Copyright 2010, Theatre Copyright 2010, • HOME OF MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE

The Official MagaZine of the Detroit Opera House

Michigan Opera Theatres 2000-2001 Season is lOvingly dedicated to the memory of Lynn A. Townsend and Robert E. Dewar

BRAVO IS A MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE PUBLICA TION Dr. David-DiChiera, General Director Laura Wyss, Editor

CONTRIBUTORS MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE STAFF Charlene Baldridge Joy Hajduk-DeGraff BERESH JEWELERS Timothy Paul Lentz Parklane Twin Towers Francois Thiolat Hubbard Dr. & Southfield Fwy. PUBLISHER Dearborn, MI 48126 Live Publishing Company 800.55l.1250 Frank Cucciarre, Design and Art Direction We appraise and set diamonds Chuck Rosenberg, Copy Editor purchased over the internet. Toby Faber, Director oj Advertising Sales

COVER PHOTO Mark J Mancinelli, MJM Photography A speCial thanks to Jeanette Pawlaczyk Michigan Opera Theatre would like to thank Harmony House Records for donating season recordings and videos_ Michigan Opera Theatre's 2000-2001 subscription and single tickets have been graCiously sponsored by Hunter House, Harmonie Park. Physicians' service provided by Henry Ford Medical Center. METAL RESTORATION Alitalia is the official airline of Michigan Opera Theatre. D ent and scratd,. removal Pepsi-Cola is the official soft drink and juice provider for the Detroit Opera House. Re-atta.chment Starbucks Coffee is the official coffee of the Detroit Opera House. S terling, brass, copper, bronze, and plate Steinway is the official piano of the Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre. Steinway pianos are provided by Hammel Music, exclusive representative B en Wearley, sJ versmith for Steinway and Sons in Michigan. (248) 549-3016 President Tuxedo is the official provider of formal wear for the Detroit Opera House . Wearley Studio Gallery Michigan Opera Theatre is a nonprofi t cultural organization whose activities are supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment fo r the Arts, and other 1 7 19 West Fourteen M ile Road individuals, corporations and foundations. Michigan Opera Theatre is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Royal O ak (E ast of Woodwa rd Ave., at eroobs Rd., next to tlIe sw corner)

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Detroit Opera House BRAVO 3 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre MICHIGAN Q:l~ ""--..... __ ... F~1r Season MESSAGE From the General Director ...... 6

INMEMORlAM Lynn A. Townsend ...... 8 Robert E. Dewar ...... 9

ON STAGE La Boheme ...... 11 "Renting" La Boheme ...... 14 COS! fan tutte ...... 19 A Post-Liberation Look at Cosl ...... 22 Cendrillon (Cinderella) ...... 27

ORCHESTRA &:£ CHORUS Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra and Chorus ...... 32

MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Board of Directors and Trustees ...... 34

OUTREACH &:£ EDUCATION Community Programs ...... 36

CONTRIBUTORS New Century Fund ...... 38 Named Gifts ...... 39 Michigan Opera Theatre Contributors ...... 40 Avanti Society ...... 43

MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Administration and Staff...... 44

Volunteers ...... 45

General Information ...... 46

4 BRAVO www.MichiganOpeTa.OTg Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre JOHN GEORGE BROWN THE HARPIST r870 OIL ON CANvAS, 30" X 35" THE MAscO COLLECTION



Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre MESSAGE

A Message from the General Director "We grow great by dreams:' - Woodrow Wilson

Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's Now we dream of an opera house Thirtieth Anniversary Season! complete. Last summer, with the unfor­ I love this -quotation by President gettable Three Tenors concert at Tiger Woodrow Wilson, because it exemplifies Stadium , we launched our New Century the journey that is Michigan Opera Theatre Fund Campaign, an initiative that will (MOT). Fueled by a commitment to the help us provide our community with a wonderful art form of opera, the dreams state-of-the-art Educational Resource of MOT's founders have become the vision Center, retire our accumulated debt and of many. The systematic realization of establish a substantial endowment. those dreams has built our estimable his- These dreams fulfilled will bring dynamiC _tory ar'!d has made this company one of artistic growth and community involve­ the largest and most respected opera ment. Michigan Opera Theatre is now companies in the country. The ability of poised to influence the lives of thousands all of us to continually envision bigger of school children by providing unparal­ and better dreams drives our future. leled arts education throughout the next century. Abov,e all, from our formative years to the present, we have been blessed with Michigan Opera Theatre has thrived great vocal talent, continued to expand leaders and volunteers who, in the face of during its three decades due to the our repertoire and laid the groundwork doubt, believed in this company's success. enthusiasm, talent and support of many; for a new home. many people. I am extremely proud of In our first decade, we dreamed of Sadly, both of these aforementioned our accomplishments to date and look providing Detroit with an opera company. extraordinary leaders, Lynn Townsend forward with renewed excitement to the After seven years of touring to schools and Robert Dewar, recently passed away challenges that lie ahead. You will be and community centers throughout Their vital roles in the establishment and hearing much in the coming months southeastern Michigan, we were confident development of this great company are about our future plans. Meanwhile, I there was an audience to support a pro­ undeniable, and their legacy is ensured. thank you for being a part of this very fessional opera company. In 1971, under We pay tribute to them on pages 8 and 9 special anniversary season and for con­ the leadership of Lynn and Ruth Townsend of this book and dedicate the 2000-2001 tinuing to provide the love, support and our Founding Directors, the first of Season to their memory. They will be and enthusiasm that have allowed many dreams came true. During our first profoundly missed. Michigan Opera Theatre to reach this decade, we saw this small company Significant milestone. It is truly a spe­ emerge as one of the nation's great Our third decade saw the fruition of cial occasion to share with you our regional opera companies, serving our efforts to find a permanent home, Thirtieth Season. Detroit and the State of Michigan. one which has allowed us to fulfill our dream of providing our community Enjoy the performance! In the early 1980s, despite the with opera and dance on a world -class tremendous challenge of sustaining an stage. Hard to believe, but next April opera company against a backdrop of we will celebrate our fifth season in the inflation and economic recession, we Detroit Opera Housel dreamed of expansion - expanding our programs, our base of support and our So, Michigan Opera Theatre is thriv­ David DiChiera role in the community. At that time, under ing, and Detroit has one of the finest Founder and General Director the leadership of Robert E. Dewar, MOT's opera houses in the world. Where do we Michigan Opera Theatre Chairman of the Board since 1980, we go from here? With dreams this extraor­ helped to develop some of the world's dinary journey began; with dreams we shall press on.

6 BRAVO Copyright www.MichiganOpera.org2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House • Sunrooms • Conservatories • Patio Rooms • Skylights

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre IN MEMORIAM

Left: Lynn Townsend (left) and Governor "Soapy" Williams at the opening night performance of , 1.987, Fisher Theatre, Detroit. Above: (left to right) Lynn and Ruth Townsend with Lisa and David DiChiera. Lynn A. Townsend 1919-2000

While Michtgan Opera Theatre marks its 30th season since Townsend became the Chairman of both boards. In 1980 the launching of its first season in 1971, it was the activities Lynn Townsend was succeeded by Robert Dewar as Chairman of the preceding decade that provided the foundation for the of its Board of Directors. Lynn remained Chairman of the establishment of the Opera Company Board of Trustees until 1987 when he was named Chairman In 1963 the Detroit Grand Opera Association invited Dr. Emeritus. In recognition of Ruth and Lynn Townsend); inde­ DiChiera, then a newly arrived professor of music at Oakland fatigable leadership and zealous commitment to the establish­ University, to take over an educational initiative called "Over­ ment of the Opera Company, Michigan Opera Theatre dedicat­ ture to Opera." He quickly expanded the program to consist ed the 1987/88 season to these two outstanding community luminaries. of fully produced scenes from the presented in Detroit by the Company for a week each May David DiChiera talked about Mr. Townsend); contribution in his dedication in the program from the Gala Opening of the Ruth Townsend, our Chairman of the Overture to Opera Detroit Opera House (1996): "In our American society, the Committee organized an extensive network of volunteers cultural institutions that we cherish have never been accepted representing each of the communities where the performances as public responsibilities as in their European antecedents, of Overture to Opera took place. Ruth's early leadership was but have depended on the willingness of community leaders nurtured further by her husband Lynn, CEO and Chairman to help nurture and support their development. Thus, the of the Board of Directors for Chrysler Corporation, who evolution of Michigan Opera Theatre found refuge under the possessed a profound interest and love for the genre of opera. dedicated leadership of Ruth and Lynn Townsend who Together with their committee volunteers, Ruth and Lynn brought together a group of founding members to provide dedicated themselves to the success of Overture to Opera. financial support and lOving care for a fragile and young Through their determination, Ruth and Lynn inspired much enterprise. It was Lynn whose considerable influence as of the organizational framework that ensured the growth of Chairman of the Board of the Chrysler Corporation opened Overture's programs, and helped galvanize the community's the doors in the community to pay attention to what he greater interest in establishing a full-time, profeSSional opera affectionately called "David's Project." company for the state of Michigan. Following Mr. Townsend's recent passing on Thursday, This quest became a reality in 1970 with the formation August 17, 2000, David DiChiera reflected, "I have so many of Michigan Opera Theatres Founding Committee and the . wonderful memories of the years Lynn and I worked together appointment of Ruth and Lynn as Chairmen, who would in building this opera company The camaraderie we enjoyed oversee the Company's inaugural season one year later and has set the tone for our MOT family to this very day My only the re-opening of the Music Hall (after years of neglect) as regret is that Lynn's illness never allowed him to see the the opera company); first home. Detroit Opera House, the world-class home for the opera In 1973 this group of directors was re-organized and company he was so instrumental in bringing into existence. enlarged into a Board of Directors and Trustees, and Lynn He would have been so proud."

8 BRAVO Copyright www.Mich2010, Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House - IN MEMORIAM

Left: Robert Dewar (right) and his beloved wife, Nancy. Below left: Robert Dewar and Dame Joan Sutherland cut the ribbon at the Gala Opening of the Detroit Opera House.

Robert E. Dewar 1923-2000

On September 7, 2000, Michigan Opera Theatre was deeply take risks and ultimately the commitment to a project that saddened by the passing' of Robert (Bob) E. Dewar, Chairman many believed was impractical and foolish and impossible. of the Board of Directors and Trustees. All of us working to achieve this dream were given courage like Lynn and Ruth Townsend, Robert and Nancy truly and strength of steadfastness by our community leader and loved opera and joined the Michigan Opera Theatre Board of volunteer par excellence, Robert Dewar." Trustees in 1973, two years after the Company was founded. Robert Dewar's passion for the opera permeated his life and He joined the Board of Directors in 1975. In 1980, when Lynn activities. Not only was he a generous benefactor, but his com­ Townsend stepped down, there was no doubt in anyones mind mitment took him above and beyond what most would consider that Robert Dewar was the logical successor. His love for opera, doing. David DiChiera recalls those years leading up to the together with his stature in the community as Chairman of the opening of the Detroit Opera House: "Bob gave of himself tire­ Board of Kmart and his community-wide esteem as a man of lessly, and during those years of frantic fund-raising, the Detroit integrity and commitment, made him the natural choice. Athletic Club became his second office. I can't count the break­ David DiChiera talked about Mr. Dewars contribution in his fasts and luncheons that preceded a tour with prospective and program dedication from the Gala Opening of the Detroit incredulous 'prospects.' In the dead of winter, or in the blistering Opera House (1996): "How lucky we were that Bob was in the summer heat, he would don his hard-hat and sell the vision of a wings ready to take up the mantle and how lucky I have been beautiful opera house, while walking through a building in - blessed by the continuity of his leadership and unswerving complete shambles." His commitment was so great that, when loyalty to the vision of an opera company with no parameters the construction teams threatened to walk out because the to its potential as a cultural force. For the past [20] years mortgage had not yet been approved, Bob put his own finances Robert Dewar has provided the stability and affection for MOT, on the line - the bank trusted him, and his actions allowed the which has allowed this institution to realize its potential. The opera house to open in time for its sold-out gala. dream of an opera house was encouraged by Bob and by a In his tribute to Robert Dewar, David DiChiera reflected, Board of Directors and Trustees who have always functioned as "We shall all miss this kind, gentle and totally committed a lOving family devoted to art form and to the community His friend, but his legacy will remain vivid in each and every leadership provided the strategic planning, the willingness to performance that we enjoy in this magnificent theater."

Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www.MichiganOpera Michigan Theatre BRAVO 9 IS kt. invisibly set diamond and sapphire pendants and earrings. Visit Tapper's to see our complete collection of daring diamond jewelry.

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THE CAST Opera in Four Acts By orde r of vocal appearance Presented by Michigan Opera MARCELLO . Mariusz Kwiecien * Theatre Marian Pop , Music by RODOLFO Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa Francesco Grollo and Luigi Illica Raul Melo* Based on the novel Scenes de la COLLINE Kyle Ketelsen * Vie Boheme by Henry Murger World Premiere: Turin, SCHAUNARD Terry Murphy* February 1, 1896

BENOIT Steven Henrikson Conductor Steven Mercurio Mario Corradi MIMI Director Francesca Pedaci * Chorus Master Suzanne Mallare Acton Inese Galante Set Design Claude Girard Costume Design Claude Girard and Robert Prevost PARPIGNOL Michael Ryan * Lighting Design Kendall Smith Makeup &: Hair Design Elsen Associates MUSETTA Stage Manager Brett Finley Karen Driscoll English Translation by Chlis Bergen. ALCINDORO Surtitles for this production of La Boheme are owned by Chlis Bergen. Steven Henrikson This production oliginally designed for [Opera de Montreal. SERGEANT Anthony Lynch

CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICER ~erit~. Justin Watson Michigan Opera Theatres 2000 Fall The Opening Night Performance and the * Michigan Opera Theatre Debut Season and the 2000 Opera Ball are Student/Senior Preview of La Boheme are made possible by Ford Motor Company sponsored by AmeriLech.

BRAVO 11 Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www.Mic MichiganhiganO Theatre Setting: ACT I In a cheerless garret on Christmas Eve, Rodolfo, a poet, and Marcello, a painter, keep warm by feed­ ing a stove with pages from Rodolfo's Paris, 1830~ drama. They are joined by Colline, a philosopher, and Schaunard, a musician, attention wherever she with tears and coughing, who bring food, fuel and funds. As they goes. Everyone except and Rodolfo discovers celebrate their good fortune, Benoit, the Marcello is highly amused her. Mimi explains that landlord, interrupts their gaiety, demand­ by the encounter. To it is best for them to ing the . They ply the old man with get rid of Alcindoro, part amiably While Mimi wine, encouraging him to tell his flirta­ Musetta complains and Rodolfo exchange tions. With pretended indignation at his that her shoe memories of their indiscretions, they throw him out. pinches and happiness, Rodolfo's friends depart, agreeing to meet sends the Musetta and him later .at the Cafe Momus. Returning Marcello storm to his work, he is surprised by a knock out of the tavern, -at the door. The visitor is a pretty young shouting insults at neighbor, Mimi, whose candle has gone one another. The stormy couple part in out on the drafty stairway, and who anger, but Mimi and Rodolfo promise to faints as soon as she enters. Rodolfo have it repaired. The remain together at least until the spring. revives her with a glass of wine. He moment he is out of lights her candle, but as she leaves she sight, she falls into ACT IV Back in their garret and sepa­ realizes she cannot find her key As they Marcello's arms. Musetta tells rated from their loves, Rodolfo and search for it, a gust of wind extinguishes the waiter to charge everything to Marcello lament their loneliness. Colline both candles. In the moonlight, the poet Alcindoro. A detachment of parading sol­ and Schaunard join them, bringing a takes Mimis shivering hand and tells her diers passes the cafe , and the bohemians meager meal. To lift their spirits, the four of his dreams. She responds by telling fall in behind, lifting Musetta with her stage a mock ball, which turns into a him how she lives alone in her attic shoeless foot to their shoulders. good-natured duel. At the height of their apartment, embroidering flowers and Alcindoro rushes back with Musetta's revelry, Musetta bursts into the room, waiting for the first kiss of Aprils sun. shoe, only to face the bill. When Rodolfo's friends call to him from saying Mimi is downstairs, too weak to the street, he answers that he will be climb the stairs. Rodolfo runs to assist along shortly with a friend. Expressing ACT III On a snowy morning at a cus­ her. Musetta tells the others how Mimi their newfound love, Mimi and Rodolfo toms gate at the edge of Paris, merry­ begged to be taken to Rodolfo so she embrace and leave arm in arm. makers are heard from within a tavern. could die near him. The destitute Mimi enters, searching for the place bohemians go to pawn their goods for a where Marcello now lives with Musetta. doctor and medicine: Musetta's earrings ACT II The Latin Quarter bristles with When he emerges and asks her to join and Collines coat, which has served him humanity celebrating Christmas Eve. them inside, she declines because so faithfully for so long. Alone, Rodolfo Rodolfo buys Mimi a pink bonnet at a Rodolfo is there. Mimi is distraught over and Mimi recall their happy days togeth­ shop near the Cafe Momus. The poet her lover's incessant jealousy Rodolfo, er. When the others return, Musetta gives introduces Mimi to his friends. Soon who has been asleep in the tavern, is Mimi a muff to warm her hands. As Musetta, Marcello's high-spirited former heard, and Mimi quickly hides. Mimi quietly thanks her friends for their sweetheart, makes a noisy entrance on Emerging, Rodolfo tells Marcello that he kindness, she slips slowly into sleep. the arm of her rich new admirer, the wants to leave Mimi because she is so Schaunard goes to Mimi's bedside and elderly Alcindoro. The ensuing tumult fickle. Pressed for the real reason, he discovers that she is dead. Rodolfo, see­ reaches its height when Musetta, trying breaks down, saying that her illness can ing the pain on his friend's faces, rushes to regain the painter's attention, sings a only grow worse in the poverty in which to Mimi, calling her name in despair. waltz, telling how she is the center of they live. Mimi, overhearing, is overcome

12 BRAVO Copyright www.MichiganOpera.org2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House TRADITION. INSPIRATION. EXCELLENCE. MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE





