Sep. 2020

Alexander Chaparro-Silva

University of Texas at Austin | History 104 Inner Campus Drive | Austin, TX 78712 [email protected]


Present Ph.D. Student, History, The University of Texas at Austin

2017 M.A., History, Universidad Nacional de , Bogota

2011 B.A., History, summa cum laude, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota


Edited Volume 2012 Coeditor with Francisco A. Ortega Martínez. Disfraz y Pluma de Todos: Opinión Pública y Cultura Política, Siglos XVIII y XIX [Disfraz y Pluma de Todos: Public Opinion and Political Culture, 18th and 19th Centuries]. : Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales (CES); University of Helsinki. The Research Project Europe 1815-1914.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 2020 “‘Nuestra Revolución’: The Concept of Revolution and the Making of the Gran Colombian Republics (1781-1851).” Dieciocho, 43 no. 2: 363-384.

2018 “‘Todas las cosas tienen su tiempo’. Temporalidad e historia durante la restauración monárquica en la Tierra Firme (1814-1819)” [“‘There is a Time for Everything’: Time and History During the Monarchical Restoration in Tierra Firme (1814-1819)”] Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura. 45, no. 2:205-231.

2014 “Fiesta and Identity: Barranquilla’s Gay Carnival” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America 12, no. 3:18-22.

2014 “‘Donde la opinión no se fixa, no tienen vigor las Leyes’. Opinión pública y publicidad política en la Gazeta Ministerial de Cundinamarca (1811-1816)” [“‘When Opinion Is Not Set, the Law Has No Strength’: Public Opinion and Political Publicity in the Gazeta Ministerial de Cundinamarca (1811-1816)”] Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura 41, no. 1:27-59

2014 “Fernando VII, el neogranadino. Publicidad monárquica y opinión pública en el Nuevo Reino de Granada durante la Restauración absolutista, 1816-1819” [“Ferdinand VII, the New Granadian: Monarchical Publicity and Public Opinion in the New Kingdom of Granada During the Absolutist Restoration, 1816-1819”] Fronteras de la Historia 19, no. 2: 70-95.

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Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters 2019 “El (feliz) pecado de la revolución. El concepto de revolución en la Tierra Firme (1781- 1832)” [“The Felix Culpa of the Revolution: The Concept of Revolution in Tierra Firme (1781-1832)”]. In El mundo en movimiento: El concepto de revolución en Iberoamérica y el Atlántico Norte. Edited by Fabio Wasserman, 219-243. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila. 2016 “‘Porque la fidelidad es el todo del sistema social.’: Sociabilidad política y celebraciones monárquicas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada y Venezuela durante la Restauración absolutista (1815-1819)” [“‘Because Fidelity Is the Whole of the Social System’: Political Sociability and Monarchical Celebrations in the New Kingdom of Granada and Venezuela During the Absolutist Restoration (1815-1819)”]. In La sociabilidad y lo público: experiencias de investigación. Edited by Alexandra Martínez and Nelson Gómez Serrudo, 22-49. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. 2016 “‘Poder ser nosotros mismos’. Fiesta, performance y políticas identitarias en el Carnaval gay de Barranquilla” [“Being Ourselves: Fiesta, Performance and Identity Politics in Barranquilla’s Gay Carnival.”] In Todos me miran. América Latina y el Caribe desde los Estudios de género y la Teoría queer. Edited by Mercedes Ortega González-Rubio and Julio Penenrey Navarro, 101-120. Barranquilla: Universidad del Atlántico. 2012 “La voz del Soberano. Representación en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, 1785-1811” [“The Sovereign’s Voice: Representation in the New Kingdom of Granada, 1785- 1811”]. In Conceptos fundamentales de la cultura política de la Independencia. Edited by Francisco Ortega Martínez and Yobenj Chicangana, 161-193. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Centro de Estudios Social (CES); University of Helsinki. The Research Project Europe 1815-1914. 2012 “La opinión del Rey. Opinión pública y redes de comunicación impresa en Santafé de Bogotá durante la Reconquista española, 1816-1819” [“The King’s Opinion: Public Opinion and Print Communication Networks in Santafé de Bogotá During the Spanish Reconquista, 1816-1819”] In Disfraz y pluma de todos: Opinión pública y cultura política. Siglos XVIII y XIX. Edited by Francisco Ortega Martínez and Alexander Chaparro Silva, 129-162. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Centro de Estudios Social (CES); University of Helsinki. The Research Project Europe 1815-1914. 2012 Coauthor with Francisco A. Ortega Martínez. “Disfraz y pluma de todos. Opinión pública y cultura política, siglos XVIII-XIX.” In Disfraz y Pluma de Todos: Opinión Pública y Cultura Política, Siglos XVIII y XIX. Edited by Francisco Ortega Martínez y Alexander Chaparro Silva, 11-34. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Centro de Estudios Social (CES); University of Helsinki. The Research Project Europe 1815-1914. 2012 Coauthor with Francisco A. Ortega Martínez. “El nacimiento de la opinión pública en la Nueva Granada, 1785-1830” [“The Birth of Public Opinion in New Granada, 1785- 1830”]. In Disfraz y Pluma de Todos: Opinión Pública y Cultura Política, Siglos XVIII y XIX. Edited by Francisco Ortega Martínez y Alexander Chaparro Silva, 37-126. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Centro de Estudios Social (CES); Univ. of Helsinki. The Research Project Europe 1815-1914.

