A+ Incider Magazine July 1993
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"Quality Computers' System& System 6 Bonus Pack... the SlyleWrrtar printer support -· ···.. ... Macinlosh, Apple OOS 3 3, and most cost-effective way to ··.lit Apple Pascal disk support A completely redes1gned Finder add value and fun to laster. rrrendlier, and more power lullhan ever be lore, your Apple HGS." The Finder can be set to av01d grinding your s.2s· drive:; - Tfte AppleWork s Educator When Ihe ®rnPUier. askJI yp~ to - Insert a disk it needs. you no longer h~ve ID hit Re1urn-the computer delects it aufami!tically. Bonus Pack The screen no longer switches to FlashBoot. What is raster than a lexl mode and back ta graphics speeding disk drive? A RAM disk. when launchtng some Desktop AashBoollels you automatically set up programs a super-last. super-convenient RAM New mustc tools and applica disk. tions to allow nw. programs to sound even lletfe1 The Apple II Enhancement ......__ ~ Media-control toolset and des~ accessory to al- Guide. This handy filM book Is ~ :~ c::';'"' Desk low easter tnlegrntlor ol packed with inlormation to help ~ ~·"' • vtdeo with your multime- you upgrade your Apple II. II Accessories. Just to dia presentations give you more to choose covers RAM. hard drives. accel Universal Access fea erators. the Finder. and more. lrorn, we·re giving you tures for physically several handy desk acces handicapped users Clip Art. We're throwing In over sories including· Enhanced More 1oors tor pr~ 100 beauhlul clip art images, per Calculator, Scrapbook, Games. and grammcrs1o wr1te fect lor desktop publishing or hy more. great programs. permedia applications. Simpler and Jaster Fonts. Using the same font lor ev hard drive Clip Sounds. Because !he IIGS's erything Is very un-cool, so our mslallal1on sound capacity is so great, we're also Bonus Pack Includes over 30 dis Great Including ovet 50 digitized so~nd play and text fonls. documentatl on Iiles. Some· are classics while some are 'lhe newest on the market They go VIDEO. Our 1-hour video takes you lrom great in Hyp.erStudlo and Other sound installation ol System 61o moving through programs, or you can have music play the Finder with speed and agility You get System 6, The QC ing in the background while you work. Bonus Pack. AashBoot; The Apple II Enhancement Guide. Icons. Over 50 tun, useful icons. the v1deo and complete documentation for only IS 30-day money back guarantee 1-80(). 777-3642 System 6 w/OC Manuat. ....-. 29.95 SBIIity CBII/IBftrs System 6 Manual only..... .. 12.95 a System 6 Video anly .......... ,29,9o Bonos Pacl< only .................. :59.95 'ctrcli, 1'3'1 lin •-llliNioll Clird. Plus ... FREE GE~ IN ON THE BEST-KEPT SECRET SOFTWARE! IN THE SOFTWARE INDUSTRY! It's not a magazine! It's not a book or video! It's a software subscription! DISKWORLD for the Macintosh... Now you can get in on the secret Ifyo u're not completely ~~tis fi ed, fo'r that's rocking the software industry any reason, ·return our bill marked software subscriptions for your Maclll>, "cancel" andyou'll owe nothing! Apple JP,, or llGS!9. And you ~ try Either way, th~ ij.rsl iss11e is yolll's out an.issue RISK-FREE! to keep FREE! With a software s uhBCI!i.ption you'll get an exciting iBsue packed wit.b pro PLUS, GET A FREE GIFt! grams .eaCh and e:v~ m onth for letJS Wf!re so sure thQt you'llloye your than $2 a pr(Jgraml new software subscription that we'll You'll get fun gamea, puzzles and s~d you a Speeial :BDnus Disk with educati.onal_p!\ograms to make the most yolll' paid s.ubseription. It's yours of your time off... funcftional utilities'to .FREE just for- subscn:ihing. help you get the mO!It &om your com So get in on the secret! 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