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Detroit Opera House BRAVO 13 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre "Renting" La Boheme

by Joy Hajduk-DeGraff

It is opening night. On stage, the gritty set reveals oppressive poverty, a reality that shocks and inspires. In the garret, a beautiful young woman, wracked with illness, sings of hope and despair The music is direct and uhsentimental. The passions are sharp. Her lover dissolves in desperate grief. A friend's compassion inspires a sacrifice. In the audience, hearts open to emotions: the relentless passage of time, the inherent unfairness of young death. Infused with exultant sweetness, the music soars from the young (fISt. The applause is thunderous. It could be the 1896 premiere of Puccini's La Boheme. Instead, it is almost exactly one hundred years later, and the production is Jonathan Larson's Rent. Simple, powerful themes bridge the century that separates the two works: the universal hope of youth, artistic expression transcending over­ whelming physical poverty, the fringes of society building communities in the face of devastating illness. Similarities between the two dramatic works seem endless, from characters to structure, settings to actual music. Both works are set in artists' tenements, Boheme in Paris' Latin Quarter and Rent in warming the freezing garret by setting This fall, audiences have a unique Alphabet City, the run-down east end his manuscripts on fire , Roger burns his opportunity to compare Puccini's La of New York's East Village. rock concert posters because the power Boheme and Jonathan Larson's Rent to his industrial loft has been cut off. In Characters are parallel, with many at the Detroit Opera House. perhaps the most stunning makeover, interesting twists. Rodolfo, the dreamy Schaunard, the musician, is transformed for help in the darkened building. She poet, becomes Roger Davis, a rock musi­ into Angel, the transvestite street musi­ loses her key (or is it her drug stash?). In cian. His roommate Marcello, the painter, cian. He bursts in with food and wine the ensuing search, the pair finds passion becomes Mark, a nerdy video artist. bought with money earned from his in the moonlight. Mimi, his love, goes from sweet seam­ music. The landlord, Benoit (Benny Both Larson and Puccini hesitated at stress to drug-addicted exotic dancer. in Rent), stops by to act the villain. the critical scene of Mimi's death. When Rent's staging neatly echoes Boheme's. Eventually, RodolfolRoger is alone. Enter his ending is finally revealed, Puccini In the first act, instead of Rodolfo Mimi, the next-door neighbor, looking seems to suffer a moment of doubt,

14 BRAVO Copyright www.MichiganOpera.org2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House abandoning the sweet, dramatic musical Her lover dissolves in kitchen; the roofleaked .... [Larson] ran line he has built to that point and handing fat orange extension chords around the Rodolfo the opera's only spoken lines. desperate grief. A friend's place to make up for lack of electrical outlets." They cut through the drama like a knife. compassion inspires a At tre same point in Rent, Larson gave Both Rent and Boheme suffered difficult up trying to write anything worthy of sacrifice. In the audience, births. Puccini took three years to create the climax. He defers to Puccini, bringing Boheme. He struggled to coordinate three Puccini's music into the rock score's hearts open to emotions: librettists, clumsily managing the creative last act. the relentless passage of time, process via letters from Torre del Lago. Rent and Boheme were born from He discarded many versions before craft­ the real-life experiences of their creators. the inherent unfairness of ing the plot we know today - writing, Boheme's libretto is based on Scenes de young death. abandoning, resurrecting and rewriting la Vie Boheme, a novel by Henry Murger, scenes. Similarly, Larson went back to the written when the author was living in and watched as the modern plague of drawing board countless times while an attic in the Latin Quarter in circum­ AIDS swept through his circle of friends. bringing Rent from a staged workshop to stances resembling Rodolfo's. Murger's In the Life Cafe on the lower East Side, a a full Broadway production. At one main characters are all based on real modern Cafe Momus, groups of creative point, Larson was in despair. At his people - Rodolfo on Murger himself, artists mingle with street people. Larson investors' insistence, he had collaborated . the other men on his friends and room­ occupied a converted loft in downtown with a dramaturge, a combination critic, mates, Musetta on a model popular with Manhattan, where roommates came and advisor and editor who acted as midwife local painters and wealthy patrons. Cafe went. One roommate recalled, 'The to the creative process. But, six weeks Momus was a real establishment fre­ doorbell didn't work, so visitors had to before rehearsals were to begin, he was quented by bohemians. call from the phone on the corner, and being asked for yet another full rewrite. Similarly, creator Jonathan Larson we would toss the keys down. The claw­ The musical lacked focus. Larson's advi­ lived in New York's seedy East Village foot bathtub was in the middle of the sors insisted he express his vision for the

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Detroit Opera House BRAVO 15 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre musical in one sentence. He was unable "It's rare that we get the Award, the Drama Desk Award, the New to do so. Several twenty-hour workdays York Drama Critics Circle Award and chance to experience these passed. The operas structure was simpli­ many others. It has become a global fied, the emotions were sharpened. By two important works back-to­ phenomenon, playing hundreds of the time rehearsals were to begin, the performances from Japan to Iceland, narrative was lean, and Larson delivered back like this. La Boheme's Brazil to Germany his one-sentence summary: "Rent is about appeal has endured for over This fall, Detroit audiences have a unique a community celebrating life in the face opportunity to see both La Boheme and of death and AIDS at the tum of the cen­ one hundred years, while Rent at the Detroit Opera House. Dr. tury" Rent is one of the hottest David DiChiera, General Director, consid­ Success kissed both operas. At Boheme's ers it a fortunate juxtaposition. "Its rare 1896 premiere in Turin, its shocking things on stage today." that we get the chance to experience themes and ghtty reality struck a chord these two important works back-to-back with audiences ready for verismo, a dose - David DiChiera like this. La Boheme's appeal has endured of true life. Audience reception was warm, for over one hundred years, while Rent is and acclaim for the opera built through It was a tremendous shock to all when one of the hottest things on stage today subsequent performances. While a few 35-year-old Larson died suddenly of an Each piece expresses not only its time, critics still debate its .status as a master­ aortic aneurysm, the day of the final dress the heart and soul of its particular era, piece, Boheme has been embraced by its rehearsal before the shows Broadway but also a universal emotion that tran­ public ,and is one of the most -performed opening. Larson's vision and his young scends its era and appeals to all of us." _operas of all time. Similarly, Rent's success cast's energy carried the day anyway By Michigan Opera Theatres production of built Swiftly Art early sui.ged workshop opening night, Rent was a genuine hit. La Boheme sings out from October 14th created tremendous energy and attracted Twenty-one international television crews through 22nd. Rent steps into the spot­ investors. At each refinement, going from covered the opening. Rent earned a light from November 24th through stage to bigger stage, the excitement built. Pulitzer Prize, the Tony Award, the Obie December 3rd. Technological Craftsmanship


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16 BRAVO Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

& Artist Profiles iYJichigan Opera Theatre is proud to present the following artists:

Suzanne Mallare Acton Francesco Grollo (Italy) Steven Mercurio (USA) (USA) Chorus Master Rodolfo Conductor Suzanne Mallare Acton has After making his North New York-born Steven been MOTS Assistant Music American opera debut in Mercurio has conducted the Director and Chorus Master Hamilton, Ontario, Italian opera companies of Rome, since the 1981/82 season. She tenor Francesco Grollo made San Francisco, Brussels, has conducted several produc­ his u.s. operatic debut in London, Seattle, Costa Mesa, tions during her tenure, MOT's 1999 production of Washington, Dallas and including The Barber oj Seville Madame ButtCljly. In the past Pittsburgh, among others. He and The Daughter oj the Regiment. For Dayton Opera, few seasons, he has performed throughout the was Music Director of the Spoleto Festival (Italy), she conducted West Side St01Y, My Fair Lady and The world. Special appearances include performances in Principal Conductor of the Opera Company of Pirates oj Penzance. Ms. Acton has served as coach Ferrara (), Bonn (Nabucco), Naples (Roberto Philadelphia and Associate Conductor of the and accompanist for the opera companies of St. Devereux) and at the Anvers Festival in Switzerland Brooklyn Philharmonic. He is featured on many Louis and San Diego, and is Music Director of (Rigoletta). Sony Classical Label recordings and videos, and has Rackham Sytnphony Choir. several film credits. The Juilliard alumnus is both a Kyle Ketelsen (USA) champion of contemporary music and a prolific Mario Corradi (Italy) Colline composer. This marks the Maestros ninth production Director Bass- Kyle Ketelsen is with MOT. Italian-born Mario Corradi Originally from Clinton, Iowa. made his debut in 1982 with II He has performed leading roles Terry Murphy (USA) Matrimonio Segreto in Palermo. in The Marriage oj Figaro, Don Schaunard Since then he has staged opera Giovanni, Rossini's The Turk in Terry Murphy holds a masters worldwide: La Sonnambula in Italy, Coppelius, Dappertutto, degree from the University of Dallas, and Oljeo and Dr. Miracle in The Tales oj Missouri. Past credits include ed Euridic.e in Madrid, Menotti's Hoffmann , Phanuel in Massenet's Herodiade, King Schaunard in La Boheme and Amelia al Ballo in Monte Carlo and Madame Butterfly Rene in Tchaikovskys , and Gremin in Eugene Figaro in The Barber oj Seville in·Spoleto. He has directed in St. Gallen, Frankfurt, Onegin. Recent season highlights included Mr. with 1'0pera de Montreal. Athens and Tokyo. His MOT credits include Ketelsen's debut as Escamillo in Cannen with the Mr. Murphy has also appeared Cannen , The Elixir oj Love, Luda di Lammermo01; Lyric Opera of Chicago and with Dayton Opera. He in a variety of roles with the Florida Grand Opera, Madame Butterfly, and Tasca . Mr. Corradi appeared with the Greensboro Opera in Tasca. The Glimmerglass Opera, Augusta Opera and Opera recently directed in Cincinnati. He also direct­ role of Colline marks his MOT debut. Theatre of St. Louis. Future engagements include a ed Spontinis II Teseo Riconosduto--its first perfor­ return to 1'0pera de Montreal in fltaliana in Algeri. mance of this century Mariusz Kwiecien (Poland) This is Mr. MOT debut. Marcello Karen Driscoll (USA) Baritone Mariusz Kwiecien hails Francesca Pedaci (Italy) Musetta from Krakow, Poland. He began Mimi Ohio native Karen Driscoll his career in 1993 and has sung In 1998-99 soprano Francesca appeared in the title role in all over Europe. In 1998 he Pedaci made her Metropolitan Floyds Susannah for 1'0pera de jOined the Metropolitan Operas Opera debut as Mimi in La Montreal, Juliette for Vancover Young Artist Development Boheme and was both Donna Opera and Opera Program, made his Met debut Anna and Donna Elvira in Saskatchewan, Musetta in La in Katya Kabanova, and also appeared in Rigoletto Aix-en-Provence. She traveled Boheme for Florida Grand and Giulio Cesare, among others. Recently he has to Florence for Cherubini's Messe Solennelle, went Opera, and Micaela in for the New Jersey appeared with Strasbourg's 1'0pera du Rhin and at on tour with the Aix-en-Provence Don Giovanni, State Opera. Last season she added the title role in . He debuted at the Grand Theatre de debuted in Cologne as Mimi, and returned to Massenet's Manon for the Florentine Opera and the Geneve and in Glyndebourne, as the Count in The Scotland, again as Mimi in La Boheme. This season role of Mimi in La Boheme for 1'0pera de Montreal. Marriage oj Figaro. Future debuts include Lyric Ms. Pedaci appears in Don Giovanni and The Future engagements include Manon with Florida Opera of Chicago, San Francisco Opera, The Dallas Marriage oj Figaro at the Vienna Staatsoper, Falstaff Grand Opera and her debut at the Hawaii Opera Opera and Seattle Opera. The role of Marcello is his in Dresden and Carmen in Tenerife. This appear­ Theater as Nedda in I PagHacci. She last appeared MOT debut. ance marks Ms. Pedacis MOT debut. with MOT in Manon. Raul Melo (USA) Marian Pop (Romania) Inese Galante () RodolJo Marcello Mimi Cuban-born tenor Raul Melo Since joining the Vienna lnese Galante was born in , has an amazingly large and Staatsoper and Volksoper Latvia. She is first soloist at the varied repertoire, which he has ensemble in 1995, baritone National State Opera of Latvia. performed in the United States Marian Pop has performed She has sung under the direc­ and abroad, at such theaters as many roles with both compa­ tion of such noted conductors Berlins Deutsche Oper, Stuttgarts nies. He has sung Marcello in as and Neeme State Opera, Dusseldorf's La Boheme, Dandini in La Jarvi. Her repertoire includes Deutsche Oper am Rhein, the opera companies of Cenerentola, Dr. Falke in Die Fledennaus, Valentin in such famous roles as Violetta in La Traviata, St. Gallen, Klagenfurt, Braunscheig, and in this , and Ping in . North and South Desdemona in , Leonora in II Trovatore, Mimi country at Florida 'Grand Opera, Palm Beach Opera, American debuts were with the Portland Opera in in La Boheme and Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni. In Washington Opera and Minnesota Opera. Future Don Pasquale and Cannina Burana with the Teatro the recent past, Ms. Galante has appeared in La engagements include his debut with the Seattle Municipal in Chile. Recently he has appeared at Boheme at both Florida Grand Opera and Baltimore Opera as Riccardo in Un Ballo in Maschera. This pro­ Klagenfurt, Austria, in Die Fledennaus, in St. Gallen, Opera. Ms. Galante's record label is BMG. This is duction of La Boheme is Mr. Melos first appearance Switzerland and in Riga/etta at the Bastille Opera in her MOT debut. with MOT. Paris. Mr. Pop last appeared at MOT in The Barber oj Seville.

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre THE CAST By order of vocal appearance

FERRANDO Gregory Turay* Opera in Two Acts GUGLIELMO Alfredo Daza * Presented by Michigan Opera Gianpiero Ruggeri * Theatre DON ALFONSO Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Natale De Carolis* Mozart FIORDILIGI Monica Colonna * Libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte Lyne Fortin * World Premiere: Vienna, 1790 D,OMBELLA 'Theodora Hanslowe* Damiana Pinti * Conductor Klaus Donath Director Mario Corradi DESPINA Ying Huang Chorus Master Suzanne Mallare Acton Set Design Jean-Pierre Ponnelle * Michigan Opera Theatre Debut Costume Design The Washington Opera Lighting Design Kendall Smith Makeup & Hair Design Elsen Associates Stage Manager Rebecca]. Graham Forbis

English Translation by Chris Bergen. Surtitles for this production of Cosi Fan Tutte are owned by Chris Bergen. Costumes for this p1'Qductioll of Cosi Fan Tutte are provided by The Washington Opera.

Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Setting:

) ACT I In eighteenth-century Eighteenth-cenbu~ Naples, the elderly cynic Don Alfonso discusses women with two young officers, Ferrando and Guglielmo. The gallants insist their Naples sweethearts are paragons of virtue (La mia Dorabella) and accept Alfonso's bet that he can prove the ladies fickle if they do as he says for is dismayed that Dorabella has twenty-four hours. given Guglielmo a locket. His anger amuses Guglielmo, who comments on The sisters Fiordiligi and Dorabella revel the waywardness of the fair sex (Donne in their love for Guglielmo and Ferrando, mie, la fate a tanti!) . Left alone, Ferrando respectively, they carry expresses his love for Dorabella, though in their lockets (Ah, guarda, sorella). he feels betrayed (Tradito, schernito). Alfonsq comes in with sad news: The young men have been called to their Fiordiligi rebukes Dorabella for being regiment. TheY,appear, and the five fickle, although she admits that in her . make elaborate farewells (Sento, 0 Dio). heart she has succumbed to the stranger. As soldiers march by, Ferrando and Despina coaxes her to give way, saying Guglielmo fall in, lamented in a trio love is a thief and people get robbed (Soave sia il vento). Alfonso, alone, delivers rejection Alfonso and Despina run for a every day (E amore un ladroncello). one last Jeer at women's inconstancy doctor, while the ladies begin to waver: Alone, Fiordiligi decides to drag her sister Pity for the stranger will be their undOing. off to join their sweethearts at the front, The maid, Despina, offers the sisters Despina returns, disguised as a doctor but Ferrando, pursuing the wager, threat­ advice about forgetting old lovers with using Dr. Mesmer's invention, the mag­ ens suicide, and Fiordiligi gives in. Now the help of new ones (In uomini, in net, to draw out the poison, and urging Guglielmo is furious, but Alfonso counsels soldati) - but her mistresses resent her the sisters to nurse the patients as they forgiveness: That's the way women are, he capricious approach to love. Dorabella, recover. The men revive (Dove son?), but claims (Tutti accusan Ie donne). in fact, is outraged (Smani impIacabili). their increased ardor alarms the women, A double wedding is arranged between When they leave, Alfonso comes to bribe who angrily refuse their demands for a kiss. Despina to introduce two foreign friends the sisters and the "Albanians." Alfonso of his to the ladies The sisters, returning, ACT II Attending her mistresses, Despina brings in the notary - Despina in another are scandalized to see the strangers, lectures them on how to handle men disguise. Just as the ladies have Signed whom they do not recognize as their (Una donna a qUindici anni). Dorabella the marriage contract, familiar martial lovers, heavily disguised as Albanians. is persuaded there could be no harm in strains outside herald the return of the The newcomers declare their admiration a little flirtation, and surprisingly, Fiordiligi former lovers regiment. In panic, the sis­ for the ladies, but both repulse them, and agrees. They decide who will pair off ters push their intended husbands from Fiordiligi likens her fidelity to a rock with whom (Prendero quel brunettino). the room and go more or less to pieces (Come Scaglio). The men are thrilled, but when the men reappear with their Alfonso warns that the bet isn't won yet. The young men have arranged a sere­ "Albanian" mufti. Ferrando and As Ferrando blissfully reiterates his nade in the garden Seeing their wager Guglielmo storm at the ladies when the passion for Dorabella (Un'aura amorosa), through, Guglielmo ardently pursues marriage contract is discovered. But Despina suggests a plan to Alfonso to Dorabella while Ferrando woos Fiordiligi Alfonso explains the deception, reasoning win the ladies' sympathy (Ah, 10 veggio quell'anima bella), who that true happiness lies not in romantic admits he has touche·d her heart (Per illusion, but in accepting things as they Alone in their garden, the sisters lament pieta), hoping her absent lover will for­ are. Agreeing a trick can work both ways, the absence of their lovers. Suddenly the give her. When the men compare notes, the lovers reconcile. "Albanians" stagger in, pretending to have Guglielmo is glad to see Fiordiligi stand­ poisoned themselves in despair over their ing fast - or so he thinks - but Ferrando - Courtesy of Opera News

20 BRAVO Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Let's make a wish

. LET'S FLY Al litalia Copyright 2010,Call Michigan 800-223-5730 Opera Theatre or visit A Post-Liberation Look at Cost

By Charlene Baldridge

"It is a miserable thing which lowers all women, cannot possibly please female spectators, and will therefore not make its fortune," said Friedrich Schroder at the time of Cosl fan tutte's premiere in 1790. Cosl fan tutte was written to please the Vienn~se aristocracy that would receive it. _Fearing revolution, Vienna had retreated from an earlier flirtation with egalitari­ anism, and in retrenching, the upper classes had become suddenly more con­ servative. Therefore, it was sensible for the operatic collaborators, composer and librettist Lorenzo da Ponte, to steer a course away from subjects relating to social upheaval and into the calm and soothing waters surrounding the amusing foibles of romantic behavior. Apparently the women of Mozarts time chose to ignore the put-down of Lorenzo da Ponte's libretto in order to enjoy Mozarts lovely music. So, too, must young men are persuaded by a cynical In order to make the opera's libretto today's women, for we are an audience older man, apparently an acquaintance palatable to Victorian audiences, there composed largely of women, here to and confidant of the young women as was a great deal of ninetieth-century tam­ enjoy this more than 200-year-old opera well, to test the maidens' constancy This pering. One version gave Despina a in spite of its insulting libretto. This operatic insidious plot against the young women's speech advising her mistresses of the "book" is undeniably ch®vinistic, espe­ goodness is aided and abetted by a canny deception, allOwing them, a la cially in an era of feminist enlightenment. and worldly-wise chambermaid, who Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, to take Obviously, there are some things opera­ dons all manner of disguises to deceive revenge; another even wed Mozart's going women choose to tolerate in favor her mistresses and who even, at one music to Shakespeare's play Todays audi­ of melody! Such tolerance, however, does point, exhorts them to be unfaithfuL The ences are accustomed to works of art as not prevent a post-liberation examination main deceit involves the feigned departure they were Originally presented; if viewed of the plot's devices and themes. of the fiances, who then return in disguise in context and with a modicum of laissez to see if their sweethearts are seducible. faire , such a tale may be tolerable. Two innocent and romantically inclined Perhaps this is what we must do: sisters are engaged to a pair of handsome This plot and the complexity of couple­ Overlook the insult to our sex, shut up soldiers, who idolize them and believe swapping that occurs later would not and enjoy the music. them to be faithful and virtuous. And so faze, enrage or even surprise Dr. Ruth. they are. Bragging, as soldiers will, of However, it would enrage Dr. Laura, dis­ The question remains, however: Are their fiancees' steadfast virtue, the two penser of "moral" and "practical" advice these real people with real emotions, or

