Passing Pattern Anthology

Markus Oehme

September 2, 2020 The Pattern Anthology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (see Contents Introduction iv 1. Notation ...... iv 2. How to use ...... iv 3. Points of interest ...... v 4. Causal diagrams ...... vi 5. Notes on dynamic patterns ...... vi 6. Notes on manipulator patterns ...... vi 7. ...... vii 8. Passing pattern families and further comments ...... vii

I. Static Patterns 1

1. 2 jugglers 3 1.1. 4 clubs ...... 3 1.1.1. Zaps ...... 3 1.1.2. Various ...... 3 1.2. 5 clubs ...... 3 1.2.1. Basics ...... 3 1.2.2. Various ...... 3 1.2.3. Zaps ...... 4 1.2.4. Why not family ...... 5 1.3. 6 clubs ...... 5 1.3.1. Basics ...... 5 1.3.2. Why not family ...... 6 1.3.3. Zaps ...... 7 1.3.4. Various ...... 8 1.3.5. Hurried patterns ...... 10 1.4. 7 clubs ...... 11 1.4.1. Basics ...... 11 1.4.2. Popcorns ...... 12 1.4.3. Why not family ...... 13 1.4.4. Hurried Patterns ...... 13 1.4.5. Zaps ...... 14 1.4.6. Various ...... 14 1.5. 8 clubs ...... 17 1.5.1. Basics ...... 17 1.5.2. Various ...... 17 1.6. 9 clubs ...... 19 1.6.1. Basics ...... 19 1.6.2. Various ...... 19

2. 3 jugglers 20 2.1. 7 clubs ...... 20 2.1.1. Feeds ...... 20 2.1.2. Various ...... 20 2.2. 8 clubs ...... 20 2.2.1. Various circular patterns ...... 20 2.3. 9 clubs ...... 20 2.3.1. Basic feeds ...... 20 2.3.2. Feeds ...... 21 2.3.3. Pulsars ...... 21 2.3.4. Various circular patterns ...... 21

i Contents

2.4. 10 clubs ...... 22 2.4.1. Various feeds ...... 22 2.4.2. Various circular patterns ...... 22

3. 4 jugglers 23 3.1. 12 clubs ...... 23 3.1.1. Various ...... 23

4. 5 jugglers 23 4.1. 15 clubs ...... 23 4.1.1. Various ...... 23

5. 6 jugglers 23 5.1. 18 clubs ...... 23 5.1.1. Various ...... 23

6. n jugglers 23 6.1. 3n clubs ...... 23 6.1.1. Feasts ...... 23

II. Walking Patterns 25

7. 2 jugglers 27 7.1. 3 clubs ...... 27 7.1.1. Various ...... 27 7.2. 4 clubs ...... 27 7.2.1. Various ...... 27

8. 3 jugglers 27 8.1. 6 clubs ...... 27 8.1.1. Various ...... 27 8.2. 9 clubs ...... 27 8.2.1. Various ...... 27 8.3. 10 clubs ...... 28 8.3.1. Various ...... 28

9. 4 jugglers 28 9.1. 11 clubs ...... 29 9.1.1. Various ...... 29 9.2. 12 clubs ...... 29 9.2.1. Various ...... 29 9.3. 13 clubs ...... 36 9.3.1. Various ...... 36

10.5 jugglers 37 10.1.15 clubs ...... 37 10.1.1. Various ...... 37

11.6 jugglers 38 11.1.18 clubs ...... 38 11.1.1. Various ...... 38

ii Contents

III. Manipulator Patterns 39

12.3 jugglers 41 12.1.6 clubs ...... 41 12.1.1. Exchange patterns ...... 41 12.2.6+1 clubs ...... 41 12.2.1. Roundabout family ...... 41 12.2.2. Various ...... 41 12.2.3. Exchange patterns ...... 42 12.3.7+1 clubs ...... 43 12.3.1. Various ...... 43

13.4 jugglers 43 13.1.6+2 clubs ...... 43 13.1.1. Various ...... 43 13.2.9+1 clubs ...... 43 13.2.1. Scrambled-V family ...... 43 13.2.2. Various ...... 45 13.3.10+1 clubs ...... 45 13.3.1. Ambled-V family ...... 45 13.3.2. Various ...... 47

14.5 jugglers 47 14.1.6+1 clubs ...... 47 14.1.1. Various ...... 47 14.2.9+2 clubs ...... 48 14.2.1. Various ...... 48 14.3.12+1 clubs ...... 48 14.3.1. Various ...... 48

15.6 jugglers 48 15.1.12+2 clubs ...... 48 15.1.1. Various ...... 48

IV. Additional Topics 49

16.Interfaces 51

17.Programming 51 17.1.Period five patterns (6 clubs) ...... 52 17.2.Period five patterns (7 clubs) ...... 54 17.3.Period three patterns (5 clubs) ...... 55 17.4.Period three patterns (6 clubs) ...... 56 17.5.Period three patterns (7 clubs) ...... 57 17.6.Period seven patterns (7 clubs) ...... 57 17.6.1. Variant A ...... 57 17.6.2. Variant B ...... 58 17.7.Various ...... 58 17.7.1. Jonix ...... 58 17.7.2. Coral A and B ...... 59 17.7.3. Dash 3 ...... 59 17.7.4. Ariel Ultra ...... 59 17.7.5. Persil Mega Pearls ...... 60 17.7.6. Skip and Hop feed ...... 60 17.7.7. La Vache Qui Rit ...... 61

iii Introduction 1. Notation The most important part are the throws so we start with how they are written down. • Self throws are denoted by s or in the verbose variant sn (with s being equal to s1). The superscript n denotes how long the throw has to fly and most of the time denotes thebest number of spins to use. The common s is equivalent to a throw of a three club , while s2 is caught with the same hand as it is thrown (a heff).

• Zips (or hand-acrosses) are denoted by z. This is kind of a degenerate self and equivalent to s−1.

• Holds where the club is not throw but kept in the hand are denoted by h. This is also a degenerate self and equivalent to s0. (To keep it interesting and not mess up the timing it is advised to do a flip instead of simply holding the club in the hand.)

• Passes are denoted by p and can possess various additional attributes. Like selves they can have an superscript pn denoting higher throws, where p is equal to p1, again often indicating that n spins are good. Additionally the can have a subscript pX denoting the juggler to n 0 which to pass (in this case X). So a general pass looks like this: pX . Note that p is a zap or joe pass. Furthermore there are some additional instructions that are for manipulator patterns. • First the passes can not only have their height as superscript, but also the juggler from X,n which the pass originates. Thus a general pass actually looks like this: pY .

X • Manipulated throws or subtitutes are denoted by mY . This means taking a club from X and giving it to Y . This can be shortened to mY if the source is implied by context. They are listed at the time, where the take-out is made.

X • Intercepts are denoted by iY . This means taking a club from X and becoming juggler Y ; in turn juggler Y takes the manipulator position. They are listed at the time, where the catch is made.

X • Carrys are denoted by cY . This is like a substitute, but the manipulator is already holding the club (happens after an intercept). So the manipulator virtually takes a club from X and gives it to Y . They are listed at the time, where the hand-in is made.

• Throws can have one or two dots above them (p˙ or p¨), to signal that they are being manipulated. In the case of two dots the corresponding club is not held by the juggler but already in the hands of the manipulator (happens with carries). 2. How to use The jugglers are denoted by capital letters, most of the time consecutively starting at A. Each pattern has first some general information given as a structured list. Each possible entry in this list is described in detail in the next section. How to start each pattern can either be described in the structured list, or via one or more starting diagrams like the following. A B + 2 3

Each shape describes the corresponding juggler. For each juggler the number of clubs in each hand, starting hand and starting offset is displayed. In this case A has two clubs in the right hand and zero clubs in the left hand. She starts with the right hand (indicated by the small dot on a right hand club) on beat zero. Now B has one club in the right hand and two clubs in the left

iv 3. Points of interest

hand. She starts with the left hand, but 3/2 beats later than the first juggler which is A (denoted by the fraction next to the starting hand indication dot). Afterwards there is most of the time either a causal diagram or for dynamic patterns (where the jugglers move around) a table. Both are explained below. 3. Points of interest sequence The sequence of throws each juggler has to perform. This does not indicate how to start the pattern.

global This is the global four-handed of the pattern. This is used for static asynchronuous patterns.

local This is the local siteswap of the pattern accompanying a global siteswap. Subscripts indicate the starting positions of the different jugglers. So than in A7B 65 the juggler A starts with a 7 while B starts with a 6.

préchac This is the préchac notation of the pattern. This is used for static synchronuous patterns. Subscripts indicate the starting positions of the different jugglers. So than in A4pB 3 the juggler A starts with a 4p while B starts with a 3.

type If not already indicated by the name of the pattern or the section this gives the family this pattern belongs to. They are explained in section 8.

start How to start this pattern. If no explicit starting diagram is given, there exists one for the general type of passing pattern this pattern belongs to or one covering the entire section and here you find the information building one for this specific pattern. 1 If we have A: L1+ 2 /R2 then this says, that juggler A has one club in her left hand and two clubs in her right hand. Furthermore she starts with the left hand (since it 1 comes first) and half a beat later (that’s the + 2 ). More than one start can be given.

throws This specifies how the throws should be thrown. Which spin and whether passes should be crossing or straight. If nothing is said passes are straight with a single spin.

preparation Here are references to patterns which are similar but easier and hence can be used for preparation.

symbols Explains the meanings of additional symbols like asterisk which appear as superscripts or subscripts. color coding Groups the clubs so that all clubs of one color have the same throws happening to them. This is done by associating colors (or in mathematicians terms numbers) to each throw of the sequence of the pattern.

For example the instruction p1 s2 z3 p3 s2 p1 tells you that there are three colors (say red, green, and blue). The first and last pass are done by a red club, theselfs are done by green clubs and the zip together with the following pass are done by the blue clubs.

interface Patterns with equal interface are compatible and may be juggled against each other. The interface describes on which beats a pass is incoming (marked by X) and on which beats it is a self (marked by •). Note that the interface may be rotated in relation to the other presentations of the pattern.

remark Gives miscalleanous information pertaining to the pattern.

v Introduction

4. Causal diagrams These represent the throws of all jugglers by arrows; one row for each juggler. In the rows the hands are listed as R and L. An arrow starts, where a club is thrown. However it does not end where the club lands. Instead it ends where the hand is freed. A different way to think about this is, that every hand is holding a club and never releasingit. The passed clubs are now bounced off the hands – never being grabbed, instead being hitlike baseballs. Then the causal diagrams give the actual paths of the clubs in the air. Here is an example.

B: R L R L R L R L R L

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

C: R L R L R L R L R L

Note that crossing passes are blue. Furthermore hurries, where one hand throws twice are marked red (not shown). 5. Notes on dynamic patterns Moving patterns are mostly described by using tables like the following. However some static patterns are also described with these tables (but then of course no change of position happens). A: pB pC pB → B B: pA pA → C C: pA → A Each row describes one juggler, named at the start of the row. Then the throws each juggler performs are listed. Finally the transition for each juggler is indicated with an arrow. In this case A becomes B, B becomes C and C becomes A after six beats. The corresponding walking paths are given in the starting diagram. 6. Notes on manipulator patterns Manipulator patterns are described quite similar to walking patterns, but their tables additionally include manipulation instructions like the following. A: p˙B p˙B → B B: pA s˙ pA s¨ s¨ → A A B A B M: mB mB iB cB → M First note, that selfes if uninteresting are replaced by underscores for readability and second note that the manipulator line contains blanks, which most of the time are used to prepare the next move or are otherwise spent waiting. Furthermore we give some general hints on manipulator patterns.

