Paper for Special session‐ Cities, regions and the digital economy: new challenges and opportunities RSA Delft 2012 The knowledge economy in a car dependent Perth, Western Australia: The story of knowledge intensification and urban sprawl Michael Kane Curtin University Western Australia Paper for Special session‐ Cities, regions and the digital economy: new challenges and opportunities RSA Delft 2012 - 1 - The knowledge economy in a car dependent Perth, Western Australia: The story of knowledge intensification and urban sprawl Michael Kane Curtin University
[email protected] Part 1- Introduction Worldwide the knowledge economy and information communication technology are underpinning economic activity in post industrial economies. ICT and the knowledge economy are characterised by urban proximity and agglomeration, with strong links between ICT, spatial distribution of knowledge workers, urban density and productivity. The knowledge economy requires an increase in the knowledge intensity of capital, labour, products and services. Cities in post industrial economies, it is argued, are characterised and driven by this intensification of knowledge. This paper argues that there are three interrelated factors of knowledge intensification in the modern economy: intensification or agglomeration of knowledge economic activity; intensification of knowledge within human capital knowledge ie within individual workers and where those workers work and reside; intensification of knowledge and data within ICT systems and infrastructure.