SDKDAY; DECEMBER » .MOt ,^_ KEW-TttSß! DAIS* TRIBUNE. 2 VARIETY THEAT \u25a0 - t| STAGE AFFAIRS. ALHAMBRA THEATRE. "^ Mirthful May Irwin will be a feature off th* amusement at the Alhambra. this week. Misa Irwhx ACADEMY OF MUSIC. has some new son? 3and also a recitation that the causes merriment U the A-*o*t.-. or Music 'The Lion and wherever beard. Dan Bixrkoand week of a re- his School Girls are on the bill, and they Maus*~ enter*, now upon the last are sur« city. It tells a THE THEATRE to bring good during markably successful career in this cheer to the Alhambra this end it «rik^ at alleged political Joyous season. Mr. Burke is a grood dancer. Fred Ma7aaarr. c^rpora- and the alleged tyranny of rich Bond and his company will present the laughable corruption mind at Those topics are much in the public farce of "Handkerchief No. 15." Shields and...... clearly or ex- Ashley, tius time.-perhaps not very defined Rogers, Matthews and a group of acrobats, extent that a actly understood.-but to *uch an and Princess Trixle, the trick horse, complete possess more than tha ill,concerning them appears to bill. piece are rl6T»ificaa^. The defects of the COLONIAL ,15 way and it still is THEATRE. A^Bviouf; yet it has made 2?. A Mr. Williams provided It will 1-" acted until December has a number of excellent Hlfer 30. acts for tul '-'announced for December Christmas week at his Colonial Theatre. K'c? Ther© will be the usual performances, afternoon B ASTOR THEATRE. and night, at both of his theatres. Th«» "Tom will re- chief sources of amusement 6 \ comic opera of Jones" at the Colonial will Theatre. Cliff, \u25a0iTr only two veeks more at the Astor be Laddie a boy who has some reputation deserves ail the praise that it has re- abroad as a dancer; Horace Golden, with a Km an.ply discriminated, the new ceived. Th- ch*r*C*e» are well series of illusions; the Six English Rockers, sweetly melodious headed rnovem-nt