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Sensory Overload AeroSafety WORLD 1,500 HOURS Are you really experienced? FIRST RESPONDERS Flight attendants and safety SKY’S THE LIMIT Single European Sky lags FIGHTING FOR ATTENTION SENSORY OVERLOAD THE JOURNAL OF FLIGHT SAFETY FOUNDATION DECEMBER 2012–JANUARY 2013 AIR ad2 v1a.pdf 1 2012-11-16 12:55 PM The AIR Group Specializing in Safety Systems Product Development and Aircraft Accident Investigation Consultancy Affordably Priced - Highly Capable Flight Analysis System (FASET Animation) Our Animation System is based on over twenty years of R&D in the field of aircraft accident/incident, Flight Data Monitoring and flight simulation, flight visualization technology. It was developed by industry leaders in flight animation systems. Seamlessly integrate into existing third party flight analysis systems or as a stand alone product. FASET will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. C M Y CM MY CY Thinking of adding animation or upgrading your current system, think FASET CMY K Flight Data Monitoring (FDM/FOQA) Services The AIR Group can assist with: • Full implementation of a managed service, eliminating the need for highly specialized internal FDM technical expertise. • Customized service to suit client specific operations. • Investigative assistance for significant flight safety events. • Producing standard or customized reports • Highly qualified experts who can design new measurements and assist with staff training. Aircraft Accident and Serious Incident support services • Post-Accident and Incident Reconstruction • Data Integration and Reconstruction • Technical Reporting, Critical Commentary • Safety and Defect Analysis Applied Informatics and Research Inc. / Accident Investigation and Research Inc. All Operators believe they are safe; however, the AIR Group offers comprehensive safety tools and capabilities to help you to confirm that you are safe. Enjoy the confidence of safety. AIR Group I +1613 749 6711 I [email protected] I PRESIDENT’SMESSAGE MISTAKEN Assumptions his is a bit of a confession. I had a seat better centralization of data and analysis, but the at the table when the international com- underlying assumptions behind SMS and state munity debated how safety management safety programs no longer make sense. systems (SMS) would fit into the interna- Just imagine you are an accountable executive Ttional regulatory framework. My colleagues and I at a subsidiary airline. Much of the safety oversight missed something really big. We all assumed that is done by the parent airline’s safety department, the industry would stay the same, that airlines which has access to data from all of its subsidiaries would retain their nationalities like they had for and has access to the board of directors. But you the previous 60 years. Everything was built on report to a regulator in your country that expects the assumption that each country would have a you to run your own SMS, based on agreements regulator that would oversee multiple airlines, each between your airline and the regulatory agency. holding a single air operator certificate (AOC) So what happens? Perhaps your regulator says you and each with its own SMS. Each SMS would be have to change a process or a target in your SMS. run by an accountable executive who would set You coordinate with people in the group safety safety targets and proactively manage risk. The ac- office a thousand miles away and they disagree. countable executive would report to the regulator, You are stuck. Or the group safety office decides who would make sure the executive was doing a to do business in a new way, and your regulator responsible job and ensure that the efforts of the disagrees. You have a choice between getting in a airlines would achieve a target level of safety for fight with the guy who holds your certificate or that country that would satisfy the flying public. the guy who signs your check. It is a system that These all seemed like reasonable assumptions at is “spring-loaded to the screw-up position.” the time, but they were wrong. So what do we do about this mess? The Foun- Let’s look at reality. Airlines have found a dation is trying to start a new conversation within work-around to the restrictive notion that they airlines and the international regulatory bodies. It must have nationalities. Instead, they’re forming is essential that we figure out the proper relation- airline groups that span borders. When an airline ship between the corporate governance of multi- wants to expand its market, it needs traffic rights. national airline companies and the operational It gets those traffic rights by buying or creating application of SMS. The vision we had at the end subsidiary airlines in other countries. A significant of the last century