22 BRAVO Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre are they, as some suggest, merely puppets " ...ripetete con me - pedestal, but are held up to realistic made to dance on Don Alfonsos strings? standards of goodness and virtue, who If they are merely marionettes, does this Cosi fan tutte!" is worthy of a mans love? truly make the plot more palatable? "Repeat with me: If a womans worthiness is tested by The "departing" Guglielmo and "pedestal" standards, the truth might Ferrando promise Don Alfonso they All women act thus" be appalling. It could even require a will not reveal their wager to Fiordiligi reassessment of masculine pride as well and Dorabella. With consummate irony, Don Alfonso to Ferrando and as a new spirit of compromise and for­ Don Alfonso terms the women "your Guglielmo, Act II, CosT fan tutte giveness. The result could be growth, the Penelopes," alluding to Odysseus' wife, reward renewed love and healing. who remained faithful to her husband As citizens of a new century, perhaps over the long years of his wandering. that soldiers are known for their philan­ we'll throw off the residual Victorian Dorabella and Fiordiligi simply aren't dering, and while Guglielmo and influences that have carried over into our equipped to cope. In their youthful Ferrando are away, the young ladies society, recognizing ourselves as equal naivete and simple vanity, they are like might as well amuse themselves. players in the game of love. And perhaps immature and romantic young women Is women's virtue merely the invention there will be no need for deceit in such a immemorial. How are they to know they of men, as Cornelia Otis Skinner suggested? world. are beautiful without a man to tell them Are we deluding ourselves when we speak How will this brave new world view so? They do not yet possess the wisdom of our constancy? Are we no better at the libretto of Cos1 fan tutte? No doubt as of Penelope, but are sisters to Tolstoy's keeping our promises of fidelity than men? a charming but harmless antiquity, worth ipsecure Natasha, who in Prince Andreis Men, who have a historical reputation tolerating because of its heavenly music. absence falls prey to the slimy Anatole. for philandering, have always wrestled And that brings us back where we started . . "You lose two, you have all the others with their conflicting ideas about women. left," says the pragmatic Despina. Though Are we holy goddesses or whores? If Charlene Baldridge is a San Diego-based not as cynical as Don Alfonso, she advises women are no longer placed upon a critic and joumalist whose specialty is the arts.

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Detroit Opera House BRAVO 23 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Artist Profiles Michigan Opera Theatre is proud to present the following artists 7 )

Suzanne Mallare Acton Alfredo Daza (Mexico) Lyne Fortin (Canada) (USA) Chorus Master Guglielmo Fiordiligi Suzanne Mallare Acton has Mr. Daza is originally from Lyne Fortin is one of Canada's been MOTs Assistant Music Puebla City, Mexico. In 1998 leading sopranos and has Director and Chorus Master he joined the San Francisco appeared with rOpera de since the 1981/82 season. She Opera Alder Fellowship pro­ Montreal in leading roles in has conducted several produc­ gram. Last season Mr. Daza La Traviata, Romeo et Juliette, La tions during her tenure, appeared with San Francisco Boheme, Les Contes d'Hoffmann, including Opera and the Canadian Opera Les Pecheurs des Perles, The and The Daughter of the Regiment. For Dayton Opera, Company as Schaunard in La Boheme. He recently Marriage of Figaro and Cost fan tutte. Previous she conducted West Side Story, My Fair Lady and The m.ade his Italian debut as Valentin in Faust in Genoa engagements include Vancouver Opera, Opera Pirates.of Penzance. Ms. Acton has served as coach and appeared as Dandini in La Cenerentola at the Saskatchewan, Calgary Opera, Edmonton Opera, and accompanist for the opera companies of St. Rome Opera. Mr. Daza makes his Washington Opera Hamilton and Opera de Quebec. In Europe, Louis and San Diego, and is Music Director of Opera debut this season as Figaro in The Bm'ber of she has appeared with the Flanders Opera in the Rackham ;;ymphony Choir. Seville. He also debuts with New York City Opera as role of Elema in Idomeneo. She has appeared with Marcello in a new production of La Boheme, which Seattle Opera and Opera Pacific, among others. will be telecast live on PBS. Cosi Fan Tutte is her MOT debut. ,Monica Colonna (Italy) Fiordiligi In the 1997-98 Season, Monica Natale De Carol is (Italy) Theodora Hanslowe (USA) Colonna was heard as Adina in Don Alfonso Dorabella The Elixir of Love, opposite Natale De Carolis enjoys a Mezzo-Soprano Theodora at the Teatro flOUrishing career throughout Hanslowe received critical San Carlo in Naples. In the Europe, the Americas, Israel, praise for her "warm, supple same period, Ms. Colonna Japan and Australia. The bass­ and richly expressive voice, jOined My. Pavarotti in a con­ baritone has appeared at the considerable acting ability and cert tour of Germany and Finland. This past season, Vienna Staatsoper, Royal Opera commanding stage presence" the Italian soprano performed in a revival of the House and the Metropolitan (The Washington Post) . Since Cologne Don Giovanni on tour in several French Opera, to name a few. Mr. De Carolis' recent engage­ 1994, Ms . Hanslowe has debuted in opera houses and Italian cities, as well as more concerts with ments included the title role of Don Giovanni in throughout the world. Her Metropolitan Opera Luciano Pavarotti in Germany and North America. Tokyo, Glyndebourne and Tel Aviv; Alfonso in Cost roles include the title role in La Cenerentola, Rosina Last season Ms . Colonna made her San Francisco fan tutte in Tenerife and at the Salzburg Festspiele; in The Barber of Seville, Nicklausse in Les Contes and debuts as Donna La Cenerentola at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo; d'Hoffmann and Juliette in Romeo et Juliette. This Anna in Don Giovanni. This season she performs Massenet's Manon at the New National Theatre in season she returns to the Metropolitan Opera for Donna Elvira with Scottish Opera and Donna Anna Tokyo and La Boheme at the Teatro San Carlo in Dorabella in Cost fan tutte. This is her MOT debut. in Tel Aviv. This is her MOT debut. Naples. This is his MOT debut.

Ying Huang (China) Mario Corradi (Italy) Klaus Donath (Germany) Despina Director Conductor Shanghai-born soprano Ying Italian-born Mario Corradi Hannover-born and based Huang embarked on an inter­ made his debut in 1982 with II conductor Klaus Donath is national operatic career after Matlimonio Segreto in Palermo. Permanent Guest Conductor of capturing the world's attention Since then he has staged opera Rumania\; Banatul Philharmonic, in the 1995 film version of worldwide: La Sonnambula in and Music Director of England's Madame Butterfly. In 1997 she Dallas, Don Giovanni and 01eo Bath City Orchestra (1991- created the role of Du Liniang ed Euridice in Madrid, Menottis 1997) and Bath of Wessex Opera for the world premiere of 's Peony Pavilion, Amelia al Ballo in Monte Carlo and Madame Butterfly (1991-1995). Maestro Donaths North American in Vienna. She repeated the role in London, Paris in Spoleto. He has directed in St. Gallen, Frankfurt, credits include Don Giovanni, and California . In 1998 she returned to China to Athens and Tokyo. His MOT credits include and with Opera Pacific as well as inaugurate the Shanghai Grand Theatre, singing a Carmen, The Elixir of Lnve, , The Maniage of Figaro, The Magic Flute and Der gala concert with Jose Carreras. Ms. Huang is a reg­ Madame Butterfly, Werther and . Mr. Corradi Rosenhavalier for Michigan Opera Theatre. Other ular soloist with the Shanghai Philharmonic recently directed Aida in Cincinnati. He also direct­ North American engagements include the Pacific Orchestra. She last appeared with MOT in the ed Spontinis Il Teseo Riconosciut(}-its first perfor­ Symphony Orchestra, Portland Opera, Opera 1999-2000 Season production of Werther mance of this century Colorado, Florida Grand Opera, San Francisco Symphony, and numerous recitals with his wife, soprano Helen Donath. Maestro Donath is widely considered a "Mozartean of the highest order."

24 BRAVO Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Gianpiero Ruggeri (Italy) Guglielmo Italian baritone Gianpiero Ruggeri began his musical studies at the Gioacchino Rossini conservatory, where he earned a musical degree in trombone. In 1990 he began to study voice with the distin­ guished baritone Sesto Bruscantini. Past credits include the role of Figaro in The Barber of Seville and Olivier in Capriccio in 1996. More recent credits include the role of Sharpless in Madrid, Mustafa in Nimes, Leporello in Pisa, Treviso and Como, Don Giovanni in Osaka and Tokyo. Mr. Ruggeri also perfonned the role of the Count in The Marriage of Figaro in Tokyo and Don Alvaro In 11 Viaggio a Reims in Avignon.

Gregory luray (USA) Fermndo Gregory Turay won the Metropolitan Opera Council Auditions in 1995 at the age of 21. His 1999-2000 Season included several important debuts. In October, he HARD W 0 R K. RIC H REWARDS. appeared as Rodolpho in the world premiere of William Bolcom's A View From the Bridge for his debut with the Lyric Opera of Bank One applauds the hard work and dedication of all artists Chicago. In February he made his European oper­ atic debut as Ferrando in a new production who enrich our lives through the arts. of Cosi Fan Tutte with Welsh National Opera; he will soon make his debut with the Deutsche Oper Berlin. He returns to the Metropolitan Opera for It takes talent and discipline to orchestrate and deliver a quality performance. Ferrando in Cosi Fan Tutte. This marks Mr. Turay's debut with MOT. It is this same level of dedication and attention to detail that enables us to

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Under the Presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover LES BALLETS DE MONTE-CARLO Season 2000-2001

Paola Cantalupo-Bernice Coppieters Chris Roelandt-Gaetan Jean~ Qiristophe Maillot Morlotti Fanny Agnese Serge Prokofiev Soltankhanoum Akhmedova Ernest Pignon-Emest Samantha Allen Yumiko Asakura Costumes: Jerome Kaplan Julia Carnicer lights: Dominique Drillot Francesca Dolci " Alina Lagoas Opening night on 3 April 1999, Raphaele Lecharpentier Nathalie Leger Salle Garnier, Monte-Carlo Opera Gioia Masala Public Relations and Press Department: Carole Pastorel Director-Choreographer: LjilJana Peric Jean-Christophe Maillot Fran<;ois Thiolat, Sophie Verdure, Muriel Provenzani, Fanny Dubois Luisella Petronio Administrator: Jean-Marc Genestie Lea Petruzzi Artistic Press Attache for The Principality Ballet Masters: Margaret Mclaughlin Blair, Charlotte Piot of Monaco: Suzy Lefort Aurelia Schaefer Gerard Lebours Catherine Schwitter Director's Assistant: Giovanna Lorenzoni Jana Soon Technical Department Anne-Marie Symons Director's Secretary: Muriel Provenzani Technical Director: Nick Van Der Heyden Genevieve Van Quaquebeke Musical Advisor: David Garforth Gaby Baars General Manager: Bertrand Grandguillot Frank Balbi Pianists: Elzbieta Ziomek, Eric Nicolussi Artistic Manager: Gilles Papain Julien Bancillon Guest Teachers: Christine Anrhony, George Emmanuel Puons Bloch Garcia, Jan Nuyts, Giselle Roberge, Michal Lighting Designer: Dominique Drillot Gregory Delterne Messerer, Piotr Nardelli, Andrej Ziemski, Lighting Engineer: Bruno Schembri Mauricio Drudi Christiana Marchant, Yoko !Chino, Rosaline Olivier Hazard Sound Engineer: Michel Soupier Subel Kassel, Patricia Neary Nicholas Khan Head Carpenter: Gilles Gianton Kenta Kojiri Administrative Assistants: Muriel Capra, Props: Jacques Roques Didier Lambelet Jean-Marie Sosso Rodolphe Lucas Costumes: Jean-Michel Laine Accounting: Francis Cardona-Maurice Massimiliano Manfroi Assistant: Paula Lopes Gozzelino Jerome Marchand Wardrobe Mistress: Christiane Lemoine Pascal Molat Tour Director: Jean-J?aptiste Bello-Portu Jean-Claude Nelson Technical Director's Secretary: Sylviane Piteus Assistant: Muriel Londe Eric Oberdorff Auditions: Kathy Plaistowe Evgueni Slepov Roland Vekes Leo Zen DAIMLERCHRYSLER The 2000-2001 DaimlerChrysler Dance Series is made possible by The DaimlerChrysler Fund.

Detroit Opera House BRAVO 27 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Les Ballets de !Monte-Carlo: A Fountainhe ......

In 1985, H.R.H the Princess of Hanover decided to re-create a new company in the Principality - a project initiated by her mother, H. S.H. Princess Grace de Monaco - and became the president of the company Since the first performance of Serge Diaghilevs Ballets Russes in Monaco in 1911, the Ballets de Monte-Carlo in its new form has become the first company to be officially attached to the Principality of Monaco. The Company performs year-round at the Opera de Monte-Carlo and tours to the great venues abroad. Determined to keep this ballet company at the highest professional level and to enrich the repertoire with creations and contemporary works, the president of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo named J@an-Christophe Maillot director-choreographer in 1993. Since his app6intment, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo has performed in London, Rome, , Cairo, Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, Manila, Brisbane, Athens and Amsterdam, among many others. The programs performed by the Ballets de Monte-Carlo on tour and in Monaco in the coming seasons include Jean-Christophe Maillots creations (among them Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella, Vas un Pays Sage, Dov'e la Luna) as well as a large repertoire including ballets by the major choreographers like Karole Armitage, George Balanchine, Lucinda Childs, Nacho Duato, William Forsythe, Jiri Kylian, John Neumeier and Twyla Tharp - always keeping in mind the aim to reinforce and explore the potential of classical dance vocabulary and technique.

PROLOGUE ACT I Memories of the mother and father Scene 1: CINDERELLA'S HOUSE Scene 2: ENTRANCE OF THE (pas de deux). The mothers death. Cinderella, holding in her arms the CHARMING PRINCE Cinderella (solo) - Cinderella and her dress her mother was wearing for her last The young charming prince appears, father (pas de deux). Cindgella, from the ball, remains pensive. Her father, in the in company of his friends, as an adoles­ depths of her solitude, lets herself be light of his new family, is not quite the cent blessed with luck, but little mature, invaded by the memories of her mother same. Distressed, he hesitates between disappointed not to find what he is des­ and her father, the image of lost family the desire to protect her and the submis­ perately missing. A touching character, happiness and love. A shared anguish, sion to his new wife. Cinderella, with her he tries to give a meaning to his life by conjured up from this dream, or actual stepmother and her stepsisters, discovers small pleasures, which disappoint him as presence, remains with the child and her the violence of power struggles, rejection, soon as they are satisfied. Both pleasure father. ill will and tyrannical gestures. A strange superintendents are busy with the prepa­ messenger comes to put an end to the rations. two sisters' quarrels: She brings an invita­ tion from the Prince for the court ball. The pleasure superintendents, beauty experts, are ready to officiate.

28 BRAVO Copyrightwww 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House "Cinderella is not only a fairy tale character, Prokofiev said, but also a living being, who feels and lives, and whose fate moves us." Following the example of this essentially human vision, Jean-Christophe Maillot toys with the natural and the supernatural to unfold this great picture Scrne 3: CINDERELLfS HOUSE book, which is to us both familiar and unfamiliar. Guided by the memo­ The pleasure superintendents are the foremen of the festivities. They bring the ry of her mother, Cinderella opens her own path, searching for recogni­ ball dresses, exhibited on four man­ tion and love, among the tragiC excessiveness of a court with a sophisticat­ nequins, half-human, half-mechanical ed attractiveness. figures , half-masked, giving the impres­ sion of a fashion show The sisters and CINDERELLA the stepmother took great care of their by Jean-Christophe Maillot faces. In their impatience and greed, they rush to grab the dresses, only take half of them - and they look at them­ ACT II its emblems. It is time for the Fairy to selves with rapture in front of large dis­ Scrne 6: THE BALL bring Cinderella back to the right path. torting mirrors. Cinderella becomes Both pleasure superintendents arrive At the top of the stairs through which aware of the invitation, but her new fam­ at the ball, followed by the fairy then by she escapes, her bare foot appears in the ily makes fun of her and sends her back the two sisters and the stepmother. The light: the only trace of her being there to her lentil dish. The sisters and step­ Prince makes his entrance, together with and an invitation to find her again. t;l0ther go to the ball, satisfied. his friends. He sits on his· throne and looks at the courtesans' parade, without ACT III Scrne 4: THE STORY WITHIN shOwing much interest. He does not find Scrne 8: PRINCE CHARMING'S THE STORY what he is looking for. In turn, the step­ TRAVELS . The Fairy tears the young girl from mother and the daughters begin to try The pleasure superintendents draw her dirty linen and lentil chore and tells and seduce him. But in vain. Someone the image of the foot which is being her the story of "Cinderella"; the four announces to the Prince the arrival of a sought. Provided with this sketch, the '". mannequins and the two pleasure super­ strange person. Fascinated, afraid, the Prince and his friends travel aimlessly to intendents perform for the amused Prince seems to understand that he is find the beautiful unknown girl. The young girl a caricatured and grotesque about to be delivered a message. The Prince discovers the foreign country of "Cinderella." She puts on the modest father also looks disturbed: It seems to the red and yellow Exotics. Although young girls dress her mother was wear­ him, without really believing it, that he tempted, he still does not recognize the ing at her last ball. Then she carries out recognizes his first wife in the Fairy He foot he is looking for. Then, the Fairy the transformation: The young girls foot looks for the one and the other, going guides him to Cinderella: It's within comes sequined out of her lentil dish. A from memory to reality The Fairy puts a himself that he will find her. magical image, but a warning from the blindfold on the Prince's eyes. Cinderella Fairy: You have to remain simple. comes in: Her feet walk in by them­ Scrne 9: CINDERELLfS HOUSE Sequins are fragile , volatile and will lose selves, naked and painted, in the ball­ The Prince finds Cinderella. The sis­ their wonderful properties if Cinderella room. Having recovered his eyesight, the ters get ready to seduce the Prince. But forgets this essential quality Prince, fascinated, kneels before them the feet he discovers underneath the and discovers love with humility The bandages are black and bruised. SCflle 5: VISION OF THE BALL pas de deux of the young couple match­ Cinderellas foot is being unveiled in the The Fairy prepares Cinderella for her es the one of the mother and father, purity of its whiteness: The Prince recog­ entrance into the world. She lets her united in a same lOving surge. A dance nizes Cinderella at once. glimpse the vision of the horizon toward of redemption, reconciliation for the which she has to walk: In the back­ father, who seems to find peace at last. Scrne 10: EPILOGUE ground, the young girl attends the scene Cinderella and the Prince continue danc­ Rejecting his second wife, the father of a ball of which one cannot say ing alone. waltzes with the Fairy/mother. Dancing whether it is real or a dream. their love again, he accompanies her Scrne 7: MIDNIGHT down to her last breath, until death can­ INTERMISSION Midnight: c"inderellas departure cels remorse. Cinderella begins to take pleasure in the other courtesans' mirrors. She gets intoxicated by this ambient madness and its codes of seduction. She appropriates

