocks—Mortgages ...... 81 tion to the control problem and will Elsie Baer, Elsie Roehler, and Cath­ riusiness Opportunities ...... 32 FOR RENT—'fWO, THREE a^ By HELEN WELSHIMER Money to Loan ...... 83 obviate further work for numy years erine Yanice; outside guard, Mabel four room furnished or unfurnished throughout much of the natural pine Help and Sltonfioas COMETIMES there ii-a row o f days Gebler; inside guard, Mabel Leh­ Help Wanted—Female : ...... 86 apartments. Manchester Construc­ area.” W hen 1 am very gay. mann; auditors, Lydia Tennstedt, Help Wanted—Male ...... 86 tion Co. Tei. 4131 or 4859. Forgetting. . . tccnpmiray . .. Anna Bilson and Anna Murphy. Help Wanted—Male or Female . . 87 That you have gone away. Agents Wanted ...... -.ST-A FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, all Foneral of Mrs. Shea Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 8i improvements, garage if desired. T 3U T as a rule 1 seem to find The fimeral of Mrs. Catherine Situations Wanted—M a le...... 82 (O’Neil) Shea, wife of Captain Rich­ Employment Agencies ...... 40 Call 8608 or 5230. Batting Leaders ^ Tall people anywhere Live Stock—Pets—PonKry-VeUele* W h o have the semblance o f your smile. ard E. Shea of the Rockville Police Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 Your laughter, voice and hair. Force, who died at the Hartford hos­ Llv> Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 pital on Wednesday night following Poultry and Suppllea ...... 48 BUSINESS LOCATIONS New York, July 15.— (AP) —^The 'Y ’OU roam the streets, you ride the trains', an operation, was held at the home Wanted — Pets—Poultry-^tock 44 FOR RENT C4 continued steady hitting of Jimmie You wander through the park. on Union street this morning at 8:.30 For Sale—Mfsrellaneone Foxx of the PhiladelpUa Athletics Your face goes drifting laiily Articles toi Sale...... 46 o’clock and at St. Bernard’s Catholic TO KENT—OFFICES AT 865 Main overshadowed batting performances Across the summer dark. ’ Boats and Accessories ...... 46 street. (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed­ church at 9 o’clock. Rev. Francis Building Materials ...... 47 of other leaders in the major (R'AD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Diamonds— Watches—Jewelry .. 48 ward J. Holl. Tel. 46^2 and 8325. leagues during tbe week. Y O U haunt and tease and follow me C. Hinchey, a^istant pastor, offici­ ^ Through each indiffierent crowd— Electrical Appliances—Radio . . . 49 Foxx pounded out 12 hits In 32 ated at a solemn requiem high mass. The Tinies eyed > the submarine Shrimpy. “To the lamd of fish Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A times at bat to boost his average Oh, won't somebody post a sign As the body was being borne into Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 That ghosts arc not allowed! and Dimcy sadd, “Gee. Pm not keen we’re boimd. It won’t be long till Household Goods ...... it HOUSES FOR RENT 65 six points to .374, {ffter yesterday’s the church Mrs. Anna Mae Pfunder to go far down into the sea in that you 'will see some • real atnmge Machinery and Tools ...... 61 games. rendered a vocal selection, also at queer lodking ship. sights. Leave that to me. It’s Musical Instruments...... iS TO RENT—FIVE AND SIX room In the Nationid league Chuck the offertory and for the recession. Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 “A great Mg fish might get us. really am amaming thing* what queer Specials at the Stores ...... 66 houses, single and double; also Klein had “Just a breeze” to hold A large delegation was present Then we’d aU be in a fix aga^. We things cam be found.” Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 67 modern apartments. Apply Edward the top place as his two Philadel­ from 'Wetory Assembly, Catholic thank you. Shrimpy, but I think we * * a Wanted—To Buy ...... is J. Holl. Telephone 4642 and 8025. phia team mates. 