r<:3- , 1 ■ ; , . '.'■ %■ ■ ■>" TBVWIA! OAILT dBOITLAtlOIf PtDMMt Of L-»r'-Wiiiiiwr tb » Moatli cf *mm» IMS HiMtfortf. Sliowen, probuUj today O d 5 . 2 0 1 j . morrow, not modi choaga In tern- Membw o* th» Audit BarMO. peratnre. " * • - of Olroalatloiis. , (UUMOlfled Advortlitng on Pago 8) MANCHESTER; CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 16,1933. TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CUNTS VOL. LIIm n o . 244 FOUR POWER PACT Post Starts World Girdling He#' WAtERPUNT POST TAKES OFF IS SIGNED IN ROME PARLEY SHRS 4>- S B A R r a A T E TRIP' \ Ita^, France, Geranny and RELIEF MEASURES Price Asked by Cheney Seeks to Break Record Great Britain Agree on Brothers Basis of Objec­ FOR CONNECTICUT Italian Fliers Ready Alone Which He Made in Peace for a Period of Ten tions — Meeting for Vote For Last Leg Of Trip 1931 W '^ .H ^ b ld (hdt; Federal Machinery Moving on Friday, July 21. BULLETIN! ^arrangements to set the course -:C arrio s Rohot WRh Slowly in Applying Aid — Montreal, Jtdy 15,— (AP)— Edcmg the northern shores of Lake Romo, July 16.— (A P)—Tbe four- W ith less than 100 voters attend­ General Italo Balbo bopped off Ontario and Lake Erie to Detroit, Him and U «n g latest U. powor European peace pact waa Lonergan Mahes Requests ing, tha Board of Selectmen and from here today leading hie and thence by a compass route to ligned here today by Premier Mue-1 traas-Atlantio Italiu fdr ar­ Chicago. representatives of the firm at Bollni, and representatives of mada on tee last stage of its Previously it was sEdd definitely S. Army Fljinf Epupm it Cheney Brothers lEut night present­ there would ’se no stops on tbe way. / h > i France, Germany and Great Brit­ flight to Chicago. Washington. July 15.— (AP)— ed for discussion the propositloh The flagship, leader of tbe One plan w u that tbe squadron ain. would be met by a group of Ameri­ Tbe huge governmental* machinery that the town purchEwe for $1,150,- squadron of 24 seaplanes, raised — Other Flying Adren- Tbe accord which is designed to laboring to place in effect the its nose from the water at 10 can planes at 'Detroit and escorted 000 the frEmchlses, rights and prop­ from there to tbe destination. guarantee tranquility among Euro­ emergency legislative program is a. m., eastern standard lime, and pean countries for a period of ten erties of the South Manchester Auguato Rosso, Italian ambEmsa- tnres Today. m ovi^ slowly in appljing tbe re­ followed by two others to form years, facilitate reduction of arma­ W ater CompEmy Emd the Soutk Mim- the first triad of the flight, soar­ dor to the United States, arrived in lief measures to Connecticut. Montreal lEUst night from Washing- ment and lead to Improvement in Tbe agricultural adjustment ad­ chester Sanitary Emd Sewer District. ed aloft. economic conditions, was given of­ t<~i He was to confer with Genera] ministration is ready to proceed The town meeting, called for discus­ By Associated Press. ficial approval in the Duce's huge Montreal, July 16,— (A P ) —HEmy Balbo before the depemture. with enrolling New England tobac­ sion omy, developed some o f the Two Edrplanes roared out over office in tbe Palazzo Venezia. skiei neeted members of General Tbe youthful leader said the co raisers in its program of acre­ spiciest debate that baa been hemd the AtlEintic from New York today, No change was made in the text Italo Balbo’s seaplane crulie this Jaunt waa expected to take between age reduction. But tbe public in High school hall in many years. .18 Initialed in the same office June morning as they prepared their 24 five and six hours. Tbe airline dls- one of them attempting a record works program, tbe machinery for Words were not minced Emd some re­ ships for tbe last leg of their tEmce is abou't 760 miles. flight. 7. administering applications to the marks bordered closely on pefsonEdi- Besides tbe head of tbe Italirn Journey from Italy to CblcEigo. Later this morning airport offi­ home loan banks, tbe approval of tiee. Since no vote could fije tEdcen One, the Winnie Mae, weu piloted government, Ambassador Henry de The commander Emd tbe hundred cials said that because of the time codes of fair competition for Con­ tbe battle ended in a draWi* by Wiley Post, who seeks to break Jouvenel of France, Ambassador aviators Eurose at 7:00 o’clock, Emd required for supplying the seaplanes necticut industries, and solution of To Vote Friday tbe 8' days, 16 hours ’roimd-tbe- von Hassel of Germany, and Sir it wim assumed the final stage of witb gasoline it did not appear pos­ the state’s patronage problems are Previous to the meeting the Board world record be made in 1931 witb Ronald Graham, the British