Detroit Opera House BRAVO 29 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Artist Profiles ~ichigan Opera Theatre is proud to present the following artists:

JEAN·CHRISTOPHE • J ERNEST PIGNON·ERNEST Maillot, for whom he has created the decor and cos­ MAILLOT Born in 1942, Ernest Pignon­ tumes of Naranjas e Citrons, Casse-Noisette Circus, Director-Choreographer oj the Ernest made his name by LEnJant et les Sortileges, Betes Noires, Home, Sweet Ballets de Monte-Carlo pasting silkscreen prints of Hom e, Dov'e la Luna, and the costumes for Ubuhuha Born in 1960 in Tours, j ean­ a famous photograph of and Romeo and Juliet. In 1997, he designed the set Christophe Maillot studied Rimbaud on town walls - and costumes of the new production of Theme et dance and piano at the exhibited in the jardin des Variations (Balanchine) and Casse-Noisette Circus Conservatoire National in that Plantes in Paris in 1984 - and (Maillot), as well as the costumes of Recto Verso, cre­ city before joining Rosella by presenting 28 "arbrorigenes" ated by jean-Christophe Maillot at the International Hightower's International School of Dance in vegetable sculptures, made with the scientist Claude Dance Festival in Cannes, and Cendlillon, created on Cannes. In 1977 he won the Prix de Lausanne. In Gudin and the Research Centre of Cadarache. He is April 3th, 1999 by jean-Christophe Maillot in 1978, he was invited to join the Hamburg Ballet, also known for the ornate drawings with which he Monaco. where director john Neumeier created principal decorated the walls and streets of Naples between roles for him in many works. In 1983, j ean­ 1988 and 1995, and which followed a very precise Christophe Maillot was appointed as choreographer trajectory, determined after a long preparatOlY peri­ DOMINIQUE DRILLOT and director of the Ballet du Grand Theatre in od. "Ernest Pignon-Ernest conceives of his work Born in 1959 in Tours, he Tours, subsequently one of France's National from a double point of view - that of reference studied Fine Arts at the Beaux­ choreographic Centres. He chQreographed some (Caravaggio, Ribera , etc.) and of the place itself in Arts in Tours while, at the same twenty ballets for tl}is company, and in 1985 he which the image will be situated. One could even time, working as assistant founded the festival "Le Choregraphique." In 1992 say that the location plays the determining role. The director, stage and accessories. he was awarded the title of Chevalier de I'Ordre des image derives its meaning from its site, rather than In 1987, he created his first Arts et des Lettres by the Minister of Culture, jack the contrary Ernest Pignon-Ernests 'material' is to a stage design for j ean­ Lang. greater extent the actual context itself, rather than Christophe Maillot (Theme et 4 the object that he places therein. A virtuoso drafts­ Vmiations), with whom he has collaborated regularly In 1993, H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover invited man, he is not really a 'painter,' nor quite a 'sculp­ since then (Le Jardin Jeux d'Amour, Ubuhuha, Lueu r j ean- Christ~p he Maillot to become director of the tor,' but an artist who masters his means of expres­ d'AmoU/; Vers un Pays Sage, Recto Verso). He has Ballets de Monte-Carlo. There, as principal choreog­ sion in order that 'this is no longer a problem.' It is developed this collaboration with choreographers, rapher for a company of fifty dancers, he has contin­ at this point that his profoundly Original artistic working with such artists as Ramon Oller, Bruno ued to make new work: Among his creations for the process can emerge in all its richness: a process that j acquin, Graham Lustig, Conny j ansen, Ted Ballets de Monte-Carlo are Betes Noires, Home, Sweet brings him closer to the workings of a Christo or a Brandsen and josette Baiz. He has been invited to Home, Dov'e la Luna, Vers un Pays Sage, Romeo et like inventor of images. A process during which he work with the Ballet du Nord, the Rome Opera Juliette (performed almost 100 times), Recto Verso, seizes the maximum from the real, and not just its Ballet, the Lyon Opera Ballet, the Grand Theatre de I1le , Cendrillon. In addition to his own work, he has outward appearances. In this, he resembles Lascaux's Bordeaux, the Stuttgart Ballet, the Ballet British broadened and enriched the companys repertoire by huntsman, who, knowing how to draw the buffalo Columbia, Introdans, and has regularly collaborated inviting the most important contemporary choreog­ on the cave wall, has a better chance of catching it with Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, both as director raphers to work in Monte Carlo, as well as main­ than the other huntsmen of the tribe." and lighting designer. In Monaco, he has created the taining works by George Balanchine and from the lighting for jean - Christophe Maillots Betes Noires, Ballets Russes, closely linked to the history of the (Extract from the text by jean-Luc Chalumeau­ Home Sweet Home, Dov'e la Luna, Ubuhuha, Vers un Ballets de Monte-Carlo. For the Printemps des Arts from the catalogue Corps et Arne, Monaco, july Pays Sage, Duo d'Anges, Concert d 'A nges, Romeo and 2000 Season in Monaco, he recently created Opus 1995 - reprinted ,vith the kind authorization of juliet, Recto Verso, me, Cinderella and Casse-Noisette 40, to music by Meredith Monk. Martine Fresia and Bernard Bonnaz) Circus, as well as for Bertrand d'At, Renato Zanella, Serge Bennathan and j ohn Alleyne. In the jean-Christophe Maillot is also regularly invited to JEROME KAPLAN Netherlands, he has worked with Ed Wubbe, Gian stage his works for companies all over the world Born in Paris in 1964, j erome Franco Paoluzzi, Ginette Laurin, Renato Zanella, and is one of France's most frequently presented Kaplan developed a passion Ton Wiggers, Heinz Spoerh, Nils Christie, Kirsten choreographers: His ballets have been performed in early on in life for the plastic Debroek, Conny jansen, Miriam Dietrich, Ted London, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Lisbon, arts. He studied at the Ecole Brandsen and j osette Baiz. Cairo, New York, Mexico, Rio de j aneiro, Sao Paulo, de la Rue Blanche, in the Hong Kong, Seoul, Manila, Tokyo, Brisbane, Pekin department of stage decoration. and Shanghai. Since leaving, in 1987, he has deSigned costumes and decor On the 19 November, 1999, jean-Christophe for a number of theatrical productions, including Maillot was awarded the title of Officer de I'Ordre Rossinis Barber oj Seville, Massenets Don Quichotte, du Merite Culturel of the Principality of Monaco. and Vivaldis Montezuma (all three operas directed by Ariel Garcia Valdes). jerome Kaplan also designed the costumes for LArche de Not by Benjamin Britten and Joumal d'un Usager de l'Espace written by Georges Perec, with music by Didier Lockwood, both pieces directed by Charlotte Nessi and pro­ duced at the Bastille Opera. He discovered contem­ porary dance through the work of jean-Christophe

30 BRAVO www.Mi chiganOpeTa.oTg Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre C)RCI I ES"TRA/ Cl-iOIZUS Michigan Opera Theatre h . Orc estra Fall 2000-2001 Season

VIOLIN I VIOLA FLUTE HORN PERCUSSION *Charlotte Merkerson *John Madison *Pamela Hill *Susan Mutter *John F Dorsey Concertmaster Principal Principal Principal PrinCipal *Velda Kelly _ *Scott Stefanko *Laura Larson *Carrie Banfield Terrence Farmer *Sasha Margolis *Kathleen Grimes Wendy Hohmeyer Tammy Kosinski Maria Flurry *Anna Bittar Weller *Barbara Zmich Helen Near Martin Limoges Dan Maslanka Jason Bendler James Greer Richard Sherman David Taylor Kevin Filewych Barbara Stolberg TRUMPET James Kujawski Julianne Zinn OBOE David Kuehn HARP Julia: Kurtyka *Jeanette L. Bittar Acting Principal *Patricia Terry-Ross Charles Roth CELLO Principal *Gordon Simmons Principal Elizabeth Rowin *Nadine Deleury Kristen Beene Justin Cohen KEYBOARD Mary Stolberg Principal Kristin Reynolds David Hunsicker Lawrence Picard Melody Wootton *Diane Bredesen *Minka Christoff CLARINET TROMBONE PERSONNEL MANAGER VIOLIN II *Robert Reed *Brian Bowman *Maury Okun Diane Bredesen *Victoria Haltom Sarah Cleveland Principal Principal Principal John Iatzko *Kimberly Cole *Greg Near *Brooke ' Hoplamazian Irina Tikhonova Luevano Michael Tyrrell *Aurelian Oprea Todd Barnhart TUBA * Member; Michigan *Lydia Si-Ngaw Lui BASS BASSOON Fritz Kaenzig Opera Theatre Orchestra *Bryan T Johnston *Derek Weller Principal *Kirkland D. Ferris Detroit Federation of Julia Kurtyka TIMPANI *Clark Suttle Principal Musicians, Local #5, Michael McGillivray * Gregory White Arron Keaster *Scott Armstrong American Federation of Eugenia PrinCipal Musicians Kathryn Stepulla Greg Sheldon Janet Sullins Shawn Wood Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus Fall 2000-2001 Season

Christopher Bauder Rosalin Contrera Guastella Anthony C. Noto Lawrence Stotsbery Victoria Bigelow Suzanne Hansen Jennifer L. Oliver Judith Szefi Heidi Bowen Leslie Hill, Jr. Darren Orta Kathryn Thomas Kim Wayne Brooks Clarence E. Jones Peggy O'Shaughnessey Emily Toronto Alaina]. Brown Tom Kabala Sean Panikkar Dean Unick Kristen A. Bryant Jeff Krueger Jan R. Phillips Justin Watson Fred Buchalter Tamara Lehew Patricia Pierobon James R. Wells Patrick Clampitt Dana Lentini Monique Ricard Deborah]. Dailey Ray Litt . Mary Robertson The American Guild of Musical Rebecca Engelhard Susan Lowrie Katherine Schmidt Artists is the offiCial union of the Vanessa Ferriole Tony Lynch Robert H. Schram Michigan Opera Theatre vocal Louise A. Fisher Cynthia Merritt Jay Smith pelformers. Yvonne M. Friday Kim L. Millard Michael Steelman Conda Marie Green James Mackey Moore Stephen Stewart

32 BRAVO 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House ~t enriches our community. It begins as a moment that embraces ;,,;. I the soul and lives on as a memory that Childrens beautifies life. Compuware applauds Chorus the performers, musicians and all who forLa support the Michigan Boheme Opera Theatre. Fall 2000-2001 Season COMPOWARE.

,. Alexander Acton I Ashlyn Brady I Adam Lawrence Zahller Brown I "I Daniel Scott Zahller Brown Dennison Rollins Dorsey Jordan Fantauzzo Christopher Ferriole Brandon LePage Brittany Marie Luse Mary Helen Malaney Jennifer Marie Schmidt Katie Ann Schmidt Anna R. Sklut John R. Sklut Philip W Smith Dennis Strach Andrej Walilko I 'f

BRAVO 33 Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre - DlRECTORS <>& TRUSTEES

Board of Directors Mr. David Denn Mrs. Jennifer Nasser Mr. Robert E. Dewar, Chairman Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Mr. Jules L. Pallone Dr. David DiChiera, President Mr. Paul Ewing Mr. Charles A. Parcells, Jr. Mr. Cameron B. Duncan, Treasurer Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Mr. Roy Roberts Mr. C. Thomas Toppin, Secretary Mr. Herman Frankel Mrs. Irving Rose

) Mrs. Lawrence Garberding Mr. William Sandy Mrs. Robert Allesee Mr. David Handleman Mrs. Roger f Sherman Mrs. Donald C. Austin Mr. Kenneth E. Hart Mr. Frank Stella Mrs. Bella Marshall Barden Mr. Eugene Hartwig Mrs. George Strumbos Mr.]. Addison Bartush Mr. Richard Janes Mr. Robert C. VanderKloot Mr. Richard A. Brodie Mr. Gary Johnson Mr. George C. Vincent Mrs. William C. Brooks Mrs. Charles Kessler Mr. Gary L. Wasserman Mr. Maurice Cohen Mrs. Robert Klein Mr. Richard C. Webb Mrs. Peter Cooper Mr. Gerald A. Knechtel Mr. George M. Zeltzer Mr. Tarik S. Daoud Mr. A. C. Liebler Mr. Morton Zieve Julia Donovan Darlow Mr. Harry A. Lomason Mr. Lawrence N. David Mr. Alphonse Lucarelli

1999-2000 Trustees Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar Mr. & Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. William T. Dr. & Mrs. Mohamed K Ajjour Dr. Fernando G. Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hartwig McCormick, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Ajluni Dr. David DiChiera Hon. & Mrs. David B. Hennelin Mrs. Wade H. McCree, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Karen VanderKloot DiChiera Hon. & Mrs. Joseph N. Mr. & Mrs. Frank McKulka Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F Allison The Hon. & Mrs. John Dingell Impastato Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miller Dr. Lourdes V Andaya Ms. Mary Jane Doerr Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Monolidis Mr. & Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V Angott Mrs. David Jacknow Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morganroth Mr. & Mrs. E. Clarence Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Anthony Lady Jane Easton Mr. & Mrs. Darnell D. Jackson Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Mr. & Mrs. Richard Janes Mularoni Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu Dr. Fern R. Espino & Mr. Tom Mrs. Sybil Jaques Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler Dr. Harold Arrington Short Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jacques A. Nasser Dr. & Mrs. Ingida Asfaw Mr. & Mrs. Roland C. Eugenio Miss H. Barbara Johnston Mr. Christopher Nern Mrs. Domild]. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewing Mrs. William E. Johnston Mr. Ralph Nichols Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Austin Mr. Stephen Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Jospey Mr. & Mrs. Jules L. Pallone Hon. & Mrs. Edward Avadenka Dr. Haifa Fakhouri Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Kafarski Mr. & Mrs. James Pamel Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Barden Mr. & Mrs. Alfred]. Fisher,Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Darnell Kaigler Mr. Charles A. Parcells, Jr. Mrs. James Mariam Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. John Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partrich Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Donald W Keirn Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. ]. Addison Bartush Mrs. Elaine L. Fontana Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plumb Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Klein Mrs. Ralph L. Polk Mr. & Mrs. W Victor Benjamin Mrs. Barbara Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein Mrs. David Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Biggs Mr. Herman Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Knechtel Mr. & Mrs. John Rakolta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Boll Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Frenkel Mrs. Reva Kogan Mrs. Ruth F Rattner Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie The Honorable Hilda Gage Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kojaian Dr. Irvin Reid & Dr. Pamela Mr. & Mrs. William C. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. William Ku Trotman Reid Mrs. Clarence G. Catallo Garberding Dr. & Mrs. Richard W Kulis Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough, III Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gerisch Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Lanni Mrs. Patricia H. Rodzik Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Clark Mrs. Frank Gennack, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lavins Mrs. Hans ROgind Ms. Virginia Clementi Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson Mrs. Walton A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Yousif B. Ghafari Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Hon. & Mrs. Avern L. Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Giancamilli Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Liebler Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld Mr. Thomas Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Vito P Gioia Dr. & Mrs. Robert P Lisak Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Michael]. Connolly Mr. & Mrs. H. James Gram Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rugerio Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper Mrs. Katherine Gribbs Mr. & Mrs. James H. LoPrete Dr. & Mrs. Hershel Sandberg Ms. Rosalind L. Coopennan & Mrs. John C. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mr. & Mrs. William Sandy Mr. Woody Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Jacque Haddad Cardinal Adam Maida Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P D'Avanzo Mrs. Betj H. Haidostian Mrs. Jessie B. Mann Dr. & Mrs. Norman R. Schakne Mr. & Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud Mrs. Robert M. Hamady Mrs. Frank S. Marra Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Julia Donovan Darlow & John C. Mr. David Handleman Dr. Ronald Martella . Schneidewind O'Meara Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Happel Hon. Jack & Dr. Bettye Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. David Dr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Harris Arrington-Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory ]. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. John W Day, Jr. Ms. Maria Harris Ms. Alyssa Martina Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Mr. & Mrs. David Denn Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBrien Schwendemann

34 BRAVO 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House Mr. &: Mrs. Frank C. Shaler Ms. Elham Shayota "NECESS1TY may be the Mr. &: Mrs. Roger F Sherman Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sloan mother of invention, but Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow I Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar creativity is most certainly Mr. &- Mrs. Richard D. Starkweather Mr. Frank D. Stella its father." Ms. Mary Anne Stella I Mrs. Mark C. Stevens -Anonymous rI Mrs. Rudolph Stonisch Mr. &: Mrs. George Strumbos Mr. Ronald F Switzer Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony R. Tersigni Creativity. It's the unexpected combination Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Thomas of unlike ideas. A combination that can solve a Dr. Roberta &: Mr. Sheldon Toll problem. Pen a symphony. Or even advance Mr. &: Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin a civilization. Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend Mr. &: Mrs. Tallal Turfe To be creative means to see things in Mr. &: Mrs. Robert C. VanderKloot new ways. To imagine what is not. Mr. &: Mrs. George C. Vincent To understand each experiment as Mr. '&: Mrs. Alvin 'Wasserman another step closer to discovery. Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L. Wasserman Mr &: Mrs. Kenneth Way At Bayer, we help automakers discover Mr. &: Mrs. Richard C. Webb creative new ways to use our Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L. White thermoplastics, polyurethanes, rubber Dr. &: Mrs.' Christopher D. Wilhelm and coatings raw materials to make Dr ..&: Mrs. Sam B. Williams your designs more efficient, economical, + Mr. &: Mrs. Eric A. Wiltshire and exciting. Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Worsley The result is innovative technologies Mrs. R. Alexander Wrigley I for automotive engineering that go beyond " Hon. Joan E. Young &: Mr. Thomas L. mere necessity. It allows automakers the Schellenberg luxury to be truly creative in anticipating Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Zangerle the desires and tastes of tomorrow's car buyers. Mr. &: Mrs. Ted Zegouras Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Zeltzer Mr. &: Mrs. Morton Zieve Mrs. Paul Zuckerman Mr. Roy Zurkowski Innovative technologies for automotive eng ine ering .

