HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE? MX II MX II Pr GRAPHIC KEY OF THE Abronia cuetzpali Abronia mixteca The Convention on International Trade in Endangered IDENTIFICATION The guide allows to identify adult specimens of the color of the Abronia Group to which the of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), has the pur- the 29 species described at the moment (Uetz specimen belongs. pose of regulating international trade in plant and GUIDE FOR îWith 38 transverse rows A. bogerti and Hallermann,, 2016). It is 2. For identification at the species level: Identify the îLess than 38 transverse rows of dorsal scales of dorsal scales species listed in its Appendices, and ensuring that it is A. chiszari recommended to use a camera (cellphone or other) Group to which the specimen belongs. îLower primary temporal scale slightly enlarged; allows sustainable. Abronia îLower primary temporal scale A. ramirezi DRAGONS with at least 3 megapixels and/or a magnifying glass. Find on the specimen, the scales marked with others contact with the postoculars very enlarged; only this scale is in (Arboreal alligator , Abronia spp.) contact with the postoculars II 3 îîAppendix I (5 species from the genus Abronia) It is necessary to take 4 photos of the pink and review the description sheets to identify includes endangered species. In general terms, the REGULATED BY CITES specimen to be able to locate the scales that are the species, paying special attention to the îîBetween 28 and 31 transverse rows of dorsal scales. illustrated in the 4 images below. exchange with commercial purposes is restricted. characteristics highlighted in bold. îîGrayish color on the back îîPosterolateral scales of the head with a conical end. 1. To begin identification: Pay attention to thescales îîAppendix II (24 species from the genus Abronia) in- 3. In case of any doubt, contact experts îWith “horns”, îîBetween 32 and 35 transverse rows of dorsal scales. îîAt least six scales on the back of the neck marked in blue and to the Graphic Key to locate supraauricular scales îWithout “horns”, cludes species that are not necessarily endangered ( supraauricular scales are îîPosterolateral scales of the head with a conical end. but could be if their international trade is not regulat- elongated and thorny 2 1 not elongated nor thorny 1) Anterior superciliary in ed. It also includes some species that are not threat- 1 Temporals from the 1) Three occipital scales. contact with the cantholoreal ened by international trade, but can be confused with 1 2 buttom up: lower, Internasals: îColor of the area around 2) Six to eight scales on the scale. those that are, and therefore their trade must also be median, upper. Anterior the eye with respect to back of the neck regulated. In general terms, international trade with From back to front: 2) Two primary temporal Posterior Postoculars the rest of the head îDorsolateral scales diagonally with 3 commercial purposes is allowed. Frontonasal primary, secondary, respect to the ventrolateral fold 3) Two primary temporal scales in contact with the Prefrontals Anterior superciliary tertiary scales in contact with the postoculars IN MEXICO, CONTACT: Lateral : Frontal Cantholoreal îSlightly îMuch lighter postoculars 2 3) Three occipital scales. supraoculars îSimilar lighter îîLaw enforcement: Supranasal PROFEPA (01-800-77-033-72). Interparietal Median supraocular MX II A MX II A îîHarvest and exportation permits: (it has an Abronia deppii Abronia oaxacae General Direction of Wildlife, SEMARNAT “orifice” called Parietals ocelli) (+52-55-5624-3309) Occipitals îîScientific and technical advice: Scientific Authority îOccipital scales in îTwo Occipitals of CITES, CONABIO (+ 52-55-5004-4937). odd number (1 or 3) WORLDWIDE: A. fimbriata A. aurita A. anzuetoi A. cuetzpali îîReach out your CITES Authorities at A. deppii Preocular A. gaiophantasma A. matudai A. campbelli A. mitchelli Nuchals A. leurolepis A. ochoterenai A. meledona A. martindelcampoi REFERENCE GUIDE ATTENTION îîBetween 27 and 29 transverse rows of dorsal scales. îîBetween 27 and 29 transverse 2 1 Infralabial A. lythrochila A. smithi A. vasconcelosii A. mixteca LIST OF rows of dorsal scales. Posteriormost supralabial A. oaxacae II îîDark verminculations, not very visible, in the scales of Categories of the International Union for CHARACTERISTICS I II II I II the back of the head. îîPosterolateral scales of the head Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Posterolaterals II OF THE DRAGONS îîPostereolateral scales of the head not protruding protruding and with a conical Auricular region end. Prehensile tail. 1 îDorsolateral scales parallel to the 1) One occipital scale 1) Anterior superciliary does not dorsoventral fold contact the canthoreal scale. 3 Longitudinal rows of Transverse rows of 2) Just one inferior îVentral scales adjacent to the 2) Two primary temporal Critically Endangered Vulnerable Least Concern Data Deficient scales scales ventrolateral fold similar in size to primary temporal scale Endangered the rest of the ventral scales in contact with the scales in contact with the 1 postoculars. CITES Risk categories in Mexico 2 postoculars 2 3