• Interactions are generally with crossing hands. A club which is thrown by a right hand is by default taken with the left hand. A club is put into a left hand by default from a right hand.

• A consequence of this is that by default most manipulations are followed by a zip.

• Intercepts are generally done on a pelf (i.e. a non-rotating floaty self).

• If a pattern requires, that the first throw has to be manipulated and this throw isfroma hand with more than one club the general protocol is that the manipulator holds this club instead at the beginning. An alternative is to do a round of the unmanipulated base pattern.

Finally one technical detail about the manipulator notation. Let Anne be juggler M and Ben be X juggler Y . The intercept iY by manipulator M imediately switches the roles of M and Y . So that after the intercept Anne is juggler Y and Ben is juggler M. This is accompanied by a relabeling of clubs. All clubs Anne has are relabeled to belong to position Y , whereas one of Ben’s clubs is relabeled to belong to the manipulator position M. Almost always this causes Ben to still hold a second club still owned by Y which he then has to carry.

vi 7. Siteswaps

7. Siteswaps A four-handed siteswap assumes that the four hands throw in regular beats. So that the sequence right hand of A, right hand of B, left hand of A, left hand of B repeats infinitely with beats being equally spaced in time. A number now says in how many beats a club is thrown again. This means a 4 is a hold, since the next throw will be by the same hand with nothing else to do for the hand in between. 8. Passing pattern families and further comments • Feed: A feed is a multi-person pattern, where one person is the feeder and everybody else is feede. Every feede passes to the feeder. The feeder alternates between the feedes with her passes. We give the general starting diagram for feeds with three and four persons as these are the most common ones; more feedes can be added in the obvious manner.


• Circular patterns: A circular pattern is pretty much self-describing. The general starting diagram is as follows (with three jugglers on the left and in general with n jugglers on the right).



X D C B . . .

• Feast: A feast is a special circular pattern. Each juggler switches partner with each pass (including herself – meaning, that some of the passes are converted to selfs).

• Pulsar: A pulsar is a circular pattern based on a specific passing pattern. This pattern is converted into a feed by alternating the passes to the feedes. Now the feeder changes every two (or in general n − 1, where n is the number of jugglers) passes in a clockwise direction. The feeders alternate feeding the feedes in a clockwise and anticlockwise manner.

• Jim’s: A Jim’s variant of a pattern means that one passer throws always straight and the other always crosses, but both keep the original sequence of throws. This frequently causes mismatches with the hands, which are compensated by hurries.

• Martin’s: A Martin’s variant of a pattern means that one passer throws always straight and the other always crosses, but both keep the original sequence of throws. This frequently causes mismatches with the hands, which are compensated by extra zips (which are disregarded concerning the originial sequence).

• on socks: An on socks variant of a manipulator pattern is done by adding a person. Now when normally becoming the manipulator you instead become the on socks person. As on socks person you run around the pattern and become manipulator after an additional cycle.


Part I.

Static Patterns


1. 2 jugglers The general starting diagram for this section looks as follows (of course number of clubs and such has to be adjusted to the particular pattern). A B 1.1. 4 clubs 1.1.1. Zaps 552 interface: XX • (async) sequence: p0 z p0 A global: 552 : R L R L R L R local: A52B 5 1 B: R L R L R L start: A: R1/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing; B straight 1.1.2. Various Inverted parsnip local: A722B 72 1 sequence: p z z p z start: A: R1/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 global: 77222 throws: A straight singles; B crossing singles interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L 1.2. 5 clubs 1.2.1. Basics 1-count (5 clubs) interface: X (async) sequence: p0 A global: 5 : R L R local: AB 5 1 B: R L start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing; B straight 1.2.2. Various Kraken throws: A, B crossing sequence: p p p z A: R L R L R préchac: A3p3pB 3p1

A B B: L R L R L

Parsnip local: A772B 72 1 sequence: p p z p z start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 global: 77722 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: XX • X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

3 1. 2 jugglers

Skip interface: X •• (async) sequence: A: p z z / B: p s s A global: 772626 : R L R L R L R local: A722/B 766 1 B: R L R L R L R start: A: R1/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight; B crossing Hop interface: X •• (async) sequence: p s z A global: 726 : R L R L R L R local: AB 762 3 B: R L R L R L start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing; B straight Killer bunny interface: X •• (async) sequence: p0 h s A global: 456 : R L R L R L R local: A54B 6 3 B: R L R L R L start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing; B straight Glass elevator A: R L R L R L R L sequence: p2 z h global: 942 B: R L R L R L local: A92B 4 A B + 1 A start: : R2/L1; : R1 2 /L1; converts above: theory; below: working start the first zip into a hold throws: A crossing doubles; B straight A: R L R L R L R L doubles interface: X •• (async) B: R L R L R L

Flipalot local: A7474B 724 1 sequence: p h p h p z h start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 global: 7742744 throws: A straight singles; B crossing singles interface: X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

663 remark: Be careful not to fall into 64645. sequence: s s p−1 interface: X •• (async) global: 663 A: R L R L R L R local: A66B 3 1 start: A: R1/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight; B crossing B: R L R L R L R 1.2.3. Zaps First zap local: A544B 66 0 1 sequence: s s p h h start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 global: 64645 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

4 1.3. 6 clubs

56662 local: A562B 66 0 1 sequence: p s z s s start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 global: 56662 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

852 interface: X •• (async) sequence: s2 z p0 A global: 852 : R L R L R L local: A82B 5 1 B: R L R L R L start: A: R1/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing; B straight 825 interface: X •• (async) sequence: s2 p0 z A global: 825 : R L R L R L R local: AB 852 3 B: R L R L R L start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight; B crossing 1 58552 start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 sequence: p0 p0 p0 z s2 throws: A crossing; B straight 0 0 0 2 global: 58552 color coding: p1 p1 p1 z2 s2; 1 pass; 2 heff local: A552B 85 interface: XXX •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1.2.4. Why not family 1 Why not (5 club) start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s z s2 z throws: A straight; B crossing 2 global: 78622 color coding: p1 s1 z2 s2 z1; 1 pass; 2 heff local: A762B 82 interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Not Why (5 club) start: A: R2/L1; B: R1+ 2 /L1 sequence: p z s z s2 throws: A straight; B crossing 2 global: 86722 color coding: p1 z1 s1 z2 s2; 1 pass; 2 heff local: A872B 62 interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L 1.3. 6 clubs 1.3.1. Basics 4-count (6 clubs) A: R L R L R sequence: p s s s préchac: AB 3p333 B: R L R L R start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 interface: X ••• (sync)

5 1. 2 jugglers

3-count (6 clubs) interface: X •• (sync) sequence: p s s A: R L R L R L R préchac: AB 3p33 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 B: R L R L R L R color coding: p1 s2 s2; 1 pass; 2 self 2-count (6 clubs) A: R L R sequence: p s préchac: AB 3p3 B: R L R start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 interface: X • (sync) 1-count (6 clubs) interface: X (sync) sequence: p A: R L R préchac: AB 3p start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 remark: Switch to synchronous 1-count (6 B: R L R clubs) (1.3.1) by throwing a double. synchronous 1-count (6 clubs) R R R A: sequence: p+p L L L start: A: R2/L2; B: R1/L1 L L L B: remark: Switch to 1-count (6 clubs) (1.3.1) by R R R throwing a double. pass pass self (6 clubs) interface: XX • (sync) sequence: p p s A: R L R L R L R préchac: AB 3p3p3 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 B: R L R L R L R color coding: p1 p1 s2; 1 pass; 2 self Chocolate bar A: R L R L R L R L R sequence: p p s s préchac: AB 3p3p33 B: R L R L R L R L R start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 interface: XX •• (sync) Bookends préchac: AB 3p3p33p3 sequence: p p s p s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 interface: XX • X • (sync)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

Inverted bookends préchac: AB 3p333p3 sequence: p s s p s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 interface: X • X •• (sync)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

Countdown start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: pssspsspsppspss interface: XX • X •• X ••• X •• X • préchac: AB 3p3333p333p33p3p33p33 (sync)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1.3.2. Why not family

6 1.3. 6 clubs

1 Why not start: C: R2/L1; D: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s p s2 z remark: Commonly the A/B start is used global: 78627 since it has no offset for A, however this causes local: AD76C 7B 82 an imbalance of starting clubs. 1 start: A: R2/L2; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A, C straight; B, D crossing interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

C: R L R L R L R L R L R

D: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Not Why start: C: R2/L1; D: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s2 p z s remark: No start is really satisfactory. For a global: 72867 third variant B can do heff zip instead of wait local: A7C 872BD6 self. 3 A C B D start: A: R2/L2; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: , crossing; , straight interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

C: R L R L R L R L R L R

D: R L R L R L R L R L

Maybe local: A762B 87 2 1 sequence: p p s z s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 78672 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: XX ••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1.3.3. Zaps 1 75666 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s s p0 s throws: A straight singles, crossing zaps; B global: 75666 crossing singles, straight zaps local: A766B 56 interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

Baby dragon (a. k. a. Zap Opus I) straight zaps, crossing singles sequence: p0 p s interface: XX • (async) global: 756 A: R L R L R L R local: A76B 5 1 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing zaps, straight singles; B B: R L R L R L

7 1. 2 jugglers

Dragon interface: XX • (async) sequence: p2 p0 h A global: 945 : R L R L R L R local: A95B 4 1 B: R L R L R L start: A: R2/L2; B: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight; B crossing

85566 local: A856B 56 2 0 0 1 sequence: s p s p s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 85566 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

855 local: A85B 5 2 0 0 1 sequence: s p p start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 855 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: XX • (async)

A: R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L

1.3.4. Various 1 Not likely start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p p2 s z s throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 96672 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: 7A962B 6 interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Maybe not start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 s p s z throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 79662 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: B 96A762 interface: XX ••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Self centered start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s p s2 p z p s2 z throws: A straight; B crossing global: 778827726 remark: A combination of Why not (1.3.2) local: 76B 7872A782 and Not Why (1.3.2) into one pattern. interface: X • X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

8 1.3. 6 clubs

Jonix interface: XX • (async) sequence: A: p p z / B: p p s A global: 777726 : R L R L R L local: A772/B 776 1 B: R L R L R start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight; B crossing Blinky A: R L R L R L sequence: A: p p0 / B: p0+p A B + 3 R R R start: : R2/L2; : R1 2 /L1 B: throws: A straight; B crossing L L L 1 Odnom start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 h p z s p p throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9647772 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9472B 677 interface: XX • XX •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

77772 (a. k. a. async Martin’s 1-count) local: B 77A772 sequence: p p p p z start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 global: 77772 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: XXXX • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

