Fog &Ufl)Orttg
fog &ufl)orttg. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1842. A T the Court at Windsor, the 24th day Downing-Street, September 29, 1842. •-£•»- of September 1842, The Queen has been pleased to revoke the several letters patent under the Great Seal of the PRESENT, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date, respectively, the 24th day of July The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. 1824, the 2d day of April 1825, the llth day of May 1826, and the 24th day of September 1838, under which the existing diocese of Barbados and TT is this day ordered by Her Majesty in the Leeward Islands, and the several archdeacon- -*- Council, that the Parliament be prorogued from ries in the said recited letters patent mentioned; were constituted, save and except as to all matters Thursday the sixth day of October next to Thurs- and things done, or proceedings at law com- day the tenth day of November next. menced, under the authority of the said letters patent, or any of them; and to make, ordain, establish, and constitute the parochial church of Saint Michael, in Bridgetown, in the island of Barbados, to be a cathedral church and bishop's see; and to make, ordain, establish, and constitute T" the Court at Windsor, the 24th day the said city, and all the island of Barbados, and A of September 1842, the islands of Trinidad, Grenada, Saint Vincent, Tobago, and Saint Lucia, with their respective; dependencies, to be a separate and distinct diocese, PRESENT, to be called henceforth {? The Diocese of Bar-. bados:" and Her Majesty has been further pleased! The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.
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