IDENTIFICATION GUIDE FOR DRAGONS FOR GUIDE IDENTIFICATION 3 4 3) Three occipital scales. Appendices: I, II NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 5 6 MX II MX II Pr 7 îSupranasal scales îSupranasal scales Ventral scales adjacent to Abronia martindelcampoi Abronia mitchelli A Pr 8... î I II P without contact with expanded and in contact the ventrolateral fold clearly each other with each other larger than the rest of the Endangered Threatened Under Transversal rows of dorsal scales: The first special 4 ventral scales Between 4 and 8 3 and 4 scales row is counted as the nuchal scales and the protection rows of scales in the between the eye last is the row of the posterior limit of the back of the neck. and the end of hind legs. Species distribution: the head. MX GT HN SV Mexico Guatemala Honduras El Salvador îîBetween 24 and 28 transverse rows of dorsal scales. Region of the ventrolateral îîGreenish gray dorsal color with black speckles and fold: In this area there are A. graminea îîDark vermiculations, fine but visible in the scales of irregular brown spots. A. ornelasi small scales that divide the A. frosti the back of the head A fold in the side A. taeniata îîVentral scales adjacent to the ventrolateral fold are No fold in the back of the belly and give A. reidi A. montecristoi îîBig protruding postlateral scales between the rear neck. A. fuscolabialis of similar size to the rest of the ventral scales How to quote: the appearance of a fold. A. salvadorensis and front legs. Sánchez- Herrera, O., Solano- 1) One occipital scale 1 1) Parietal scales do not 1 Zavaleta, I., Rivera-Téllez, E. 2017. II II Identification guide for dragons I II 2) Just one inferior contact the median (Arboreal alligator lizards, primary temporal scale supraoculars IF THE SPECIMEN DOES NOT PRESENT THESE Species that requiere Species that requiere in contact with the Abronia spp.) regulated by CITES. I permits for Appendix I II permits for Appendix II 2) Two occipital scales CONABIO. Mexico CHARACTERISTICS, IT IS NOT A DRAGON postoculars 2 2 Abronia graminea MX II A MX II Pr Abronia fuscolabialis MX II A Abronia ornelasi MX II P Abronia reidi MX II P Abronia aurita GT II A Abronia matudai MX GT II A Abronia ochoterenai MX GT II P

Whithout photography available, we are looking for collaborations.

îîBrownish green back with dark spots in the shape of a îîUniform green or bluish color, without transverse îîWhitish creamy or yellowish color, with six to îîGenerally greenish or brownish green color, with dark bands on the back. Tail without transverse bands in eight dark transverse spots. Tail with incomplete îîBrown back occasionally with greenish tones, îîBack of the body and tail of olive green color, with îîGreenish gray or blue green back with black îîGreen back and sides of body usually lighter “v”. Scales of the back with keels dorsal transverse bands more evident on the sides. yellowish hands and legs 1 the edges of the scales yellowish. speckles. 1 the ventral region. transverse bands on the ventral surface. Tail with incomplete transverse bands on the ventral îîSuprauricular scales like rounded or truncated spines îî12 longitudinal rows of ventral scales 1) Frontonasal and frontal scale 1) Parietal scales in contact with median 1 îîMales usually with orange spots on 1) Frontonasal scale does not 1 îîPreauricular scales granular and in rows 1 1 surface of the body and tail. 1) Four scales on the back of 1) Six scales on the back of in contact supraoculars. 2 temporal region, on spines and/or contact frontal scale 1) Two lower temporal 1) Three primary temporal scales the neck (occasionally six) the neck 1 2) Parietal scale does not contact 2) Frontonasal scale does on edges of dorsal scales. 2 scales in contact with 2) Supranasal scales enlarged 2) Posterior subocular scale in contact 2) Canthal scales fused with 2) Canthal scales fused with the median supraoculars 2 not contact frontal scale 1) Posteriormost supralabial but do not touch postoculars. 3 with lower primary temporal scale posterior internasal scales posterior internasal scales 3) Four primary temporal scales 3) Three primary temporal scales scale of similar size to the 2) Canthal scales previous temporal one. 2 3) Frontonasal scale usually in contact distinguishable from the îî30 to 33 rows of dorsal scales îîBetween 34 and 36 rows 1 with frontal 2 2 3 3 posterior internasals. 2 of dorsal scales

Abronia bogerti MX II P Abronia chiszari MX II P Abronia ramirezi MX II Abronia fimbriata GT I Abronia gaiophantasma GT II Abronia anzuetoi GT I Abronia smithi MX II


