Digital During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

Michael Hasselberg, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Nursing Senior Director for Technology is Disrupting Every Industry Big Tech in Healthcare

• Apple Health • Medical • Over 190 • Healthcare • Data share Mobile App supplies & healthcare NExT with top • Apple Watch equipment patents filed • Azure for hospitals • Apple Health • Employee • Google Glass • AI for suicide Records health with • Google Home • Microsoft predictions J.P. Morgan Genomics and drug • ResearchKit and • HIPAA cloud addiction & CareKit Berkshire platform • AI Network Project • Healthcare Hathaway • $375 million marketing • Voice investment in • Empower technologies Oscar Health MD with (Alexa) UPMC • Project InnerEye Hasselberg, 2019 Health Technology Adoption

4 COVID-19 Pandemic Induced Shift “The Amazon Effect” Convenience Experience

Value Retail Digital Health Innovation


10 Is the Current System Sustainable?

A Day in the life: URMC Primary Care Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Need a lot of data • Data needs to be systematic • is “dirty”

Shift in corporate strategy • Data is the asset • Can get started with a modest amount of data • Get users and then get more data

Strategic data acquisition How Google Does It UR VOICE Decision Supports Based on Data Science Putting the EHR to Work for You

16 Direct-to-Consumer

17 Rapid Shift to Telemedicine

March 15 April 20 Postponement of Elective Cases

In-Person and Visit Volume, March 1 – April 21, 2020 18 Birth of Dr. Chat Bot

Patient Facing URMC Dr. Chat Bot 1.0 URMC Dr. Chat Bot 2.0 Clear for Work Screen Covid-19 Hotline Screener Launch of ROCCOVID Symptom Tracking Health Mobile Apps

Over 10,000 available to download today

• Track symptoms • Offer access to education • Deliver adjunctive therapy treatments • Provide mindfulness and meditation exercises Current Mobile App Limitations

Poor Lack of Usability Trust

Lack of User- Disconnect centric From Design Clinician Mobile App for Anxiety

Login Connected to Personalized Adaptive Virtual Real-time Individualized Electronic Medical Record Treatment Modules Psychotherapy Data Visualization Immersive Experiences Brain Wellness Mobile App

Lead - UR Medicine Health Lab

Co-lead - Department of Psychiatry • Expertise in brain health / AD clinical care and AD prevention research

Eastman School of Music • Expertise in music therapeutic functions

Other Collaborators • Department of Neuroscience • Center for Health + Technology • Department of Preventive Medicine in Health Care

Lead - UR Medicine Health Lab

Department of Psychiatry Collaboration • VR Mindfulness and guided imagery for workplace wellness

Department of Pediatrics Collaboration • VR for child/adolescent pain reduction

School of Dentistry • VR for pre/post dental procedure for anxiety and stress reduction Looking to the Leaders: Providence Health Ask Google