972 A: R L R L R L R sequence: p p2 z global: 972 B: R L R L R L R local: A92B 7 A B + 1 A start: : R2/L1; : R2 2 /L1; converts above: theory; below: working start the first zip into a hold (or better a flipto preserve the timing) A: R L R L R L R throws: A crossing doubles, straight singles; B crossing singles, straight doubles B: R L R L R L R interface: XX • (async) 1 9797226 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 p2 z s p p z throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9797226 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9926B 772 interface: XX • XX •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1 9799224 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 p2 z h p p2 z throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9799224 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9924B 792 interface: XX • X • X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

9 1. 2 jugglers

77466 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 2-count) local: B 76A746 1 sequence: p s p h s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 77466 throws: A straight singles; B crossing singles interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

774 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 1-count) local: B 7A74 1 sequence: p p h start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 774 throws: A straight singles; B crossing singles interface: XX • (async)

A: R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L

7777266 (a. k. a. async Mild Madness) local: B 776A7726 1 sequence: p p s p p z s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 7777266 throws: A straight singles; B crossing singles interface: XX • XX •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

7747746677466 (a. k. a. async Brainstorm) local: B 774676A7476746 1 sequence: pphspsphpsphs start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 7747746677466 throws: A straight singles; B crossing singles interface: XX •• X • X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

1.3.5. Hurried patterns Jim’s 3-count start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p s s throws: A straight; B crossing color coding: p1 s2 s2; 1 pass; 2 self

A: R R L R L R L L R L R L R

B: R L R L L R L R L R R L R

Jim’s 2-count start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p s throws: A straight; B crossing

A: R R L R L L R L R

B: R L R R L R L L R

Jim’s 1-count start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p throws: A straight; B crossing

A: R R L L R

B: R L L R R

10 1.4. 7 clubs

Brainstorm (a. k. a. Jim’s bookends) start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p p s p s throws: A straight; B crossing

A: R R L R R L R R L R L

B: R L L R L R R L R R L

Mild Madness (a. k. a. Martin’s pass pass self) throws: A straight; B crossing sequence: p p z s p p s remark: The combination p z can be start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 contracted severely.

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

Martin’s 1-count throws: A straight; B crossing sequence: p p p p z remark: The combination p z can be start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 contracted severely.

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

Spotlight start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p p z s p p s

A: R L R R L R R L R L L R L L R

B: R L L R L R R L R R L R L L R

Reverse spotlight start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p p z s p p s

A: R R L R L L R L L R L R R L R

B: R R L R R L R L L R L L R L R

1-count spotlight start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p p z p p

A: R L R R L L R L L R R

B: R L L R L L R R L R R

1-count reverse spotlight start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p p z p p

A: R R L R R L L R L L R

B: R R L L R L L R R L R

Hammy start: A: L2/R1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p s p s s remark: A is harder than B

A: L L R R L R R L L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R 1.4. 7 clubs 1.4.1. Basics

11 1. 2 jugglers

4-count (7 clubs) préchac: A5p3B 33 sequence: p3 s s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+2/L1 interface: X ••• (sync)

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R

3-count (7 clubs) interface: X •• (async) sequence: p2 s s A global: 966 : R L R L R L R local: AB 966 3 B: R L R L R start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight, B crossing 2-count (7 clubs) interface: X • (sync) sequence: p2 s A: R L R L R préchac: AB 4p3 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+1/L1 throws: A, B straight (singles or doubles) B: R L R L

1-count (7 clubs) interface: X (async) sequence: p A global: 7 : R L R local: AB 7 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+1/L1 B: R L R throws: A straight, B crossing 1.4.2. Popcorns French 3-count interface: X •• (async) sequence: p s s2 A global: 786 : R L R L R L R local: A76B 8 1 B: R L R L R L start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A straight; B crossing

Popcorn (5-count, with triple) local: A766B a6 3 1 sequence: p s s s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 7a666 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

Popcorn (5-count, with heffs) local: A766B 88 2 2 1 sequence: p s s s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 78686 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

12 1.4. 7 clubs

Popcorn (7-count) local: A7666B 888 2 2 2 1 sequence: p s s s s s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 7868686 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: X •••••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1.4.3. Why not family Why not (7 clubs) local: A9696B 982 2 2 2 2 1 sequence: p s p s p s z start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 9968926 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

Not Why (7 clubs) local: A9892B 696 2 2 2 2 1 sequence: p s p s p z s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 9689962 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

No More Why local: A9962B 698 2 2 2 2 1 sequence: p s p p s z s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 9699682 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: XX ••• X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

Maybe (7clubs) local: A9628B 996 2 2 2 2 1 sequence: p p s p s z s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2+ 2 /L2 global: 9969268 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: XX • X ••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1.4.4. Hurried Patterns Techno A: R L R L R L R L sequence: p+s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+1/L1 B: R L R L R L throws: A straight; B crossing remark: A distorted variant of 3-count (7 Or even more distorted. clubs) (1.4.1). R R R R A: L L L L R R R B: L L L

13 1. 2 jugglers

Oddz Godz (a. k. a. Jim’s 7-club 2-count) start: A: R3/L1; B: R2/L1 sequence: p2 s throws: A straight; B crossing

A: R R L L R R L L

B: R L L R R L L R R

1.4.5. Zaps 1 56789 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p0 p1 p2 s s2 throws: A crossing doubles and zaps, straight global: 56789 singles; B straight doubles and zaps, crossing local: 5A796B 8 singles interface: XX • X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

885 local: A885 2 2 0 1 sequence: s s p start: A: R2/L2; B: R1+ 2 /L2 global: 885 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R

Holy grail (a. k. a. Zap Opus II) zaps sequence: p0 p p2 interface: X X X (async) global: 975 A: R L R L R L R local: A95B 7 1 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing doubles and zaps, straight B: R L R L R L R singles; B crossing singles, straight doubles and 1.4.6. Various Funky bookends local: A776B 78 2 1 sequence: p p s p s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 77786 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: XX • X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Scratch your head start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p+s s+p throws: A straight; B crossing; passes are floaty singles, selfs are double heffs R R R R R A: L L L L L R R R R R B: L L L L L 1 Scratch your nose start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p+s s+p throws: A crossing; B straight; passes are floaty singles, selfs are doubles

14 1.4. 7 clubs

R R R R R A: L L L L L R R R R R B: L L L L L 1 Aspirin start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s p s p2 s s2 throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 7966786 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A7676B 968 interface: X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

Vitoria local: A7766B 788 2 2 1 sequence: p p s s p s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 7778686 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: XX •• X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1 Gasteiz start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p s2 p2 s p s s throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 7786966 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A7896B 766 interface: XX •• X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

3 Why Rei start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: A: p2 s p2 s2 z / B: p2 s p2 s s throws: A straight; B crossing global: 9669968926 interface: X • X •• X • X •• (async) local: A96982/B 96966

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

Odd scots the first hold into a self (so she does not have sequence: p3 h s to start with three clubs in one hand) global: b64 throws: A straight; B crossing local: Ab4B 6 interface: X •• (async) 1 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1; A converts A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L above: theory; below: working start

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L

15 1. 2 jugglers

1 96677 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 s p s p throws: A crossing doubles and straight global: 96677 singles; B straight doubles and crossing singles local: A967B 67 interface: XX • X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Double banana start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 s p p p s p p p throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 966777777 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A96777B 6777 interface: XXXX • XXX • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

1 Dash 3 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: A: p2 p2 s p2 s / B: p2 p2 z p2 z throws: A crossing; B straight global: 9969929962 interface: XX • X • (async) local: A96996/B 99292

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

Coral A straight doubles sequence: A: p2 p2 s / B: p p2 z interface: XX • (async) global: 979962 A: R L R L R L R local: A996/B 792 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 1 /L1 2 B throws: A crossing; B crossing singles, : R L R L R L

Coral B straight doubles sequence: A: p2 p2 z / B: p p2 s interface: XX • (async) global: 979926 A: R L R L R L local: A992/B 796 start: A: R2+ 1 /L1; B: L2/R2 2 B throws: A crossing; B crossing singles, : L R L R L R L

Maja start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+1/L1 sequence: p s p s s p s s2 s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

Pass pass self (7 clubs) zaps sequence: A: p2 p2 s / B: p p2 s interface: XX • (sync) préchac: A: 4p4p3 / B: 3p4p3 A start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+1/L1 : R L R L R L R throws: A straight doubles; B crossing singles, straight doubles B: R L R L R L remark: should also work with singles and

16 1.5. 8 clubs

Frost’s frenzy interface: XX • (sync) sequence: A: p p s / B: p h p A préchac: A: 4p4p3 / B: 4p24p : R L R L R L R start: A: R2/L2; B: L2/R1 throws: singles (which technically would be B: L R L R L R L doubles) Dark side of 2-count remark: A 2-count with hands rotated by 90◦. 2 sequence: p+s R R R A: start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+1/L1 L L L throws: A, B straight single passes, crossing R R R B: double selfs L L L

1 9788827 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 s2 s2 p p s2 z throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9788827 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9887B 782 interface: XX ••• X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1 9968827 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 s s2 p p2 s2 z throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9968827 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9687B 982 interface: X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1 9964966 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 2-count, 7 clubs) start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 sequence: p2 s p2 s p2 h s throws: A crossing doubles; B straight global: 9964966 doubles local: A9696B 946 interface: X • X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L 1.5. 8 clubs 1.5.1. Basics 2-count (8 clubs) A: R L R L R sequence: p3 s préchac: AB 5p3 B: R L R L R start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L2 throws: A, B straight (commonly doubles, R R R R A: singles for a challenge in which case the second L L L L causal diagram applies) R R R R B: interface: X • (sync) L L L L 1.5.2. Various Pass pass self (8 clubs) local: B 9A96 2 2 1 sequence: p p s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 global: 996 throws: A crossing; B straight interface: XX • (async)

17 1. 2 jugglers

A: R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L

1 Das Gedicht start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 sequence: P2 S P S2 P2 P2 S2 throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9969788 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9678B 998 interface: XX • XX •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

789 B crossing singles, straight doubles sequence: p p2 s2 interface: XX • (async) global: 789 A: R L R L R L R local: A98B 7 1 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 throws: A crossing doubles, straight singles; B: R L R L R L R

Ariel Ultra local: A99996/B 99299 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 sequence: A: p p p p s / B: p p p p start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 z throws: A crossing; B straight global: 9999929969 interface: XXXX • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

High-low (8 clubs) interface: X (sync) sequence: A: p3 / B: p A préchac: A: 5p / B: 3p : R L R L R start: A: R2/L2; B: L2+1/R2 throws: A straight doubles; B straight singles B: L R L R

Swing R R R R A: sequence: p+s s+p L L L L start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L2 R R R R B: throws: A, B straight singles L L L L Blinky (8 clubs) A: R L R L R L sequence: A: p2 p / B: p+p2 A B + 1 R R R start: : R2/L2; : R2 2 /L2 B: throws: A straight; B crossing L L L Scratch 8 R R R R A: sequence: p+s L L L L start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L2 R R R R B: throws: crossing single passes, single heffs L L L L

Call me local: A776B aa 3 3 1 sequence: p p s s s start: A: R3/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 7a7a6 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: XX ••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

