Mini Apples Newsletter the Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc
0 @ mini apples newsletter the minnesota apple computer users' group, inc. September, 1995 Volume 18, Issue 9 SEPTEMBER 1995 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 6:30 6 7:00 7 8 10 @7:00 11 7:00 7:00 14 15 16 rAp| Mlr=il7:00 AM 17 7:00 18 7:00 19 20 7:00 21 22 23 24 7:00 25 7:00 26 27 7:00 28 29 30 9 |D| 6 OCT 1 6:30 4 7:00 . 5 ?V5 Board of Directors Filemaker Pro SIG HyperCard SIG Mini'app'les members welcome. Southdale Library Location & Date Pending Mathews Ctr., 2318 29th Ave. S., Rm. C ^ 7001 York Ave. So., Edina Peter Fleck, 370-0017 Brian Bantz, 835-3696 SteveWilmes, 458-1513 Macintosh Novice SIG Apple ll/GS Main Fourth Dimension SIG Merriam Park Library Augsberg Park Library, Metro II 1831 Marshall Ave., St. Paul J 7100 Nicollet Ave., Richfield 1300 Mendota Heights Rd., Mendota Hgts "Open Forum" TomGates, 789-6981 Bob Demeules, 559-1124 Tom Lufkin, 698-6523 ClarisWorks SIG m Apple II Novice SIG Macintosh Consultants SIG Southdale Library Ramsey County Library Byerly's 7100 York Avenue South, Edina II 2180 Hamline Ave. N., Roseville 3777 Park Center Blvd, St. Louis Park Denis Diekhoff, 920-2437 Tom Gates, 789-6981 Mike Carlson, 377-6553 Macintosh Main AppleWorks SIG Mac Programmers SIG St. Louis Park Library Ramsey County Library Van Cleve Park Bldg. 3240 Library Lane, St. Louis Park ffi. 2180 Hamline Avenue N., Roseville 15th Ave. SE & Como Ave.. Minneapolis "Tom Brandt Radius- "Desk Tools IV" Gervaise Kimm, 379-1836 Mike Carlson, 377-6553 Les Anderson, 735-3953 Photoshop SIG Digital Photography Jacor Southdale Library 1410 Energy Park Drive 7001 York Avenue South, Edina Suite 17, St.Paul "Marty Probst GIBBCO: Basic Principles Eric Jacobson, 645-6264 Denis Diekhoff, 920-2437 mini'apples The Minnesota Appie Computer Users' Group, Inc.
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