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Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www, Michigan Opera Theatre BRAVO 35 - COMMUNITY PROGRAMS What a Summer! and MORE TO COME!! Learning at the Opera House (LAOTH), our summer program for all ages, has won the Opera America Success Award in Education. "Community involvement, growth and programming" were three of the reasons that the program was selected. Learning at the Opera House was further recognized for its "outstanding effort to advance awareness of opera in North America ." The award was presented to Karen DiChiera, Michigan Opera Theatre's Director of Community Programs, at the Opera America Convention in Houston, Texas, in May of 2000. Congratulations to Karen, The Community Programs Staff, and the instructors and students of Learning at the Opera House for making the granting of this international award pos~ib le Photos by Tom Kramer

Art Evening Upper left, Learning at the of Gilbert: and Opera House, Vocal Wisdom Sullivan lIVit:h workshop director, Elizabeth Parcells, The performs for stu­ dents, families Bir:minghmn­ and friends on the Detroit Opera BlooInfield House stage.

Symphony Left: Learning at the Opera House Orchestra student, Philip Smith, performs his ... A Comic Operetta Treat! own composition in Create Opera! The Artists of Community Programs will perform An Evening of Gilbert and Sullivan on Sunday, November 12 at Temple Beth EI, 7:00 p.m., with the Birmingham-Bloomfield TIME OUT FOR OPERA Symphony Orchestra. The concert Our TV series, Time Out for Opera, has won Producer Jonathan Swift and will include selections from The Pirates of Penzance and The Mikado. Co-Producer Karen V DiChiera each a Philo Award! The award is named after Our singers will be in costume and in Philo T. Farnsworth, the inventor of the television tube. The popular series is high spirits under the baton of for­ taped at Bloomfield Community Television (BCTV) in Bloomfield Hills, where mer WORS Radio favorite Charles it is aired four times a week throughout the area over Channel 15. The series Greenwell. We hope you can join is then broadcast over Flint Public Broadcasting Station, WFUM, to cable sta­ the fun and high jinks! tions in southeast Michigan and Ontario, Canada. James Gillis is the Program Director and Leslie Helwig, Station Manager of BCrY, is Executive Producer Call (248) 645·BBSO for ticket information. of the program. Please check your local cable listings for broadcast times.

36 BRAVO Copyrightwww 2010,.Michi Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House Watch for an of Michigan. Although most of our performances are for NEW OPERA announcement schools or private organizations, some (such as An Evening COMMISSION about a new of Gilbert and Sullivan) are open to the public. opera to be Our Broadway Revue, which is reformatted every year, commissioned through the Community Foundation of is a perennial favorite. Performances that are booked this Southeast Michigan. The as yet unwritten piece will focus on season are October 22 , 2000, 3:00 p.m. , Broadway Concert a significant piece of Detroit's history in honor of the city's with the Warren Symphony, Warren Woods Middle School 300th anniversary It will begin school tours in February Auditorium; March 31,2001, Broadway Revue with the Pontiac or March. Oakland Symphony, time and location to be determined; April 27, 2001, Broadway Revue, Oakland Community College, PUBLIC TOUR PERFORMANCES Highland Campus, time and exact location to be determined. MOT's Department of Community Programs gives Please call Delores Tobis, Community Programs Marketing more than 200 performances each year in every corner Manager for information and additional bookings.

Baritone and Tour Manager, Mark Vondrak, as "Harry" in the Department of Community Programs' anti-smoking musical, THE NIGHT HARRY STOPPED SMOKING. Youngsters are selected from each participating school to be part of the cast. This season, our visits to Genessee County and Lansing Area Schools are being funded through the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and the Capitol Region Community Foundation.

to travel to Kansas, If yoU happen tober 23-27, 2000, we'll be there OC and we'll be in Three Lakes, . ·13 20011 WisconslD, Apfl ,

TOURING PROGRAMS Seymour Barab~ Newest Children~ Opera to Be Featured

The Pied Piper of Hamlin is the newest childrens story story In this case, it is the word "Pied," defined as " two to receive operatic treatment by "the Dean of American or more patches of different colors." The Piper is unhappy Childrens Opera," Seymour Barab. The octogenarian is because he is so poor that all he has is "pied clothing. " one of the most prolific composers of all time. Writing Children from the audience play rats and the children of both the music and the libretto, Barab is a wordsmith who Hamlin. The happy ending teaches everyone to appreciate always finds something fun to teach in the language of the each other and to keep promises.

Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www Michigan.Mi Opera Theatre BRAVO 37 r NEW CENTURY FUND ThE ······ ~EW New Century Fund CENTURY FUNd ~

MEDICI CIRCLE Oliver Dewey Marcks Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barthel Campbell & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kline $2,000,000 and Above Foundation Mr. Charles A Bishop Sally Carlson Barbara and Michael Kratchman Ford Motor Company The Karen and Drew Peslar Bill and Be tty Brooks Mrs. Maria M. Chirco Dr. Richard and Victo ria Kulis Foundation Sheldon and Barbara Cohn Mr. David Chivas Mr. Raymond A Lehtinen VISIONARIES Standard Federal Bank Community Counseling Service Mrs. Eleanor A. Christie Dr. and Mrs. Alden M. Leib $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 Mrs. Ruth Rattner/Ann F Katz Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Clark Christine and Elmore Leonard Anonymous and Norman D. Katz David and Joanne Denn Mr. William G. Clark Bruno and Mollie Leonelli Mr. and Mrs. Roben A Allesee David and Karen DiChiera Dr. Mary Carol Conroy Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lesesne General Motors Corporation ASSOCIATE SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart Mr. John AConti Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Letts,Jr. DaimlerChrysler Corporation $25,000 to $49,999 Judith Hicks and Eric Shelly and Peter Cooper Mrs. Dorothy Lewis The Wayne Booker Charitable Hespenheide Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cotter Mr. Dana Locniskar GUARANTORS Foundation Miss Mary A. Hester Mary and Sal Craparotta Jodi and Ivan Ludington, Jr. $500,000 to $999,999 The Budd Company Mario and Jane Iacobelli Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cummings Mrs. Ruth MacRae Lear Corporation Mr. Thomas Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Verne G. Istock Barbara and Paul Czamanske Mr. Donald W Maine Progressive Tool and Industries Consumers Energy Foundation Ms. Elizabeth Judson Johnson Julia D. Darlow and John Vasilj and Denise Markovich Co'. Crain Communications, Inc. Mary Banush Jones Foundation Corbett O'Meara Mrs. Mary C. Mazure Mrs. Shirley K Schlafer Decision Consultants, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Larson Shelley and Richard Dalley Mr. and Mrs. George D. Milidrag Detroit International Bri dge Mr. arid Mrs. Lance Leonelli Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. D'Avanzo Rita and Morkus Mitrius UNDERWRITERS Company Mr. Dana Locniskar Dr. Harvey Day and Ms. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Theodore ? 250,00Q to $499,999 Rosanne and Sandy Duncan Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Roth Monolidis Arbor DtugslCVS Phannacy Inc. Eaton Corporation Mutchler Lawrence N. and Doris C. David Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Moon Bank One Mr. Edward P Frohlich Mr. and Mrs. Eino Nurme George and Vivian Dean Mr. Ronald K Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Don Barden Andrew and Wanda Giancamilli Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Brien Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. DeLuca Mrs. Joan M. Mossner BASF Corporation Hartmann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jules Pallone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Demery A Sandy Munro Comerica Charitable Foundation Kenwal Steel Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roberts Dickinson Wright PLLC Sandra and Jeanne Naysmith Detroit Edison Foundation Carol and Jerry Knechtel Hon. Joan E. Young and Mr. David K Diskin, M. D. and Patricia and Henry Nickol Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dewar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krikorian Thomas Schellenberg Dorothy Diskin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nosanchuk Herman &·Barbara Frankel Nancy and Bud Liebler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J Schwanz Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Earl Dorothy l. and George W Robert & Alice Gustafson Maria and Alphonse S. Lucarelli Simmons and Clark Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ehlert Nouhan John S & James L Knight Magna Intemationai inc. Mrs. Rosemary Skupny Irma Elder, Jaguar of Troy Mr. David Nowakowski and Mr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller Mr. Frank D. Stella Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Martin Lappe Richard & Mary Lou Janes Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson Ronald and Eileen Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Francis Engelhardt Graham A and Sally Orley The Lomason Family Frances H. Parcells Memorial Mr. J. Ernest Wilde Dr. Fern Espino and Mr. Tom Penna Family McGregor Fund Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Ross Short Dr. Robert E. L. PerkinslMs. Linden D. Nelson Foundation Sandy Family Foundation DEVOTEES Dr. Haifa Fakhouri , ACC Nancy Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Roge r Penske Alan and Marianne Schwartz $5,000 to $9,999 Mr. David Fischer Mr. Charles and Dr. Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. R. Jamison Mr. Mickey Shapi ro Anonymous (2) Dr. Ma~o ri e M. Fisher Podowski Williams Mr. and Mrs. S. Kinnie Sntith,Jr. The Randolph J. and Judith A. Mrs. Rema Frankel Mrs. David PollacklMrs. Marilyn William H And Patricia M. Sntith Agley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence RobinsonlMrs. Linda Schafer PARTNERS Venture Industries The Airasian Family Garberding PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP $100,000 to $249,999 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Vincent Dr. and Mrs. Roge r M. Aj luni Ms. Stephanie Germack Mr. Richard Raisin Blue Cross Blue Shield of Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. Mr. Joseph A Giacalone Mr. Anthony Rea MichiganIBlue Care Network CONNOISSEURS Mrs. John E. AmermanlMrs. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Giancarlo Darrel and Dawn Reece Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Brodie $15,000 to $24,999 Arthur J Rooks,Jr. Keith and Eileen Gifford Drs. Robert and Patricia Reed Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankel Alcan Aluminum Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Assad Amine Mr. and Mrs. Vito P Gioia Randall Reher, M.D. Wallis and Robert M. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F Allison Dr. Lourdes V Andaya Mrs. John C. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Renick Kmart Corporati on Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V Angott Charles and Elaine Gunderson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reuss Dolores and Paul Lavins Marvin and Betty Danto Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Anthony Mrs. Allee Berberian Haidostian Suzanne and Robert L. Rewey MichCon Foundation --Herbert and Betty Fisher Joseph E. and Kathleen A. Mr. David Hall Glenn RitcheylHall-Ri tchey Michigan National Bank The Gilmour Fund Antonini Foundation Mr. Lawrence W Hall Management Co. National City Bank of Mr. Gordon A Hoialmen A & S Supply Company Mr. David Handleman Concetta & Gerald Ross Michiganllllinois Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Jospey Atlas Tool, Inc. Mary and Preston Happel Martin and Constance Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rose Ann and William McCormick,Jr. Mrs. Donald J. Atwood Mr. Morton E. Harris RosslMervyn and Leslie Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orley Dr. Donald and Dale Austin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hartman Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Soave Mr. and Mrs. E. Steven Robinson Andrea and James Balcerski Donna and Eugene Hartwig Enrico and Denise Rossell i Walbridge-Aldinger Company & Family James Balk, II and Shirley A Balk Frank and Nancy Hoag Mr. Thomas FRost World Heritage Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barefoot Derek and Karen Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roth Mr. and Mrs. George M. Zeltzer St. John Health System Brian and Heidi Bartes Mr. and Mrs. Martin Inglis Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Roth Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin Mr. and Mrs. Mandell L Berman Collette and Darnell Jackson Mr. Anthony Rugiero SPONSORS TRW Foundation Dr. John and AlUle Bielawski Don JensenlMarge Slezak Dr. He rshel and Lois Sandberg $50,000 to $99,999 Mrs. Barbara Van Dusen Mr. and Mrs. David Bird Ms. Rosemary Joliar Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Saperstein Hon. and Mrs. Avern L. Cohn The Samuel L. Westerman Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Blom David G. Judge and Laura A Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Boll Tchorzynski Mr. Laurence S. Schultz Deloitte & Touche LLP The Y & R, Group Mr. and Mrs. Chester Borck The Kater Foundation Mark and Sally Schwartz The GM Card Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bright KDS International Benjamin Schwegman and Judith Johnson Controls Foundation AFICIONADOS Louis and Carolyn Bruno Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kessler Tappero-Schwegman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kojaian $10,000 to $14,999 Tracey and Mark l. Burnstein Dr. and Mrs. Young M. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ms. Irene M. Barbour Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L Cahalan Mr. Arthur H. Kirsh Schwendemann

38 BRAVO Copyright www2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House ~ Named Gifts

I September Moon Universal Forest Products, We extend our gratitude to the Mr. &: Mrs. Robert E. Dewar - Oliver Dewey Marcks .. Production Network, Inc. following Donors who have Trustee Circle Madison Lobby Foundation - Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. underwritten designated areas in Ford Motor Company - Third Floor Promenade Dr. Bradley G. Sewick and VanderBrug the Detroit Opera House: Backstage Renovation Staircase Laurie A Sall Mr. and Mrs. Art Broadway Lobby Lobby to 2nd Floor, Arlene and Frank C. VanElslander Dr &: Mrs. Roger M. Ajluni - Herman and Barbara Frankel - Madison Slialer Dr. and Mrs. Leonard F Grand Staircase General Director's Circle MichCon Foundation - Mr. MichaeL R Shaw VanRaaphorst Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A Allesee - Lounge Lobby Boutique Ms. ElhamJabiru-Shayota Joseph and Rosalie Vicari Allesee Dance Patron Lounge General Motors Corporation - The Karen &: Drew Peslar and Ms. Nedda N. Victory ReSteel Inc. Allesee Dance &: Opera Madison Lounge Foundation Shayota John and Jo Vincenti Resource Library Robert &: Alice Gustafson - Co-Star Dressing Room Sandy and Michael Short, Sue and Bill Viti toe Anonymous Donor - Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose - MD. Mr. and Mrs. John Vrana Grand Lobby Madison Patron Elevator in Lobby Dr. Sheldon and Sydelle Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Anonymous Donor - Richard &: Mary Lou Janes - Tower Sonkin Ward Broadway Facade Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Mrs. Carolyn L Ross - . Ms. Anne Markley Spivak Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C Austin - Broadway Grand Staircase Mirror Ms . Mary Anne Stella Wasserman Grand Central Chandelier Chaim, Fanny; Louis, Benjamin Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn Townsend - Mrs. Mark C Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gary L BASF Corporation - and Ann Florence Kaufman Trustee Circle Broadway M\. and Mrs. Bob Wasserman Media Studio Classroom Memorial Trust - Lobby Stevenson Mr and Mrs. Richard C. Comerica Charitable Grand Side Chandelier Mr. &: Mrs. George Vincent - Strategic Staffing Solutions Webb Foundation- Wallis &: Robert M. Klein- Madison l obby Christine and .George Keith and Christine Weber Grand Dome Grand Staircase Mirror Mr &: Mrs. Alvin Wasserman - Strumbos Mr.and Mrs. Wllliam DaimlerChrysler Corporation - Dolores &: Paullavins - Box l evel Promenade Joel and Shelley Tauber Widmeyer Community Performance Grand Side Chandelier World Heritage Foundation - 011 Thomas and Tracey Mrs. Beryl Winkelman Theater Grand Staircase Mirror Conductor's Dressing Room Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud - l ear Corporation - Michael and Nancy WlSne Grand Drape Trustee Circle Level in Opera Several named gift opportunities Timmis Mrs. Barbara Wrigley Detroit Edison Foundation - Hall are available in the Detroit Opera Dr. Roberta Toll and Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Wu Mezzanine l evel in Opera The lomason Family - House. For more information, Sheldon Toll Mr. Todd A Wyett Hall The William K. &: Neva please call the Development Lynn A and Ruth Ms. Shaio Fong Yin- Lomason Opera lounge Department at 313/237-3433. LTownsend Tuinman Ms. Violette Tuck Ms. Gayle M. Zech Mr. George C. Turek Mrs. Helen Zuckerman

Detroit Opera House 2000-2001 Schedule of Events RENT la TRAVIATA November 24 - December 3, 2000 THE NUTCRACKER December 7 - 17, 2000 ALVIN AilEY January 31 - February 4, 2001 AMERICAN BAllET THEATRE • THE MERRY WIDOW JOFFREY BAllET March 29 - April 1, 2001 June 23,24, 2001 For tickets call 313-231-SINGn464J or TicketMaster 248-645-6666

Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www,M MichiganichiganOp eOperara,org Theatre BRAVO 39 - MOT CONTRI BUTORS Michigan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera TheaLre gratefully acknowledges the generous corporate, foundation, government and individual donors whose contributions were made between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000. Their generos­ ity plays an imegral part in the Company's financial stability, necessary for producing quality grand opera, and dance. In addition to enjoying outstanding entertainment on stage, MOT contributors are offered a number of opportunities that allow them to observe the many phases of opera and dance pro­ duction, meet the artists and experience other "behind-the-scenes" activities.

CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIO NS SUSTAINER BENEFACTOR Dale P Frenkel, Dr. 6< Mrs. Charles H. Duncan DONORS GRAND BENEFACTOR $5000 to $9,999 $15,000 . $24,999 Ronald P Frenkel, Mrs. Charles M. Endicott $1,SO().$2,499 $200,000 . Gannetl Foundation, tnc. Community Foundation of Denise L. Brown , Mr 6< Mrs. Paul E. Ewing Mr 6< Mrs. Eugene Fo rd Motor Company Fund john Carlo In c. Greate r Flint Cindy Frenkel Kanter, Mr. Stephen Ewing Applebaum 2000 Fall Season Sponsor Lanzo Construction Co. james and L)llelle Holden Nelson P Lande Mr 6< Mrs. Uoyd C Fell Mr 6< Mrs. Harold Arnoldi 2000 Opera Ball Sronsor MjC Homes Foundation Mr 6< Mrs. Richard Helppie Mr. 6< Mrs. Max M. Fisher Dr Harold Mitchell Arrington General Operating Support \1oceti Deve lopment Hudson-Webber Foundation Edward and Paula Hughes Ms. Rema Frankel Dr. 6< Mrs. Ingida Asfaw General Motors Foundation Corporation Oliver Dewey Marcks Mrs. Roger W Hull Mr. 6< Mrs. Samuel Frankel Mrs. Annette Balian 2001 Spring Season l\'ovara, Tesija , Michela, foundation Mr 6< Mrs. Verne G. Istock Mr 6< Mrs. Larry Garberding Ms. Irene M. Barbour Sponsor Priehs David M. Whitney Fund Mr 6< Mrs. Richard janes Mrs. john C Griffin Ms. Ilene Barron Tosca Open ing Night -Real Estate imclllat iol1Ji Mr Don jensen Pres 6< Mary Happel Mr 6< Mrs. Ara Berberian Festivities FELLOW Se,olle Homes, Inc. j oyce Urba 6< D"od Kinsella Mr. 6< Mrs. Eugene Hartwig Mrs. Margareta Berker General Operat ing Suppon $10,000 - $14,999 Villa Penna Mr Ernest G. Ludy Mr 6< Mrs. David B. Dr. 6< Mrs. john G. Bielawski Daill1lerChrysler 'Corporation Sage Foundation XL Color Inc. Mr 6< Mrs. Ma rk Mehall Hermelin Mr. 6< Mrs. Maurice S. Binkow Fund The Mar} Thompson In-kind Monica Moffat 6< Patrick Mr 6< Mrs. David H. Hill Mr. 6< Mrs. G. Peter 810m _ 2000/200] Da nce Season Founda tion McGuire Mr. 6< Mrs. Anthony HopI' Dr. 6< Mrs. David Bloom Sponsor PATRON Samuel L Westennan Mr. 6< Mrs. E. Michael Mr. 6< Mrs. Thomas G. Kirby Mr. 6< Mrs. William C Brooks Siultgarl Ballet ProduClion $2500 to $4,999 f oundation Mutchler Mr. 6< Mrs. Roben Klein Ms. Patricia Hill Burnett 6< Sponsor Eaton Corporation Dr. 6< Mrs. Drew Peslar Mr. 6< Mrs. Harvey Kline Robert L. Siler SllI1 lgarl Ballet Opening \ -lic hCon Foundation SUSTAINER $5,000 - $9,999 Robert and Sharon Pew Mr. Gerald Knechtel Dr. 6< Mrs. joseph L Cahalan Night Festivities DONOR Earl-Beth Foundation Drs. If\in 6< Pamela Trotman Dr. 6< Mrs. Richard W Kulis Mr. 6< Mrs. George Callas $1,000 to $2,499 Ann and Gordon Getty Reid Mr. 6< Mrs. Paul Lavins Drs. Margaret 6< john Casey SI GNAL BENEFACTOR Mr. Harry T Cendrowski $50,000 to $199,999 AA:\ j\tlichlgan Foundati on Mrs. Carolyn L Ross Mr. Raymond Lehtinen Anthony L and Darlene Seave AlcOJ Foundati on Ali ce Kales Han" ock Ms. Susan Schooner Dr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Lester Dr. Victor ). Cervenak Mr. David Chivas Gala Bene fit Concen Ke nwal Steel Corp. Foundation Alan E. 6< Marianne Schwanz Mr. 6< Mrs. Harry A. Mr. 6< Mrs. Leonard Ciokajlo Sponsor \ Ierilor Automoti ve , Inc. The Polk Family Mrs. Rosemary Skupny Lomason Mr. Dan Clancy Werlher Openi ng Night Real Estate One Inc. Mr. 6< Mrs. William H. Smith Mr. 6< Mrs. Kevin Lomason The Quaker Chemical PATRON Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse S. Mr. 6< Mrs. Frederick H. Clark Sponsor $2,500 - $4,999 Foundati on Professor Ca"on L Stevens Lucarelli Ms. Virginia Clementi Meyer 6< Anna Prentis Family MAJOR BENEFACTOR Dr. 6< Mrs. Gerald H. Dr. & Mrs. Henry W Maicki Mr. 6< Mrs. David Cohn Foundation $25,000 to $49,999 CONTRIBU TOR Stollman Mr. 6< Mrs. William T Mrs. Adelina C Colby $500 to $999 Trustees: Barbara P Frenkel, Ali talia Airlines Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. McCormick, jr. Vivian 6< jerry Cole Alben Kahn Associotes , Inc. Man'in A. Frenkel , In-kind Townsen d Mr. 6< Mrs. jeffrey H. Miro Mr. 6< Mrs. Michael). BridgeslonelFireslOnc Tmsl Dale P Frenkel , Ameritceh Mrs. Richard Van Dusen Mr. Edwin Lee Morrell Connolly Fund Ronald I' Frenkel, The Barber oj Seville janet 6< Paul Victor Mr. Charles Nave Dr. Mary Carol Conroy IATSE Local 38 Denise L. Brown, Opening Night Sponsor Mr. 6< Mrs. George C Mr. 6< Mrs. Marco Nobili Mrs. Ellen R. Cooper PPG Industries Foundation Cindy Frenkel Kanter, Bank One Vince nt Mr. 6< Mrs. john R. O'Green, jr. Shelly 6< Peter Cooper The W W Group , Inc. Nelson P Lande Werther Perfonnance Mr. Charles A. Parcells , jr. Rosalind Coopennan 6< SI. Denys Foundation Dr. 6< Mrs. Sam B. Williams Sponsor Walter P 6< Elizabeth B. Work Mr. Charles 6< Dr. Charlotte Woody Robertson SUPPORTER Young Woman's Home Mrs. Mary Rita Cuddohy Hudsons $100 to $499 Podowski Association of Detroit Dr. 6< Mrs. Victor Curatolo Del' Rosel1ila valier Bolton 6< Company SUSTAINER Mrs. David Pollack $2,500-$4,999 Mr. 6< Mrs. Marvin I. Danto Production Sponsor FCS. Industrics, Inc. Ms. Patricia Preston DONOR Mr. 6< Mrs. Terence Adderley Mr. 6< Mrs. Tarik Daoud Michigan National Corp . john E. Green Company To $2,499 Dr. & Mrs. Robe n E. Reid Mr. 6< Mrs. Douglas E Allison Mrs. Barbara Darin Werther Performance Mu Phi Epsilon Detroit Clarence and jack Himmel Dr. & Mrs. john H. Robens Dr. Lourdes V Andaya julia Donovan Darlow 6< john Sponsor Alumni Chapter Foundation Mr. 6< Mrs. Roy Robens Mr. 6< Mrs. Thomas Anderson O'Meara Plastomer Corporation Kalamazoo Foundation Hon. joan E. Young 6< Mr. BENEFACTOR Mrs. Donald). Atwood Mr. 6< Mrs. Lawrence N. David Ash Stevens, Inc. The Sigmund and Sephie Thomas L. Schellenberg $15,000 to $24,999 Dr. 6< Mrs. Donald C Austin Mr. 6< Mrs. William). Davis The Birmingham Musicale Rohli k Foundation Mr. Wayne). Ruchgy ANR Pi peline Co. Hon. 6< Mrs. Ed,vard Mr. 6< Mrs. William). DeBiasi Peler Cli mes Perform.:mcr Village Womans Club Mr. 6< Mrs. Arnold Schafer FOUNDATION AND Foundation Avadenka Dr. Roben E Schirmer Mr. jeffrey W Dell Sponso r GOVERNM ENT SUPPORT Mr. 6< Mrs. Lee Barthel Mr. 6< Mrs. David Denn Comeri ca Incorporated Dr. 6< Mrs. Karl Schroeder \ Iichigan Council for Arts GENERAL DIRECTOR'S Mr. 6< Mrs . Mark Alan Baun Mr. 6< Mrs. Donald E. Dr. Fernando Diaz Tasca Performance Sponsor CI RCLE and Cultural Affa irs Mr. 6< Mrs. W Victor Schwendemann Ted and Bonnie Dickens De troi t Edison Foundation IMPRESARIO Benjamin Mr. David Disend Nat ional Endowment for the $10,000. Mr. 6< Mrs. Erwin S. Simon Tosca Performance Sp()!1sor Art s Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell L. Drs. Paula and Michael Duffy Mr. 6< Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Mr. 6< Mrs. S. Kinnie Smith,jr. Kman Corporation Bennan Mr. Don F Duggan CrtI' of Detro it Cultural Affa irs Mr. 6< Mrs. Roy E. Calcagno Dr. & Mrs. Roben J. Sokol Student/Se ni or \\atinees Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Department Mr. 6< Mrs. Robert E. Dewar Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Sonkin Sponsor Mr. Charl es A. Bishop Mr. 6< Mrs. Francis A. Mr. 6< Mrs. Inong Rose Mr. 6< Mrs. George Strumbos Lear Corporation SIGNAL BENEFACTOR Mrs. Margaret Borden Englehardt Dt.: ,. Rosclllwva/ier $100,000. Dr. 6< Mrs. L. Murray Thomas BENEFACTOR Mr. 6< Mrs. Gerald Bright William 6< Barbara Eversman Perfo nnanee Sponsor McGregor Fund Mr. 6< Dr. Sheldon Toll $5,OO().$9,999 • Mr. 6< Mrs. Bernard T Valerie 6< Francis Ward Dr. Haifa Fakhouri The Ski ll man Foundmion Mr. 6< Mrs. Richard Allen Brodsky Mr. 6< Mrs. Oscar Feldman FELLOW Mr. 6< Mrs. Alvin Wasserman Dr. 6< Mrs . Agustin Arbulu Mr. 6< Mrs. Al fred Adrienne 6< Roben Z. $10,000 to $14,999 MAJOR BENEFACTOR Mr. 6< Mrs. Gary L Wasserman Consume rs Energy $25,000 - $99,999 Mr. Thomas Cohn Cheesebrough 1lI Mr. 6< Mrs. Richard C Webb Feldstein Foundation The Entenainment Industry Mrs. Barbara Frankel Hon. 6< Mrs. Ave rn L. Cohn Dr. Marilyn L Williamson Mr. 6< Mrs. Alfred]. (ommunhy Programs Foundation Mr. Hennan Frankel Mr. 6< Mrs. jerry D'Avanzo Mrs. Beryl Winkelman Fisher,jr. Touring Sponsor Matilda R. \\lI

40 BRAVO Copyrightwww 2010,.Mich Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House ~ Han. Hilda R. Gage Mr. Jack Perlmutter Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Halpenn Dr. & Mrs. Anhur ] Johnson Mrs. srephanie Gennack Mr. John E. Perry Mr. & Mrs. John P jagger Mr. Walrer Kane Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson Mr. Bany Persofsky Sam and Donna Kountoupes Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kavulich Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Giancarlo Mr. & Mrs. William T Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Larson Mrs. M. T. Keefe BRAVO! Mr. & Mrs. Keirh E. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plumb Mrs. Walton A. Lewis Mr. Bany Keller Mr. Allan D. Gilmour Mr. Richard M. Raisin Mr. W ] Monis Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kirlin I Ms. Sharon Gioia Ms. Ruth F Rartner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Papp Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kleiman Dr. .lpnscilla Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. John B. Renick Miss Alma M. Pernni Mr. & Mrs. Marrin Kohlenberg MICHIGAN JI Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robinson Mr. & Mrs. George Roume ll Mrs. Gail E. Kohn Gunderson Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik Ms. Karen Spica Ms. Selma & Ms. PhylliS Korn Mr. & Mrs. srephen Mr. & Mrs. No rman H. Mrs. Carolyn Srubbs Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. OPERA Hagopian Rose nfeld Mrs. Jay H. Taylor Kosmarka Mrs. Alice Berberian Haidosrian Dr. & Mrs. Nommn Rosenzweig Mrs. C. Theron Van Dusen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Krarchman Mr. Lawrence Hall Mr. Allen Jay Ross Mr.] Ernest Wilde Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Kreft Dr. & Mrs. Joel L Hamburger Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Ross Ms. Rosemary Kurr THEATRE Mr. David Handleman Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rottenberg MEMBERSHIP DONORS Mr. & Mrs. James Kuykendall Ms. Mary C. Hanns Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Ruben LUMINARY Miss Gene M. Kyle $500 - $999 Ms. Maria Harris Ms. Laurie Sall & Dr. Bradley Mr. Henry La Motre Mr. & Mrs. Ansel Aberly J. Mr. & Mrs. Kennerh E. Hart Se\vick Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Laker Mr. & Mrs. Felix T. Adams Dr. & Mrs. Jack H. Henzler Dr. & Mrs. Hershel Sandberg Dr. Glendon M. Gardner & Mr. & Mrs. William] Adams Miss Mary A. Hesrer Mr. & Mrs. William Sandy Leslie Landau Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Alonzo Mr. Roben M. Holland Dr. & Mrs. Nonnan R. Schakne Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Landes Mrs. Charles C. Andrews Ms. Mary Ann Hollars Mrs. R.] schlitters Mr. & Mrs. MIC hael Leonard Dr. & Mrs. Joel Appel Han. & Mrs. Joseph N. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schmidr Mrs. Monon B. Lesser Ms. Virginia Argo Impastato Dr. & Mrs. Karl F Schroeder Dr. & Mrs. Zvi Levran Mrs. Doris L Anns Alan & Eleanor Israel Mr. & Mrs. Gregory] Schwartz Mr. Irving Lichrman MILLER Ms. Amy Jidov Mr. Joseph Schwartz Ms. Sally August Mr. Michael Lockman Mr. & Mrs. Srephen M. Bakonyi Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaevsky Ms. Cannen Setta Ludy Mr. & Mrs. James M. Balcerski CANFIELD Mr. srerling C. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Shaler Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Lysinger MILLER. CANFIELD, PADDOCK ANO STONE, p,Le Mr. & Mrs. John Kaplan Ms. Ellen Sharp Mr. John H. Barbes Dr. & Mrs. M. David Mr. Ca rl O. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Srephen D. Kasle Ms. Elham Shayara Madorsky , Suite 2500 Dr. & Mrs. Shennan Kay Dr. & Mrs. Michael] Short Mr. Stanislaw Bialoglowski Cardinal Adam] Maida Mr. & Mrs. Donald W Keirn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan Mr. Francis Bialy Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Major Detroit, MI 48226-4415 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Biggs Mrs. Joyce Ann Kelley Ms. Evelyn S. Smirh Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Mancuso 313/963-6420 Mr. and Mrs. Sreve Kesler Ms. PhylliS Funk Snow Dr. & Mrs. Eric Billes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maniscalco Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kessler ' Nadele & Henry Spiro, MD Mr. & Mrs. David Bilson Mr. Maunce L Marshall www_millercanfield,com Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kosch Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Srark Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Ms. Karherine McCullough Farher Ralph E. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Blanchard Ms. Parricia McKanna -Providing legal services since 1852- Dr, & Mrs. Alfred M. Srarkwearher Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Mr. & Mrs. Patnck McKeever Kreindler Mr. Oscar Srefanurti Boensch Dr. & Mrs. Max T McKinney Michigan· New York· Washington, D,C, • Poland Mr. & Mrs. William Ku Mr. Frank D. Stella Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bologna Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mill man Affiliated office in Florida Martin] Lappe & David Mrs. Mark C. Stevens Beverly E. Booker Fund Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mitchell Nowakowski Dr. & Mrs. Mack C. Sri rling Mr. & Mrs. Hennan Brodsky Ms. Jane Morocco Mt. & Mrs. Charles E. Mrs. Glorie Stonisch Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mueller Letts,Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David Susser Brownrigg Mr. & Mrs. James Mulvoy Dr. & Mrs. Sranley Levy Ronald F S\vitzer Ms. c.R. Campire lle Ms. Jane Nabb Dr. Frank R. Le\vis Mr. & Mrs. Nonnan ] Mrs. Parncia B. Capalbo Mr. & Mrs. Adolph J Neeme Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie Tabor,Jr. Ms. Kalli Carson Caroline Beauvais & William Dr. & Mrs. Robert P Lisak Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Tauber Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Chandler Ne\vman Mrs. Florence LoParin Mr. & Mrs. A. Al fred Mr. Michael Coleman Mr. & Mrs. James B. Nicholson Louise Taubman Mr. Samuel L Davis Mrs. Barbara Nickles Dr. Charles E. Lucas Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Tersigni Mr. & Mrs. Pierre De Smet Mr. Roben A. Nitschke Elaine & Mervyn Manning Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Toppm Mr. Joe Del Giud ice Ms . Corinne Opiteck Hon. Jack & Dr. Bettye Mr. & Mrs. james] Trebilcolt Dr. John DiMusto Eric & Arlene Oppenheim Arrington Manin Mrs. Paula Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Dreffs Mrs. Eva Ouo Mr. & Mrs. Jeny Manin Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Mr. & Mrs. Max M Mrs. Nancy Owens Dr. Robert Matthews VanderBrug Dubrinsky Ms. C-J Pasky Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBnen Mr. & Mrs. Sreven L Victor Mr. & Mrs. George P Dr. & Mrs. Francis Pasley Mrs. Wade H. McCree, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Way Duensing Ms. V. Beverly Payne Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Weissman Mrs. Patricia L Edwards Mrs. Sophie Pearlsrein Mr. & Mrs. Angus] McMillan Mr. & Mrs. William Widmeyer Ms. Ingnd Brit Eidnes Mr. & Mrs. Pererson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miller Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm Dr. & Mrs. A. El-Magrabi Irene Piccone Drs. Orlando and Dororhy Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elias Mrs. Nancy L Rajala Miller Wilhe lm Mr. Alben Febbo Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rentschler Mr. & Mrs. Morkus Mirrius Mr. R. jamison Williams, Jr. Mrs. Shirley M. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Reuss Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mitseff Mr. & Mrs. Enc H. Winter Ms. Josephine E. Franz Mr. Brad Reynolds Dr. & Mrs. Van C. Mr. & Mrs. L,wrence E. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph] Franzem Mr. Dale Robenson Momon, Jr. Witkowski Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Galunas Mr. James E. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Mr. & Mrs. Gregory ] Dr. & Mrs. Byron P Mr. John Romani Monolidis WronkO\vicz Georgeson Dr. & Mrs. David B. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morganrorh Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu Mr. & Mrs. Nick Grad Rorabacher Ms. A. Anne Moroun Dr. & Mrs. Jose E. Yanez Ms . Jane Adele Graf Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Rota Mr. Ronald K. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Larry Zangerle Mrs. Claire L Grosberg Ms . Li ndsay Roth Mr. & Mrs. William A. Mr. & Mrs. Monon Zieve Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Groves Mr. & Mrs. Leroy H. Runk Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gualrieri Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Ruscillo Mr. & Mrs. E. Clarence CAMERATA CLUB Mr. & Mrs. David A. Gugala Ms. Lori Schoenenberger Mularoni $1,000-$1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Haddad Ms. Anne S. Sherwood David & Julie Mulligan Lee & Paul Blizman Mr. & Mrs. Roben] Hampson Ms. Heather Sievers Mr. & Mrs. Jacques A. Nasser Mrs. Doreen Bull Dr. & Mrs. Karl Hanyi Mr. & Mrs. Perer Silveri Mr. & Mrs. George W Mr. Maurice Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Harness Mrs. Helen T Slater Nouhan Ms. Carolyn Ciungan Dr. Charles F Hanley Mr. & Mrs. James Smith Mr. & Mrs. Eino Nunne Lady Jane Easton Mr. & Mrs. Srephen R. Harvath Rosa Ernsrein & David Mr. & Mrs. Graham A Orley Mr. & Mrs. Roben B. Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Sonnenschein Gerald Padilla & Linda Fair,Jr. Hasse lwander Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T Spencer Orlans Mr. John Fleming Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein Nadine & Ken Speny Mr. & Mrs. Jules Pallone Carol & Burke Fossee Mr. & Mrs. L Manin Inglis Mr. Wil liam Stefani Mr. & Mrs. James Pamel Mr. & Mrs. George E. Frosr Ms. Elizaberh Ingraham Dr. Sheldon & Jessie Stem Mr. Michael W Pease Dr. & Mrs. William R. Fulgenzi Ms. Elsa Jakob Mr. Leopold Strausz Dr. Roben E. L Perkins Dr. and Mrs Julio Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jetyan Mrs. Burr E. Taylor

Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www Michigan.MichiganOpe Theatre BRAVO 41 LU MINARY Dr. &: Mrs. Alberto Cohen Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen G. Harper Mr. &: Mrs. Roben A. Line, Jr. Dr. &: Mrs. A. I. Ragins Mr. Michael Thomas $500 - $999 Continued Mr. &: Mrs. James Collier Dr. &: Mrs. John M. Hartzell Mr. &: Mrs. Mac Lipon Ms. Ve ra Rea Mrs. Rhonda Goers Thomas Mrs. orman Thorpe Mr. &: Mrs. James Collins Ms. Barbara HalVeil Mr. &: Mrs. Ray Litte Mr. &: Mrs. John W Reddy Manin D. &: Karen R. Todorov Mr. & Mrs. Peter P Thurber Dr. &: Mrs. James M. Colville Mrs. William f Haska, Jr. Ms. Linda Lott Dr. Melvin L Reed Pamela Torraco &: the Bar- Ms. Susan Trottier Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas Cornelsen Ms. Joann Hatton Ms. Elaine Lovitt Dr. Patricia Reed Leva\' Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Van Brnndeghen Mrs. Lois CoulVilie Mr. &: Mrs. William B. Heaton Mr. &: Mrs. John Lowe Mr. Dennis C Regan Ms. E. Torres Ms . Ann Ki rk Warren Dr. Warren W Cowan Rev. Thomas Heier. Mr. Randy Luck Mr. &: Mrs. Patrick Reid Mr. Emmet E. Tracy Mr. &: Mrs. Rohald Weiser Mrs . Katherine Cox Mrs. Elaine Heiserman Mrs. Ir.mgard Luelsdorf Mr. Robert L Rewey, Jr. Ms. Judith Tucker Mr. &: Mrs. Raben Whitman Mrs. Rosa Mary Crawford Ms. Anne H. Helfman Mr. Thomas Luzanski Mr. &: Mrs. Jason Reyes Dr. &: Mrs. Dimitry M. Turin Mr. Thomas D. Whittemore John W &: Beverly J Crump Gerald R. Heller &: Mary C Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Lyon John &: Verena Rhame Fund Drs. June W &: Sheldon G. Turley Dr. &: Mrs. George A. Williams Mr. &: Mrs. Doug Cygnar Heller Fund Mr. &: Mrs. James J Madden, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. John J Riccardo Mr. &: Mrs. John E. Utley Mrs. Stanley Winkelman Ms. Carol A. Czestkowski Mr. &: Mrs. Fred J Hendra Dr. &: Mrs. Richard D. Mallow Mr. &: Mrs. Dean E. Richardson Dr. &: Mrs. Vainutis Vaitkevicius Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Mr. &: Mrs. James D'Alessandro Mr. &: Mrs. William Hepfer Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel &: Patricia Dr. &: Mrs. Charles B. Riddle Ms. Theresa Vaitkunas Wisniewski Ms. Joyce Damschroder Dr. &: Mrs. Michael Hepner Manthe Mr. M.M. Roberts Dr. Joseph Valentin, DDS Mr. Thomas Woods Mr. &: Mrs. Nonnan Dancy Mr. &: Mrs. Bruce Herben Ms. Maria A. Marcantonio Mr. &: Mrs. George Robinson Mr. &: Mrs. Elliott H. Valentine Dr. Ruth A. Worthington Mr. Keith Davey Mr. Michael HerrnanofT Mr. Keith R. Marchiando Mr. Kenneth Robinson Miss Lisa M. Varnie r Mr. &: Mrs. Ef\on M. Yura Mr. &: Mrs. Wtlliam A. Day Mr. Lawrence D. Herron Mr. Da,od M. Mark Mr. &: Mrs. Horace J. Rodgers Mr. Richard D. Ventura Mr. Dave Zmyslowski Mr. &: Mrs. Richard De Bear Ms. Manha K Hicks Ms. Dolores Markowski Drs. David and Sheila Ronis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Violante Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony De Luca Mr. Jobe Highley Ms. Janet R. Marsh Ms. Joanne B. Rooney Mr. &: Mrs. Roben D. Wallin SUPPORTER Mr. Joseph DeOro Mr. Richard Hill Mr. & Mrs. W Kirk Marshall Dr. &: Mrs. An hur Rose Mr. & Mrs. Roben C Walter $250 - $499 Mrs. Mary De Tomaso Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Htllyer Mr. Charles S. Mason Dr. &: Mrs. Jerry C Rosenberg Miss Evelyn A. Warren Ms. Elaine Abbrecht Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Deutsch Mr. &: Mrs. Heinz Hintzen Mr. Timothy Mayer Mr. Daniel G. Rusecki Mrs. Kathryn N. Warren Dr. & Mrs. Jay Abel-Horowitz Mr. &: Mrs. Roben Di Gi ulio Dr. &: Mrs. James Hoeschele Ms. Mary C Mazure Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Rush Mr. &: Mrs. Cyrus H. Warshaw Ms . Kathy Abela Mr. John R. DiLodovico Mr. &: Mrs. Jan Homan Mr. Paul W Mc Curdy Mrs. Mary S. Russell Mr. &: Mrs. Leo S. Wasageshik Mr. &: Mrs. Donald W Ableson Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence H. Mr. Alan Hudson Mrs. Janet Gallup McCanhy Mrs. Margaret Sagan Mr. Dorothy E. Washington Mrs. Eileen Aboulafla Dickelmann, Jr. Mr. Wtlliam Hulsker Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph McCreedy Dr. &: Mrs. Wtlliam H. Salot Mr. &: Mrs. Neil H. WasseIman Mrs. Maryan f Ab ramson Ms. Mary Jo Diegel Mrs. Almeda Hunter Ms. Vivien McDonald Mr. &: Mrs. John W Sanders Ms. Georgianna Watsell Dr. &: Mrs. Teisa An Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Digirolamo Mr. &: Mrs. Jacob Hurwitz Mr. Donald E. Mcintosh Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Saperstein Mr. Charles K Watters,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Da,od J Anderson Dr. &: Mrs. Donald Ditmars Mr. & Mrs. Mario Iacobelli Mrs. Mary McKay Mr. &: Mrs. George E. Saunders Mr. Marshall Weingarden Mr. &: Mrs. Chester Arno ld ' Mr. Jo hn Dodds Mr. Micheal lannuzzi Mr. &: Mrs. Phill ip McKenna Ms. Georgia Scappaticci Mrs. Pamela Welch Ms. Geraldine Atkinson Dr. Helene C. Dombrowski Dr. Anne M. lee Mr. &: Mrs. John McMullin Mrs. Johanne Schaefer Mr. Roben D. Welchli Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Augustine Mr. &: Mrs. David Domina Drs. 1lluminati &: Jack!w Mr. &: Mrs. Otto Mehringer Drs. Theodore &: Michelle Mr. &: Mrs. Paul S. Wemhoff Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Baer Mr. T Pal11chini &: Ms. D. Donati Mr. &: Mrs. Craig E. Jackman Mr &: Mrs. Hamid A. Meininger Schreibe r Mr. &: Mrs. John f Werner Mr. &: Mrs. 'Eugene Balda Mr. &: Mrs. Harold Dorentus Mrs. David Jacknow Mr. &: Mrs. Warren A Merchant Mrs. Trudi Schreiber Miss Barbara J Williams Meredith Weston-Band & Mrs, Patricia A Dresch Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Jacobson Dr. &: Mrs. HeIman J Mene Drs. Heinz &: Alice Platt Schwarz Mr. &: Mrs. Halton Wil liams JefTery Band, MD Dr. &: Mrs. Harold Duchan Ms. Wendy Jansen Ms. Lynne M. Meny Mrs. Marnita M. Scott Mr. Lawrence Will iams Me. John Bashe r Mr. Vincent Du fT Mrs. Leonard C. Jaques Michael Weeda &: Joanne Mr. & Mrs. Kingsley Sears Dr. Magnus A. Wilson Dr. &: Mrs. Joseph S. Bassett Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph R Dudley Mrs. Esther Jaruga Michalski Ms. Jeanne Serruys Mr. &: Mrs. Meh;n Wine r Me. &: Mrs. Dean Bedford, Jr. Mr. Phillip Dulmage Mr. Joseph f Jeannette Mr. &: Mrs. William Michaluk Mr. Marc Shaberrnan Mr. Andrew Wise Mr. Fred Bell Me. &: Mrs. William A Dunning Mr. John W Jickling Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Michielutti Merrill &: Myrna Shapero Mr. Earl W Wolfe Hon. 1St Mrs. Roben D. Bennett Hon. &: Mrs. S. J Elden Mr. Jerry Jodloski Mrs. Stephen Migdal Dr. John E. Sheard Mr. Alfred Wood Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Berlin Miss Deborah Margules Eldridge Mrs. Ollie Johnson Mr. Myron L Milgrom Mr. Robert Shecter Mr. D3\;d D. Woodard Mrs. Irene Biber Mr. Roben Elsey Chois &: Amy Jones Ms. Helen Millen Ms. Janet Shepherd Ms. Andrea L Wul f Rose &: John 'Bjorklund Dr. &: Mrs. Richard F Elton Ms. Marie M. Jones Mr. Leonard Miller Dr. Anthony Shields Mr. &: Mrs. Francis A. Yezbick Mr. Svein Bjorkly Mr. &: Mrs. Paul S. Ensign Dr. & Mrs. Howard C Joondeph Mr. &: Mrs. Milton]. Miller Dr. Janice M. Shier Mrs. Jane Zabik Drs. Rosemary &: John Blase Mrs. Mary V Ensrmh, MD Drs. Mark &: Nadia Juzych Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Miller Mr. &: Mrs. Jack D. Shumate Mrs. Er\vin Ziegelman Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry M. Blaz Mr. &: Mrs. Abram Epstein Mr. Michael Kachman Mr. &: Mrs. Phillip Minch Dr. &: Mrs. Douglas B. Siders Mr. Irvin l\\~cker Me. & Mrs. Edward Boccomino Dr. Raina N. ErnstofT Mr. Paul Y Kadish Ms. Miriam Mondry Ms. June A. Siebert Mr. Richard Bockoff Gene Esshaki Mr. &: Mrs. Mark L Kahn Dr. & Mrs. Eliezer Monge Mr. &: Mrs. Raben W Siegel TRIBUTE FUND Migeum Boggs Dr. &: Mrs. If\'ing Feller Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Kalakailo Mr. &: Mrs. Charles R. Moon Mr. Reginald Skewes February 1 to July 30, 2000 Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Bondy Mr. Dan Ferrier Dr. Peter Karp3\vich Hon. Marion Moore Mr. &: Mrs. Kalmin D. Smith In Memory of Madison Alford Mr. Larry J Bossman Judge Sharon Ie,;s Finch Mrs. Nancy L Kassab Ms. Shirley Mopper Mr. &: Mrs. Kun B. Smith Mary A. Claytor Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bourget Mr. Drew Fishburn Mr. Steve Katsakis Ms. Theresa Moreland Mr. &: Mrs. l orn Smith In Memory of Charles Keller Mr. Christopher L Bower Mr. Jay A. Fishman Mr. &: Mrs. NOIman D. Katz Mr. Ken Moriarty Mrs. Alma J Snider Mr. &: Mrs. Leroy H. Runk Mrs. Marilyn Bowemlan Mr. David L Flanigan Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Ke ller Mr. Henry Morris Mr. &: Mrs. David S. Snyder In Memory of Albert A. Miller Mr. Michael Boyle Ms. Doris R. Foster Mr. Patrick]. Keough Mr. &: Mrs. Joel Morris Mr. James S. Snyder Dr. Joel M. Kriegel Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph G. Boyll Ms. Phyll iS Foster Mr. John Keros Mrs. Earl A. Mossner Mr. &: Mrs. Nathan D. Scbemlan In Honor of the Marriage of Ms . Ruth Bozian Mr. Kenneth H. Fox Ms. Ida King Mr. &: Mrs. Gennano L Mularoni Mr. Steffen Solomon Mary Christner & Dan Kolton Ms. Amy Bragg Mrs. Susan A. Fox Dr. &: Mrs. Edward KlaIman Mr. &: Mrs. Carl T Muma Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Scnye Mrs. Sally Holmes Mrs. Harriet V Bray Mr. &: Mrs. David Frank Mr. &: Mrs. Justin Klimko Brian & Antonia Sanchez- Dr. &: Mrs. Yoram Sorokin In Honor of Barbara Frankel Dr. &: Mrs. Sander J Breiner Dr. Yvonne Friday Mr. Gerald Knapp Murphy Ms. Renate Soulen Virgina Slickis Ms. Caroline Bridges Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene S. Friedman Mr. John Knapp Ms. Jean Clark &: Ms. Susan Mr. John W Spalding In Honor of Ron Switze r & Ms. Kim Brookhouse Mr. Eric Fris Ms. Maryann Koenig Myers Mr. &: Mrs. Roben P SpalVero Jim McClure Ms . Margery E. Brooks Ms. Carol GafTke Ms. Paulette G. KofTron Mr. Donald A. Naftel Ms. Anna M. Speck Jo Kessler Dr. Eugene Brown Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Galli Mr. Daniel B. Kolton Ms. Kathleen Nemecek Mr. Domenico Spina Mr. Frank Brzenk Mr. Carl Gardecki Mrs. Joann C. Kowalski Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Neugebohr Mr. Theodore J St. Antoine Mrs. Lois A. Budman Ms. Nancy Lee Gardner Ms. Mary Kramer Mr. &: Mrs. Richard L Norling- Dr. Mildred Ponder Stennis Mr. 1St Mrs. David Burnett Dr. & Mrs. James W Gell Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Kramer Mrs. Stanley Nowakowski Mr. &: Mrs. Bradley Stevens Ms. Mary Alice Busch Dr. &: Mrs. Peter E. &: Dr. Dr. &: Mrs. James Labes Ms. Dolores Oakley Mr. Allan Stillwagon Me. & Mrs. Siegmed Buschmann Pamela A. Georgeson Mr. Patrick Lancaster Dr. Eugene Oliveri Dr. &: Mrs. Choichi Sugawa Dr. &: Mrs. Roger C Byrd Me. Randa ll J Gillary Mr. &: Mrs. Jerald Laperriere Ms . Judith Oniz Dr. &: Mrs. Komol Surakomol Mr. Raben Byrwa Ms. Anne Ginn Mr. &: Mrs. Darwin Larson Ms. Catherine Osenkowski Robert &: Mary Margaret Ms. Mary C Caggegi Ms. Patricia Godell Mr. &: Mrs. Richard M. Larson Mr. Dale]. Pangonis Sweeten Mr. E. Calagias Dr. &: Mrs. Roben Goldman Mr. &:Mrs. Raben E. Lazzerin, Je. Mr. &: Mrs. William C. Panzer Dr. &: Mrs. Gerald Swiacki Mr. &: Mrs. Brian C. Campbell Dr. &: Mrs. Paul Goodman Mr. David Lebenbom Ms. Athena J Pappas Sheila Foley S,vitzer &: the Miss Helen H. Cannon Dr. Joseph Lapides & Arlene Ms. Barbara Leeper Ms. Diane Paratore Kemp , Klein, Umphrey & Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas E. Carson Gorelick Mr. Edward Lekki Ms. Margot Parke r Endelman Foundation Mr. George Cassar Mr. &: Mrs. William R Goudie Mr. &: Mrs. Timothy P Lentz Mr. Jose Patino Ms. Jeanette Swol Dr. James A. Catto Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas Graham Mr. Philip Leon Mr. Duane Pavey Dr. Barry Szcesny Me. &: Mrs. Joseph E Cavanaugh Mr. John R Green Ms. Adrienne Leonard • Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Petinga, Jr. Mr. Thomas Tapert Mr. & Mrs . Stephen Cerovsky Mr. &: Mrs. Jonathan Green Mr. &: Mrs. Robert L Lesser Mr. Charles Phillips Ms. Melissa Flones Tapp Mrs. Roben Chambers Dr. Rosa li nd E. Griffin Mr. Kenneth Levin Dr. Robert Piccinini Miss Mary Ellen Tappan Mrs. Maria M. Chirco Ms. Mary K Grimes Dr. &: Mrs. Murray B. Levin Mr. &: Mrs. Jim Piper Justice Clifford W Taylor Mrs. Sarah M. Cinelli Mr. &: Mrs. Leonard Groth Mr. &: Mrs. John D. Lewis Dr. &: Mrs. Kenneth E. Pitts Ms. Mary Teachout Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Ciokajlo Mr. Randolph Gryebet Dr. &: Mrs. John H. Libcke Richard & Meryl Place Fund Mr. Jarret Teamer Mr. 1St Mrs. Thomas E. Clagett Mr. &: Mrs. Roben Hage Eileen Prinsen &: Carol Ligienza Dr. &: Mrs. Peter J Polidori Dr. Gretchen M. I hams Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Closson Dr. Harlan L Hagman Ms. Patricia D. Limbird Mr. & Mrs. David W Poner Mr. Jack W Theisen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cochran Mr. Nizami Halim Ms. Judith A. Lindsay Mr. &: Mrs. Robert S. Powell Mr. Robert P Thibodeau