18 1.6. 9 clubs

That’s y local: A787B 8a 2 2 3 1 sequence: p s p s s start: A: R3/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L1 global: 788a7 throws: A straight; B crossing interface: X • X •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1 Vitoria (8 clubs) start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 sequence: p2 p2 s2 s2 p p s2 throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9797888 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9988B 778 interface: XX • XX •• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

1 9968897 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 sequence: p2 p2 s s2 p p2 s2 throws: A straight singles, crossing doubles; global: 9799688 B crossing singles, straight doubles local: A9968B 798 interface: XX • X • X • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L 1.6. 9 clubs 1.6.1. Basics 2-count (9 clubs) throws: A, B straight (doubles or triples) sequence: p4 s remark: Most often not juggled in the préchac: AB 6p3 theoretical rhythm, but with the self close to start: A: R2/L3; B: R2+1/L2 simultaneous to the pass. interface: X • (sync)

A: R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L

1-count (9 clubs) interface: X (async) sequence: p2 A global: 9 : R L R L R local: AB 9 1 B: R L R L start: A: R3/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 throws: A crossing, B straight 1.6.2. Various Persil Mega Pearls local: Abb6bbb6/B bbb2bb2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 sequence: A: p p p s p p s / B: p p start: A: R3/L2; B: R2+ 2 /L2 p3 z p3 p3 z throws: A straight; B crossing global: bbbb6bb2bbbb62 interface: XXX • XX • (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

19 Ultimates high-low (9 clubs) start: A: R3/L2; B: R2+1/L2 sequence: A: p3 / B: p2 throws: A crossing doubles, B straight singles préchac: A5px / B 4p interface: X (sync)

A: R L R L R

B: R L R L R

That’s y (9 clubs) local: A78aB aa 2 3 3 3 1 sequence: p s s s s start: A: R2/L2; B: R3+ 2 /L1 global: 7a8aa throws: A straight; B crossing interface: X •••• (async)

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

2. 3 jugglers 2.1. 7 clubs 2.1.1. Feeds Skip feed B: R L R L R L R sequence: A: pB pC s / B, C: pA z z A + 1 B C +1 start: : R2 2 /L1; : R1/L1; : L1 /R1 A: R L R L R L throws: A crossing; B, C straight

C: L R L R L R

Skip/Hop feed B: L R L R L R sequence: A: pC pB z / B: pA z z / C: pA s z 1 3 A: R L R L R L R start: A: R2/L1; B: L1+ 2 /R1; C: R1+ 2 /L1 throws: A crossing; B, C straight C: R L R L R L

2.1.2. Various Drunken sailor throws: all straight sequence: A: pB +pC pC +pB / B: pA z / C: +1 pA A B C remark: A split version of 6 club 1-count. B +1 and C have to sway from one side to the other. 2.2. 8 clubs 2.2.1. Various circular patterns La Vache Qui Rit start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: L1+1/R1 sequence: p p s z p s color coding: p1 p1 s2 z3 p3 s2; 1 outside passes; 2 selfs; 3 zip, inside pass

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R

C: L R L R L R L R 2.3. 9 clubs 2.3.1. Basic feeds

20 2.3. 9 clubs

2-count/4-count feed B: R L R L R sequence: A: pB s pC s / B,C: pA s s s préchac: A3p3 / B 3p3C 33 A: R L R L R start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1

C: R L R L R

Why not feed lokal: A77772 / 76C 7B 82 1 1 sequence: A: pB pC pB pC z / B,C: start: A: R2/L2; B: R1+ /L1; C: R2+ /L1 2 2 2 pA s pA s z throws: A straight; B,C crossing

B: R L R L R L R L R L

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

C: R L R L R L R L R L

2.3.2. Feeds Martins Mildness throws: A straight; B,C crossing sequence: A: pB pC z s pB pC s / B,C: remark: Feeder does Mild Madness (a. k. a. pA s s Martin’s pass pass self) (1.3.5) straight, feedes start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 do Jim’s 3-count (1.3.5).

B: R L R L L R L R L R R L R

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

C: R L R L R R L R L R L L R

Martins Madness throws: A crossing; B,C straight sequence: A: pB pC s pB pC z s / B,C: remark: Feeder does Mild Madness (a. k. a. pA s s Martin’s pass pass self) (1.3.5) crossing, feedes start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 do Jim’s 3-count (1.3.5).

B: R R L R L R L L R L R L R

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

C: R L L R L R L R R L R L R

2.3.3. Pulsars Pulsar (2-count) préchac: sequence: pspspssspssspspsssps A3p33p33p333B 3p3333p33p33C 33p3333p3 s s p s start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 A: pB pC pB pC pC pB pB pC → A B: pA pA pC pC pA pC pA pC → B C: pA pB pA pB pA pB pB pA → C Pulsar (pass pass self) préchac: A3p3p33p33B 3p333p3p3C 33p333p3 sequence: ppspsspssppsspssps start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 A: pB pC pB pC pC pB pB pC → A B: pA pA pC pC pA pC pA pC → B C: pA pB pA pB pA pB pB pA → C 2.3.4. Various circular patterns

21 2. 3 jugglers

Quasar préchac: A3p33p33B 3p3333pC 333p33p sequence: pspsspssspsspsp start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 remark: Everybody does Countdown (1.3.1). A: pB pC pC pB pB pC → A B: pA pC pC pA pC pA → B C: pA pB pA pB pB pA → C 1 2 Why Not Triangle start: A: R2/L1; B: L2+ 3 /R1; C: R2+ 3 /L1 sequence: p s p s2 z remark: A six-handed version of three times Why not (1.3.2).

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: L R L R L R L R L R

C: R L R L R L R L R L 2.4. 10 clubs 2.4.1. Various feeds Gorilla B: R L R L sequence: A: p p / B, C: p s start: A: L2/R2; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 A: L R L R L

C: R L R L

Gorilla synchronous B: R L R L sequence: A: p+p / B, C: p s start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L1; C: L2/R1 L L L A: R R R

C: L R L R asynchronous heffs R R R R B: sequence: A: p+p / B, C: p+p s2+s2 L L L L start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L2; C: R1/L1 L L L L L A: throws: passes are straight floaty singles and R R R R R selfes are heffs R R R R C: L L L L 2.4.2. Various circular patterns Circular 3-count throws: crossing singles sequence: p2 s s remark: This is 2-count (7 clubs) (1.4.1) start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 distributed to three passers

A: R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R

C: R L R L R L R

French 3-count triangle A: R L R L R L R sequence: p s s2 start: A: R2/L2; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 B: R L R L R L R preparation: La Vache Qui Rit (2.2.1)

C: R L R L R L R

22 3. 4 jugglers 3.1. 12 clubs 3.1.1. Various of Gloom A B sequence: p p s A: pD pC → A B: pC pD → B C p p → C : B A D C D: pA pB → D

Typewriter (a. k. a. Urban terror feed) A: pB pC pD → A B p → B sequence: A: p p p / B,C,D: p s s : A B C D A C: p → C 3p 3p 3 3 A préchac: A / B D C D: pA → D 4. 5 jugglers 4.1. 15 clubs 4.1.1. Various Torture Chamber A B A: pD pE pB pE → A B: pE pC pE pA → B C: pB pB → C D: pA pA → D E E: pB pA pD pC → E D C

Enhanced Interogation A B A: pE pB pE pD → A B: pC pE pA pE → B C p p → C : B B E D: pA pA → D E: pA pD pC pB → E D C

5. 6 jugglers 5.1. 18 clubs 5.1.1. Various It’s possible D remark: B and D should move a little to make the lifes of E and F easier. A: pE pE → A C F E A B: pF pE → B C: pF pF → C D: pE pF → D E: pD pA pB pA → E B F : pB pC pD pC → F 6. n jugglers 6.1. 3n clubs 6.1.1. Feasts For brevity feasts are presented with three jugglers (where sensible).

23 6. n jugglers

Feast (2-count) start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 sequence: p s p s s s A: pB pC → A préchac: A3p3B 3p3C 33 B: pA pC → B C: pA pB → C Feast (3-count) start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; C: R2/L1 sequence: p s s p s s s s s A: pB pC → A préchac: A3p33B 3p33C 333 B: pA pC → B C: pA pB → C

24 Part II.

Walking Patterns


7. 2 jugglers 7.1. 3 clubs 7.1.1. Various Waltz A: → B B p → A remark: This pattern is a cascade split over : A two jugglers. The intention is, that the clubs +1 behave as if only one juggler juggles them. B A remark: The first throw of is performed in A front of B; to facilitate this B raises his right arm a little bit. Fast Waltz remark: A variation of Waltz (7.1.1). +1 B A: → B A B: pA → A

7.2. 4 clubs 7.2.1. Various Waltz plus one remark: A variation of Waltz (7.1.1). B A remark: The first throw of is parallel and A shift the left to the throw of B. It is rather tricky. A: → B B: pA pA → A 8. 3 jugglers 8.1. 6 clubs 8.1.1. Various Mutiny all the clubs he has.

remark: A dynamic version of Drunken sailor +1 (2.1.2). A B C remark: B omits a pass and walks with two +1 clubs in her hands. A has to continue throwing 8.2. 9 clubs 8.2.1. Various Walking feed sequence: A: pB s pC s / B,C: pA s s s B préchac: A3p3 / B 3p3C 33 A: pB pC pB → B A C B: pA pA → C C: pA → A Bruno’s Nightmare A: pC pB pC → C B p → A remark: A meta-juggler is juggling three : A C: p p∗ → B passers in a cascade. A A remark: After one cycle positions are B mirrored. symbols: asterisk: C walks on this pass A C

27 Ambidextrous Bruno B remark: 3-count variation of Bruno’s Nightmare (8.2.1). A C A: pC pB pC → C B: pA → A ∗ C: pA pA → B 1-count Bruno B remark: 1-count variation of Bruno’s Nightmare (8.2.1). A C A: pC pB pC → C B: pA → A C: pA pA → B 8.3. 10 clubs 8.3.1. Various 3 3 3 Walking line feed A: pC pB pC pB pC → B 3 B: pA pA → C sequence: A: pC s pB s / B: pA s s s / C: 3 3 3 C: pA pA → A pA s s s préchac: A5p33p3 / B 3p333 / C 5p333 remark: After one cycle positions are mirrored. A B C 10 club runaround beat later with a normal self from the right 2 2 2 sequence: A: pB s pC s / B, C: pA s s s hand (instead of the double self) 2 2 2 2 préchac: A4p34p3 / B 4p333 A: pB pC pB pC → B 2 2 remark: After one cycle positions are rotated B: pA pA → C ◦ 2∗ 2 by 180 . C: s pA → A symbols: asterisk: double crossing self from the left hand, there follows a gap (basically a hold) and then pass from the right hand B start: B can start one beat later with a pass A C from the right hand; C typically starts one

Inselhopping 1 2 + remark: Feeder change in Gorilla synchronous B (2.4.1), recommended approach is that C counts down and then throws a double A C + 2 1

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

L L L L A: R L R L R L R R R R R R R R C: L R L R L R L L L L

feeder change in asynchronous heffs 1 2 + remark: See asynchronous heffs (2.4.1), B C 1 2 recommended approach is that counts down + A C

R R R R R R R B: L L L L L L L L L L L R R R R A: R R R R L L L L R R R L L L L C: L L L R R R R

28 9.1. 11 clubs

9. 4 jugglers 9.1. 11 clubs 9.1.1. Various Shooting star remark: After one cycle positions are rotated by 144◦. symbol: asterisk: walk C B ∗ A: pB h h h → D B: pC → C C: pD → B D: h → A A D

9.2. 12 clubs 9.2.1. Various Rotator B remark: After one cycle positions are rotated by 120◦. symbols: asterisk: turn clockwise 120◦ ∗ A A: pB → A B p → D : A D C C: pD → B D: pC → C Three leaf clover 1 B 2 B remark: After one cycle positions are rotated by 120◦. symbols: asterisk: walk A ∗ ∗ A: pB pD → C A B: pA pC → D C: pD pB → B ∗ ∗ D C D C D: pC pA → A

∗ ∗ Sticky triangle A: p pC p → B B∗ ∗ B symbols: asterisk: walk B: pA pD pA → D C p p∗ p∗ → A remark: Corners pass to corners; midpoints : D A D D: p∗ p∗ p∗ → C pass to midpoints. You move away from a C B C corner after throwing two passes from there.