2md Ladies o f Columbus, o f which Mrs. must pass up this trip." Soon they adl heard a thump, Room*—Board—Hotel*—Reaertd Chick Fullis failed to hold the pace Restaaranir Shea was a past president. “Hey, wadt a minute,” Scouty thump, thump! Then Scouty said, he set. Burial was in the family plot in Rooms Without Board ...... i9 SUMMER HOMES cried. “Don’t think Fm going to “1 felt a bump." “We’re on the, The ten letuiing batters In each St. Bernard’s cemetwy. Rev. Father miss the ride. If you’re afraid, you bottom of the sea,’’ their new friend Boarders Wanted...... U..89-A major league foUow: Country Board—Resorts • • • • • • 60 FOR RENT 57 Hinchey officiated at the committal Shrimpy, cried. American: stay on shore. Tbe rest of us will Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 service. ^ go." **I think that something's gone Wanted—Rooroa—Board 68 FOR RENT—5 ROOM cottage. Say- Foxx, Philadelphia, .374; Sim­ Mrs. Shea was bom in Broad Real Batata Fm Baat ^ The next thing that the TUoies amiss to nmke my fine sid> shake brook Manor, near beach, con­ mons, Chicago, .367; Cronin, Wash­ Brook and came to Rockville when Apartments, Flats, Tanamanta . . 68 ington, .866; Manush, W a s h ln f^ , knew wee Duncy said, “Oh, FU go, like this.” Then Dot^ sadd, Bnxinaas Loeatlona for Rant » . 64 veniences.'Apply 372 Main street. 12 yean of age. She has remained .350; Hodapp, Boston, .348; Appling , too. Fm scared. I will get lost un­ gee, I hope, tlmt it won't our Honaaa tor Rant ...... 66 Tel. 4920. here continuously and took an active less I go where’er you go.” ride.” ; Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 Chicago, .346; Schulte, Washington, ;a a « Summer Homes for Rant 67 FOR RENT-^NEW 3 ROOM cot­ .337; West, S t Louis, .337; Chap­ Interest in affain of the Catholic Hxey soon found what the trouble Wanted to Rent a a * a a • a •la'W • • • • 68 tage, Pine Lake Shores. Rent very man, New York, 330; Swanson, Chi­ Ladles of Colum ^. “ThaFs dandy,” shouted Shrimpy. was.^and they were all quite acan^ Real Estate For Bala reasonable. Phone 4036 between 5 cago, .329. Miy. Shea is survived by her hus­ “ Gee, I supply love good company. because a swordfish sawed right Apartment Building for Sale 19 band, Captain Richard EL Shea; a You ill have looked aimmd the shi^ Bnatnaas Property for Sale ..... 70 and 6. National: - through the sub. “What, caix w« Farms and Land for Sale 71 Klein, Phillies, 366; Davis, Phil- jflster, Mirs. Jamaa Boiger. of Hart­ Now Had a'place to rest. d b ^ Honaaa for Salt...... 71 Ues, 356; Fullls, PhilUes, 348; ford, and a brother, Johr O’Neil, of *Th shut the top down good oiul Sirlia|iy Lota tor Sale •rjtm • • • • 71 Broad Brook. tiglit, so everything will be aU Resort Property for Sale 74 WANTED TO RENT 68 Terry, Giants, .333; Collins, S t Suburban for S a le ...... 76 Louis, .327; Frederick, Brooklyn^ Notea Fm going,to give you lads a thztil. Real Estate for Bzebanga ...... 76 WANTED TO RENT smfdl house, .324; Berger, Boston, 321; Vaughan, 'The memben' of Victory Assem­ At t ^ t 111 do my beM.” r Wanted—Real Estate • ease* ei*ff • • • 77 with some Ifind. Must be near good Pittsburgh, 321; Scbulmerlcb,- Phil­ bly, Catholic Ladies of Cohimhus, Ip Just 'about flve;mlmitsa aaorf Aaetfen—Legal Hetfeea road and near town. Write Box X, adelphia, .329; Martin, S t Lotdii, held a pra;^ sendee at the home of l e V T ^ I - Legal Notioea ...•••..'.^.*.^..■31 76 Herald. 318. TSSBgfllgtFflriSlkrBCTDaBBRBwiBBiBSBn Mrs. Cathirlne Shsa'oa Uhlon rtrsst "Ws?ra ott,' A . ; > n ■ -


Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE By GeiteAh«nt I SENSE and NONSEJ

itW L U C HERE f BEEN BARStNGb YOU AROUNB FOR HALF AN As you must have observed some SURHOUNDING& MOVE ME TO So Say We All HOUR, AN' MY BACK \S I'd like to sock him on the nose, drivers approached red traffic light 0 ,* - c - •POFTRV--’^VAAJRR-’R W M iF U F A P ^-’- I’d like to crack his empty head— with ^ a gradually reduced sp ^ , o f f *THE BATRE,BLACK CUFF ROUND, SA^SGIN' UKE AN OC.BARN The pest who bonks and honks and while others rush headlong right ^ 0 0 * ' - - o " ® HIM, HEBA&BO ROC3F«**C'MON,SRA» A honks up to the “stop” line, Jar. down ^ s e t ® FEET ON JUT6 OF SLIPPERY CRA6 HOO CFTHESE OARS AN' At ^pt)ssings when the light is red. the brakes and pull up with a Jerk that shakes the car and its occu* TRACT *RAN^, WORK UP &OMEB2 pants like a suddenly awakened SHARP-SMUTEN MIITH THE d i n t O F YOU ROW.NOW, a h ' Father—Your boy frfend talks earthquake. In Jie same way do we ARMED HEEl^- GIVE YOU A LOAD OF too much. He rattles on and on like find different people moving a lliwer. I’m afraid he Is a flat through the traffic of life. The far­ AND ON A,BUDDEN,LO|THELEyELLAKE, THAT VOLGA BW M AN , tire. sighted man who approaches his AND THE LONG GLORIES OF THE a L T Daughter—^I know, daddy dear; problems with caution Is not so SUMMER MOON *- but his clutch is^grand. shaken when be finds himself "up against it,.” as is the man who does u m -THAT'S TENNYSON, A British safety authority says not ease up on his speed when he M AFTTY ? every driver shoidd learn to skid sees the red light ahead. his car and then bring it out of the skid safely. If we ever voluntarily toke any lessons like that it will be In Our Garage a correspondence course. A boiler and a kettle lid. Some plates that Maggie broke and Woman’s Voice (to garage man hid; on the phone)—Will you please A chopping block, a knuckle bone, send someone out here to fix my A phonograph that doesn’t phone; car? I think the radiator’s flooded. Some lingerie that lingered long, A mattress with the mat all gone; Shrimp-r-Is your wife good A bustle out of grandma’s tnmk, driver? A rat trap and some other Junk; Lobster—Well, I’m not sure / demijohn of faint bcuquet, whether she is or whether all other (Sweet himdred-proof of j^ter- drivers she meets are. day) Even personal liberty is not en­ The sticks and, tail of Johnny’s titled to more than half the high­ kite, way, and no zigzagging. • A table lamp I dropped one night Tomato cans of Auld Lang Syne, MONOXIDE GAS:-Economy may A hundred feet of washing line, *ajHE DRIFTING be the road to wealth but too many One pair of pants (demobilized), of us prefer the detours. . .r , A One garden hose (derubberlzed). T 5 R E A M E R free country Ip one In v/hlch the Of many things a sundry crop— All but the car—that’s in the shop. unimportant can get even by hog­ '^ m a u, a MT. err. V -/5* ging the road. . . . What the coun­ e iw»er HMawwcaagi try needs as much as anything else is half hour parking limits on coun­ try lanes. . . . Many people who FlAEPro FANNY SAYS: meet with accidents nowadays



raa u a. PAT, Ap t AMO IKIDOSTPY. > twe e» wm«awca*wc^ iLjfc.rW. av'wxA twvicx. SALESMAN SAM Foolinsr The Boss! By Small

^ ovj' r.e a S e a m , a n d Y o u h s a o > "U b h I v « f t e c o m s s TN’ © o s s l ^ Q u i c k ,g u s I lo s 'u - ^ ^ Gio- ROAR., AS A LION! *W e. BILL. A S A ME UlARNeo US NdT To APPSAR - w HSADS ON AN’ HCfLL PeU ICAM l O N *Xh ' s r ^ n o


*.y.i«ieuNegyA «V. OW %••.''-S - ih ‘ • - r ■ ' -- . .