am­ their 6,100-mlle cruise would begin sible for tbe armada to get away still awaiting future action. of Selectmen met and set Friday, before 9:30 r„ m., cemtem stEmdard Harold Gstty. The other was the bassador, all of whom attached Wiley Post is shown here with the “Winnie M ew’’, monoplane in which about 9:00 ■%. m., eastern standard LithuEmica, Jointly piloted by C apt Tbe public works hoard, beaded July 21,'EM the date for the vote on time. their initials to the document early he started on a ’round-the-world fiight of 18,950 miles today in six time. Stephen Darius and StEuiley Thomas by Secretary of tbe Interior Ickes, tbe question. The polls will be at the General BEdbo carefully studied Signor Rosso, who came to Mon- last month, signed it today. has been considering applications days. The plane will be guided automaticEdly by a robot. GlrenEis, was headed for Lithuania, Simple Ceremonies Municipal building Emd voting will w ith er reports of the Great Lakes treEd by trEdn to gree* his fellow for government aid in various pub­ countrymen, wqs to fly to Chicago 4,900 mile*-away.' The ambassadors drove to the be from nine in tbe morning until area. lic works projects all this week. A In the flagship of General Balbo to­ Post was supplied with expert ad­ Palazzo Venezia a few minutes be­ nine in the evening, daylight time. The expectation wem that there list o f sewage disposal projects and day. vice, supplies and United States fore noon dressed in top bats send 'The “ Yea” and "N o” vote wlU be would be DO chemge in the tentative certain municipal programs has arqiy equipment; Darius and Girenas morning coats and were welcomed registered on the numbines. been approved, but no action is ex­ only 779 gafions of gasoline. Their by Signor Mussolini in similar at­ HOW THE GOVERNMENT The fun in lEut night’s meeting pected on Connecticut proposals tEdceoff with the heavy load was tire. The simplest and briefest cere­ started when Charles Ray, president for another week. * considered one of tbe most difficult monies marked the occasion. of the Rogers Paper MEmufacturing Lonergan’s Request feats in aviation. A fte r handclasps, the four pro­ Company, stated that he bEUl had Senator Lonergan has asked tbe LITHUANIA FLIERS OFF Both plEmes took off from Flojrd ceeded to affix their sign tures in REGUUTES RAMOADS enough experience with engineeri’ Beimett Field, tbe Wifinie Mae at construction imder tbe public N : reports and vEiluations to knoiv bet­ tbe presence of a small group of 4:10 and tbe LithUEudea at 5:24 a. works program of all post offices ter than accept them as finEil. He Italian foreign office officials and m., eEustem stEindEurd time. provided for under tbe Gamer bill Euialj’zed the appraisEd made by counselors and first-secretaries of ON A 4,900 MILE HOP Gen. Italo Bidbo, Italian minister Introduced in the last Congress, as Another of the Seriei of Bennett Emd Terry and insisted that embassies. well as improvement of Connecti­ PROF.DODGHERTY o f war, EUid his squadron of 24 New Era Proclaimed' no clear, Euscurate convincing state­ cut rivers and harbors. During tbe Royal ItaliEin seaplEmes, were ready At noon the Rome newspapers ments bad bean made sufficiently last several weeks, be has received to tEike.off at 9:30 a. m., eastern appeared emblazoned with front Articles Showmg die In­ stcooff enough to influence any aane- applications for several municipal COMIlS S in E Leave New York Without GUARDSMEN READY standard time, from Montreal for .a g e headlines, photographs of'th a thinkuig person to vote for the pur­ projects on which C^onnectlcut Chicago, completing their flight signatories and editorials pro- chase of tbe properties by the town. cities are seeking Federal aid, and side Workmgs of Laws to from Italy to a Ce&tury o f PMgreas coming “a new era of European He iasisted that “We need factors Pafsports and Without Ehcpositlon. peace and a historic milestone" es­ TO AID IN SEARCH (Oonttnned On Page Eight) not now present before we can midie . Col. and Mrs. ChEurles A. Und- tablished by the agieement. Speed Up Recovery^ a decision in this matter.” ; beigH .wete at'Uartwright,'Labradorr Government Approval — Tbe ratification of the treaty by Critlzes Clmlrman tge- four governments ic considered — I- i L > Hamden; Min* Before concluding bis criticiam of ties' before vc!()f|{Pmv kRdapSpppiog EDITOR’S NOTE: THIZilAM; , of Em aerlEd pAssenger route from , -'<( -• the engineers’ report M r-'IUy took Their Goal Uthnania. Await Word of Gorenior of *?h e treaty, cc5)IefciS#N<<S{^'b3^^ W E M n U E D other of a series of' ifffirles ;WfHl8 A.
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