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Digital and Public History 2020 “Digital Archive Review – Imágenes y relatos de un viaje por Colombia,” Not Even Past. August 24. colombia/

2019 Blog Founder and Writer:

2019 “No todos querían dejar de ser súbditos del rey [Not Everyone Wanted to Stop Being the King’s Subject].” El Tiempo. Bogota, Colombia. February 16.

2015 Virtual Exhibition: Antonio Nariño (1765-1823): Lector y patriota [Antonio Nariño (1765-1823): Reader and Patriot]. National Library of Colombia, Ministry of Culture. presentacion

2015 “La Imprenta Patriótica: explosión del lenguaje de la libertad [The Patriotic Press: An Explosion of the Language of Freedom].” El Meridiano de Córdoba. Montería, Colombia. May 24.

2015 “Lo que hoy parece obvio [What Today Seems Obvious]” Revista Latitud. El Heraldo. Barranquilla, Colombia. April 5.

2011 National Research Program: “Las Culturas Políticas de la Independencia, sus memorias y sus legados: 200 años de ciudadanías [The Political Culture of Independence, Its Memories and Legacies: 200 Years of Citizenship].” National University of Colombia, Luis Ángel Arango Library, Bank of the Republic, Colombia. Description and analysis of nineteenth-century Colombian press: Década: Miscelánea de Cartagena (1814-1815) El Mensagero de Cartagena de Indias (1814-1815) Boletín del Exército Expedicionario (1815-1816) Gazeta de Santafé, Capital del Nuevo Reyno de Granada (1816-1817) Gazeta de Santafé, Capital del Nuevo Reyno de Granada (1818-1819) Boletín de Noticias del Día (1812-1815)

2010 Virtual Exhibition: La prensa y el nacimiento de la opinión pública en la Nueva Granada 1785-1830 1830 [The Press and the Birth of Public Opinion in New Granada 1785-1830]. Co-authored with Francisco A. Ortega Martínez. National Library of Colombia, Ministry of Culture.


External 2020 James R. Scobie Memorial Award, Conference on Latin American History.

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2020 Pilar Sáenz Annual Essay Prize, Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

2020 María Salgado Travel Grant, Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (declined due to COVID-19).

2015 National Grant for Young Researchers and Innovators of Colciencias. Cultural Practices, Representations and Imaginaries Research Group. National University of Colombia/University of Los Andes/Pontifical Xavierian University.

2013 Grant to Promote Research in the Bicentennial History of Independence. Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH).

2012 Grant to Promote Research in the Bicentennial History of Independence. Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH).

Internal, The University of Texas at Austin 2020 Tinker Field Research Grant, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

2018-2023 Recruitment Fellowship, Department of History.

Internal, National University of Colombia 2017 Valedictorian, School of Human Sciences.

2011-2013 Graduate Fellowship, Bogota Campus Council.


Invited Talks 2019 “The Strongest Support of the Throne: The King’s Armies During the Monarchical Restoration in Tierra Firme, 1815-1819.” War and Peace in the Age of Revolutions. National University of Colombia, Bank of the Republic, Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH) and French Institute of Andean Studies (IFEA), Bogota, August 15.

2016 “The Portrait of General Pablo Morillo by Pedro José Figueroa (1816): An Iconographic Reading of the Monarchical Restoration in the New Kingdom of Granada.” University of La Sabana. Bogota, Colombia, May 16.

2016 “What is Written is Written? The Monarchical Restoration in Colombian Historiography.” Hay juego/fuego en el 16: 200 Years of the Spanish Crown’s Reconquista in New Granada. National Library of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, November 16.