•■ , - • . T swnmzrATi'jtnsii^ [P A G IItn!!l III^^BtMr SttMtittii frntUt lA B O O T T O W N ORJUKEMEirSimD S. A-COMMANDADT YOUNGSTERS LEARNING VOLUNTEERS PLAY BIG 'ILI PART IN WORK OF REGS SHEER I*' Mnu Xamld Burr and children TO SWIM READILY The Taffeyi defeated the Ball Barbara and Robert and MIm Anita DAY HEU) TODAY ISODDEItEDAWAY Hawke IB the East Bide p] Oilnaek arc ipendinr a few days at Big Class at Globs H’ayers on the playground. High etreet who has been at the Adjutant Georg* D. Williams, given Individual attention and in­ games p ^ s d In tbs Bast and Wept from Hartford, Bridgeport, Stam­ commanding officer of the Manches­ The Junior girls of the Esst and Bids biiflangs totalso 266. Tbs Memorial hospital the past week, ford and Springfield will aeiemble struction. There are two classes W ut Bids playgrounds met Friday has not yet been operated upon for ter Corps of the Salvation Army for each morning and each child no estimated .attendance at tbs games here this afternoon fqr a field day morning at the Bast Bids play­ WM 7,760. the removal of tonsils and adenoids the past two years, has been order­ matter how small or large is given program and entertainment In honor attention as an individual. ground in a baseball and volley ball The volley ball team representing , as she has been suffering from a of toe anniversary of the Battle of ed to command the Springfield, meet. the Recreation Centers won tbs severe cold and sinus trouble. Mass., Corps, effective July 26. Ad­ Here is the list of the latest boys 7 ^ the Boyne, the 12tb of July. The and girls who have taken swimming Tbs baseball teams were mads stats obamplonsblp, bsatlng risrt- ceremonies In connectlcon with the jutant Williams will be relieved here lessons and have succeeded In up of: Bast Bids—Vera Johnson n, ford Y. M. C. A., wnlob had bald tbs * x- Adjutant and Mrs. Joseph Heard, celebration will etart at 1:80 when by Adjutant Reginald Martin, at Pstrina eifllo e, Olga Broswlkl honor for 18 ysars. It also won tbs %■ for the p u t two years in charge of swimming several feet. The boys i George Tomllneon, maribal, will present attached to the Palace are as follows: John Xjellson, lb, Dot HoK^f 8b, Vera Ds Han 8b, toumamsnt playsd bstwsen tsams the Cambridge, Mau., Corps of the head a parade down Main street to Corps, Boston, Mass. Ruth Marrissn ss, Anna Pflflsr of, 'from Connsotleut, Massachusetts Salvation Army have been relieved David Dougan, Howard Xslip, Bdwin Maple, Spruce and then to the Old Tne new commanding officer of JlUson, ^ l a m HamiU, Howard " Psfgy Ds Han rf, Anna Priswalko and NSW York. by Major and Mrs. Albert Morrill. Golf lots, off Bast Center etreet the local Corps is a classmate of Wilson, James McVeigh,b, Leo Ho­ If, Margarst Oakes, Dorothy Mar- The numbsr of parsons using tbs AT THEBE NEW LOWj Adjutant and Mrs.. Heard, who where a program of field events Adjutant Williams graduating frofn Velgb, John Haggart, Ed'ward Cot- risen and Marjorie Tucker, subs. plungs, both men and women, total­ PRICEB, A DREBB OF LOVE- were in command ol the Manebes* will be held. the Salvation Army Training col­ ter, David ^^lTlams, Lawreno* The Eagles of be Weet Bide Were ed 6,000, While 21,000 used the show­ LIBBT CHENEY CHIFFON /OR I ter corps for several years will be Suitable prlsee will be awarded lege, New York City In 1622. The Steobbolc, Ernie Iilip, Frank Mor made up of Astrld Skoog c, Astrid ers. BHBBR 'CAN COBT AB on furiougb for an indefinite peri­ the winners In the athletic events to new officer has served as teacher of rieey, Edwin MaoAllister, Andrew snsen p, Muriel MeConkey lb. Jos MeClusksy sat a nsw course LITTLB AB THEBE od, it was learned today. be conducted by the outing commit­ music and band leader at the New Loomis, Jackie Irwin, William MO' Dot Lennon 2b, Grace Benien 8b, record for five miles In tbs Tbanks- ARB THE COOLEST, SMART­ tee during the afternoon. In the Laugblin. Donald Devary. Alyne Gardner .f, Pliyllis Marks of, vlng run, ssttlng tbs rscord at 24 EST FABRICS YOU CAN The local Haymakers degree evening an entertainment and danc­ The following girls have also Anne Tbumer rf, Eunice Brown cc, SInutea 17 4-6 seconds, which Is CHOOSE FOR SUMMER team will journey to New Britain ing will be enjoyed by the members succeeded: Nancy Goslee, Doris Helien Ciolgrone lub. 24 1-6 seconds off the previous WEAR — SOLID SHADES — | this evening