2 3 îîBack with creamy yellowish or greenish tones and 10 îîBack light brown or buff color, with seven dark îî Buff pale color with seven to nine transverse dark spots. or more dark transverse spots. transverse spots. îî Dark green or emerald back. Scales of the back with îîYellowish green back. Scales of the back with keels. Generally 10 to 12 longitudinal rows of ventral scales îîMore than 10 longitudinal rows of ventral scales îî10 longitudinal rows of ventral scales îîBrown back with lighter edge on the scales îîBrown back (reddish or gray) with dark transverse edge of yellowish green color. Five to six spines on îî îî12 longitudinal rows of ventral scales each side of the head. Yellowish scales in the form of 2 1) Frontonasal and nasal scales do not contact or îîMore than 17 subdigital lamellae on 1) Two to three primary temporal 1 îîUsually without frontonasal spots. 1) Preauricular scales with irregular 1 have minimal contact. î12 to 14 longitudinal rows of scales on the back. lamellae under the fingers. arrangement the fourth toe scales scale î 1 FOLLOW THIS LINK TO CONSULT ADDITIONAL 1 1) Lower tertiary temporal scale does 2) Two to three lateral supraocular scales. îUsually between 40 and 47 1) Primary and secondary upper temporal 2 2) Four or five primary temporal scales î 2) Frontonasal and nasal scales 1) Supranasal 1 not contact median primary GUIDE MATERIAL 3) Two to three primary temporal scales. transverse rows of dorsal scales. 1 scales larger than the tertiary. are in contact. 2 scalesexpanded and in temporal 3) Posterior subocular scale does not 3 îîUsually more than 17 subdigital lamellae on the fourth 1) Frontonasal and frontal scales 3) Two lateral supraocular scales contact with each other 2) Preauricular scales with Species similar to the dragons, bibliographical references contact the lower primary temporal toe irregular accommodation 2) Two primary temporal scales used in this compilation, more photographs of dragons, do not contact. îî17 or less, subdigital lamellae on 2) Pair of anterior internasal 4) Frontonasal scale usually wider in the in contact with the postoculars consults with experts, credits of the photographs, general îîUsually between 38 and 43 transverse rows of dorsal 2) Three primary temporal scales the fourth toe scales separated from the 3) Last infralabial scale is small 3 back 2 3 posterior pair. 2 3) Subocular separated fro the lower primary temporal acknowledgments, etc. scales. 3) 3) Three lateral supraocular scales 3 2 3 4

Abronia frosti GT I Abronia montecristoi HN SV II Abronia salvadorensis HN II Abronia leurolepis MX II Abronia lythrochila MX II A GT I GT I Abronia vasconcelosii GT II

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îîBrown color with dark transverse spots visible on the sides. Occasionally a thin dark eye mask towards îî Gray or brown back with shades of yellowish green. îîLight gray or yellowish color with dark spots îîBrown color with a pattern of 1 the auricular region. îîBrown back with irregular dark brown spots. îîBack grayish olive with dark, thin and irregular Dorsal scales with dark in the front. A maximum of îîBack cream or pale green with black spots. Dorsal scales îîBack green or pale turquoise with black spots. îîBetween 14 and 16 longitudinal rows of ventral scales transverse spots, occasionally îîMales usually with reddish orange spots on lips and with dark in the front. Nine to 11 spines on each side of îî14 longitudinal rows of ventral scales 1 spots usually in the form of a “v”. eight spines on each side of the head. îîMales usually have orange spots on the temporal region not well defined temporal region. the head. 1) One occipital scale 1 2 (occasionally 12) 1) Posteriormost supralabial îî12 longitudinal rows of ventral îî Frontonasal scale absent îîYellowish scales in the form of 1 îîBetween 14 and 15 longitudinal rows of dorsal scales îîBlack or dark brown scales in the scale large and elongated. 2) Parietal scale in contact scales 1) One to three occipital scales 1) Last infralabial scale lamellae under the fingers 1) Primary and secondary upper form of lamellae under the fingers. Larger than the previous with median supraocular 2) Parietal scale does not contact 2 elongated in comparison 1) Two primary temporal scales in 1) Five occipital scales 2 temporal scales of similar size 1) Parietal scale in contact with the last scale scales median supraoculars to the penultimate one. contact with postoculars 1 2) Three primary temporal 3 to the tertiary. median supraocular scale. 3) Two primary temporal 3) Two primary temporal scales in 2) Lower secondary temporal scale 2 scales in contact with the 2) Preauricular scales granular 2) Subocular scale separated from scales in contact with contact with postoculars 1 large and in contact with the median postoculars and arranged in rows the lower primary temporal 1 the postoculars 3 2 1 primary temporal 2