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2016 “Political Sociability and Monarchical Celebrations in Tierra Firme during the Absolutist Restoration (1814-1819).” The Reconquista of the Indies and the Construction of the Nation State. General Archive of the Nation of Colombia. Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH), Ministry of Culture. Bogota, Colombia, June 28.

2015 “‘The Sublime Arcanum of Philanthropy’: An Enlightened Space of Sociability in the New Kingdom of Granada (18th Century).” Year of Antonio Nariño. National Library of Colombia. Bogota, Colombia, November 18.

Conference Papers 2021 “‘Nuestra Revolución’: The Concept of Revolution and the Making of the Gran Colombian Republics (1781-1851).” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Toronto, April 8-10.

2021 “The Invention of Spanish America in Toqueville’s Democracy in America.” Conference on Latin American History/American Historical Association, Seattle. January 7-10.

2017 “Children of God and the King: Catholic Clergy During the Monarchical Restoration in Tierra Firme (1814-1819).” Politics and Religion in the Hispano-American Nineteenth Century: An Approach from Intellectual and Conceptual History. National University of Colombia, Bogota, April 24.

2015 “Palimpsestus: Reflections on the Historical Writing of the Ferdinand Restoration in the New Kingdom of Granada.” Restorations Between Europe and America. University of Kent-National University of Colombia, Bogota, November 17-18.

2013 “Time, History and Political Languages in the New Kingdom of Granada and Venezuela during the Fernand Restoration, 1814-1822.” Tiempos Históricos: Temporality and Historicity from Conceptual History. Iberconceptos - Research Group on Intellectual History of Modern Politics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Bilbao, Spain, November 22-23.

2012 “Public Opinion and Print Communication Networks in Santafé de Bogota during the Spanish Reconquista, 1816-1819.” Colombian Association of Historians. Neiva, Colombia, October 8-12.

Campus Talks 2020 “Effeminacy and the Making of the Political Community in Late Colonial Colombia.” Symposium on Gender, History, and Sexuality. The University of Texas at Austin September 25.

2017 Commencement address, National University of Colombia, School of Human Sciences, September 11.

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2017-2018 Speech Writer and Academic Assessor, National University of Colombia, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Human Sciences, Bogota, Colombia.

2015-2016 Researcher, University of Los Andes, Vice-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies, Bogota, Colombia.

2015 Curator and Researcher for the public exhibition: “Antonio Nariño and the Adventure of Thought” and Lead Researcher for the virtual exhibition “Antonio Nariño (1765- 1823): Reader and Patriot.” Commemoration of the 250th Birthday of Antonio Nariño. National Library of Colombia, Ministry of Culture.

2015 Researcher for the project: “Virtual Colombian Library.” National Vice Rectorate for Research at National University of Colombia, School of Human Sciences.

2015 Researcher for the project: “The Age of Revolutions and Their Posterity: History, Historiography, Historicity.” Cultural Practices, Representations and Imaginaries Research Group. National University of Colombia – University of Los Andes – Pontifical Xavierian University.

2013 Researcher for the project: “Time, History and Political Languages in the New Kingdom of Granada During the Ferdinand Restoration, 1815-1821.” Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH): Call to Promote Research in the Bicentennial History of Independence.

2012 Researcher for the project: “Publicity, Public Opinion and Monarchical Loyalty in Santafé de Bogota During the Spanish Reconquista, 1816-1819” Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH): Call to Promote Research in the Bicentennial History of Independence.


Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura Historia Caribe Historia y Sociedad Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia Otto de Greiff National Competition for Best Undergraduate Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revista de Indias Revista Historia y Espacio Universidad de La Sabana

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2016 “Autores de Historias: Efemérides Historiográfica, La Reconquista Española [Authors of History. Today in History:The Spanish Reconquista]” Extended interview in Spanish, National University of Colombia, Department of History.

2015 “La nueva cara de Antonio Nariño [The New Face of Antonio Nariño].” El Espectador. Bogota, Colombia. December 5

2015 “Antonio Nariño: lector, librero e impresor. Una exposición de la Biblioteca Nacional muestra sus diferentes facetas [Antonio Nariño: Reader, Bookseller, and Printer: An Exhibition at the National Library Shows His Different Facets.” El Tiempo. Bogota, Colombia. October 19.


English (fluent) Spanish (native) Portuguese (advanced reading) Italian (intermediate reading) French (elementary reading)


American Historical Association American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference on Latin American History Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Latin American Studies Association

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