1 2 A 3 A



Weave walking through the middle and while walking sequence: A: pB s pD s pC s / B,C,D: pA s backwards. s s s s A: pB pD pC pB → A B p p → C remark: The numbered diagrams correspond : A A C: p → D to the passes of A. The feedies pass while A D: pA → B

29 9. 4 jugglers

1 3 A 2 A A 4 A






Reverse weave and while walking forwards. The numbered sequence: A: pB s pC s pD s / B,C,D: pA s diagrams correspond to the passes of A. s s s s A: pB pC pD pB → A remark: A variation of Weave (9.2.1). The B: pA pA → D C p → B feedies pass while walking through the middle : A D: pA → C

1 3 A 2 A A 4 A






Interlocking weaves the cycle and C for the second half). remark: Variation of Weave (9.2.1) and A: pB pC pD pB pC pC → D Reverse weave (9.2.1) combined by a feeder B: pA pA → C change. The numbered diagrams correspond to C: pA pA pD pB pA → B D: p p → A the passes of the feeder (A for the first half of A A

30 9.2. 12 clubs

1 A 2 A 3 A




4 A 5 A 6 A




7 8 D




It’s a good one (countdown weave) passes. remark: Variation of Weave (9.2.1). A does a A: pB pB pC pC → A sweep feed (left, middle, right, middle, …); the B: pA pA pD → C C p p p → D feedies do a countdown from 4-count to 2-count. : D A A D: p p → B The numbered diagrams correspond to the C B 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A


Σ 5 A 6 A A


31 9. 4 jugglers

Gorilla weave each feedie. The numbered diagrams sequence: A: pB pC pB pD pB pD / correspond to the passes. B,C,D: pA s pA s pA s s s s A: pB pD pB pC pB pC → A remark: Variation of Weave (9.2.1). A passes B: pA pA pA → C C p → D with each hand three times consecutively to : A D: pA pA → B

1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A


Σ 5 A 6 A A


Dresser drawer weave A sequence: A: pB s pC s pD s / B,C,D: pA s s s s s remark: The feeder does a sweep feed (left, middle, right, middle, …); the feedies pass in B the center and on the outermost positions. symbols: asterisk: walk one position C continuing in the same direction, except on the outermost positions where direction is reversed. D A: pB pC pD → A ∗ ∗ ∗ B: pA s s → B C: s∗ p∗ s∗ → C ∗ A∗ ∗ D: s s pA → D Havana Feed A sequence: A: pB s pC s pD s / B,C,D: pA s s s s s remark: After one cycle positions are rotated by 120◦. C ◦ symbols: asterisk: walk; plus: turn 120 D B counter-clockwise A: pB pC pD pB pC → B ∗ + B: p pA s → C A ∗ C: pA pA → D D: pA → A Pistons squares remark: The numbered diagrams correspond A: pB pD → C to the passes. B: pA pC → D C p p → A remark: A, C walk counter-clockwise and B, : D B D: p p → B D walk clockwise around their respective C A 1 A B 2 C B


32 9.2. 12 clubs

Flying trapeze A: pC pB → D B p p → C remark: The numbered diagrams correspond : D A C: pA pD → B to the passes. D: pB pC → A

1 A B 2 D C


∗ ∗ Rotating Y A: pB p pB p → D ∗B ∗B sequence: p s B: pD pD pD pD → C C p p∗ p p∗ → B symbols: asterisk: each passer moves one : A A A A D: p p∗ p p∗ → A position (a quarter circle) C C C C

Σ 1 A 2 C A



Benzene ring A: pB pB → A B p p → C remark: The numbered diagrams correspond : A A C: pD pD → B to the passes. D: pC pC → D

1 A 2 A Σ A




Dosado to Σ and in 3 and 4 according to Π. remark: A variation of Benzene ring (9.2.1). A: pB pB pC pC → D remark: The numbered diagrams correspond B: pA pA pD pD → C C p p p p → B to the passes. Movement in 1 and 2 according : D D A A D: pC pC pB pB → A

1 A 2 A

B B 3 4 A D



33 9. 4 jugglers



Rotating λ A sequence: p s s s remark: after each pass the formation rotates B D by 60◦ A p → C : B C B: pC → B C: pD → A D: pA → D

∗ ∗ Seattle shuffle A: pB pC → B sequence: A, C: p s s s / B, D: p s p s s s p s B: pA pD pD → C C: p∗ p∗ → D symbols: asterisk: walk C A D: pD pB pB → A

1 2 A




Double dresser drawer weave move, feedies pass at 6, 12 and 3 or 9 o’clock. remark: Variation of Dresser drawer weave remark: The numbered diagrams correspond (9.2.1) where the feeder changes. Feeders do not to the passes.

A: pB pC pD pB pC pC → D B: pA pA pC → C C: pA pA pD pB pA → B D: pA pC → A 1 2 3 C C C A B A A D D B D B

4 5 6 D D D C A A C C A B B B

34 9.2. 12 clubs

7 8 D Σ D B C B C C A B A A D

Karamazov shuffle A: pB → D B p p → C remark: The numbered diagrams correspond : A D C: pD → B to the passes. D: pC pB → A

1 2 Σ A B A B



Cyclone A: pD pC pB pC pB pD → C B p p p p p p → D remark: The numbered diagrams correspond : C A A D C D C: pB pA pD pA pD pB → A to the passes. D: pA pC pC pB pA pB → B

1 2 3 A B A B A B


4 5 6


35 9. 4 jugglers

7 8 Σ C C A D D B


Bamboozled Panto B’s left, where 3p should be cross). remark: Variation of Panto (13.2.1) with two remark: After one cycle positions are rotated more clubs. The positions are permutated here by 90◦. for ease of use; the permutation is (bamboozled symbols: asterisk: walk forward, plus: walk – original): A – A; B – M; C – B; D – C. backward, L: left hand throw, R: right hand remark: The gaps (first beat of B and second throw 2 2 2 ∗ R beat of D) make the handedness work and A: pC pD pC h h → B L 0 + 2 could be replaced by hurried holds. B: s pD h h pD → C D 2 2 remark: Technically ’s first pass is to the C: pA pB → D wrong hand (actually going from D’s right to R L 2 D: pB s pB → A

1 A 2 A

D B D B +1


Typewriter of Doom 1 A 2 D A remark: A combination of Typewriter (a. k. a. Urban terror feed) (3.1.1) and Box of Gloom (3.1.1). symbols: asterisk: walk D C B C B

∗ A: pB pC pD pB pC pD pB pC pB pC pB pC → B B: pA pA pA pD pA pD pA pD → C C: pA pA pA pD pA pD pA pD → D ∗ D: pA pA pB pC pB pC pB pC → A 9.3. 13 clubs 9.3.1. Various Weave (13 clubs) A 2 2 2 B,C,D 2 sequence: : pB s pD s pC s / : pA s A A s s s s remark: Variation of Weave (9.2.1) with an additional club. The passes can be straight D B doubles or singles. The choreography does not B D change. 2 2 2 2 A: pB pD pC pB → A C C 2 2 B: pA pA → C 2 C: pA → D 2 D: pA → B

36 Dresser drawer weave (13 clubs) 2 2 2 2 A sequence: A: pB s pC s pD s / B,C,D: pA s s s s s remark: Variation of Dresser drawer weave (9.2.1) with an additional club. The passes can B be straight doubles or singles. The choreography does not change. C 2 2 2 A: pB pC pD → A 2 B: pA → B 2 D C: pA → C 2 D: pA → D

It’s a good one (13 clubs) remark: Variation of It’s a good one A A (countdown weave) (9.2.1) with an additional club. The passes with the feeder can be straight doubles or floaty singles. The D B choreography does not change. B D 2 2 2 2 A: pB pB pC pC → A 2 2 B: pA pA pD → C C C 2 2 C: pD pA pA → D D: pC pB → B

Gorilla weave (13 clubs) Σ A A sequence: A: pB pC pB pD pB pD / 1 B,C,D: pA s pA s pA s s s s + 2 1 + 2 remark: Variation of Gorilla weave (9.2.1) D B with an additional club. The passes are singles, B D + 1 straight for A and crossing for everybody else. 2 The choreography does not change. C C B: R L R L R L

A: R L R L R L

C: R L R L R L

D: R L R L R L

10. 5 jugglers 10.1. 15 clubs 10.1.1. Various

Double Weave diagrams correspond to the passes of A and E. sequence: A, E: pB s s s pC s s s pD s s s / A: pB pC → A B,C,D: p s s s s s p s s s s s B: pA pE → C A E C p → D remark: Variation of Weave (9.2.1), instead of : A D: p → B walking backwards the feedies pass to the new E E: pD pB → E feeder walking forwards. The numbered

37 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A








11. 6 jugglers 11.1. 18 clubs 11.1.1. Various Magermix mirrored. remark: Two meta-jugglers are passing six F D passers in a 2-count. remark: A, B, C and D, E, F are each doing E a Bruno’s Nightmare (8.2.1). Every two Brunos on the passes marked with a plus the displayed exchange happens. The passes marked with an B asterisk are the normal Bruno walk-acrosses. A C remark: After one cycle positions are ∗ A: pC pB pC pB pB → B B: pA pA pF pA → C + C: pA p pE → D A ∗ D: pF pE pF pE pE → E E: pD pD pC pD → F + F : pD pD pB → A

38 Part III.

Manipulator Patterns


Often the positions are rotated by 180◦ or mirrored after one cycle. This is should be pretty obvious in most cases and is not annotated specifically. 12. 3 jugglers The general starting diagram for two passers and one manipulator is the following. A M B 12.1. 6 clubs 12.1.1. Exchange patterns Tiddo’s Changeover throws: p2 are straight singles and p are préchac: base pattern is 4p 4p 4 0 3 3p 3p 3 crossing zaps. A: p2 p2 s¨2 0¨ → B B B A M B B: p˙A pA → A B B M: cB iA → M remark: The carry is done cross-handed. 12.2. 6+1 clubs 12.2.1. Roundabout family Roundabout A: p˙B p˙B → B A B M B: pA s˙ pA s¨ s¨ → A start: : R2/L1; : R2/L1; : R1/L0 A B A B M: mB mB iB cB → M Roundabout (6-count, variant 1) A: p˙B → B A B M B: pA s˙ s¨ s¨ → A start: : R2/L1; : R2/L1; : R1/L0 A B B M: mB iB cB → M Roundabout (6-count, variant 2) A: p¨B → B A +1 B M B: pA s˙ s˙ s¨ → A start: : R1 /L1; : R2/L1; : R1/L1 A B B M: cB mB iB → M Dolby 5.1 A: p˙B → B A B M B: pA s˙ s¨ s¨ → A start: : R2/L1; : R2/L1; : R1/L0 A B B M: mB iB cB → M Dolby Söround away from the new passer thus taking a start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R1/L0 position outside of the pattern. The carry is symbols: asterisk: To avoid standing in the then done cross-handed (e.g. right to right). way of the simultaneous pass a special move is A: p˙B pB → B required. The new manipulator turns facing B: pA s˙ s¨ pA → A A B B∗ M: mB iB cB → M Chop about symbols: asterisk: pass is a chop start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R1/L0 ∗ A: p˙ s˙ pB s˙ pB s¨ s¨ → B B ∗ B: pA p˙A p˙A → A A A B A B A M: mB mA mA mA iA cA → M Chopped Dolby symbols: asterisk: pass is a chop; plus: carry start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R1/L0 as in Dolby Söround (12.2.1) ∗ A: p˙ s˙ pB s˙ s¨ pB → B B ∗ B: pA p˙A pA → A A A B A A+ M: mB mA mA iA cA → M 12.2.2. Various ∗ Champi A: pB p˙B p˙B pB → B start: A: L2/R1; B: L2/R1; M: R1/L0 B: pA pA pA p¨A → A A A B symbols: asterisk: pass is a chop M: mB iB cA → M

41 12. 3 jugglers

MinuEd hand in from below with the other hand, this start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R1/L0 means no zip before this takeout; plus: pop (i.e. remark: M has it easier if she catches the straight up, negligible spin) takeout on beat 2 at the handle. A: pB p˙B pB pB p˙B pB → B + symbols: asterisk: Take out very early with B: pA pA s˙ p¨A pA pA pA s˙ → A A B B A B∗ the same hand (e.g. right–right) as thrown and M: mB iB cA mB mB → M Chopsticks between the substitutes. ∗ ∗ start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R1/L0 A: p˙B p˙B pB → B symbols: asterisk: pass is a chop B: pA pA s˙ p¨A → A A A B B remark: It’s customary to do two zips in M: mB mB iB cA → M Phoenician Waltz round of pps which means that A and B start start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R0/L1 on the other hand. A: p˙B pB p˙B pB p˙B pB → B A B B: pA pA pA pA pA p¨A → A A A A B M: mB mB iB cA → M M remark: The start usually contains an extra 12.2.3. Exchange patterns 726-About and crossing zaps; right hand side does crossing singles and straight zaps. start: The initial zip is omitted (or for better A B M timing replaced by a flip). remark: Walking: from left to right straight; A: p˙ s z p s → B from right to left crossing. B: z p¨ s z → A remark: The carry is done cross-handed. A B M: iB cA → M remark: The base pattern is Hop (1.2.2). throws: Left hand side does straight singles 756-About throws: Left hand side does straight singles and crossing zaps; right hand side does crossing singles and straight zaps. A B M remark: Walking: from left to right straight; from right to left crossing. 0 A: p˙ s p p s → B remark: The carry is done cross-handed. 0 0 B: p p¨ s p → A remark: The base pattern is Baby dragon A B M: iB cA → M (a. k. a. Zap Opus I) (1.3.3). Ménage à trois throws: Left hand side does straight singles and crossing zaps; right hand side does crossing singles and straight zaps. A B M remark: Walking: from left to right straight; from right to left crossing. A: p˙ s s2 p s → B remark: The carry is done cross-handed. B: s2 p¨ s s2 → A remark: The base pattern is French 3-count A B M: iB cA → M (1.4.2). Guillotine and crossing zaps; right hand side does crossing singles and straight zaps. start: The first two zips are omitted (one for A B M each A and B; for better timing replace by flip). 2 2 A: p˙ p z p p → B remark: Walking: from left to right straight; 2 B: z p¨ p z → A from right to left crossing. A B M: iB cA → M remark: The carry is done cross-handed. throws: Left hand side does straight singles remark: The base pattern is 972 (1.3.4).

42 Why-Not-About side crossing. remark: Walking: from left to right straight; from right to left crossing. remark: The carry is as in Dolby Söround A B (12.2.1). M remark: The base pattern is Why not (1.3.2). symbols: asterisk: substitute is caught with throws: Left hand side straight; right hand the inside hand with no zip afterwards A: p˙ s p˙ s2 z p s p → B B: s2 z p s¨ p s2 z → A A∗ A B M: mB iB cB → M 12.3. 7+1 clubs 12.3.1. Various 2 2 2 2 Dolby 7.1 A: p˙B s s s pB → B 2 start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L2; M: R1/L0 B: pA s˙ s¨ s¨ → A A B B M: mB iB cB → M 2 3 2 3 2 Ronjabout A: p˙B s p˙B s pB → B 2 2 start: A: R2/L2; B: L2/R1; M: R1/L0 B: pA s˙ pA s¨ s¨ → A A B A B M: mB mB iB cB → M 13. 4 jugglers 13.1. 6+2 clubs The general starting diagram for two passers and one manipulator is the following. A M N B

13.1.1. Various Kennedy start: to avoid congestion N can wait outside B A start: A: R2/L1; B: R2/L1; M: R1/L0; N: and skip the first two actions (mA and mA) ∗ R1/L0 A: p˙B s˙ p˙B → B symbols: asterisk: pass is a chop; plus: on B: p˙A s˙ p˙A s¨ s¨ → A M B A B A B+ becoming manipulator (formerly ) M: mB mB iB cN → N typically does a 270° turn B A A M N: mA mA mB mB → M 13.2. 9+1 clubs 13.2.1. Scrambled-V family Based on Walking feed (8.2.1). Scrambled V A: p¨B pC pB → B B: p s˙ p → C A A B C: pA s˙ s¨ → A +1 M A B C A M: cB mB iC → M C

Unscrambled B A: p˙B pC pB → B B: pA s¨ s¨ p˙A → C B C: pA → A A B B M M: iB cB mA → M A C

43 13. 4 jugglers

Toast start: The first substitute of M is replaced by a carry. B +1 M A: p˙B p˙C pB → B A B: pA pA → C C: pA s¨ s¨ → A C A A C M: mB iC cC → M Scrambled Three A: pB pC p˙B → B B: p p s¨ → C A A B C: s¨ p˙A → A C C A A M: cC mA iB → M M C +1

Casbia A: pB pC pB s¨ → B B: p¨ s˙ p˙ → C A A B C: pA → A M +1 B B B A M: cA mB iA → M C

Ivy A: pB s¨ p¨C pB → B B: p˙A pA → C C: pA s˙ → A M B B A C M: iA cC mC → M A C

Wust A: pB pC pB → B B: p s˙ s¨ p¨ → C A A B C: s˙ pA → A C B B A M: mC iB cA → M M C

Around the World A: pB s¨ p¨C pB → B B: p˙A p˙A → C C: pA → A M B M iB cA mB → M : A C A A C

Pirouettes go crazy A: pB pC pB s¨ → B B: p¨A p˙A → C B C: p˙A → A M +1 A M: cB mC iB → M A A A C

Chopped Up V A: p¨B pC pB → B B: pA pA → C symbols: astrisk: pass is a chop ∗ C: p˙A s˙ s¨ → A A C C M: cB mA iC → M

44 13.3. 10+1 clubs

B +1 M A C

Panto A: pB pC s¨ p¨B → B B: p p → C A A B C: s˙ p˙A → A C C A A M: mC iA cB → M M C

Postmen A: p¨B p˙C pB → B B: p p → C A A B C: pA s˙ s¨ → A +1 M A A C A M: cB mC iC → M C

Wankle Engine A: pB pC pB → B B: p˙A pA → C B C: s˙ s¨ p¨A s˙ → A A M: iC cC mC → M C A C M C

Anna-Maria start: The first substitute of M is replaced by a carry. B +1 M A: p˙B pC s¨ p¨B → B A B: pA pA → C C: p˙A → A C A C A M: mB iA cB → M 13.2.2. Various Zippy symbols: asterisk: B starts walking A: pC pB pC p¨B pC → B B B: p˙ p s∗ s˙ → C M A A A C: pA p˙A pA → A B C A B C M: mA iA cB mB → M

Halt mal kurz A: pB p˙C p˙B pC → C B: pA pA s˙ s¨ → A symbols: asterisk: C starts walking; dagger: ∗ C: pA pA → B carry as in Dolby Söround (12.2.1); plus: late A† A A+ B takeout without zip beforehand (i.e. catch the M: cA mC mB iB → M handle in mid-flight cross-handed) remark: Throughout one cycle the B manipulator spins always in the same direction. A M C

13.3. 10+1 clubs 13.3.1. Ambled-V family Based on 10 club runaround (8.3.1). For additional hints see there.

45 13. 4 jugglers

Ambled V start: The first substitute of M is replaced by a carry. B 2 2 2 2 +1 A: p¨B pC pB pC → B M 2 2 A B: pA s˙ pA → C 2 2 C C: s pA s˙ s¨ → A A B C M: cB mB iC → M Ambled Toast start: The first substitute of M is replaced by a carry. B 2 2 2 2 +1 A: p˙B p˙C pB pC → B M 2 2 A B: pA pA → C 2 2 C C: s pA s¨ s¨ → A A A C M: mB iC cC → M Ambled Ivy A symbols: asterisk: this is a wrapped iC 2 2 2 2 A: pB s¨ p¨C pB p˙C → B 2 2 M B B: pA pA → C 2 2 A C: s pA s˙ → A B∗ A C C M: iA cC mC → M

Ambled Three remark: Note the different time zone transition for C for smoother manipulation. B A symbols: asterisk: For an easier variation A does p˙1 and the intercept happens one beat B M C earlier (before the substitution is completed). +1 2 2 2 2 A: pB pC p˙B pC → B 2 2 B: pA pA s¨ → C 3 C: s¨ p˙A → A C C A∗ M: cC mA iB → M Ambled Aidan B symbols: asterisk: this is an iA that has wrapped around; plus: C actually throws the B M M +2 pass and the takeout happens by standing A next to A and catching it start: The first intercept is omitted. C 2 2 2 2 A: pB pC pB pC → B 2 2 B: s¨ p¨A p˙A → C 2 2+ C: s p˙A → A C∗ B C+ M: iB cA mA → M Ambled B 2 2 2 2 A: p˙B pC pB pC → B 2 2 B B: pA s¨ s¨ p˙A → C 2 2 C: s p → A M A A M: iA cB mB → M B B A C

2 2 2 2 Ambled Chopped Up V A: p¨B pC pB pC → B 2 2 symbols: asterisk: C throws a low chop and B: pA pA → C 2 2∗ A does the substitute by throwing a zap at A C: s p˙A s˙ s¨ → A A C∗ C M: cB mA iC → M

46 1..)wt w at (7.1.1). Waltz two with (12.2.1) 4 jugglers 5 14. elas well 41 + clubs 6+1 14.1. 411 Various 14.1.1. Various 13.3.2. mldWust Ambled apn ihu n lb hnighands. changing clubs any without happens remark: roles. their in and remark: Allerlei Leipziger two with hold hand a right then the and in zip clubs a by replaced self symbols: Dropabout start: at zap a throwing B symbols: Casbia Ambled B symbols: World Ambled the Around so early start: happen to has the self crossing high the symbols: hosazpat zap a throws and m M M M B C A B C A C C M B C A M h is ar isomitted. carry first The h is necp isomitted. intercept first The : : : B : : wthplaces; switch : : : spossible is : : : p : c p and B 2 h necp suotoo and unorthodox is intercept The Roundabout of combination A B C i ozaps do p B 2 B C seik asi rpak plus: dropback; a is pass asterisk: wrapped a is this asterisk: wrapped a is this asterisk: wrapped a is this asterisk: s ¨ B 2 ∗ i ∗ p s A B m s ¨ A 2 p 2 p ¨ D s A ∗ s A 2 ˙ A 2 C C 2 p ¨ efr at.Only Waltz. a perform C 2 p p A C 2 C 2

M +1 p M A 2 p s p then ˙ + s + A 2 C A 2 and ˙ p c C A B 2 p p i and s B B ¨ B 2 B 2 m m M p p ˙ p ¨ ˙ B B A 2+ B A A 2 A 2 D first does first + B C p s p lasremain always C 2 2+ p A C 2 ˙ C 2 → → → → and → → → → → → → → M A C B M A C B i i c M A C B A B C A A B C c A B plus: ; plus: ; A plus: ; as , by B h e aiuao (formerly manipulator new The lb nhrhands. her in clubs M B C A : : : : p p p ¨ B C A M D B C A : : : s c : : C B + m p p ˙ B A m B A s ˙ C C M A A A A m p p ˙ B A p p p B D ˙ B C A ∗ +2 B i s C A ¨ i M p p ( B M D C s ¨ M ) c

s C C ¨ p +1 p ¨ m

p +1 p p D C ˙ B C A ∗ B B C C B C B C C c B D B lp both flips ) → → → → → s ˙ i s B B ¨ M C D A B → → → → M A B C 47 +1 C B A M D +1

14.2. 9+2 clubs 14.2.1. Various Muckabout A remark: This is a 3-count feast 6.1.1 combined with two 6-count roundabouts 12.2.1 remark: It would be more natural to start the M pattern on a pass, but the density of actions N does not allow for this. A: p˙B pC → C C B B: pA s˙ s¨ s¨ → A C: s˙ s¨ s¨ p˙A → B A A B M: cA mB iB → M C C C N: iC cC mA → N 14.3. 12+1 clubs 14.3.1. Various Kittens A remark: Based on Havana Feed (9.2.1). +1 symbols: asterisk: walk; plus: turn 120◦ counter-clockwise M C


A: p¨B pC pD pB pC → B ∗ + B: p s˙ pA s → C A ∗ C: pA pA → D D: pA s˙ s˙ s¨ → A A B D D M: cB mB mD iD → M 15. 6 jugglers 15.1. 12+2 clubs 15.1.1. Various Y you follow me B remark: On beat 2 as well as on beat 4/5 the manipulators are exchanging virtual clubs by C M A +1 satisfying the gap left by the other +1 manipulator. +1 +1 symbols: asterisk: place on shoulder D N

A: pB s˙ s¨ p¨B pB → A B: pC p˙C s˙ s¨ p¨C → B C: p¨D pD p˙D s˙ s¨ → C D: p¨A pA pA s˙ s¨ → D C A A∗ C D M: cA iA cC mD iD → N D B B B C N: cD mB iB cC iC → M

48 Part IV.

Additional Topics


16. Interfaces Here we list patterns which are compatible with each other. • Parsnip (1.2.2), 56789 (1.4.5), Funky bookends (1.4.6), 96677 (1.4.6), Dash 3 (1.4.6) • Skip (1.2.2), Hop (1.2.2), Killer bunny (1.2.2), Glass elevator (1.2.2), 663 (1.2.2), 852 (1.2.3), 825 (1.2.3), 3-count (7 clubs) (1.4.1), French 3-count (1.4.2), 885 (1.4.5), Odd scots (1.4.6) • 77772 (a. k. a. async Martin’s 1-count) (1.3.4), Ariel Ultra (1.5.2) • Flipalot (1.2.2), Why not (7 clubs) (1.4.3), Not Why (7 clubs) (1.4.3), Aspirin (1.4.6), 9968827 (1.4.6), 9964966 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 2-count, 7 clubs) (1.4.6) • Maybe (1.3.2), Maybe not (1.3.4), Call me (1.5.2) • Odnom (1.3.4), 9797226 (1.3.4), 7777266 (a. k. a. async Mild Madness) (1.3.4), Das Gedicht (1.5.2), Vitoria (8 clubs) (1.5.2) • No More Why (1.4.3), 9788827 (1.4.6) • 1-count (5 clubs) (1.2.1), 1-count (7 clubs) (1.4.1), 1-count (9 clubs) (1.6.1) • Vitoria (1.4.6), Gasteiz (1.4.6) • 552 (1.1.1), Baby dragon (a. k. a. Zap Opus I) (1.3.3), Dragon (1.3.3), 855 (1.3.3), Jonix (1.3.4), 972 (1.3.4), 774 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 1-count) (1.3.4), Coral A (1.4.6), Coral B (1.4.6), Pass pass self (8 clubs) (1.5.2), 789 (1.5.2) • 9799224 (1.3.4), 9968897 (1.5.2) • Inverted parsnip (1.1.2), Why not (1.3.2), Not Why (1.3.2), 75666 (1.3.3), 85566 (1.3.3), Not likely (1.3.4), 77466 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 2-count) (1.3.4), That’s y (1.5.2) • First zap (1.2.3), 56662 (1.2.3), Why not (5 club) (1.2.4), Not Why (5 club) (1.2.4), Popcorn (5-count, with triple) (1.4.2), Popcorn (5-count, with heffs) (1.4.2), That’s y (9 clubs) (1.6.2) • 4-count (6 clubs) (1.3.1), 4-count (7 clubs) (1.4.1) • pass pass self (6 clubs) (1.3.1), Pass pass self (7 clubs) (1.4.6), Frost’s frenzy (1.4.6) • 1-count (6 clubs) (1.3.1), High-low (8 clubs) (1.5.2), Ultimates high-low (9 clubs) (1.6.2) • 2-count (6 clubs) (1.3.1), 2-count (7 clubs) (1.4.1), 2-count (8 clubs) (1.5.1), 2-count (9 clubs) (1.6.1)

17. Programming This chapter contains ways to change some passing pattern while juggling them in an uncoordinated fashion. That is one juggler can initiate an unannounced transition into another pattern. This is often referred to as hijacking. The basic mechanism is to throw at a hand which would otherwise receive a zip or omit a throw forcing a zip. The programmed partner should in general not need to think about the programming, but do the right things intuitively. We will present either a single programming opportunity or a diagram with multiple opportunities. The actual programming instructions will be given as a sequence of throws. The transitioning sequence is presented in brackets, before it is one cycle of the original pattern and afterwards comes one cycle of the new pattern. Additionally the reaction by the partner will be listed but should normally not be needed. In the causal diagrams the start of the transition is marked with a dashed line and the end with a solid line.

51 17. Programming

17.1. Period five patterns (6 clubs) Popcorn (5-count, with heffs) (1.4.2) Popcorn (5-count, with heffs) (1.4.2) vs. Why not (5 club) (1.2.4) vs. Not Why (5 club) (1.2.4)

1 4 5 8 2 3 6 7

Why not (1.3.2) Maybe (1.3.2) Not Why (1.3.2)

10 13 11 12 9 14

Funky bookends (1.4.6) vs. Parsnip (1.2.2)

15, 15’ 16, 16’

77772 (a. k. a. async Martin’s 1-count) (1.3.4)

no. program reaction 1 p s2 z p s () s s2 s2 p s p s2 z p s () z s2 z p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

2 s s2 s2 p s () p s2 z p s z s2 z p s () p s2 z p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

3 p p s z s2 () s2 p s s s2 p p s z s2 () z p s z s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

4 s2 p s s s2 () p p s z s2 z p s z s2 () p p s z s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

5 p s z s2 p () s s s2 s2 p p s z s2 p () z s z s2 p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

6 s s s2 s2 p () p s z s2 p z s z s2 p () p s z s2 p

52 17.1. Period five patterns (6 clubs) no. program reaction

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

7 p s2 p z s () s2 s2 p s s p s2 p z s () z s2 p z s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

8 s2 s2 p s s () p s2 p z s z s2 p z s () p s2 p z s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

9 s2 z p s p (h) p p z p z z p s p s2 () p p s p s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

10 p p z p z (s) p s p s2 z p p s p s2 () z p s p s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

11 s z s2 p p (h) p z p p z z s2 p p s () p s2 p p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

12 p p z p z (h) s2 p p s z p s2 p p s () z s2 p p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

13 s2 p z s p (s) p p z p z z s p s2 p () p s p s2 p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

14 p z p z p (h) p s2 p z s p s p s2 p () z s p s2 p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

15 s2 p p s p () p p p z p z p p z p () p p p z p

53 17. Programming

no. program reaction

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

15’ s p s2 p p () p p z p p z p z p p () p p z p p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

16 p p p z p () s2 p p s p p p p z p () z p p z p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R

16’ p p z p p () s p s2 p p p p z p p () z p z p p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

17.2. Period five patterns (7 clubs) Funky bookends (1.4.6)

1 4 2 3

Call me (1.5.2) That’s y (1.5.2) vs. Maybe (1.3.2) vs. Why not (1.3.2)

6 7 5 8

That’s y (9 clubs) (1.6.2) vs. Why not (5 club) (1.2.4)

no. program reaction 1 p s2 p p s () s3 s3 p p s p s2 p p s () z s2 p p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

2 s3 s3 p p s () p s2 p p s z s2 p p s () p s2 p p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

54 17.3. Period three patterns (5 clubs)

no. program reaction 3 p p s p s2 () s3 p s2 p s2 p p s p s2 () z p s p s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

4 s3 p s2 p s2 () p p s p s2 z p s p s2 () p p s p s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

5 p p s s3 s3 () s3 p s2 s3 s3 p p s z s2 () z p s z s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

6 s3 p s2 s3 s3 () p p s s3 s3 z p s z s2 () p p s z s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

7 p s2 s3 p s2 () s3 s3 s3 p s2 p s2 z p s () z s2 z p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

8 s3 s3 s3 p s2 () p s2 s3 p s2 z s2 z p s () p s2 z p s

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

17.3. Period three patterns (5 clubs) 1, 1’

Hop (1.2.2) Skip (1.2.2)

2, 2’

Note that Skip (1.2.2) is asymmetric and the transitions can be combined to switch sides as noted below.

no. program reaction 1 p s z () s s p s z p () z z p

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R

55 17. Programming

no. program reaction 1’ s z p () p z z z p s () s p s

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L

2 p z z () s z p s p s () z p s

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R

2’ s s p () p s z z z p () s z p

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R

2 + 1 p z z (s z) s s p s s p (s z p) z z p

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L

2’ + 1’ s s p (p) p z z z z p () s s p

A: R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R

17.4. Period three patterns (6 clubs) 3 1

885 (1.4.5) vs. 825 (1.2.3) 855 (1.3.3) 885 (1.4.5) vs. 852 (1.2.3)