to work the degree on of the visiting and local members r ” Cblndmark, -anet Finkelberg, Jean The final score of the game was record. PRINTS. r, clu s of candidates. All members the Orange Lodges and auxiliary Crockett, Joan MoSweeney, Jean 1/-6 In favor of the East Bide. The Approximately 4,000 played cards desirous of going should be at the ii. Orange Hall, East Center street. Warner, Eleanor Finkelberg, Amelia volley bell icores were, Esst Bids, in tbs two buildings during tbs year. Red Men’s Club on Lrainard Place Rev. J. Iltuart is chairman of the Biratb, Dorothy Irwin, Shirley 15-4, 16-4, 16-9. Membership fees totaled |1,800. by 4 o'clock and transportation field day at the Old Golf lots and Fahey, Josle Dawson, Mildred The return meet will be held at Entertainments and dancing re­ NOW ONLY will be furnished them. Archie Haugh Is chairman of the Sheldon, Marjorie Cordera, Elda the West Side later in the eeason. sulted In receipts of |1,800. sports committee. Bellettl, Edith Wamock, Ruth Me Playgrounds cost $8,260, but re­ The Sunday school session at the The anniversary address will be Alllster, Dorothy Sullivan, Corrlne ceipts offset tbls to the amount ol usual hour, 9:16 a. m., will be the ven by Past Supremo Grand Ailing, Anna Armstrong, Margie $1,010 leaving a net cost of $2,240. aster of the L. O. L., Rev. WUlla: \ 50c to $1 OS 2' service at the Concordia Luth­ g Herriman, Betty Crawford, Barbara MISS GILBERn PLAY The net cost of- the Recreation eran church tomorrow. The annual H. Snow of Revere, Mass. In the Keeney, Jane Scott, Lillian Scott, Centeri was $9,472.60, bringing the PER YARD picnic will be held Saturday after­ evening the degree team of Daugk Barbara Sadrozinski, Marie War total cost for recreation of ail kinds noon, July 22 at WaJek’s Grove, ters of Liberty Lodge will fdve an ren, Alice Piercy, Lorraine Blanch­ TO BE PRESENTED to a net of $11,712.60. Keeney street. exhibition drill. Dancing will be ard, Ruth Kenton, Elvina Horton. Thirty dances were held in the enjoyed by members ot the lodges Another new class of boys and Recreation building with an average OIBNEY Sunset Rebekab Lodge will meet and their families following the en­ girls has been started with swim Hebron Woman’s “The Picnic” of 870 and a total of 11,000 for the Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall tertainment rills evening in Orange ming lessons and have so far thirty dances. The highest paid cd- at 8 o’clock. At this time the Dis­ Hall. McKinney’s orchestra wUl leamlsd to swim about 20 feet, and Chosen for Production by mlsalons at any one dance was 49U. trict Deputy President Mre. Minnie play for the old-fashioned and mod­ as that haa been accomplished Columbia University Players. The estinmt^ atmdance at Globe Richardson of East Hartford will em dancing. they have received a Red Cross but­ Hollow swimming pool was placed make her official visit. Mrs. Elsie ton. These buttons are furnished to at 75,000 for the ten weeks the pool Roslen, vice president of the Re- the boys and girls for the wonder­ Hebron, July 15.—Miss Helen was open CHENEY HALL SALESROOM bekah Assembly, will also be a guest. CHENEY RAILROAD ful progress they have made since Earle Gilbert, daughter Of Mrs. All officers are requested to wear they have entered the swimming Anne C. Gilbert of Hebron, and wife, REMNANTS and IMPERFECTS white. A program of entertainment classes. The following boys have of Charles Coleman Sellers of New LAWN MOWERS will be in charge of Miss Emma received their Red Cross buttons: London, le the author of a three-act Sharpened and Repaired Hartford Road Strickland, and refreshments will be FADESTOMORROW AdJ. O. D. Willisms Russell Schwartz, Roland Ferris, play, “The Picnic,’’ which she wrote Manchester Conn. Clifford Hassett, Edwin Jlllson, Carl last^ear while a student a t Colum­ FRED H. NORTON served by Miss Beatrice Clulow and Johnson, Barrie Rhodes, Peter her committee. York Training College, later being bia University, Miss Edna Hale of 180 Main Street' New Haven Road Takes So. transferred to corps work in Rhodes, William Tedford, James Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, a teach­ Norris, Robert Tucking, G4orge Valves Refaoed John Lerch, chEdrman of the com­ Nashua, N. H., Hartford and Pitts­ er in Bridgeport, collaborating with O-Tlte Piston Rings field, Mass. Adjutant Martin reliev­ Chambers, Teddy Robbins, Fred hei. The play has been chosen for mittee in charge of arrangements Manchester R. R. Over Server, John Camp, Ralph Peter­ TeL 6528 for the reception the congregation ed Adjutant Williams in the Palace the summer presentation by the Corps, Boston, in 1&30, where the son, Joseph Fontenella, William of the Lutheran Concordia church Rudlck, Everett Kennedy, Al. Gates, Momlngslde Players of Columbia “A ROYAL TREAT FOR ALL THE FAMILY” will give to its new pastor and bis FonnaDy. latter officer served three years. Charles Trebbe, Donedd McKay, University. According to the present wife, Rev. Carl and Mrs. Richter The new Salvation officer is mar­ Gerard Blanchard, Leonard Kanehl plan the play will be given a short who are expected to arrive in town ried and has three children, Regi­ run at Earl Hall, opening about the SEE THE NEW Tomorrow the New Haven Rail­ Francis Dowd, Vincent Diana, Lea early next week from Buffalo, N. Y., nald, Jr., Ellen and Mary Lou. Ad­ ter Keeney, Donald Denary, Thomas first of August, and will be given a has called a meeting of the commit­ road formally take over the South jutant and Mrs. Martin will arrive second showing at some time later Manchester Railroad formerly own­ Thompson. The following ^ I s have EASY WASHER tee for Monday evening at 8 o’clock some time next week. The custom­ also won their Red Cross buttons in the fall. Professor Milton Smith at at the church. ed by Cheney Brothers. J. ary farewell of the departing officer for their wonderful progress in the will act as director. Dwyer, agent for the New Haven will be given tomorrow, as Adjutant swimming lessons: Deborah Dowds “The Picnic” is the fourth play road in Manchester was notified and Mrs. Williams and family leave $ 5 9 . 5 0 Mr. and Mrs. William Marley of Betty Kennedy, Rose Wilson, Hed- which Miss Gilbert has written and New agitator, balloon type Litchfield are visiting Mr. Marley’s that from tomorrow on the super­ July 18 for a short vacation. wig Benson, Irene Kerr, Ethel Which has been produced. intendency of the South Manches­ It is expected that the new officer roll*; new tub. new bear -v, mother, Mrs. James Marley of Eld- Meecham, Evelyn Priess, Lucille only $5 month. ridge street. Mr. Marley is a re­ ter branch would be in his hsinds v/ill assist in the local corps band Blanchard, Marion Alley, Marcella a tired druggist. ’The railroad officials could not ad­ which is one of the best in the New Holloran, Phylis Custer, Amelia An­ vise as yet what action will be tak­ England division. While in Manches­ tonia, Ethel Thompson, Edith War PRICES ARE RISING! KEMP’S, INC. . Mrs. Dinah Fox of 58 Garden en towards handling ‘less than ter, Adjutant and Mrs. Williams nock. DOES YOUR ROOF Free Home Demonstration. street is spending two weeks at carload” lots at the South Man­ have made many friends among the If there are any parents in town NEED REPAIRING? Rumford, R. I. chester freight station. Salvation Army people and the who would like to have their yoimg- Since it was brought cut that I still Do It On Monthly Installments townspeople. A veteran of the World sters take swimming lessons it Without Extra Cost. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Holman the service at this station might be War, Adjutant Williams served on not too late to start for they are ot 24 Victoria Road are at Forest discontinued several local shippers several fronts for 18 months with welcome to join the classes at any WILLIAM KANEHL Lake, Winchester, N. H. for a two have registered complaints. The time. They will receive individual Telephone 7778 station cannot be abandoned be combat troops. mm weeks’ vacation. During his pastorate here. Ad­ attention and instruction. The fore a hearing is held and no no­ hours are for the boys as follows Bring Home A Brick Of tice of such a hearing has been jutant Williams inaugurated and Miss Rayetta Smith, daughter of conducted several good-will mass each day not Including Sunday, Mrs. Helen Smith of 87 Cooper posted. 10:15 tm 11:00 a. m., and for the Special Tom Meeting street, is spending two weeks with Monday the New Haveb road meetings during the trying period of girls 11:00 till 11:45 a. m. DB. C. M. PARKER the last two years. At these meet­ relatives in Bristol. plans to take over the rolling stock DENTIST Notice is hereby given that ROYAL ings the leading officers of the Sal­ of tne South Manchester Railroad Telephone 54 PrattSStreet a Special Meeting of the legal vot Mrs. C. J. Strickland, Miss Faith and all signs of Manchester’s vation Army were in attendance and 6-8492 Hartford, Ct. Governor Cross officiated on two oc­ ers of the Town of Manchester wll Fallow and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. smallest individually owned rail­ Dentistry that will, please you, be held in the Municipal Building on Handley will motor up to Stock- road in the country will have dis­ casions. Many inspirational meet­ NATIVE PEACHES at a price you can afford to pay. ICE CREAM Friday, July 21, 1933, at right bridge this afternoon to see George appeared. ings were held during his stay at o’clock, eastern standard time, in Bernard Shaw’s play, “The. Devil’s which noted preachers of the corps the forenoon, for the following pur­ THE IDEAL DESSERT Disciple,” at the Berkshire Play­ officiated. AT HALE’S TODAY poses: house. Adjutant Williams came to Man­ 1. To see if the Town will vote POLICE COURT chester from the Pittsfield, Mass., to purchase the properties of the corps two years ago. ’Two cases that haa been con- South Manchester Water Company ROYAL ICE CREAM CO. tinued, were disposed of In the Self Serve Grocery Has Firs and the South Manchester Sanitary Manchester police crurt this morn­ FILMS Sc Sewer District. Obtain It At Your Dealer Or Phone 8942. ing. Oliver Jarvis, for non-support, MARINES TO AID GOBS DEVELOPED AND 2. To see if the Town will vote Free Delivery. was found guilty. A jail sentence to Be Offered in This Sec­ to appropriate the sum of Six Hun­ The Store For of 30 days was imposed and the PRINTED dred Fifty Thousand ($650,000.00) execution of the sentence was sus­ IN GAME WITH ARMY tion of State* 24 HOUR SERVICE Dollars to pay for same. pended on condition that JarVis Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ pay his wife $5 a week. Judge Film Deposit Box At cut, this 14th day of July, 1688. All The Annual Baseball Contest at W. A. STRICKLAND, . Johnson told Jarvis that the order Proof again that Hale’s Self- Store Entrance. must be complied with and placed Army-Navy Outing Tomor­ GEO. E. KEITH, Serve Grocery Department is al­ S. O. BOWERS, him in charge of the probation offi­ row Looks Real. ways on the jump to supply the peo­ Family cer. AARON COOK, ple of Manchester with the last KEMP'S J. L. JBNNEY, Arthur G. Sisson of Middletown, One hundred and twenty-five word In service is displayed today For Ail Types The Princess is the R I., paid a fine of $10 and costs Selectmen of the Town of refreshment shop for members of the Army and Navy by the first showing in this part of Maficheiter, Connecticut. for driving a truck with poor club. It is expected, will attend the the state of native peaches. the entire family. The brakes. He was arrested by Officer annual outing of the club tomorrow Gordon Thornton, mEmager of the Of New soda offers the .~oseph Prentice last Tuesday at Liedertafel Grove, Vernon. An “Self-Serve, purchased this morning most tempting sodas night on East Center street at all-day program of sports has been a large supply of native “June-May and sundaes ever made. *^one street. He was driving with prepared by the outing committee fiower” peaches from the Edgewood MATERIAL one light and when the officer at­ and refreshments will be served Fruit Farm on Woodbridge streets Construction And every thing used is tempted to stop him the brakes during the entire day. This is the first showing this season the freshest and best in were so poor that the car ran con­ The feature of the outing each of native peaches in this section of Announcement quality obtainable. siderable distance. He had a load year is the ball game between the of the country. On checking the of fish and was anxious to get to Army and Navy. Although the Hartford wholesale fruit market And Remod^ng Work his destination so the officer allow­ Army has won consistently during this morning, Thornton found that I Have This Day Entered the General The beer on draught ed him to proceed after the brakes the past few years, the Navy has thero were as yet no native peaches Brokerage Business Under the Name of Quality — Prompt Delivery and Right has been selected by had been adjusted. been strengthened by adding a few to be had at the wholesale markets most of our customers Marines to their roster, and it looks around this section of the etate. Prices Are Features Of Our Service as\ though the gobs might take the The Edgewood Fruit Farm locat­ as their favorite. We HOSPITAL NOTES doughboys into camp this year. ed on Woodbridge street is owned have tried several dif­ “Cap” Peterson, one of the heavy and operated by CamiUo and Louis AARON COOK hitting Navy men, is in trim for Andisio, popular msmagers of Hale’s ferent brands. Barbara Bader of 677 Center the game of his life this year, hav- street was discharged and David Health Market. They purchased ing played several games with the this farm about two years ago and Investment Securities Kerr of 4 North Fairfield street and Athletics, his former team in the Our lunch counter is Clarence Vennert of 164 Cooper have a large peach orchard which le By means of an arrangement with a Hartford Make Your “balmy” days. recognized as one of the finest ready to serve you with street were admitted yesterday. Volley ball, darts, horseshoe Brokerage Firm I am able to have orders in Stocks and tempting, freshly made A daughter was bom yesterday pitching and other sports will take around here. Bonds executed en any Exchange. to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sullivan of Manchester folks who are H' refreshment shop. PUBUG RECORDS Flan.on having your typewriters overhanled while your STENOG­ "^^PINEHimST! details. DUPONT PAINTS AND PAINT Frob^ Notes RAPHER is on her vacatlim. AARON COOK. Ludnda Mc^ughey was ap­ FREE ESTDfATES GIVEN pointed administratrix of the es- Spediri Sommer Rental Bates LET’S GO. WEDNESDAY. TO THE The Princess tote of Robert D. McCaugbey, late Just Gan the of Mancdiester, on July IS. AARON COOK The will of Robert F. Shea, late Service -IGEGARNIVAL- Candy Shop of Manchester, was admitted to INVESTMENT SECURITIES G. E. »/• probate this morning. The entire T3rpewriter Co. 2nd OongH Cboroh, Coventry 865 Main Street Manchester Coal - FUri Oil - Lumber - Main Street at Pearl estate was devised to the widow, 92 Asylom St., Hwtford, Cioph. Play, “Old Acre Folk”, 2 and 7 p.in. T ^ : Office 5961; Home.6501. SBIaia Street TeL 6126 M ^aret J. Shea, who was named Fhone 6-0718 “Pageant of Seaeous” 8:80. I- oxefiHtrtg in the wlU. Bopgeri 4:80-7:10, l6o« i 2 1

-,2k» • ' i V-