42 BRAVO Copyright www2010,,Michi Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House GENERAL DIRECTOR 'S CIRCLE Courtyard by Marriott-Detroit Pure Bar Room Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll DANCE PATRON CIRCLE Jennifer &: jacques Nasser INTERMISSION SPONSORS Dagwoods Recreational Divjng Systems Paul Taylor Dance SEASON SPONSOR Richard Raisin $100,000 + Honorable &: Mrs. Edward Candice DeLattre Renaissance Spa Company (1998/99) - lila &: Gilbert Silverman DaimlerChrysler Corporation Avadenka Matthew Detloff Nancy and John Renick Performance Fund Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Clark Jennjfer Donelon, WDIV Ristorante DiModesta GOLDER PATRON Mr. David Cohn Leo Dovelle,Jr. Ritz Carlton Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice Cohen $1,000 - $1,499 &: SIGNAL BENEFACTOR Mr &: Mrs. C E. letts Mr Mrs. jerry D'Avanzo Martha Dowling Roma Ca fe The Sleepi ng Beauty $50,000 - $99,999 Mr. ', Richard Raisin l eslie Slatkin Figaros Roz &: Sherm, Bloomfield (1992/93) - Production, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Allesee Dr. Roberra &: Mr Sheldon Toll M~ &: Mrs. George Strumbos Fire In the Market Shay Scott Cinderella (1993/94)- Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose Mr. &: Mrs. Gary Wasserman Four Season Hotels &: Resons Second City Production, Swan Lake Pearl &: George Zeltzer PATRON BEQUESTS General Wine and Liquor Co. Ann Simons (1994195) - Production $500 - $999 Germack Pistachio Company Marge Slezak PRINCIPAL BENEFACTOR Barbara &: William Eversman Ms. Marjorie Adele DeVlieg $10,000 - $24,999 Toy Shop Starbucks Coffee Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik Daoud Adrienne &: Robert Feldstein Mrs. Barbara Frankel Kevin Dennis &: Jeremy Zeltzer Guerlain Glorie Stonisch Draa,la (1997198) - Drs. Orlando &: Dorothy Mi ller Mr. Herman Frankel Don jensen Harmony Bar &: Grill The Summit at the Perfonnance Dr. Roben E. L Perkins Priscilla A.B. Goodell Eino &: lillian Nurme Mr. Carl). Huss Harmony House Ms. Ruth Rattner Heather Hamilton Lee Thomas Mr. David Handleman Mr. Gordon V Hoialmen BENEFACTOR Richard Sonenklar Mrs. Ella M. Montroy House on Main, Royal Oak Village Toy Company Giselle (1997198)- $5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Glorie SlOn isch Ruth Rawlings Mott Gem &: Century Theatre Vitner's Cellar Perfonnance, Romeo et Juliette Paula Lingelbach Ms. Ann Kirk Warren Intermezzo Ms. Rhonda Walker, WDIV (199&'99) - Performance Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Novacek Mr. R. E Whelan IN KIND GIFTS jacobsons Washington Place Antique &: Roben Bosch Corporation 93.9 The River Judy Weiner Shop Flower Shop Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose CORPS DE BALLET American Airlines Daniel jarzembowski - Giselle (1997/98)- SUSTAINER $250 - $499 Helen Arnoldi-Rowe Flower to Flour The Westin Southfield Co-Performance, Swan Lake $2,500 - $4,999 Mr &: Mrs. Eugene l eich Anrangement Flower Shop Don Jensen Unisource (199912000) - Mary Alice &: Harry l omason Mr. Paul lerg Bag Lady Beads Little Things Uptown Deli and Catering Co-Production The Samuel L Westerman Beans and Cornbread The Majestic Cafe Cyrill Weems Foundation Sean Blackman Marriott Shana). Westley Mrs. Shirley Schlafer Bloomfield Elite Transportation Metro Cars Pat &: John Young Swan Lal" (1999/2000)- DONOR $1,500 - $2,499 Servi.ces johanna Moore-Cudlljp Zoup' Co-Production Jonathon Chapman Bon BonsiScentsations Motor City Catering David Chivas Betty Brooks Music Hall Pearl A. &: George M. Zeltzer DANCE Gloria &: Fred Clark A. Muer Corporatjon Neiman Marcus SPONSORSHIPS Swan Lake (1 996/97) - y. Me. &: Mrs. Robert Dewar Canape Can Oakland Printing Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A Allesee Perfonnance, G~elle Rosanne &: Sandy Duncan Opus One Dracula (19 97/98 ) - (1997198) - Performance, Cartier, Inc. Michael Evola Padded Cell, Royal Oak Performance, G~elle Don Quixote (1998/99) - Michael Casey Barbara Frankel Cellular One ' Polite America (1997198) - Co- Co-Production, Swan Lnke Mr. David Handleman Ceresnie &: Offen Fur Group Ji~ Porterfield Perfo nnance, Don Quixote (199912000) - Joyce Urba &: David Kinsella Shannon Grace Clark Post on Broadway (1998199) - Co-Production, Co-Production Louise Cloverleaf Wine and Spirits Charles Pugh Swan Lake (1 999,2000)- Co-Production Dr. Ali Moim BECOME A MEMBER The Avanti Society

ichigan Opera Theatre is pleased You can also increase your income FOUNDING MEMBERS M to announce the formation of The through a tax-advantaged life income gift. Mrs. John E. Amerman Avanti SOCiety, a very special membership Within the stages of this initiative, Dr Lourdes Andaya group. donors will be included in "The Avanti Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu To become a member of The Avanti Society" founders section of the donor Mr & Mrs. Art Blai r Society, our only request is that you name wall in the Grand Lobby at the Detroit Roy E. & Ilse Calcagno Michigan Opera Theatre in your Opera House. Other benefits will Mr & Mrs. Charles Duncan Mr & Mrs. Herman Frankel estate plan. This may be done include an annual Avanti Society ~(j Dr. Priscilla Greenberg as a deSignation in dmner attended by world- Mr. Lawrence W Hall your will, trust-Dr class artists, The Avanti 0+"'··' f.();( Mr & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart insurance plan. "I!;~ _ (g/t; Society Newsletter, speCial Mr & Mrs. Eugene L Hartwig Through this gift, Jt~' mformatlonal events Mr Donald Jensen your generosity can "-, -- flIlitJf!JIJJ(1hll and invitation privileges Mrs. Wade H. McCree create a personal lega- vv '(f to the Board of Trustees Ms. Jane McKee cy and glVe fu ture generations Annual Meeting. Mr. Ronald Morrison the wonderful experience of world-class If you have included Michigan Opera Mr Dale L Pagonis opera and dance in a historically restored Theatre in your estate plan, or would like Mr Richard M. Rai sin faCility. In addition, careful estate planning to do so; please contact Holly Barr, Ms. PhylliS Funk Snow can increase the amount that you can give Assistant Director of Development, at Mr Ronald F Switzer to loved ones or other charitable organiza- 313/237-3268 for more information, Mr Edward D. Tusset tions because of reduced estate taxes, Mr. & Mrs. George Vincent


Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www Michigan,MichiganOp Theatre BRAVO 43 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Administration & Staff

David DiChiera ADMINISTRATION Community Programs Lauren Allion Kimberly Gray Costumes General Director Bill Austin Mark Vondrak Membership Manager Ticket Services Assistant Suzanne M. Hanna Assistant to the General Tour Manager Heather Hamilton Manager Costume Coordinator Brett Batterson Director Michael Hauser Volunteer Coordinator Kimberly Woods Mary Ellen Shindel Chief Operating Officer Linda DeMers Program Manager Kathleen M. McNamara Ticket Services Assistant Costumer Executive Assistant Dolores Tobis Corporate Campaign Alice Moss PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Beverly A. Moore Office & Marketing Manager Wardrobe Mistress DIRECTORS Receptionist Manager Robena Starkweather Production Ulla Hettinger Karen VanderKloot· Communications &tsy Bronson Boutique Manager Administration Margaret Bronder Dee Dorsey DiChiera Steve Haviaras Maria Cimarelli Jane Westley Genevieve Palczynski Production Coordinator Director of Community Director of Marketing Amy Dolan-Malaney Development Associate, Stitchers Programs Susan Fazzini Larry Picard General Director's Circle Elisabeth Fleming Karl Schmidt Assistant to Director of John Eckstrom Assistant Director of Finance/ Computer Makeup & Hair Mark Vondrak Production Director of Administration Marketing Services Joanne Weaver Barbara Wiltsie Scott Campbell William T. Schulz Greg Fortner Allison Mazerski Roberto Mauro Outreach Touring Director of Artistic Public Relations Manager Controller Assistant Director Elsen Associates Company Deanne lovan Administrator Jenise E. Collins Kimberly Burgess-Rivers Elizabeth Neds-Fox Development Crew Coordinator Group Sales Coordinator Accountant Production Assistant David W Osborne Holly B. Barr Directo~ of Production Deanna Higgenbotham Nancy Krolikowski Jeanette Pawlaczyk Assistant Director of Stage Crew Public Relations Accountant Local Transportation Nary Parkhill Development John Kinsora AssistanUArchivist Coordinator Director of Development Stephani Miller Yates Mary E. Pihajlich Head Carpenter Bill Carroll Systems Manager Pat Lewellen Jennifer Turner Assistant Director of Robert Mesinar Public Relations Volunteer Audition Volunteer Director of Facilities Development Ticket Office Head Electrician Kimberly Mogielski Music Department Laura R. Wyss Bradley L Stroud Alan Bigelow Director of Ticket Services Manager David DiChiera Director of Dance Music Director Head Property man Communications Development Jane Coe Suzanne Mallare Acton Robert Martin Assistant Music Director, Head Flyman Chorus Master Steve Kemp Diane Bredesen Head Soundman Orchestra Personnel Gary Gilmore Manager Production Electrician At Franklin Ba Lawrence Picard Mary Ellen Schindel Repetiteur Head of Wardrobe Jean Schneider-Claytor IATSE Local #38 Lawrence Picard Stagehands We Keep Rehearsal Pianists IATSE Local #786 Stage Management Wardrobe John Kennelly Production Stage Manager DETROIT OPERA Brett Finley HOUSE Small Businesses Rebecca j. Graham Forbis Trish Almquist Stage Managers Event Coordinator &tsy Ayer Sandy Muczinski Christopher Carter House Manager In the Spotlight Dyan Wimmer Rock Monroe Assistant Stage Managers Director of Security Technical Staff Calvin Williams Monika Essen Maintenance Supervisor Property Master Demetrius Barnes Kendall Smith Jesse Carter Lighting Coordinator Clyde Surrell Shawn Kaufman Building Engineers Assistant Lighting Designer Aubrell Hicks Franklin Dee Dorsey Concessions Supervisor (248) 358 .. 5170 Lawrence Picard Loraine Monroe Surtitle Operators Burtron Reynolds Bank Keith Kalinowski Stage Door Security N.A. The New Thinking In Banking For Business. Technical Assistant FDIC Insured Southfield· Birmingham · Grosse Pointe IM:xlds

44 BRAVO Copyright www.MichiganOpera.org2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House ' ;We VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION

Volunteers Are the Heart of Michigan Opera Theatre It has been said that opera is the ultimate theatrical experience, because it encompass­ es so many elements on one stage: vocal and I GET THE BE S T 0 F BOT H W 0 R L D S I When it comes to your orchestral music, drama, dance, costumes, financial plan or investment portfolio, you sets and lighting. The achievement of this don't have to compromise. National City's multiplicity requires many voices and many willing hands. The talented, giving hands of Private Client Group provides the best of our Ushers, Ambassadors, Office and both worlds in our industry - independent, Boutique workers, Dance Council, Young personalized solutions and serVice, Professionals, Movers, Supers, Education & Outreach and Outreach and Opera League combined with the financial strength and volunteers have a Significant impact on the resources of National City Corporation. overall operation of the Company. Together, we deliver a complete range of wealth-building solutions based on your MICHIGAN OPERA VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE needs today and your vision for the future. COMMITTEE It's a team approach, delivered to you Betty Brooks, President Linda Watters, Treasurer through a dedicated Relationship Manager. Arda Barenholtz, Secretary The Private Client Group: The Best of Gloria Clark, Past President Both Worlds. Call Newton Kimberly, Senior CHAIRMEN OF STANDING Vice President and Market Executive, COMMITTEES Roberta Starkweather, Adagio & Boutique 248.901.2380 or 1.800.243.7247. Helen Millen, Ambassadors Linda Watters, Cookbook II Dodie David, Dance Council PRIVATE Helen Arnoldi-Rowe, Divas P RIVATI:: I NVESTMENT AnV[SORS CLIENT GROUP Wallace Peace, Education & Outreach Richard Hill, Education & Outreach

Corinne Opiteck, Opera House Ushers Natiol18lCity" . t)2nOO, N. u ; " ". ,I (:i!)'{:"rl ~,r." j ",, Stephanie Germack, Opera League of Detroit David Odenbach, Supers Club WAYNE STATE UNMRSllY Jeanette Pawlaczyk, Volunteers, Etc. Phil Hughes, Volunteer Voice Remember when you first fell in lm~e!' ,. Michael Poris, Young Professionals Recapture the magic MEMBERS-AT-LARGE seven nights a year when you Caroline Addison Peace Hill Don Jensen Call (313) 577-2972 Queenie Sarkisian for information on our ~\J'u\"'-U!~;(;!(;l~~~8~~~~;"'-': :T


Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,www.M Opera Theatre BRAVO 45 General Information PHOTOGRAPHY Be RECORDING usher, please call the usher hotline at members to hear the music is a prerequi­ DEVICES Unauthorized cameras and 313/237-3253. site to enjoyment of the performance. In recording devices are not allowed inside all cases, babes in arms are not permitted. LATE SEATING Latecomers will be seat­ the theater at .any time. The taking of ed only during an appropriate pause in SERVICES Concession stands are photographs of the theater or any per­ the program and may view the program located in all levels. Please note that food formance is strictly prohibited. As a on closed-circuit television monitors and drinks are not allowed in the audito­ courtesy to our guests, we ask that all located in the lobbies until an appropri­ rium at any time. Coat is located paging devices, cell phones and alarm check ate program pause occurs. Late seating watches be switched to silent mode in the Madison lobby The cost is $1.00 policies are at the discretion of the pro­ prior to the start of a performance. per coat. Please note that the Detroit duction, not opera house management. Opera House does not accept responsi­ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Doctors LOST Be FOUND Lost and Found is bility for any personal articles that are not and parents are advised to leave their seat located in the Security Department. checked at the coat check. Drinking location (located on ticket) and our emer­ Please see an usher if you have misplaced fountains are located in the lobbies on gency number, 313/237-3257, with the an article, or call 313/961-3500 if you floors one and three. Public pay phones service or sitter in case of an emergency have already left the theater. Items will be are located in the vestibule of the Ford Please observe the lighted exit signs locat­ held in Lost and Found for thirty days. Lobby and in the restrooms. Patrons in ed throughout the theater. In the event of wheelchairs can access pay phones out­ fire or similar emergency, please remain PARKING Parking for all events is avail­ side the third-floor ladies' restrooms. calm aJ'ld walk - do not run - to the near­ able in the Opera House Garage, located -est exit. Our ushers are trained to lead you directly across from the Detroit Opera RENTAL INFORMATION The Detroit out of the building safely A trained House (on John R. and Broadway streets). Opera House is available for rent by your Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is Prepaid parking is available through the organization. Please call Jennifer Turner, on site during most events. Please see an box office. Please call 313/237 -SING for Director of Facilities, at 313/961-3500 to usher or staff member to contact the EMT. parking information. receive rental information. RESTROOMS Ladies' restrooms are ACCESSIBILITY Accessible seating TICKET INFORMATION The Detroit located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway locations for patrons in wheelchairs are Opera House Ticket Office hours are as street entrance), down the stairs and also located in all price ranges on the orches­ follows: Non-performance weeks - on the third floor (Madison street tra level. When inquiring about tickets, Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to entrance) - please press "3R" on the ele­ please ask about these locations if you 5:30 p.m. Performance days - 10:00 a.m. vator to reach these facilities. Gentlemens require special accommodations. through the first intermission of the restrooms are located under the Grand Assisted Listening Devices are available evening's performance, except Saturdays Staircase, and also on the third floor on a first -come, first -served basis. Please and Sundays, when the Ticket Office will (Broadway street entrance) - please press see an usher to request this service. open two hours prior to curtain. Tickets "3" on the elevator to reach these facili­ Although this is a complimentary service, for all public events held at the Detroit ties. Please note: All third-floor restrooms we will request to hold a piece of person­ Opera House are also available through are wheelchair accessible. al identification while you are using the all TicketMaster phone and retail outlets. NO SMOKING The Detroit Opera device. Please contact the Box Office, OPERA HOUSE TOURS Come join the House is a smoke-free faCility Ash recep­ should you desire special consideration. Opera House Ambassadors for a back­ tacles are provided on tb-_e exterior of all CHILDREN Children are welcome; how­ stage tour of the Detroit Opera House. entry doors for those who wish to smoke. ever, all guests are required to hold a Learn about the history of the Opera USHERS Ushers are stationed at the ticket, regardless of age. We kindly ask House and its restoration. Meet the peo­ top of each aisle. If you have a question that parental discretion be exercised for ple behind the scenes, tour the stage and or concern, please inform ushers, and certain programs, and that all guests see how it operates. Tours are $10.00 per they will contact management. If you remember that during a program such as person. For more information please call are interested in becoming a volunteer opera or ballet, the ability of all audience 313/237-3407.

IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCIES .313/237-3257 Usher Hotline ...... 313/237-3253 Michigan Opera Theatre ...... 313/961-3500 Theater Rental Information ...... 313/961-3500 General Information .. 313/961-3500 Detroit Opera House Fax ...... 313/237-3412 Lost & Found ...... 313/961-3500 Press & Public Relations .... 313/236-3416 Ticket Office .313/237-SING Website ..

46 BRAVO Copyright www.MichiganOpera.org2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Cast

Mimi Rodolfo Francesca Pedaci Francesco Grollo (Oct. 14, 18, 21) (Oct. 14,18, 21) Inese Galante Raul Melo (Oct. 15,20, 22) (Oct. 15 , 20, 22)

Marcello Mariusz Kwiecien (Oct. 14, 18, 21) Marian Pop (Oct. 15,20, 22)

Boy_Solo Stilt Walker . Dennis Strach "Spaghetti"

Supernumeraries leffKirsch Paul Plamondon Frank Kong . Matt Ruhlig Steve LaGrassa Andres Sceglio David Piotrowski

Local Wig and Makeup Crew Corinne Fine Parker Plague April lones-Boyle Terese Shmina Violetta Kapayo Ann St. Peter

There will be a brief pause following Act I - please remain seated. A I5-minute intermission will follow Act II and Act III.

On November 7, Michigan Opera Theatre encourages you to Vo~e "Yes" on Proposal A


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre cost fan tutte t

Cast Fiordiligi Ferrando Monica Colonna Gregory Turay (Nov. II, 15 , 18) (Nov. 11, 15, 18) Lyne Fortin Gioacchino LiVigni (Nov. 12, 17, 19) (Nov. 12, 17, 19)

Dorabella Guglielmo Theodora Hanslowe Al fredo Daza (Nov. II, 15, 18) (Nov. II, IS, 18) Damiana Pinti Gianpiero Ruggeri ·(Nov. 12, 17, 19) (Nov. 12, 17, 19)

Don Alfonso Despina · Natale De Carolis Ying Huang

Supernumeraries Danny Bradley David Odenbach Bruce Davis Paul Plamondon Bill Kupsky Jim Slowik Ali Moiin John Tomashek

Local Wig and Makeup Crew Corinne Fine Parker Plague April Jones-Boyle Terese Shmina Violetta Kapayo Ann St. Peter

* * * A 25-minute intennission will follow Act I * * *


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre Due to early copy deadlines, the following artist profiles were not included in the program:

Damiana Pinti (Italy) Dorabella (Nov. 12, 17, 19) With this Michigan Opera Theatre appearance, mezzo-soprano Damiana Pinti marks her Amerioan debut. After winning several prestigious awards, the rising young artist made her operatic debut in 1998 as Charlotte in Massenet's Werther at the Teatro Verdi de Temi. In 1999, she appeared in (Zita) at the Cantiere Tntemazionale dell' Arte de MontepuIciano, Th e Marriage of Figaro and in Dido and Aeneas (Dido) in Spoleto and in Porpora's Arianna in Nasso in Savona. Recent engagements include Cosi fan tutle at the Teatro Verdi di Pisa, Don Giovanni and Lucia di Lammermoor in Cagliari and The Barber of Seville in Cagliari. Ms. Pinti will soon record L 'itaUana in Algeri (Zulma) for BMG Records.

Gioacchino Lauro LiVigni (USA) Ferrando (Nov. 12, 17, 19) Mr. LiVigni has performed on Italian stages as Nemorino in The Elixir of Love, and Arturo in I Puritani. He made his American debut with The Academy of Vocal Arts as Ferrando'in Cosi fan tutle last February, a role he also sang for the 2000 Lake Ge~rge Opera Festival. This past spring he appeared as Rinuccio in Boheme Opera New Jersey's production 'of Gianni Schicchi. In January 2001 , Mr. LiVigni will make his debut in Philadelphia as Elvino in La Sonnambula. The 29-year-old tenor is the recipient .of the first Michele Guagliardo Fellowship at A VA in honor of tenor Marcello Giordani's late father. He was also the winner of the Italian "Voci Donizettiane"competition, and was a finalist in the Licia Albanese/Puccini Foundation competition. He currently serves as a resident artist at The Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre