AFGHANISTAN Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: the Faculty of Science Kabul University Kabul, AFGHANISTAN

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AFGHANISTAN Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: the Faculty of Science Kabul University Kabul, AFGHANISTAN Country: AFGHANISTAN Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: The Faculty of Science Kabul University Kabul, AFGHANISTAN Country: ALBANIA Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Institute of Nuclear Physics Tirana, ALBANIA Tel: +355 (42) 32596; 32740 Fax: +355 (42) 32596 Cable: ALFIB TIRANA Country: ALGERIA Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile 119 rue Didouche Mourad Algiers, ALGERIA Tel: +213 (2) 590 249 Telex: 52775 Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Centre de Radioprotection et de Sûreté 2, Bl. Frantz Fanon B.P. 1017 Alger Gare, ALGERIA Tel: +213 (2) 647 762; 711 418 Fax: +213 (2) 648 242 Telex: 67110 NAWAT DZ Mode/Specialization: Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Ministère des Transport Direction de la Marine Marchande 119 Rue Didouche Mourad Alger, Algérie Tel: +213 260 61 46 Telex: 66063 DGAF DZ Country: American Samoa Mode/Specialization: Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Silila Patane Harbour Master Port Administration Pago Pago American Samoa 96799 Country: ARGENTINA Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Administación Nacional de Aviación Civil (ANAC) Av. Paseo Colón 1452, C1063ADO Buenos Aires, República Argentina Tel : +54 11 5941 3000 Mode/Specialization: Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Prefectura Naval Argentina (Argentine Coast Guard) Dirección de Protección Ambiental División Mercancías y Residuos Peligrosos Av. Madero 235 piso 4 of 2436, Buenos Aires, República Argentina Tel: +54 11 4318-7400 int. 2436 E-mail: Mode/Specialization: Ground Competent Authority/Contact: Ministerio de Transporte Comisión Nacional del Tránsito y la Seguridad Vial (CNTSV) San Juan 777, 3° piso, Buenos Aires, República Argentina Tel: +54 11 4307-0735 Email: Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Autoridad Regulatioria Nuclear Av. Del Libertador 8250 1429 Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Tel: +54 (1) 704 1122;704 1218; 704 1348 Fax: +54 (1) 7041171; 704 1177; 704 1188 Telex: 21388 PREAT AR E-mail: Country: AUSTRALIA Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Civil Aviation Safety Authority G.P.O. Box 2005 Canberra City ACT 2601, Australia Tel: +61 (6) 222 2111 Fax: +61 (6) 222 2444 Telex: AVIAT AA 62221 Mode/Specialization: Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Head Office Administration Chief Executive Australian Maritime Safety Authority GPO Box 2181 Canberra City ACT 2601, Australia Tel: +61 2 6279 5084/5614 Telefax: +61 2 6279 5009 General Manager Ship and Personnel Safety Services Australian Maritime Safety Authority P.O. Box 1108 Belconnen ACT 2616, Australia Tel: +61 (6) 279 5050 Fax: +61 (6) 279 5966 Mode/Specialization: Land Competent Authority/Contact: Federal Department of Transport & Regional Services Dangerous Goods Policy Unit Land Division GPO Box 594 Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61 2 6274 7016 Fax: 61 2 6274 7979 E-mail: Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Regulatory Branch Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) PO Box 655 Miranda NSW 1490 AUSTRALIA Tel(61 2 9545 8333) Country: AUSTRIA Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Federal Office of Civil Aviation Schnirchgasse 9 A-1030 Vienna AUSTRIA Tel: +43 (888) 7805 Telex : 074276 Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Bundesminsterium fur Wissenchaft Verkehr und Kunst Abteilung I 5 Radetzkystrasse 2A-1031 Wien AUSTRIA Tel: +43 (1) 711 62, Ext. 1500, 1501, 1504 Fax: +43 (1) 711 62 1599 Telex: 61 322 1155 Mode/Specialization: All other modes Competent Authority/Contact: Federal Ministry for Transport Innovation and Technology Radetzkystrasse 2 A-1030 VIENNA Tel: + 43 1 71162 1500 Fax: + 43 1 71162 1599 E-mail: Website: Country: BANGLADESH Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Civil Aviation Authority Head Office Kurmitola Dacca 6 BANGLADESH Tel: +880 (2) 600231 Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control Division 4, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue P.O. Box 158 Dhaka-1000 BANGDESH Tel: +880 (2) 503 535; 505 022; 502 600 Fax: +880 (2) 863 051 Telex: 632202 BATOM BJ Cable: BANGLATOM Country: BELARUS Mode/Specialization: Land Competent Authority/Contact: Committee of the Republic of Belarus for Ensuring the Safe Performance of Work in Industry and Atomic Energy (Promatomnadzor) Ul. Kazintsa 86/1 220108 MINSK Chairman: Mr. Vladimir Ivanovich, YATSEVICH Tel. 375 172 78 43 00 Fax. 375 172 78 43 02 Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Committee for Supervision of Industrial and Nuclear Safety Ministry for Emergencies 86/1 Kazintsa Street Minsk 220108 BELARUS Tel: +375 (172) 784 302 (Chairman) Fax: +375 (172) 784 303; 786 083 E-mail: Country: BELGIUM Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Administration of Aeronautics Centre Communication Nord 4ème étage rue du Progres 80 B-1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel: +32 (2) 206 3211 Fax: +32 (2) 206 3290 Telex: 22715 DGAIR B Mode/Specialization: Land (Also competent for administrative matters regarding marginal 220 900 for vehicule types FL, OX and AT) Competent Authority/Contact: Ministère des Communications Administration de la Réglementation de la Circulation et de l'Infrastructure Service ADR Résidence Palace Bloc C, 5ème étage Rue de la Loi 155 B - 1000 BRUXELLES BELGIUM Tel. (32) 2 287 44/93 à 99 Fax. (32) 2 287 4510 Telex: TRANS B 23285 Mode/Specialization: Substances of Class 1 (including type approval for vehicles of types EX II and EX III - Marginal 220 900) Competent Authority/Contact: Ministère des Affaires économiques Administration des Mines Service des explosifs Bat. NG III Boulevard Em.Jacqmain 154 B - 1000 BRUXELLES BELGIUM Tel: (32) 2 206.48.01 or 49.05 Telex.: 23509 energi b Fax.: (32) Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Ministère de la Santé Publique Administration de l'hygiène publique Service de la Protection contre les radiations ionisantes Ravenstein 36 B - 1000 BRUXELLES Tel.: (32) or 83 Fax.: (32) Competent Authority/Contact: Ministere de la Sante Publique et de 1' Environnement Service de Protection contre les Radiations Ionisantes Cite Administrative del'Etat Quartier Vesale B-1010 Bruxelles BELGIUM Tel: +32 (2) 210 4966 Fax: +32 (2) 210 4967 Telex: 65396 RADIST B Mode/Specialization: Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Dutch Ministerie van Verkeer en Infrastructuur Bestuur van Maritieme Zaken en Scheepvaart Aarlenstraat 104 B-1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 233 12 11 Telefax: +32 2 230 30 02 Competent Authority/Contact: French Ministère des Communications et de L'Infrastructure Administration des Affaires Maritimes et de la Navigation Rue D'Arlon 104 B-1040 Bruxelles Belgique Tel: +32 2 233 12 11 Telefax: +32 2 230 30 02 Competent Authority/Contact: Antwerp Office Ministerie van Verkeer en Infrastructuur Bestuur van Maritieme Zaken en Scheepvaart Tavernierkaai 3 Loodsgebouw 2000 Antwerpen Belgium Tel: +32 2 229 0030 Telerfax: +32 2 229 0031 E-mail: Competent Authority/Contact: Ostend Office Ministerie van Verkeer en Infrastructuur Bestuur van Maritieme Zaken en Scheepvaart Zeevaartinspektie Natiënkaai 5 8400 Ostende Belgium Tel: +32 59 56 14 50 Telefax: +32 59 56 14 82 E-mail: Country: BERMUDA Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Civil Aviation Department Bermuda Air Terminal Ferry Reach BERMUDA Telex : 3284 BA Country: BOLIVIA Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Direccion General de Aeronáutica Civil Av. Montes No. 716, 2o Piso La Paz BOLIVIA Tel : +591 (2) 378129 Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: Instituto Boliviano de Ciencia y Tecnologia Nuclear (IBTEN) Av. 6 de Agosto 2905 Casilla Postal 4821 La Paz BOLIVIA Telex: 2220 CABPUB BV Cable: IBTEN Email: Country: BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Mode/Specialization: Land Competent Authority/Contact: Ministry of Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina c/o Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 bis, rue Lamartine CH-1203 GENEVE Tel. (41) 22 345 88 44 Fax. (41) 22 345 88 89 Country: BRAZIL Mode/Specialization: Air Competent Authority/Contact: Departmento de Aviacao Civil--DAC Praca Senador Salgado Filho, s/no 4o Andar Aeroporto Santos Dumont Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20021-340 Brazil Tel : +55 (21) 533 3442 Fax : +55 (21) 212 5487 Email: Mode/Specialization: Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Marinho do Brasil Directoria de Portos e Costas (DPC 20) Rua Teofilo Otoni No. 04, Centro CEP - 20090-070 20010 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Tel: +55 21 516 0545 Telefax: +55 21 870 5202 Email: Mode/Specialization: Class 7 Competent Authority/Contact: National Nuclear Energy Commission Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety Directorate Licensing and Control Superintendence Rua General Serveriano 90 CEP-22294-900 Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL Tel: +55 (21) 546 2394; 295 1096 Fax: +55 (21) 295 1745 CNEN-SLC/Brazil Telex: 2121873 Country: BULGARIA Mode/Specialization: Air, Land and Sea Competent Authority/Contact: Main Office State Shipping Inspectorate Ministry of Transport Levski Str.9-11 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel. (359)2 871 081 Fax. (359)2 885 094 Telex. 23 200 MT BG
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