4 2

no. program reaction 1 p0 p0 s2 () s2 p0 s2 p0 p0 s2 () z p0 s2

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

2 s2 p0 s2 () p0 p0 s2 z p0 s2 () p0 p0 s2

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

3 p0 s2 p0 () s2 s2 p0 p0 s2 p0 () z s2 p0

56 17.6. Period seven patterns (7 clubs)

no. program reaction

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

4 s2 s2 p0 () p0 s2 p0 z s2 p0 () p0 s2 p0

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

17.5. Period three patterns (7 clubs) 1

Holy grail (a. k. a. Zap Opus II) (1.4.5)789 (1.5.2) vs. 972 (1.3.4)


no. program reaction 1 p0 p p2 () s2 p p2 p0 p p2 () z p p2

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

2 s2 p p2 () p0 p p2 z p p2 () p0 p p2

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

17.6. Period seven patterns (7 clubs) 17.6.1. Variant A 1

9788827 (1.4.6) Vitoria (8 clubs) (1.5.2) vs. 9797226 (1.3.4)


no. program reaction 1 s2 z p2 s2 s2 p p (h) p2 p2 z s p p z z p2 s2 s2 p p s2 () p2 p2 s2 s2 p p s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

2 p2 p2 z s p p z (s) p2 s2 s2 p p s2 z p2 p2 s2 s2 p p s2 () z p2 s2 s2 p p s2

57 17. Programming

no. program reaction

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

17.6.2. Variant B 1

9968827 (1.4.6) 9968897 (1.5.2) vs. 9799224 (1.3.4)


no. program reaction 1 s2 z p2 s s2 p p2 (h) p2 p2 z h p p2 z z p2 s s2 p p2 s2 () p2 p2 s s2 p p2 s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

2 p2 p2 z h p p2 z (s) p2 s s2 p p2 s2 z p2 p2 s s2 p p2 s2 () z p2 s s2 p p2 s2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

17.7. Various 17.7.1. Jonix Switching sides in Jonix (1.3.4) can be done as follows.

no. program reaction 1 p p z () s p p s p p () z p p

A: R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L

2 s p p () p p z z p p () s p p

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L

58 17.7. Various

17.7.2. Coral A and B 1, 1’

Coral A (1.4.6) Coral B (1.4.6)

2, 2’

no. program reaction 1 p2 p2 s (p p) p2 p2 z z p p2 () s p p2

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

1’ p2 z p (h) p2 s p s p2 p2 () z p2 p2

A: R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L

2 p2 p2 z () s p2 p2 s p p2 () z p p2

A: R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L

2’ p2 s p (p) p p2 z z p2 p2 () s p2 p2

A: R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R

17.7.3. Dash 3 Switching sides in Dash 3 (1.4.6) can be done as follows.

no. program reaction 1 s p2 p2 s p2 (p2) p2 z p2 p2 z z p2 p2 z p2 () s p2 p2 s p2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

2 p2 p2 z p2 z () s p2 s p2 p2 s p2 p2 s p2 () z p2 p2 z p2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

17.7.4. Ariel Ultra Switching sides in Ariel Ultra (1.5.2) can be done as follows.

59 17. Programming

no. program reaction 1 s p2 p2 p2 p2 () p2 p2 z p2 p2 z p2 p2 p2 p2 () s p2 p2 p2 p2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

2 p2 p2 z p2 p2 () s p2 p2 p2 p2 s p2 p2 p2 p2 () z p2 p2 p2 p2

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

17.7.5. Persil Mega Pearls Switching sides in Persil Mega Pearls (1.6.2) can be done as follows.

no. program reaction 1 s p3 p3 p3 s p3 p3 () p3 p3 z p3 p3 p3 z z p3 p3 z p3 p3 p3 () s p3 p3 s p3 p3 p3

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

2 p3 p3 z p3 p3 p3 z () s p3 p3 p3 s p3 p3 s p3 p3 p3 s p3 p3 () z p3 p3 p3 z p3 p3

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R

17.7.6. Skip and Hop feed 1

Skip feed (2.1.1) Skip/Hop feed (2.1.1)


no. program reaction

1 s pB pC () pC pB z z z p () s z p

B: R L R L R L R L R

A: R L R L R L R L R L

C: L R L R L R L R L

2 pC pB z () s pB pC s z p () z z p

60 17.7. Various

no. program reaction

B: L R L R L R L R L

A: R L R L R L R L R

C: R L R L R L R L R

17.7.7. La Vache Qui Rit Switching chirality in La Vache Qui Rit (2.2.1) can be done as follows.

no. program reaction 1 p p s z p s (s2)psppsz ppszps()zpspps

A: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

B: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L

C: R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R


Index 1-count (5 clubs), 3 Ambled Ivy, 46 1-count (6 clubs), 6 Ambled Three, 46 1-count (7 clubs), 12 Ambled Toast, 46 1-count (9 clubs), 19 Ambled V, 46 1-count Bruno, 28 Ambled Wust, 47 1-count reverse spotlight, 11 Anna-Maria, 45 1-count spotlight, 11 Ariel Ultra, 18 10 club runaround, 28 Around the Ambled World, 47 2-count (6 clubs), 6 Around the World, 44 2-count (7 clubs), 12 Aspirin, 15 2-count (8 clubs), 17 asynchronous heffs, 22 2-count (9 clubs), 19 2-count/4-count feed, 21 Baby dragon (a. k. a. Zap Opus I), 7 3-count (6 clubs), 6 Bamboozled Panto, 36 3-count (7 clubs), 12 Benzene ring, 33 4-count (6 clubs), 5 Blinky, 9 4-count (7 clubs), 12 Blinky (8 clubs), 18 726-About, 42 Bookends, 6 756-About, 42 Box of Gloom, 23 774 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 1-count), 10 Brainstorm (a. k. a. Jim’s bookends), 11 77466 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 2-count), 10 Bruno’s Nightmare, 27 7747746677466 (a. k. a. async Brainstorm), 10 Call me, 18 77772 (a. k. a. async Martin’s 1-count), 9 Casbia, 44 7777266 (a. k. a. async Mild Madness), 10 Champi, 41 9964966 (a. k. a. async Jim’s 2-count, 7 Chocolate bar, 6 clubs), 17 Chop about, 41 Chopped Dolby, 41 552, 3 Chopped Up V, 44 663, 4 Chopsticks, 42 789, 18 Circular 3-count, 22 825, 5 Coral A, 16 852, 5 Coral B, 16 855, 8 Countdown, 6 885, 14 Cyclone, 35 972, 9 56662, 5 Dark side of 2-count, 17 56789, 14 Das Gedicht, 18 58552, 5 Dash 3, 16 75666, 7 Dolby 5.1, 41 85566, 8 Dolby 7.1, 43 96677, 16 Dolby Söround, 41 9788827, 17 Dosado, 33 9797226, 9 Double banana, 16 9799224, 9 Double dresser drawer weave, 34 9968827, 17 Double Weave, 37 9968897, 19 Dragon, 8 Dresser drawer weave, 32 Ambidextrous Bruno, 28 Dresser drawer weave (13 clubs), 37 Ambled Aidan, 46 Dropabout, 47 Ambled B, 46 Drunken sailor, 20 Ambled Casbia, 47 Ambled Chopped Up V, 46 Enhanced Interogation, 23

63 Index

Fast Waltz, 27 Maybe (7clubs), 13 Feast (2-count), 24 Maybe not, 8 Feast (3-count), 24 Mild Madness (a. k. a. Martin’s pass pass feeder change in asynchronous heffs, 28 self), 11 First zap, 4 MinuEd, 42 Flipalot, 4 Muckabout, 48 Flying trapeze, 33 Mutiny, 27 French 3-count, 12 Ménage à trois, 42 French 3-count triangle, 22 Frost’s frenzy, 17 No More Why, 13 Funky bookends, 14 Not likely, 8 Not Why, 7 Gasteiz, 15 Not Why (5 club), 5 Glass elevator, 4 Not Why (7 clubs), 13 Gorilla, 22 Gorilla synchronous, 22 Odd scots, 15 Gorilla weave, 32 Oddz Godz (a. k. a. Jim’s 7-club 2-count), Gorilla weave (13 clubs), 37 14 Guillotine, 42 Odnom, 9

Halt mal kurz, 45 Panto, 45 Hammy, 11 Parsnip, 3 Havana Feed, 32 pass pass self (6 clubs), 6 High-low (8 clubs), 18 Pass pass self (7 clubs), 16 Holy grail (a. k. a. Zap Opus II), 14 Pass pass self (8 clubs), 17 Hop, 4 Persil Mega Pearls, 19 Phoenician Waltz, 42 Inselhopping, 28 Pirouettes go crazy, 44 Interlocking weaves, 30 Pistons, 32 Inverted bookends, 6 Popcorn (5-count, with heffs), 12 Inverted parsnip, 3 Popcorn (5-count, with triple), 12 It’s a good one (13 clubs), 37 Popcorn (7-count), 13 It’s a good one (countdown weave), 31 Postmen, 45 It’s possible, 23 Pulsar (2-count), 21 Ivy, 44 Pulsar (pass pass self), 21

Jim’s 1-count, 10 Quasar, 22 Jim’s 2-count, 10 Jim’s 3-count, 10 Reverse spotlight, 11 Jonix, 9 Reverse weave, 30 Ronjabout, 43 Karamazov shuffle, 35 Rotating λ, 34 Kennedy, 43 Rotating Y, 33 Killer bunny, 4 Rotator, 29 Kittens, 48 Roundabout, 41 Kraken, 3 Roundabout (6-count, variant 1), 41 Roundabout (6-count, variant 2), 41 La Vache Qui Rit, 20 Leipziger Allerlei, 47 Scrambled Three, 44 Scrambled V, 43 Magermix, 38 Scratch 8, 18 Maja, 16 Scratch your head, 14 Martin’s 1-count, 11 Scratch your nose, 14 Martins Madness, 21 Seattle shuffle, 34 Martins Mildness, 21 Self centered, 8 Maybe, 7 Shooting star, 29

64 Index

Skip, 4 Skip feed, 20 Skip/Hop feed, 20 Spotlight, 11 Sticky triangle, 29 Swing, 18 synchronous 1-count (6 clubs), 6

Techno, 13 That’s y, 19 That’s y (9 clubs), 20 Three leaf clover, 29 Tiddo’s Changeover, 41 Toast, 44 Torture Chamber, 23 Typewriter (a. k. a. Urban terror feed), 23 Typewriter of Doom, 36

Ultimates high-low (9 clubs), 20 Unscrambled B, 43

Vitoria, 15 Vitoria (8 clubs), 19

Walking feed, 27 Walking line feed, 28 Waltz, 27 Waltz plus one, 27 Wankle Engine, 45 Weave, 29 Weave (13 clubs), 36 Why not, 7 Why not (5 club), 5 Why not (7 clubs), 13 Why not feed, 21 Why Not Triangle, 22 Why Rei, 15 Why-Not-About, 43 Wust, 44

Zippy, 45