is not going to fit the industry percentage of the world traffic is now managed by that is emerging today. It is time to deal with it. international airline groups that oversee a dozen or more AOCs in eight or 10 different countries. Just consider Qantas, Air Asia, Singapore (Tiger), Hainan Group, LAN/TAM, Copa and Air France/ KLM, to name a few. This is a great way to circumvent ownership William R. Voss and trade regulations that have crippled the President and CEO industry. Safety could actually benefit through Flight Safety Foundation FLIGHTSAFETY.ORG | AEROSAFETYWORLD | DECEMBER 2012–JANUARY 2013 | 1 AeroSafetyWORLD December 2012–January 2013 contents Vol 7 Issue 11 features 8 Seminars IASS | Safety Information Protection 16 Cover Story | Flight Deck Sensory Overload 16 21 SafetyRegulation | Reshaping Pilot Experience 21 26 SafetyRegulation | Single European Sky Delay 30 CausalFactors | Falcon 10 Veer-Off Analysis 33 AccidentInvestigation | AF 447 Behind the Scenes 38 Cabin Safety | First Responders Aboard 42 FlightOps | Performance-Based Navigation 26 departments 1 President’s Message | Mistaken Assumptions 5 Editorial Page | Look Back, Move Forward 6 Safety Calendar | Industry Events 7 Executive’s Message | Looking Forward to 2013 12 In Brief | Safety News 2 | FLIGHT SAFETY FOUNDATION | AEROSAFETYWORLD | DECEMBER 2012–JANUARY 2013 30 42 33 AeroSafetyWORLD telephone: +1 703.739.6700 | 48 Data Link Commercial Jet Evacuations William R. Voss, publisher, FSF president and CEO 52 Info Scan | UAS Introduction Issues [email protected] Frank Jackman, editor-in-chief, FSF director of publications 56 On Record | Close Call Over the Atlantic [email protected], ext. 116 Wayne Rosenkrans, senior editor [email protected], ext. 115 Linda Werfelman, senior editor [email protected], ext. 122 Rick Darby, associate editor [email protected], ext. 113 Jennifer Moore, art director [email protected] Susan D. Reed, production specialist [email protected], ext. 123 About the Cover Sensory overload could be a problem in emergencies. Editorial Advisory Board © Udo Kroener/istockphoto Photo illustration Jennifer Moore David North, EAB chairman, consultant William R. Voss, president and CEO Flight Safety Foundation Frank Jackman, EAB executive secretary We Encourage Reprints (For permissions, go to <>) Flight Safety Foundation Share Your Knowledge Steven J. Brown, senior vice president–operations If you have an article proposal, manuscript or technical paper that you believe would make a useful contribution to the ongoing dialogue about aviation safety, we will be National Business Aviation Association glad to consider it. Send it to Director of Publications Frank Jackman, 801 N. Fairfax St., Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314-1774 USA or [email protected]. The publications staff reserves the right to edit all submissions for publication. Copyright must be transferred to the Foundation for a contribution to be published, and Barry Eccleston, president and CEO payment is made to the author upon publication. Airbus North America Sales Contact Emerald Media Don Phillips, freelance transportation Cheryl Goldsby, [email protected] +1 703.737.6753 reporter Kelly Murphy, [email protected] +1 703.716.0503 Subscriptions: All members of Flight Safety Foundation automatically get a subscription to AeroSafety World magazine. For more information, please contact the Russell B. Rayman, M.D., executive director membership department, Flight Safety Foundation, 801 N. Fairfax St., Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314-1774 USA, +1 703.739.6700 or [email protected]. Aerospace Medical Association, retired AeroSafety World © Copyright 2012 by Flight Safety Foundation Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 1934-4015 (print)/ ISSN 1937-0830 (digital). Published 11 times a year. Suggestions and opinions expressed in AeroSafety World are not necessarily endorsed by Flight Safety Foundation. Nothing in these pages is intended to supersede operators’ or manufacturers’ policies, practices or requirements, or to supersede government regulations. FLIGHTSAFETY.ORG | AEROSAFETYWORLD | DECEMBER 2012–JANUARY 2013 | 3 Serving Aviation Safety Interests for More Than 60 Years OFFICERS AND STAFF light Safety Foundation is an international membership organization dedicated to Chairman, Board of Governors David McMillan the continuous improvement of aviation safety. Nonprofit and independent, the Foundation was launched officially in 1947 in response to the aviation industry’s need President and CEO William R. Voss F for a neutral clearinghouse to disseminate objective safety information, and for a credible Chief Operating Officer Capt. Kevin L. Hiatt and knowledgeable body that would identify threats to
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